Recycling design hub chrisglenwilson
To transform Barnton Quarry into a thriving retail and social environment Monday, 4 March 13
Design Proposal Converting this abandoned nuclear war bunker that is burrowed into the Barnton Quarry into a buzzing design and recycling depot
Ground Floor
recycled materials warehouse
- 1 Floor
workshop space
-2 Floor
bar & exhibition space
Monday, 4 March 13
LOCATION located off Queensferry Road in Edinburgh, Barnton Quarry Bunker sits burrowed into the landscape away from prying eyes in dense woodland surroundings The top floor originally build in the late 1890’s, was taken over by the government as a military and nuclear base from early 1940’s to act as a strategic point from Scotland.
ariel views of Barnton Quarry bunker as well as a photograph taken of the building during its last survey in 2011
Monday, 4 March 13
WHY THis SPACE Although fire damaged during the 70’s, it is a contrasting space with two underground levels with a vault escape linking the lowest level with the surface. This building had great characteristics and a thriving history and giving it a further renovation would enrich its lifespan further
Images of the interior of the building taken by a permission photographer during the survey of 2011
Monday, 4 March 13
WHY THis CONCEPT My idea to to solve the issue that existing retailers have when it comes to recycling, and applying this to a new commercial idea that is linked in with design. Which in turn will benefit both the retailers with their problem and the design world. Taking an existing problem and attempting to solve it as best i can will give the project a more realistic feel. SInce working in B&Q it will help me when dealing with the space required when dealing with goods-in and goods-out and an efficient operation system that is reflected by the structure of the building.
Images of the warehouse and the method of recycling that is in place and the quantity of recycling gathered from one store in less than a week!
Monday, 4 March 13
Sketchbook work Themes this theme is of stags which is a creature i find mystical and could create a great character to my proposed design concept the building will complement a military/ nuclear war theme . This will also apply with the history of the place illumination and illusion will greatly benefit the aesthetics of the building since over half is submerged underground
Monday, 4 March 13
Sketchbook work Business ideas Ground Floor
this floor would be my retail space & main storage area like a mini warehouse for holding stock
-1 Floor
this floor would provide classes in workshop areas, as well as private work space and an area for employees
-2 Floor
this floor would provide exhibition space for artists, as well as becoming a social hub for the design community
Monday, 4 March 13
Sketchbook work Example Pages
Working with illustrations of unique and interesting patterns and images to create a contrasting yet great finishing result such as contorting animal heads onto the human form of the 21st century
Monday, 4 March 13
I visited the Scottish Records to see if i could access any plans of the building and amazingly i discovered these plans that originally displayed the security guards walk about routine Along with the archive there were alot of secret documentation that I would love to adapt into this historic building
Monday, 4 March 13
First Visualisations To begin my process of development and to aid me initially in the visualisation of my site, I've created a sketch-up model to aid me obtain the correct space for the commercial concept
Monday, 4 March 13
NExt Steps
...To work on creating the perfect working space for both customer and retailer through the aid of ergonomics, aesthetics, environment and function
Monday, 4 March 13