Lesson 35
Jesus Teaches Mary and Martha
© 2017 Multi-Language Publications. Used with permission.
ing about other things. She l for Jesus. Martha wanted nd good. As she worked she would help me. She is just
one will be able to take that away from her.”
Jesus was helping Martha see that it is most important to hear and learn God’s Word. God uses that Word to bring people to trust in Jesus as their Savior. 第三十五课 耶稣教导马大和马利亚
ollowing action rhyme: This is my little Bible book. (hold hands like open book) It tells me of God’s love. (press hands against heart)
It tells how Jesus died for me (form cross with arms) So I can live above. (point up)
有一天,耶稣去看他的两个朋友马利亚和马大。马利亚和马大是姐 妹,她们都爱耶稣,也一直很高兴可以见到耶稣。
church service by 马大高高兴兴地将耶稣邀请到她的家中,她为了表达对耶稣的爱, teaching him or her the Lord’s Prayer and simple parts of the 便为耶稣准备美味的饭菜。马大的妹妹马利亚则坐在耶稣的旁边,耶稣 repare an offering讲的每句话她都认真地听。马利亚听耶稣说话的时候,她是多么高兴 to place in the collection basket. 啊! 然而,马大却在想着其他事情。她在忙着给耶稣做饭,希望给耶稣 弄些特别和美味的食物。当她在张罗的时候,她心想:“我真希望马利 亚能帮助我就好了。她就坐在那里听耶稣讲话,我却要自己一个人做所 有的工作。” 最终,马大跑到耶稣那里,说:“耶稣,我妹妹马利亚留下我一个 人做所有的事情,你都不在意吗?让她来帮助我。” 耶稣回答说:“马大,马大,你为许多事情心烦,但是有一件事比 其他所有的事情都更重要,那就是我的话语。马利亚已经选择听我的 道,没有人能将这个从她那里拿走。” 耶稣帮助马大明白,聆听和学习上帝的话语是最重要的。上帝运用 他的话语来使人们相信他就是他们的救主。
© 2017 Multi-Language Publications. Used with permission.