101 Readings to Survey the Bible

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101 Readings to Survey the Bible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Genesis 1-3 (Adam) Genesis 6-8 (Noah) Genesis 15-16, 21 (Abraham) Genesis 24 (Isaac) Genesis 37 (Jacob) Genesis 37, 39, 41 (Joseph) Job 1-2, 42 (Job) Exodus 3-4 (Moses Called by God) Exodus 12, 14 (Release from Slavery and Red Sea Crossing) Exodus 19-20 (The Ten Commandments) Leviticus 10, 16 (The Consequences of Sin and the Day of Atonement) Numbers 13-14 (Twelve Spies Explore Canaan) Deuteronomy 30-31, 34 (The Final Days of Moses) Joshua 2, 6 (Rahab and the Fall of Jericho) Joshua 7-8 (Achan’s Sin) Joshua 23-24 (The Final Days of Joshua) Judges 3 (Ehud) Judges 4 (Deborah) Judges 7 (Gideon) Judges 11 (Jepthah’s Tragic Vow) Judges 14, 16 (Samson) Ruth 1, 3 (Ruth) 1 Samuel 10, 13, 15, 31 (King Saul) 2 Samuel 11, 15, 24 (King David) 1 Chronicles 17 (God’s Covenant with David) 2 Chronicles 5-6 (The Ark Brought to the Temple) 1 Kings 3, 11 (King Solomon) Psalms 18, 51, 86, 103, 139 (Songs by David) Proverbs 3 (Trusting in the Lord) Ecclesiastes 1-2 (Futility and Meaning in Life) Song of Solomon 1 (Romantic Love) 1 Kings 12 (The Kingdom Divides) 2 Chronicles 12 (Egypt Threatens Judah, Rehoboam Repents) Jonah 1-4 (Jonah Tells the Assyrians to Repent) 2 Kings 17-19 (Assyria Conquers Israel, Threatens Judah) Amos 7 (Amos vs. King Jeroboam II) Hosea 11 (Despite God’s Love, He Will Destroy Israel) Micah 6 (God’s Legal Case against Israel) Isaiah 36-37 (Assyria Invades Judah, God’s Miraculous Intervention) Isaiah 38-39 (Hezekiah’s Illness and Judah’s Babylonian Exile Foretold) Nahum 2 (The Fall of Nineveh) Zephaniah 1 (God Will Crush Judah with His Fist) Habakkuk 1 (God Is Raising Up the Babylonians) Jeremiah 29 (Letter to Exiles in Babylon) Jeremiah 38-39 (Fall of Jerusalem) 2 Kings 25 (Fall of Jerusalem) 2 Chronicles 36 (Fall, Exile, and restoration) Joel 2 (Repent and the Lord Will Restore) Obadiah 1 (Edom’s Punishment for Helping Foreign Invaders Divide up Jerusalem) Ezekiel 4 (Ezekiel Acts Out the Coming Siege) Ezekiel 12 (Ezekiel Acts Out the Coming Exile)

101 Readings to Survey the Bible ©2012 Christy Bower www.ChristyBower.com

101 Readings to Survey the Bible 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

Ezekiel 24 (Siege of Jerusalem Begins) Daniel 1 (Daniel Serves Babylonian Kings) Daniel 5 (The Night Babylon Fell to the Persians) Daniel 6 (Daniel Serves Persian Kings) Lamentations 5 (Jeremiah’s Prayer for Restoration) Ezra 1, 3, 7-8 (Rebuilding the Temple) Nehemiah 1-2 (Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem) Nehemiah 8-9 (Ezra Reads the Law and the People Worship) Esther 2-3, 7 (Queen Esther Saves Her People) Haggai 1-2 (Rebuild the Temple First, Then Your Homes) Zechariah 1 (My Temple Will Be Rebuilt) Malachi 3 (The Lord is Coming, So Repent) Matthew 12 (Controversy over Jesus) Matthew 16 (Jesus Is the Messiah) Mark 10 (Jesus Came to Serve and Give His Life as a Ransom) Mark 12 (Taxes for Caesar) Luke 14 (The Cost of Being a Disciple) Luke 19 (Jesus Is Concerned for Everyone) John 9 (A Blind Man Healed and Cast Out of the Synagogue) John 10 (Plot to Kill Jesus) John 18-20 (Jesus’ Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection Acts 2 (The Beginning of the Church) Acts 9 (Saul/Paul’s Conversion) Acts 28 (Paul’s House Arrest in Rome) Romans 10 (Salvation is for Everyone) 1 Corinthians 1 (Divisions in the Church) 2 Corinthians 8-9 (The Collection for the Famine in Jerusalem) Galatians 2 (Paul Confronts Peter) Ephesians 1 (Our Spiritual Blessings) Philippians 4 (Paul Thanks the Philippians for Their Missionary Support for Him) Colossians 2 (Freedom from Rules) 1 Thessalonians 2 (Paul Remembers His Visit to Thessalonica) 2 Thessalonians 1 (The Thessalonians Suffer Persecution) 1 Timothy 1 (Paul Left Timothy as Pastor in Ephesus) 2 Timothy 4 (Paul Urges Timothy to Come Visit Him in Prison Titus 1 (Paul Left Titus as pastor in Crete) Philemon 1 (Paul Sends a Runaway Slave Home as a New Christian) Hebrews 13 (Greetings from Italy—Timothy is Now Out of Jail) James 2 (Faith is Demonstrated by Love and Obedience) 1 Peter 4 (Living and Suffering for God) 2 Peter 3 (Scoffers Who Say Jesus Has Not Come Back Will Be Proven Wrong Someday) 1 John 3 (Demonstrate Love for One Another) 2 John 1 (Live in the Truth) 3 John 1 (Commending the One Who Takes Care of Traveling Teachers) Jude 1 (A Warning against False Teachers) Revelation 1 (John’s Vision) Revelation 4 (Worship in Heaven) Revelation 19 (The Wedding Feast of the Lamb) Revelation 20 (Final Judgment) Revelation 21 (A Glimpse of Heaven)

101 Readings to Survey the Bible ©2012 Christy Bower www.ChristyBower.com

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