Major Project (Initial Proposal)

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“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.� George Orwell

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Initial proposal ! Objective In the current urban planning of the city environment there is a continuos focus on the prosperous areas. areas which are involved in sectors of economy such as financial, commercial, modern wealth and residential opportunity. There is always layers within the urbanisation of a city with variant levels of growth, aspiration and architectural planning. With most city spaces the further into the centre you travel the more prosperous it seems to become. The further out, the less developed and poorer suburban areas lay undeveloped and derelict from times gone past. One of my main objectives of this project is to explore the supposed death of the industrial estate. Investigating what caused all these derelict and vacant spaces outside the main city makeup to become spaces associated with vandalism, poverty and poorly structured areas and spaces.

Goals Goals within this project are vast. However I want to explore the possibility of the revival of these areas and spaces in a post-post modernist society where innovation of unique and different places is entering a revival stage. By giving these spaces purpose and an injection of new wave architecture, these vacant holes in today's urban makeup can become part of the urban plan which will not only benefit the city but the people and economy also. I mainly want to give these spaces purpose and explore the original use of these buildings and give them a carefully planned purpose I.that is relevant to today's society.

Solution A well resolved and well researched final outcome is required to reflect the thought process and my thinking through various media such as model work, video, 2D and 3D work and a finalised presentation that will convey my thinking into the resolved solution.

Project Outline My initial thinking will need to be wrapped in research. This will include information regarding my test site, the problems of the location, society and variant issues surrounding taking my concept further. I also want to research the propose of my building taking into consideration existing problems in society that could be involved in the revival of the derelict industrial units across the Uk. After this initial research stage planning and gathering initial plans, drawings and sections that will help in the physical architectural planning of my outcome. With this I can begin to create the intangible plan of what I want the outcome to stand for and represent. consider giving the outcome personality, emotion and a statement. Model work both graphical and physical will be required at all stage to bring further ideas and problems to the table. And further my research into the project.  

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Location Granton Industrial Estate, Edinburgh, Scotland Located on the North side of Edinburgh, Granton Industrial Estate is one of the last fragments of the Uk car manufacturing industry. One of the unknown pieces of the Industrial era remain derelict and at risk of being demolished or turned into residential spaces. Medallic Car factory is a rare piece of manufacturing innovation. Constructed in the 1890's Madelvic was used in the development of some of the first motorised road vehicles and a pinochle piece of Scottish Engineering history. Now in the 21st Century this factory is bare and is part of the surrounding dead landscape of vacant spaces classified as the industrial Estate.


The building has Ben standing for almost 200 years with very little alterations in today's architectural world. The newest introduction is a central glazed structure that was used to extend the research and production of the Madevlic Electric Car. The two Victorian brick buildings stand parallel to each other in identical length with one having another addition of a outer shelter which was used as the goods in and out bay.

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Exterior Development Space

Madelvic Car Factory

Granton - Edinburgh

Purpose !

Below are a selection of purposes that I would like to explore in further detail at the same time as my site research to see what possibilities would best produce an outcome with potential to be a reality. Considering options will keep my research varied until the time comes to pin down a specific route for design development.

! Historical Manufacturing Experience One of the main purposes I can develop into the site is creating the experience of what the building was originally used as. The Madelvic building is one of the last standing car manufacturing sites in the United Kingdom and would be an obvious purpose for this historical site. With this I would need to explore the levels of innovation and development that took place in the building. Creating a tourism site that appeals to engineering and historical fans. This will also create another focal point in the already vast context of Edinburgh Points of interest.


Political 'Big Brother' Centre Another key interest is the big brother theory. This is such an intangible object that is an illusive and relatively unknown fact that we aw knowledge but rarely explore. Such things as surveillance, identity, records, terms and conditions, we daily communicate through technology and consider our personal and professional lives to be relatively private. But are they? We constantly agree to various terms and conditions, regulations and contracts supplying our personal information, data and details. I want to create the theory of the unknown world of personal data into a physical presence by constructing an outpost that can explore where our data and information. Is stored and used on a global scale. This ties in well with the location due to its derelict state of being abandoned by the urban scape and overlooked by the 'big brother'.


Environmental establishment A relatively taboo question in the United Kingdom but in particular Scotland is the question, 'what happens when the oil runs out?' Currently many different techniques and alternatives to fossil fuels are being explored. However in the public eye very little Eco friendly alternatives are being introduced. Charities such as Greenpeace are a radical organisation seeking the removal of damaging energies to prevent the inevitable global warming. Using old industrial buildings to house green organisations and parties will contrast what the buildings were used for and what the state of play is in today's ever changing society. Having bases across the Uk in these estates will allow for further push towards a more greener country in our energy use.

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Purpose Research ! Political 'Big Brother' Centre This concept along with the location are two from my initial proposal ideas that I would like to research further. particularly due to its importance and relevance In today's society. The possibility of a 'higher power' with all seeing and hearing is something we can't comprehend yet have that conscious experience when it comes to thinking about surveillance and personal data. On a daily basis you are more than likely to be recorded in almost every building, room or public place that you enter. You are even more likely to be on networks and systems that enable data recording such as websites, social media and emails. All with the possibility of being hacked or maliciously manipulated or entered on without your knowledge. Of course security of this technology is high and doesn't happen to everyone. However once it happens you certainly know about it. The fear of identity and fraud is rift in our society and heightened security is battling against the constant virus which is hacking and theft.

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Design Proposal Hacking The 'Big Brother'


My Proposal is to create a unique space that enables the public to essentially 'hack' the system. The centre will provide an open source portal that allows the public to access their file and see where their information is being used and how it's being used. It will come in very useful for people who have been victims of fraud, identity theft and abuse of their details In activities such as third party or cold calling. I want to incorporate this activity in a space that represents the clash of the 'system' and the 'people'.

! By investigating the local industrial estate surrounding the car factory and revitalising the area to a new purpose which interlinked location, historical use to new use in our current society. By considering the innovation that was excited and considering the technology required to perform such a service such as investigating the use of an individual's information, a formal link between the two is activated due to the creative energy within the building.

! Furthermore by investigating the realistic possibility of a access centre that can be replicated throughout the UK in various industrial estates of similar layout. Consisting of vacant units and unused land.

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Initial Design Research Sculpting in Derelict Space


What I want to achieve in the space is a flowing innovative environment that reflects what the building was in the past. I want to revitalise the space by playing with the initial play with technology. The space itself was the founding work of the Electric Madelvic Car. Designed by William Peck between 1898 and 1900. William peck was one of the first developers of the Electric Car who produced battery motor carriages that could also be pulled by horses. These early electric cars were used as public transport between Granton and leith and is an incredible invention at the end of the Victorian Era. He was an astronomer and scientific instrument maker and director if the Edinburgh City Observatory until his death in 1925The Factory was used in the initial research, development and production of the first electric car. The building still remains the only and last standing Electrical car factory in the Uk to date and is currently a B listed building but highlighted at risk by the building authority. The space is made up of two Victorian Brick buildings that are joined together by an early 1900's glazed pavilion joining the two funnel spaces together. In this project I will explore the dynamic methods of creating a unique space that depicts what the buildings was purposely built for. Through this Research and design development I want to develop a space that is fit for purpose. It was built to see the development of eclectic cars in the 1900's, therefore I can develop this new structure to fit my purpose. Creating a centre data information centre. A place where the public can come and identify who has their information, where and how. Taking such things such as terms and conditions, contracts and forms that require personal data and this can highlight where this information will go, will be stored and how it will be used. surveillance is also dominant in today's society, it's everywhere, from the streets, private housing, public transport. All of it to supposedly keep us safe, however there is always the Big Brother Effect and this is what I want to explore within the project.

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Built for Public Use


! Political Issue

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