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Biscuits and Breezing offers up-close look to see Thoroughbreds put through paces


Showing the community’s thirst for Thoroughbreds and passion for the Carolina Cup presented by Mullikin Law, last winter, record crowds attended both Biscuits and Breezing sessions staged by the Carolina Cup Racing Association at the Springdale Race Course.


Biscuits and Breezing offers up-close look to see Thoroughbreds put through paces hustle and bustle in the Springdale grandstand on Carolina Cup race day, fans can get an up close look at horses and riders from a few yards away.

The fairly recent addition ---- this is the fourth year of the program --- to the lead-up to the Camden spring classic on Saturday, April 1, has proved to be a popular Saturday morning event for both horsemen and the public. This year, Biscuits and Breezing will be held on Saturday, Feb. 25 and then, again, on Saturday, March 11 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The first set of runners will take to the course at or near 8 a.m. with sets continuing to work out until 10 a.m. The two sessions have been spread out in order to avoid conflict with point-to-point races in Virginia which could take horses from Camden in order to travel over fences in those races.

Biscuits and Breezing is free and open to the public. Free coffee, water and biscuits will be provided to those on hand for each session.

The Saturday morning works --- all run on the flat --- will be held in front of the main grandstand at the Springdale Race Course. Riding mostly in sets of two --- and, sometimes three ---, horses and riders travel in front of those in attendance. As opposed to the

Guests are also treated to an announcer informing them of the horse, its rider for the day, the trainer and its past performances and plans for the 2023 campaign. In some instances, the trainer of the Thoroughbred on the course will take the microphone to talk about their horse(s) and answer questions from the public, if time and circumstances permit.

The public should enter the race course through the main gate on Knights Hill Rd. and should park in the area behind or, alongside the grandstand on front row paddock side parking. Guests are reminded to bring their own chairs should they wish. Children are invited to come to the workouts but organizers ask that all dogs be kept at home for the safety of the horses, riders and guests.

Carolina Cup executive director Toby Edwards said Biscuits and Breezing is a perfect stage-setter for the upcoming race day in Camden and hopes this year’s event will pick up where it left off a year ago and continue to grow in popularity.

“We hope people in the community will come out and see these horses go through their paces as we make their way toward the Carolina Cup presented by Mullikin Law on April 1,” he said.

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