continued...Economic Development (Continued) 2016 Major Initiatives: ·
Continue development of the Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction program with the introduction of a simplified data collection / interview tool called Business Walks. The Business Walks exercise will be delivered in partnership with the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce, East Kootenay Community Futures, and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism & Skills Training
Support major tourism sector projects including:
The Single Track 6 Mountain Bike Series in partnership with Tourism Fernie, Tourism Kimberley, Tourism Golden and the Trans-Rockies Race Series
The Six in the Stixs mountain bike Challenge
The 4th annual Kootenay Rockies Gran Fondo,
The Grand Slam of Curling
Targeted print marketing in 2016 will focus on a limited number of specific publications including: Invest In BC, 2015 Travel Guide and RidersWest / SnowRider magazines
2017 Major Initiatives:
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Develop new opportunities for Cranbrook’s, and areas, manufacturing / industrial sector and strengthening the existing sector
Advance the growing interest in development of an alternative energy sector
Advance development of the airport industrial commercial park
Develop stronger partnerships with the region’s natural resources and transportation sectors
Position Cranbrook as a technology sector hub
Cranbrook’s opportunities in tourism
Continued efforts to revitalize the downtown core