Certificate and Diploma Program Overview

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亚洲路德宗神学院课程简介 Asia Lutheran Seminary -- Program Overview (rev. May 19, 2017) Asia Lutheran Seminary runs programs for Christian leadership development at all levels. The first two levels are leadership training programs, all courses are offered in Mandarin, and class teachers normally have earned M.Div. degrees. The upper levels are seminary degree programs, courses are conducted primarily in English, and instructors are ALS professors with doctoral degrees. 亚洲路德宗神学院提供不同程度的课程培训基督徒领袖。首两阶段是信徒领袖训练,所有课程以普 通话上课,课程导师一般都拥有道学硕士学位。而较高级别的,是神学学位课程,主要以英语授 课,由本院拥有博士学位之教授及讲师任教。 1. Christian Studies Certificate (CSC) 基督教研究证书 (27.5 credits)(27.5 学分) The Christian Studies Certificate offers a leadership training curriculum appropriate for all men and women who wish to improve their knowledge of Christian teaching and their congregational leadership skills. Students who complete the 11 core courses will receive the CSC certificate. Unless otherwise noted below, all courses are 3 credits and consist in about 40 hours of class instruction. 1.5 credit courses consist of about 20 hours of class instruction. Most courses will be taught live online via Skype or a similar program. Other methods of instruction (weekend intensive courses, and self-paced online courses) will be used as necessary and as staffing permits. Tuition is 50 RMB per credit. 基督教研究证书提供领袖训练给所有合适弟兄姊妹,希望提高他们对基督教的知识和会众领导能 力。学生完成 11 科主要科目可以颁发基督教研究证书。除非另有说明,所有科目均为 3 学分及 40 小时的上课时间。1.5 学分的课堂需要 20 小时的上课时间。大部份的课程通过 Skype 或其他类似的 程序网上教学。其他教学方法(周末密集课程和自学课程)将根据学生需要和本院许可才可进行。 学费为人民币 50 元一个学分。 Christian Studies Certificate (CSC) 11 core courses /基督教研究证书 11 科主要科目 课程号 课程名称 CSI-017 Bible Background (2 cr. online)




Small Catechism 2 路德小问答二

CSI-002 O.T. Survey 1 旧约概论一


Christian Confessions (1.5 cr.) 路德宗信条 (1.5 学分)

CSI-003 O.T. Survey 2 旧约概论二


Law and Gospel (1.5 cr.) 律法与福音 (1.5 学分)

CSI-004 Life of Christ 基督生平


Evangelism 1 布道学

CSI-005 N.T. Survey 新约概论


Christian Family (1.5 cr.) 基督化家庭

圣经背景(2 学分,网上授课)

CSI-006 Small Catechism 1 路德小问答一

2. Diploma of Christian Leadership 基督教领袖文凭 (DCL) (30.0 credits) (30 学分) The Diploma of Christian Leadership offers a leadership training curriculum designed to provide appropriate biblical training and leadership skills for men who are leading Christian study groups or small congregations. Students who complete the CSC program and the 12 core courses of the DCL program will receive the DCL diploma. Unless otherwise noted below, all courses are 3 credits (about 40 class hours). 1.5 credit courses require about 20 class hours. Most courses will be taught live online via Skype or similar program. Other methods of instruction (weekend intensive courses, and self-paced online courses) will be used as necessary and as staffing permits. Tuition is 50 RMB per credit. 基督教领袖文凭所提供之培训课程,旨在装备基督徒领袖,特别是带领查经或小型教会服事的弟兄 们,提供适当的圣经培训和领导技能。学生必需完成「基督教研究证书」及「基督教领袖文凭」中 的 12 个主要科目,可获颁发「基督教领袖文凭」。除有特别注明的课程外,所有科目均为 3 学分 (约 40 小时的上课时间)。1.5 学分的课堂需要 20 小时的上课时间。大部份的课程通过 Skype(或类 似的应用程序)以网上形式教学。其他教学方法(例如「周末密集课程」和「自学课程」)将根据 学生需要并在本院许可才可进行。学费为人民币 50 元一个学分。 Diploma of Christian Leadership (DCL) 12 core courses /基督教领袖文凭 12 科主要科目 课程号 课程名称



CSI-001 Bible Interpretation (1.5 cr.) 释经学入门(1.5 学分)


Christian Worship (1.5 cr.) 崇拜学

CSI-013 Teaching the Bible 如何教导圣经


Church History 教会历史

CSI-010 Church and Ministry 教会与圣工


Counseling 辅导学

CSI-018 Christian Stewardship (online) 基督徒奉献喜乐 (网上授课)


Shepherding a Group 带领小组

CSI-019 Law and Gospel 2 (1.5 cr.) 律法与福音二 (1.5 学分)


Christian Leadership (1.5 cr.) 基督徒领袖

CSI-020 Outreach and Church Planting 布道与植堂


Preaching 讲道学

3. Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) degree (80 credits) The B.Th. degree program is designed to train pastors to serve local congregations. Ability to read and understand spoken English and the completion of the CSI and DCL diploma courses (or their equivalent) are prerequisites for entrance into the Bachelor of Theology program. Most courses are run as 6-day intensive courses at centralized locations. Students should consider this a full-time commitment, and normally will attend about 10 such courses every year. Such students can complete the program in about 3 years. Each 3credit course consists in about 40 hours of pre-class homework, about 40 hours of classroom time, and a final test or project. B.Th. students may study either Greek or Hebrew as part of their program. A list of upcoming courses is available from ALS. Tuition is 100 RMB per credit.

3. 神学学士学位课程 (80 学分) 「神学学士课程」是为训练学员成为牧师,为当地的教会服事而设。申请入读神学学士学位课程者,必须拥 有阅读和理解英语会话之能力,以及完成 CSCDCL 文凭课程(或其等同课程)。大部份的课堂会以密集课程 方式进行,在同一地区完成六天的学习。报读神学课程的学生,应考虑以全职时间来学习。学生每一年约需 要参加十个这样的密集课程,则可以在三年内完成整个学位。每 3 学分的课程包括约 40 小时的课前作业,约 40 小时的上课时间及完成期终试及报告。神学学士学生可以选择修读希腊文或希伯来文,作为学习的一部 份。有关修读课程在亚洲路德宗神学院公布。学费为每学分人民币 100 元正。

4. Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degrees (60 credits) Completion of the B.Th. degree program (or its equivalent) is a prerequisite for entrance into the Master of Divinity program. Ability to read and understand spoken English is expected. Students who complete 60 credits beyond the B.Th. in approved courses will receive the M.Div. degree. This requires about 2 years for full time students. Students will complete a program of study in both Greek or Hebrew as part of their program. A final M.Div. project or thesis is also required. A list of courses is available from ALS. Tuition is 100 RMB per credit. 4. 道学硕士学位课程(60 学分) 申请入读「道学硕士课程」之学员,完成神学学士学位课程(或其等同课程)。学生需具备阅读和理解英语 会话之能力。学生在「神学学士」课程以外,再修读 60 学分后,可获颁发「道学硕士学位」。修毕道学硕士 学位课程,一般需要 2 年全时间的学习。硕生学生必需修读希腊文及希伯来,作为完成课程之要求。「道学 硕士」生亦需要完成一份研究报告或论文,才予以毕业。有关修读课程在亚洲路德宗神学院公布。学费为每 学分人民币 100 元正。

---------------------------------Information on all ALS programs can be obtained from your local Lutheran congregation, from the ALS website (www.als.org.hk) and from the ALS Hong Kong office (baoming@protonmail.com). 有关所有亚洲路德宗神学院的课程数据可以从教会了解或亚洲路德宗神学院网站(www.als.org.hk)和亚洲 路德宗神学院香港办事处(baoming@protonmail.com)查询。 欢迎与本院秘书吴姊妹联络,她的微信名称 ng_irene923 及與同工 John Wendland 温致远联络,他的微信名称 wendlajl

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