ime Wisely Magazine P. 4 DRINK THE PINK & MELT YOUR FAT AWAY
“We are put on this earth to do more than just exist”. SOUTHPORT
P. 3
table of CONTENTS Spring 2014
3 CrossFit Safe Have n
19 Worry
4 Drink “The Pink”
21 Chiropractor’s Advice
7 Recipe Lemon Blueberry Cake
23 Crab Boil Recipe
9 Get Away to The Most High
24 Attitude
11 Attack on the Mind
26 What Does Easter Mean
13 Loss of a Child
28 Elephant Rope
15 Bed & Breakfast
29 BSL Heating & Cooling
18 Local Signs & Banners
31 Shake Off Your Problems
Spring 2014 Dates to Remember April 20 May 1 May 11 May 25 May 26 June 15 June 21
Easter Sunday National Day of Prayer Mothers' Day National Missing Children's Day Memorial Day Fathers' Day First Day of Summer
Why we’re different... • A regular gym has mirrors – We have trainers coaching you on your form. • They have cardio machines telling you you’re going too fast – We have trainers telling you you’re going to slow. • They train for looks – We train for life. • They sell you a membership and hope you only come for once– We want you to train with us every day we’re open. We sought to build a program that would best prepare trainees for any physical contingency – prepare them not only for the unknown but for the unknowable.
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APRIL 26, 2014
Free Food, Free Workout, Workout, Food, Fun forall allages! ages! Fun and and Fellowship Fellowship for
STOP... looking back. Move forward and How much longer will you wait? Waiting will only make it harder when you finally begin. It’s like a dirty house that you keep neglecting and saying I will do it tomorrow. You will wish you would have started today.
A year from now you will wish you had started TODAY.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. WHAT IS YOUR WHY POWER?
TO LEARN MORE VISIT CALL NOW OR TEXT Ambassador # 828-238-5812 Christy Clemmons 257296 EMAIL:
There is something more going on deep inside that makes you feel like you can’t do it, when you really want to change. Ask yourself what it is. Make something else (not eating unhealthily or binge eating) your comfort, your get away, your happiness, your security, your life. EAT to live, NOT live to eat. Make better eating choices. You will continue to feel bad and unhappy, if you don’t change. YOU CAN DO IT! Let me help. Please go online and just read about Plexus Slim. It can change your lifestyle into a healthier you, IF YOU allow yourself to do it. Have self confidence and pray about it. Don’t let this wait and become more difficult like a neglected house. Be the BEST you can be. Don’t wait. Start now. You can call or text me and talk about it, if you would like (Christy Clemmons 828-238-5812). I will help you all that I can. But first, you have to help yourself become a happier, healthier you. Make that decision NOW, NOT later. Later makes things much harder, just like a neglected dirty house or car. The longer you wait the harder you will make it on yourself. You are more than a neglected dirty house or car. You are a wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, employee, owner, aunt, uncle, grandson, granddaughter, grandma, grandpa...YOU are a child of God. You can do this. BE THE BEST YOU for you and the people you surround yourself with. Our time on Earth is very short, so why not be happy.
TAMMIE’S UNIQUE CLEANING Residential & Commercial
CALL 910-253-7115 910-209-1709 Owner Tammy Spencer
p. 5
unshine-sweet lemon layer cake dotted with juicy blueberries and topped with lush cream cheese frosting. Take a bite and taste the bursts of bright flavors!
Eat In Moderation
Lemon Blue Berry Layer Cake Ingredients: CAKE 1 cup (230g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 1 and 1/4 cups (250g) granulated sugar 1/2 cup (100g) light brown sugar 4 large eggs, at room temperature* 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract 3 cups (375g) all-purpose flour, careful not to overmeasure 1 Tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup (240ml) buttermilk* zest + juice of 3 medium lemons* 1 and 1/2 cups blueberries, fresh (258g) or non-thawed frozen (275g) 1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour CREAM CHEESE FROSTING 8 ounces (224g) full-fat cream cheese, softened to room temperature 1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 3.5 cups (420g) confectioners' sugar 1 - 2 Tablespoons (15-30ml) heavy cream* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract pinch salt Directions: Preheat the oven to 350F. Spray three 9x2 inch cake pans with nonstick spray. Set aside. Make the cake. Using a handheld or stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat the butter on high until creamy - about 1 minute. Add granulated and brown sugars and beat on medium-high speed until creamed, about 2-3 minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed. Add eggs and vanilla. Beat on medium speed until everything is combined, about 2 full minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed. Set aside. In a large sized bowl, toss together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Beat on low speed for 5 seconds, then add the milk, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Remove from the mixer and stir lightly until everything is just combined. Toss the blueberries in 1 Tablespoon of flour and fold into the batter. Batter is extremely thick. Do not over mix at any point. Over mixing will lend a tough, dense textured crumb. Spoon batter evenly into 3 prepared cake pans. Bake for about 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Mine took 21 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before frosting. Make the frosting. Using a handheld or stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat cream cheese and butter together on medium speed until no lumps remain, about 3 full minutes. Add confectioners' sugar, 1 Tablespoon cream, vanilla extract, and salt with the mixer running on low. Increase to high speed and beat for 3 minutes. Add 1 more Tablespoon of cream to thin out, if desired. Assemble and frost. First, using a large serrated knife, trim the tops off the cake layers to create a flat surface. Place 1 layer on your cake stand. Evenly cover the top with cream cheese frosting. Top with 2nd layer, more frosting, then the third layer. Top with frosting and spread around the sides. The recipe doesn't make a ton of frosting, just enough for a light frost. Top with blueberries or lemon garnish if desired. Refrigerate for at least 45 minutes before cutting or else the cake may fall apart as you cut. Make 1 day in advance if you'd like. Extras keep well in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
p. 7
Blue Ridge Parkway
e m Co e h t a e r B ! r i A The Grandfather Mountain
p. 8 If you have never been and not sure about going to the front, creekside, tremendous long range views, secluded,’s your time to go. You deserve to relax too. game rooms, fireplaces, AC, hot tubs, pet friendly, and much, much more. Unlike some rental companies, High My name is Christy Clemmons. I am the Owner/ Founder Mountain Cabin Rentals offers full-service, not selfserof Time Wisely Magazine. I am originally from moun- vice, rentals which mean that we provide quality linens, tains in Ashe County. I visit the mountain about 6 times a fully stocked kitchens and bathrooms. year. I do it because I love the atmosphere and being able to relax. RELAX?? What’s that? Well, I have been on Our friendly staff takes the time to find out exactly what many vacations: cruise to the Bahamas, Washington, DC, you are looking for, and can then suggest the cabins that Virginia, Florida, ect. The only place that I have truly will best provide your group the most enjoyable experirelaxed are in the mountains of Watagua or Ashe County. ence. Give us a call when you are ready to plan your next There is just no other place like it. The air is even differ- trip to the High Country and see what a difference our ent. My family and I love it. Matter of fact, a few years personal service makes. from now we are buying or building a cabin in the mountains. If you have never experienced it, it’s your time. If you have an interest in purchasing property within High Mountain Cabin Rentals is just the place to book Ashe, Watauga or Avery County, please visit Mountainyour stay. You can call or book it online. I always call, but scape Realty to search the broadest selection of available it’s up to you. properties in our area. High Mountain Cabin Rentals offers a wide variety of If you would like more information, please contact us: quality North Carolina Mountain vacation rentals, cabin CALL NOW: 866-931-6210 rentals, log cabin rentals, townhouse rentals, and cottage rentals located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Office Hours: Western North Carolina in Ashe County and the Boone/ Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm Banner Elk areas. We offer a large variety of vacation homes with numerous amenities to choose from, including river access, river
Saturday:9:00am - 2:00pm Sunday: Closed Online booking available 24/7
Just Relax... Don’t Worry
Our God is a mighty God! When you feel overwhelmed and feel like you just can't take any more, remember to lay your problems at the feet of the Lord- and leave it. He never expected us to carry all our burdens. Sometimes we try to take on our problems without God and that's when we feel overwhelmed. Give it to Him first, before it gets out of control. Thank you Jesus for carrying my burdens. I trust in you. That's a tough thing for me to do, BUT I must say you have never failed me. Remember to lay it down and leave it. Watch to see what happens. Trust Him!
ive it to
The Bible clearly teaches that Christians are not to worry. In Philippians 4:6, we are commanded, “Do not be anxious [do not worry] about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” In this Scripture, we learn that we should bring all of our needs and concerns to God in prayer rather than worry about them. Jesus encourages us to avoid worrying about our physical needs like clothing and food. Jesus assures us that our heavenly Father will take care of all our needs (Matthew 6:25-34). Therefore, we have no need to worry about anything. Since worrying should not be a part of a believer's life, how does one overcome worry? In 1 Peter 5:7, we are instructed to “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” God does not want us to carry around the
God weight of problems and burdens. In this verse, God is telling us to give Him all of our worries and concerns. Why does God want to take on our problems? The Bible says it is because He cares for us. God is concerned about everything that happens to us. No worry is too big or too small for His attention. When we give God our problems, He promises to give us the peace which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Of course, for those who do not know the Savior, worry and anxiety will be part of life. But to those who have given their lives to Him, Jesus promised, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
Even the strongest of us have moments when the burdens of life seem too great. It’s then that the Lord whispers to our heart... Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. MATTHEW 11:28 p. 10
If you are depressed or having a bad day... ask yourself what you have been thinking about. I assure you, that it is not positive. Are you dwelling on things that are out of your control? Nine times out of ten we do and are thinking about things that are far beyond our control or have not even occurred. Sometimes if a person is sick or there is a death, that cannot be helped. However, you can choose to be sad, worried or depressed for days, weeks and years. You can choose to say a prayer, talk to Jesus and move forward. Sitting and dwelling on anything negative will only have one result.....negativity. Negativity not only hurts you but anyone who comes in contact with you. I don’t know about you, but I want to be the sunshine in people’s lives. I want to make a difference and a positive impact. I want people to see me and say, “wow she is really different”. I want them to wonder what I have that they don’t have. It’s simple; Jesus. I have a relationship with Jesus. It took 35 years to develop the relationship and many hard knocks. I still have much to learn. You can choose to get up or stay down. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s your choice. One thing I can guarantee you is that you will always have ups and downs. We all will (Christian or not). This is where your choices play a big role in your thinking process. Choose not to dwell on the untouchable. Be strong. Start practicing now. Ask yourself what you have been thinking. Then stop thinking negative thoughts. Tell yourself “NO” and the devil “NO”. Battle your mind. You can do this. Practice. A relationship with Jesus makes it that much easier. I have learned this the hard way. So when you are upset, depressed, worried, angry, sad or bitter, ask yourself what you have been thinking. Don’t let the devil control your mind. Get rid of that stronghold. You don’t always have to think what you are thinking. When you start to think something negative, say “NO”. Tell the devil that he will not steal your joy today. If this keeps happening, stop the negative thinking dead in your thinking process and tell the devil “NO”.
Your joy is up to you. We are not on this earth for too long, so make the best of it. Be happy. Life is all about choices and practicing making good choices. I have been listening to Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. It was the best $35 that I have spent in a long time. You can buy the book, DVD or CD. Please take the time out to make yourself happy. The choice is yours. Get up or stay down.
4522 Fountain Drive Wilmington, NC 28403
Monday thru Wednesday Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday Hours: closed
Thursday Hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
p. 12
Does your child want to play sports and you ignore it or too busy? Does your child want you to read to him or her and you ignore it or don’t take the time out for it? Does your child want you to play a game with you and you’re always too busy? Are you always thinking about yourself? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then please slow down or don’t be selfish and give your child some time. God gave us our precious angels as a gift....and remember he may need his gift back sooner than later. We are never promised another day. None of us. Your child should be one of the most exciting people in your life. Of course we should put God first. Where is your child on your “totem pole”? Speaking for myself, my child is the sunshine in my day (along with God, and my husband). I am excited to see him, always. Your children won’t stay small forever. Blink your eyes and he or she will be gone to college, on the streets, married, pregnant, having to work, in jail, or dead. Let me there anything I missed. He or she may be at home longer than expected too. My point is you don’t know what the future holds, but you can certainly give some love and guidance to help build your child’s future. Unfortunately, some children grow up and do the wrong things and make bad decisions in the process to fill the void the parent created. If a child is not getting attention, love or guidance from his or her parents, he or she will go find it. You never know what they may find. Don’t create a void for your child to fill. What kind of decisions do you want your child to make? Are you a parent who guides and loves your child or do you create emptiness? It’s never too late to change. Fill the void now before your child does.
Daddy please don't look so sad, Momma please don't cry Cause I am in the arms of Jesus and He sings me lullabies. Please, try not to question God, don't think he is unkind. Don't think He sent me to you, and then He changed His mind. You see, I am a Special child, and I'm needed up above. I'm the Special gift you gave Him, the product of your love. I'll always be there with you, and watch the sky at night. Find the brightest star that's gleaming, That's my halo's brilliant light. You'll see me in the morning frost, that mists your window pane. That's me in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain. When you feel a little breeze, from a gentle wind that blows. That's me, I'll be there, planting a kiss on your nose. When you see a child playing, and your heart feels a little tug, That's me, I'll be there Giving your heart a hug. So daddy, please don't look so sad, momma don't you cry. I'm in the arms of Jesus, and He sings meslullabies. ~Author Unknown
p. 13
BURGESS PAINTING, INC. 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Residential Painting Interior/Exterior Pressure Washing Deck Sealing Storm Sealing Sheetrock Work
CALL DAMON NOW AT 910-540-9883 Troubled
QUOTE FOR THE DAY: "I have a WILL....and my WILL makes my WAY" ~Christy Clemmons We are located at: 6864 Zion Church Road NE in Leland, NC 28451. Please come and join us to worship the Lord. Together we can “open hearts, open minds, and open doors.” All is welcome. Call us at : 910-253-LORD
Those who are troubled, (that would include all of us)the Lord loves you so much and no matter what you have done or what your weaknesses are. Ask him to give you strength and patience. The calm will come after the storm my friends. Be patient and know He is God. Yes! Have FAITH and wait. The best of your life is yet to come. Remember those who judge you, are those who will be harshly judged. Jesus loves you and he may not seem like He is by your side, but if you are asking Him to be with you and help you through your troubles....HE WILL. Calm your mind and listen. ~Christy Clemmons
or go to United Methodist churches offer a variety of ministry opportunities, through worship, fellowship, study and outreach. Contact the church for more information about our ministries.
Pastor: Rev. Willie H. Frizzelle “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors”
ST. JAMES AMEZ CHURCH Rev. Thomas Williams, Sr. PSALM 23: THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD 1 (A Psalm of David.) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. Located at: 27 Old Town Creek Rd. NE Leland, NC Church Phone: 910-655-1553 THE FREEDOM CHURCH
Our Mission Statement Sunrise Farm Bed & Breakfast exists to glorify God by providing a welcoming, peaceful environment where individuals, couples, and families will receive rest and refreshment. About Sunrise Farm Sunrise Farm Bed & Breakfast is located on 10-acres in the Blue Ridge Mountain foothills of northwest South Carolina. The farm is the last part of a late 1800s 385-acre cotton plantation. Guests may relax in wooden rockers and wicker furniture on the large wraparound porch and enjoy fresh out-ofthe oven cookies while reading a good book, watching the variety of birds visiting the feeders, or just letting the gentle breeze carry their cares away with the wind chimes' tune. In the winter, guests may enjoy hot cider by the cozy parlor fireplace. Guests will be served a full sumptuous breakfast, featuring all-natural ingredients, fresh local produce, and homemade specialties such as cranberry-orange pecan scones, fruit & granola parfait, blueberry buttermilk pancakes, garden vegetable & herb frittata, and crispy oven-baked peppered bacon. Area attractions include mountain hiking, whitewater rafting, trout fishing, waterfalls, clear lakes for fishing and boating, skiing, scuba diving, birdwatching, sight-seeing, golfing, Clemson University, museums and many state parks. Guests will also enjoy petting and feeding the farm animals. Meet The Sunrise Family We are living out a dream at Sunrise Farm B&B in Salem, SC. Jeff hails from the Great Lakes State, Michigan, and I (Julie) was born in Ohio, then
grew up in Florida. Jeff and I met and married in Florida, where we both practiced Physical Therapy. We sold our clinic in Fort Myers, FL in 2006 to purchase Sunrise Farm Bed & Breakfast. While Jeff continues to practice physical therapy, doing part-time home health care, I believe I have found my true calling in serving guests full-time at the B&B. Sunrise Farm wouldn’t be the same without our daughter, Madison. Madison enjoys giving farm tours, serving guests in the dining room, and being the “chief cookie baker”. Our family loves hiking the local trails to discover the amazing waterfalls, boating on Lake Jocassee, and attending sports events at Clemson University.
What Christy Clemmons from Southport, NC has to say: Amazing place and Julie is an awesome cook. If you are in question to stay or not....don't miss out. DO IT!!! The farm animals are awesome. It is a beautiful area: parks, fishing, lakes and just beautiful!
YOU are what
YOU eat. What do you put into your body?
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Community In Schools are a nationwide network of passionate professionals working in public schools to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Communities In Schools works within the public school system, determining student needs and establishing relationships with local businesses, social service agencies, health care providers, and parent and volunteer organizations to provide needed resources. For every one of their success stories, there are dozens of young people who need the help that Communities In Schools provides. You can make a difference -- donate, advocate, or volunteer today!
Communities In Schools
Communities In Schools
910-754-4442 4606 Main St. Shallotte, NC
p. 18
Matthew 6:31-32 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
Worry is our most useless emotion. It is unproductive and dangerous. Sometimes it may prod me into actions to save myself, but even then there is not guarantee that my actions will be effective because I do not think rationally when I am consumed with worry. Most of the time, worry disables me, locks me in my room, separates me from those who would be willing to help. It convinces me that I am unworthy, or stupid, or unforgiven-all lies of the devil, not Your judgments. Being concerned about my future is one thing; letting worry cripple me is a lack of faith. You know what I need, Lord, and You will provide.
ommon Mistakes Made With Back Pain
get in line
by Dr. Anthony Giacalone
We often read about what to do for low back pain (LBP), but do we look at LBP from the perspective of what not to do? The following are the 3 biggest problems I see common people make with regards to their muscular-skeletal pains. 1) Using heat instead of ice: Ice should always be used as the first line of defense. It will rarely make LBP worse, whereas heat can! Ice is an anti-inflammatory agent, meaning it reduces swelling by pushing painful chemicals and fluids that accumulate away from the injured area. Heat does the opposite of ice. It’s a vasodilator meaning it pulls fluids into the area. Sure, it feels good initially, but often people will say it makes them worse later. That’s because the additional fluid build-up in an already inflamed area is kind of like throwing gasoline on a fire. During an acute injury or exacerbation period, use ice for 72 hours.
After that, as long as there is no superficial swelling, heat can be used. 2) Ignoring the pain: Though LBP can get better over time, it’s simply impossible to know when or if it will occur. A general rule of thumb is to use the 72 hour acute period to rest and ice the injured area. If the pain does not start to ease or progresses, seek medical attention. If you have suffered from back pain before and visited a chiropractor, then you already know that getting in quickly for an adjustment BEFORE the reflex muscle spasm sets up, can stop the progression before it reaches a disabling level. If you want to reduce the chances of missing work or a golf game due to LBP, come in immediately when the warning signs occur. You know, that little twinge in your back that’s telling you to be careful! continued on p. 21
Atlantic Coast Chiropractic Fast, Safe & Effective Treatments For: Neck & Back Pain Headaches Sciatica Rotator Cuff Plantar Fasciitis Other Sports Related Injuries 6841-D Market Street Wilmington, NC Corner of Gordon & Market St. CARE CREDIT
p. 20
Common Mistakes Made With Back Pain by Dr. Anthony Giacalone continued....
You’re never going to fully give yourself to what you need to do, if you don’t stop comparing yourself to other people and what they can do.
3) Bed rest: There is a time to rest and a time for exercise, but knowing what to do, when, is tricky. Most people stick to bed rest for way to long, delaying the healing response, or try to push through the pain causing more injury. Here are some general guidelines: A) no more than 48 hours of bed rest; B) walking is usually a great, safe starting activity after or even during the first 48 hours; C) avoid movements that cause sharp pains like bending, twisting, lifting, or a combination thereof; D) after walking, start with mild movements that decrease pain of the affected area and progress from there. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. If you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact the office of Atlantic Coast Chiropractic at 910-798-0101.
Father, thank You for Your grace, mercy and favor. Right now, I ask for rain in the time of rain. I ask for increase of Your favor and blessing. Use me to be a blessing to others everywhere I go in Jesus’ name. Amen. Many of you are constantly being good to people, going out of your way to be a blessing, making sacrifices nobody knows about. Nobody may be singing your praises, nobody may be calling your name, but God sees what you’re doing. The scripture says in Matthew 6:4, “Your Father, who sees what you give in secret, will reward you in the open.”
p. 21
Oh God, HELP ME! MY GRANDSON KILLED MY SON is available through WestBow Press (, Barnes & Noble ( and Amazon (
Read pg. 24 for more information.
Cape Fear Jewelers CALL
102 East Moore St. Southport, NC
Specializing in timeless designs in silver, gold and platinum. Repairs done on-site. Business Hours 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Monday thru Saturday
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons seafood seasoning (such as Old BayÂŽ), or to taste 10 lbs bag of new potatoes 3 (16 ounce) packages cooked kielbasa sausage, cut into 1 inch pieces 10 ears fresh corn, husks and silks removed 7 pounds of snow crab legs 5 pounds of jumbo fresh shrimp (leave shell on) 3 large yellow onions (cut into quarters) 7 fresh garlic cloves (whole and peeled) 1 stick of butter
Directions: Heat a large pot of water over an outdoor cooker, or medium-high heat indoors. Make sure the cooker comes with a large strainer (so you can easily lift out when food is finished). Add Old Bay Seasoning to taste, garlic, onions, butter and bring to a boil. Cover while boiling and while cooking. First, add potatoes and fresh corn. Cook for about 10 minutes. Next, add the sausage. Cook for another 5 minutes. Then add the crab legs. Cook for 5 more minutes. Last, add the shrimp. Cook for another 3 or 4 minutes. Careful not to over cook. Mushy shrimp is not good. Use oven mitts to lift out the strainer. Be careful and don’t burn yourself. Once you lift the strainer, let it sit out and drain for a couple of minutes. Get some old newspaper and cover the table. You can dump out all the food and dig in. I find the seafood best dipped in hot butter and Texas Pete hot sauce. Have a nice cold beverage of choice. Enjoy!
p. 23
Prayer is the most important conversation of the day. Take it to God before you take it to anyone else!
FROM TRAGEDY COMES FORGIVENESS Oh God, HELP ME! MY GRANDSON KILLED MY SON by Mary Brown Princeton, West Virginia – May 10, 2013 – Pastor Mary Brown’s faith is on trial in her debut book about the loss of her child at the hand of a family member. This is a true story about a tragedy that forces her to explore and share her feelings after her grandson kills his father. Her faith carried her through forgiveness set her free. Brown, Evangelist, Voice of Deliverance International Ministry, has been preaching the gospel since 1994. Her resurrection began in 1979 when she accepted Jesus as her savior. She has endured many hardships but conquered them all through her relationship with Jesus Christ. A phone call just after noon from Princeton Community Hospital in Princeton, West Virginia, on August 11, 2011, changed her life forever. Mary’s son, James, had been shot and was in critical condition. A few minutes later she received the most devastating news for a parent, her baby had died. Mary relied on Jesus Christ throughout the healing process and trial of her grandson. Prophet Darron Moore, Founder of Epiphany Power Ministries said, “This book is a must read for all the mother’s that have lost a child. It will heal your soul as you go through your healing process.” Brown is available for interviews and appearances, for booking presentations, media appearances, and/or book-signings. Please contact Address P. O. Box 3043 Shallotte, NC 28459 Call (910) 297-3067
p. 24
Life is better and easier when you carry a good attitude. What is a good attitude? Positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you, and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious. If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not start today? If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried enough.
What Does Easter Mean to You? Easter for me as a child was candy, hiding eggs, all the family gathering, lots of good food, coloring eggs, pickled eggs and opening the front door to see that the Easter Bunny had left me a basket. Wow! Now that was fun times. I also would walk down the railroad track to go to church to learn about Easter in my pretty little dress. It was all fun to me. I was just a young child and only knew what I was taught or what I caught. Easter is about all of this and more.
During the night of Friday, the day of his Crucifixion, through Sunday, nothing really happened. Then things turned differently on the early morning of the Sunday, the third day since Jesus was crucified. There was a great uproar and the guards were all struck by lighting, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat upon it. His face shinning like lighting and his garments white as snow. At this sight the solider's trembled with fear and remained as dead men. When they came to their senses there was no point in watching over an empty tomb any longer. They went to report to the chief priest about the incident. In reply they were ask to distort the truth and spread a story that the body of Jesus was stolen by his own disciples when the guards were asleep during the night.
Let’s be honest. How do we prioritize when it comes to Easter and our children? Just as I did when I wrote about how I remembered Easter as a child. The priority should be learning about how Jesus died for our sins and rose again. And then about the candy, food, baskets and fun activities. We, as humans, are easily wrapped up in the “trend” of the world and forget about what the bible says. Meanwhile, early on the following morning, that was SunI am guilty of it. We ALL are. Doing what the world says day morning, some holy women started for the tomb. to do won’t get us into heaven. I can promise you that. They were surprised to see that the stone had been moved aside. They entered the tomb and found it empty. As they Our world is a messed up world because of the trends wondered what all this meant, two angels appeared. The humans try to follow. I don’t know about you, but I don’t angels told them that Jesus had risen again. want to ever die. This old body will die and my spirit will remain because I am going to follow Jesus and what the Soon Peter, the chief of Jesus’ twelve apostles got there bible says to do. I will have eternal life. That should be along with John, his junior. They found only the linen and enough in it’s self to leave the world behind and do what’s the piece of cloth used to wrap body lied in the empty right. I sometimes feel scared when I think of death, but tomb. Puzzled, they left. But Jesus was yet to appear in then I think about who I serve and what I am promised if front of them. I serve him. Wow! What a great trade. Eternal life if you try to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. I will raise my hand to that! I know we are not perfect and will never be. That’s OK. But remember Jesus died for our sins and rose again. So, back to Easter and Jesus. Behind the festive joys, feast, fun and family enjoyment, Easter reminds all of us about a significant event. The event that Jesus Christ was resurrected, after having suffered and died. It reminds us that Christ, who was crucified on, what is now called, the Good Friday, showed himself up on the Easter. So, it is a time to celebrate. To celebrate that the Lord, who appeared on Earth for the good of mankind, is always with us. That Jesus would resurrect was foretold. The saying came as one of his prophecies. And, with memories sharpened by hatred, his enemies were the first to remember his prophesies. Hardly had he been buried when they had approached the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate with a request to guard the tomb. Pilate gave them soldiers and instructed them to secure the tomb. They went, sealed the stone that closed the entrance, and set the guards to keep watch day and night.
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What Does Easter Mean to You? continued..... Instead, Jesus went farther. He turned up to join two of his disciples who were journeying from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus. However, Jesus did not make himself known to them. Jesus to them came to be known as a stranger who had real mastery over the holy Scriptures. Impressed, they invited Jesus to stay with them and share their meal. Jesus agreed. At the table they recognized Jesus; he disappeared. In no time the two disciples headed for Jerusalem. When they met the apostles and told them about everything happened, Jesus made his appearance. And Jesus convinced them all that he was alive and asked them if anything was there to eat. Then he ate in their presence as a living man does. With this everybody there became overwhelmed with joy that their master had returned to life. And life again had become meaningful to the apostles. Jesus had eaten with them. He talked to them in a familiar manner and reminded them that he had come from heaven, sent by his Father to perform a task. Now, the task had been done by offering his life for the sins of mankind, it is time for the apostles to follow his suit. Jesus gave the apostles the Holy Spirit: the power over sin. So one whose sins are forgiven by the apostles, would be forgiven by the heaven. After this Jesus left, as suddenly as he came in.
Happy Easter!
Jesus returned to the same place on the next Sunday, to make the unbelievers believe. Jesus showed himself to teach his apostles the lessons and to teach them to live without him. Jesus did this for a period of forty days. On the fortieth day of reappearance, when he felt he had given the disciples all that he had to, he went back to the heaven. This same Jesus will come back just the same way He has left. He had left his disciples to carry on his work and to reach his message of love and peace to all.
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When obstacles arise, YOU change YOUR To reach your goal, YOU do not change YOUR
The Elephant Rope As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.
To get there. -ZIG ZIGLAR
p. 28
stop talking God never about the wastes the problem scrapsand of startour talking lives, aboutbut the solution... fashions something start speakbeautiful ing words of out of each victory! piece.
Time Wisely Magazine is dedicated in helping others before we help ourselves. In order to get what you want in life, you have to help others first. To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning. . .
Isaiah 61:3 A GRATEFUL RESPONSE You visited my heart where only bitter sadness lived. Where years of pain had stripped away its immunity, You came as the oil of gladness, offering healing and restoration. You soothed the weary places and brought new hope to me. I find my joy in You, Lord.
We donate a percentage of the proceeds from advertising sales to several wonderful organizations. We will donate ad space to non-profit organizations. To be considered please email us God will lead me, the owner, to spread the word of God by helping others. You can make a difference too by advertising with us. A percentage of the proceeds from your advertisement will go to the organization of your choice: Children’s Miracle Network, Shriner’s Hospital, Lifeline Pregnancy Center and K-Love Radio. So, you are not just advertising to help yourself and my business, but together we are helping others. If you do not have an ad for your business, we can design one for you, free of charge (1 per business).
FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, My Father anointed Me for such a time as this. I came to bring beauty from ashes, to turn mourning to song, and to grant freedom from captivity. Give Me all of your ashes, all your hurts. That's why I'm here. Where sin has ravaged All other promotions cannot be combined with your life, I will restore. Where despair has left you this offer. If you are ready to advertise or just wounded, I will heal. I am the oil of gladness. I need to talk CALL US! 828-238-5812 have abundant joy for you, My child! 10
y p p a H
“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.� -T. Hav Eker
Romans 12:19 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
A man's favorite donkey falls into a deep precipice; He can't pull it out no matter how hard he tries; He therefore decides to bury it alive. Soil is poured onto the donkey from above. The donkey feels the load, shakes it off, and steps on it; More soil is poured. It shakes it off and steps up; The more the load was poured, the higher it rose;
By noon, the donkey was grazing in green pastures. After much shaking off (of problems) And stepping up (learning from them), One will graze in GREEN PASTURES.
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