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City of Cranbrook
Proposed Five-Year Financial Plan Summary
2023 – 2027
Impact of 2023 Utilities Fees
For an average home in Cranbrook with solid waste collection,the projected 2023 utility and frontage tax fees will total $976 ($2.67 per day). This amount remains unchanged from 2022.
A 5% discount offthetotal annual utility bill will be provided to those property owners who pay in full before the end of April.
In 2021, the City introduced an automated curbside recycling collection program. Thanks to funding contributions from Recycle BC and the Regional District of East Kootenay, this service is being delivered at no extra cost to residents.
Utility and ParcelTax Rates
The 2023 monthly utility fees for water, sewer, and solid waste (including solid waste collection) are projected tobe:
The annual frontage tax charges will remain unchanged in 2023, and are projected to be:
City of Cranbrook
Proposed Five-Year Financial Plan Summary
2023 – 2027
Safe Restart Grant
InNovember 2020,thecityreceivedadirectgrantof $3,765,000undertheCOVID-19SafeRestart Grantsfor LocalGovernments stream. The initialpriority wasto support local governmentsas they dealt with increased operating costs and lower revenue due to COVID-19. The funds continue to provide support.
At December 31, 2022, the estimated Safe Restart Grant balance is $78,157 after the estimated draw-down in 2022 of approximately $1,542,025 to cover operating costs, capital projects and lost revenue related to COVID-19. There may be additional amounts uncovered as we go through the year-end process.
There were a number of lessons learned during the pandemic about creating safe communal spaces (social distancing, no-touch facilities, etc.) and the need for robust virtual communication opportunities and meeting spaces.
2023 projects funded from the Safe Restart Grant:
- Development Approval Software $ 30,000
Total projects 2023 $30,000