The Ultimate Process Model for Game Development

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INTRODUCTION The document on your screen contains the first version of the GAME process model, developed by the third year producer students of the Games development and Interactive media education at the University of Gotland. It was documented during ten weeks of the winter of 2003/2004 and is the product of the students gathered experience and knowledge on the subject combined with feedback from Scandinavia’s leading game developers. You will find three separate documents at this site; the Iteration schedule overview, the Focus area description and the Phase description documentation. There is also a glossary that contains the definitions used within the GAME process model. These documents, together with this introduction will give you a working knowledge of the GAME process model and how it can be applied to any game development project. The GAME process model is explicitly created for game productions and will lend a more suitable vocabulary for individuals within the industry then other models. It is an iterative model which in its current form and level of detail offers an overview of game productions. In future versions, the model will also go into deeper detail within certain areas and include methodology for different aspects of game development. The model is applicable to game productions of any size and is created to suit productions for mobile, console and pc games. The GAME process model describes game productions through three main productions phases; Forecasting, Planning and Managing. Each phase covers a defined duration of the production and there is a clear handover when a productions moves from one phase to another. The process model also introduces a number of focus areas, each covering a certain discipline of game production. The focus areas are constantly iterated to ensure the quality of the product and to minimize risks. For each new phase a new set of focus areas are added to the project until all focus areas are active. In short, every production starts with the forecasting phase and its focus areas, which mainly handles the development and validation of designs and concepts. When the design and concept of the product is mature, the project continues into the planning phase, where new focus areas are added. Here, the team starts to take budgeting and requirements into mind while further developing the design and concept of the game. Time assessments are made and systems for production are added. Staffing and other requirements are mapped. When the design and concept concurs with the planning and there is a clear overview of the production, the project moves into the managing phase. Here, the actual production of the game is preformed, based on the designs and concept of the forecasting and planning phase. Throughout the rest of the project, all focus areas will be continuously iterated to keep the project right on track. For further information about the GAME process model, please refer to the documentation provided on this site. In the future, the GAME process model will be updated with new information and in detail descriptions important areas within game development.

Iteration process overview Created 2003 12 15

How does it work? .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Forecasting.......................................................................................................................................... 2 Project Planning .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Managing ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Iteration overview ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Forecasting iteration........................................................................................................................................ 3 Planning iterations........................................................................................................................................... 4 Managing iterations......................................................................................................................................... 5


In order to maintain a tight grip on a production, some kind of overview structure needs to be present. In this model, this overview consists of a set of Phases combined with a number of Focus areas. In short, the phases define a specific time-span of the game production and the focus areas each describe a specific discipline of game production. At any given time of a game production any individual involved will be working on a specific focus area in one of the phases. The basic philosophy of this model is to at regular intervals follow up each focus area in relation to the actual product. This will create a good overview of how the project is running and what the resulting game will be like. Regardless of whether you are working with internal IPs or under contract, you will be able to use the models philosophy to reach your goals.

How does it work? Each focus area has a main phase within which the main part of the work defined by the focus area is performed. Since the phases do NOT run parallel, not all focus areas will be available in the beginning of production. Instead, new focus areas will be introduced as the project progresses until they are all “up and running”. Each new focus area that is introduced will have its base in the results of the focus areas that is already initiated. To begin with, let’s take a look at the different phases introduced in this model since they define the bigger picture. There are three main phases; Forecasting, Planning, Managing and Marketing: Project Forecasting Project forecasting is the first of the four phases and focuses on defining what the end result of the project should be. The project forecasting phase ends when the concept is clearly defined and the design of each initial focus area is covered. Project Planning All aspects of a project that involves planning and requirements are included in the Project planning phase. The goal of the project planning phase is to create a clear picture of how the project will be performed and what the requirements for the project are. Project Managing The project managing phase covers the actual production time of the project. It focuses on the production and implementation of artefacts and ends when the product is finished. As stated before, each phase is the “home” for a set of focus areas that is clearly related to the purpose of the phase. When a focus area has been initiated, it will be active until the project ends. When entering a new phase the focus areas of the previous phase will both act as support for the work in the new focus areas as well as keep evolving to adapt the reality of the growing product. No matter how good you define the product in the forecasting phase, the end result will inevitably differ from your vision. Basically there are two ways to handle differences from the original plan, you either embrace them or fight them. This model is designed for enabling your project to allow and adapt to these changes, regardless of your personal approach to them.


Iteration overview Each phase has its own iteration process, mainly due to the difference in how the focus areas function: Forecasting iteration The iterations in this phase are focused on balancing and evaluating the concept and design of all different aspects of the game. The different focus areas are: Game Conceptual development Gameplay Overview development Storyline Development Art design development Sound design development Interface design development Technical specification Marketplace research Risk analysis The forecasting focus areas can be divided in to two mayor groups. The first seven focus areas are all about developing and designing different parts of the game. The last two focus areas; Marketplace research and Risk analysis, all create information that needs to be considered when working within the first seven focus areas. Thus, a basic iteration of the forecasting phase consists of first developing and designing all aspects of the game, then generating feedback on the designs. At the beginning of the next iteration you will have to balance the generated feedback with the current design, developing all aspects of the game further before elaborating the designs.

DESIGN: Game Conceptual dev. Gameplay Overview dev. Storyline dev. Art & Sound design dev. Interface design dev.

Technical spec.

Feedback implementation

FEEDBACK: Marketplace research Risk analysis


In theory, there are three different versions of a forecasting iteration – the initial run, when the basic designs are made, the standard middle iteration, and the end iteration that implements the current feedback and prepares all documents and artefacts for the coming planning phase.


Planning iterations The iterations in this phase are focused on creating a credible overview of how the project should be performed, creating plans and schedules to ensure that the designs and concept from the forecasting phase will be implemented in the game. The different focus areas are: Deliverables Time plan Budgeting Staff requirements Software requirements Hardware requirements Workplace requirements Team structure Communication system Work process The planning focus areas can be divided into three mayor areas as shown above. Similar to the forecasting phase, planning also have three different versions of iterations, first, middle and last iterations. In the initial run of the planning phase, all documents and artefacts from forecasting are brought in and create the base from which the deliverables, time plan and budgeting focus areas start. The four requirement focus areas continues the process and will then supply the team structure, communication system and work process focus areas with information.


Deliverables Timeplan Budgeting Forecasting Design REQUIREMENTS Feedback

Team structure Communication system Work process




In the planning phase, the main issue is to determine which demands the results from forecasting present and then balance these with the possibilities that the actual budget and size of the project allows. Thus, when a complete cycle of all the planning focus areas are completed, you should have an idea of how the designs and concepts can be implemented into the game together with how well the concept fits the projects size. These possibilities or restrictions to the design are then implemented into the results from the forecasting phase, revisiting all of its focus areas to create a new version of all designs and concept. During the next iteration, you will elaborate the work in each planning focus area and run the results through the forecasting focus areas again until you reach a sufficiently detailed and reliable overview of the project, both in concept and plan. Managing iterations The iterations in this phase are focused on keeping the design and plan up to date with all aspects of the current build of the game. This is where the actual production of the game takes place, based on the results of the previous phases. In general, the forecasting phase tells you what should be produced while the planning phase tells you who and when. The iterations in this phase can be applied differently depending on what your main concern is when it comes to the relation between concept and reality. Either way, the process will allow you to always maintain a good connection between the latest build of the game, the design and the plan. PLANNING PHASE

Design Prototyping Forecasting









Production Implementation


When iterating in the managing phase you will revisit and test the current version of the game and its components in each forecasting and planning focus area. These tests can either be performed in order to ensure that the game is coherent with the design OR to update the design so that it keeps up to date with the reality of the game.


DESIGN: Game Conceptual dev. Gameplay Overview dev. Storyline dev. Art & Sound design dev. Interface design dev.

Feedback implementation


Technical spec.

Marketplace research Risk analysis

Deliverables Timeplan Budgeting Forecasting Design REQUIREMENTS Feedback

Team structure Communication system Work process


Design Prototyping Forecasting









Production Implementation


Focus area description document Created 2004 01 19

Forecasting phase focus areas ................................................................................................................................. 2 Game Conceptual development .......................................................................................................................... 2 Gameplay Overview development ...................................................................................................................... 3 Storyline development ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Technical specification........................................................................................................................................ 5 Art Design development ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Sound Design development................................................................................................................................. 7 Interface Design development............................................................................................................................. 8 Marketplace research .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Risk analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Planning phase focus areas.................................................................................................................................... 12 Software requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Staff requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Team structure................................................................................................................................................... 13 Workplace requirements ................................................................................................................................... 13 Hardware requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Work process .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Communication system..................................................................................................................................... 15 Deliverables ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 Timeplan ........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Budgeting.......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Quality Assurance ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Managing phase focus areas.................................................................................................................................. 20 Design ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 Prototyping........................................................................................................................................................ 20 Production ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Implementation ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Testing............................................................................................................................................................... 22 Post Mortem...................................................................................................................................................... 22


FORECASTING PHASE FOCUS AREAS Game Conceptual development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead team Game Conceptual development is about creating a Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. This focus area contains the games fundamental concept, its vision and general outline. The work within game conceptual development is the starting point of a project and defines the base for the rest of the production. The work within this focus area ends when the game production ends. Forecasting Focus on development of a well defined concept that covers all aspects of the game, giving definition and guidelines to the work performed in all other focus areas of the forecasting phase. Take the results of all other forecasting focus areas into account, with special emphasize on marketplace research. The objectives of the first iteration within the Game Conceptual development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how to convey own preferences and desires to the VURP - Define how the VURP is to engage with the game - Define in which ways thesee paramters should be expressed Publisher - Define what type of game is most feasible to develop according to market potential(s) - Define how to make the VURP percieve the game as valuable - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how to convey product and brand - Define how the VURP is to engage with product and brand - Define how to express the paramters Planning Work with balancing the crucial parts of your concept against the results from the planning phase’s main focus areas, creating a trustworthy image of what the game will become. Managing Test the artefacts produced in the managing phase’s main focus areas against your game concept. Update the game concept to include any changes.


Gameplay Overview development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Featurelist Key roles: Lead programmer, lead designer, Q/A lead Gameplay Overview development is about evaluating, elaborating and developing the different gameplay features in the Game Design Document. This focus area contributes with elementary gameplay features to the game design document making sure that the game’s gameplay is at its best and nothing is missed. This is where you evaluate, elaborate and contribute different gameplay elements of the game’s concept. The work within this focus area begins alongside the Technical specification, Game Design development and Storyline development. The focus area work continues as long as new features are being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Documents. Forecasting Develop and elaborate the game design gameplay features based on the game conceptual development focus area. The objectives of the first iteration within the Gameplay Overview development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how each element in the game play structure can be enhanced - Define how the VURP is to be influenced by the game play features - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Publisher - Define what level of game play structure is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the structure can create loyalty between the game and VURP - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Advertiser - Establish game play strucuture that will endorese an emotional relation between product/brand and VURP - Establish a game play structure that will direct the VURP to "the next level" of engagement with product/brand - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Planning Balancing the gameplay against the planning phase focus areas. Prioritising the most crucial parts of the gameplay. Managing Evaluate and update the gameplay parts of the Game Design Document and featurelist.


Storyline development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Storyline Script, Manuscript, Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document Key roles: Lead designer, designer Storyline development is about creating a Storyline Script and Manuscript based on the Game Design Document. This focus area works with the outcome of the game conceptual development focus area to create the game’s storyline and manuscript. Ensuring the best possible Storyline Script and Manuscript for the game making sure that nothing is being missed or out of focus. The work within Storyline development starts alongside Technical specification, Game Design development and Gameplay Overview development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Write most of the Storyline Script with close attention to the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document. Write the beginning of the Manuscript based on the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Storyline development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how each element in the game play structure can be enhanced or explained by the storyline - Define how the storyline will create a natural and emotional flow through the game strucutre - Define how the storyline maintain it's dramatic value when applied to an interactive structure Publisher - Define what type of storyline is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the storyline can create immediate appeal for the VURP - Define the promotial consequences of implementing the storyline Advertiser - Define a storyline that will endorse an emmotional relation between product/brand and vurp - Establish storyline which will promote that the vurp enters a "next level" of engagement with product/brand - Define the promotional consequences of implementing such a storyline Planning Balance the Storyline Script and Manuscript against all Planning phase focus areas and decide weather to for example elongate/shorten/compress the story.


Managing Write the Manuscript mainly based on the outcome of the Design focus area. Updating the Storyline Script with all necessary changes.

Technical specification Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Technical Development Document, Featurelist, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead programmer, programmer This focus area is all about creating a Technical specification document and Featurelist based on the results of all forecasting focus areas. Enabling the technical parts of the risk analysis and marketplace research focus phase’s. The work within Technical specification starts alongside Storyline development, Game Design development and Gameplay Overview development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Create a Technical Development Document based on the Featurelist and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Technical Specification focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define what type of technological platform is most feasible for what - Define which technical solutions can be established via re use / library and which has be to "build" - Predict possible areas of change (technical areas - test) and define "safe" areas (no more change) Publisher - Define a scope (avgränsning - almost value) of different possible solutions - Define how to ensure that technical solutions can be re-capitalised - Define in which ways the technical production can be scaled and balanced Planning Balance the Technical Development Document against all Planning phase focus areas. Managing Update all necessary changes in the Technical Development Document by balancing them against all Forecasting and Planning phase focus areas.


Art Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Art samples and overview documentation, Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead artist, lead designer, artist This focus area is all about creating art samples and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. Visualising the conceptual parts of the game making it easier for the artists during the Managing phase’s design focus area. The focus area also enables visual quality assurance tests early on in the production in order to avoid artistical problems later on. The work within Art Design development starts alongside Sound Design development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document. Forecasting Create Art samles and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Art Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define which expressions will express the development teams vision - Define the teams "desire points" in the game and define how to emphasize them - Balance the Game expression so that it “sticks out� but without deserting its genre Publisher - Define what type of expression is most feasible to develop, according to target group preferences - Define how to ensure that the games expression can be re-capitalised upon, in other contexts - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how the game expression promotes products and brands in relation to game expression highlights - Define how the vurp is supposed to relate products and brands, to own personal desires, via the game - Define in which ways these parameters should be expressed Planning Balance the Art samples and overview documentation against the all Planning phase focus areas.


Sound Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Sound samples and overview documentation, Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead artist, lead designer, artist This focus area is all about creating sound samples and overview documentation based on the GameDesign Document and Conceptual Design Document. Creating game sound samples as early as possible in the game production enabling early quality assurance tests in order to avoid artistical problems later on. This is also to be looked at as a base for the artists during the Managing phase’s design focus area. The work within Sound Design development starts alongside Art Design development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document Forecasting Create Sound samples and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Sound Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define which expressions will express the development teams vision - Define the teams "desire points" in the game and define how to emphasize them - Balance the Game expression so that it “sticks out� but without deserting its genre Publisher - Define what type of expression is most feasible to develop, according to target group preferences - Define how to ensure that the games expression can be re-capitalised upon, in other contexts - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how the game expression promotes products and brands in relation to game expression highlights - Define how the VURP is supposed to relate products and brands, to own personal desires, via the game - Define in which ways these parameters should be expressed Planning Balance the Sound samples and overview documentation against the all Planning phase focus areas.


Interface Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Sound samples and overview documentation, Art samples and overview documentation, Interface design samples and overview documentation Key roles: Lead designer, programmer, artist, Q/A lead This focus area is all about creating Interface design samples and overview documentation based on the game conceptual development, art design development and sound design development focus areas. Creating Interface design samples as early as possible in the game production enabing early quality assurance tests in order to avoid problems later on. The work within Interface Design development starts after recieving Sound and Art samples and overview documentation. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document Forecasting Create Interface design samples and overview documentation based on the Sound and art samples and overview documentation and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Interface Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how to control elements and navigate through the game in the most interesting and effective way - Define how the VURP can develop personal game play skills via the interface - Define the technical consequences of implementing these features Publisher - Define what level of interface and control complexity is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the interface can create loyalty between the game and the VURP - Define the promotional potential of implementing these features Advertiser - Define interface features that can create "user value" relations between product/brand and VURP - Establish audio visual product/brand relations in the interface - Define the "dynamic" potential/risks in implementing these features Planning Balance the Interface design samples and overview documentation against all Planning phase focus areas.


Managing Update all necessary changes in the Interface design samples and overview documentation by balancing them against all Forecasting and Planning phase focus areas.

Marketplace research Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art samples and overview documentation, Sound samples and overview documentation, Interface design samples and overview documentation, Featurelist Key roles: Producer, QA lead Marketplace research is about making all possible research on what the market looks like at the moment. It’s likes and dislikes. What works and does not work. This focus area consists of marketplace research and elaborates important areas such as target group determination and how to reach the desired target group. It also tests and elaborates the concept against the games desired target group. Making research on how the Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art, Sound and Interface samples with overview documentation and the games featurelist would work on the games desired target group. Delivering feedback on possible changes in the Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art, Sound and Interface design samples with overview documentation and featurelist that would benifit the games outcome. The focus area starts as the first Game Design development, Gameplay Overview development, Storyline development, Technical specification, Art Design development, Sound Design development, Interface Design development artefact’s have been delivered. The marketplace research focus area ends as there are no longer any changes in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly. The objectives of the first iteration within the Marketplace research focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define "who" are the games most important competitors and how to seperate from them - Define how to adapt major technological trends - Define how to adapt to major trends in society Publisher - Define how the game fit the profile of its target group - Define synergetic BtoB combinations with 3rd party products - Define the BtoB potential of implementing these features


Advertiser - Define how the game can generate synergy with other products that appeal to the target group - Define synergetic marketing combinations with 3rd party products - Define the promotional potential of implementing these features Planning Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly based on the out come of the Planning phase’s focus areas. Managing Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly based on the out come of the Planning and Managing phase’s focus areas.

Risk analysis Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Risk Analysis Document, Game Design Document, Featurelist, Conceptual Design Document Key roles: Lead team, producer Risk analysis is all about defining the game’s conceptual risks. This focus area defines and evaluates the possible risks in the artefacts of the forecasting phase main focus areas. Risk analysis starts alongside Marketplace research and ends as there are no longer any changes in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Making a Risk Analysis Document based on the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks. The objectives of the first iteration within the Risk analysis focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define risk areas in relation to game play/storyline interconnection - Define audio visual performance risk areas - Define technical risk areas


Publisher - Define risk areas in relation between conceptual appeal/cultural rejection in the target group(s) - Define risk areas in the relation between BtoB interests and product (game) integrity - Define risk areas in the relation between technical development and delivery/production time Advertiser - Define critical moments in marketing timing. - Define critical moments in marketing channels. - Define possible risks in the marketing balance, if there is to be combinations with 3rd party products Planning Updating the Risk Analysis Document based on the Planning phase’s focus areas and the Planning phase’s changes of the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks. Managing Updating the Risk Analysis Document based on the Managing and Planning phase’s focus areas and the Managing phase’s changes of the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks.


PLANNING PHASE FOCUS AREAS Software requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, contracts, Technical Development Document, featurelist Key roles: Lead team Software requirements is all about defining the game production’s software needs based on the Technical Development Document and featurelist adding them into the resource requirements list and then making sure all software needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines the software needs of the entire game production. An early definition of the software needs enables a more correct budgeting and hardware need definition. Software requirements starts alongside Staff requirements as soon as the forecasting phase has finished and the production enters the planning phase. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Deciding on and implementing the software requirements based on the forecasting phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Software requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Updating the software requirements in the resource requirement list with necessary changes and then implementing them into the game production process.

Staff requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Contracts Key roles: Lead team, project leader, producer Hardware requirements is all about defining the game production’s hardware needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new hardware features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all hardware needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines the staffing needs of the entire managing phase. An early definition of the staffing needs enables a more correct budgeting and a less disfunctional managing phase. Staff requirements starts right alongside Software requirements focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends.


Planning Define the overall staffing requirements based on the output of the forecasting phase as well as the output of the software and hardware requirements focus areas. Balance the overall staffing requirements with the results of all other planning phase focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Staff requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the staffing requirements based on the new results of the forecasting phase as well as the new results of the software and hardware requirements focus areas.

Team structure Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Team structure layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Team structure is all about building all neccessary teams within the game production with the staff defined in the Staff requirements focus area. This focus area defines the team structure based on the whole planning phase with main focus on the Staff requirements focus area. Team structure starts after having defined the staff in the Staff requirements focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Define the team structure based on the staff requirements focus area.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Team structure focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the team structure.

Workplace requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Contracts Key roles: Producer, project leader Workplace requirements is all about defining the game production’s workplace needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new workplace features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all workplace needs are being taken care of.


This focus area defines all workplace needs throughout the whole game production taking all other planning phase focus areas in consideration. An early definition of the workplace needs enables a more correct budgeting and a less disfunctional managing phase. Workplace requirements starts after the Team structure focus area and works right alongside the Hardware requirements and Work process focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Defining where to work and what is required in order to enable the workplace.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Workplace requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the workplace requirements based on the new results of the managing phase focus areas but with main focus on the planning phase’s staffing requirements focus area.

Hardware requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, contracts, Technical Development Document Key roles: Lead team Hardware requirements is all about defining the game production’s hardware needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new hardware features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all hardware needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines the hardware needs of the entire game production with emphazise on the planning phase’s software requirements focus area. An early definition of the hardware needs enables a more correct budgeting. Hardware requirements starts after the Team structure focus area and works right alongside the Workplace requirements and Work process focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Deciding on and implementing the hardware requirements based on the forecasting phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Hardware requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Updating the hardware requirements in the resource requirement list with necessary changes and then implementing them into the game production process.


Work process Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Iteration schedule Key roles: Project leader Work process is all about defining how to work within the game production. Which process model/-s to use and how to use it/them. This focus area defines the work process that is to be used in the game production with main emphazis on the staffing requirements and team structure focus areas. Work process starts after the Team structure focus area and works alongside the Workplace requirements and Hardware requirements focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game prodution ends. Planning Create a work process

The objectives of the first iteration within the Work process focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Update the work process artefacts.

Communication system Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Project place, Resource allocation scheme, Resource requirement list, Team strucuture layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Communication system is all about enabling information to float smothly through the game production. This focus area creates the communication platform for the entire game production. Making sure that the whole production team knows what is going on and that information floats easily through the production. It is important to define how to communicate as early as possible in order to make communication standards in the production teams. Communication is something that is often bypassed in a production causing many problems later on as people don’t know how to communicate information or get information. The Communication system focus area starts after having defined which work process is being used in the Work process focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends.


Planning Create a basic project platform with emphasize on the planning phase’s staff requirements, team structure and work structure focus areas. The objectives of the first iteration within the Communication system focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Update and manage the project platform.

Deliverables Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Work Breakdown Schedule, Deliverables list, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document, Featurelist, Artefact Definition Document Key roles: Lead team, project manager, producer, Q/A lead Deliverables is all about packaging the game artefacts into deliverables. This focus area defines all game artefacts and creates an Artefact Definition Document and when they are to be delivered through making a Work Breakdown Schedule. The Artefact Definition Document is based on the Technical Development Document, Game Design Documen and featurelist. Defined deliverables are crucial in order to make a correct timeplan and budget. The Deliverables focus area starts right after the first Work process focus area iteration and ends as the game production ends. Planning Define all deliverables in the deliverables list. The objectives of the first iteration within the Deliverables focus area within the planning phase are: Developer - Define the deliverables from each involved area of competence - Define the development of each deliverable during the production process - Define general/common milestones for the entire production team Publisher - Define how to estimate and evaluate the production process, based upon the progress of the deliverables - Define how to calculate/estimate consequences from each of the deliverables - Define backup plans for the deliverables - in case they are not delivered, or of low quality


Advertiser - Define deliverables relevant for pre-release marketing material and merchandising - Define deliverables for early engagement activities - Define which existing deliverables can provide needed materaial and which must be instigated Managing Update the deliverables list.

Timeplan Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Timeline, Resource allocation scheme, Budget, Integration plan, Deliverables list, Iteration Schedule, Team structure layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Timeplan is all about making a functional game production plan. This focus area developes the game project timeline based on the Planning phase’s Work process, Team structure, Deliverables and Budgeting focus areas. The Timeplan focus area starts as the work process has been decided on and the game’s deliverables have been defined. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Defining the whole game production timeline and integration plan based on the deliverables list, team structure layout, resource allocation scheme and budget. The objectives of the first iteration within the Timeplan focus area within the planning phase are: Developer - Define workflow and milestones for each role - according to the milestones for the deliverables - Define deadlines and sub deadlines for each role - Define where there can be installed "buffer zones" and where there should be "wait until finished" actions Publisher - Define what internal and external parties to influence the process and when this is releant/feasible - Define feedback/alteration meetings and according "buffer zones" in the timeplan - Define the consequences of delays in the timeplan Advertiser - Define marketing milestones, according to the workflow - Define "early engagement" activities for the target group(s) - Endorse crucial marketing deadlines in the general workflow


Managing Updating the timeline based on the resource allocation scheme and deliverables list.

Budgeting Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Timeline, Budget, Contracts, Resource requirement list, Integration plan Key roles: Producer, project leader Budgeting is all about defining the game production budget. This focus area makes the game production budgeting. Calculating all game production expences based on all other planning phase’s focus areas. The Budgeting focus area starts as a timeline and integration plan has been defined. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Creating the game production budget based on all other planning phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Budgeting focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Taking all new money issues into consideration and updating the budget.

Quality Assurance Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Q/A artefact specific test system documentation, Q/A gameplay test systems documentation, Q/A workprocess test systems documentation Key roles: Q/A lead, producer Quality Assurance is all about defining the games production risks and eliminating them. This focus area develops all test systems needed for quality assurance through out the process. The quality assurance focus area follows through the whole planning and managing phase.


Planning Creating a Q/A artefact specific, gameplay and workprocess test system documentation.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Quality Assurance focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Using the Q/A artefact specific, gameplay and workprocess test systems.


MANAGING PHASE FOCUS AREAS Design Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact definition document, Artefact design, Game Design Document, Technical Development Document, Art samples and overview documentation, Sound samples and overview documentation Key roles: All Design is all about creating art and sound artefact design based on art and sound samples and overview documentation, Game Design Document and artefact definition document. In this focus area you create the artefact’s designs using the results of the forecasting phase. The Design focus area starts as the planning phase is finished and ends when the game production ends. Managing Create the Artefact design based on the Art and sound samples with overview documentation, Game Design Document, Artefact definition document and Technical Development Document.

Prototyping Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact design, Artefact prototype, Artefact definition document, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document Key roles: All Prototyping is all about implementing the artefact design into prototypes that then are to be tested against the Game Design Document. In this focus area you create artefact prototypes using the artefacts specific artefact design as well as the results of the forecasting phase. The Prototyping focus area starts as the Design focus area finishes its first iteration and ends as the game production ends. Managing Create a artefact prototype based on the artefact design, artefact definition document, Technical Development Document and Game Design Document.


Production Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact design, Artefact prototype, Artefact final, Artefact definition document, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document Key roles: All Production is all about creating all game artefacts belonging to the next build. In this focus area you create all final artefacts that are to be implemented into the next build. The Production focus area starts as the latest artefact prototype has been tested and approved and ends as the production ends. Managing Create next build’s final artefacts.

Implementation Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact final, Technical Development Document Key roles: Programmer Implementation is all about implementing the final artefacts into builds. In this focus area you implement all new artefacts into a new build. The Implementation focus area starts as the Production focus area has created some of the new final artefacts and ends as the game production ends. Managing Create the current build by using the Technical Development Document and summoning the build’s final artefacts.


Testing Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Q/A artefact test system documentation Key roles: Q/A lead, tester Testing is all about ensuring the artefacts and builds quality. The Testing focus area starts after every finished prototype and finished build and ends after every tested prototype and build. In this focus area you test.. 1. the latest prototype against technical bugs 2. the latest build against technical bugs. ..using the Q/A artefact test system documentation. Managing Test the latest prototype/build against technical bugs.

Post Mortem Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Post Mortem, all forecasting and planning phase’s focus areas artefacts Key roles: Lead team Post mortem is all about analysing the process - looking into what went wrong and what went well the why’s and the what’s. Post Mortem documentation. This focus area starts as the game has finished and the game process has ended and ends as the Post Mortem’s been written.


Phase description document Created 2004 01 19

Project Forecasting.............................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Managing ................................................................................................................................................ 3


Project Forecasting Project forecasting is the first of the four phases and focuses on defining what the end result of the project is. The project forecasting phase ends when the concept is clearly defined with all focus areas covered. These are the focus areas of the project forecasting phase: Game Conceptual development Gameplay Overview development Storyline development Technical specification Art Design development Sound Design development Interface Design development Marketplace research Risk analysis

The forecasting phase always starts with some kind of concept. The size and detail of the concept can vary and there are no real requirements on the concept to be elaborated in any way. There are two common types of concept that instigates the beginning of a game development; “We want to earn lots of money” and “I’ve dreamt of this game all my life and know exactly what I want to create”. The iteration process in the forecasting phase starts with small tight iterations and then grows in time and size with the details of the games concept and design. The iterations are designed to enable the developer to quickly realize the market value and risks of the games concept and design and take action accordingly. The concept and design will grow in detail for each iteration cycle until the whole project is ready to be moved into the planning phase. There are no general rules that indicate when the concept and design has reached this level of maturity; it is pretty much up to the developer to decide. However, the choice will define the philosophy of the entire production. There are two basic ways to go: The designed game production A production that has its base in detailed design documentation and clearly specified feature lists etc needs to spend a lot of time in the forecasting phase. The developer will have a clear overview of how the game will be played, who will buy it, what the USPs will be and so forth. The following iterations of the forecasting focus areas in the other phases will focus on keeping the production in line with the specified concept and design. The open game production This type of production encourages the concept and design to float and change over the course of the production. The initial concept only defines some boundaries and a general idea of what is to be produced. There should be some detail to the conceptual work preformed within the forecasting phase, but with an understanding that the finished product doesn’t need to concur with the stated concept. This methodology requires experienced designers and a good relationship with publisher and other stakeholders.

Project Planning


All aspects of a project that involves planning and requirements are included in the Project planning phase. The goal of the project planning phase is to create a clear picture of how the project will be preformed and what the requirements for the project are. These are the focus areas of the project planning phase: Software requirements Staff requirements Team structure Workplace requirements Hardware requirements Work process Communication system Deliverables Timeplan Budgeting Quality Assurance The project planning phase can be divided in to three subsections; Requirements, Systems and Planning. The different areas cover different issues addressed within the planning phase and needs to be dealt with before the project can continue into actual production. The planning phase is the bridge of sense that connects the forecasting and the managing phases. Many game productions failures are mainly caused by the team ignoring the importance of the planning phase. Without a solid plan that covers all issues of game production the project will usually end up in a state of chaos, where developers desperately tries to get all the features finished before deadline. The planning phase gives the developer the tools and means to control the production and see any problems in advance if preformed correctly. There are no rules stating when the planning phase starts or ends, this depends on the respective project and team. As a guideline, the planning phase should commence when the core team has a solid vision of what they want to do. The design should not be detailed though as the team will need the restrictions acquired in the planning phase to efficiently develop the design and concept further. The planning phase ends when all its focus areas are covered and the design and concept are sufficiently detailed. The exact duration of the planning phase (or any other phase) is not as important as the completion of their respective tasks though. The systems created in the planning phase should support the production all the way through and should enable the developer to focus completely on the production of the game in the coming phase.

Project Managing The project managing phase covers the actual production time of the project. It focuses on the production and implementation of artefacts and ends when the product is finished.


The Focus areas of the project managing phase are: Design Prototyping Production Implementation Testing Post mortem The project managing and its focus areas are fairly uncomplicated in process description as they mainly involve the efforts of the individual workers, which is something that lies in the skills held by each employee rather then in the systems used. However, the work preformed should be supported by the process model and the iterations of previous focus areas. Once a project reaches the managing phase the purpose of the process model should be to monitor that everything is running smoothly and help resolve any and all issues that might arise during production. Since this is the time when the workforce is usually (but not always) scaled up to reach maximum efficiently the managements focus should lie on implementing the results of the forecasting and planning phases.

Glossary Created 2004 01 16

Forecasting phase focus areas ................................................................................................................................. 2 Planning phase focus areas.................................................................................................................................... 12 Managing phase focus areas.................................................................................................................................. 19 Forecasting phase main artefacts .......................................................................................................................... 22 Planning phase main artefacts............................................................................................................................... 23 Managing phase main artefacts............................................................................................................................. 25 Producer ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Project Manager .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Lead Designer ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 Designer ................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Lead Technician/Programmer............................................................................................................................... 26 Technician/Programmer........................................................................................................................................ 26 Lead Artist ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 Artist ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Lead Animator ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Animator ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 Lead Quality Assurance ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Quality Assurance ................................................................................................................................................. 27 Vurp ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Phase ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Focus Area ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Artefact ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Role....................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Iteration ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Case story.............................................................................................................................................................. 28 Build...................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Use Case................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Process model ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Help/Supporting Document .................................................................................................................................. 28


Phases Project Forecasting Project forecasting is the first of the four phases and focuses on defining what the end result of the project is. The project forecasting phase ends when the concept is clearly defined with all focus areas covered.

Project Planning All aspects of a project that involves planning and requirements are included in the Project planning phase. The goal of the project planning phase is to create a clear picture of how the projects will be performed and what the requirements for the project are.

Project Managing The project managing phase covers the actual production time of the project. It focuses on the production and implementation of artefacts and ends when the product is finished.


Game Conceptual development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead team Game Conceptual development is about creating a Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. This focus area contains the games fundamental concept, its vision and general outline. The work within game conceptual development is the starting point of a project and defines the base for the rest of the production. The work within this focus area ends when the game production ends. Forecasting Focus on development of a well defined concept that covers all aspects of the game, giving definition and guidelines to the work performed in all other focus areas of the forecasting phase. Take the results of all other forecasting focus areas into account, with special emphasize on marketplace research.


The objectives of the first iteration within the Game Conceptual development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how to convey own preferences and desires to the VURP - Define how the VURP is to engage with the game - Define in which ways thesee paramters should be expressed Publisher - Define what type of game is most feasible to develop according to market potential(s) - Define how to make the VURP percieve the game as valuable - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how to convey product and brand - Define how the VURP is to engage with product and brand - Define how to express the paramters Planning Work with balancing the crucial parts of your concept against the results from the planning phase’s main focus areas, creating a trustworthy image of what the game will become. Managing Test the artefacts produced in the managing phase’s main focus areas against your game concept. Update the game concept to include any changes.

Gameplay Overview development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Featurelist Key roles: Lead programmer, lead designer, Q/A lead Gameplay Overview development is about evaluating, elaborating and developing the different gameplay features in the Game Design Document. This focus area contributes with elementary gameplay features to the game design document making sure that the game’s gameplay is at its best and nothing is missed. This is where you evaluate, elaborate and contribute different gameplay elements of the game’s concept. The work within this focus area begins alongside the Technical specification, Game Design development and Storyline development. The focus area work continues as long as new features are being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Documents. Forecasting Develop and elaborate the game design gameplay features based on the game conceptual development focus area.


The objectives of the first iteration within the Gameplay Overview development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how each element in the game play structure can be enhanced - Define how the VURP is to be influenced by the game play features - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Publisher - Define what level of game play structure is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the structure can create loyalty between the game and VURP - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Advertiser - Establish game play strucuture that will endorese an emotional relation between product/brand and VURP - Establish a game play structure that will direct the VURP to "the next level" of engagement with product/brand - Define the structural concequeces of implementing these features Planning Balancing the gameplay against the planning phase focus areas. Prioritising the most crucial parts of the gameplay. Managing Evaluate and update the gameplay parts of the Game Design Document and featurelist.

Storyline development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Storyline Script, Manuscript, Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document Key roles: Lead designer, designer Storyline development is about creating a Storyline Script and Manuscript based on the Game Design Document. This focus area works with the outcome of the game conceptual development focus area to create the game’s storyline and manuscript. Ensuring the best possible Storyline Script and Manuscript for the game making sure that nothing is being missed or out of focus. The work within Storyline development starts alongside Technical specification, Game Design development and Gameplay Overview development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document.


Forecasting Write most of the Storyline Script with close attention to the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document. Write the beginning of the Manuscript based on the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Storyline development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how each element in the game play structure can be enhanced or explained by the storyline - Define how the storyline will create a natural and emotional flow through the game strucutre - Define how the storyline maintain it's dramatic value when applied to an interactive structure Publisher - Define what type of storyline is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the storyline can create immediate appeal for the VURP - Define the promotial consequences of implementing the storyline Advertiser - Define a storyline that will endorse an emmotional relation between product/brand and vurp - Establish storyline which will promote that the vurp enters a "next level" of engagement with product/brand - Define the promotional consequences of implementing such a storyline Planning Balance the Storyline Script and Manuscript against all Planning phase focus areas and decide weather to for example elongate/shorten/compress the story. Managing Write the Manuscript mainly based on the outcome of the Design focus area. Updating the Storyline Script with all necessary changes.


Technical specification Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Technical Development Document, Featurelist, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead programmer, programmer This focus area is all about creating a Technical specification document and Featurelist based on the results of all forecasting focus areas. Enabling the technical parts of the risk analysis and marketplace research focus phase’s. The work within Technical specification starts alongside Storyline development, Game Design development and Gameplay Overview development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Create a Technical Development Document based on the Featurelist and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Technical Specification focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define what type of technological platform is most feasible for what - Define which technical solutions can be established via re use / library and which has be to "build" - Predict possible areas of change (technical areas - test) and define "safe" areas (no more change) Publisher - Define a scope (avgränsning - almost value) of different possible solutions - Define how to ensure that technical solutions can be re-capitalised - Define in which ways the technical production can be scaled and balanced Planning Balance the Technical Development Document against all Planning phase focus areas. Managing Update all necessary changes in the Technical Development Document by balancing them against all Forecasting and Planning phase focus areas.


Art Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Art samples and overview documentation, Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead artist, lead designer, artist This focus area is all about creating art samples and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. Visualising the conceptual parts of the game making it easier for the artists during the Managing phase’s design focus area. The focus area also enables visual quality assurance tests early on in the production in order to avoid artistical problems later on. The work within Art Design development starts alongside Sound Design development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document. Forecasting Create Art samles and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Art Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define which expressions will express the development teams vision - Define the teams "desire points" in the game and define how to emphasize them - Balance the Game expression so that it “sticks out� but without deserting its genre Publisher - Define what type of expression is most feasible to develop, according to target group preferences - Define how to ensure that the games expression can be re-capitalised upon, in other contexts - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how the game expression promotes products and brands in relation to game expression highlights - Define how the vurp is supposed to relate products and brands, to own personal desires, via the game - Define in which ways these parameters should be expressed Planning Balance the Art samples and overview documentation against the all Planning phase focus areas.


Sound Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Sound samples and overview documentation, Conceptual Design Document, Game Design Document Key roles: Lead artist, lead designer, artist This focus area is all about creating sound samples and overview documentation based on the GameDesign Document and Conceptual Design Document. Creating game sound samples as early as possible in the game production enabling early quality assurance tests in order to avoid artistical problems later on. This is also to be looked at as a base for the artists during the Managing phase’s design focus area. The work within Sound Design development starts alongside Art Design development. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document Forecasting Create Sound samples and overview documentation based on the Conceptual Design Document and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Sound Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define which expressions will express the development teams vision - Define the teams "desire points" in the game and define how to emphasize them - Balance the Game expression so that it “sticks out� but without deserting its genre Publisher - Define what type of expression is most feasible to develop, according to target group preferences - Define how to ensure that the games expression can be re-capitalised upon, in other contexts - Define in which ways these parameters are expressed Advertiser - Define how the game expression promotes products and brands in relation to game expression highlights - Define how the VURP is supposed to relate products and brands, to own personal desires, via the game - Define in which ways these parameters should be expressed Planning Balance the Sound samples and overview documentation against the all Planning phase focus areas.


Interface Design development Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Sound samples and overview documentation, Art samples and overview documentation, Interface design samples and overview documentation Key roles: Lead designer, programmer, artist, Q/A lead This focus area is all about creating Interface design samples and overview documentation based on the game conceptual development, art design development and sound design development focus areas. Creating Interface design samples as early as possible in the game production enabing early quality assurance tests in order to avoid problems later on. The work within Interface Design development starts after recieving Sound and Art samples and overview documentation. The focus area work ends as new features are no longer being added into, discluded from or altered in the Game Design Document or Conceptual Design Document Forecasting Create Interface design samples and overview documentation based on the Sound and art samples and overview documentation and Game Design Document. The objectives of the first iteration within the Interface Design development focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define how to control elements and navigate through the game in the most interesting and effective way - Define how the VURP can develop personal game play skills via the interface - Define the technical consequences of implementing these features Publisher - Define what level of interface and control complexity is feasible, according to market expectations and preferences - Define how the interface can create loyalty between the game and the VURP - Define the promotional potential of implementing these features Advertiser - Define interface features that can create "user value" relations between product/brand and VURP - Establish audio visual product/brand relations in the interface - Define the "dynamic" potential/risks in implementing these features Planning Balance the Interface design samples and overview documentation against all Planning phase focus areas.


Managing Update all necessary changes in the Interface design samples and overview documentation by balancing them against all Forecasting and Planning phase focus areas.

Marketplace research Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art samples and overview documentation, Sound samples and overview documentation, Interface design samples and overview documentation, Featurelist Key roles: Producer, QA lead Marketplace research is about making all possible research on what the market looks like at the moment. It’s likes and dislikes. What works and does not work. This focus area consists of marketplace research and elaborates important areas such as target group determination and how to reach the desired target group. It also tests and elaborates the concept against the games desired target group. Making research on how the Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art, Sound and Interface samples with overview documentation and the games featurelist would work on the games desired target group. Delivering feedback on possible changes in the Game Design Document, Conceptual Design Document, Art, Sound and Interface design samples with overview documentation and featurelist that would benifit the games outcome. The focus area starts as the first Game Design development, Gameplay Overview development, Storyline development, Technical specification, Art Design development, Sound Design development, Interface Design development artefact’s have been delivered. The marketplace research focus area ends as there are no longer any changes in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly. The objectives of the first iteration within the Marketplace research focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define "who" are the games most important competitors and how to seperate from them - Define how to adapt major technological trends - Define how to adapt to major trends in society Publisher - Define how the game fit the profile of its target group - Define synergetic BtoB combinations with 3rd party products - Define the BtoB potential of implementing these features Advertiser - Define how the game can generate synergy with other products that appeal to the target group - Define synergetic marketing combinations with 3rd party products - Define the promotional potential of implementing these features


Planning Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly based on the out come of the Planning phase’s focus areas. Managing Test the Game Design Document and Conceptual Design Document and give feedback on changes in the featurelist, art, sound and interface design samles that could be made in order to reach the desired target group more efficiantly based on the out come of the Planning and Managing phase’s focus areas.

Risk analysis Main phase: Forecasting Main artefacts: Risk Analysis Document, Game Design Document, Featurelist, Conceptual Design Document Key roles: Lead team, producer Risk analysis is all about defining the game’s conceptual risks. This focus area defines and evaluates the possible risks in the artefacts of the forecasting phase main focus areas. Risk analysis starts alongside Marketplace research and ends as there are no longer any changes in the Game Design Document. Forecasting Making a Risk Analysis Document based on the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks. The objectives of the first iteration within the Risk analysis focus area within the forecasting phase are: Developer - Define risk areas in relation to game play/storyline interconnection - Define audio visual performance risk areas - Define technical risk areas Publisher - Define risk areas in relation between conceptual appeal/cultural rejection in the target group(s) - Define risk areas in the relation between BtoB interests and product (game) integrity - Define risk areas in the relation between technical development and delivery/production time Advertiser - Define critical moments in marketing timing. - Define critical moments in marketing channels.


- Define possible risks in the marketing balance, if there is to be combinations with 3rd party products Planning Updating the Risk Analysis Document based on the Planning phase’s focus areas and the Planning phase’s changes of the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks. Managing Updating the Risk Analysis Document based on the Managing and Planning phase’s focus areas and the Managing phase’s changes of the Game Design Document, featurelist and Conceptual Design Document. Generating feedback and alteranative changes to reduce the available risks.


Software requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, contracts, Technical Development Document, featurelist Key roles: Lead team Software requirements is all about defining the game production’s software needs based on the Technical Development Document and featurelist adding them into the resource requirements list and then making sure all software needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines the software needs of the entire game production. An early definition of the software needs enables a more correct budgeting and hardware need definition. Software requirements starts alongside Staff requirements as soon as the forecasting phase has finished and the production enters the planning phase. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Deciding on and implementing the software requirements based on the forecasting phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Software requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Updating the software requirements in the resource requirement list with necessary changes and then implementing them into the game production process.


Staff requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Contracts Key roles: Lead team, project leader, producer Hardware requirements is all about defining the game production’s hardware needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new hardware features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all hardware needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines the staffing needs of the entire managing phase. An early definition of the staffing needs enables a more correct budgeting and a less disfunctional managing phase. Staff requirements starts right alongside Software requirements focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Define the overall staffing requirements based on the output of the forecasting phase as well as the output of the software and hardware requirements focus areas. Balance the overall staffing requirements with the results of all other planning phase focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Staff requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the staffing requirements based on the new results of the forecasting phase as well as the new results of the software and hardware requirements focus areas.

Team structure Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Team structure layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Team structure is all about building all neccessary teams within the game production with the staff defined in the Staff requirements focus area. This focus area defines the team structure based on the whole planning phase with main focus on the Staff requirements focus area. Team structure starts after having defined the staff in the Staff requirements focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Define the team structure based on the staff requirements focus area.


The objectives of the first iteration within the Team structure focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the team structure.

Workplace requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Contracts Key roles: Producer, project leader Workplace requirements is all about defining the game production’s workplace needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new workplace features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all workplace needs are being taken care of. This focus area defines all workplace needs throughout the whole game production taking all other planning phase focus areas in consideration. An early definition of the workplace needs enables a more correct budgeting and a less disfunctional managing phase. Workplace requirements starts after the Team structure focus area and works right alongside the Hardware requirements and Work process focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Defining where to work and what is required in order to enable the workplace.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Workplace requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Evaluate and update the workplace requirements based on the new results of the managing phase focus areas but with main focus on the planning phase’s staffing requirements focus area.

Hardware requirements Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, contracts, Technical Development Document Key roles: Lead team Hardware requirements is all about defining the game production’s hardware needs based on the resource requirement list and Technical Development Document, adding new hardware features into the resource requirement list and then making sure all hardware needs are being taken care of.


This focus area defines the hardware needs of the entire game production with emphazise on the planning phase’s software requirements focus area. An early definition of the hardware needs enables a more correct budgeting. Hardware requirements starts after the Team structure focus area and works right alongside the Workplace requirements and Work process focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Deciding on and implementing the hardware requirements based on the forecasting phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Hardware requirements focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Updating the hardware requirements in the resource requirement list with necessary changes and then implementing them into the game production process.

Work process Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Resource requirement list, Resource allocation scheme, Iteration schedule Key roles: Project leader Work process is all about defining how to work within the game production. Which process model/-s to use and how to use it/them. This focus area defines the work process that is to be used in the game production with main emphazis on the staffing requirements and team structure focus areas. Work process starts after the Team structure focus area and works alongside the Workplace requirements and Hardware requirements focus area’s. The focus area ends as the game prodution ends. Planning Create a work process

The objectives of the first iteration within the Work process focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Update the work process artefacts.


Communication system Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Project place, Resource allocation scheme, Resource requirement list, Team strucuture layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Communication system is all about enabling information to float smothly through the game production. This focus area creates the communication platform for the entire game production. Making sure that the whole production team knows what is going on and that information floats easily through the production. It is important to define how to communicate as early as possible in order to make communication standards in the production teams. Communication is something that is often bypassed in a production causing many problems later on as people don’t know how to communicate information or get information. The Communication system focus area starts after having defined which work process is being used in the Work process focus area. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Create a basic project platform with emphasize on the planning phase’s staff requirements, team structure and work structure focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Communication system focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Update and manage the project platform.

Deliverables Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Work Breakdown Schedule, Deliverables list, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document, Featurelist, Artefact Definition Document Key roles: Lead team, project manager, producer, Q/A lead Deliverables is all about packaging the game artefacts into deliverables. This focus area defines all game artefacts and creates an Artefact Definition Document and when they are to be delivered through making a Work Breakdown Schedule. The Artefact Definition Document is based on the Technical Development Document, Game Design Documen and featurelist. Defined deliverables are crucial in order to make a correct timeplan and budget. The Deliverables focus area starts right after the first Work process focus area iteration and ends as the game production ends.


Planning Define all deliverables in the deliverables list. The objectives of the first iteration within the Deliverables focus area within the planning phase are: Developer - Define the deliverables from each involved area of competence - Define the development of each deliverable during the production process - Define general/common milestones for the entire production team Publisher - Define how to estimate and evaluate the production process, based upon the progress of the deliverables - Define how to calculate/estimate consequences from each of the deliverables - Define backup plans for the deliverables - in case they are not delivered, or of low quality Advertiser - Define deliverables relevant for pre-release marketing material and merchandising - Define deliverables for early engagement activities - Define which existing deliverables can provide needed materaial and which must be instigated Managing Update the deliverables list.

Timeplan Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Timeline, Resource allocation scheme, Budget, Integration plan, Deliverables list, Iteration Schedule, Team structure layout Key roles: Lead team, project leader Timeplan is all about making a functional game production plan. This focus area developes the game project timeline based on the Planning phase’s Work process, Team structure, Deliverables and Budgeting focus areas. The Timeplan focus area starts as the work process has been decided on and the game’s deliverables have been defined. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Defining the whole game production timeline and integration plan based on the deliverables list, team structure layout, resource allocation scheme and budget.


The objectives of the first iteration within the Timeplan focus area within the planning phase are: Developer - Define workflow and milestones for each role - according to the milestones for the deliverables - Define deadlines and sub deadlines for each role - Define where there can be installed "buffer zones" and where there should be "wait until finished" actions Publisher - Define what internal and external parties to influence the process and when this is releant/feasible - Define feedback/alteration meetings and according "buffer zones" in the timeplan - Define the consequences of delays in the timeplan Advertiser - Define marketing milestones, according to the workflow - Define "early engagement" activities for the target group(s) - Endorse crucial marketing deadlines in the general workflow Managing Updating the timeline based on the resource allocation scheme and deliverables list.

Budgeting Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Timeline, Budget, Contracts, Resource requirement list, Integration plan Key roles: Producer, project leader Budgeting is all about defining the game production budget. This focus area makes the game production budgeting. Calculating all game production expences based on all other planning phase’s focus areas. The Budgeting focus area starts as a timeline and integration plan has been defined. The focus area ends as the game production ends. Planning Creating the game production budget based on all other planning phase’s focus areas.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Budgeting focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Taking all new money issues into consideration and updating the budget.


Quality Assurance Main phase: Planning Main artefacts: Q/A artefact specific test system documentation, Q/A gameplay test systems documentation, Q/A workprocess test systems documentation Key roles: Q/A lead, producer Quality Assurance is all about defining the games production risks and eliminating them. This focus area develops all test systems needed for quality assurance through out the process. The quality assurance focus area follows through the whole planning and managing phase. Planning Creating a Q/A artefact specific, gameplay and workprocess test system documentation.

The objectives of the first iteration within the Quality Assurance focus area within the planning phase are: Managing Using the Q/A artefact specific, gameplay and workprocess test systems.


Design Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact definition document, Artefact design, Game Design Document, Technical Development Document, Art samples and overview documentation, Sound samples and overview documentation Key roles: All Design is all about creating art and sound artefact design based on art and sound samples and overview documentation, Game Design Document and artefact definition document. In this focus area you create the artefact’s designs using the results of the forecasting phase. The Design focus area starts as the planning phase is finished and ends when the game production ends. Managing Create the Artefact design based on the Art and sound samples with overview documentation, Game Design Document, Artefact definition document and Technical Development Document.


Prototyping Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact design, Artefact prototype, Artefact definition document, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document Key roles: All Prototyping is all about implementing the artefact design into prototypes that then are to be tested against the Game Design Document. In this focus area you create artefact prototypes using the artefacts specific artefact design as well as the results of the forecasting phase. The Prototyping focus area starts as the Design focus area finishes its first iteration and ends as the game production ends. Managing Create a artefact prototype based on the artefact design, artefact definition document, Technical Development Document and Game Design Document.

Production Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact design, Artefact prototype, Artefact final, Artefact definition document, Technical Development Document, Game Design Document Key roles: All Production is all about creating all game artefacts belonging to the next build. In this focus area you create all final artefacts that are to be implemented into the next build. The Production focus area starts as the latest artefact prototype has been tested and approved and ends as the production ends. Managing Create next build’s final artefacts.

Implementation Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Artefact final, Technical Development Document Key roles: Programmer Implementation is all about implementing the final artefacts into builds.


In this focus area you implement all new artefacts into a new build. The Implementation focus area starts as the Production focus area has created some of the new final artefacts and ends as the game production ends. Managing Create the current build by using the Technical Development Document and summoning the build’s final artefacts.

Testing Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Q/A artefact test system documentation Key roles: Q/A lead, tester Testing is all about ensuring the artefacts and builds quality. The Testing focus area starts after every finished prototype and finished build and ends after every tested prototype and build. In this focus area you test.. 1. the latest prototype against technical bugs 2. the latest build against technical bugs. ..using the Q/A artefact test system documentation. Managing Test the latest prototype/build against technical bugs.

Post Mortem Main phase: Managing Main artefacts: Post Mortem, all forecasting and planning phase’s focus areas artefacts Key roles: Lead team Post mortem is all about analysing the process - looking into what went wrong and what went well the why’s and the what’s. Post Mortem documentation. This focus area starts as the game has finished and the game process has ended and ends as the Post Mortem’s been written.



Artefact/Component final This is the final version of a script/piece of art/character or other component of the game that is ready for implementation. No more design work will be preformed on a artefact/component final. Only artefact/component final artefacts are submitted to be implemented into the game.

Risk Analysis Document This is the produce of the risk analysis focus area in the forecasting phase. The document contains a list evaluation and proposing solutions to all known/estimated risks throughout the entire project. The risk analysis document is continuously updated with new information when such is available.

Game Design Document This document can be considered as the games bible. It should contain all of the information concerning the design and concept of the game and should be thorough enough to give a complete overview of the final product and the costumers’ experience of it. The game design document should hold a standard that enables it to be read and understood by everyone in the team and should contain information that is valuable to every team. Again, this is the games bible.

Conceptual Design Document This document should contain the initial overview of the games concept and act as a reference for further conceptual development work. It can be considered as the predecessor of the game design document but only needs to address those directly involved with the conceptual development work of the game.

Art samples and overview documentation This artefact lay the groundwork for further development of the games artistic expression. It consists of sketches and design outlines of the games artistic expression in general, covering characters, environments, menues and all other graphical components included in the game. It is used by designers and artists when developing the next generation art-component artefact. Sound samples and overview documentation See art samples and overview modification. Usually consists of already existing scores and soundeffects to create a vision of the audio-world present in the game.

Interface design samples and overview documentation These are the initial outlines of the interface and its function rather then form. Displays the games main interactive points and how they should function, should also give a general indication of which type of interaction is required by the user overall. This is the base for further development of the interface, both conceptually and technically and thus should not be specific or detailed in any way.


Feature list The feature list is a technical reference that describes the game through a number of features. It covers all known features included in a game and is used as a base for further work with technical specification and task lists. It should accompany and cover the contents of the game design document as well as the projects progress and thus continually be updated.

Technical Development Document This document maps out the technical solutions and designs to support the concept. It is created and used by the technical lead and team and thus does not need to be directed to other workers without technical knowledge. The technical development document should evolve over the course of the project in order to always be eligible as a reference for the technical team. It should cover all aspects of the game and hold a solution for all items included in the feature list. Manuscript This artefact is derived from the game conceptual document and the game design document and should give a detailed overview of the dialogue in the game in correlation with the respective scenes/levels.

Storyline script The storyline script should spell out the games story in a literal form to support the game design document and give the reader of the storyline script a clear image of the games story. Storyboard The storyboard is the non-literal form of the storyline script and can also include parts of the games manuscript. It should give a more immersive overview of the games storyline and its´ scenes/levels.


Artefact rough initial samples with overview documentation This is the first generation of each of the components that needs to be produced for the game and should only contain some simple designs and overviews of what the final component might be. The initial samples should be manufactured in such a way that they can be handed over to another worker for further development.

Work Breakdown Schedule The WBS contains the timeplan and allocated tasks for each worker throughout the project. The level of detail does not need to be consistent throughout the entire WBS but must cover the planning needs for the near future.


Artefact definition document This artefact defines and keeps track of every individual artefact that needs to be produced for the game. It should be easily accessible and structured. It should also be continually updated to adhere to any changes throughout the entire project.

Team Structure layout The team structure layout contains an overview of how the workforce is structured and what hierarchy (if any) is imposed.

Resource Requirements list The resource requirement list should contain and sum up the different requirements specified in all of the requirements focus areas. The resource requirements list should be continuously updated to always be up to date with the projects requirements.

Artefact deliverables list This artefact contains a time plan of when which artefact should be ready for what. It should cover the completion of artefact designs, artefact prototypes and artefact finals.

Artefact integration plan Like the artefact deliverables list, the artefact integration plan consists of a time plan stating when each artefact should be integrated into the game (or current build).

Iteration schedule The iteration schedule consists of an overview plan of the entire project and its iteration cycle as well as individual iterations for each team. The iteration schedule should enable the producer and project leader to keep track of where in the iteration cycle the project is and what the mayor deliverables are.

Q/A artefact specific test system documentation This artefact is created in junction with the initial design of any component of the game. It specifies how the specific component should be tested and how the results of the test should be evaluated.

Q/A gameplay test systems documentation This artefact is created in junction with the initial design of the overall gameplay and further developed with the creation of specific gameplay elements. It specifies how the specific gameplay element should be tested and how the results of the test should be evaluated.


Q/A workprocess test systems documentation This artefact defines how the workprocess in use should be tested and evaluated and at what intervals. The artefact should be continuously evaluated and evolved to keep up to date with the current state of the workprocess and project.

Timeline The timeline covers the entire project and specifies all deliverables and the different phases. It should contain information on the overall progress and status of the projects as well as the individual teams.

Budget The budget specifies the projects budget, including estimates of total project cost and calculations based on the risk analysis document. It shall enable the tracking of changes in the project and resource reallocating. It can also contain proposals for funding.

Contracts These artefacts consist of all project relevant contracts that have been signed. It includes employment, rent, publisher, technology and other resource contracts.

Project place (internal communications platform) This artefact should function as the projects internal communication platform enabling the different teams and workers to efficiently communicate between each other, share artefacts and keep themselves updated on the projects overall progress. It should be customisable to suit the specific needs of the respective teams and individuals to ensure efficient communication.

Resource allocation scheme The resource allocation scheme contains specification of all the projects resources and their current allocation within the project. It should allow for quick overview of the resources as well as changes as resources are reallocated. It should also keep track and document the allocation of specific resources through the entire project to support project evaluation and post mortems.


Artefact prototype A artefact prototype contains one specific game components prototype that is ready for testing. The artefact prototype is the second generation of a game component, after the initial design prototype and succeeded by a artefact final.


Post Mortem The post mortem is the evaluation and ending documentation of the project. It should result in a thorough evaluation of the successes and failures of the project and include a experience bank to support other projects in the future.

Roles PRODUCER Overall responsibility for production and its deliverables Handles the outgoing communication and contacts with stakeholders Responsible for resource acquirements.

PROJECT MANAGER Responsible for the projects resource allocation Handles the internal communication systems and workprocess

LEAD DESIGNER Overall responsible for the concepts development (documentation and distribution of the concept) Handles the designteams communication with the project manager and the other leads

DESIGNER Creates and develops the concept (playability, story, characterdesign, leveldesign, interface, features)

LEAD TECHNICIAN/PROGRAMMER Overall responsible for the technical/software development (documentation and distribution of the technical solutions) Handles the technology-/programmerteams communication with the project manager and the other leads

TECHNICIAN/PROGRAMMER Builds and develops the technical solutions (tools, game engine etc) for the concept

LEAD ARTIST Overall responsible for the art development (documentation and distribution of the art) Handles the artistteams communication with the project manager and the other leads

ARTIST Creates the concepts artistic features such as sound, textures, characters, game environments etc

LEAD ANIMATOR Overall responsible for the animation development (documentation and distribution of the animation) Handles the animationteams communication with the project manager and the other leads

ANIMATOR Creates character and environment animations

LEAD QUALITY ASSURANCE Overall responsible for the Q/A process (validating documentation and evaluating the work process) Handles the Q/A-teams communication with the project manager and the other leads


QUALITY ASSURANCE Tests and evaluates the process and deliverables

PROCESS-RELATED WORDS VURP Short for Viewer, User, Reader, Player.

PHASE A phase defines what the main focus areas are in a specific time of a project. There are four different phases of a project – Forecasting, Planning, Managing and Marketing. Each phase has a set of deliverables that needs to be completed before the project can move on to the next phase. Each phase has a specific iteration philosophy.

FOCUS AREA A focus area defines a specific discipline of game development. The different focus areas are always considered in relation to the current project phase when determining what work should be preformed. A focus area contains the development, elaboration and validation of a specific set of artefacts over different phases.

ARTEFACT An artefact is any and all separate items/components/products that is used or produced during a project. New versions of old artefacts are considered as a new artefact, preserving the old artefact as it was. All artefacts have clearly defined boundaries.

ROLE When an individual is working on a specific task, he/she is always performing his/her work carrying a role, which defines what skills and responsibilities the individual has/needs.

ITERATION Iteration is the notion of stepping back through the production process in order to ensure quality. An iteration is defined by length in time and which focus areas are revisited.


CASE STORY The case story is a fictive example of how the process model functions in practice. It is designed to give a deeper and better understanding of how the process model works and functions as a learning tool. The case story is also our internal tool for creating use cases enabling us to test our theories by applying them to the case story.

BUILD USE CASE A use case is an example and test of how our process model works when applied to our case story. The use case shall include the conclusions of the test and deliver a suggestion on how to implement the conclusions into our process model.

PROCESS MODEL A process model consists of a work philosophy together with a set of tools that defines how a project should be preformed in order to be successful. It helps a project group avoid the most common problems a project can run into.

HELP/SUPPORTING DOCUMENT The Help/supporting document is a part of our process model that shall help the users of our process model to perform within with in the different focus areas. The help/support document consists of a set of stakeholders for each focus area and a set of questions for each stakeholder.

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