Creatures of the Night

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Creatures born from a bite, and spreading the love the same way. These creatures can drain a body of blood in seconds. It’s their favorite drink. To survive, stay in the sunlight.

The d e walki ad reborn ng .T brain corpses w hese mon ith s. st legs... They’ve lo a taste fo ers are and e r veryw st all feelin human doubl here else. g in their e tap the he To survive , ad.

Men who turn to wolves on a full moon. They enjoy prey both animal and human, and hate silver. With a powerful sense of smell they can find a good snack a mile away. To survive, stay indoors on a full moon and carry some silver.

Sneaky and devious, ghosts sometimes will not attack. They will simply haunt. Intangable and the ability to move things in the human world, make ghosts a scary bump in the night. To survive, have a priest on speedial.

These can do just about anything. From fire spells to turning you into a lizard, witches excell in doing the unexpected. To survive, have a bucket of water handy to pour on them.

lay atop buildings at th e on st of s st Bea strike. They are as to ce an ch a r fo g waitin the ability to fly. e av h d an e on st hard as sun when these e th in t ou ay st e, To surviv decorations. monsters are just

Big and not the brightest, Ogres love to eat anything they can get ahold of which puts humans on the menue. They are strong enough to trear through forests using brute force. To survive, get somewhere these massive brutes cannot fit.

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of dead s n i a m e re the r nt to be a a s w e t i o m n Mum iply do ber. To m m s u l y s e l a kings. Th in their entern RB. ed disturb O NOT DISTU ,D sur vive not take pages, do not look behind you. Simply run. Run and hope he does not find you. He will, but maybe by running you can survive for a little longer...

May this guide help you to survie... at least a little longer.

chris Leach

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