Approx 50 adult & youth programs
164 hectares of parks & green space
42,128 public pool users
2016 Major Initiatives:
2017 & 2018 Major Initiatives:
Completion and delivery of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Establish Society and Directorate for the 2018 55+ BC Games
Repairs and upgrades to Gyro Park tennis courts, including adding Pickle Ball facilities
Upgrades to Kinsmen Arena including boards/glass, unit heaters and light fixtures;
Replacement of playground equipment at Gyro Park
Replace compressor at Memorial Arena
Provide lighting to Pop Price Park skating area
Upgrades to Confederation Park ball fields
Facilitate public consultation/ design charrettes for Idlewild Park. Various upgrades including playground equipment
Build ramp cover at Western Financial Place
Pursue Columbia Basin Trust Recreation Infrastructure grant for Gyro Park upgrades
Equipment replacement at Curling Rink (chiller, condenser and compressor)
Replace Ice Resurfacer
Seek grant opportunities to fund Grade Three free swim lessons for next school year
Phase Two of replacement of Direct Digital Control system for Western Financial Place
Secure and support a community partner to host Canada Day celebration
Host 2018 55+ BC Games
Continue to work with the Cranbrook Home Run Society to identify opportunities on improvements to Confederation Park
Phase Three of replacement of Direct Digital Control system for Western Financial Place
Replace aquatic centre underwater lighting (Energy upgrade)
Continue to work with Rocky Mountain Naturalists to improve trail system at Elizabeth Lake
Complete off-leash area and host grand opening event
Host 5-6 major events at Western Financial Place
Complete sound baffling at Western Financial Place
Lighting upgrades to aquatic centre and Western Financial Place parking lot. (Energy Upgrades)
Facility upgrades at Western Financial Place as per the RDH LifeCycle Assessment recommendations
Install dehumidification system at the aquatic centre (Energy Upgrades)
Conduct audit of Western Financial Place roof
Upgrades to Kinsmen arena washrooms
Upgrades to Kinsmen Quad Ball Park
Update Business/Marketing plan for Western Financial Place
Review and update all applicable Parks and Recreation bylaws
Develop special event planning guide for public use of city recreation facilities
Phase One of replacement of Direct Digital Control system for Western Financial Place.
2015 Annual Report Page 23