Table of Contents Accessibility and Inclusion Framework .................................................................................................... 2 Message from the CAO ............................................................................................................................ 2 Message from the Mayor ........................................................................................................................ 3 Land Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................. 4 Background ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Commitment Statement.......................................................................................................................... 5 Terminology............................................................................................................................................. 5 The Accessibility and Inclusion Framework ............................................................................................ 5 Pillar One: Accountable Leadership and Belonging ............................................................................... 6 Pillar Two: Connect and Support Communities ...................................................................................... 8 Pillar Three: Accessible by Design ......................................................................................................... 9 Holding Ourselves Accountable ............................................................................................................... 10
Accessibility and Inclusion Framework Message from the CAO City staff have developed this Accessibility and Inclusion Framework, in alignment with legislative requirements and the Council's strategic plan. This framework ensures that the Corporation aspires to be an accessible and inclusive organization as per the BC legislation. The project stage of this work is complete, and staff will begin implementing the Accessibility Action Plan in 2024 through the Accessibility Action Committee (AAC) going forward. The AAC will continue to consult and update community members on yearly achievements. The Goals The City’s framework recognizes that there is no “one size fits all” approach. As all BC municipalities are doing this legislated work for the first time, we are all learning as we move forward. We have grouped our framework into three pillars; Accountable Leadership and Belonging, Connect and Support Communities and Accessible by Design. We believe these three pillars will adequately guide us in understanding the experiences of people within the community, so we can take action to end barriers to full participation for city employees and community members. The overarching goals of this Accessibility and Inclusion Framework are to: • • • • •
Create fair access to the City’s services, programs, and infrastructure. Build inclusive practices and culture within the city. Encourage all City departments to apply an accessibility lens in daily activities. Create inclusive employment practices by removing barriers to recruitment, hiring, retention, accommodation, and advancement of employees with disabilities. Align the City’s strategy plan with both federal and provincial accessibility legislation.
I would like to thank the staff for this great work and invite the community’s participation in developing a vibrant, inclusive Cranbrook. Mark Fercho Chief Administrative Officer
Message from the Mayor We are proud to have completed an Accessibility and Inclusion Framework for our City. It is a very important mark of Council’s commitment to creating a community that everyone feels welcome and can participate without barriers. The focus on Accessibility and Inclusion is embedded in the current strategic plan, and it started with foundational steps summarized below: • Commitment from the top: The Mayor and Council’s five-year strategic plan added "Inclusivity” as one of the key corporate values that speak to our belief and commitment to be a welcoming community. • The Council’s vision is to make Cranbrook “a vibrant community surrounded by natural beauty” and open to everyone to find their opportunities to live and work here. • The City’s Mission: A City “where a sense of belonging, innovation, and diversity meet. Cranbrook is a regional economic, social, and cultural centre. The best place to call home”. • DEI Policy approval: Council approved a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy in 2022 which supported staff developing this framework. • Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Program: beginning this year-2023, Council approved a budget of up to $80,000.00 for staff to work with Diversity Equity and Inclusion Consultants to build a robust accountability framework, focused on inclusive practices like the access to jobs, business opportunities and removal of barriers in all City amenities and services. • Accessible Community Project – Compliance with Accessibility Act, BC Like all other BC Municipalities, the City of Cranbrook has developed a legislated framework to be an accessible and inclusive organization and will continue to do more work in this area. This is a great achievement by our staff and we are grateful for their hard work. Wayne Price Mayor
Land Acknowledgement We are grateful to work and live on the traditional and unceded territory of the Ktunaxa Nation. This territory is also home to the Kinbasket people who are descendants of the Secwepemc (Shuswap). The Ktunaxa people have been stewards and caretakers of this land since time immemorial. Background The City of Cranbrook recognizes the importance of each of our citizens participating in all aspects of community life. As a City that has committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, we look forward to building on the work we have already done and collaboratively continue to make Cranbrook a welcoming community to people of all backgrounds, identities, ages, and abilities. Council approved a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy that provides the foundation for safe, respectful, and inclusive work practices across the City. The City is working towards becoming a community that supports accessibility, fosters diversity of perspectives, and provides equal opportunities for all residents. As the City continues to undertake this work, we will ensure there is an alignment with the Accessible BC Act that was introduced in June 2021. Internally, the City is committed to being an inclusive workplace that welcomes, respects, and values a diverse workforce that reflects the qualities and differences of the broader population it serves. In order to develop this framework, the city engaged consultants who specialize in diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. The consultants worked with City staff and an Interim Accessibility Committee, and undertook a series of community engagements to develop a thoughtful framework to support the city’s short, medium and long term accessibility action plans. To ensure under-served groups are represented, this framework aligns with various codes and declarations that centre human rights at the forefront. Both the British Columbia Human Rights Code and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which was adopted by the Government of British Columbia, were embedded into this framework. The framework also addresses the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls for Justice. Lastly, the framework aligns with the requirements outlined in the Accessible BC Act.
Purpose The City of Cranbrook supports our residents through the delivery of programs and services. This framework will guide the City in creating a workplace and a community that is reflective of the diversity that exists, providing support that is equitable, inclusive, and accessible. This will in turn create a welcoming place for everyone to live, work and play. Commitment Statement The City of Cranbrook will work to create a supportive environment that is responsive, values transparency, celebrates diversity, and intentionally creates an inclusive community where each person can meaningfully participate and feel like they belong. Terminology The terms defined below are used throughout the framework and will assist in a general understanding of the concepts within this work. Accessibility: Refers to the opportunity to access programs, devices, services, or environments without encountering barriers. While typically used to refer to access for persons experiencing disability, the concept of accessibility can also be used to refer to the unique needs and experiences of people from a variety of under-served groups. (United Nations) Diversity: refers to the different characteristics of people who make up our community. This includes the following characteristics: gender, age, race (including nationality, ethnicity, and colour), culture, religion, 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and disability. (VicSport) Equity: refers to recognizing specific needs and barriers and allocating resources and opportunities to ensure each person has equal access and opportunity to participate in all aspects of society and its benefits. Equity ensures that people are treated fairly. (Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University) Inclusion: refers to the creation of an environment where everyone shares a sense of belonging, is treated with respect, and is able to fully and meaningfully participate. (University of Toronto) Under-Served Groups: People who face social and systemic barriers that prevent them from equally accessing education, healthcare, employment, etc. These groups include women, Indigenous peoples, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, unhoused persons, and/or 2SLGBTQIA + persons. (Vancouver Plan) The Accessibility and Inclusion Framework From May to October 2023, the City undertook an audit that examined feelings of inclusion, belonging and accessibility throughout the Cranbrook community. This review informed themes and areas of focus to create the framework and pathway forward.
The City of Cranbrook’s Accessibility and Inclusion Framework is designed to support the findings from the audit. It includes examples of actions that will support the City as a corporation, to develop and maintain accessible, welcoming, inclusive workplaces and services delivery practices to all community members. The framework is supported by three core pillars: (1) Accountable Leadership & Belonging (2) Connect & Support Communities (3) Accessible by Design Each of the three pillars are supported by examples of tangible goals and actions that address accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout City of Cranbrook. The City will measure progress on each of the goals and actions outlined in the framework, and share ongoing progress back to the community through an annual update. The City is committed to implementing the actions listed below between 2024 and 2027. Pillar One: Accountable Leadership and Belonging The City of Cranbrook works toward leading according to wise practices in DEI and accessibility. To achieve accountable leadership and belonging, city employees are committed to fostering an environment where people feel heard, acknowledged, valued, and supported so that they are comfortable and happy in the community. The City of Cranbrook will focus on the experiences of under-served groups and will work to recognize and address the needs of each group to support experiences of belonging in the City of Cranbrook. Some examples of focus areas under this pillar are: (1) human resources and employee lifecycle; (2) accountability, communication, and transparency; (3) corporate services and policy; and (4) continuous learning and development. These focus areas will assist the City in critically looking at their DEI and accessibility practices, and develop accountability measures to ensure this work continues to happen. Goals
Examples Action to be Taken
Prioritize DEI and Accessibility training and continuous learning to foster an inclusive culture.
Develop DEI training programs and learning opportunities for all city employees, including elected officials. Provide on-going awareness about current world events related to DEI and accessibility, and how they impact staff and community members. To instill an inclusive culture, the City will embed accessibility and DEI language in all service delivery areas Enhance training and staff development on psychological health and safe as well as trauma-informed practices. 6
The City supports trust and accountability through inclusive leadership practices City policies, procedures, processes, & bylaws are reflective of current DEI and accessibility-wise practices Collect accurate information about staff work experiences, and sense of inclusion and belonging at the City Recruitment and hiring processes are equitable, inclusive, and transparent
The City consistently provides equitable workplace accommodations where required The City fosters a supportive environment in the workplace to promote staff well-being
Develop inclusivity feedback and accountability mechanisms with timelines in City's bylaws or DEI policy. Develop an information resource for Cranbrook Community about the City as an accessible and inclusive organization. Conduct an audit of policies, procedures, processes, bylaws and review, edit, or delete some, using DEI and accessibility lenses.
Conduct employee engagement surveys on an going basis, to capture the culture and belonging experiences within the city. Collect and maintain accurate data about employee demographics, inclusive practices, and diversity within the city. Implement formal stay-on and exit interviews with City staff. Develop hiring and staff development processes that align with accessibility and diversity, equity, and inclusion practices. Develop a community engagement strategy that provides accurate data on under-served demographics and how the City’s recruitment practices provide them with equal access to opportunities. Ensure all recruitment and selection documents are written in inclusive language that creates equal opportunity for all interested candidates. Evaluate professional development and promotion practices using an equity lens Develop a Workplace Accommodation policy and procedures to support employees who require accommodation. Create return-to-work strategies and plans to help staff returning from a leave of absence for various non-culpable reasons Embed psychological health and safety as well as traumainformed practices in the city’s corporate culture. Develop inclusive Human Resources policies that allow staff to observe public/stat holidays, and religious, spiritual, or cultural events that are significant to them. Encourage and conduct optional staff self-identification and inclusion surveys to generate accurate data about employee demographics.
Pillar Two : Connect and Support Communities The City engages and develops relationships with individuals, community groups, organizations, and the Indigenous peoples in a way that honours consent, reciprocity, and trust. We intentionally and meaningfully incorporate diverse perspectives into decision-making processes. Some examples of the focus areas for this pillar are: (1) truth and reconciliation; (2) awareness events; (3) community engagement; and (4) resources. These focus areas will assist the City in supporting the community with intentionality. Goals
Example Actions
The City shows leadership by supporting and uplifting under-served groups in the community Indigenous perspectives, knowledge, and leadership are valued and included in decision-making processes Feedback mechanisms are developed and implemented
Educate the community about the importance of fostering inclusive spaces for under-served groups
Establish an internal and external feedback process on City-run events to ensure they reflect the diversity of Cranbrook community needs. Develop inclusive procurement practices that provide equal opportunity to all businesses within the community. Create awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Calls to Action and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls for Justice. Create learning programs that align with the TRC Calls to Action and MMIWG Calls to Justice Embed Indigenous Culture learning programs into staff and elected officials orientation and annual refresher courses . Develop and continuously review the City's community engagement strategy to ensure it addresses the needs of underserved groups within the community. Develop a resource for Cranbrook businesses on becoming inclusive employers and businesses. The city hosts a community speaker series on different DEI and accessibility-specific topics for the community. Develop an Inclusive Language Guide for staff and the community
Pillar Three: Accessible by Design Cranbrook is a community that aspires to be accessible by design through supporting equity and values lived experiences. It is a place where each person can meaningfully participate and contribute. Some examples of the focus areas for this pillar are: (1) infrastructure & maintenance; (2) transportation; (3) programs & services; and (4) communication platforms and processes. These focus areas will support the City in creating spaces that are universally designed to promote meaningful participation. Goals
Example Actions
Make Accessibility and Inclusion a functional area with a budget
Communication materials are inclusive and accessible to each person
Maintenance and service level standards for Amenities and Facilities create barrierfree movement throughout the City Accessibility is prioritized in facilities and outdoor spaces
Allocate budget for all Accessibility and DEI programs within the city. Ensure City-operated washrooms and changerooms are accessible and inclusive. Address affordable, accessible, and adaptable housing needs, including: • Conducting community consultation on accessibility housing • Revising land use policies to support affordable and accessible housing Review all communication materials to ensure they are inclusive and accessible to all employees and community members. Review city websites and other communication platforms to ensure they are inclusive and accessible to all employees and community members Review the Snow and Ice Control Policy against the Street and Sidewalk System Prioritization and Classification guidelines. Revise the types of roads and sidewalks that are categorized into the four priority classifications using equity and accessibility lenses Develop a guiding document for infrastructure development for new construction, renovations, and upgrades to new or current civic facilities that align with universal design guidelines. Conduct a comprehensive accessibility review of current City facilities including libraries, arenas, the aquatic centre, and City Hall to ensure all city buildings and amenities and accessible
Create equitable opportunities for each person by prioritizing accessibility in programs and services.
Review programs and services to ensure accessibility. Solicit feedback from the community on how to make programs and services accessible.
Holding Ourselves Accountable For this work to take meaningful shape, accountability is at the forefront. Having goals, actions and timelines across the three pillars will help shape next steps for the City of Cranbrook. Upon implementation of the City’s formal Accessibility and Inclusion Committee, prioritization of these timelines will be established and communicated to the community by April 2024. In addition to this framework, the City is developing a comprehensive plan of action, which will be driven forward by the Accessibility and Inclusion Committee and City leadership. The City will also provide annual updates as the work progresses. There will be additional ways to provide feedback through the City’s Accessibility and Inclusion webpage. The City is committed to continue receiving this feedback and finding ways to support the community further.