Lark Photography Books |
Black & White Pipeline Converting Digital Color into Striking Grayscale Images Ted Dillard The fourth in Ted Dillard’s Pipeline series—cutting-edge books that detail digital imaging in the Adobe Photoshop darkroom—explores the most popular, time-honored photographic form of expression: the black-and-white photograph. Dillard examines Ansel Adams’s legendary Zone System as the foundation of black-and-white photography, and applies these tried-and-true fundamentals to the powerful imaging tools available in Adobe Camera RAW. He explains how to translate traditional darkroom techniques into the digital medium, and how the newest generation of digital tools offers more control, increased power, and greater potential for expressing artistic vision. Above all, Dillard creates an intuitive and streamlined workflow that gets the photographer from capture to print while creating the highest-quality digital image. This provides the framework beginning digital photographers need to create the kind of black-and-white photos they envision. Black + White Pipeline is a comprehensive resource for the photographic artist who wants to combine the beauty of traditional black-and-white with today’s most influential digital equipment.
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Publisher: A Lark Photography Book Published: November 2009
240 pages ISBN: 1-60059-400-X ISBN13: 9781600594007 $29.95 US $38.95 Canadian Paper with flaps all in color 8 1/2 X 10 Carton Quantity: 12 Territory: World
Lark Photography Books |
Build Fun Paper Cameras Take Eye-Catching Pinhole Photos Justin Quinnell Even in the age of digital, we can have plenty of creative fun the low-tech (and low-cost) way: by building cool paper cameras and exploring the fascinating world of pinhole photography. Justin Quinell takes photography back to its roots by demonstrating how to create attractive pinhole cameras—that actually work. Instead of a lens, these cameras have a very tiny hole that “focuses” every point of light passing through it onto paper, thus imprinting the image permanently. A CD, included with the book, contains seven templates for making the cameras; the guide provides directions and advice on shooting successful, artistic pinhole photographs in many different conditions.
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Publisher: A Lark Photography Book Published: October 2009
96 pages ISBN: 1-60059-528-6 ISBN13: 9781600595288 $19.95 US $25.95 Canadian Hard & CD all in color 8 1/4 X 9 Carton Quantity: 28 Territory: Other
Both beginning and experienced photographers will find these eye-opening!
The Complete Guide to Black & White Digital Photography Michael Freeman Michael Freeman—our top digital photography author and a worldwide name—presents the most comprehensive book yet on black-and-white digital photography. Oversized, beautifully illustrated, and far-reaching in scope, this guide is destined to be a standard reference for years to come. Freeman covers all aspects of black-and-white digital photography: its fine art tradition as well as its techniques. Learn how to see and expose in black and white, digitally convert color to monochrome, and develop a black-and-white digital workflow. Explore creative choices and how to interpret various subjects most skillfully in monochrome. Finally, get an expert’s advice on printing and displaying black-and-white photographs to best effect.
Publisher: A Lark Photography Book Published: November 2009
224 pages ISBN: 1-60059-523-5 ISBN13: 9781600595233 $29.95 US $38.95 Canadian Paper with flaps all in color 9 1/4 X 10 1/4 Carton Quantity: 16 Territory: Other
Lark Photography Books |
Digital Masters: Adventure Photography Capturing the World of Outdoor Sports Michael Clark Digital Masters goes extreme! This beautifully produced guide by Michael Clark is the newest entry in the series, as well as the first book on a fast-growing photographic genre: shooting today’s popular extreme outdoor sports, from mountain biking and ice climbing to surfing, BASE jumping, and more. Clark is one of the world’s most respected adventure photographers, and he offers sage advice—gained from years of hard-earned experience—on equipment, techniques, and the specific skills required to get in on the action. Learn to capture fast-moving subjects and deal with harsh conditions and horrible weather—even when you’re hanging from ropes and riggings in a squall. Of special interest is the Portraiture and Lifestyle chapter, which covers increasingly in-demand techniques. Budding professionals will particularly enjoy Clark’s “Stories from the Field,” chronicling his wildest adventures in the pursuit of the perfect action shot.
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Publisher: A Lark Photography Book Published: January 2010
224 pages ISBN: 1-60059-519-7 ISBN13: 9781600595196 $24.95 US $31.95 Canadian Paper with Flaps all in color 8 1/2 X 11 Carton Quantity: 12 Territory: World
Lark Photography Books |
Winning Digital Photo Contests Jeff Wignall Digital photo contests are hot, hot, HOT—and this savvy guide reveals the inside secrets and technical advice photographers need to find—and win—the best competitions. Jeff Wignall covers all aspects of this rising phenomenon, from finding safe and trustworthy contests to taking visually impressive and emotionally powerful photos that will catch the judges’ eyes. In addition to prizes, these contests provide digital photographers with a unique and unprecedented opportunity to showcase their work, and Wignall maps out how to take advantage of this exciting trend. He also includes one-on-one interviews with key contest owners and judges to get the behind-the-scenes scoop on why a particular photo won. The features contests include: Digital Image Cafe, National Wildlife Federation, Kodak, Steve’s Digicams, Popular Photography, Smithsonian Magazine, Wet Pixel, and many more. Well over 100 original contest-winning images appear throughout the book, with commentary from the contributing photographers on their specific style and shooting techniques.
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Publisher: A Lark Photography Book Published: October 2009
192 pages ISBN: 1-60059-475-1 ISBN13: 9781600594755 $19.95 US $25.95 Canadian Paper all in color 8 1/2 X 10 Carton Quantity: 24 Territory: World