Skegness Foreshore Design & Access Statement

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Christopher Wright C3277434 Leeds Beckett University PG Dip Landscape Architecture Advanced Landscape Architecture Studio 2014 - 2015

Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Introduction Site Context Deining the Public Realm Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal Hard Landscape Features Planting and Ecology Accessibility and Inclusive Design Maintenance

9.0 Appendix 10.0 References

8 10 20 24 50 62 76 78

80 84







Introduction 1.1


This design and access statement has been prepared by Christopher Wright for the redevelopment of Skegness’ beach and foreshore. The document has been produced to summarise the key design features that form the proposal for the Skegness Foreshore and the reasoning behind them.



Skegness, as with most coastal towns, is deined by its waterfront. The beach has been a major draw for

the town, particularly over the last century. Since 1878, when the then Earl of Scarborough commissioned the irst town plan, Skegness has grown as a popular tourist destination for families seeking a traditional seaside getaway, reaching its peak in the later half of the last century. Much of it’s ‘bucket and spade’ character shapes the town today, however there is a sense of Skegness clinging on to fading past times, consequently it is at risk of fading away like the very beaches that continue to characterise the town.


The proposal outlined within this document aims at realigning Skegness’ foreshore with the current and future demands associated with environmental and public needs. The design looks at celebrating Skegness’ locality and drawing upon its under utilised assets to create a vibrant and resilient new vision for the adrit town.



Site Context 2.1


The following documents were consulted during the development of the proposed masterplan for the Skegness Foreshore. They were used to guide and inform the proposed function of the foreshore and align the design vision with that of East Lindsey District Council. The key policies and principles relating to the development site and its future use have been summarised within this sub-chapter, the most relevant of which are included within the appendix.

2.1.1 An Asset & a Challenge; Heritage & Regeneration in Coastal Towns in England (English Heritage/Oct 2007)

A number of key drivers for the successful physical, social and economic regeneration of coastal towns have been identiied through the identiication of the case studies and vignetes covered in this document. Drivers for success: 1. Improved transport links 2. Investment in a high quality public realm 3. Dynamic visitor ofer 4. Clear target markets 5. Economic diversiication 6. New coastal leisure activities 7. The surrounding natural environment 8. High quality development 9. Leadership 10. Strategic direction

2.1.2 Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan (Humber Estuary Coastal Authorities Group/Dec 2010)

The shoreline management plan classiies the Skegness Foreshore as an area that requires “further action to sustain the current level of lood risk into the future

(responding to a potential increase in risk from climate change)”. The document also provides a summary of the policy to be adopted for the management of the Skegness coastline: “The policy for Mablethorpe to the southern end of Skegness will ensure continued protection against coastal looding and coastal erosion at the same standard as the present day. This policy will ensure all people and property, including the two principal towns of Mablethorpe and Skegness and their associated infrastructure and services, as well as historic environment assets and agricultural land at the rear of the towns continue to be protected from coastal erosion and looding. The interruption of natural processes may result in narrowing of the beaches, which has the potential to adversely afect the landscape and tourism value of these coastal towns. Increasingly sizeable defences are likely to be required as they become more exposed to wave atack (due to loss of beach as well as sea level rise). In the longer term (epoch 3), accelerating sea level rise could begin to cause problems for defence sustainability. Managed Realignment could be considered locally, in areas where appropriate, to ensure sustainable lood risk management for the future. The landward extent of any new defence line would be the minimum required to ensure sustainable defences; minimising the impacts on agricultural land, people, property and the historic environment. In addition to protecting against tidal inundation, increased drainage pumping may also be required to provide lood protection as sea levels rise. There will need to be suicient planning and time allocated for adaptation if this is undertaken”.

2.1.3 East Lindsey Core Strategy

2.1.4 East Lindsey Design Guidance

activity on the Foreshore.

(East Lindsey District Council/Dec 2013)

(East Lindsey District Council/June 2012)

“We want the coast to have a strong, diverse and growing economy and business sector. The coast provides all year round tourism. Skegness and Mablethorpe continue to ofer safe, traditional family holidays but the ofer has grown to incorporate the wild, beautiful and natural landscape of the District’s coast. We want the population of the coast to remain broadly stable but ensure that those living on the coast are able to access good quality housing. We want to take a negative issue like lood risk and make it a positive part of the coast, where our communities are well informed, self prepared and resilient and we will work with all our partners to ensure that this is the case.”

The East Lindsey place-making checklist has been developed as a tool kit to be used by parties involved in both the planning application process and decision making to ensure that there is a consistent approach to design principles across the District. It aims to support improvement in the quality and design of the built environment.

Enhanced Public Realm Provide visual impact and amenity through-out the year. Promote the development of a key ‘atractor’ – a unique building that provides the Foreshore with a focal point.

Select policies regarding coastal East Lindsey: - The Council will give a high priority to development that extends and diversiies all-year round employment opportunities, contributes directly to the local economy, infrastructure or extends and diversiies the tourism market. - New and replacement community buildings will be supported, providing they are located within or adjacent to an existing setlement. - The Council will support improvements to the existing lood defences, the creation of new lood defences and infrastructure associated with emergency planning. - The Council will support development on the Skegness Foreshore providing it accords with the Skegness Foreshore Development Brief endorsed on 11/10/2012. - The Council will support development of the Wild Coast Vision of the Coastal Country Park where it conforms to the principles of sustainable development set out in the policies of this Plan.

The place-making checklist is based on six key design principles: 1. A sense of character 2. Streets and spaces shaped by buildings 3. Architectural quality 4. Easy for everyone to get around 5. Interesting places 6. Built to last generations 7. Unique strategic sites*

Multiple Visits Encourage multiple visits to the Foreshore through-out the year from both local residents and visitors Provision of Open Space Compliment open space delivered through other developments or include multi-use space which will enhance the usability of the Foreshore for multiple activities Improved Access and Movement Be designed in order to deliver ‘coherent space’, ‘sight lines’ and ‘intuitive movement’ Realising the potential of the Foreshore’s Natural assets Maximise the potential of the Foreshore’s natural assets such as the Beach, Gardens and Green Spaces

*the Skegness Foreshore falls within this category, a separate document regarding speciic design guidelines has been produced entitled ‘Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles’

See appendix Fig.9.A.1-3

2.1.6 Enterprising the Coast

2.1.5 Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles (East Lindsey District Council/Oct 2012)

Broadened offer Develop the Foreshore’s ofer in a way that leads to season extension and enhanced product appeal to a wider audience to ensure the Foreshore ofers ‘something for everyone’ Improved Quality Set the ‘quality agenda’ both in terms of design and leisure ofer for both current and future commercial


(East Lindsey District Council)

See appendix Fig.9.B.1 (Extract regarding recommended areas of development)




Node Key Feature/Activity Destination Site Boundary

Main Access Route Restricted Movement

Hard Defences Soft Defences

2.2.1 Site Extents

2.2.2 Access and Movement Patterns

2.2.3 Current Sea Defences

The vision for the area is fragmented and activity is focused centrally, resulting in poor use of the northern and southern extents.

Access to the beach is strong, however there is a need for a legible, continuous route throughout the foreshore.

It has been recognised in the ‘Shoreline Management Plan’ (2010) that realignment of the areas sea defences is required for long term resilience.


Site Context 2.2


Skegness is situated in a fairly isolated position on the Lincolnshire coast, overlooking the North Sea. With a population of 25,000 it is one of the larger towns in the East Lindsey District, however the town sufers from social and economic deprivation and is at risk of coastal looding and accelerated beach erosion.

Skegness, East Lindsey, Lincolnshire Population: 24,876 (2011)

Skegness’ qualities have been inherited through its function as a tourist destination over the last century and although many of its atractions have become outdated and poorly maintained, the town still possesses atractive qualities that add to its sense of place.

Accessible Green Space Local Asset

2.2.4 Local Green Assets There is an opportunity for the foreshore to improve connectivity with Gibraltar point and redeine Skegness’ character as an ‘ecological coast’.

The design aims at reviving Skegness through realigning the towns image while retaining the core character that makes Skegness unique.



Large areas along foreshore used for car parking

Boarded off attractions and ‘forgotten’ spaces

Vehicular dominated high street

Active building frontages

Bed & Breakfast Architecture

Well maintained ‘past time’ features


Site Context 2.3

‘Anywhere Architecture’

Attractions shut off through most of the year

Commercialisation of prime foreshore locations


Seafront Pier

Proximity to dunes and coastal marsh habitats 15



Long sandy beach


Key Feature/Activity Destination Site Boundary

Soft Defences

2.5.1 Proposed Site Structure

2.5.2 Proposed Network

2.5.3 Proposed Realignment

Programme a series of spaces along the entire foreshore with a key atractor to make it a destination as a whole and improve activity along its length.

Extend existing routes across the foreshore and create a hierarchy of pedestrian walkways along its entire length.

Improve resilience and longevity of the foreshore through creating a layered structure of natural sea defences.


Site Context 2.5


Site analysis and feasibility studies highlighted four key opportunities for the foreshore development to be targeted in the design proposal. These opportunities for improvement relate to: - Site structure - Networks and movement - Realignment of sea defences - Green Infrastructure These opportunities combine with the objective of redeining how the foreshore functions as a unity, in order to address the currently fragmented nature of activity along the site.

2.5.4 Proposed Green Infrastructure Extend the landscape character along the entire foreshore to enhance coastal ecology, improve lood/ erosion resilience and redeine Skegness.




Defining the Public Realm 3.1


3.1.1 Vision “To achieve coastal resilience through ecologically embodied interventions”

3.1.2 Concept The driving concept behind the design is to celebrate Skegness’ coastal ecology through the use of existing site topography , the creation of dunes and realignment of sea defences in order to: - Create a coherent character along the foreshore - Improve coastal resilience and stabilise the shoreline through natural processes - Create a bold new vision for Skegness.


Inspiration from the surrounding landscape character interpreted to create a coherent, unique foreshore setting.

Exploratory feature walkways threaded through the landscape.

Key attractor reaching out into the foreshore


Defining the Public Realm 3.2


The key principles that have guided the proposed regeneration of the Skegness Foreshore site are in line with the objectives outlined by East Lindsey District Council in the ‘Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles’ framework. While the overarching principles are expressed under the same headings as the framework, they have been interpreted in a manner which emphasises the proposed concept for the site.

3.2.1 Broadened Offer The original vision for the Skegness Foreshore as stated in the ‘Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles’ framework was to create something ‘For Everyone, For Every Season’. Broadening the ofer to this extent could confuse and dilute the character of the town further, therefore the proposed design seeks to consolidate on what Skegness and the local landscape already ofers rather than seeking to provide bits of everything. The design will enhance Skegness as a nature destination through improving links to nearby nature reserves and educating on local ecology and climate change. The design will also feature a new cultural centre, acting as a key atractor for the foreshore and the town, improving year round visitor appeal and connections within the local community.

3.2.2 Improved Quality The design will provide a coherent character for the entire foreshore, creating a legible and unbroken seting for activities along the waterfront and strengthening Skegness’ identity. The design will unify the currently fragmented and confused nature of the foreshore. Each element of the proposed public realm will function on multiple layers, meeting the demands of the users of the site while providing ecosystem and habitat services.

3.2.3 Enhanced Public Realm

3.2.6 Improved Access and Permeability

The design will feature resilient spaces that subtly integrate coastal reinforcement and ecosystem services in a way that improves the activities associated with the foreshore. The spaces within the site will take consideration of the dynamic processes experienced within seafront environments, and act as ‘plug ins’ subtly arranged along the waterfront. The focus of activity will be realigned along the entire foreshore to help strengthen the beaches resilience to erosion and rising sea levels.

A key focus of the design is to improve movement along the entire foreshore through a strong network of routes that encourage intuitive exploration of the site. This will be helped through the balance of ‘plug ins’ aligned along the foreshore to create an even distribution of activity. Access to the site will be strengthened through a series of gateways at key points along the foreshore, with the creation of a strong pedestrian link from the high street. The design will improve links along the beach front with the aim of connecting Skegness Foreshore to the wider destinations of Chapel St Leonards and Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve.

3.2.4 Multiple Visits The foreshores atraction as a tourist destination will be strengthened through the realignment of its vision and overall function. It will atract those seeking a traditional seaside break while increasing in appeal as a nature destination with improved links to Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve. A new key atractor in the form of an environmental and culture centre will encourage regular visits to the foreshore throughout the year and the provision of community orientated activities will improve its use on a day-to-day basis.

3.2.5 Provision of Open Space A ‘gateway’ will act as a key node in connecting the existing high street to the foreshore, while celebrating the transition from one to the other. The design aims at unlocking the potential of the existing open space, creating a series of sequential ‘plug ins’ linked by a hierarchy of exploratory walkways. The proposal seeks to subtly integrate the programming of the beach and foreshore in a way that enhances and maximises the potential of the beaches and dunes’ inherent character.


3.2.7 Realising the Potential Foreshore’s Natural Assets



The design seeks to celebrate the natural assets found along the foreshore and within its immediate context through extending the local character along the entire foreshore as a coherent and unifying canvas. There is a focus on enhancing the sites natural character in order to increase its ecological value and the positive efects it could bring to strengthening Skegness’ identity. The design also aims to maximise on the important functions the local habitat typologies have in stabilising the beaches and the protection they ofer from high tides and sea level rise. The overriding concept for the proposal is the use of natural solutions to provide Skegness with long term protection from predicted sea level rise and beach erosion. Through establishing a ‘Green Hub’, the proposal will improve awareness of assets in the area and create strong links to Gibraltar Point, enhancing Skegness’ appeal as a wildlife destination.

SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal

Chapel St Leonards


7 2


Car Park


Community Hub


Culture Centre

4 Educational/Green Hub 5

Gateway Space

6 Lagoon 7


8 Pier 9 Promenade 10 Public Core 11 Salt Marsh 12 Sports & Recreation 13 ‘Timber Ribbon’ Walkway


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.1


13 Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve




4 10 3



5 5 Clock Tower



SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal








Fig.4.2c Design language


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.2


The proposed masterplan is underpinned by three core elements that provide a framework and seting for how the foreshore will function (Fig.4.2c). These three elements are: - An ‘Ecological Carpet’ that contributes to the character and experience of the foreshore and determines how the landscape will perform as part of an ecosystem. - A series of ‘Plug In Spaces’ that allow human integration within the foreshore. - A ‘Connective Framework’ that informs how pedestrians will move through and experience the ‘Ecological Carpet’

4.2.1 The Ecological Carpet The Ecological Carpet is conceived to perform important ecosystem services such as slowing the process of beach erosion and providing long term protection from sea level rise and looding. Realignment of Skegness’ sea defences through layering of dune systems (Fig.4.2a & b) will create new habitats along the seafront including salt marsh and lagoon ecosystems. These provide important environmental and wildlife functions but also act as character givers and will help to create a new nature driven vision for the town.

Fig. 4.2a Typical topographical section through salt marsh habitat Layering of dunes support important habitats and defend against rising sea levels while allowing human exploration along them

The Skegness Foreshore will perform on multiple levels, providing for both human and environmental needs.

4.2.2 Plug In Spaces It was important within the design that residents did not become cut of from the water through realignment of the beaches sot sea defences. Coastal resilience and human interaction with the foreshore has been achieved through a series of ‘Plug In’ spaces, spaces that interact with the dune systems but allow their continuity

Fig.4.2b Typical topographical section through sheltered lake habitat Primary dune system provides strong level of protection from sea and harsh offshore weather conditions, allowing diverse habitats to form along the foreshore.


SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal

along the foreshore. These ‘plug in’ environments allow for activity at points along the foreshore without compromising its structural and ecological integrity. The ‘plug in’ spaces provide areas for play, sports, gathering, learning, relaxation and events, creating a lively and diverse destination of the foreshore.

4.2.3 Connective Framework The proposed design uniies the foreshore through a network of pedestrian routes that provide a seamless transition between spaces. The hierarchy of pathways allow direct movement along or exploratory movement within the foreshore for pedestrians and cyclists. Main routes connect the Skegness Foreshore to wider destinations along the coast, including Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve to the south. Access to the seafront is provided by a series of breaks along the western edge from Skegness town centre, these align with key pedestrian and vehicular routes that penetrate through Skegness and provide direct views towards the beach. A key access point to the foreshore is from Skegness High Street and provides a direct link between the railway station and major car parks to the beach. This has been celebrated in the design through a key gateway space and entrance to a new iconic building, housing the proposed Skegness Culture Centre. It has been picked up within the masterplan that the Skegness High Street (Lumley Road) should be pedestrianised in order to strengthen the link between the foreshore and town centre.

4.2.4 Multiple Users The masterplan decentralises the existing focus towards tourism and places an increased emphasis on providing local facilities for local communities in order to establish greater diversity in user demographic. The proposal

includes facilities for use by sports teams, young age groups, community and social groups, environment and culture interest groups, schools and tourists. The ecological character of the proposed interventions will broaden the appeal of Skegness’ existing tourism industry to encompass wild life and nature enthusiasts. The Skegness Foreshore will become a central hub for wildlife tourism with links out to Gibraltar point, Lincolnshire Coastal Grazing Marshes and Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park.

4.2.5 Removal of Existing Infrastructure The design development phase explored multiple options of integrating existing built form within the site boundary into any new proposal. However, it was concluded that much of the existing infrastructure was contributing to the disconnect experienced along the seafront and that site wide connectivity could be drastically improved through removal of built form at the centre of the foreshore (Fig.4.2d). Key character enhancers such as the pier and Victorian viewing shelters have been noted for their positive impact and form integral aspects of the proposed masterplan. The following elements have been removed within the design: - Natureland Seal Sanctuary (existing proposal for relocation included in masterplan)

- Lost World Adventure Park - Pleasurebeach Amusements (main barrier to movement along foreshore and closed for large periods of the year. Masterplan provides lexible space for seasonal fairground)

- Skegness Boating Lake (currently closed for use & doesn’t compliment proposed foreshore vision)

- Embassy Theatre (Barrier to accessing foreshore from Grand Parade and blocks link to Tower Gardens. New theatre proposed within Culture Centre in prime location)

- Suncastle and McDonald’s Restaurants (Current locations either block key access routes or dilute proposed foreshore vision. Opportunities to relocated along main high street or within Culture Centre)

Existing Existing to be Removed Site Boundary Fig.4.2d Built form to be removed

Swimming Walking Route Cycle Route Skating Sports Facilities Active Elements Play Relaxation Food & Drink Temporary Market Events Space Cultural Activity Ecological Value Education Element Fig.4.3a Programming

Viewing Platform


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.3


In order to encourage multiple visits, broaden the ofer and realise the full potential of the Skegness Foreshore a diverse menu of activities has been plugged into the masterplan. The programming of the foreshore has been considered so that there is a seasonal transition in provision of activities, maximising the potential of each space and creating year round appeal. The types of activity available range from everyday necessities such as a place to walk and play, to seasonal events including festivals and markets.

elements such as pathways within the design or the location of seating/shelters. The variety of walkways create the opportunity for pedestrians to explore the foreshore in greater depth, wider paths provide safer routes for cyclists to travel along the coast to further aield and design elements such as the ‘Timber Ribbon’ and ‘Beach Arena’ encourage informal play. The design allows the foreshore to become a seting for activities including jogging, swimming or a place for gathering and relaxation.

4.3.1 Permanent Programming

4.3.3 Multi-functional/Flexible Space

To encourage regular use of the foreshore throughout the year, a range of activities have been permanently programmed through provision of their required elements within the design. This includes the interrelationship between built form and public realm, for example the placement of hard surfaces to allow cafe/restaurant spill-out or the location of community hubs so that the foreshore becomes an outdoor resource for community gatherings. Other elements featured within the design that encourage permanent programming of the foreshore include:

The inclusion of lexible space within the foreshore masterplan creates the opportunity for programming of large scale events that draw seasonal visitors to Skegness. Examples of events that could become key atractors for Skegness include:

- Play equipment - Interactive elements (e.g. climbing routes/ water) - Cultural Centre - Sports and leisure courts - Skate Park - Beach - Water activities in the sea and lake

4.3.2 Passive Programming Passive programming refers to opportunities created for activity through the considered inclusion of

- Musics festivals - Cultural festivals (e.g. food/ the arts/ environment) - Sport events - Outdoor theatre/ ilm

in the masterplan could become summer locations for a temporary fairground that is a key atractor during the peak tourist months, but makes way for other seasonal actives throughout the down periods.

Temporary summer fairground and festival

The current location of Skegness market, of of the main high street, means it has diminished signiicantly in size and appeal. The Skegness Foreshore could become a new location for the market, creating weekday activity along the foreshore while increasing the economic prospects for the market traders. The existing fairground has been removed within the proposed masterplan as it has become derelict and is closed for large parts of the year, resulting in the fragmented nature that is currently experienced along the seafront throughout the autumn, winter and spring months. The central hard space and plaza area featured 31

Skating and sports facilities create evening activity







13 5

3 7




8 16

6 5


10 9




Car Park


Educational Hub

4 Existing Viewing Shelter 15 5


Foreshore Access

6 Lagoon 15


Paved Courtyard

8 Primary Dune 9 Salt Marsh 10 Secondary Dune 2

11 Secondary Footpath 12 Tertiary Footpath 13 Tidal Breach 14 Timber Ribbon 15 Viewing Platform 16 Woodland Edge


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.4


The southern third of the masterplan primarily focuses on restoring important coastal habitats and improving long term resilience against sea level rise through realignment of the existing sea defences and layering of sot landscape elements. Three layers of dunes running parallel to the foreshore will provide coastal resilience against tidal surges. Breaches in the existing primary dune will allow the tide to iniltrate the area between the primary and secondary dunes during high tides (Fig.4.4a) creating the conditions for a salt marsh habitat to establish over time. The creation of this diminishing habitat will have ecological and environmental beneits for the foreshore while stabilising the rate of beach erosion. Mimicking the conditions of dune succession, diverse terrestrial habitats will form towards the back of the foreshore and provide the inal layer of sea defences. These include brackish lagoon ponds and woodland edge habitats, typologies that a frequently observed along the coast between Skegness and Gibraltar Point.

Tidal Surge (Future high tide base on Defra 2006 sea level rise predictions)

Mean High Tide

Mean Low Tide Fig.4.4a Schematic diagram showing water levels at different stages of tidal activity Salt marsh colonises area behind primary dunes submerged during high tides. The lagoons provide temporary water storage during tidal surges and slowly drains away once the tide has retreated. 14


A network of pathways overlay this ‘ecological carpet’ of restored habitats to invite human activity into the foreshore. A layered approach has been taken towards deining footpaths in order to inluence how they are to be experienced by the user. The three layers are: 11

- Primary Footpaths (wider routes providing direct movement along the entire foreshore and access to key public spaces). - Secondary Footpaths (transitional routes between primary footpaths and spaces within the foreshore) - Tertiary Footpaths (informal routes that evoke an intimate and exploratory experience). 33


SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal




Educational Hub

6 Lagoon 7

Paved Courtyard

8 Primary Dune 9 Salt Marsh 10 Secondary Dune 11 Secondary Footpath 12 Tertiary Footpath 14 Timber Ribbon 15 Viewing Platform 16 Woodland Edge

Section A-A’









The network of pathways lead to intimate spaces plugged in to the foreshore, predominantly the spaces within this area encourage exploration and observation of the coastal habitats. A range of viewing platforms and existing viewing shelters placed within the foreshore provide areas of respite, directing views while creating a more personal experience within the foreshore. Activity within the southern third of the masterplan focuses around a new educational hub, this provides a base for




community groups and local schools to interact with the foreshore. The educational hub will also provide an information point for visitors to the foreshore and aim at creating links with Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve to help ‘sell’ the Skegness Foreshore as an ‘Ecological Coast’.


A’ 35



2 7 7

1 12 15



10 11

B 14


Beach Arena


Car Park


Clock Tower

4 Culture Centre 5



Embryo Dune

6 Gateway 7


8 Plaza 9 Podium Events Space

3 6 4


10 Primary Dune 11 Promenade 12 Secondary Dune 13 Sports/Leisure Facilities 14 Timber Retaining Walls 15 Tower Gardens 16 Vehicular Beach Access


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.5


The Central Core mimics the natural build up of dune succession to achieve coastal resilience, however the intermediary habitats between the dunes have been replaced by human activities in order to create a public core that achieves the layered resilience of sot sea defence mechanisms. The existing sea wall has been replaced by a landscape that steps the level change from the town to the beach over a greater distance, providing a multi layered protective bufer that allows the sea and human activity to grow into one another (Fig.4.5a). The underlying principal for the hard interventions within the Central Core is to retain a continuity to the

dune systems and for them to seamlessly low from the fore of the beach to the rear. The hard interventions will embrace the principal of ‘plug in spaces’ and be constructed on podiums to allow the dune habitats to run uninterrupted underneath. The Central Core will function as the main gateway to the foreshore, acting as a transitional space between the town and the beach. The design will facilitate large numbers of people and act as a starting point for the dispersal of activity along the seafront. A new Culture Centre will provide a focal point for the foreshore and be a hub with a theatre, gallery space, cafĂŠs and restaurants.


Fig.4.5a Diagram showing proposed sea defence realignment Existing final line of defence Proposed final line of defence Soft sea defences

SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal

Skegness’ new active seafront promenade


SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal

The seting for the centre will be a stepped plaza that connects the main high street to the beach and will facilitate gathering, play, relaxation and events. A new open air events space resides within the layered dunes to provide a sheltered extension to beach activity. The events space will be used for markets, festivals and seasonal events and will functions as Skegness’ main civic space. Running parallel to the shore is a revamped timber promenade as a seting for interaction with the seafront. The promenade is imagined as a ‘timber beach’. The promenade forms part of the primary movement route that links the entire foreshore.


Embryo Dune

6 Gateway 9 Podium Events Space 10 Primary Dune 11 Promenade 12 Secondary Dune 14 Timber Retaining Walls

4.5.1 Shared Street The main gateway to the foreshore is a key node between Skegness’ main high street (Lumley Road) and the proposed Culture Centre. As an extension of the foreshore development, there is an opportunity to re-imagine the street as a pedestrian space to create an uninterrupted link from the town centre to the beach (Fig.4.5b). This opportunity provides a direct response to East Lindsey District Council’s desire to improve connections between the town and foreshore as outlined in the ‘Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles’ framework.

Section B-B’ Fig.4.5b Proposed area of pedestrianisation





4.5.1 Podium Principles The podium allows the integration of human activity into a dynamic dune system, where the dunes are still able to expand and migrate without efecting the functionality of the space in regards to human requirements. This is achieved through allowing the dunes to seamlessly continue underneath the podium without being contained within bounded edges. This also means that during storm surges the dunes will take the impact in dissipating wave energy, with the sea water running underneath the podium (Fig.4.5c). The dunes may erode during powerful storms, however the cost of repairing them is considerably less than repairing any hard infrastructure that could have been damaged if it were constructed using traditional methods.



B Fig.4.5c Schematic demonstrating reasoning behind the use of a podium landscape (A) rather than conventional hard landscape techniques (B).







4 6

13 1

3 9



2 7





Car Park


Community Centre

4 Dune Walkway 5

Embryo Dune

6 Existing Viewing Shelter 6

7 10


8 Play Area 9 Primary Dune 10 Primary Footpath 11 Skate Park





12 Sports Area 13 Timber Walkway


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.6




An existing primary dune provides a high level of protection within the northern third from the harsh climate coming from the sea. This less exposed climate creates conditions for a greater diversity of planting to establish, as such this area is envisioned as a species rich lake habitat. The lake will function as an environmental and leisure resource, providing a central focal point from which to orientate activity around. 11

Within the northern third, there is a greater focus towards community activities and provision of open space for local residents. A new community centre overlooks the foreshore and functions as a base for local groups to use on a regular basis. A skate park along with sports and leisure facilities will provide accessible amenities for local residents and will improve the signiicance of the Skegness Foreshore’s role in everyday activities. A series of footpaths provide diferent ways of exploring the lake and dunes, while helping to integrate the northern third with the rest of the foreshore.


SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal




Car Park


Community Centre

4 Dune Walkway 5

Embryo Dune



9 Primary Dune 10 Primary Footpath 13 Timber Walkway

Section C-C’












SKEGNESS FORESHORE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT //4.0 Landscape Design & Masterplan Proposal

Involving local schools and children’s groups in coastal habitat conservation and educational activities.

Engage the local community through involvement in dune construction and restoration.

Raise profile of local wildlife through connections with Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve and programme community activities in affiliation with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.7


The proposed realignment of Skegness’ Foreshore also aims to re-function an area heavily directed towards the tourism industry which as a result has become underutilised by the local community. The masterplan looks at broadening the ofer of the foreshore to become an integral destination for the surrounding communities in order to foster a sense of pride and ownership over an important local asset.

will also feature a gallery space for local schools and community groups to exhibit art and performance work and will be available to local organisations for events. The Culture Centre will act as key atractor, bringing in year round visitors but will also serve the local community on a daily basis.

4.7.3 Links with Schools & Social Groups 4.7.1 Provision of Community Facilities In order to engage the local residents and encourage interaction with the foreshore, community facilities have been distributed along the entire length of the Skegness seafront. These include a new sports and leisure area with open access courts, a Community Hub and an Education & Information Suite, a state of the art Culture Centre acting as a key atractor for the foreshore and a series of open outdoor spaces to allow for community gatherings and events.

The foreshore will become an educational asset for Skegness and will foster strong relationships with local schools and youth groups in order to educate on the important role the coastal environment has, especially in relation to climate change and the impacts of sea level rise.

The distribution of these facilities along the length of the foreshore helps to disperse activity throughout the site and create an environment where intensity of use is evenly spread and the whole foreshore becomes an active resource for the local communities.

An Education & Information Suite located adjacent to the new salt marsh will provide accessible space for schools to bring children and wander out onto the diverse dune habitats. It will act as a base for groups to explore and learn about the coastal ecology that surrounds Skegness and will create important links with Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve, with the aim of educating and preserving the important coastal habitats that feature heavily along this stretch of coastline.

4.7.2 Culture Centre

4.7.4 Realisation and Maintenance

A new Skegness Culture Centre will become a key atractor for Skegness and a year round destination along the foreshore.

The involvement of community groups in the realisation of a project of this nature would have a huge positive impact on the interrelationship between the site and local residents.

Primarily, the centre will be home to a new theatre, replacing the old theatre along Grand Parade. The Culture Centre will also house a new cafe, bars and restaurants in order for it to become the heart of the foreshore. It

Much of the project is about restoring a sensitive habitat and integrating human activities within that environment. To achieve this it is important for the


local community to take ownership and pride over the space in order to preserve its integrity. Involving the community from an early stage will empower a level of understanding and respect for the ecology the project is trying to restore. Actively engaging residents in realising the project, such as constructing, planting and maintaining the dunes systems would help to establish the foreshore as a protected and well integrated resource.






Fig.4.8a Proposed phasing boundaries


Landscape Design and Masterplan Proposal 4.8


The proposed masterplan aims at combining human function and natural dynamics, therefore it will continually evolve and elements such as dunes and salt marsh will take time to establish. In order to achieve the desired richness and diversity it is beneicial to implement the masterplan in phases.

form the typical coastal character within the area. Temporary board and chain walkways will be constructed to explore the site and the permanent walkways will replace them once the habitats have begun to form and dunes stabilise.

4.8.2 Northern Third The masterplan can be split into the following suggested phases, not necessarily in the order below: - Southern Third (Implementation of necessary infrastructure in order to aid the establishment of the diferent habitats. This will include temporary community shelters and walkways, with the inal walkways to be constructed once the environment begins to stabilise). - Northern Third (Removal of existing infrastructure and construction of lake and accompanying sports and leisure facilities). - Central Core (Culture Centre, accompanying public realm and establishment of dunes). - The seafront pathway that runs through each area should be implemented as a whole in order to allow for uninterrupted movement along the whole foreshore.

4.8.1 Southern Third The southern third consists of predominantly natural elements, all of which will take time to establish. As such, the necessary interventions should be made early on in the masterplans implementation to allow time for planting to stabilize dunes and salt marsh habitats to begin to form. As part of this phase, temporary structures will provide community bases for community and educational involvement in the project. These bases will be formed using old caravans and beach huts which

There is already an existing dune system along the beach, therefore the Northern Third can be constructed in one phase as the interventions within this area require an initial human input to create their form, planting can continually establish as the space is being used. As the current state of the Northern Third is underused, implementation of this phase can occur early on to provide a new community area for the town and begin activating the foreshore. This phase will also create a new permanent base for community involvement within the project.

central phase was conceived irst, there would be very litle existing points of interest to encourage the public to explore the length of the seafront. Retaining the existing infrastructure at the centre of the foreshore will ensure current functionality of the space remains until the later stages of the project. Potentially, the progressive establishment of the northern and southern thirds could have a positive impact on the public’s engagement with the foreshore and improve its use during establishment beyond its current capacity.

4.8.3 Central Core The Central Core consists of the proposed Culture Centre, seafront promenade, and a series of lexible public open spaces. Currently, this area is where a lot of the existing activity is focused and includes the Embassy Theatre, Pleasure Beach Amusement Park and public swimming pool. For this reason, it is recommended the central phase of the masterplan occurs last due to the current role it plays in activating the foreshore. The proposed masterplan aims to spread activity along the entire foreshore, with the central core acting as a gateway to the wider northern and southern areas. Therefore, it is important that the northern and southern areas are established before the central core as there is currently very litle to encourage activity in those areas. If the 49

Use of beach huts as engaging community hubs

Example of a temporary board and chain walkway



Hard Landscape Features 5.1


The main consideration for the hard materials used within the design is how well they will perform under the environmental stresses of a coastal location, such as their resistance to corrosion and their ability to perform in harsh weather environments. The materials used within the design will be chosen on their functional properties before aesthetic qualities, to achieve a scheme that possesses long term quality and sustainability. Aesthetically, the palete of materials used within the design will be reined, subtly weaving the hard landscape features with the sot. They will enhance the impact of the sot landscape and help in unifying the foreshore. The design of the hard landscape will use texture to enrich the experience perceived by the receptor and distinguish the hierarchy of spaces along the foreshore

site and will allow the natural dynamics of the area to strongly impress the sense of character perceived along the foreshore. The palete of hard materials predominantly featured within the design includes: -

Concrete (architecture/footpaths) Jarrah timber (decking/furniture) Wrought iron (balustrades/structural elements) Cast iron (structural elements) Loose stone pathways Sand Boulders (landscape and play elements)

5.1.1 Hard Landscape Palette The approach to material selection has been to observe the existing character deining features within Skegness and to use them as inspiration for the proposed hard materials palete, with the aim of embedding the design into the local vernacular and using materials that have a proven resistance to the coastal climate. The Skegness Pier has inluenced the materials palete through its use of cast and wrought iron framework and Australian Jarrah timber decking. These materials are robust and provide longevity in harsh coastal conditions, as well as generating the piers unique character. The chosen palete of materials evokes a natural sotness that compliments the coastal ecology of the

Decorative wrought iron panels around the perimeter of Skegness Pier

5.1.2 Surface Finishes

5.1.3 Street Furniture

5.1.4 Lighting

The surface inishes within the design will predominantly consist of jarrah hardwood timber and inished concrete. These two materials will form a majority of pathways running through the foreshore, however informal routes will be formed through self binding aggregate or sand. The larger public open spaces will be constructed using concrete podiums or large bespoke slabs. The use of high quality stone paving will form a transitional zone between the existing Parade and the foreshore.

Use of furniture throughout the design will primarily feature non prescriptive/playful elements that invoke opportunistic interaction with foreshore. Furniture will be integrated within the hard and sot landscape surfaces rather than ‘of the shelf products’ to enhance the sites sense of individuality. In recognition of this prospect, existing furniture will be retained and reconditioned to support a cultural link to Skegness’ past at its peak of the tourism boom.

As with street furniture, existing lighting columns will be retained along the foreshore with newly proposed lighting along main pathways to compliment their unique character. Subtle lighting will be used to enhance the dunes along main pedestrian routes, however to preserve the natural dynamics of the foreshore lighting will be restricted in the areas towards the southern extremities of the site. Feature lighting will be used within viewing platforms and along the Timber Ribbon.

Artistic approaches to using concrete as a paving surface

‘Playable’ features can be interpreted as sculpture/art/seating. Existing seating to be relocated along foreshore

Lighting masts to be reused along the foreshore. Creative incorporation of lighting into landscape features



Shaped timbers form a slightly undulating surface that mimics the topography of the dunes, giving the walkway a sculptural and organic quality that enhances the experience of the coastal landscape. The undulations are subtle to ensure they aren’t a restriction to walkability.


Hard Landscape Features 5.2


The ‘Timber Ribbon’ is the primary route through the dunes at the fore of the beach. This southern area of the foreshore will predominantly be characterised by the planting and ecological process that envelope the site over time, the ‘Timber Ribbon’ will form an artistic, sculptural element set amongst this natural landscape. Inspired by works created by the photographer Andy Hemingway, the walkway will follow the contours of the dunes and weave between them without interrupting their natural lines. As the name suggests, the walkways will create the impression of a ribbon of timber running through the landscape. It will provide a unique and immersive way for visitors to explore the character of the dunes and experience their topographical nature without damaging their structure.

The walkway at Pedreira Do Campo appears organic within the sites topography and presents a strong sculptural quality that compliments the surrounding landscape character.

Standard walkways limit the experience of moving through dune landscapes to the two dimensional. The ‘Timber Ribbon’ will follow the dunes topography to experience their three dimensions.


Light painting photography by Andy Hemingway. The ribbon of light responds to the sites topography, flowing over it rather the intersecting through it.


The promenade will be an extension of the beach and a place for lounging and observation across the foreshore.

Use of jarrah timber decking along Skegness Pier.

Informal gathering and activities will take place on the promenade. It will form both an active route and engaging public space.


Hard Landscape Features 5.3


The timber promenade acts as a inal transition from town to beach, hard to sot. It will serve as an interface between visitors to the foreshore and the beach, playing host to leisure and recreational activities such as walking, cycling and sunbathing and will also support a retractable refreshments stand. The promenade is the primary link between the northern and southern extents of the foreshore. The timber decking board will be a form of hardwood called jarrah, a durable and extremely hard-wearing timber. Jarrah timber decking boards have been used in the construction of Skegness pier and give a good indication of its suitability to coastal applications. The use of jarrah timber will also help to tie the design in with the local character.







Detailed plan of typical walkway and viewing platform


Concrete pad


2m wide jarrah timber deck


900mm high wrought iron bars


Water tolerant planting


Hard Landscape Features 5.4


The design language of the viewing platforms is expressed through the simplistic use of geometry to create interventions that are visually unobtrusive on the surrounding seting. A timber platform directs movement towards a ‘loating’ concrete pad, the triangular form orientates views out in all directions, with the rounded corners reaching out over into the landscape to create a sense of immersion (Fig.5.4a).

5.4.1 Materials A railing is formed along one edge of the timber platforms through lat wrought iron bars that ix between jarrah timber deck boards (Fig.5.4b). The bars form a permeable barrier, allowing views through while providing a safe edge to the walkway. The materials palete creates a local aesthetic, taking inspiration from Skegness Pier. The industrial nature of the materials mean they will retain their integrity within the harsh climate. Subtle variations in textures and shades will combine to create a sophisticated aesthetic.

Fig.5.4a Design principles Platform geometry allows 360 degree views. Orientation of wrought iron bar railings create visual permeability through walkway.




1 Materials Palette




Fig.5.4b Walkway construction principles Flat wrought iron bars fix between deck boards to create a visually unobtrusive aesthetic with fixings hidden from view



Furniture and steps form a perimeter around the beach arena

Temporary events will be programmed within the arena

Use as a ‘sand pit’ for recreation and play


Hard Landscape Features 5.5


The beach arena forms a sheltered events and leisure space, providing a contained area away from the main beach for activities such as children’s play, temporary sports competitions or outdoor performances. Timber decking surrounds the arenas perimeter to create a ‘soter’ surface for siting or lying. It is intended that the beach arena will become an established forum within the town and an outlet to showcase the towns creative groups.

Steps down to the beach arena create an amphitheatre focused around a central events/recreation space.




Timber Ribbon Exploratory Route Fig.5.6a Proposed locations for play elements

Play Interventions


Hard Landscape Features 5.6


The masterplan envisions the Skegness Foreshore as an integral outdoor space in the daily lives of the surrounding communities. The ‘Skegness Green Infrastructure Audit’ highlights how local level leisure and recreation space is below the required threshold, the foreshore will become a key provider of local level amenity space. Play facilities will not become isolated areas, instead, playful ofers will be threaded throughout the public realm, including distinctive focus points such as play equipment set in engaging landscaping, communal gathering space and facilities for games and wheeled activities, and incidental features that encourage children to play. Diferent age groups should be able to make use of the spaces through varying activities at diferent times of the day. Carefully selected play equipment, facilities and nonprescriptive features such as changes of level, hard and sot landscaping, and other landscape features will create playful ofers that merge into the wider open space, encouraging a wide range of play activities while also allowing the space to be enjoyed by adults.

Interactive water features have sculptural and play qualities

Activities programmed on the beach

Hidden/exploratory routes create a sense of anticipation

Incorporation of adventure features within the landscape

Prescribed adolescent and adult play

Placement of natural features to encourage informal play

Play and amenity provision will consist of the following elements: - Sports ields and pitches - Skating facilities - Prescribed play equipment - Natural play elements - Interactive playful elements such as water features - Exploratory routes (log crossings, climbing elements)



Inshore dune grasses

Terrestrial woodland/scrub habitat along Skegness Coastline

Lagoon at Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve


Planting and Ecology 6.1


The planting, ecology and sot landscape structure will be the unifying characteristic along the length of the foreshore. It will provide an ecologically rich seting for seafront activity and will both facilitate human interaction with the coastline and improve shoreline resilience to environmental inluences. The planting principles underlying the design of the site are inluenced by dune succession and the recreation of the layers of habitat typologies that feature within a dune system. The habitat typologies that make up the layering are local to the area and will feature lora native to the site. These will be established as naturally as possible through creation of the necessary topography and conditions required for the habitats to form. Habitat Typologies: -

Beach Dunes Saltmarsh Transitional Zone Tidal Lagoons Lake Terrestrial Zones

The coastal ecology will perform vital ecosystem services and will enforce the proposed vision for an “Ecological Coast� that will become a key experience when visiting Skegness.

Terrestrial Zone Lagoon Transitional Zone Lake Salt Marsh Dunes Fig.6.1a Schematic Planting Zones



Mixed Woodland

Woodland Clearing


Terrestrial Habitat



Planting and Ecology 6.2


In terms of dune succession, the western edges of the site are classiied as hind dunes (furthest away from the tide line) and their character will be determined by tertiary vegetation in the form of established woodland habitats. Shelter provided by the preceding dunes will allow a greater diversity of species to establish, creating an ecologically rich edge along the length of the foreshore. Planting in these zones will include a mix of canopy cover, mid level shrubs and groundcover. Typical plants within the terrestrial zones include:

Acer pseudoplatanus

Pines (Pinus sylvestris)

Dactylus glomerata

Arrhenatherum elatius

- Acer pseudoplatanus - Arrhenatherum elatius - Crataegus monogyna - Dactylus glomerata - Pinus sylvestris Along woodland edges and within clearings will be large areas of mesotrophic grassland (neutral grassland).

Mesotrophic Grassland 65


Upland Zone Littoral Zone

Emergent Zone Lake Bank



Planting and Ecology 6.3


The lagoon and lakes will form important areas for increased biodiversity along the foreshore, with the improved micro-climate at the rear of the dunes providing a stable environment for plants to establish. Once developed,the habitats will provide a wider range of nesting grounds for local fauna. These planting zones will strengthen the ‘ecological’ vision for the foreshore and will be explorable by a network of tertiary pathways. The shallow banks surrounding the water bodies will create the conditions for rushes and sedges to establish, with marginal and aquatic species colonising the deeper waters.

Schoenoplectus maritimus

Iris pseudacorus

Primula veris

Ophioglossum vulgatum

Ranunculus peltatus

Potamogeton pectinatus

Typical plants within the lagoon and lake habitat include: - Althaea oicinalis - Iris pseudacorus - Ophioglossum vulgatum - Phragmites australis - Potamogeton pectinatus - Primula veris - Ranunculus peltatus - Schoenoplectus maritimus




Scrub/Shrub Planting

Transitional Habitat

Transitional Habitat


Planting and Ecology 6.4


The transitional zones are areas between the dunes and saltmarsh/lake where species diversity progresses from the primarily grass covered dunes to water tolerant plants such as rushes and sedges. These areas will create important habitats for wildlife with large shrubs providing shelter for nesting birds, small mammals and insects. These transitional zones will also act as a natural bufer from ofshore winds and help to create conditions for improved biodiversity. Planting within the transitional zones includes:

Plantago coronopus

Cochlearia danica

Limonium binervosum

Clematis vitalba

Sambucus nigra

Ligustrum vulgare

-Cenaurium pulchellum - Clematis vitalba - Cochlearia danica - Ligustrum vulgare - Limonium binervosum - Plantago coronopus - Sambucus nigra



Marsh Planting

Salt Marsh



Planting and Ecology 6.5


Breaching of the primary dune system will allow the sea to submerge areas of low lying land behind the dunes during high tides and, over time, create the conditions for a salt marsh habitat to emerge. This zone will be let to establish naturally once the dune system has been breached. Observations and research into the neighbouring salt marsh at Gibraltar Point provides some indications of the plant species likely to colonise the marsh. Plants that have been recorded at Gibraltar Point and are commonly found in salt marsh habitats include:

Agropyron pungens

Puccinellia maritima

Limonium vulgare

Halimione portulacoides

Salicornia europaea

Tripolium pannonicum

- Agropyron pungens - Aster tripolium - Atriplex portulacoides - Halimione portulacoides - Limonium vulgare - Puccinellia maritima - Salicornia europaea - Tripolium pannonicum




Dune Grasses

Dune Scrub Beach Developed Shrub Plants

Primary Dune


Planting and Ecology 6.6


Planting along dunes will predominantly consist of grasses, due to their ability to thrive in low nutrient sandy soils. An important function the planting must perform along the dunes is to stabilise the ground they are planted within in order to provide the dunes with structural integrity. Coastal grasses are particularly efective at achieving this due to their rapid colonisation and deep reaching root systems. The dune planting will provide an important bufer between the beach and foreshore, lower the rate of beach erosion by trapping sand, improve biodiversity and become a key character enhancer along the entire length of foreshore.

Elytrigia juncea

Leymus arenarius

Ammophila arenaria

Carex arenaria

Glucium flavum

Hippophae rhamnoides

Dune planting will consist predominantly of the following species: - Ammophila arenaria - Carex arenaria - Elytrigia juncea - Eryngium maritimum - Glucium lavum - Hippophae rhamnoides - Leymus arenarius - Ligustrum vulgare



Use of dredge sand to form an initial ‘embryo dune’.

Reed sticks and pioneer planting stabilise dune and encourage its growth.

Use of Concertainers to create a stable dune core


Planting and Ecology 6.7


Naturally occurring dunes can form over days, weeks or years depending on coastal dynamics. In order to integrate the proposed interventions with existing dune structures, a balance between artiicial and engineered techniques and ‘natural’ dynamics has been proposed, pending consultation with a coastal engineer.

6.7.1 Dune Construction Formation of new dunes will be achieved through the use of dredged sediment that has been iltered of larger particles in order to mimic the structure found in naturally occurring dune systems. Pioneer plant species will be used to create the initial structure of the dunes and to stabilize the sediment, with further species planted once the pioneers have established. Reed stick fencing will be used to trap further sand particles to allow the dune to grow and integrate with coastal dynamics. In the larger dunes and where pedestrian traic is at its greatest, Concertainer cells will be used to create a stable core from which the dune can form around.

allow the gradual establishment of planting, resulting in greater dune stability.

6.7.4 Educational Initiatives Throughout the construction phase of the dune systems there is an opportunity to run environmental and educational initiatives in parallel with the project at an early stage. These initiatives will aim to raise awareness on the important ecological and environmental roles the dunes play in protecting the coastline. These initiatives could play key roles in management and conservation of the dunes through embracing community involvement.

6.7.2 Reconstruction Where existing dunes have been damaged or eroded, they shall be replenished using thatching, reed stick fencing and replanting methods in order to preserve their naturally formed structure.

6.7.3 Progressive Installation In areas where smaller dunes are required or where sand has been bulldozed to form the initial stages of a dune, progressive installation of fencing will be used to build up the height of the dune (Fig.6.7a). The progressive accumulation of sediment will have the beneit of the sand being sorted and transported naturally and will

Fig.6.7a Sequence for progressive installation of dune-forming fences


Step Free Access Route Vehicular Access Route Fig.7.1b Proposed foreshore access

Pedestrian Gateway


Accessibility and Inclusive Deign 7.1


Accessibility to the foreshore has been carefully considered in order to integrate the masterplan into the town’s existing framework and encourage its use by all members of society.

7.1.1 Pedestrian Access Pedestrian access to the foreshore is provided along the length of the western edge of the site, a series of key gateways are strategically located where pedestrian low is at its greatest (Fig.7.1b). Pathway widths range from 2m for tertiary routes to 8m for primary routes in areas of high pedestrian traic in order to create a diversity in experiences perceived within the foreshore and an environment that is comfortable to inhabit. Primary routes are also suited for cyclists to either explore within the foreshore or connect with longer range links to the north and south of Skegness. Pedestrian circulation incorporates step free routes enabling those with disabilities, the elderly or parents with pushchairs to enjoy the foreshore and access the beach easily.

7.1.2 Vehicular Access Vehicular access to the beach has been retained along Scarbrough Esplanade. This provides access for maintenance and safety reasons and allows larger vehicles to access the foreshore to unload equipment for events and markets. A circulation route has been designed for vehicle tracking of HGVs to allow direct access to the central core (Fig.7.1b). The plaza on the western entrance of the Culture Centre also allows for HGVs to access and unload goods in relation to the centre. Towards the southern end of the foreshore, a small access point of of Princes Parade allows

lightweight maintenance vehicles onto the site to navigate along the seafront using the main pedestrian routes.

7.1.3 Shared Street A recommendation highlighted within the masterplan is the beneit that pedestrianising Lumley Road could have on strengthening the connection between the Skegness Foreshore and town centre. Reducing the level of traic along Lumley Road could have a major impact on the experiential qualities of Skegness’ town centre and would provide a key link between the newly proposed gateway to the foreshore and existing Railway Station. Pedestrianisation of a key artery within the town would help to activate a series of currently underused public spaces and create a lively new network culminating in the Skegness seafront (Fig.7.1a).





Inclusive design aims to remove the barriers that create undue efort and separation. It enables everyone to participate equally, conidently and independently in everyday activities. The proposed masterplan seeks to employ this philosophy through ofering choice in the types of activities provided along the Skegness Foreshore, accommodating the use of an outdoor asset by all user groups. This will be realised through creating a space that allows lexibility in its use and that mixes user groups under one backdrop. The Skegness Foreshore will become a landscape that is no longer heavily focused on just tourism but embraces the local community also.



Fig.7.1a Pedestrianised route activates network of public spaces


Active engagement of community members in repairing damaged dunes.

Temporary use of protective measures if dunes become susceptible to erosion.

Clear main pathways and access routes from accumulated sand.


Maintenance 8.1


The Skegness Foreshore is the town’s prime location and a major draw for the area, as such it is important that ongoing management and maintenance of its public realm is carried out to ensure it is of a high quality. As part of the projects inception, it is proposed that community involvement is featured throughout in order to install a sense of pride and ownership over a key part of Skegness’ infrastructure. This involvement should be carried through to maintenance, with activist and community groups working alongside the local authority in ensuring the foreshore functions as intended in the design. This chapter highlights the site speciic maintenance requirements resulting from elements included within the design proposal.

8.1.1 Key Issues The main issues regarding maintenance of the site will be in regards to the climatic conditions of the coastal location. These include: -

8.1.2 Management & Mitigation Methods Key mitigation methods for issues arising as a result of climate will be addressed during the detailed design stage. This will include speciication of materials that perform well under stresses from salt water and strong winds. Periodic monitoring of sand accumulation and dune stability should be undertaken to ensure there are no issues that could impact the usability of the foreshore. In particular, dunes would require monitoring to ensure they can perform their environmental functions efectively. Issues which should be paid speciic atention are breaches or blowouts within the dune systems and if observed, should be reconstructed using the appropriate methods. Planting irrigation may be required during dry periods; however plant species will be speciied on their ability to cope under the environmental stresses of a coastal location. Quality of dune planting should be monitored regularly in order to preserve dune stability.

Efects of strong winds Accumulation of sand in undesirable locations Efects of saltwater and sea spray Damage as a result of high tides and storms

Other elements within the design that will require particular atention are: -

Dune systems (Potential blowouts or damage caused by humans) Water bodies (water quality/pollution and litering) Quality of planting (efects of drought or damage caused by humans)



1.4 – Objectives


New schemes should: Develop the Foreshore’s offer in a way that leads to season extension and enhanced product appeal to a wider audience to ensure the Foreshore offers ‘something for everyone’

The Council expects new development on the Foreshore will help:

1. Broadened offer

• to ensure the realisation of the full potential of the Foreshore for the benefit of the town’s residents as well as its visitors;

2. Improved Quality

Set the ‘quality agenda’ both in terms of design and leisure offer for both current and future commercial activity on the Foreshore.

• to improve the connections between the parts of the Foreshore, and between the Foreshore and the Town Centre;

3. Enhanced Public Realm

Provide visual impact and amenity through-out the year. Promote the development of a key ‘attractor’ – a unique building that provides the Foreshore with a focal point.

4. Multiple Visits

Encourage multiple visits to the Foreshore through-out the year from both local residents and visitors

5. Provision of Open Space

Compliment open space delivered through other developments or include multi-use space which will enhance the usability of the Foreshore for multiple activities

6. Improved Access and Movement

Be designed in order to deliver ‘coherent space’, ‘sight lines’ and ‘intuitive movement’

7. Realising the potential of the Foreshore’s Natural assets

Maximise the potential of the Foreshore’s natural assets such as the Beach, Gardens and Green Spaces

• be built on a strong economic/commercial case – schemes should be achievable, deliverable and sustainable; • to maintain and enhance the viability and vibrancy of the existing tourism market offer; and; • To deliver an offer which attracts a diverse customer base through-out the year. The following table summarises the Council’s objectives with a development specific focus, suggesting best practice for all proposed development schemes:

Fig.9.A.1 Extract from Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles (East Lindsey District Council/Oct 2012)

9.0 Appendix

1.5 - Design Principles The Council will support well-designed, sustainable development which maintains and enhances the character of Skegness’s Foreshore by: 1) Using the highest quality of materials and design so that the layout, scale, massing, height and density of proposals reflect the character of the surrounding area; 2) Retaining or incorporating buildings, features or characteristics, which are important to the quality of the local environment or its historic context; 3) Sustaining and enhancing the quality of the Foreshore’s historic built environment; 4) Incorporating roads, cycle-ways and footways that provide safe, attractive and convenient access to and linkages between Foreshore attractions, gardens and other community facilities, as well as the town centre; and; 5) Providing appropriate on-site landscaping to integrate the development into its wider surroundings and make appropriate provision for open space.

All proposed development, excluding minor development, should be accompanied by a completed East Lindsey Place Making Checklist. The Council will support development on design grounds that satisfy the check list. 1.6 – East Lindsey Place Making Checklist Good design goes with good planning, the two are interlinked and both lead to making places better for people. Good design is not just about buildings, it is also about pleasant, safe, usable, public and private spaces. The East Lindsey place-making checklist has been developed as a tool kit to be used by parties involved in both the planning application process and decision making to ensure that there is a consistent approach to design principles across the District. It aims to support improvement in the quality and design of the built environment. The place-making checklist is based on six key design principles. Those principles include:

Fig.9.A.2 Extract from Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles (East Lindsey District Council/Oct 2012)

• A Sense of Character; • Streets and Spaces shaped by Buildings; • Architectural Quality; • Easy for everyone to get around; • Interesting Places; and; • Built to last Generations. All development, excluding minor household development, in the District should be able to satisfy the Councils place-making checklist. There is a simple traffic-light tool kit which will help developers achieve consistent high quality development outcomes across the District irrespective of architectural styles or tastes, this includes development on the Skegness Foreshore. Developers can use the checklist to explain how their development meets the standards the Councils expects with regard to design and submit it with their Design and Access Statement. Both the Check List and its accompanying guide can be found on the Councils website at


1.5 – Development Constraints There are no restrictive covenants which apply to development on Skegness’s Foreshore (e.g. restricting the height of development).

New developments should consider ways in which views of the beach and the sea beyond could be opened up and exploited from within the Foreshore and from the upper floors of buildings along Grand Parade.

The Council has suggested use classes for the future development of the Foreshore. Within the red zone, activities will be supported in principle under the following use classes:

Development should protect views of the iconic Clock Tower and offer un-broken sightlines between the Clock Tower and the Beach.

A3 – Food and Drink C1 – Hotels and Hostels D1 – Non Residential Institutions (d, e & g) D2 – Assembly and Leisure A1 (non-food) retail may be supported but only if accompanied by evidence to show that the proposed development would not affect the viability of the existing town centre, this would include ancillary uses on the Foreshore. Within the green zone A3, C1, D1 and D2 activities will be considered only if they have strong linkages with the environment and green tourism.

Skegness Clock Tower

All developments proposals should be cognisant of the need for a sterile strip between the beach and the foreshore (9m gap between the sea wall and commercial development) – in practice, the gap should be around 20m to ensure room for trade-out space. Protected view

It is critical that any new development plans do not interfere with established sea defences on the easterly boundary of the foreshore. There is potential for new developments to utilise the beach for the staging of events and/or delivery of activities.

Skegness Foreshore Development Class Zones

Fig.9.A.3 Extract from Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles (East Lindsey District Council/Oct 2012)

Links to Wider Training & Education Facilities Local Schools Skegness Academy Wolds College University of Lincoln

Lincolnshire Regional College Boston College Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education Bishops Grosseteste University College

LEARNING & SKILLS HUB Flexible Learning Space

Advanced ICT Infrastructure

Leased to learning providers (HE, FE & others)

Research and Innovation

Focus on business innovation & entrepreneurship

Core offer around key employment sectors (care & hospitality)

Conferencing / Hospitality Arena

Business Support Provision Business Advice Drop-in Centre

Top floor conference venue / meeting rooms Business to Business networking space

Hot-desking facilities for business support/ outreach providers (Business Link, Princes Trust, Job Centre Plus etc)

Product demonstrator facilities Restaurant / cafĂŠ space

Coordination of Apprenticeships Recruitment Support

Embassy Centre, Skegness

Work Placements

Provision of additional entertainment and exhibition space to host wider range of productions and events

Fig.9.B.1 Extract from Enterprising the Coast (East Lindsey District Council)

Commercial/ Workshop Units Small ground floor leasehold business units for creative industries Complements established managed workspace facilities (e.g. Skegness Business Centre, The Terrace, Lincoln)


An Asset & a Challenge; Heritage & Regeneration in Coastal Towns in England (English Heritage/Oct 2007) Artificial Dunes and Dune Nourishment (Massachusets Oice of Coastal Zone Management/December 2013) Artificial Sand Dunes and Dune Rehabilitation (htp:// Building a dyke within the dunes to protect against future sea level rise, Noordwijk – NL (htp:// Bullet Proof Fabric Used to Build Reinforced Sand Dunes (htp:// Coastal Dune Management (Department of Land and Water Conservation/October 2001) Coastal Dune Protection and Restoration: Using Cape American Beachgrass and Fencing (Jim O’Connell, Woods Hole Sea Grant & Cape Cod Cooperative Extension/December 2008) Coastal Engineering Manual: Part 5, Chapter 3 Shore Protection Projects (David R. Basco, Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, Old Dominion University/Aug 2008) Coast Reinforcement: Integrated Planning for the Strategic Plan for a Beach Town, Katwijk at Sea (htp:// Coastal Sand Dunes (htp:// Coastal Towns (House of Commons Communities and Local Government Commitee/2006-2007) Digimap (htp:// East Lindsey Core Strategy (East Lindsey District Council/Dec 2013)

10.0 References

East Lindsey Design Guidance (East Lindsey District Council/June 2012) East Lindsey Landscape Character Assessment (East Lindsey District Council/July 2009) Enterprising the Coast (East Lindsey District Council) Environment Agency: Flood Map for Planning (htp:// Environmental information (htp:// Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan (Humber Estuary Coastal Authorities Group/Dec 2010) First Weak Link in Range of Dutch Dunes at Full Strength (htp:// Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve (htp:// Good Practice Cases in Sustainable Tourism Destinations Parking lot under the dunes, Katwijk (Coastal and Marine Union EUCC and the Municipality of Katwijk) Green Infrastructure Audit (East Lindsey District Council/September 2012) Historic England Map Search (htp:// How to Build a Dune (DHEC’s Oice of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management) Indices of multiple deprivation (htp://


Jarrah Decking (htp:// Landezine (htp:// Landscape Institute Case Studies (htp:// Lincolnshire Biodiversity Action Plan (Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership/November 2012) Lincolnshire County Council Natural Environment Strategy 2012-2018 (Lincolnshire County Council/September 2012) Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (htp:// National Character Area profiles (Natural England) Permacrib Timber Crib Retaining Walls (htp:// Precast and Cast In Situ Slab Systems for Residential Buildings (Dept. of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy / 16 - 17 August 2006) Restoration and Management of Coastal Dune Vegetation (htp:// Sand Dune Conceals Underground Parking Garage (htp:// Shoreline and Waterway Management: Dune Protection and Improvement (htp:// Skegness (htp://

Skegness Foreshore: Development Principles (East Lindsey District Council/Oct 2012) Skegness ‘most deprived seaside area in Britain’ (htp:// Storm Lined Barriers (htp:// The Local View: East Lindsey (htp:// Vegetation Succession: Sand Dunes (The Macaulay Institute)

Christopher Wright C3277434 Leeds Beckett University PG Dip Landscape Architecture Advanced Landscape Architecture Studio 2014 - 2015

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