Chronogram April 2010

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Do Trees Listen? Well, you’ve heard them whisper in a gentle wind and flutter at a coming storm. But do they listen to you? Amidst the poetry of more than one quarter million of forever-wild acres of Ulster County, trees will indeed listen to you as you relax amid their splendor. And, our 350 miles of woodland trails makes your adventure a beautiful pristine getaway. You can shop in Woodstock, the most famous small town in the world, have lunch on the Kingston waterfront, hunt for the perfect antique in Saugerties, go to a day spa, attend a spiritual retreat, or browse our many art galleries. So why not pay us a visit and enjoy just how alive our part of the world can be. Don’t forget to sign up for our online newsletter and receive regular updates on all the fun available in Ulster County. Call us at 1-800-342-5826

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65 YEARS A Tradition Built on Innovation

Chronogram arts.culture.spirit.

contents 4/10

news and politics

beauty & fashion

21 while you were sleeping

69 Hudson Valley Fashion

Public service announcements incease binge drinking; the US is the laziest country.

24 and justice for whom? the politics of Punishing terrorists


Anne Roderique-Jones scouts the local fashion landscape and reports on the Hudson Valley’s top fashion trends for 2010.

Anthony F. Lang Jr. exmaines the issues around civilian trials for alleged terrorists. Larry Beinhart on whether corporations should go to jail.

regional notebook 13 local luminarIES: jay ungar & molly mason .

The local music icons recently formed the nonprofit Ashokan Foundation.

whole living guide 76 Sex, Power, and the Future of the world Lorrie Klosterman talks with Michelle Goldberg, author of The Means of Reproduction, on the global issues surrounding women’s sexual health.

80 Flowers Fall: Touching the depths, part 2 Bethany Saltman interviews Buddhist teacher Judith Simmer Brown.

green living

money & investing

28 the gospel according to john

87 community benefits: investing for more than profit

Carl Frankel interviews author John Perkins on his new book Hoodwinked.

community pages 31 cornwall: a town for all seasons .

Carol Carey discovers Cornwall’s ambiance of artistry and family run businesses.

home & Garden 39 backyard bonanza .

Karin Ursula Edmondson on the top 10 gardening tips for 2010.

Jesse Ordansky talks with the experts pn the ins and outs of making socially responsible investments in a shaky economy.

advertiser services 35 POUGHKEEPSIE A collection of businesses in the Queen City of the Hudson. 36 beacon For the positive lifestyle. 66 tastings A directory of what’s cooking and where to get it. 72 business directory A compendium of advertiser services. 81 whole living directory For the positive lifestyle.


4 ChronograM 4/10

Two Hundred Saints, from Jeff Milstein’s Cuba (Monacelli Press, 2010) FORECAST

©Jeffrey Milstein, courtesy Bonni Benrubi Gallery, NYC/ Kopeikin Gallery, LA

20 beinhart’s body politic: They even sued henry ford

SUMMERSCAPE july august

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contents 4/10

arts & culture 48 MUSEUM AND Gallery GUIDe 52 music Marilyn Crispell talks about her new, fully improvised CD One Dark Night I left My Silent House (2010). Nightlife Highlights by Peter Aaron, plus CDs by Michael Hurley Ida Con Snock. Reviewed by Mike Wolf. Steve Lambert May. Reviewed by Cheryl K. Symister-Masterson. The Trapps Cheap Seats. Reviewed by Jason Broome.

56 BOOKS Nina Shengold speaks with Marilyn Johnson’s on her new book This Book Is Overdue! (2010) and the importance of librarians in the age of the Internet.

58 BOOK reviews Marx Dorrity reviews My Red Blood by Alix Dobkin. Susan Krawitz reviews The Three Weissmans of Westport by Cathleen Schine.

60 Poetry Poems by Rebekah Meyers Aronson, Paul Assey, Ben Cattabiani, Michael Sean Collins, Ned Feuer, Kerry Giangrande, John Grey, Clifford Henderson, Kelly de la Rocha, Christiaan Sabatelli, and Kim Wozencraft. Edited by Phillip Levine.


Tom Molloy, Self Portrait, 2006 FORECAST

6 ChronograM 4/10

62 food & drink Peter Barrett reports on grass-fed beef and local farming.

112 parting shot An untitled photograph by Joel Mandelbaum, at Seven 21 Media Center.

the forecast 92 daily calendar Comprehensive listings of local events. (Daily updates of calendar listings are posted at PREVIEWS 91 The Truck America Festival takes place April 30 through May 2 in Big Indian. 93 Beltane will be celebrated on May 1 at the Center for Symbolic Studies in Rosendale. 95 One Voice For Haiti benefit will feature Boukman Eksperyans on April 23. 97 Suzanne Vega will perform at the Towne Crier Cafe in Pawling April 30. 99 Tom Molloy’s work will be featured at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum until June 13. 101 Jeff Milstein’s photographs of Cuba will be at Oriole 9 through the month of April.

planet waves 106 The One and the Many Eric Francis Coppolino on the Aries Point and group conciousness. Plus horoscopes.

image coutesy of tom molloy and Rubicon Gallery, Dublin


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on the cover

Collect the Sun

gabe brown | oil on canvas over wood panel |16 x 12 inches | 2009

Gabe Brown paints adult fairy tales. She delves somewhere that is often forgotten or unexplored; into little cavelettes that remind you of magicians and rabbits being pulled from hats, where scarves are never ending, tears can literally form an ocean, and the lottery jackpot can hide in quarters behind your ear. Brown’s work is inspired by nature, yet also mathematically precise figures. They interact with fluid, freehand shapes creating somewhat escapist environments. “At one time I would have described myself as a purely abstract painter,” Brown says. Although many of the shapes edge on the side of organic, grounded behind all the abstraction is something tangible. “I paint landscapes,” she concludes. A world is created through vignettes. Off-colored and dreamlike as they may appear, they are still fields and oceans. Brown describes the paintings as “miniature self-portraits,” with moments of her life making homes in them. Like a concept album, the theme is threaded through the individual paintings.They highlight human struggle, not simply her own, but how frailty seems to accompany existence. What could be a wornout encouragement seems relevant and anything but cheesy. “Life’s hard,” she says. “I think there’s power in that.” She portrays loss and uncertainty wearing the garb of youth, of possibility. Her viewpoint is not about throwing in the towel. Brown sides with the optimists. There’s joyful amusement to be found in Brown’s paintings, surely, but there’s also the idea that yearning exists and it’s not something to run away and hide from. By keeping the color spectrum playful and airy, the pieces become the wistful soundtrack to a lighthearted daydream over a tragedy’s monotone. “Water can carve through stone,” Brown says of her seascapes. “In the same way, I think we underestimate our own power.” A solo exhibition of paintings by Gabe Brown, “Collect The Sun,” will be exhibited at the Gallery at R&F Handmade Paints in Kingston. The show will run from April 3 through May 22. An opening reception for the artist and a gallery talk will take place Saturday, April 3 from 5pm to 7pm. (845) 331-3112; —Siobhan K. McBride 8 ChronograM 4/10










FRIDAY APRIL 9, 8PM AT UPAC Jane W. Nuhn Charitable Trust

SATURDAY APRIL 10, 8 PM AT BARDAVON Dr. Edwin Ulrich Charitable Trust











Louis Greenspan Charitable Trust



Editorial Director Brian K. Mahoney creative Director David Perry senior Editor Lorna Tychostup Books editor Nina Shengold health & wellness editor Lorrie Klosterman Poetry Editor Phillip Levine music Editor Peter Aaron EDITORIAL INTErN Siobhan K. McBride social media intern Cassie McGrahan contributors Rebekah Meyers Aronson, Paul Assey, Peter Barrett, Larry Beinhart, Jason Broome, Eric Francis Coppolino, Carol Carey, Dannah Chaifetz, Michael Sean Collins, Marx Dorrity, Karin Ursula Edmondson, Ned Feuer, Carl Frankel, Kerry Giangrande, John Grey, Clifford Henderson, Annie Internicola, Susan Krawitz, Anthony F. Lang, Jr., Jennifer May, Jesse Ordansky, Julie Platner, Fionn Reilly, Kelly de la Rocha, Anne Roderique-Jones, Christiaan Sabatelli, Bethany Saltman, Sparrow, Cheryl K. Symister-Masterson, Mike Wolf, Kim Wozencraft

PUBLISHING FOUNDERS Jason Stern & Amara Projansky publisher Jason Stern chairman David Dell Chronogram is a project of Luminary Publishing advertising sales business development director Maryellen Case ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Eva Tenuto

ions! s s e f n o c true

top secrets!

shocking revelations! FEATURING: Joan Morgan, Julie Novak, Mourka, Rosie Dale, Kyra Greweling, Jessica Barry, Fatima Deen, Holly Shelowitz, and Patty Curry


sales associate Mario Torchio sales assistant Liam O’Mara ADMINISTRATIVE director of operations Amara Projansky; (845) 334-8600x105 business MANAGER Ruth Samuels; (845) 334-8600x107 PRODUCTION Production director Kristen Miller; (845) 334-8600x108 pRoduction designers Kerry Tinger, Adie Russell Office 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 334-8600; fax (845) 334-8610


Chronogram is a regional magazine dedicated to stimulating and supporting the creative and cultural life of the Hudson Valley.


All contents © Luminary Publishing 2010


calendar To submit calendar listings, e-mail:

SUBMISSIONS Fax: (845) 334-8610. Mail: 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 Deadline: April 15

poetry See guidelines on page 60. fiction/nonfiction Submissions of regional relevance can be sent to 10 ChronograM 4/10



11:39 AM

Page 1

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4/10 ChronograM 11

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12 ChronograM 4/10

jennifer may

local luminaries jay ungar & molly mason

Perhaps you’ve listened to their monthly music program on WAMC’s “Dancing on the Air.” Or you watched Ken Burns “Civil War” documentary miniseries and noted the haunting (and Grammy winning) soundtrack that won the couple international acclaim. Maybe you’ve attended Fiddle and Dance Camp in the Catskill Mountains sometime in the past 30 years, or one of their innumerable local performances. Suffice to say, Jay Ungar and Molly are local music icons, standard bearers for traditional American acoustic music. Four years ago, Ungar and Mason started the Ashokan Foundation, a nonprofit which now manages the former Ashokan Field Campus, run by SUNY New Paltz, a 300-acre campus set in a Catskill Mountain hollow hard by the Ashokan Reservoir in the town of Olivebridge. —Brian K. Mahoney What was the motivation to form the Ashokan Foundation? Mason: Jay and I were planning our summer Fiddle & Dance Camps at the Ashokan Field Campus in 2006 when we heard that SUNY New Paltz was trying to sell the camp. Our programs had been running for nearly 30 years, and the outdoor education programs for schools had been going for almost 40 years. We feared that a new owner might have other ideas for this beautiful and historic property, like housing developments, a shopping mall, or logging. Ungar: So early on, we called together people who cared about Ashokan’s future, both long time visitors, and the people who work here. The Ashokan Foundation was soon formed and we were able to partner with the Open Space Institute and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to save the place and the programs. Mason: We soon began to learn more about the outdoor education and living history programs that were pioneered here in the 1960s and have attracted schools to Ashokan ever since. We learned that five or six thousand school children come here each year, and for many it’s their first chance to experience nature. Ungar: We knew from our Fiddle & Dance Camps that adult groups can achieve community quickly at Ashokan and we soon learned that school groups tend to form strong bonds here as well. We kept hearing from teachers what we’d suspected for years—it’s something about the place and about hands-on learning. You come here to experience something, be it nature, history, music, and dancing, or just the great outdoors. You don’t see it on TV, you don’t read about it, you aren’t lectured about it—you do it with others and you build connections. What’s it like for students who visit the site for the environmental education and living history program? Mason: It’s like walking into the 1830s. You may get to hike through the woods to the Sugar Shack, collect sap and help make and taste real maple syrup, or visit the Indian Village and learn how our native forebears lived on the land. Ungar: At a museum or a historic site, you see rooms from the 18th and 19th century, but there’s a rope across the door so you only get to look in. Well, here at Ashokan’s 1830s homestead, children go in, sit in the chairs and use the utensils. They get to help with chores, sit by the fire and bake ginger bread, or cookies. The entire building is furnished with period furniture, tools, and utensils, so you can see how people lived in the past. You’re part of it. You live it. The Ashokan Center is currently in the midst of a capital campaign. What are you raising money for? Molly: We need to raise money for new buildings and to keep Ashokan’s programs going. The DEP now owns the portion of the camp along the Esopus, where our main camp buildings stand. They plan to remove these buildings to allow greater releases of water from the Ashokan Reservoir for flood control and to help assure the purity of New York City’s water supply (large amounts of turbid water are released to avoid the need for filtration). We need to have our new buildings in place on higher ground before the old ones are removed in the second half of 2012, or our programs will be disrupted. Ungar: We’re looking at this forced relocation as an opportunity to replace these old, energy inefficient buildings with a more sustainable, green facility that can teach visitors

young and old about sensible and appropriate energy use for the 21st century. The new Ashokan Center will be an ideal meeting place for groups interested in the environment, farming and sustainable energy use. The DEP and the Open Space Institute have become partners in our future success. Both have contributed substantially towards our building fund, as has the Catskill Watershed Corporation and hundreds of individuals who love Ashokan and want it to continue to be a place where future generations can experience nature, history, and the arts in Ulster County. We’ve come a long way, but we’re still short of our financial goal. Anyone interested in helping and learning more should visit What new directions are in the offing for the Ashokan Center? Ungar: We’re starting gardens this spring so that kids who come here can learn where their food comes from. It’s one of our goals that over the years, more of the food you eat at Ashokan Center will be grown right here on the property and that visitors of all ages can have a hands-on experience with farming and gardening. Mason: Some of this land was farmed generations ago. Bringing agriculture back to this place and bringing farming and gardening into the programs for children is really exciting. Ungar: We started a tree nursery last year. This spring some of those young trees will be planted out on the land and we’ll be starting new ones. They’re all fruit or nut bearing trees, and also berry bushes. The idea is to create an edible landscape and we’re working with permaculture consultant Ethan Roland to make it happen. Ethan’s also starting a weekend Forest Garden Immersion Series at Ashokan. It’s a long-term plan, starting with the tree nursery and gardens this spring and expanding as we are able. Mason: We’re also thinking about water. We’re so close to the Ashokan Reservoir. Everyone who comes here sees the Reservoir, but some don’t know what it is and why it’s there. We want to ramp up the knowledge by teaching about water, and that this stream right here comes out of the reservoir, goes to the Hudson River, and the water in the reservoir, of course, goes to New York City for drinking. And how important it is to keep it safe and keep it clean. Ungar: We’ve begun talking with the DEP about collaborating on a program about water. We want to look at global water issues on a macro scale, then on the micro level, learn about this particular watershed and how it reaches people’s taps in New York City. Mason: And in a couple of years we’ll have new green buildings that teach, where people can learn how they’re constructed and insulated and about their special energy saving features. They’ll tie into a sustainability program for fourth, fifth and sixth graders. We want everyone who comes here to be inspired to find ways to save and conserve energy. Ungar: We and the great Ashokan Center staff have been creating new public events so that people in the community can experience the place throughout the year. We have an Earth Day Celebration in April, Ashokan Civil War Days in May, an Eco-Heritage Festival at the end of the summer and more. You’re working musicians and now you run a not-for-profit organization as well. How do you juggle the demands of these jobs? Mason: Sometimes I wonder about it. In fact, during the last six months to a year we’ve joked that when we go out on tour, it’s like a vacation! It used to be work and now we’re like, “Ahhh.” We get to play music and travel. It’s almost like time off.

4/10 ChronograM 13

LETTERS woodstock

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Reducing the Carcass Footprint To the Editor: Re: The “cognitive dissonance� of eating meat [Editor’s Note, 3/10]. A butcher shop is but a display-case mortuary containing the mutilated remains of sentient beings, a place where “cognitive dissonance� only recognizes its dinner! As the world is a reflection of our mindsets and the actions that spring from them, such a mental disorder is cause for disorder in the environment and in the human condition. One has only to look around to see that our planet is dying, vulnerable like animals to the “cognitive dissonance� of its caretakers! Unlike carnivores, however, human beings can “choose� to tread gently during their Earth journey.We can “choose� to reduce the miseries and bloodshed involved in sating our carnal appetites. Enlightened stewardship of our planet requires that we not only reduce our “carbon� footprint, but our “carcass� footprint as well! Because every footprint has an impact on the Creation, we, as concerned Earth-walkers, should “choose� our paths with conscious care. Changing the world for the better begins with a choice to change our mindsets for the better. Happy trails! KevinVincent Kelly, Catskill

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14 ChronograM 4/10

Cataract of Consciousness To the Editor: Re: Editor’s Note, 3/10 With all due respect for personal choice, we, as thinking, feeling beings, in this time and place, on the whole, lack great reasons to eat things that, when living, had a face. If a heartbeat was deliberately stopped, to keep our heart beating, is it not a murdered thing we’re eating? To generalize, I trust that most of us do not experience total ecstasy upon picturing the processes that turn mobile creatures into edible products. I suspect that in order for most folks to eat once-mobile meat, a somewhat blind mind’s eye is called for. The resulting consciousness cataract then remains, ever present, on the journey through life, from meal to meal. As a teenager, I worked for my father’s poultry business. Curiously, I was a newly minted vegetarian at this point, with better health as my motive. Sure, I loved animals, but I was foggy on how, if at all, that connected to my vegetarianism. After all, I grew up loving animals and eating them, ingesting the contradiction unconsciously. Thus conditioned, my experience of vegetarianism as love for animals was yet to blossom. My job involved delivering “product.�The “product� was “processed,� then packaged, frozen, and boxed. I just had to load, drive, unload and drive back. My eyes were thus safe from the truth. Then, one dreary morning, for what reason I don’t recall, I was, for the first time, present for the murder of a pheasant. Into the bag went that struggling bird, followed by that knife. Then the decisive slice! Beheaded, the body continued to squirm within the bag. Soon, as it reddened, the bag became still, the squirming having relocated to my heart, where it remains to this moment. At that point in my life, amidst my own struggles and suffering, I identified more with that bird than with any of the people in that avian concentration camp. I felt like it was me in that bag! Vicariously decapitated, I felt empathy tear free from the tangle of rationalization within me. So, in a way, I came to vegetarianism for lust, but stayed for love. Having testified thus, I recognize that going faceless is not the next step that every individual is presently prepared to take, no matter how becoming of our humanity I think that would be. But, as a lot of people are getting readier with every heartbeat, as the corpus of rationalization withers away on life support, this is a timely discussion for which I want to express my appreciation to you. Mark Oppenheimer,Verbank

travis cano / empac

Chronogram seen The events we sponsor, the people who make a difference, the Chronogram community.

In Just a Blink of an Eye, by Xu Zhen, at the “Dancing on the Ceiling” opening at EMPAC in Troy on Mach 18.





4/10 ChronograM 15

LETTERS Tongue in (Stormo’s) Cheek

Awaken Your Spirit

To the Editor: I would like to eat Evan Stormo [Letters to the Editor, 3/10]. I would slowly roast him with garlic, rosemary, and fennel until I had a crisp, crackling skin and tender, giving meat underneath. Then I would serve him with pan juices and some local seasonal vegetables. Rich Reeve, Chef/Owner, Elephant, Kingston

Support for Stormo

To the Editor: I agree whole heartedly with Evan Stormo with regard to the photo and article on Julie Powell [“In the Flesh,” 2/10]. There are many great reasons to represent the vegan and vegetarian communities in your magazine. The world would be a much healthier place if we all would choose to be more responsible with regard to how we treat animals.The way a society treats animals is a direct reflection on how evolved and responsible that society is. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion but in some cases, it is black and white. The fact that Mr. Stormo did not know what the corpse was in the photo does not at all matter, and it seemed really snide to comment on that after his letter. Why don’t you do a great article on all the animal-friendly restaurants in the Hudson Valley? Give all sides equal coverage. Anne Robinson, Accord

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16 ChronograM 4/10

Department of Corrections In the profile of Cold Spring and Garrison in our March issue (“This Bend in the River”), we misidentified Collaborative Concepts as Concentric Arts. Each fall, Collaborative Concepts curates a site-specific sculpture exhibit featuring more than 60 artists at Saunders Farm in Garrison. We also goofed in captioning a picture in the Cold Spring and Garrison. The photo that appears on page 36 is not of the Garrison train station and Garrison Art Center, but of some houses 100 feet north of the station/art center. Our gratitude to the scrupulous reader who brought this to our attention.

Esteemed Reader I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy. â€”Rabindranath Tagore Esteemed Reader of Our Magazine: At a meeting of parents for my five-year-old’s kindergarten class, I asked his teacher what she saw about the specific group of children. “There are nine children and seven of them are boys,â€? she said. “In their play they are ever wielding swords and guns, and playing at piracy and battle. I am still trying to understand how to help them channel what is clearly something natural and real.â€? The assembled parents looked at our children’s gentle teacher sympathetically. And I don’t think I was alone in feeling some relief that the warrior behavior shown by my son at home is not a dangerous aberration portending a terrible future. Perhaps, she had suggested, it was simply a quality, which could be characterized as masculine, and which begged to be expressed appropriately. At home, in the evening, the boy started talking: “Dad, imagine what would happen if there was a missile with two nuclear bombs—one made out of love and the other made out of peace?â€? “That would be a powerful weapon‌â€? I answered. Some years ago I was a performer in a dance concert. The dances were more a ritual practice than performance material, so the emphasis was on embodying presence and self-awareness, while carrying out a complex and precise series of movements in concert with about 30 other performers. We had been practicing together almost continuously for a week, and when we arrived in front of the audience, everything was the same, but also completely different. In that moment, I realized that I needed to not only be attentive to myself and fellow dancers, but also to the viewers. I began to “listenâ€? to the audience, and “speakâ€? in response to what I heard. Externally the audience sat in their seats, still, receptive. And we were on our feet, dancing, active. Internally, the audience was actively attending to us, and we were passive, receiving their attention. In the dynamic stillness, it was clear that the two poles—performers and audience—were of a piece and inseparable, both essential and indispensable, and together participants in a real Event. Of course there are innumerable mundane circumstances in which this balance of active and passive, masculine and feminine, is not struck. How often do I attempt to force my will in a situation where it is not welcome? With enough power I can force my way through, but otherwise I am pushed back, defeated. In those instances I am afraid to let go of the outcome I think is so important, in order to perceive and acknowledge what is really needed. Chogyam Trungpa characterizes the obstacle and the possibility: “The ideal of warriorship is that the warrior should be sad and tender, and because of that, the warrior can be very brave as well. Without that heartfelt sadness, bravery is brittle, like a china cup. If you drop it, it will break or chip. But the bravery of the warrior is like a lacquer cup, which has a wooden base covered with layers of lacquer. If the cup drops, it will bounce rather than break. It is soft and hard at the same time.â€? Similarly, the Philokalia exhorts us to have a “meekness of heart.â€? And continues that this meekness is the doorway to a state of inner silence, a goal of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. In pondering the meaning of “meeknessâ€? as it is used, I believe it is a disposition of intense listening, the kind of listening that’s there when I hear a noise I don’t recognize in the middle of the night in a dark house. Very alert, very quiet, but listening intensely. It is not just a listening with the mind, but with the entire body-mind. Everything is directed to penetrating and filling the silence with attention. In this position, I think, it is possible to receive something truly new and unexpected. In a Sufi teaching story, a stream that has found its way past every obstacle reaches a desert, and as much as it hurls itself at the sands, it is quickly absorbed and evaporated. A voice tells the stream that its only hope is to yield itself up to the wind to be carried across. “And the stream raised his vapor into the welcoming arms of the wind, which gently and easily bore it upwards and along, letting it fall softly as soon as they reached the roof of a mountain, many, many miles away. And because he had his doubts, the stream was able to remember and record more strongly in his mind the details of the experience. He reflected, ‘Yes, now I have learned my true identity.’â€? Now back to the little boy. “Is there such a thing as a gun that shoots bullets made out of love?â€? he asked after dinner. As he ran up the stairs to bed I replied quietly, “That gun is your heart.â€? —Jason Stern

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18 ChronograM 4/10

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Brian K. Mahoney Editor’s Note Turning the Wheel


hrough a fluke of circumstance, I recently had the opportunity to watch the first few minutes of Conan the Barbarian (1982) for the first time in 20 years. Say what you want about the acting chops of the Austrian bodybuilder they hired to play the lead, the screenplay was written by pros—John Milius (Apocalypse Now) and Oliver Stone. Based loosely on the sword-and-sorcery stories of Robert E. Howard, the film follows a conventional rags-to-riches arc. After witnessing the slaughter of his parents, the young Conan is sold into slavery, where he is forced with others to push a human-powered mill, the Wheel of Pain. Eventually, Conan is the only wheelpusher left standing, trudging around in an Sisyphean circle. (There is a darkly humorous YouTube mash-up of this scene set to the guttural droning of the Slovenian industrial band Laibach’s “Life is Life.”) In case you haven’t seen the film—and I’m not saying you should; its flaws are legion—Conan slays James Earl Jones in the end, as all good heroes are wont to do. But the Wheel of Pain became embedded in my mind as such a fantastic metaphor that I found myself carrying it around in my pocket like a string of worry beads. Waiting in line at the grocery store, stuck behind four full grocery carts, my own cart stacked with a week’s provisions, inching toward checkout, I thought—sadly and with little comfort— “This is just like that scene in Conan!” All of us shuffling forward, an inch at a time; out to our cars, home to our cupboards, and back again next week. In the midst of shoveling snow during that last, mad March snowstorm, my back aching, feet and hands cold and wet, the Wheel came to mind. Looking at the mountain of work on my desk, I was again reminded of the Wheel. (Actually, this is not entirely true. In an irony of the Digital Age, most of the work we are responsible for is not stacked in reams of paper anymore but queued in unanswered e-mails in our computers. The tool that empowers also enslaves. Just like the Wheel of Pain!) At the gym this winter, spinning the pedals in yet another stationary cycle class while waiting for the weather to warm up, the Wheel was much in my thoughts. Scraping three layers of caked-on old paint off the intricately rounded columns on my front porch, the Wheel was being shouldered. I found the Wheel such a handy-dandy metaphor that when asked how I was doing, I would reply, “Turning the wheel.” And then you wake up one day when the sun is high and bright and warm and you realize you’ve turned the Wheel right into spring.The forsythia is hint-

Chronogram Sponsors:

As part of our ongoing commitment to nourish and support the creative, cultural, and economic life of the Hudson Valley, Chronogram helps promote organizations and events in our pages each month. Here's some of what we’re sponsoring in April.

ing at yellow. The sorrel patch has sprouted again in the garden, unbidden and glorious. Or, perhaps you realize you’re just a wheel within a wheel. That the Wheel of theYear—the ancient pagan term for the cycle of the seasons—spins as well. So caught up in the force of our own spinning, we lose track of the greater rotation. (Beltane, the pagan ritual announcing the arrival of spring, is enthusiastically celebrated each year in Rosendale. A preview of the event is on page 93.) Where does all this turning get you? Nowhere or everywhere, depending on your philosophical framework, but sometimes it gets us noticed. (Just like Conan, who was plucked off the Wheel to fight in the gladiatorial pit.) I’m pleased and honored to relate that Chronogram has been nominated for an Utne Independent Press Award for our health and wellness coverage in 2009. I’ve mentioned Utne Reader in this column in the past, as the magazine has published excerpts from a few articles originally seen here in recent years. We are in prestigious company—Mother Jones, The Nation, Spirituality & Health, Orion, and Columbia Journalism Review, along with 30 other titles, have all been nominated along with Chronogram. One of the more interesting wrinkles to the Utne awards is their nomination process. From the Independent Press Award press release: “Utne Reader’s editors select nominee publications through an extensive reading process and careful, yearlong examination, rather than via a competition with entry forms and fees. In this way, the magazine honors the efforts of small, sometimes unnoticed publications that provide innovative, thought-provoking perspectives often ignored or overlooked by mass media.” There was no entry fee or application process. Chronogram did not pay to be offered this nomination. It’s the kind of accolade that fits our style. The Independent Press Awards will be announced on April 25. (We’ll let you know if we bring home the trophy.) Win or lose, that Chronogram has been chosen from among 1,300 magazines to be nominated for an Independent Press Award is as humbling as it is gratifying. A special shout-out is due to Lorrie Klosterman, our health and wellness editor, whose engaging and sagacious writing and editing is the wheel within the wheel here. We all must turn the wheel. Most likely, we will not be recognized for the incessant effort it takes. (Who is there to clap for us? We all have our hands on the wheel, pushing, pushing.) But if laurels do come, we will accept them with gratitude. And then pick up where we left off, pushing that darn wheel. Turn it with malice or turn it with mirth, it still needs pushing. And that is not a bad thing. To everything, turn, turn, turn.

Too Much Information Back for a second run at the Rosendale Theater on April 9 and April 16, "Too Much Information," directed by Eva Tenuto, tells the stories of nine women in their own words and voices. (845) 658-8410; Hudson Valley Green Drinks The traveling networking event for the eco-committed meets at Keegan Ales in Kingston on April 21, from 6:30 to 9pm to celebrate two years of eco-fabulousness.

One World: A Concert for Peace and Reconciliation World music heavy hitters Steve Gorn (flutes), Glen Velez (percussion), Fred Johnson (vocals), and Eugene Friesen (cello) share the stage for peace at the New York Society for Ethical Culture on April 24 at 8pm. (212) 868-4444; Playing the Game of Social Media Marketing coach Doug Motel leads a how-to seminar from 11am to 4pm on April 17 at Beahive Kingston. (845) 363-4728; 4/10 ChronograM 19

dion ogust


Larry Beinhart’s Body Politic

They Even Sued Henry Ford

The Supreme Court recently threw out campaign finance laws. The case was Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Citizens United is a conservative group a little to the right of Glenn Beck. They produced a virulently anti-Hillary Clinton film (Hillary: The Movie). Since it was directed at a particular candidate during a political campaign, the Federal Election Commission decided that production and broadcast costs exceeded legally permitted campaign spending limits. The Supreme Court, in a 5-to-4 verdict, overturned the FEC ruling. The Court’s decision was based on two rather disturbing principles. The first is that corporations have the same free speech rights as people and those rights can’t be restricted. Are corporations the same as people? If they are, does it cut both ways? If a corporation commits a crime, should it be treated as a person is treated? Damon Clinical Laboratories, one of the three major lab testing companies, made, literally, millions of fraudulent claims against Medicare and Medicaid. If a person committed one tenth as many frauds they would go to jail. If a corporation has the rights of a person, shouldn’t it be held to the same standards of responsibility? Shouldn’t the corporation be imprisoned? Visualize all their employees in orange jumpsuits when they’re at the office so they’re easily identified as working for a criminal enterprise. Make them wear cuffs and shackles when they do business offsite. Allow them the use of only one bank pay phones. Make them stand in line behind other criminal corporations for their five minutes per call. My best friend, who is a major corporate attorney, says that’s unfair and impractical. If crimes have been committed, then the individuals in the corporations who committed them should, perhaps, go to jail, but not the institutions. After all, the corporations are also doing useful business things and they employ many people who would be injured if the entire corporations were prosecuted. Many people—I use “people” here to refer to actual flesh and blood individuals—who commit crimes have lives that are otherwise decent and useful and productive. They have families who are dependent on them. Perhaps employers, employees, relatives, and friends who rely on their good services. Yet we have no problem incarcerating such people and damn the collateral damage to others. Let those cell doors clang! Is morality and, for that matter, logic, a matter of scale? The answer appears to be yes. Would it be useful to subject corporations-with-the-same-rights-as-persons to the same penalties as people? One of the primary purposes of imposing a penalty for crimes is to act as a deterrent both to the particular lawbreaker and to others who might be so inclined. Fines just don’t do the job. On March 21, the Washington Post published an article “When Drug Makers Profits Outweigh Penalties Across the United States.” It detailed the instances in which pharmaceutical companies have pleaded guilty to criminal charges or paid penalties in civil cases when the Justice Department finds that they deceptively marketed drugs for unapproved uses, putting millions of people at risk of chest infections, heart attacks, suicidal impulses or death. But the fines don’t stop them.The federal prosecutor on the case said, “At the very same time Pfizer was in our office negotiating and resolving the allegations 20 ChronograM 4/10

of criminal conduct in 2004, Pfizer was itself in its other operations violating those very same laws.” Such fines are accepted as a cost of doing business. If the penalties were so severe that they stopped the corporations from doing business, or even cost them more than committing crimes, then management and stockholders would take them seriously. The other disturbing idea inherent in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is that money is speech. The necessity to pay for time and space in the forums where speech takes place means that speech is not “free”—it’s paid for. This means that it is dominated by those who can pay for it. The idea that there is a marketplace of ideas in which the best idea will win is as arcane as our vision of farmers and artisans bringing their goods to the village square of a Sunday on horse-drawn wagons. It is a fantasy of a time in when people stood on soap boxes in the park and ideas traveled the distance of a single human voice. The need to buy the forums where speech takes place leads to the necessity for politicians to raise vast sums of money. This means that virtually all candidates are pre-screened by informally organized committees of millionaires who make sure their ideas are acceptable to monied interests and that contributors will have “access” to those elected when legislation is being written. Back in 1919, Henry Ford wanted to spend the profits of Ford Motor Company to “employ still more men, to spread the benefits of this industrial system to the greatest possible number, to help them build up their lives and their homes.” The stockholders rebelled. They sued him. The Michigan court stated: “A business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the stockholders.The powers of the directors are to be employed for that end. The discretion of directors is to be exercised in the choice of means to attain that end, and does not extend to a change in the end itself, to reduction of profits, or to the nondistribution of profits among stockholders in order to devote them to other purposes.” Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 204 Mich. 459, 170 N.W. 668 (1919). This is a matter of law. It is a matter of fact. It is a philosophical reality. A person may care about family, spiritual life, art, the fate of the planet, justice, helping the poor, universal education, the health and welfare of the community. A corporation can not care about those things—except, for example, as a public relations campaign that will, in a demonstrable way, improve their profits. If the Supreme Court continues to insist that corporations are people with the same rights as people, we, the actual people, have to come up with more imaginative ways to control their excesses. That’s what societies do. They create methods of dealing with the excesses of their renegades. So, yes, let us put corporation-persons in the equivalent of prison for their crimes. Let us, we person-persons, demand disclaimers when corporation-persons speak, pay for speech, or pay for others to speak for them. Like this: “We are required by law to only say things that will make us more money. We have made this statement, paid for this political ad, contributed to this campaign, because we will profit by doing so. No matter what we appear to be saying, the real and only purpose of what we say is to make more money.”

STR New / Reuters

Research funded by the US Department of Justice estimates that one out of five college women will be sexually assaulted. Statistics show that more than 80 percent of those victims stay silent. Twenty years ago, Congress passed a disclosure law, now known as the Jeanne Clery Act, which was supposed to force schools to report all crime that happens on campus. But between 1998 and 2008 the Department of Education has ruled against just five universities out of 24 complaints, and no punishment was given in those cases. In its whole history it has fined offending schools just six times and most fines have been small. The biggest—$350,000—was levied against Eastern Michigan University. The schools are going for prevention over punishment. Due to possible false accusations, which occur 3 to 6 percent of the time, counseling and alcohol treatment are more likely than expulsion. Source: NPR An atheist campus group at University of Texas has created a “Smut for Smut” campaign where they will exchange hard-core porn for your Bible. Atheist Agenda’s goal is to highlight that the Bible contains as many discriminating and offensive ideas as pornography, such as “A woman is worth half a man.” Source:

Scientists warn that a century of whaling may have released 100 tons of carbon due to the stored carbon in the whales bodies. Dr. Andrew Pershing from the University of Maine described whales as the “forests of the ocean.” He added that when they die they release the stored carbon into the air instead of its sinking to the ocean floor, where the carbon would get stored for perhaps hundreds of years. The scientists discovered that over 100 years the whales released as much carbon as driving 128,000 Humvees continuously for 100 years. Recently, a Santa Monica sushi restaurant, The Hump, was charged with criminal contempt after serving the endangered sei whale as sushi—a misdemeanor carrying a maximum penalty of one year in federal prison and a maximum fine of $100,000 for an individual and $200,000 for an organization. Source: BBC News The United States is the laziest country in the world according to the Daily Beast. Each country was rated on caloric intake per day (provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), television viewing (from the OECD Society at a glance and OECD Communications Outlook), aversion to playing sports (from the OECD Society at a glance), and Internet usage (provided by ComScore). Source: The Daily Beast After being laid off from work when a steel mill in Lackawanna, NY, three men had heart attacks—two of them were fatal. Research suggests that layoffs produce health negative health effects, including a shortened life span. The paper, by Till von Wachter, a Columbia University economist, and Daniel G. Sullivan, director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, studied male workers during the 1980 recession. They concluded death rates of seniority-male workers jumped by 50 to 100 percent. Even 20 years later, deaths were 10 to 15 percent higher. Another paper published last year by Kate W. Strully, a sociology professor at SUNY Albany, found a laid-off worker had an 83 percent greater chance or developing diabetes, arthritis, or psychiatric issues such as depression. The exact connection is still being studied, but most researchers lean towards a mix of stress paired with changes in lifestyle, such as lack of excerise and increased smoking and drinking. Source: New York Times In February, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 to block operation of a nuclear reactor after 2012, marking the first closing of a nuclear reactor in 20 years. Vermont Yankee, constructed in 1972, was leaking tritium. The Vermont Senate cited radioactive leaks, misstatements in testimony by plant officials, and other problems. So far, no radioactive material has turned up in the drinking water. Vermont Yankee’s fate could influence nuclear power nationally, challenging arguments that similar plants are clean, well run, and worth building. The vote came just more than a week after President Obama announced a new federal loan of $8.3 billion to assure construction of a twinreactor plant in Georgia. Source: New York Times

According to a study from Northwestern Kellogg School of Management, public-service ads intended to curb binge drinking may actually increase it. The five-part study was based on 1,200 interviews with undergraduate students. The students were shown ads based on Canadian public service announcements focusing on emotions like shame and guilt to stop excessive drinking. This method, commonly used with smoking, drugs, and STDs, was found to increase drinking in some cases. Kellogg marketing professor Nidhi Agrawal said the reason is “defensive processing,” which causes the confronted individual to disassociate themselves. Ms. Agrawal suggested PSA makers place ads in positive surroundings and focus on how to avoid situations that lead to a set issue rather than its consequences. Source: Advertising Age Bank of America is getting rid of overdraft fees on purchases made with debit cards. Instead, if a customer tries to make a purchase on their debit card without enough money in their account their transactions will simply be declined. The decision could cost the bank tens of millions a year in revenue and force other banks to follow suit. Debit purchases account for roughly 60 percent of overdrafts at Bank of America, which is the nation’s largest issuer of debit cards. According to the economic research firm Moebs Services, about $20 billion is made from overdraft fees on debit purchases and ATM transactions—often on purchases only a few dollars like a cup of coffee. Source: New York Times Bicycling enthusiasts are hoping a new Google Map program offering bicycling directions sparks a change in mass transit as a whole. For now, bicyclists can google routes in Chicago and 149 other US cities. To account for variations in bikers abilities, Goggle officials say their new program offers step-by-step biking directions that factor in the length of the trip, changes in elevation, and even fatigue, to determine an estimated time for trips. Currently, the program features recommended cycling routes for point-to-point travel, maps that show bike trails, on-street bike lanes, and bike-friendly roads, and shows locations where you can take a break or find bike shops en route. Source: Chicago Tribune A new analysis of death rates by the American Cancer Society indicates that cancer is causing one-third fewer deaths than it did 40 years ago. For 15 of the 19 cancers studied, rates have dropped. The biggest cause for this drop is linked to prevention and detection rather than treatment methods—due to less smoking and more people receiving mammograms, Pap smears, and colonoscopies. Source: Ars Technica A truckload of prescription drugs worth $75 million was stolen from an Eli Lilly warehouse in Enfield, Connecticut, in March. The burglary took place in the early morning and was not discovered until that afternoon by an employee. The burglars reportedly scaled the walls, cut a hole in the roof, rappelled down, and disabled the alarm. It is not known what specific drugs were stolen, but according to Edward Sagebiel, a spokesman for Eli Lilly, “several dozen pallets were taken from products that range across their portfolio.” Source: Compiled By Siobhan K. McBride 4/10 ChronograM ChronograM 21 21 4/10

April 2010 at The Dorsky –

Carolee Schneemann, War Mop, 1983, Multimedia installation

pilates with claudia

EXHIBITIONS Carolee Schneemann: Within and Beyond the Premises Through July 25 Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs April 10 – September 26

Individual & Semi-Private Apparatus Sessions Mat Classes and Tower Classes A classical, fully-equipped studio, based on decades of tradition, faithful to the teachings of Joseph H. Pilates, combined with the state-of-theart education and apparatus. Experience a greater sense of well-being while increasing flexibility, core strength, balance and cardiovascular health. Hours by appointment.

BFA Thesis Exhibition I April 30–May 4 Renée C. Byer: “A Mother’s Journey” and Selected Photographs Through April 11 Body, Line, Motion: Selections from the Permanent Collection Through April 11

EVENTS Opening Reception for Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs Friday, April 9, 5–7 pm Panel discussion on Carolee Schneemann: Within and Beyond the Premises Saturday, April 10, 2–4 pm See Web site for location Screening of selected Carolee Schneemann film and video works Saturday, April 10, 5–7 pm Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main Street, Rosendale, NY ($6; $4 for students; 845.658.8989) Gallery talk by exhibiting artist Renée C. Byer Tuesday, April 13, 5 pm. Reception to follow Gallery talk on Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs by artist Billy Name Thursday, April 29, 3 pm

Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1983, Polacolor ER

Opening Reception for BFA Thesis Exhibition I Friday, April 30, 5–7 pm

Visit museum Web site for additional program information Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art

OPEN Wed.-Sun. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

State University of New York at New Paltz

845-257-3844 /

22 ChronograM 4/10


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MARLIN SCHWARTZ, DDS 845 255 2902 4/10 ChronograM 23

whole living guide

Sex, Power, and the Future of the WorlD Women’s Reproduction in a Global Era Q&A with Michelle Goldberg by lorrie klosterman illustration by annie internicola


n April 15 at 5:30pm, author Michelle Goldberg will be at the Wallkill River School in Montgomery, to read from and discuss her latest book, The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World (Penguin Books, 2009). Goldberg, an award-winning journalist and the New York Times-bestselling author of Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism (Norton, 2006), now reveals the complex interplay among women’s reproductive rights or lack thereof and key global issues. In early chapters she describes attempts over the last several decades by interested parties in developed nations to curb exponential population growth in the developing world by targeting women’s wombs, and the steps taken to oppose that by fundamentalist religious groups and the Vatican. Later chapters recount the realities women face in individual countries or cultures today, including serious health challenges and high mortality associated with pregnancy and birth, rampant HIV infection among faithful married women in Africa, genital cutting of millions of girls as a rite of passage and marriage requirement, abortion laws intolerant of exception, arranged marriages and forced pregnancies at a young age in lieu of schooling, and even the problem of international aid meant to improve women’s situations causing unexpected outcomes and backlash. First-person accounts and scores of referenced documents create a stunning, and disturbing, picture of reproductive constraints placed on women around the globe, and build the case that diverse societal woes will not improve until women’s human rights, including those of reproductive freedom, are taken seriously. I spoke with Goldberg by phone in anticipation of her visit to the Hudson Valley; the following are excerpts from our conversation. —Lorrie Klosterman

mortality crisis is how much it is about politics. There are certainly questions of poverty and resources, but there are also deep political and cultural systems of oppression behind all of these unnecessary deaths. It’s about the devaluation of women throughout their lives. It starts with the fact that girls are pulled out of school and married off at young ages—12 or 13—and have no say about their sex lives or about using family planning. These young girls, whose bodies are not developed enough for successful deliveries, are giving birth without medical help. Many develop fistula, a tragic endemic condition where the vagina and urethra are torn during delivery, and the girls end up leaking urine and feces all the time, so they are banished from their villages or put in a hut by themselves at the edge of the village.There is also the problem of these girls giving birth to several children very closely spaced together, without time to recover. That’s why, in Ethiopia for instance, you’ll often see women lining up at makeshift clinics for Provera shots [a birth control drug], because their husbands won’t know about the shots. Another huge contributor to maternal mortality—the second-biggest in some countries—is botched abortions. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, there are high rates of illegal abortions, showing women’s desperation to control their fertility and the system’s failure to help them. Almost everywhere in these regions, abortion is illegal. This cause of mortality could be effectively tackled by changing the law. But abortion laws are getting more restrictive, in concert with the ascendancy of the right wing within governments that are ostensibly west leaning. Just recently, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic passed laws making abortion illegal for any reason, including risk to the health of the mother.

Regarding women’s health issues specifically, what do you consider a top global concern? Maternal mortality is a big problem. There is no excuse for how little progress we’ve made on maternal mortality globally. There are some countries in sub-Saharan Africa where women have a one-in-five chance or a one-in-six chance of dying during pregnancy, whereas in other more developed countries in the region it’s about one in 23. What’s most disturbing about this maternal

AIDS, which is another global issue you address, has increasingly become a dire situation in ways we might not have foreseen. Yes, the AIDS pandemic is a major problem that can’t be tackled without women’s rights. In some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, young females are three times more likely than young males to be infected. Part of that is biological— female tissues are more readily injured during intercourse, making virus entry easier. But a huge part of the high incidence in girls is culture and power. A

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girl doesn’t have the authority to decide when and with whom she has sex, who she’s going to marry, or to demand that her husband be faithful or use a condom. In many places, studies show that the greatest risk factor for women in getting AIDS is being married. I’ve talked to a number of women who were abstinent before they married, and were faithful to their husbands, and now have AIDS. That’s why the conservative policies of abstinence and fidelity are such a cruel joke. Also, wherever there is tremendous poverty and few economic opportunities for women, some of them are going to turn to sex to survive. That’s why there has to be a focus on changes in women’s status. You give many examples of how restrictions on women’s reproductive options have been influenced from outside these countries. A big part of my book is about how reproductive rights have moved into international law, and the increasingly global influence of the religious right in foreign policy by forging alliances in other countries. The Catholic Church has always been antiabortion, but it has become more singular in its antiabortion focus and is working all over the world, sometimes with very sinister bedfellows, and fighting women’s rights at the United Nations.Within individual countries now, too, conservatives are railing against Western or Northern moral chaos being wrought by globalization. For example, Kenya right now has very strict antiabortion laws and high maternal mortality because of it, and is considering tightening its laws even further as it discusses a new constitution. They see this as a way to stand up against the meddling of Americans and the United Nations, to reassert traditional Kenyan values. In truth, abortion bans were not part of traditional Kenyan culture but were imported by the colonial British. But it’s an effective rhetorical strategy, when their national culture is disintegrating around them. It was clear from the cases you present that making abortions illegal doesn’t stop women from having them. In fact, countries with the strictest antiabortion laws have the highest abortion rates, because they also don’t do a good job with women’s empowerment

and family planning. So these battles are more about abortion as a symbol of larger social obstacles. In India, abortion laws don’t have to do with expansion of women’s rights, so access to abortion doesn’t cause much of a stir. But elsewhere, I’ve never seen a country where abortion became an issue and wasn’t tied with a change in gender hierarchies. You help us understand how the dowry tradition in India, in which the family of the bride must present gifts to the husband and his family as a condition of marriage, has led to selectively aborting female fetuses. For someone like me who is very committed to reproductive choice and women’s rights, India is a moral labyrinth.There is an epidemic of sex-selective abortion because higher value is placed on males; this is happening in several other countries in Asia as well. In India, we also see it not just among the poor, but also among wealthy, educated, urban women who want smaller families, so if they have only one or two children, at least one has to be a boy. Sex-selective abortion is creating a generation with so many more boys than girls, it’s a recipe for all kinds of disaster—social instability, sex trafficking, sexual assault, girls being married off at ever-younger ages. It’s a terrible situation in what it says about rejection of girls. Feminists in India are very committed to women’s reproductive rights and don’t want to ban abortions, but they also want to end female fetocide.To come out against sex-selective abortion is confounding because it takes the position that some choices are invalid. Some of their rhetoric reminds me of the antiabortion tactics here, like billboards of a female fetus with a knife pointing at it. Women’s rights activists in India are fighting the underlying issue—the tradition of dowry, which seems to be getting worse as longstanding cultural traditions collide with global capitalism. One woman told me the acceptable dowry in her region includes a TV, washer and dryer, motorcycle, refrigerator, et cetera, and for the upper caste it includes a car. And it’s not just a one-time payment but a steady stream of gifts is expected after the wedding. If the groom’s family is unsatisfied, it can be hell for the bride’s family. There are constantly cases of dowry murders that are called “kitchen accidents,” where the wife is burned to death by 4/10 ChronograM whole living 77

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845.255.6482 78 whole living ChronograM 4/10

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the inlaws and husband, so the husband can marry again and get a new dowry. Given that women carry out the essential role of literally growing the next generation, it’s always baffling to me that women are subjugated in so many cultures. Have you unearthed a sense of how this has come about? I don’t have an explanation for why misogyny is so common worldwide. My working theory is that in agricultural economies with a lot of land to be cleared, and wealth held within the family, the man who could have the most children to do work and could control the most women had an advantage. So there was an evolutionary advantage to patriarchy in earlier society. A point I’m trying to make in the book is that now patriarchy is maladaptive, and the perpetuation of healthy societies in the modern world is dependent on the liberation of women, so they have the right to complete their education, decide who they are going to marry and when, and how many children to have, and to earn an income. Sociologists say one of the first things that happens when a traditional culture faces modernization or transformation to an industrial economy is the breakdown in the division between men’s and women’s work. As women begin moving into the workplace, earning money, having more of a say in matters, they make an easy scapegoat when society seems to be disintegrating or changing too fast. Men see putting women back in their place as a way to restore vanished order, hoping to reclaim an often imaginary idyllic world they think existed before all the modernity. And certainly some women are fighting changes in their social structures too. It was enlightening to learn from your book that some young women today defend their society’s practice of female genital cutting. One woman you spoke to passionately describes why she, as an American-educated woman, chose to return to her tribe for this rite of passage she calls empowering, and resents that others are interfering by trying to get it banned. In this century, women who go along with the existing order are invested in it—it’s their culture too. But women within these same cultures are fighting for change, often risking their lives as they go against the norms they don’t agree with. That’s true for genital cutting, and that’s why I spoke to women on both sides of the issue. I want to point out that in years past, in the United States, feminists were often a minority, and only after they won certain victories did everybody else get on board. Now, even the most reactionary conservatives won’t question a woman’s right to vote or to work, but, at the time, those rights were minority positions opposed by many women as well as men.

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Women have so little power in many societies, but there has been so much focus on reproductive education for women as a way to solve health or population woes. What about educating men? My feeling is that men tend to get on board when they see things working for them. There are many stories of men who objected to their wives working but started to see how much money their wives were earning and realized that it was improving their own lives. But certainly everyone who works in this field believes that men need to be partners in family planning, AIDS prevention, and so on. But I also think that men certainly have advantages to being the kind of master in a master-servant relationship. Certainly some men will fight it. You also highlight some remarkably inspiring efforts by women and organizations that are helping not just women, but also their families and locales. Yet every situation is different and there is so much resistance. Is there any overarching strategy that works? If there were a single magic bullet, it would be giving women the education and power to control their own bodies. A woman who is educated and literate is far more likely to use family planning, have fewer children, demand medical treatment for her children, send her children to school, and earn some income—which they are more likely to spend on the well-being of their children than are men. There is a lot of research that shows that basic education for women has profound effects on the environment, social stability, and economic development.

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4/10 ChronograM whole living 79

Flowers Fall By Bethany Saltman

Touching the Depths: An Interview with Acharya, Judith Simmer Brown, on motherhood and practice. Part 2 Yet, though it is like this, simply, flowers fall amid our longing, and weeds spring up amid our antipathy. — Dogen Zenji, Genjokoan


udith Simmer-Brown is a professor of Buddhist studies at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. She is an Acharya, or senior teacher, in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, dean of the Shambhala International Teachers’ Academy, and she teaches widely on Buddhism and contemplative education.This is the seoncd-half of an interview conducted following a retreat led by Brown at Zen Mountain Monastery. I have a four-year-old, and my husband and I tend to be pretty clear about consequences, but sometimes I feel like we’re too hard on her, and expect too much. I wonder if we should be more emotionally indulgent—the whole kids-will-be-kids thing. We get so many mixed messages. That’s right. I think that’s really, really difficult. When we were raising our kids we just had no idea how they were going to come out. And given how karma works, who our kids are is not based entirely on how we raise them. They have their own karma, as well. It’s very important to understand that we don’t own our kids; they aren’t just a product of what we do. They also have their own integrity and their own stream of cause and effect, and personalities and styles, separate from what we do. At the same time, as we do in our practice, don’t we also have to take responsibility for what we’re putting into the pot? That’s right. Our piece of it is very much there. The basic view in Tibetan Buddhism is that when children are conceived, there are three kinds of bodhichitta [the mind of enlightenment] that come together at the same moment. There is red, from the mother, white from the father, and blue from the previous life. And when the child develops in the womb and grows up, they are the product of the mother, the father, and their previous life. My daughter is constantly asking me, “Where was I before I was in your tummy?” Oh, how wonderful! And how do you answer? I say, “Well, honey, I’m just not sure. Where do you think you were?” Aren’t children just great? They just really inquire about these things. How would you answer that question for a four-year-old? I think you answered it beautifully. It’s better not to go off and develop too many theories for her, and to let her come up with a solution that works well for her. What is the Tibetan Buddhist teaching on reincarnation, as it relates to children? There’s a 49-day gap between lives, and every child who is conceived is somebody who has died—and when they say 49 days, it’s sort of metaphorical. The mind continuity from the previous life has its particular karmic tendencies, and it looks for an auspicious joining of mother and father. And when the father and mother are making love, the spirit will enter into the woman’s body.The attraction of the child to parents may be neurotic, and then the parents have to be very awake. Or the child may be more awake than the parents, or it may be attracted to a situation where’s there’s an opportunity to teach or serve the parents or to live out some previously unexpressed aspect of karma.There are a lot of different possibilities, depending on the amount of awakening in the previous life.

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We are taught that karmic consequences are very connected to our intentions, and in my adult interactions, I can see how this is true, how my intentions end up manifesting eventually, even if I say the completely wrong or insensitive thing. But with my child, my intention feels less important somehow, and I need to be so much more careful about what is actually happening in my body, mouth, and thought. That is what I mean about children being such magnifying mirrors. And we make mistakes. I think one of the things we can do as parents is really let our children know when we’ve made mistakes. We can’t try to be perfect. We’re human, and we have to keep really open hearts, and open communication with our children about our own journey and what’s going on with us. I recently noticed that since my daughter turned three and became so much more verbal, I’ve given myself permission to be a little more liberal about what is appropriate, as if she weren’t a baby anymore and could handle more of me. It’s been a hard year because of that. You lost your seat as an adult. Exactly. Well, so many things we learn the hard way. Yes, I do a lot of atoning and move on. Exactly. And I found these annual retreats I went on [for more on this, see Part 1] could purify things. It was actually a kind of reviewing the year, and seeing how things had been, and giving myself the space to catch up with myself and take a breather before going into another year. Is it just part of our human mind to never think that anybody else could be as rotten as we are? Yes, that’s part of our neurotic practice. We’re so self-involved that we think we’re the only ones suffering! [Laughs.] It’s so amazing. And that’s why this is so powerful— communicating these kinds of things with other practitioners and mothers, it’s really great. The notion that you have to be perfect to be a parent just makes it so much worse. The only people who can be bodhisattvas are those who are ensnared in the tangles of the world. It’s only with that kind of engagement that bodhichitta can actually be generated. It’s such a lovely reminder that parenthood allows us to actually be better bodhisattvas. I feel like, for a lot of us, that can be a real resting place, and we can think that just by working with our own children, this can be the beginning and end of our spiritual practice. I think the biggest problem is that our motivation, when we work with ourselves and our kids, is attachment to our children, and not serving our children as a piece of our service for the larger world. The thing I really worked with a lot when my kids were little was reminding myself that there were many, many children all over the world and I should see my children as just representatives of the many sentient beings, so that parenting would be an act of opening up to a bigger world, rather than closing down and make my kids special. And I think that really takes a lot of work and reminding.

business directory

Accommodations Catskill Mountain Lodge

Graney Metal Design

334 Route 32A, Palenville, NY (518) 678-3101

1920 North Main Street, Sheffield , MA (413) 528-6749

Dinner guests will be entered in a vacation giveaway to be raffled off May 1, 2010. The prize is one week in a two-bedroom condo in one of 5,600 resorts around the world. Our website has details We are open for dinner starting at 5pm every Friday & Saturday.

Minnewaska Lodge 3116 Route 44/55, Gardiner, NY (845) 255-1110

business directory


Storm King Lodge B&B 100 Pleasant Hill Road, Mountainville, NY (845) 534-9421 Come, enjoy and relax in our Lodge, a converted 1800 post and beam barn, or the Guest Cottage. Country setting with spacious lawns, gardens and mountain views. Six lovely guest rooms with private baths, huge swimming pool and most creature comforts. Located nearby: Storm King Art Center, Dia:Beacon, West Point, Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, Great Restaurants and Hudson Valley Attractions.

Alternative Energy

winning Dutchess Arts Camps (building self-esteem through the arts for ages 4-14); Art Institute (pre-college portfolio development program); art classes, workshops, and outreach programs for economically disadvantaged urban youth.

Ann Street Gallery 104 Ann Street, Newburgh, NY (845) 562-6940 X 119 Fahrenheit 180: Encaustic Group Exhibition through to March 27. Artist featured: Grimanesa Amoros, Willow Bader, Francisco Benitez, Joy Broom, Kathryn Dettwiller, Sisavanh Houghton, Nash Hyon, Marilyn Jolly, Cindy Stockton-Moore, Laura Moriarty, Catherine Nash, Martha Pfanschmidt, Don Porcella, Kathleen Thompson, and Janise Yntema. Hours: Thurs-Sat 11 am5 pm or by app’t.

Beacon Institute For Rivers and Estuaries 199 Main Street, Beacon, NY (845) 838-1600

Country Gallery

45 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 471-7477

Root 52 Gallery 87 Mill Street, Liberty, NY (845) 295-3052

1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY (845) 257-3844

Storm King Art Center (845) 534-3115

Vassar Haiti Project 555 West Hartdale Avenue, Hartsdale NY (845) 639-0468

1955 South Road Square, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 297-1684

(845) 876-3767

Dia: Beacon, Riggio Galleries

Artistic Endeavors

3 Beekman Street, Beacon, NY (845) 440-0100

Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY (845) 534-1337

183 Main Street, Beacon, NY (845) 440-8017

G. Steve Jordan Gallery

(917) 797-9247

59 O’Neil Street, Kingston, NY (845) 340-9088

Robert Hite

Audio & Video

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art

Hudson Valley Clean Energy, Inc.

School of Jellyfish

578 Main Street, Beacon, NY

Johnny Poux Design Mill Street Loft’s Gallery 45

Art Galleries & Centers

Jessica Wickham, Woodworker


Black Dog Woodworking

Markertek Video Supply

Auto Sales & Services Performance Motors 1401 Route 9, Wappingers Falls, NY (845) 297-5500

Ruge’s Subaru Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-1057

Banks Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union (845) 336-4444

Solar Generation

10 Main Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-6800

(845) 679-6997

JW ArtWorks, LLC: Gazen Gallery

Candles, Creative Gifts & More

6423 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-4ART (4278)

298 Main Street, Cornwall, NY (845) 527-7112

Mill Street Loft’s Gallery 45

DC Studios

Fairground Shows NY

45 Pershing Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 471-7477

21 Winston Drive, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-3200

P.O. Box 3938, Albany, NY (518) 331-5004

A multi-arts center offering a range of educational programs for children and adults of all ages and abilities in Poughkeepsie, Millbrook and Red Hook. Programs include the award-

Ingrained Woodworking, Inc.

(866) 440-0391

(845) 246-3444

Wittus – Fire By Design (914) 764-5679


72 business directory ChronograM 4/10

(845) 532-8094 Chris Bruno

Rhinebeck Savings Bank 2 Jefferson Plaza, Poughkeepsie, NY

Sawyer Savings 87 Market Street, Saugerties, NY (845) 246-7000

Ulster Savings Bank


Williams Lumber & Home Centers 6760 Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-WOOD

Esotec (845) 246-2411 Choose Esotec to be your wholesale beverage provider. For 24 years, we’ve carried a complete line of natural, organic, and unusual juices, spritzers, waters, sodas, iced teas, iced coffees, and coconut water. If you are a store owner, call for details or a catalog of our full line. We’re back in Saugerties now!

Bookstores Merritt Bookstore 7496 South Broadway, Red Hook, NY (845) 758-2665

Merritt Bookstore 57 Front Street, Millbrook, NY (845) 758-2665

Cleaning Services All Brite Window Cleaning (845) 247-9663

Clothing & Accessories Cow Jones Industrials Vegan Boutique 5 Main Street, Chatham, NY (518) 392-2139

177 Main Street, Beacon, NY

2686 Route 44/55, Gardiner, NY

Mirabai of Woodstock

White Rice

23 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-2100

531 Warren Street, Hudson, NY (518) 697-3500

WDST 100.1 Radio Woodstock P.O. Box 367, Woodstock, NY

Building Services & Supplies Adirondack Design Associates Rhinebeck, NY, Sarancac, NY (518) 891-5224 (845) 876-2700

McMahon’s Home Improvement 1062 Bruynswick Road, Gardiner, NY (845) 255-2881 Remodeling your home is a great endeavor as long as you’ve hired the right team of professionals to handle your project. At McMahon’s Home Improvement we confidently give a 5-yr warranty because we combine excellent craftsmanship, green ethics, quality materials and organized execution to achieve remodels that delight our clients.

N & S Supply

Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa

Coffee & Tea

! " !


Coffee System of the Hudson Valley (800) 660-3175

Collaborative Workspace Beahive Kingston 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY (917) 449-6356

business directory


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Utility Canvas

The Hudson Valley’s oldest and most comprehensive spiritual/metaphysical bookstore, providing a vast array of books, music, and gifts for inspiration, transformation and healing. Exquisite jewelry, crystals, statuary and other treasures from Bali, India, Brazil, Nepal, Tibet. Expert Tarot reading.

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Dream in Plastic

Computer Services The Mac Works (845) 331-1111


Consignment Shops

In our second generation with over 40 years experience, we specialize in driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, and private roads, all built to last. Ask about our ornamental finish options. Call today for a complimentary consultation.

Past ‘n’ Perfect Resale & Retail Boutique 1629 Main Street (Route 44), Pleasant Valley, NY (845) 635-3115 A quaint consignment boutique that offers distinctive clothing, jewelry, accessories, and a unique collection of high-quality furs and leathers. Always a generous supply of merchandise in sizes from Petite to Plus. Featuring a diverse & illuminating collection of 14 Kt. Gold, Sterling Silver and Vintage jewelry. Enjoy the pleasures of resale shopping and the benefits of living basically while living beautifully. Conveniently located in Pleasant Valley, only 9 miles east of the Mid-Hudson Bridge.

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ChronogramSpring.indd 1

4/10 ChronograM business directory 73

3/18/10 2:20:03 PM

The Present Perfect

Sunflower Natural Foods Market


23G Village Plaza, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-2939

75 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-5361

101 Main Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-1575

Designer consignments of the utmost quality for men, women, and children. Current styles, jewelry, accessories, and knicknacks. Featuring beautiful furs and leathers.

Cooking Classes Natural Gourmet Cookery School

Taliaferro Farms

48 West 21st Street, New York, NY (212) 645-5170, Fax (212) 989-1493

187 Plains Road, New Paltz, NY (845) 256-1592

For more than 20 years people around the world have turned to Natural Gourmet’s avocational public classes to learn the basics of healthy cooking. They come to the Chef’s Training Program to prepare for careers in the burgeoning Natural Foods Industry.

Custom Home Design and Materials Atlantic Custom Homes 2785 Route 9, Cold Spring, NY

Events business directory

Since 1978, Your source for organic and local, farm fresh produce, eggs, dairy products, bulk coffee, rice, beans, and granolas, teas, all natural body & skin care, supplements, homeopathy. And so much more!

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies

Financial Advisors Third Eye Associates, Ltd 38 Spring Lake Road, Red Hook, NY (845) 752-2216


41 Pitcher Road, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-3974

Gardening & Garden Supplies Catskill Native Nursery

Pets Alive

607 Samsonville Road, Kerhonkson, NY (845) 626-2758

Rosendale Earthfest and Expo Rosendale Recreation Center, Route 32, Rosendale, NY (845) 658-7477

Wild Earth Programs Marbletown Community Center, Stone Ridge, NY

Northern Dutchess Botanical Gardens 389 Salisbury Turnpike, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-2953

Ward’s Nursery, Garden Center and Wild Bird Shop 600 South Main Street, Great Barrington, MA (413) 528-0166

Woodstock Writer’s Festival

Adams Fairacre Farms Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 454-4330

Allure 12 Garden Street, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-7774

Founded in 1978, Mother Earth’s is committed to providing you with the best possible customer service as well as a grand selection of high quality organic and natural products. Visit one of our convenient locations and find out for yourself! We can also be found at 804 South Road Square, Poughkeepsie, NY, (845) 296-1069, and 249 Main Street, Saugerties, NY, (845) 246-9614.

74 business directory ChronograM 4/10

54G Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-5311 Winner: Hudson Valley Magazine “Best Carpets.” Direct importers since 1981. Newly expanded store. Natural-dyed Afghan carpets, Balouchi tribal kilims, Russian sumaks, antique Caucasian carpets, silk Persian sumaks, Turkish kilims. Hundreds to choose from, 2’x3’ to 9’x12’. Kilim pillows, $20-$55. We encourage customers to try our rugs in their homes without obligation. MC/Visa/AmEx.

Woodstock Organic Mattress Woodstock, NY (888) 499-9399

Internet Services Webjogger

(917) 974-9883

L. Browe Asphalt Services (516) 794-0490 (516) 479-1400

Masseo Landscape P.O. Box 8, New Paltz, NY (845) 658-9148

Ninebark, LLC (845) 758-4184

Lawyers & Mediators

5 Mulberry Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 256-0620

Dennis Fox Salon 6400 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-1777

Studio One Hair Design 246 Main Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-5505

Wellspring (845) 534-7668

(845) 757-4000

Italian Specialty Products La Bella Pasta

Networking Hudson Valley Green Drinks (845) 454-6410

(845) 331-9130

Peekskill Business Improvement District

Fresh pasta made locally. Large variety of ravioli, tortellini, pastas, and sauces at the factory outlet. We manufacture and deliver our excellent selection of pastas to fine restaurants, gourmet shops, and caterers throughout the Hudson Valley. Call for our full product list and samples. Located on Route 28W between Kingston and Woodstock.

Peekskill, NY

Jewelry, Fine Art & Gifts

799 Wall Street, Kingston, NY (845) 338-8100

Dreaming Goddess 9 Collegeview Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 473-2206


Mother Earth’s Store House 440 Kings Mall Court, Route 9W, Kingston, NY

Karin Ursula Edmondson Anatolia Tribal Rugs & Weavings

Bop to Tottom

Hair Salons

Farm Markets & Natural Food Stores

(518) 731-6804

Greenhouse at Rhinebeck

Home Furnishings & Decor

Fox Stonework – Christopher Layman, Stonescape Artist


Rhinebeck Area Chamber of Commerce 23F East Market Street, P.O. Box 42, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-5904 Professional business membership organ­ ization comprised of approximately 400 members. Benefits include monthly networking events, newsletter subscription, referrals, group insurance, business directory listing, website listing and link. Affordable advertising available.

Performing Arts Bard College Public Relations Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (845) 758-7900

Warren Kitchen & Cutlery 6934 Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-6208

Landscaping Coral Acres (845) 255-6634

Bardavon Opera House 35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 473-2072

Bearsville Theater 291 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-4406

Paramount Center for the Arts

Fast Signs

(914) 739-2333 (877) 840-0457

1830 South Rd Suite 101, Wappingers Falls, NY (845) 298-5600

Vanaver Caravan 10 Main Street, Suite 322, New Paltz, NY (845) 256-9300

WAMC – The Linda 339 Central Ave, Albany, NY (518) 465-5233 ext. 4

Pet Services & Supplies Dog Love, LLC 240 North Ohioville Road, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-8254 Personal hands-on boarding and daycare tailored to your dog’s individual needs. Your dog’s happiness is our goal. Indoor 5x10 matted kennels with classical music and windows overlooking our pond. Supervised play groups in 40x40 fenced area. Homemade food and healthy treats.

Pussyfoot Lodge B&B (845) 687-0330

Mailing Works/Fountain Press Millbrook and Amenia, NY (845) 677-6112


260 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 462-7600, ext. 201

SUNY New Paltz School of Fine and Performing Arts New Paltz, NY (845) 257-3872

Lucky C Stables, Inc.

The Graduate Institute

31 Yankee Folly Road, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-3220

171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT (203) 874-4252

Sky Acres Airport 30 Airway Drive, LaGrangeville, NY (845) 677-5010

Westchester Community College (914) 606-7300

Schools Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies 2801 Sharon Turnpike, Millbrook, NY (845) 677-5343


4400 Route 23, Hudson, NY (518) 828-1481 ext.3344

Snacks Mister Snacks, Inc. 500 Creekside Drive, Amherst, NY (800) 333-6393


Frog Hollow Farm

Hudson Valley Sunrooms


Esopus, NY (845) 384-6424

Route 9W, Beacon, NY (845) 838-1235

(518) 828-2512

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Hudson Valley School of Massage & Skin Care

Institute for Integrative Nutrition (877) 730-5444

Poughkeepsie Day School 260 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 462-7600 Poughkeepsie Day School, the pre-eminent co-educational day school in the midHudson area, serves 325 students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Its intellectually challenging, creative curriculum and outstanding teachers recognize each student’s strengths and talents as they become active, independent learners, ready to take up

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84 Ten Broeck Avenue, Kingston, NY (800) 206-8088

Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 431-8000

1723 Route 9W, West Park, NY (845) 255-0013

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R & F Handmade Paints

Roy Volkmann

120 Morey Hill Road, Kingston, NY (845) 336-4705;;;

27 North Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY, and, 10 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY (845) 256-0788 and (845) 679-2373

Fionn Reilly Photography

15 Rock City Road, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-5333

Pegasus Comfort Footwear

Columbia-Greene Community College

Dutchess Community College


Poughkeepsie Day School


Tourism Historic Huguenot Street Huguenot Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-1660

Ulster County Tourism 10 Westbrook Lane, Kingston, NY (845) 340-3566

World Wide Travel 45 Quaker Avenue, Cornwall, NY (845) 534-4333 (845) 534-4368

Web Design icuPublish

R & F has been internationally recognized as the leader in manufacturing high quality Encaustic Paint and Pigment Sticks for over twenty-two years. R & F’s ongoing workshop, demonstration and exhibition programs have introduced thousands of artists to these exciting mediums. The Gallery at R & F continues to offer bi-monthly exhibits of wax and oil-based artworks from around the world. Stop in for a tour of the factory and visit the Gallery and the Factory Store. Workshops are offered year-round.

The Fountain of the Goddess 314 Wall Street, Kingston , NY

Writing Services CENTER TO PAGE: moving writers from the center to the page (845) 679-9441 Our small team works with writers nationwide — memoirists, scholars, novelists, and people seeking to develop an authentic writing practice. We mentor, edit, ghostwrite, and more. Director Jeffrey Davis is author of The Journey from the Center to the Page and teaches in WCSU’s MFA program and at conferences nationwide.

Peter Aaron Your work deserves ATTENTION!! Chronogram music editor and AP award-winning journalist Peter Aaron can deliver a great, custom-composed bio for your press kit or website. General copy editing and proofreading services (academic and term papers), and consultations also available. Reasonable rates.

4/10 ChronograM business directory 75

business directory

The Pioneer in Professional Pet Care! B&B for cats, with individual rooms at lower cost than caged boarding. Full house/pet/plant sitting service, proudly serving 3 counties in the Hudson Valley. Experienced, dependable, thorough, and reasonable house sitting for your pets. Thank you Hudson Valley for entrusting ALL your pets and homes to us since 1971. Bonded and insured.

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the challenges of the future as global citizens. Admissions information session, Tuesday, March 23 at 8:30 am.

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D E T A I L S A T M E E T U P. C O M / B E A H I V E







APR 23, 7-9 PM




APR 19, 5:30-7:30 PM Photo by Rob Penner


36 ChronograM 4/10

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Laura Moriarty, Tidal Pool, 2010, encaustic on panel, 18'' x 18''

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All Natural Gourmet Food, Treats & Accessories for Cats & Dogs April 24th 11am-3pm, Dog Parade & Street Festival, Animal Shelter Appreciation Day


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For more information 845.838.1600 Exhibit title is from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Hours: Tuesday-Friday-12-5:30pm Saturday 10-6pm Sunday 12:30-5:30pm

192 Main Street, Beacon, New York 12508 phone/fax 845-440-7652 email:

199 Main Street, Beacon NY 12508

4/10 ChronograM beacon 37

The Gospel According to John Author John Perkins travels the world encouraging people to claim their power


By Carl Frankel

ohn Perkins has led a schizophrenic life. For years he served as an officer in the global corporatocracy, peddling economic strategies to developing nations that widened the gap between the rich and poor.Then his conscience got the better of him. He switched teams and has been a tireless advocate for a just and sustainable world ever since. Perkins’ 2004 exposé, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, spent nearly a year and a half on the New York Times bestseller list and made Perkins a star in the sustainability world. His most recent book, Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets IMPLODED—and What We Need to Do to Remake Them (Broadway Business, 2009), works the same formula that made Confessions such a huge success, combining political and economic analysis with juicy tales about Perkins’s travels and adventures. At the end of the day, though, it’s not Perkins who’s schizophrenic: It’s our politico-economic system. The global corporatocracy presents two faces to the world. One face—the one that comes to us all gussied up by its promoters—is virtuous and benign, while the other is more menacing. It’s this latter reality, this shadow reality, that Perkins experienced and is intent on sharing with the world. Although Perkins is delivering a very contemporary and progressive message, in conversation he comes across as a guy with bedrock, old-time values. He wants us to become a true democracy again—a democracy, in others words, in which an engaged and knowledgeable public acts wisely. Perkins sees personal empowerment—claiming and acting on our passion—as the way to make this happen. Wake up! Don’t be hoodwinked or downhearted! Together we can make America great again! This is his message. I caught up with Perkins recently for a conversation about his views, his life, and our prospects for the future. John Perkins will be speaking on April 22 (Earth Day) at 7pm at SUNY New Paltz, Lecture Center 100. —Carl Frankel John, you’ve had some dramatic personal transformations in your life, most notably, the one that shifted you from Economic Hit Man to sustainability activist. Was there a particular epiphany that sparked this change? I joined the Peace Corps as a young man and lived with the Shuar Indians of Ecuador, so from early on I was drawn to spiritual and shamanic paths. When 28 Green Living ChronograM 4/10

I was working as an Economic Hit Man, my conscience bothered me more and more. At first, I could justify it because I believed in the macroeconomic models we were putting out. Over time, though, I could see that we were selling a bill of goods. One day, I was sailing in the Virgin Islands. I docked at St. John and walked up to an old sugar cane plantation. I was sitting there admiring the extraordinary scenery when it dawned on me that this plantation had been built on the bones of thousands of slaves. And then I realized: I was a modern-day slaver. I resolved to never do it again. That’s really a comment about transparency, which is one of the critical issues of our time. You pierced the curtain of time and space. Every day, we make choices. Which company do we buy our gas from? Our sneakers? Our blue jeans? Are we going to support companies that are in service to people and the planet, or companies that aren’t? Collectively, the choices we make in this area have huge consequences. The world is run by big corporations, but at the end of the day, the marketplace is democratic.We have a powerful vote in the marketplace if we use our power wisely. To do that, though, we have to know about a product’s life cycle. The information has to be transparent, and it’s not because the big corporations don’t want it to be. The global “corporatocracy” controls the mainstream media, and so it’s easy to feel we’re stuck with this, but we’re not. We can overcome this situation. We’ve already seen huge changes come about through popular action in the marketplace. We got rid of apartheid by opposing the corporations that supported it.We’ve gotten rid of the type of aerosol cans that destroyed the ozone layer. We got trans fats out of foods and antibiotics out of chickens. What do you hope to accomplish with Hoodwinked? I was asked by my publisher to write about the deep causes underlying the current economic crisis. The problem isn’t capitalism, it’s predatory capitalism, a form of capitalism that’s been with us for less than a half century and has created a failed economic system. I wanted to reveal this form of capitalism for what it is, and I also wanted to offer ways to move beyond it. I wanted to help us move toward a world that my two-and-a-half-year-old grandson would be happy to live in.

Speaking broadly, one can separate your audience into two groups. There are those who believe that we live in a true democracy, not a corporatocracy, and there are those who subscribe to the darker (and, in your view, more accurate) narrative that corporations rule the world. Which group did you write Hoodwinked for? That’s not how I operate. While I hope that both groups will read the book, I wasn’t targeting either of them. I wrote the book to go on record about what I think is wrong with the world. People like Tom Paine and Rachel Carson put their passion out there and let it produce whatever it produced. That’s my attitude, too.You need to have faith that the right people will read what you write. You need to have faith that if you put pen to paper, the truth will prevail. For the last few years, I’ve been traveling the world giving speeches. Sometimes I speak to thousands of people, sometimes to 10. If I’m talking to 10 people, I’ll have faith that at least three of them will be the “right people”— people who will be influenced in a positive way. The fact is, we never know who’s listening. Who had heard of Barack Obama eight years ago? Maybe one of those 10 people is the next president! Are you hopeful? Yes. Things can change very fast, especially once the mental model shifts. Did you know that, when the car first came out, people thought that going so fast would cause serious brain damage? And yet look at where we are today. I also believe awareness is growing that we have no choice but to take care of the planet—and this awareness isn’t only among progressives. Increasingly, I’m being asked to speak to conservative groups.

One of your earlier books is called The World Is asYou Dream It. The message I take from this is that if we want to change the world, we first need to change the stories inside our heads. What’s the relationship between consciousness change and social change? The two are closely linked. But consciousness change alone isn’t enough. I once spent time with the Dalai Lama. Someone asked him what he thought about the value of praying for peace. His response was that it’s a good thing, but you can’t stop there. First you need to have a dream, then you need to meditate or pray on it, and then you need to take action. When you talk, an image keeps coming to mind: the Declaration of Independence. I think it’s because of your affection for the term “We the People.” You’re right, I do use the term a lot.Women didn’t get the vote because Woodrow Wilson was pro-women’s suffrage. They got it because they got out there and persuaded him to support them. We didn’t get out of Vietnam because Nixon was antiwar. We got out of Vietnam because We the People spoke up. There are hundreds of examples like this throughout history. It’s We the People who have always changed things. We the People can create the world we dream of, but we need to play an active role. We need to get off our butts and get out there and take action, and we need to have some fun doing it. There is nothing more gratifying than knowing that you’re devoting yourself to making the world a more sustainable, just and peaceful place.

green living

What gives you the most hope? Young people, who strike me as increasingly committed to creating positive change. Five years ago, when I spoke with business school students, they were all about making lots of money. Now they want to help bring about a better world. Another reason for hope is the huge changes I’ve seen in my lifetime. Here’s an example. A few years ago, I spoke with a Tibetan nomad who was lamenting that they’d never have telephones because they couldn’t run telephone poles so high into the mountains. Now they all have cell phones! Third, because of those cell phones and the Internet, we’re all talking with one another, all realizing that we face the same crisis. We’re all beginning to understand that we live on a very tiny planet that is very fragile. We’ve never been connected like this before. Finally, there’s China, which is rapidly becoming the world’s leading economic force and, according to the majority of students I spoke with while I was there last summer, is determined to be the greenest country on the planet.

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home & garden


845.246.3444 38 Home & garden ChronograM 4/10

Keith Buesing

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backyard bonanza

Top 10 Garden Tips for 2010 By Karin Ursula Edmondson


rincipal garden tip: Just Do It. Do—synonymous with sow and plant— something in your backyard, front yard, field, sidewalk median planter strip, or container. If you do something edible, sustenance for the body complements nourishment for the soul. Start small to not overwhelm, but do “think outside the philosophy of the last 100 years that emphasized lawn with a few ornamentals and puffy shrubs,” advises Diane Greenberg of Catskill Native Nursery. Cultivate curiosity about culture and companion plantings of your selected plants. Gardens can be as wild, profuse, and diverse as nature itself. Ethan Roland of Appleseed Permaculture urges “transformation of gardens into abundant, thriving ecosystems. Mimic natural systems and their incredible diversity and plant communities rather than monocultures. Nature never plants single plants.” Spend more time in the garden but “less of it struggling against nature,” suggests Mark Oppenheimer of the Inner Garden. “Your garden should be a retreat, not a battle.” 1. Think & Plan Avid gardeners start thinking (really, dreaming) about gardens in January when seed catalogs arrive. Plot the square footage of your garden. Draw a plan of what goes where. Compose a Seed Wish List by putting pen to paper rather than willy-nilly earmarking followed by rampant ordering. This will save money, reduce seed waste, and bring you back to reality regarding available space. Pooling seed orders with friends and neighbors also helps reduce seed waste and shipping costs. Nancy Bubel’s The New Seed Starter’s Handbook is indispensable. Inventory items from seeds to tools. Most seeds when stored properly in a cool dark place have a shelf life of one to two years. Also check the condition of garden equipment like shovels, hoes, spades, rakes, pruners, and shears. If you didn’t clean and oil them up after last year’s season, do so now. If you’ve been considering another tool for the collection, like a spading fork, then purchase it before you get out into the field.

2. Reconnaissance Pull on the Wellies or Muck Boots and head out into the garden. “The first thing I would recommend,” says Jane Lehmuller at Ninebark LLC, “is for people to get outside and assess the damage from heavy, wet snow. Now is the time to prune those broken branches and any suckers or waterspouts.” Mel Bellar of Andesbased Zone 4 Landscapes advises: “Conifer branches, particularly very upright varieties, tend to have branches that get weighed down and misshapen with ice or heavy snow. Tie up the branches with some twine—green is nice because it disappears—until they regain their shape or stay in place on their own.” 3. Prune Know for what you prune. Pruning is the art of regulating and controlling growth, flowering, and fruiting. Different plants require different pruning methods and timing and keeping it all straight is much easier with a good book on pruning. Early spring pruning is practical because it does not depend on thawed ground and absent foliage can’t complicate matters. First, prune off any branches on trees and shrubs that didn’t make it through winter. “Check if a branch is dead by scraping off a little of the bark off. See green under the bark? It is alive. See brown when you scrap down, it is dead,” says Greenberg. Spring is opportune to prune shrubs and trees that don’t bloom on old wood. Bellar begins with cutting off the prior year’s blooms and taking out any dead wood. “Dead wood is an invitation to pest and disease.Take out crossed branches and thin out up to one third of the branches with an eye toward creating a nice shape and encouraging new growth for a fluffy, full plant.” For edibles, Lehmuller advises gardeners to “prune fruit trees for a better yield and summer and fall blooming shrubs for a better shape but don’t touch any spring blooming shrubs until after they bloom.” 4.Vernal Revamp Mundane but necessary chores such as raking leaves and other debris out of beds, 4/10 ChronograM HOMe & garden 39

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evening out mulch, and smoothing gravel pathways become opportunities to contemplate editing and restructuring. Greenberg advises “keeping an eye on the beds over the next few weeks, pulling up any perennials or shrubs that didn’t survive the winter. Move plants that aren’t doing well to better locations before they break bud. Basic rule—if it blooms in the spring, move it in the fall. If it blooms in the fall, move it in the spring. Never move a blooming plant.” Spring’s cool weather is suitable for the labor-intensive tasks of dividing and moving. Ornamental grasses such as maiden or switch grass prefer to be divided in spring, and after a couple of years’ establishment, a single purchased plant can yield a mass planting. After digging the root ball up, a straight edge shovel or pruning saw will effectively divide the clump. Perennials can be divided in spring or fall, and strong opinions abound on optimal times, “but it often actually depends on how much time I have and what I feel like doing,” admits Bellar. 5. Plant Edibles 2010 might be the year that edibles and ornamentals finally reach an ecstatic symbiotic coexistence in the garden. Rhubarb, fennel, and asparagus have dramatic foliage habits that add spectacular visual interest to gardens, can provide screening or become a focal point in the garden. Hazelnut shrubs make a beautiful edible hedge. Wet spot problem areas make hospitable homes for elderberry and high-bush blueberry—“plants that enjoy wet feet,” says Greenberg, who also recommends mulberry to feed both humans and birds. “Chard, eggplant, peppers, or climbing beans taste great and look great,” says Lehmuller. “Interplant them with perennials and annuals. Dwarf apple or pear trees fit in almost anywhere and are easy to maintain.” Roland encourages people to grow their own fertilizer with nitrogen fixers like clover, licorice, or groundnut and interplant some aromatic pest confusers like shallots, horseradish, or bee balm. For fruits, he suggests attracting beneficial insects with fennel, yarrow, or borage and using chicory, sorrel, or chives as nutrient accumulators. A good book on companion plantings: The Rodale Book of Herbs (1974 ed.). Hardy perennial vegetables like climbing spinach, sea kale, sunchokes, water celery, profusion sorrel, and Welsh onion offer tasty yearly returns on initial investment. For detailed information on finding, planting, harvesting, and eating these plants check Eric Toensmeier’s book PerennialVegetables (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2007). Local fruit tree guru Lee Reich recommends against apple trees unless “you’re planning to spray regularly and gain some expertise in pruning.” He extols the virtues of planting blueberries: “They’re easy to grow, healthful, pretty plants and taste great. Prepare the soil to their liking with peat moss in the planting hole, pelletized sulfur for acidity, and two to three inches of wood chips, leaves, pine needles, or wood shavings as mulch.” Pawpaws, American persimmons, Cornealian cherries, pears, and medlars are some other easy-to-grow fruit trees. Plant strawberries and raspberries in spring and eat them through the fall. 6. Raise Your Beds Channel Ruth Stout or Masanobu Fukuoka with the latest garden wisdom of no-till planting to preserve beneficial microbes within the soil, prevent erosion, and ensure the health of your back. “No de-sodding is necessary,” says Lehmuller. “Lay down layers of newspaper or cardboard and cover it with a 3-to-4-inch layer of coarse mulch to smother any thing underneath. Lay the cedar boxes on top and fill with a good quality organic soil/compost mix.” Because they drain quickly, raised beds are especially good for herbs but need careful monitoring to prevent drying out. Raised beds out of stone offer optimal drainage and aesthetic value while “building an eternal relationship with the Earth’s offspring,” says Christopher Layman at Fox Stonework. “Stone is safe, dependable, and forever beautiful.” 7. Mulch Some gardeners like Greenberg advise pulling up old much and yearly remulching beds because “mulch is crucial to a healthy garden, retaining moisture in the soil, and breaking down and feeding the plants. For problems with weeds, use a layer of brown paper or newspaper under the mulch to suppress the existing weedy seed bank in the soil, but don’t suffocate the existing plants. Put newspaper around them and spread the mulch on top to cover. Avoid commercial landscaping cloth; weeds love to grow on top of it and it blocks decomposing mulch from enriching the soil.” Other professional gardeners, Bellar among them, consider yearly remulching overkill and avoid the practice; however, he admits that

in some cases “you may need to add mulch but wait until all of the perennials are showing to not make it more difficult for them.” Wood-chip or other moistureretaining mulch is detrimental rather than beneficial to heat-loving plants like lavender or tomatoes or peppers. Mulch with light colored pea gravel, small crushed stone, or sand instead to trap and reflect heat. Adventurous? Try new mulches like licorice root mulch, sold as Right Dress Garden Mulch. More selfreliant and thrifty? Use straw or grass clippings from your own lawn or meadow, or check with your local municipality for free wood-chip mulch. 8. Compost A well-managed compost pile is a repository for both organic kitchen and garden clippings, eliminating the need for cartage and providing a source of nutrientrich soil amendment, diminishing the overall garden costs. General composition requirements for a compost pile are one-third dry materials (leaf litters, straw), one-third green materials (kitchen waste including bones, tea leaves, coffee grounds, eggshells, and citrus rinds but excluding meats and oils), and one-third soil—the top layer to speed decomposition and keep the odor down to a minimal level. If space allows, a three-bin system is the most dynamic according to Bellar. “One is ready to use, one is almost there and only gets new material that breaks down really quickly, and one that is just starting where most new garden debris gets dumped.” Winter doesn’t have to halt composting—Bellar keeps a garbage can with air holes outside the back door for his kitchen scraps. “It is so heavy in the spring that I have to use a hand truck to get it to the compost bin to dump it.” 9. Hardscapes Inanimate garden elements such as trellises, fences, fountains, and other structures are considered hardscapes. During Northeast winters, movement can take place in the Earth, causing stones to shift and posts to get shaky. Bellar advises to “check where a screw is loose (except your own) or a piece of wood is rotting. A little attention now can keep people from tripping on a tippy stone or stop a trellis from collapsing midseason.” Lehmuhler believes that “in this area fences are a must not only for deer but for resident woodchucks, skunks, and rabbits. A fine wire-mesh-with-cedar-post fence can disappear into the landscape, or, better yet, become a sculptural/decorative part of the garden.” Greenberg encourages “adding a fountain to drown out undesirable noise.” Consider adding objets d’art—“found or otherwise obtained and change the compositions throughout the year as inspiration bids, be it hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonally. Start planning and gathering materials now,” recommends Oppenheimer. 10. Critter Control Defending delectable garden smorgasbords against the region’s resident critters is constant component of gardening. Fences provide fool-proof protection from hungry critters yet are costly to build. Chemicals and toxins are out. In are natural repellants like Liquid Fence and Plantskyyd—both very smelly and not pleasant to apply but effective. Bellar tried Plantskyyd, a blood product, this past year and over the winter to save his evergreens, and admits, “It is a little harder to use but lasts longer and does not have to be reapplied after every rain like Liquid Fence.” Milorganite is a small pellet fertilizer that is also a very effective deer repellent in the early spring, when the young shoots are extra-tasty and close to the ground.” Roland promotes the use of “aromatic pest confusers”— members of the allium family. Critters’ sensitive noses avoid strongly scented chives, onions, shallots, garlic, and bunching onions. Interplant freely amidst ornamentals and edibles. Alliums usually have strongly defined blue-green leaf structure and interesting round seed heads for aesthetics. Plus, humans enjoy eating them too. RESOURCES Appleseed Permaculture Catskill Native Nursery Fox Stoneworks Inner Garden Ninebark LLC Lee Reich Zone 4 Landscapes Licorice Root Mulch (860) 619-8028 4/10 ChronograM HOMe & garden 41

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4/10 ChronograM HOMe & garden 45

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68 Beauty & Fashion ChronograM 4/10

olsenHaus “Berlin” shoes, available from Cow Jones Industrials Vegan Boutique in chatham.

Hudson Valley Fashion Trends for 2010 By Anne Roderique-Jones


here are those who know what’s coming around the bend. They don a trend before it hits magazines or is being turned out by celebrities. And there are those who need a bit of help with the ways of what’s hot. Maybe a few who need a lot of help. Whether you’re living the glory days in parachute pants or setting the trends yourself, these Hudson Valley top designers, boutique owners, and fashionistas have the latest trends for 2010. Cow Jones Industrials Where what’s hot is the way people buy. Cow Jones Industrials in Chatham is a charming vegan boutique that carries a hip offering of handbags, shoes, and clothing dedicated to sustainability. Celebrities, such as Natalie Portman, Stella McCartney and Emily Deschanel have helped to bring this movement to the mainstream, but it’s people like Cow Jones owner, Donna Oakes, who continue to merge fashion and ethics by making these goods more accessible to the public. Oakes says, “As far as major trends, it’s the way people buy. Who makes this? Where is it made? And, of course, it should look fabulous.” It’s not to say that she’s not at the forefront of fashion; it’s just in a different context. Oakes’s store carried the first vegan produced winter coats. “These coats had a very beautiful story behind them,” remarks Oakes, “you can’t say that about the fur industry.” Now your vegetarian friends who still rock leather boots have no excuse. Studio One Hair Design Want long, thick locks? Growing it out is so very last decade. Studio One Hair Design is a full service salon that specializes in color,

cuts and has a soft spot for wedding parties, according to owner, Laura Flood. Studio One goes beyond your basic updo. A full day of pampering and makeup (airbrush is big trend); along with both hair and eyelash extensions are often de rigueur for bridal prep. Flood says, “Extensions are one of the biggest trends right now because they’re great for clipping in—not only for the wedding—but for a night out. They’re good for short hair or long hair that needs fullness. We even color them for clients.” And on the subject of color—pattern color and peek-a-boo are trending. Flood adds, “Blonds are adding chunks of yellow into bangs or you can do a fashion red to peek from under the hair.” Pegasus Comfort Footwear They may not be Manolos, but they’re hotter than orthopedic shoes. Pegasus Shoes specialize in innovative and comfortable footwear with a focus on quality. In addition to the main store in Woodstock and an outlet in New Paltz, Pegasus has built an impressive website (think Zappos for the outdoorsy type) that is dedicated to selling “brands that matter.” Make no mistake; comfort should not be an eyesore. The company carries everything from trail runners to stylish ballet flats, each designed for comfort in mind. Apparently trends are taking their cue from the runway this season. Bob Russell, the manager of the Woodstock location says that clogs are very in right now. “The more traditional, closed back variety sells well here.” And a new item to hit the floor and selling like crazy are the Vibram FiveFingers Running Shoes that act like a second skin and offers a gecko-like grip that reduces impact on the knees. Russell says, “They’re like gloves for your feet.” 4/10 ChronograM Beauty & fashion 69

White Rice Even when Tie-dye is not on the cover of In Style magazine, this place carries the hottest styles. White Rice may have an advantage when it comes to 2010 trends. Their niche batik fabrics and natural luxury blends lend itself to the emerging trends of this summers relaxed groove and feminine flow. Tie Die is hot on the radar for summer and it would only be natural for White Rice to stock such a fun print. Owner and designer, Mary Vaughn Williams says in regards to Tie-dye, “White Rice has access to factories to artisans who do handmade treatments.” This factory is the one in Bali where the husband and wife owners once lived and now use to create Mary’s signature line, White Rice, that’s sold in the store, along with other lines of both clothing and accessories. Crystal Nabozny, a five-year White Rice employee, seemed as excited about the arrival of spring as she was with the new addition of Havaiana flip flops that will be carried in the store this. And Williams claims that while Maxi dresses are still being sold, “the hemlines have shot up this season. The same piece can be worn as a dress for young people while the 40-year-olds wear them as tunics.” Bodhi Holistic Spa The entire package from the inside, out. Bodhi Holistic Spa works to nourish the body on the inside and out with an extensive menu of treatments that range from the sumptuous warm stone massage and anti-aging facials to what sound cringe-worthy to some—colon hydrotherapy and facial acupuncture. Packages allow you to try them all, if you’re so inclined. Melinda Pizzano, Bodhi’s owner, says, “more people are opting for packages than ever before. They want more of an experience and you get that with a massage, body scrub and a hand treatment.”You might think the opposite because of the recession, but it’s really a chicken and egg kind of thing. It’s like a de-stression during the recession. Bodhi also offers Chinese Medicine and Holistic Health Counseling as well as a salon (with names like the Yin,Yang, and Little Buddha haircuts), in addition to permanent hair color that is herbal based without ammonia. Woodstock Design Growing up means dressing like it. There comes a time when a lady is clearly too old for the Junior’s section at a department store and the “Womens” section mimics sportswear suited more for your Grandmother’s Bridge Club. Enter Woodstock Design. Whether you’ve scored your first “real job” or you’re a mom unwilling to wear Mom Jeans; Woodstock Design carries exactly the wardrobe-building clothing that makes a stylish fashionista. Owned by Robin and Mike Kramer since 1981, Woodstock Design takes pride in the fact that they’ve gown up with their customers and the clothing goes along for the ride. Robin points out, “our customers now head up agencies and travel often,” she says, “and because of this, our new favorite color is black with a touch of gray.” She also says that because of the frequent flyers, they make clothing that’s stylish, but easy to pack. Brands like, Karina, who is a local dress designer, 7 for All Mankind and flowy Nally & Millie tops. She says, “Moms and their daughters come in to shop together. Moms try to tell their daughter what to buy, but it’s the daughter who ends up telling the mom what to wear.” (845) 679-8776

a Brown hand-stamped batik Bamboo Dress from White rice in hudson.

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Changes for Men Helping the full-gown man dress himself. Changes, in Woodstock and a second location in Rhinebeck, is always abreast of the current trends for men.The owner, Louis. K. Deering personally selects each piece for the stores from over 75 different companies worldwide.Though the merchandise tends to have an urban edge for the young and fashionable, there are plenty of classic pieces. Right now accessories happen to be hot. David Freeman, the Woodstock manager, says that hats are huge (not literally, of course). “Fedoras, caps—every era is being mined for style.” Freeman also mentions a hot seller called the, “Happy Sock.” He says, “They come in fun patterns and bright colors.” This less-than-hip sounding item is the perfect way to punch up a conservative suit. Colorful socks or not, Changes has wardrobe essentials to dress a man from head to toe and a staff that’s willing to do everything but manscape you to look your best.


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Cow Jones Industrials Vegan Boutique Earth Day Trunk Show Join us on Saturday, April 17 for a special Earth Day celebration trunk show. Stop by from 1-5pm to get an exclusive look at fashion-forward footwear from Cri de Coeur and Hearts of Darkness Spring ’10 collections, meet the designer and treat yourself to vegan sweets, raffles and special one-day only sales! What better way to show your compassion for Mother Earth than picking up some sustainable, stylish, vegan and ethical wares to lighten your tread upon the planet? (518) 392-2139 5 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037

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beauty & fashion


INFORMATION, PLEASE Marilyn Johnson Checks Out Librarians by Nina Shengold

56 books ChronograM 4/10

Photograph by Jennifer May


orget the clichés about cat-eye glasses, buns, and the dread word “Sssh!” Marilyn Johnson’s This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save the World (Harper, 2010) is a hymn of praise to the endlessly helpful men and women who staff circulation desks, answering questions, guarding civil liberties, and checking out free DVDs. Her timing could not have been better. “People are blithely walking around asking if library service can be cut to the bone, seeing it as something frivolous,” the author maintains. “It’s really nice to be out there saying, ‘Are you kidding me?’” Johnson asserts that libraries are more essential than ever in an informationsoaked Internet age. While college students who used to hole up in the stacks may now turn to Google, there’s no substitute for trained hunter-gatherers. Librarians, Johnson says, are “civil servants whose job is to be nice to people and help them find what they need.” They’re also a human safety net, catching the cuts in a battered economy. “There are not enough people to service needy populations, like people whose English is not very good, applying for unemployment benefits for the first time,” Johnson explains. “Where do all these problems go? They go to the library. If you cut this out, you’re putting people on the street who have no access to computers, who can’t penetrate the bureaucracy, who need help filling out basic forms—not to mention a warm place to sit. I just really don’t see it as an optional service at all. A library is staffed with professionals who are committed to serve everyone. Everyone.” This commitment is exemplified by the missionary librarians Johnson meets in Rome, training developing-world colleagues to research social justice issues online, and by the Radical Reference Librarians who took to the streets during the 2008 Republican Convention to provide protesters with WiFi updates. She also interviews “writers’ librarian” David Smith at the NewYork Public Library’s 42nd Street mother ship during a sea change (“farewell, Persian-language librarian; good-bye, Baltic specialists”) and profiles the heroic Connecticut Four, who sued the government to protect their constituents’ library records from surveillance under the US Patriot Act. “Librarians are incredible defenders of privacy,” Johnson says. “Can you think of a better profession to be in charge of our computers? When these National Security Letters go out—and they are still going out, make no mistake—the recipients are prohibited from bringing anyone else into it.What was so brilliant about the Connecticut Four is that they were prepared.” As soon as the Patriot Act was announced, the librarians established a chain of command in which no employee could hand over records without going through the head of their consortium, George Christian. During the anonymous “John Doe” suit, the National Security Letter gag order forced him to lie under oath. “How crazy is that?” Johnson asks. “To this day, I think you should read that chapter next to 1984.” She calls the lawsuit “a cloak-and-dagger story with unlikely protagonists. If you met these people, nothing about them stands out. It’s that quiet fire you get with librarians, the poker face when people stand in front of them stinking and asking crazy questions. When you can get them to tell you a story like that, it’s stunning. They’re so much more comfortable as the guides on the side than the sage on the stage.” There are more flamboyant librarians, like the ones who perform intricately choreographed book cart drills at American Library Association conventions, or catalogue punk zines, create virtual avatars, and blog on such websites as Awful Library Books and The Society for Librarians Who Say Motherfucker. “I get enthralled by those on the quirky end of things,” Johnson admits. Her readers learn that the American Kennel Club has an extensive dog library, and that the Museum of Sex has a trained librarian cataloguing its porno collection; who knew? Once she lifted up the “plain brown librarian wrapper” to look underneath, Johnson remembers thinking, “Where are the anthropologists? These creatures are fascinating.” Those words could be the rallying cry for all literary nonfiction, but Johnson didn’t start out in that field. After graduating from Oberlin College, she studied poetry with Charles Simic at the University of New Hampshire, missing her MFA graduation when she was hired as an assistant by legendary Esquire fiction editor Rust Hills. As Johnson recalls, she and her classmates were celebrating at Simic’s house—”I think we did some damage to his wine cellar”—when the poet mentioned that he’d been invited to recommend a graduate for the position at Esquire. “Everyone else had a job except me,” Johnson laughs. “I was the default candidate.” At the time, she was hitchhiking to campus from an uninsulated cabin in the

woods nicknamed “the spider house.” A friend’s mother gave her $200 to buy a respectable outfit and fly to New York for the interview. Hills hired her on the spot, and Johnson sublet “the worst apartment in Manhattan. Someone broke in, and couldn’t find anything to steal. There was a broken typewriter. That was it. So those were exciting times.” Her duties at Esquire included wading through slush piles of story submissions and screening forthcoming novels for excerpts. “I think I’ll do this for a summer,” Johnson recalls thinking. She stayed for five years. She also started writing magazine features, married fellow journalist Rob Fleder, and moved to Westchester County to raise their three children. While her colleagues at Esquire and Life were sent to exotic locales like Mt. Everest, Johnson struggled with crossing one time zone. When she flew to Chicago to interview Oprah Winfrey for Life, their time was cut short and Winfrey generously offered another half hour—two days later. With three kids under 10 and Rob working full-time at Sports Illustrated, Johnson went into frantic schedulejuggling mode. For the Life story, Johnson interviewed every writer Oprah had featured during the book club’s first year. Some were hard to pin down. Toni Morrison finally returned a call while Johnson was making hamburgers for her kids. Tucking the phone under one ear, she took notes on a grease-splattered pad while she finished cooking. Luckily Morrison sympathized, and told her about having scrawled down a sentence after her young son threw up on the page. (In This Book Is Overdue! Johnson muses about the archival value of this nasty scrap.) But the difficulty of scheduling interviews with famous people sent her career in a new direction. “Obituaries were the answer. They’re dead—you don’t have to sit around waiting for them,” Johnson laughs. “It was the perfect job to do from home. Give me a dead celebrity any day.” After penning obits for the likes of Katharine Hepburn, Marlon Brando, Johnny Cash, and Princess Diana, she explored the unexpected nooks and crannies of obituary culture in The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries (HarperCollins, 2006). An infectiously lively read, the book was a Borders Original Voices selection and a Barnes & Noble Discover Prize finalist. And it was while researching The Dead Beat that Johnson found her next subject: some of the most fascinating obituaries were those of librarians. Once again, she was poised to observe a profession in massive upheaval. “With the obituary book, I was watching both the dying of the newspaper business and the explosion of the Internet,” she explains. In 2006, when she started researching This Book Is Overdue!, libraries were undergoing a similar seismic shift. “It was changing under my feet,” Johnson says. Her first draft included a passage explaining what Twitter was. By the time she turned in the manuscript, everyone knew. “I had to inoculate myself against feeling obsolete,” she says. “I was terrified that events would overtake [the book]. And it needed to be out there as part of the debate.” “I remember going to our neighborhood library in Memphis,” says Johnson, who lived there from preschool through sixth grade. “You could take out as many books as you wanted at once. I remember the smells. I adored it. I read obsessively—series about animals, biographies of people like Queen Liliuokalani. I would get fierce about it. They were my books.” In high school, she had a job as a page at the Geauga County Library in Chardon, Ohio. “I can still tell you where the Thurber is in that library,” she asserts. Her pay was 95 cents an hour. After a year, she requested a nickel raise. When it wasn’t forthcoming, she quit. “Pride goeth before a fall—that was the end of my library career,” she sighs, echoing Brando in On the Waterfront. “I could have been a librarian!” Alongside her enthusiasm for virtual reality librarians and cutting-edge technology, Johnson has a palpable fondness for old-fashioned reading rooms lined with books. “We’ll always need printed books that don’t mutate the way digital books do; we’ll always need places to display books, auditoriums for book talks, circles for story time; we’ll always need brick-and-mortar libraries,” she writes. Besides, says the self-described research fanatic, “The Westchester librarians have had my back since the beginning.” They certainly have: In gratitude for her new book, they’ve waived Johnson’s overdue fines. Marilyn Johnson will appear at the Empire State Book Festival on a panel with David Smith of the NewYork Public Library, missionary librarian Kathy Shaughnessy, and Peter Chase of the Connecticut Four on Saturday 4/10 at 1:45pm. Empire State Plaza, Albany. 4/10 ChronograM books 57

SHORT TAKES Six authors reflect on human connection and the multiple meanings of family: mothers and daughters, father and sons, life-changing friends and mentors. He Walked Through Walls: A Twentieth-Century Tale of Survival Myriam Miedzian Lantern, 2009, $20

Told in the Yiddish-accented voice of her father, Miedzian’s novelistic work of nonfiction recounts her childhood escape from the Nazis, presenting a moving vision of a family strategizing to survive. The combination of reason, intuition, and boldness that enables these refugees to cross checkpoints and borders compels our admiration, while the unimaginable camps, of which they learn only afterward, compel our sorrow. Myriam Miedzian will be the Resnick Lecturer at SUNY New Paltz on 4/13 at 7:30pm in Lecture Center 102. A Fortunate Age Joanna Smith Rakoff Simon & Schuster, 2010, $19.99

New in paperback, this acclaimed debut novel pays homage to Mary McCarthy’s The Group with its intertwined portraits of six recent Oberlin graduates seeking their fortunes in dot-com New York. Rakoff’s women are varied and likeable, lurching into adulthood as the high-flying ‘90s give way to millennial angst. Rakoff will appear at the Empire State Book Fair in Albany, on 4/10. Available Light: Recollections and Reflections of a Son Reamy Jansen Hamilton Stone Editions, 2010, $15.95

When SUNY Rockland and Fordham professor Jansen was young, he made a box to store family photos, adding a sprinkling of red and blue glitter over “images that had already started to curl and roll up like rhododendron leaves in winter.” This graceful suite of personal essays should prove a more durable keepsake, with breathtaking phrases that glint and surprise. Postmortem Laurel Saville Rising Star, 2009, $16.95

The cover image of a female tightrope walker, no net, could not be more apt for this riveting memoir. Saville’s mother, glamorous 1950s model and LA party girl Anne Ford, stumbled and fell, eventually becoming a street alcoholic and murder victim. Her daughter’s surefooted, clear-sighted prose is a miracle of compassion. Reading at Book House, Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, 5/2 at 2pm. The Hour Between Sebastian Stuart Alyson Books, 2009, $14.95

Expelled from a posh Manhattan prep school in 1967, Arthur McDougal lands at an eccentric Connecticut boarding school where he meets the iridescent, Holly Golightlyesque Katrina Felt and yearns for a hunky local. Hudson Valley part-timer Stuart has a light touch with deep chords in this effervescent, affecting, and generous coming-of-age/coming-out story. The Lee Strasberg Notes edited by Lola Cohen Routledge, 2010, $24.95

Legendary Method acting teacher Lee Strasberg shaped a whole generation of American actors, from James Dean to DeNiro. Woodstocker Cohen, a Strasberg student and instructor for 23 years, has lovingly curated hundreds of hours of archival materials into a fascinating and pithy book, preserving the master’s insightful critiques, exercises, and nonpareil voice. This is catnip for actors.

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My Red Blood Alix Dobkin

Alyson Books, 2009, $16.95


hen Alix Dobkin joined the Communist Party at 16, her leftist parents were not supportive. It was 1956—McCarthyism and the recent revelation of Stalin’s atrocities were causing Party membership to dwindle. Her father made the point that the CPUSA would cease to exist were it not being subsidized by dues-paying FBI agents. In the anxiety-suffused aftermath of the Rosenberg executions, the precocious teen, who recalled every thrilling detail of blacklisted entertainer Paul Robeson’s visit to her family’s apartment a decade earlier, decided that her parents had “devolved into liberals.” In writing her memoir, My Red Blood, the Woodstock-based womyn’s music legend had an unusual fact-checking resource: a long FBI dossier tracking her high school activities and contacts. Having grown up under the government’s watchful eye, Dobkin says surveillance “enhanced and honed my own self-image.” The reader senses this strikingly nonparanoid take on Big Brother as germane not only to Dobkin’s personal evolution but also to her precise, introspective charting of it. Yearning for social justice and political expression, the honors student found the pep-rally world of public education stultifying. With radical peers who shared her love of Woody Guthrie tunes, she studied surplus labor value and explored the newer concept of male chauvinism. A member of the Party’s Youth Brigade, she raised funds for a Cold War jaunt to Moscow, and held her own with international comrades who asked tough questions, like: “Why does the CPUSA have so many intellectuals and so few workers?” Dobkin now recognizes a humorous side to this situation, yet her account nonetheless conveys that one could easily do worse than an orthodox Marxist curriculum. Befitting her internationalist aspirations, Dobkin was an assiduous student of ethnic folk music. Self-accompanied on guitar, she sang a repertoire that spanned from Mexico to Macedonia, with some purely revolutionary numbers such as Bandera Rosa in the mix. The virtue of song as a unifying and galvanizing medium went undisputed among the circles she traveled in, and Dobkin had frequent opportunity to develop her chops. She brought an analytic turn of mind to her formative influences, probing the subtext of a Doris Day lyric, or parsing the wit in Anita O’Day’s phrasing. After graduating from the Tyler School of Art, she made her way to Greenwich Village and soon was performing on a bill with Tom Paxton and Bill Cosby. Bob Dylan suggested she cover “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right,” but she decided it wasn’t quite right for her. Dobkin’s memoir is a valuable primary resource on a milieu that nurtured a mindboggling concentration of talent. She provides a glimpse of the backroom card game at The Gaslight, where one of Dylan’s typically poetic bets was “the number of times a hummingbird flaps its wings between Los Angeles and Indonesia.” With other musicians committed to change, she registered Mississippi voters in 1964, and helped to realize the truth in Civil Rights leader Bob Moses’ claim that singing was “the backbone and balm” of the freedom movement. With the dawn of feminism, gender politics became crucial to Dobkin. In consciousness raising groups that yielded exhilarating critiques of the patriarchy, she found a comfort zone that paralleled the Party meetings of her youth: “The personal, we discovered, is truly political in the deepest sense.” She documents her advances and trepidations on the lesbian front with characteristic candor. The same person who once warned a might-have-been lover that “it’s a sad, gray world,” would go on to pen the lesbian classic View from Gay Head—one of folk music’s great utopian anthems. —Marx Dorrity

The Three Weissmans of Westport Cathleen Schine

Sara Crichton Books / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010, $25


nmarried sisters who have lost their money, a mother who’s been cast from her home, a rich partythrowing relative, and a passel of intriguing men who may or may not be as they appear: sounds like a Jane Austen novel, doesn’t it? That’s not an accident. Cathleen Schine wrote The Three Weissmans of Westport as an homage to Sense and Sensibility, the first book published by this early 1800s originator of the social novel. All of Austen’s classic pieces are in place, but with poignant, modernday twists. When Miranda and Annie Weissman’s stepfather falls for a younger woman, their 75-year-old mother, Betty, is tossed from privilege into late-life-divorce limbo. She’s suddenly homeless and near penniless, and when jolly, generous cousin Lou offers use of his Connecticut cottage, she says yes. But she won’t be there alone: Her daughters, both facing their own midlife crises, decide to move in there with her. Miranda, the emotional younger sibling, is a literary agent who promotes authors of “ghastly and lurid� memoirs, “recounting every detail of their mortification and misery.� Unfortunately, several of these books prove to contain more fantasy than fact, and a public outing on Oprah puts an end to her career. Annie, the director of a private library, has always been the sensible sister. But her husband left when her two college-age sons were tiny, and both her nest and her bank account are echoingly empty. Of course, there are romantic problems as well. Unlike Miranda’s many, dramatic affairs, Annie’s assignations are rare, but a promising beginning with a well-known novelist seems to be fizzling. For all, a picturesque cottage in Westport seems like just the place to heal and regroup. Unfortunately, the cottage turns out to be rundown and shabby, and Betty and Miranda seem unable to adjust to their new nonexistent incomes, leaving Annie the sole wage earner and worrier. Betty becomes enamored of buying As Seen on TV items, and Miranda gets a kayak and paddles it around Long Island Sound. When a sudden storm crashes her little boat, she’s rescued by a handsome young man. Hero or cad? Austen’s fans will know pretty quickly, but there’s never any doubt about his two-year-old son. Soon after, Annie’s novelist reappears, trailing his own chain of drama and complication. Some call Austen the inventor of chick lit, but neither her novels nor this one are as trivial as that moniker implies. Through it all, the Weissmans ponder the big stuff: aging, depression, love, and loyalty, plentifully spiced by Schine with twists of wry humor. Despair is the center this book’s plot wheel revolves around, and loss—of a partner, of work, of a sense of idealism about life. But there’s also the surprising and unexpected sense of bereavement that occurs when small children grow up to be adults. The plot of Sense and Sensibility revolves around the interplay of reason and emotion, and that balance is maintained here as well. But there’s one thematic area where Schine departs wholesale from Austen’s guide. Mature love, she seems to say, is fragile and fickle. It comes, it goes, and, invariably, it hurts. But the love between parent and child is a far more pure and compelling creature. Jane Austen, who died in her early forties, unmarried and childless, probably wouldn’t have understood that part at all. Cathleen Schine will read from The Three Weissmans of Westport at Oblong Books in Rhinebeck on April 17 at 7:30pm. —Susan Krawitz

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Community Pages Cornwall

Cornwall A Town for All Seasons


f the famed artist-illustrator Norman Rockwell, known for his humorous and inspiring depictions of American life, were alive today, he would certainly be drawn to Cornwall, a town of about 15,000 in northeastern Orange County. From the boisterous motorcades through town whenever the Little League team wins a game, to toddlers dancing as parents stamp their feet at village bandshell concerts, to fresh-faced teenagers selling stacks of mums at the annual autumn street fair, the town epitomizes small-town America. Situated at the foot of Storm King Mountain, the Town of Cornwall meanders for several scenic miles between busy Route 32 and the Hudson River. With its mix of Victorian-style homes, parkland, municipal buildings, businesses, churches, schools, restaurants, and shops, the town is as inviting as any in the Hudson Valley. And that’s just the walkable part. On the other side of the highway lie the rolling hills, farmland, and hiking trails of the more rural Mountainville area, which is home to the world-renown Storm King Art Center. With approximately 16,000 people, the town includes the fully incorporated Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson (the Village) and covers some 27 square miles. Agriculture Comes Full Circle Norman Rockwell couldn’t ask for a better family to put around his famous Thanksgiving table than the Clearwaters, owners of Jones Farm and Country Store on Angola Road.The farm has been in the same family since Doris Clearwater’s great-grandfather John Jones purchased it from Emily Cromwell in 1914. Originally a working dairy farm, it later went into poultry and egg production. Today it comprises 85 acres, with 10 acres under cultivation for fruit and vegetables.The family operates a farm and country store, bakery, gift shop, and the adjoining Clearwater’s Frame Shop and Gallery. Doris Clearwater and her

By Carol Carey Photographs by Julie Platner

husband Belding, now in their mid-eighties, still work 70 hours a week here. Affectionately known as “Grandma,” Doris will graciously sell you some of the farm’s delicious homemade fudge, apple cider donuts, Linzer tarts, snicker doodle cookies, or carrot cake. Outside, visitors can enjoy the horses, chickens, and ducks the family keeps in a small corral. “Sometimes, there are three generations behind the counter,” says David Clearwater, who lives with his wife, Terri, on the property and manages the business. His son Kenneth, a teacher, lives a half mile down the road. Daughter Catherine plans to join the business when she finishes college. Noting that they are one of the last farms left in Cornwall, Clearwater comments on a way of life. “Both my kids grew up on the farm, saw their grandparents every day. It’s quite a close, unusual connection,” he says. If modern times have changed agriculture in the Hudson Valley, several people would like to bring it back to its roots. Guy Jones, the well-known organic farmer, recently purchased 110 acres of agricultural and fully developed forest land in the Mountainville section of Cornwall, where he has established community gardens. “We’re trying to create an opportunity for people in the community to learn how to grow their own food; we instruct them on how to plant, maintain a garden, and extend the growing season,” says Jones, who is a partner with his sister, Cindy Jones, in nearby Blooming Hill Farm. In January 2009, the Cornwall Community Cooperative was established. Its purpose is to bring local and regional food options to the area. Member-owners are given a discount on the meat, produce, dairy products, and other items, which include rice, bread, cereals, and canned goods. The cooperative’s storefront is located in the village, and is presently open Thursday through Saturday.

4/10 ChronograM Cornwall 31

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32 COrnwall ChronograM 4/10

ABOVE: Painter's restaurant in Cornwall. previous: Fanning memorial in front of GHS Jewelers on Hudson Street in the downtown area of Cornwall.

A Busy Town Center, Then and Now English navigator Henry Hudson first anchored off of Cornwall in 1609, and the area’s first permanent settlement began in 1684. Scotch and English families made their home in the Canterbury area of town, where the first recorded town meeting was held in 1765. “New Cornwall” officially became Cornwall in 1799, and by the 1830s, Main Street was home to country stores, saddle and harness makers’ shops, wagon makers, blacksmiths, tanneries, and saw, cider, and wool processing mills. There were two beaver hat factories and two Quaker Meeting houses. One of them, built in 1790, is still in use as the Cornwall Friends Meeting House, located on Quaker Avenue just off Route 32. Each fall, its members hold a colorful, lively craft fair and yard sale. Their vegetarian chilli and homemade cookies are legendary. Nestled in a valley surrounded by the ridges of the Hudson Highlands and the peaks of Storm King Mountain and Breakneck Ridge, Cornwall is uniquely sheltered by these natural landmarks. “You could drive up and down Route 32 and never even know it was there,” says Ken Cashman, editor of the weekly Cornwall Local newspaper. Just off Route 32, on Quaker Avenue (which becomes Main Street and then Hudson Street) the Canterbury area is still a center of commerce and activity, housing Cornwall-St. Luke’s Hospital, a small shopping plaza with a Key supermarket, the Cornwall Post Office, and several restaurants. A Focus on Local, Natural Food Leo’s Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, in the shopping plaza, was opened in 1981. “My parents brought over their authentic recipes from Italy,” says Gaspare Maniscalchi, who now runs the business with brothers Danny and Frank. “We make our sauces, pizza dough, and meatballs from scratch and hand grate our cheese.”

Across the street from Leo’s,Woody’sAll Natural is probably the classiest burger joint in the Hudson Valley, serving local, grass-fed/grain-finished beef; free-range chicken, Pine Island onions, and local hot dogs and ice cream. In warmer weather, Woody’s operates a satellite burger stand at Storm King Art Center. The Canterbury Brook Inn features European-style cuisine with a Swiss flair and is a popular destination for special occasions. Farther down into the Village, Painter’s Restaurant and Tavern showcases local artists and has a popular Sunday Champagne brunch. Outdoor seating is available at many of the area restaurants in the warmer months. The River Bank Restaurant and Bar has refurbished much of the building that once housed the Cornwall Bank, which folded in disgrace in July 1903. The embezzlement scandal was, according to the Cornwall Local, “The Greatest Blow to Cornwall in Its History.” Having retained many of the bank’s original features, such as the boardroom entrance and floor-to-ceiling safe, the charming restaurant is owned by local chef Lucie Provencher, who was chef-owner of the North Plank Tavern in Newburgh for 18 years. The restaurant offers fresh, seasonal food with Asian and Italian accents. Boosting Business on Main Street In 1959, Town Supervisor Kevin Quigley’s father set up his tailor shop in Cornwall, moving his family across the river when Quigley was six. The young Quigley was soon to learn that Dad’s business afforded him the opportunity of knowing pretty much everything that went on in town. “If we raced our cars around town a little too fast, my Dad would wake me up—and tell me the details,” remembers Quigley with a chuckle. While Quigley, owner of Quigley Brothers Funeral Home in town, would not want to change Cornwall’s small-town ambience, he and others would like to see more business on Main Street. 4/10 ChronograM Cornwall 33

and Storm King Art Center.” This land offers visitors to Cornwall recreational opportunities beyond the pleasures of a downtown stroll. These include family jaunts through nature trails at the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, serious hiking and hunting in Black Rock Forest, and a visit to Storm King Art Center, the world-class sculpture park sited on 500 acres just east of the Thruway. A Proud History of Fine Schools These nature-themed attractions enrich the lives of Cornwall’s residents as well as tourists. Quigley fondly recalls school visits to the nature museum as a child and to Storm King Art Center as a teenager. They were part of the wellrounded education that Cornwall residents are justifiably proud of providing their children. The Cornwall Central School District has three elementary schools and one middle school right in town. Many lament that the new high school, which was first occupied just five years ago, was built on the outskirts of town, where it is less of a social hub. Still, set against the backdrop of the Hudson Highlands, it is a light, airy jewel, with glass walls in the library and cafeteria and a glass-enclosed walkway. Other educational institutions in town include the private St. Thomas of Canterbury School, the Storm King School, and the NewYork Military Academy, which opened in 1889, burned to the ground in 1910, and was rebuilt and reopened in 1911.

The pond at River Light Park in the town of Cornwall.

To this end, the Town and the Greater Cornwall Chamber of Commerce are seeking grant money to upgrade Main Street.They are considering refurbishing some of the façades, providing more parking, and even relocating the electric lines, though Quigley acknowledges the latter would be a “monumental task.” Cashman, editor of the Cornwall Local, notes that two new developments may bring an influx of people and thus business to the town. Canterbury Green, an over-55 community on Quaker Avenue at the edge of the business district, has been completed but is not yet occupied. And a 400-unit, over-55 development on Route 9W near Route 218 has been approved, according to Cashman, and is due to start building in 2011. A Stroll through Town Visitors strolling down Main Street, which becomes Hudson Street in the village, can enjoy such independent retail establishments as Hazard’s Pharmacy and Bryan’s Bikes, both of which have been offering personal service for decades. Madison Avenue Fine Children’s Clothing will not only supply the kids with special outfits, but proprietor Karen Kaiser Sharp will also photograph them as well. Gail Parrinello of the CornwallYarn Shop enjoys organizing early morning “breakfast tours” of local eateries, where participants can knit and chat. River Light Park, a 38-acre complex with grassy slopes, a pond, Little League fields, government buildings, and the Cornwall Public Library, lies at the boundary between the town and village. Just past it is 2 Alices Coffee House, which offers free WiFi, music on weekends, fair-trade coffee, and homemade soups. Nature at Your Doorstep “Cornwall is still small-town Americana,” says David Clearwater, noting the popularity of the July 4th parade and fireworks celebration held at the park. “It’s a very unique community, which includes thousands of acres of preserved park and forest land, such as Black Rock Forest, the Schunnemunk Mountains, 34 COrnwall ChronograM 4/10

A Place to Realize Dreams The artist Winslow Homer spent a summer at Houghton Farm in Mountainville in 1870, where he produced watercolors of farm life. A teenager named Armand Assante was a popular local rock musician before becoming a Hollywood actor. And Gen. David Petraeus, commander, US Central Command, graduated from Cornwall Central High School in 1970, then from the United States Military Academy at West Point, five miles to the south. The town also attracts more modest dreamers. Camera technicians previously living in Brooklyn, 2 Alices owners Mikey Jackson and his wife, Aurelia Winborn, moved here in 2007 looking for a better balance between work and family life. They bought the coffee shop a year later. They will be happy if their son, Atticus, now five, grows up to be as polite as the kids who come into their shop. “We know a lot of the kids by name. They’re the nicest group of teenagers you’d expect to find anywhere in America,” says Aurelia, who is originally from Dallas. This June, as some of these teens graduate, they, and the entire town, will have a special reason to be proud. The high school’s most prominent alumni, David Petraeus, will be returning to deliver the keynote address. RESOURCES 2 Alices Coffee Lounge Black Rock Forest Blooming Hill Farm Bryan’s Bikes 845-534-5230 Canterbury Brook Inn Cornwall Central School District Cornwall Chamber of Commerce Cornwall Food Coop The Cornwall Local Cornwall Public Library Cornwall Yarn Shop Hazard’s Pharmacy (845) 534-4345 Hudson Highlands Nature Museum The Shops at Jones Farm Leo’s Pizzeria Madison Avenue Boutique New York Military Academy Painter’s Restaurant The Riverbank Storm King Art Center Storm King School St.Thomas of Canterbury Parish School Town of Cornwall Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Woody’s All Natural Burgers & Fries

Food & Drink


Local Farms Cater to Conscious Carnivores By Peter Barrett Photographs by Jennifer May


eat is not murder, but it is killing. There is not space here to go into the arguments for and against—and I was a vegetarian for 18 years, so I’m well-acquainted with both points of view—so let’s begin by stipulating that local small farms are categorically different from the huge factory operations such as those depicted in Food, Inc. If we can agree on that, separating the sustainable from the indefensible, then we can focus on the many benefits that such farms bring to our region. Besides healthier, bettertasting meat, prosperous farms provide jobs, preserve our scenic landscape, and promote both tourism and our local culinary identity. And many of them sell directly to the public. Eric Eschbach of Cedar Hill Farm in Amenia is a third-generation farmer raising cattle on land that has been agricultural since the 18th century. He raises grass-fed certified Black Angus cattle, which until this year were 100 percent grass-fed. Now he gives them a supplement of corn silage for the last 30 days, which improves the marbling of fat in the meat without altering the nutritional profile; among other things, grass-fed meat in the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acid that lowers cholesterol as opposed to the unhealthy Omega-6 found in grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef is also much higher in vitamins, especially E, and cancerfighting CLA fatty acids. Cows evolved to eat grass, not grain (though the seeds of mature grasses are part of their natural diet) and healthy cows have healthy meat. Because there’s less intramuscular fat, though, the meat should be cooked on the rarer side for best flavor and texture. And the flavor is noticeably beefier. On the debate over methods, he says that both sides “use extremes to make a point; you can go right down the middle and still make a good product.” He resists labels, saying “There’s nothing wrong with ‘conventional’ agriculture, if that means doing it the way it’s always been done.” In other words, there’s 62 food & drink ChronograM 4/10

nothing conventional about cement feedlots, antibiotic and hormone-laden grain, and vast lagoons of shit; if a farmer from 100 or 1,000 years ago would recognize every step of your process, you’re doing it right. Meet Your Meat A little bit of research can pay off; like Cedar Hill Farm, there are numerous small operations that do not yet have websites and sell only from their farms. Sepascot Home Farm in Rhinebeck, run by Susan and Chris Fitzgerald, has been selling beef, pork, chicken, and eggs for about a year. Susan, a vegetarian, says she struggled with the decision to grow animals for food but ultimately decided that it was better to raise them humanely, according to her high standards, and also make a profit to prevent the farm—in her family since 1906—from becoming “another housing development. People should put a face and a place to where their food comes from,” she says, and notes that her customers are delighted to have a good local source. Another under-the-radar producer is Barr Vista farm in Willow, where Dana LaBarr raises a few cattle a year and sells eggs to neighbors. She relies entirely on word-of-mouth for publicity, but as demand increases she may begin to advertise. “Farmers are animal lovers,” she emphasizes; “they have their best interest at heart and are proud of the finished product.” That pride and caring is strongly evident in all of the farmers interviewed for this piece. Some farms offer a meat CSA; Northwind Farm in Tivoli is one. Jane and Richard Biezynski offer whole and half shares of their chicken, beef, and pork for monthly pickup or delivery to their stand at the Farmers’ Markets in Woodstock and Kingston. Orders can be customized, and they try to accommodate requests. Jane Biezynski feels strongly that people should know the source of their meat:

above: Black Angus cows at Cedar Hill Farm in Amenia. opposite: Eric Eschbach and his black Angus cows at Cedar Hill Farm.

“Just because it’s a family farm, that doesn’t guarantee the condition of animals. Go to the farm and see the conditions.” Few of our regional animal farms are certified organic. Stephanie Turco of Veritas Farm in Esopus explains: “We’re well beyond it. ‘Organic’ doesn’t have anything to do with the quality of the animals’ life; organic chickens can be battery-raised, and organic beef and pork can be kept in horrific conditions. Our animals are outside all year round.” Turco also works exclusively with a slaughterhouse that is Animal Welfare Approved, the highest rating for humane practices. Turco, like many of her peers, practices rotational grazing, moving the cows from pasture to pasture with chickens not far behind to scatter the manure and eat all the bugs. This system grows the best possible grass, which in turn makes for the best possible meat. Grass roots “There’s a whole sustainable style of agriculture based on grass-fed beef,” says Larry Lampman of Fox Hill Farm in Ancramdale. “Soil is our most important natural resource, and grass holds the soil. Grass grows in places that row crops can’t.” Since 1999, he has used no herbicides, pesticides, or commercial fertilizer, but he too says he has no interest in getting certified as organic. Lampman offers whole, half, and quarter animals as well as cuts. His preferred format is “cowpooling” where families combine funds and buy a live beast. Once the purchase is made, the animal is the property of the buyers, and Lampman is then legally able to kill it on his property. “It’s happy one minute, dead the next,” he says, emphasizing that this is by far the most humane method of slaughter, since there’s no transportation or disruption of the animal’s regular routine. At $3-per-pound hanging weight (the skinned, headless carcass) plus another dollar per pound for processing and Cryovac packaging, a 650-pound steer

from Fox Hill will cost $2,600. Split four ways, a family can stock up on a year’s worth of beef for $650. At this juncture it’s worth mentioning that for those with some space, a chest freezer can have a very positive impact on one’s annual food bills. Buying in bulk direct from the farm is the best way to bring the price of good meat down to a point where it can begin to compete with supermarket offerings, thus making it available to more people and helping to compensate for the massive subsidies that industrially produced meat enjoys. Despite frequent recalls, contamination scares, and the clear inferiority of the product from both a health and flavor perspective, the market remains severely skewed in favor of the very worst methods. Some animals are more equal than others There are industrial dairies in our area; local milk does not always mean humanely raised. Brooks Farm in Stone Ridge is selling raw milk by the half gallon to about 300 regular customers, who bring their own jars at milking time or drop off empties and pick them up full later on. Hawthorne Valley farm in Ghent also sells raw milk as well as yogurt, quark (curd cheese), and cheeses. Scott Brooks of Brooks Farm says that the demand for their milk is such that they will be increasing their herd of Holsteins from 52 to 80 or more over the course of this year and plan to start selling raw milk cheeses as well. Many of these farms also raise poultry and sell eggs as well. As with organic, the designation “free-range” is misleading; it means that the birds have access to some small outdoor space, but not that they actually use it. What matters is that the chickens actually live and scratch outside in grass like they’re supposed to, eating insects and worms along with their feed. Eggs from such birds are things of beauty, with gorgeous orange yolks and firm whites that stand 4/10 ChronograM food & drink 63

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up proudly when cracked into a skillet. Small farms also help to keep heritage breeds of birds and pigs alive; as with heirloom vegetables, these types have The Hudson Valley’s best selection of superior taste and distinct individual characteristics. Heritage pork in particular fine cutlery, professional cookware, has beautiful, thick white fat where factory-raised breeds have little, and thus appliances and kitchen tools. Expert little flavor. More than a few farms also grow and sell vegetables, making for sharpening while you shop. Barware, one-stop shopping in season. Savvy home gardeners know that a friendly farmer glassware and cooking classes. nearby means a source for manure, and thus for the very best compost. 6934 Route 9 Rhinebeck, NY Just north of the 9G intersection 845-876-6208 If you ask any of our local farmers, we are blessed to live in this part of the Mon–Sat 9:30–5:30, Sun 11–4:30 On the web at world. Our soil is excellent, and our grass is as good or better than anywhere. In 16 months of writing this section, I have not met a more dedicated, passionate, and articulate group of people than the farmers who raise animals for us to eat. And they are all over the Hudson Valley; chances are good that you live a short drive ZN FBFKURQRBPDU BTWU FDIH LQGG 30 from one or more of these farms. Cedar Hill Farm’s Eschbach asks: “We all have a mechanic and a dentist. Wouldn’t it be great if we all had a farmer, too?�



RESOURCES Awesome Farm, Tivoli (beef, lamb): Barr Vista Farm, Willow (beef, eggs): (845) 679-2776 Bettinger Bluff Farm, Pine Bush (beef): Brooks Farm, Stone Ridge (raw milk): (845) 687-4074 Brookside Farm, Gardiner (beef, pork, chicken, eggs): Brykill Farm, Gardiner (beef): Cedar Hill Farm, Amenia (beef): (845) 242-1788 Four Winds Farm, Gardiner (beef, lamb, pork, turkey, chicken): http:// Fox Hill Farm, Ancramdale (beef): Full Moon Farm, New Paltz (beef, lamb, pork, chicken): Gansevoort Farm, Germantown (beef, lamb): (518) 537-4668 Gippert’s Farm, Saugerties (chicken, turkeys, pork, eggs): (845) 247-9479 Hawthorne Valley Farm, Ghent (raw milk, dairy products): Hickory Field Farm, Slate Hill (beef, chicken, eggs): www.hickoryfieldfarm. Kezialain Farm, Westtown (beef): Kiernan Farm, Gardiner (beef): Kinderhook Farm, Valatie (beef, eggs): Midsummer Farm, Warwick (eggs): Movable Beast Farm, Accord (beef): (845) 626-2790 Northwind Farms, Tivoli (beef, pork, chicken, turkey): Pathfinder Farms, Catskill (beef): Sepascot Home Farm, Rhinebeck (beef, pork, eggs): (845) 876-5840 Temple Farm, Millbrook (beef): (845) 677-8757 Veritas Farms, Esopus (beef, pork, chicken, duck, eggs):



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New Paltz Community Acupuncture – Amy Benac, L.Ac.

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John M. Carroll H ,T ,S C EALER




“ John is an extraordinary healer whom I have been privileged to know all my life and to work with professionally these last eight years. His ability to use energy and imagery have changed as well as saved the lives of many of my patients. Miracles still do happen.” —Richard Brown, MD Author Stop Depression Now “ John Carroll is a most capable, worthy, and excellent healer of high integrity, compassion, and love.” —Gerald Epstein, MD Author Healing Visualizations

Massage and Acupuncture also available with Liz Menendez See John’s website for schedules of upcoming classes and events or call 845-338-8420

and Kabbalistic Healing, I offer tools for self healing, to assist individuals and couples to open blocks to their softer heart energy. Ten-session psycho-spiritual group for women.

CranioSacral Therapy Michele Tomasicchio – Holistic Health Practitioner New Paltz, NY (845) 255-4832 Headaches? TMJ? Insomnia? Pain? Brain trauma? Depression? CranioSacral is a gentle approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. If you need help feeling vibrant call or e-mail for a consultation.

Crystals and Gifts Crystals & Well-Being Center 116 Sullivan Street, Wurtsboro, NY (845) 888-2547


whole living directory

Imago Relationship Therapy

175 Main Street, Beacon, NY

Dentistry & Orthodontics

Holistic Orthodontics — Dr. Rhoney Stanley, DDS, MPH, Cert. Acup, RD 107 Fish Creek Road, Saugerties, NY (845) 246-2729 Dr. Rhoney uses expansion and gentle forces, not extraction, not heavy pressure, and offers early treatment for children to harness growth and development and enhance the natural beauty of the face. Dr. Rhoney considers the bones, teeth, face and smile, components of the whole—the functional matrix—and improves the bite with fixed braces, removable appliances, and Invisalign© available for teenagers and adults. Insurance accepted. Payment plans available.

Marlin Schwartz, DDS New Paltz, NY (845) 255-2902

Lynn Walcutt, LMSW Clairvoyant

Readings, Classes, Animal Communication By Phone & In Person by appointment


82 whole living directory ChronograM 4/10

The Center For Advanced Dentistry – Bruce D. Kurek, DDS, FAGD 494 Route 299, Highland, NY (845) 691-5600

John M Carroll 715 Rte 28, Kingston, NY (845) 338-8420 John is a spiritual counselor, healer, and teacher. He uses guided imagery, morphology, and healing energy to help facilitate life changes. He has successfully helped his clients to heal themselves from a broad spectrum of conditions, spanning terminal cancer to depression. The Center also offers hypnosis, massage, and Raindrop Technique.

Nathalie Jonas – Feldenkrais Practitioner (718) 813-8110

Omega Institute for Holistic Studies (800) 944-1001

ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH Energy Healing, Penny Price Lavin Fishkill, NY (845) 878-5165 International Energy Healing and Mystery School. Ideal for those seeking personal growth and all healthcare practitioners. Learn 50 Holistic, Shamanic and Esoteric self-healing Practices and 33 techniques to heal yourself and others. Profoundly increase your health, intuition, creativity, joy and spiritual connection. NYSNA/ NCBTMB CEUs. Enroll now! School meets 18 days over 6 months. Next school begins June 4th. Introductory Weekend Workshops are April 17-18, or May 1-2. Call for brochure.

Hospitals Columbia Memorial Hospital 71 Prospect Avenue, Hudson, NY (516) 828-7601

Health Alliance (845) 331-3131

Northern Dutchess Hospital Rhinebeck, NY

Vassar Brothers Medical Center 45 Reade Place, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 454-8500

Hypnosis Dr. Kristen Jemiolo

Healing Centers Woodstock Integrative Health 2565 Route 212, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-6210

Holistic Health Fertile Heart Studio (845) 678-5469

Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 485-7168

Juana Lyn Martinez – Past Life Regression (845) 214-0033 Explore past lives. Make direct contact with past lives, life between lives, and your own higher guidance; and gain emotional, physical, and karmic healing and insight. Ask your questions and receive information about relationships, health, life-choices, and much more.

You’ll experience your own multidimensional resources with powerful new perspectives and understanding.

Kary Broffman, RN, CH Hyde Park, NY (845) 876-6753

Sharon Slotnick, MS, CHT New Paltz, NY (845) 389-2302 Increase self-esteem and motivation; break bad habits; manage stress, stress-related illness, and anger; alleviate pain (e.g. childbirth, headaches, chronic pain); overcome fears and despondency; relieve insomnia; improve learning, memory, public speaking, and sports performance; enhance creativity. Other issues. Change Your Outlook. Gain Control. Make Healthier Choices. Certified Hypnotist, two years training; broad base in Psychology. Also located in Kingston, NY.

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing Irene Humbach, LCSW, PC (845) 485-5933 Integrated Kabbalistic Healing sessions in person and by phone. Six-session introductory class on Integrated Kabbalistic Healing based on the work of Jason Shulman. See also Body-Centered Therapy Directory.

Conscious Body Pilates & Massage Therapy

Deep, sensitive and eclectic massage therapy with over 24 years of experience working with a wide variety of body types and physical/medical/emotional issues. Techniques include: deep tissue, Swedish, Craniosacral, energy balancing, and chi nei tsang (an ancient Chinese abdominal and organ chi massage).

Do you have chronic neck, back or shoulder problems?Headaches? Numbness or tingling? Or do you just need to relax? Utilizing a blend of soft tissue therapies, we can help you resume the activities you need to do and love to do with freedom from discomfort and pain.

Joan Apter (845) 679-0512

Mid-Hudson Rebirthing Center

Want to convert fear into courage, stress into power, depression into joy, worry into satisfaction? Consider empowerment life coaching. Get clarity on the life you want plus the tools and techniques to make your dreams a reality. Stop being a problem solver and become a vision creator.

Mark Oppenheimer, Personal Choice Coach (845) 677-0484 The challenges we face in life invite us to cultivate our unique, individual potential, often revealing possibilities we didn’t know we had. But they also magnify our vulnerabilities, increasing our susceptibility to the allure of short-term distractions that don’t deliver satisfaction. As a personal choice coach, I’m here as a resource for navigating life’s challenges and cultivating potential, facilitating healthy choice making for the whole being. Initial consultation is complimentary and without obligation.

Massage Therapy Bodhi Holistic Spa 323 Warren Street, Hudson, NY (518) 828-2233

New Paltz 845.255.2070 NYC 212.695.3565


Stone Flower Mountain Health NAET – Allergy Elimination Certified Complementary Cancer Care Chinese Herbs Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture



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pain management t sports injuries stroke rehabilitation t women’s health infertility t digestive disorders asthma t depression/anxiety t addictions

1310 ROUTE 28, BOX 300, WEST HURLEY, NY 12491 (845) 679-4872

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(845) 255-6482

Peri & Menopause Health

Psychic Consultant

Michele Tomasicchio – Holistic Health Practitioner New Paltz, NY (845) 255-4832 Helping women to move through the process of perimenopause and menopause with ease. A unique blend of healing modalities, nutrition and self-care techniques are utilized to help you to become balanced through this transition. If you need assistance becoming your vibrant self, call or e-mail for a consultation.


Available in person or by phone PO Box 7397 Newburgh, NY 12550

(914) 261-1898 website:

Jennifer Houston, Midwife (518) 678-3154

Osteopathy Stone Ridge Healing Arts Joseph Tieri, DO, & Ari Rosen, DO, 3457 Main Street, Stone Ridge; 138 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY (845) 687-7589 Drs. Tieri and Rosen are New York State Licensed Osteopathic Physicians specializing in Cranial Osteopathy. As specialists in Osteopathic manipulation, we are dedicated to the traditional philosophy and hands-on treat-

Have Chronogram delivered to your door for only $36 per year 334-8600 x107

4/10 ChronograM whole living directory 83

whole living directory

(800) 291-5576

Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-2194

William Weinstein, L.Ac.

7 Prospect Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-4832

Insight Dynamics LLC

Shirley Stone, MBA, Certified Empowerment Life Coach

Personal Tune-Ups at Mid-Hudson Acupuncture

Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage – Michele Tomasicchio, LMT, Vesa Byrnes, LMT

Luxurious massage therapy with medicinal grade Essential Oils; Raindrop Technique, Emotional Release, Facials, Stones. Animal care, health consultations, spa consultant, classes and keynotes. Offering full line of Young Living Essential oils, nutritional supplements, personal care, pet care, children’s and non-toxic cleaning products.

Life & Career Coaching


692 Old Post Road, Esopus, NY (845) 658-8400

H YPNOCOACHING M I N D / B O D Y I N T E G R A T I O N ):1/04*4 t )0-*45*$ /634& $0/46-5"/5t $0"$)*/( .ĒğĒĘĖ 4ĥģĖĤĤ t "ġġģĖęĖğĤĚĠğĤ t 1ĒĚğ t *ĞġģĠħĖ 4ĝĖĖġ 3ĖĝĖĒĤĖ 8ĖĚĘęĥ t 4Ėĥ (ĠĒĝĤ t $ęĒğĘĖ )ĒēĚĥĤ 1ģĖ 1ĠĤĥ 4ĦģĘĖģĪ t 'ĖģĥĚĝĚĥĪ t (ĖğĥĝĖ $ęĚĝĕēĚģĥę *ĞĞĦğĖ 4ĪĤĥĖĞ &ğęĒğĔĖĞĖğĥ 1ĒĤĥ -ĚėĖ 3ĖĘģĖĤĤĚĠğ t *ğĥĦĚĥĚħĖ $ĠĦğĤĖĝĚğĘ .ĠĥĚħĒĥĚĠğĒĝ é 4ġĚģĚĥĦĒĝ (ĦĚĕĒğĔĖ

ment of our predecessors. We treat newborns, children, and adults. By Appointment. Offices in Rhinebeck and Stone Ridge.

Physical Therapy Roy Capellaro, PT 120 Main Street, Gardiner, NY (845) 518-1070

3ĖĝĒĩ t 3ĖĝĖĒĤĖ t -Ėĥ (Ġ t 'ĝĠĨ


F O R B I RT H I N G K B, R.N., C.H. --

Physicians Hometown Pediatrician 7 Grand Street, Warwick, NY (845) 544-1667

Pilates Conscious Body Pilates

Judy Swallow MA, LCAT, TEP

14:$)05)&3"1*45 t $0/46-5"/5

whole living directory

Rubenfeld Synergy® Psychodrama Training


25 Harrington St, New Paltz NY 12561 (845) 255-5613

692 Old Post Road, Esopus, NY (845) 658-8400 Husband and Wife team Ellen and Tim Ronis McCallum are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a strong healthy body, a dynamic mind, and a vibrant spirit, whatever your age or level of fitness. Private and semiprivate apparatus sessions available.

Pilates in Motion 129 Route 94 South, Suite 2, Warwick, NY (845) 544-1576

High Ridge Traditional Healing Arts Spring is the ideal time for a cleanse!

Learn how individualized treatment supports lasting change

針灸 中藥 推拿 氣功 食療 healthier...naturally!

Carolyn Rabiner, L. Ac., Dipl. C.H. Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (NCCAOM) 87 East Market St. Suite 102 Red Hook, NY 845-758-2424

Psychics Lynn Walcutt

Marisa Anderson P.O. Box 83, Milton, NY (845) 566-4134

Psychically Speaking (845) 626-4895 or (212) 714-8125

Psychologists Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 380-0023

Hoon J. Park, MD, P.C. Board Cer tified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation "VUP BOE +PC *OKVSJFT t "SUISJUJT t 4USPLFT t /FDL #BDL BOE +PJOU 1BJO t $BSQBM 5VOOFM 4ZOESPNF



4PVUI 3PBE 8BQQJOHFST 'BMMT /: ½ mile south of Galleria Mall


84 whole living directory ChronograM 4/10

New Paltz, NY (845) 255-4218 Traditional insight-oriented psychotherapy for long- or short-term work. Aimed at identifying and changing self-defeating attitudes and behaviors, underlying anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. Sliding scale, most insurances accepted including Medicare/Medicaid. NYS-licensed. Experience working with trauma victims, including physical and sexual abuse. Educator on mental health topics. Located in New Paltz, one mile from SUNY.

Dianne Weisselberg, MSW, LMSW (845) 688-7205 Individual Therapy, Grief Work and Personal Mythology. Stuck? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Depressed? THERE IS ANOTHER WAY! Dianne Weisselberg has over 16 years experience in the field of Counseling and over 8 years of training in Depth Psychology.

Irene Humbach, LCSW, PC (845) 485-5933 Body of Wisdom Counseling and Healing Services. See also Body-Centered Therapy directory.

Janne Dooley, Brigid’s Well New Paltz, NY (347) 834-5081 Free monthly newsletter. Brigid’s Well is a psychotherapy and coaching practice helping people grow individually and in community. Janne specializes in healing trauma, relationship issues, recovery, codependency, inner child work, EMDR, and Brainspotting. Janne also coaches parents and people in life transitions. Programs of Brigid’s Well: Mindful Parenting and Living Serenity. Facebook Group: Brigid’s Well

(845) 384-6787

Emily L. Fucheck, Psy.D.

Acupuncture by M.D.

Debra Budnik, CSW-R

Licensed psychologist. Doctorate in clinical psychology, post-doctoral training focused on adolescents and young adults, post-doctoral candidate for certification in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Offering psychotherapeutic work for adults and adolescents. Additional opportunities available for intensive psychoanalytic treatment at substantial fee reduction. Located across from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.


Judy Swallow, MA, LCAT, TEP 25 Harrington Street, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-5613

Julie Zweig, MA, Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Imago Relationship Therapist and NYS Licensed Mental Health Counselor New Paltz, NY (845) 255-3566

Laura Coffey, MFA, LMSW Rosendale & Beacon, NY (845) 399-0319 Family Therapist specializing in Narrative Therapy. Practice includes eclectic interventions tailored to suit individual client’s needs. Healing conversations for the entire family, gerentological services for the elderly and support for caretakers. Grief counseling, motivational interviewing for substance abuse, couples work, LGBT issues, PTSD and childhood trauma, depression, anxiety and performance anxiety. Fee: $25 a clinical hour.

Meg F. Schneider, MA, LCSW

Amy R. Frisch, LCSW

Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-8808

New Paltz, NY (845) 706-0229

I work with adolescents and adults struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, eating disordered

behaviors, loneliness and life transitions. I’ve helped teens and adults with substance abuse and trauma connected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. My approach is psychodynamic, linking the painful past with current and cognitive problems which reframes negative beliefs allowing for positive outcomes. I also practice EMDR, a technique for relieving distress by exploring critical memories.

Residential Care Always There Home Care (845) 339-6683

Mountain Valley Manor Adult Home 397 Wilbur Avenue, Kingston, NY (845) 331-1254

Resorts & Spas Aspects Gallery Inn & Spa Woodstock, NY (917) 412-5646

Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa 220 North Road, Milton, NY (877) 7-INN-SPA (845) 795-1310

(845) 471-4993

Structural Integration Charles Ruland 145 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY (845)532-1323. Dr. Rolf Method of Structural Integration is a series of myofascial sessions designed to balance your body in gravity, improve posture and release long held tension in your body and mind.

Tarot Tarot-on-the-Hudson – Rachel Pollack Rhinebeck, NY (845) 876-5797


Retreat Centers Menla Mountain Retreat & Conference Center Phoenicia, NY (845) 688-6897 ext. 0

Spiritual Flowing Spirit Healing 33 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY (845) 679-8989

“The Fertile Female made my heart sing and brought trears to my eyes; it’s full of wisdom and truth and it reads like a prayer.” - Christiane Northrup, M.D. Author of Womens’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom

A Longing is a Terrible Thing to Waste Birth Your Next Creation Add to the Power of Good April 27, 2010 6:00-8:30PM

Meeting Your Child Halfway Fertile Heart™ Ovum Intensive May 2, 2010 11:00-6:00PM “This is a book about wanting something so deeply that you embark on a mythic journey to find it. Use the Fertile Female to help you bring forth whatever it is you long to create - a baby, a book, a relationship, a home.”

The Journey Within Spiritualist National Union Church

- Elizabeth Lesser Author of Broken Open, How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow.

25 Carr Street, Pompton Lakes, NJ (973) 616-9685 845-679-5469

A Spiritual community dedicated to letting you search for the truth within your own heart. This May we are pleased to be hosting classes with British Mediums Mavis Pitilla and Simon James and Canadian Medium Brian Robertson. Please see our website for details. May 8th, 7:30pm: Where Two Worlds Meet, an Evening of Spirit Communication with our British and Canadian guests joining Rev. Janet Nohavec and Spirit Artist Joseph Shiel. Tickets $35, reservations required.

Marlene Weber Day Spa 751 Dutchess Turnpike, Poughkeepsie, NY (845) 454-5852

Yoga Jai Ma Yoga Center 69 Main Street, Suite 20, New Paltz, NY (845) 256-0465 Established in 1999, Jai Ma Yoga Center offers a wide array of Yoga classes, seven days a week. Classes are in the lineages of Anusara, Iyengar, and Sivananda, with certified and experienced instructors. Private consultations and Therapeutics available. Owners Gina Bassinette and Ami Hirschstein have been teaching locally since 1995.

Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health Lenox, MA (800) 741-7353

Reverend Diane Epstein

Satya Yoga Center

670 Aaron Ct., Kingston, NY (914) 466-0090

Rhinebeck and Catskill, NY (845) 876-2528

Reverend Diane Epstein Interfaith Minister Certified Imago Educator

I welcome, respect and embrace all paths, from the spiritual to the secular. I will help you create a unique, meaningful ceremony for your rite of passage: weddings, baby namings, coming of age celebrations and memorials.

(914) 466-0090

670 Aaron Ct. Kingston, NY 12401 4/10 ChronograM whole living directory 85

whole living directory

The new Aspects Gallery Inn & Spa resides in the heart of the historic artists colony of Woodstock NY, nestled in the famed Catskill Mountains ski and summer resort region. Aspects Gallery provides a unique and exclusive sensual retreat with two private luxury two bedroom apartments conjoined to a 2000 sq. ft. cedar and glass enclosed climate controlled spa with 40' saline pool, 64 jet jacuzzi and therapeutic infrared sauna. Enjoy a leisurely poolside bar brunch or order an organic gourmet candlelight dinner prepared by your host French chef Lio Magat– sommelier for famed international chef Paul Bocuse. Bienvenue et bon appetit!

The Metaphysical Center for Arts & Sciences



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120 Different Produce Items Grown at the Farm &OKPZ UIF XJEF WBSJFUZ PG IPNF HSPXO BOE SFHJPOBM PSHBOJD WFHFUBCMFT GSVJU EBJSZ IPOFZ NFBUT FHHT CBLFE HPPET รก PXFST BOE NPSF Sign up today and become a member for the 2010 season!

Certified Organic 1-"*/4 30"% r /&8 1"-5; /: r CO LLABORAT IVE W OR KS PA C E + C O M M UNI TY + E V E N TS


past life regression โ explore past lives Photo by Rob Penner

JOIN THE HIVE. ENGAGE. 4 levels of membership, from $20 /month


90 forecast ChronograM 4/10



Make direct contact with past lives, life between lives, and your own higher guidance. Gain emotional, physical, and karmic healing and insight. Ask questions and receive information about relationships, health, life-choices, & much more. Experience your own multidimensional resources with powerful new perspectives and understanding.

(845) 214-0033

cat martino

the forecast

event listings for APRIL 2010

Jason Sebastian Russo and Alexandra Marvar of Common Prayer. The band will perform at the Truck America Festival at Full Moon Resort the weekend of April 30.

Quite a Haul Despite the fact that the first Truck festival, held in Oxfordshire, England, used flatbed trailers as makeshift bandstands, that’s not how the event got its moniker. According to Robin Bennett, who with his brother and Goldrush bandmate Joe Bennett started Truck in 1998, the annual music festival is actually named for Ten Trucking Greats, a compilation CD of kitsch ’70s trucker tunes. But whatever the story behind the name, from April 30 to May 2 those who dig cutting-edge indie sounds will want to join the convoy headed to the Full Moon Resort in Big Indian, where the Bennett brothers will present the very first Truck America festival. In addition to celebrated local outfits Mercury Rev, Ida, and Mike & Ruthy, the threeday gala also promises appearances by Hudson Valley-to-Brooklyn transplants Hopewell, Canadian roots rockers the Sadies, Brooklyn alt-poppers White Rabbits, Americana artist Tim Easton, Slow Dive / Mojave 3 main man Neil Halstead, Welsh power trio the Joy Formidable, and a still-growing roster of intriguing indie acts that also includes the Bennetts’ new project, Dusty & the Dreaming Spires. “We don’t really play too many festivals—we’re more comfortable in more intimate venues, but [Truck America] looks like a really good one and we’re excited about being invited to play,” says Ida’s Daniel Littleton, who with his wife and bandmate Elizabeth Mitchell recently appeared on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” in reggae king Ziggy Marley’s backup band. “We actually played at the Full Moon Resort once before, for a friend’s wedding. It’s a really beautiful spot. And the fact that’s it right down the road from Woodstock, where we live, is pretty great for us too." [Laughs] (See Mike Wolf’s review of Ida’s new album with folk legend Michael Hurley, Ida Con Snock, elsewhere in this

issue of Chronogram.) With an attendance record of 5,000 people, Truck is one of Britain’s more modest music fests—biggies like Glastonbury consistently draw in the 150,000 range—and is lauded for its small-scale, family atmosphere. Headliners during the festival’s previous seasons have included Supergrass, the Lemonheads, Regina Spektor, Battles, and the Raveonettes. Held at Oxfordshire’s rustic Hill Farm, the performances each year are recorded for a live compilation released on the organizers’ Truck Records label. Like its current UK incarnation, Truck America will offer sets by acts at three indoor venues: the Barn, the Roadhouse, and the Main stage, the last of which is inside a large, heated tent. On top of the above-mentioned artists, also booked to perform are up-and-comers Cat Martino, the Silent League, Common Prayer, Oxygen Ponies, Brandon Patton, Atlantic/Pacific, the Shoestring Band, and many more. In addition to the live music, attractions include workshops, film screenings, jam sessions, and kids' activities. Three-day passes for the festival include free camping, but those from outside of the area who aren’t amenable to sleeping out under the (hopefully) star-filled night skies will be pleased to know that the resort has a range of rooms available for rent nightly or the entire weekend. A bit of advice for all you Truckers, however: Watch out for Smokey when you’re rolling up Route 28. The Truck America festival will take place from April 30 through May 2 at Full Moon Resort in Big Indian. (845) 254-5117; —Peter Aaron 4/10 ChronograM forecast 91

Listings are in the 845 area code unless otherwise noted.

THURSDAY 1 Art Open Studio for Young Artists 3:30pm-5pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

The Youth Group aka The Bob Meyer Project 7:30pm. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701. Bob Schneider 8pm. $20. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233. Mahagonny Ensemble 8pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Rhett Tyler Band 8:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 10am. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Anthony Nisi 9pm. Acoustic. The Starr Bar, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

Clark Strand's Green Meditation Weekly Practice 5:30pm-6:30pm. $5. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Heathens and Heretics Night 9pm. Rock. East Side Bar, Walden. 778-2039.

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Classes Euro Dance for Seniors and Others 1:30pm-2:30pm. $5/$8 couple. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. Improvisation 4pm-5pm. Ages 8-13. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Purple k'niF 9pm. Dance party. $10. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Time Bomb 9pm. Rock. Gail's Place, Newburgh. 567-1414. Di & Rich 9:30pm. Pickwick Pub, Poughkeepsie. 518-2789. Johnny Fedz & da Bluez Boyz 9:30pm. Blues. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624.

Spoken Word

Family African Dance 11am-12pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm-1am. Barefoot, smoke-, drug-, alcohol-free. $5/$2 teens and seniors/children free. Knights of Columbus, Kingston. 658-8319.

Kids Choose Your Own Ending: Storytelling and Bookmaking Call for times. Ages 4-8. Children's Media Project, Poughkeepsie. 485-4480. Korean Children's Day Event 11am-12:30pm. Hands-on celebration of Korean children's culture. East Fishkill Community Library, Hopewell Junction. 226-2145.

Music Hugh Brodie & the Cosmic Ensemble Call for times. Opening act Marva P. Clark. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Andy Stack 1pm. Folk, rock. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Fundraiser for Center for Spectrum Services 1pm. Kidz Town Rock and Dog on Fleas. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989.


Gender Fabulous Call for times. Journey through the minds of three of NYC's most endearing performers. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164.

Mahjan Club: Japanese Culture Club 5pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Poetry Reading with Roger Mitchell and Adrianne Kalfopoulou 7pm. Inquiring Mind Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8300.

Chrissy Budzinski 7pm. Folk, traditional. Mezzaluna Cafe, Saugerties. 246-5306.


Morgan Heringer and Cal Folger Day 7pm. Acoustic. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775.

Living Last Supper 7:30pm. Poughkeepsie Reformed Church, Poughkeepsie. 452-8110.

Film Mine: Taken by Katrina 7pm. Middletown Thrall Library, Middletown. 341-5454.

Music Jam Session 1pm-2pm. Bring an instrument to play with other musicians. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877.

Community Playback Theater 8pm. Improvisation of audience stories. $8. Boughton Place, Highland. 691-4118. Macbeth 8pm. $20/$18 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

Workshops Art for Relaxation Painting Workshop 12pm. $25. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.

Senior Recital 1:30pm. Lauren Sherman '10, assisted by pianist Todd Crow. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902.

Levon Helm and His Ramble 8pm. Levon Helm Studio, Woodstock. 679-2744.

Rick Z 6:30pm. Acoustic. Keegan Ales, Kingston. 331-2739.

Far and Wide: Woodstock, NY Regional 4pm-6pm. Woodstock Artists’ Association, Woodstock. 679-2940.

Ponytails 8pm. Dance. The Starr Bar, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

12 Grapes Second Anniversary Weekend Bash 8:30pm. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624.

Gabe Brown: Collect the Sun 5pm-7pm. Gallery at R&F, Kingston. 331-3112.

Conversations in French 11:30am-12:30pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 8553444.

Floral Interpretations/Night Visions 5pm-8pm. Features floral works in pastels and oils, based on realism and fantasy, by Marianne Heigemeir and Franz Heigemeir. Seven21 Gallery, Kingston. 3317956.

Kaleidoscope: Interdisciplinary Views of Art 6pm. Taylor Hall, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Harold Hahn: 12 Years of Woodturning 5pm-8pm. Donskoj and Company, Kingston. 338-8473.

Spoken Word

FRIDAY 2 Art Betsy Jacaruso: Watercolors 5pm-8pm. Duck Pond Gallery, Port Ewen. 338-5580.

Poetry of the Flowering World 5pm-8pm. Lynne Friedman. ASK, Kingston. 338-0331. Three Dimensional Wall Sculpture 5pm-8pm. Member's exhibit. ASK, Kingston. 338-0331.


Eileen Cowin: Video and Photography 6pm-8pm. Posie Kviat Gallery, Hudson. (917) 456-7496.

Scene Study 5pm-7pm. Ages 13-18. $200. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

CRO-MIRSKI; In Nega-View… 6pm-8pm. John Davis Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-5907.


Stories That Add Up 6pm-8pm. Paintings by Stephanie Brody Lederman. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Hip Hop Afro-Fusion Dance 4:30pm-6pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. The Dances of Universal Peace 7:30pm-9:30pm. Using simple movements and mantras from many spiritual paths, uncovering the Light within ourselves and each other. The Living Seed, New Paltz. 255-8212.

Film William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe 7pm. Film screening. Sanders Auditorium, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Music Kevin Hayes Call for times. With Joe Lovano, Judi Silvano & special guests to benefit Haiti. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Eddie Fingerhut 7pm. Acoustic. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. An Evening of ALL John Coltrane with Bob Meyer and the Youth Quartet 7:30pm. $10. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701.

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Body / Mind / Spirit Reiki Medicine Circle 4pm-6pm. With Lorry Salluzzi Sensei. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Classes Creative Movement 9am-10am. Ages 5-7. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Storytelling 10am-11am. Ages 8-10. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Poetry Masks 11am-1pm. Ages 9-12, exploring voice work and mask development to support a character. $175. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Dance Adult and Tenn African Drumming 10:15am-11:15am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

The Metaphysical Center Interfaith Worship Service 11:30am. Prayer, meditation and lecture. Guardian Building, Poughkeepsie. 471-4993. Mixed Level Dharma Yoga 11:30am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. OM For Peace 6pm. Singing meditation. Mountain View Studio, Woodstock. 679-0901.

Classes Life Drawing Workshop 10am-1pm. $135/$120 series, $10 session. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Music Marji Zintz 12pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. Conservatory Sundays Concert 3pm. Conservatory Orchestra. Bard College, Annandaleon-Hudson. 758-7900.

The Outdoors

Susan McKeown/Bethany & Rufus Roots Quartet 8pm. $20. Rosendale Cafe, Rosendale. 658-9048.

Bluegrass Clubhouse 8pm. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406.

Beginning Level Dharma Yoga 10am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143.

We Must Be 8pm. Babycakes Cafe, Poughkeepsie. 485-8411.

Rock & 2pm-7pm. Jen Dragon, Saugerties. 247-0026.

The Pot Pie & Candy Show 5pm-7pm. Postmodern tinkerings by Eija Lindsey and Scott Spahr. Kingston Museum of Contemporary Art, Kingston.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Mike & Ruthy 7pm. Acoustic. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775.

Acoustic Thursdays: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert 6pm. High Falls Cafe, High Falls. 687-2699.

Selections from the Permanent Collection 4pm-6pm. Woodstock Artists’ Association, Woodstock. 679-2940.

Astrid Fitzgerald & Kim Alderman 4pm-6pm. Unison Arts Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

The Jesse Janes 7:30pm. Hudson Valley Folk Guild. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, Kingston. 331-2884.


Angelique Kidjo 8pm. $37/$29/$25/$20. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy. (518) 273-0038.

The Natural Beauty and the Social Landscape of the Hudson Valley 3pm-5pm. Old Chatham Country Store, Chatham. (518) 794-6227.

Kairos: A Consort of Singers 4pm. Cantata 4, Christ lag in Todesbanden. Holy Cross Monastery, West Park. 384-6660.

Reno 8pm. $20. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

Songwriters in the Round 7pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Artist's Way Cluster 11am-1pm. ASK Arts Center, Kingston. 338-0331.

Music Without Walls Project 7pm. Mezzaluna Cafe, Saugerties. 246-5306.

Bridge Music Re-Opening 1:15pm. Composer Joseph Bertolozzi will take attendees on a guided tour of the installation. Call for location.



Leslie Gore 8:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. DJ Heat 9pm. $10/$5. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Jimi Haze and Elijah Tucker 9pm. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164. Replica 9:30pm. Rock. Elsie's Place, Wallkill. 895-8975. Steve Wexler & the Top Shelf 9:30pm. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624. Snoozka's Giants 11:30pm. Covers. Pineapple Larry's, Newburgh. 5687007.

The Outdoors Mohonk Preserve 9am. 10 miles, difficult hike. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 594-9545. Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Millbrook Ridge and Beyond. 9:30am-4:30pm. 10+ miles. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Who lives here? Reptiles and Amphibians for Families 1pm-3pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word Poetry on the Loose 4pm. S. Thomas Summers. Baby Grand Bookstore, Warwick. 986-6165. Poetry Reading 6:30pm. Featuring 5 Albany poets. Half Moon Books, Kingston. 331-5439. Lyrics: AN Evening of Poetry and Spoken Word 7pm. $20/$15 in advance/$10 students and seniors. Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, Poughkeepsie. 486-4571.

Theater Macbeth 8pm. $20/$18 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

Workshops Ikenobo Ikebana Flower Arrangement Lesson 10am-12pm. $25/$20 members +flower fee. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Photographing the Nude in the Studio 2pm-8pm. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.


Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Stissing Mountain and Tomson Pond 10am-4:30pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word Gallery Talk with Artist Susan Sommer 2pm. Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, Woodstock. 679-2940.

Workshops Life Drawing 10am-1pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Mindful Dream Catcher Workshop by Francine Glasser 2pm. $20. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale. The Drink of the Gods: Sake Tasting and Understanding 3pm-5pm. With appetizers. $25. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

MONDAY 5 Body / Mind / Spirit Mommy and Me Pilates 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Pre-Natal Pilates Tower Class 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Healing Circle 7pm-9pm. With Peter Blum & the Community, Talking Stick, Singing, drumming, guided meditation, storytelling and forms of energy work. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Classes Handmade Tiles 10am-2pm. Women's Studio Workshop Gallery, Rosendale. 658-9133. Modern/Ballet 4pm-5pm. Ages 6-8. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Modern Dance 5:30pm-7:15pm. A basic, thorough, modern dance class w/ center & floor work, traveling combinations & phrases. $12. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Events Hudson Juggling Club 6pm-9pm. Informal practice session for jugglers and prop manipulators. John L. Edwards Elementary School, Hudson. (518) 828-7470.

Film All About Eve 7pm. Palace Theater, Albany. (518) 465-3334.

Music Celtic Session 7:30pm. Traditional Irish music. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

festivals beltane linda law

The forming of the Beltane parade on the grounds of the Center for Symbolic Studies in Rosendale. Beltane is celebrated every year on May 1.

Chasing Away Old Man Winter The first of May is a time of general debauchery—at least at the Center for Symbolic Studies in Rosendale. Since being reawakened in the Hudson Valley 20 years ago, Beltane has slowly amassed more than a thousand people each year to the grounds of Stone Mountain Farm. Originally celebrated by Western European Celts, in Gaelic Beltane bears the loose meaning “brilliant fire.” The celebration’s meant to awaken the sleeping coals of a dreary winter, so we can revel in the youth of spring. Opened in 1990 as a nonprofit performing arts and healing center, the Center for Symbolic Studies’ programs focus on interconnectedness and environmental awareness, and the resulting creative expression. On May first its fields burst to life—welcome to Beltane. The Center interweaves traditions from different cultures into the festivities. This year there will be a variety of traditional African performances. Fode Sissoko is an acknowledged drum master from one of the most eminent musical families in West Africa as well as the founder of Fakoli Dance and Drum, an educational organization. Throughout the day music is performed adding an energetic, communal vibe. There’s even an eight-horse dance in a stone circle. The festival is a smorgasbord. Anne McClellan, an organizer of the event, explains it as “a hodgepodge of different cultures. It’s just impossible to be bored there.” While larger than life puppetry stroll the grounds, horses meander the crowds like royalty, adorned with the horns of unicorns. The crowd, many dressed in medieval costume, feast on local food. Little kids spend the day frolicking with painted faces. With warm

spring rays finally settling on the skin, picnics are set out and enjoyed next to a game of Frisbee. Guests are also welcomed to traverse the hiking trails around the property or watch a round of sword fighting. Then there’s the Maypoles. Traditionally, branches from a tree were lopped off and the tree wrapped with violets in representation of Attis, the Roman god of death and resurrection. This symbol of Beltane stands erect in the field. There are two Maypole dances, one for kids and another adult dance—with approximately 50 dancers elaborately weaving ribbons around the pole. Anything to wake up spring. But what’s better to chase away the crusties of winter sleep than a 30-foot long dragon? After Beltane’s parade around the grounds a performance features the Beltane hero—the summer dragon. The King and Queen, masquerading any other day as two little kids, must go on a quest to help the dragon chase away “old man winter” so summer can begin. When the sun finally starts setting, the two Beltane bonfires are stoked. They rise into the air and warm the spring night. For the remainder of the festival the fires blaze amongst dancing and music. There is rustic camping available if you want to stay overnight, and a free shuttle available to the festival from downtown Rosendale. Parking on site is available for a fee. Beltane will be celebrated at the Center for Symbolic Studies at the Stone Mountain Farm in Rosendale. The gates will be open from 1pm-12am on May 1. (845) 658-8540; —Siobhan K. McBride

4/10 ChronograM forecast 93

David Gray 8pm. $40/$60/$75. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

installations in the Hudson Valley. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 943-4314.

Spoken Word


Japanese Speaking Table 5pm-7pm. Instructor: Chris Robins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Gender and Sexuality Studies Film and Discussion Series 7pm. Billy Elliott. Gabrielle H. Reem and Herbert J. Kayden Center for Science and Computation, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7504.

Hudson Community Book Group 6pm-7:30pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Workshops After School Drama Program Call for times. High school students, presented by Walking the Dog Theater. Hawthorne Valley School, Ghent. (518) 672-7092 ext. 111.

TUESDAY 6 Art Warwick Art League Session 10am-1pm. Paint, draw and more from your own set-up or photos. Greenwood Lake Public Library, Greenwood Lake. 477-8093.

Hold Steady 8pm. With special guest The Oranges Band. $20. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Petey Hop 8:30pm. Followed by open mike. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624. LongShot 9pm. Country. The Celtic House, Fishkill. 896-1110.


Spoken Word

Storytime, Music & Movement 10am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Happy Birthday from Hizbollah: The Case for Change in the Middle East 5:30pm. Author Neil MacFarquhar. Sanders Auditorium, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Story Hour 10:30am. With crafts and music for ages 3-5. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507. Youth Media-Arts Workshop 3pm-6pm. Ages 12-16. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Theater Bread and Puppet: The Dirt Cheap Money Cabaret 8pm. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Music The Hold Steady 8pm. With special guests The Oranges Band. $20/$22. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

FRIDAY 9 Art Haitian Art Sale and Auction Call for times. College Center's Multi-Purpose Room, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Body / Mind / Spirit

The Outdoors

Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Practice and Pema Chodron Book Discussion 6pm-9pm. 7-9 Pema Chodron's Start Where You Are. $5. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 658-8556.

Mohonk Preserve Bob Babb Wednesday Walk: Guyot Hill 11:30am-1:30pm. 4 miles. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Naturopathic Approach for ADHD, Autism, & Asperger's Syndrome 6pm. Bambini Pediatrics, Poughkeepsie. 249-2510.

Spoken Word

Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs 5pm-7pm. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3858.

National Climate Seminar 3pm. Bard College Center for Environmental Policy, Poughkeepsie. 758-7073.

Botanicals, Still Life & Land Journeys 2010 6pm-8pm. Annual student exhibition of watercolors. Betsy Jacaruso Studios, Red Hook. 758-9244.

Archetypal Cosmology Information Session 5pm. The Graduate Institute, Bethany, Connecticut. (203) 874-4252.

SUNY New Paltz Open Studios 6pm-9pm. Come see what the art students of SUNY New Paltz have been creating in their studio spaces. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz.

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Classes Modern/Ballet 4pm-5pm. Ages 9-11. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Events Go Club: Japanese Culture Club 4pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Master of Arts in Experiential Health and Healing: An Information Session 4pm-6pm. Stamford Center for Integrative Medicine and Wellness, Stamford, Connecticut. (203) 874-4252.

Kids ToddlerTime 10:30am. Story hour, crafts and music for 18 months3 years. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

Music Conservatory Noon Concert 12pm. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7216. Afternoon with Bob Lusk 12:30pm. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775.

Intellectual Property and Innovation for Sustainable Development 5:30pm. Economist Claude Henry. Taylor Hall, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370. The Arthritic Shoulder 6:30pm. Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck. (877) 729-2444. Art Lecture: Dress Code 6:30pm. Lecture Center 102, New Paltz. 257-3830. Bringing Back the Legend: Cougar Recovery in Eastern North America 7pm. With Christopher Spatz- President, Eastern Cougar Foundation. Rosendale Library, Rosendale. 658-9013. Tahawus, Teddy, and a Tear 7pm. A digital presentation of the Adirondack Mountains. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.

Workshops Painting Studio: Portrait Studio 5:30pm-8pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Automatic Writing Part I 6:30pm-7:30pm. Learn how to connect with your guides through automatic writing. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.


Matt Finley 7:30pm. Brazilian jazz. Dutchess County Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8050.


Faculty Jazz Ensemble 8pm. $10/$8/$3. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3880.

Open Studio for Young Artists 3:30pm-5pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Push 8pm. The Harp & Whistle Restaurant and Pub, Newburgh. 565-4277.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Spoken Word

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 10am. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Color Outside the Lines Abstract expressionist works on paper. The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Poughkeepsie. 437-7745.

Classes Solar Thermal Call for times. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. (800) 724-0833. Scene Study 5pm-7pm. Ages 13-18. $200. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. First Aid Standard 6pm-10pm. Health Quest Community Education, Poughkeepsie. 471-6618 ext. 134.

Dance Hip Hop Afro-Fusion Dance 4:30pm-6pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Cajun Dance with Jesse Lege & Bayou Brew 8pm-11pm. Lesson at 7pm. $15. White Eagle Hall, Kingston. 255-7061. Drink the Air Before Me 8pm. Stephen Petronio Company. $38/$32/$20 children and students. MassMoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts. (413) 662-2111.



Body / Mind / Spirit Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Organic Gardening for Garden and Containers - Pt 1 6pm-9pm. $39. Business Resource Center, Kingston. 339-2025.


Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

David Sedaris Call for times. Ulster Performing Arts Center, Kingston. 339-6088. Vijay Iyer Call for times. Opening act Akie Bermiss. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro.

African Drum 6pm-7pm. $15/$12 members/$55 series of 4/$40 members. Unison Arts and Learning Cent, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Mahjan Club: Japanese Culture Club 5pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Two Guitars with Gus Wieland 7:30pm. $7. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701.


Rudy 8pm. Pamela's on The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505.

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Bread and Puppet: The Dirt Cheap Money Cabaret 8pm. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. Too Much Information 8pm. $15. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989. "Noah's Flood" & "Everyman" 9pm. $16/$12 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

Workshops Art for Relaxation Painting Workshop 12pm. $25. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.

SATURDAY 10 Paintings by Mia Barkan Clarke 1pm-4pm. Gardiner Library, Gardiner. 255-1255.

Altered States 4pm-6pm. Mixed-media constructions by the American artist John Sideli. Park Row Gallery, Chatham. (518) 392-4800. Digital Art Extravaganza 4pm-6pm. Limner Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-2343. Art BeLo 3rd 4pm-8pm. Multiple galleries opening night exhibition receptions in 100-200 block of Warren Street. Warren Street, Hudson. Bon a Tirer 4pm-9pm. Willem de Kooning lithographs. Warner Gallery, Millbrook. 677-8261 ext. 130. Vincent Serbin: Raw Objects Appear Life Size 5pm-7pm. Galerie BMG, Woodstock. 679-0027. Family Album 6pm-8pm. Photographs by Judith Black and Moira Barrett. Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson. Fahrenheit 180: A Group Encaustic Exhibition 6pm-9pm. Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh. 562-6940 ext. 119. The Art of Spring 6pm-9:30pm. Oil paintings, watercolors, ceramics, photographs, sculptures, and handmade crafts. Cornell Street Studios, Kingston. 331-0191.

Body / Mind / Spirit SpiritPlay Open Group 10:30am-12pm. $20/$10. Spiritplay Studio, Woodstock. 679-4140. Shamanism 3pm-5pm. Introduction to the Shamanic Journey a three-part series. $50/$150 series. Dr Tom's Tonics, Rhinebeck. 876-5556.


Heartsaver CPR AED 9am-3pm. Health Quest Community Education, Poughkeepsie. 471-6618 ext. 134.

Exploring the Integrative Care Continuum 4pm-6pm. An information session on a new certificate program. New Milford Hospital, New Milford, Connecticut. (203) 874-4252.

Acoustic Thursdays: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert 6pm. High Falls Cafe, High Falls. 687-2699.


Open Hive/The Repeatos 7pm-9pm. Gypsy-esque world music jazz ensemble. $10/$5 members. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731.

Assertive Communication: The Path to Integrity and Dignity 6pm-7:15pm. Weekly through May 26. Business Resource Center, Kingston. 339-2025.

Local Solar Co-Op Educational Meeting 6pm. Hear plans to create a buyers group for solar

Will Nixon 7pm. Reading form his book The City of Grudges. Mezzaluna Cafe, Saugerties. 246-5306.

Creative Movement 9am-10am. Ages 5-7. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Open House For Ulster-Greene ARC's Palmer Center Complex 10am-12pm. Palmer Center, Kingston. 331-4300 ext. 229.


Repackaging Female Saints' Lives for the 15thCentury English Nun 4pm. Medievalist Virginia Blanton. Taylor Hall, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Rock the Resort II 3pm. Roots. Hudson Valley Resort, Kerhonkson. 626-8888.

Youth Program: Multi-Media Arts Program 3:30pm-6pm. $100-$150. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Jam Session 1pm-2pm. Bring an instrument to play with other musicians. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877.

Spoken Word

Local History Day 2pm-5pm. Presented by ASK art gallery. Hudson Valley Mall, Kingston.

Improvisation 4pm-5pm. Ages 8-13. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Adult Hebrew Classes 6:30pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange.

A Family Works Weekend Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205.

Trance Journeying with Peter Blum 6:30pm-7:30pm. Going into a chamano-hypnotic journey guided by Soundscapes and Voice. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Movies That Rock 8pm. See website for specific movies details. Pavilion Theatre at Lycian Centre, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.


The Outdoors


Euro Dance for Seniors and Others 1:30pm-2:30pm. $5/$8 couple. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Creative Movement 10am-11am. Ages 4-5. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

XCalibur 10pm. Rock. Mahoney's Irish Pub, Poughkeepsie. 471-3027.

Woman's Holistic Health Group 5:30pm-7pm. Inner Light Health Spa, Hyde Park. 229-9998.



The Mojomatics 9:30pm. Blues. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624.

Body / Mind / Spirit

What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery 7pm. $5. A.i.r. Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

Solopreneurs Sounding Board 6:30pm. Ad hoc advisory board meets group therapy for your work. $5/members free. Beahive, Beacon. 418-3731.

Video Video 9pm. An evening of locally sourced videos curated by Fredrick R. Arnold III and video artist Wayne Montecalvo. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164.

David Levy 7:30pm-8:30pm. Jazz. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Storytelling 10am-11am. Ages 8-10. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Poetry Masks 11am-1pm. Ages 9-12, exploring voice work and mask development to support a character. $175. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.


John Mueller 8pm. Acoustic. La Puerta Azul, Millbrook. 677-2985.

Adult and Tenn African Drumming 10:15am-11:15am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

David Jacobs-Strain 8:30pm. With Brooks Williams. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Family African Dance 11am-12pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

benefit concert one voice for haiti image provided

Lolo and Mimerose P. Beaubrun of Boukman Eksperyans. The band will headline the One Voice for Haiti benefit concert at Backstage Studio Productions in Kingston on April 23.

One Voice for Haiti “It’s a little bit like a movement,” says Evelyne Pouget, the woman behind the fundraiser for Haiti on April 23 in Kingston. Pouget and Creative Music Studio will present One Voice for Haiti, a concert event benefiting the Haitian People Support Project and their efforts to help five orphanages in Port Au Prince affected by the January earthquake. Just three days after the earthquake hit, Pouget got involved with the Woodstockbased Haitian People Support Project. She then started Children Helping Children Across Borders (a campaign aimed at supporting the orphanages). “I don’t want fame. I really want a result—there’s 400 [kids in these orphanages]. How can I not help?” she says. Although there were no casualties at the orphanages associated with the quake, the roof on some of the orphanages were destroyed. Pouget describes seeing them “huddled in the corner of a backyard to keep warm. You see, people, after a while, get compassion fatigue. They’ve seen enough. This situation has gone on for a long time, but it will continue to go on for a long time.” After much research some of the best Haitian musicians were recruited to perform in support of the cause. Many of the bands haven’t played since the quake. Most haven’t been able to leave Haiti. Boukman Eksperyans, a mizik rasin band (think folkloric voodoo music meets the Jimi Hendrix Experience) will headline the show. One of the members of Boukman Eksperyans lost 15 members of their family. Their music mixes Haitian, African, and Caribbean influences in an upbeat and energetic way. The band takes their name from a mashup of the creole word for experience and an 18th-century voodoo priest, Dutty Boukman, credited with leading a religious ceremony that started the Haitian revolution of 1791. The Latin band Sonando and Bakana will also perform, along with 50

to 100 children in a performance of “We are the World” to a backdrop of the Hollywood music video. There will be a surprise guest following Boukman Eksperyans and a DJ will be spinning between the acts throughout the evening. The goal is to raise awareness among the whole Hudson Valley community. Pouget hopes to get local schools involved to adopt the orphanages since it’s clear that there is no quick-fix solution. Whether through pen-pals, donations for food or clothes, people can choose where their money will go. If they want the kids in Haiti to get books, the money will buy them books. The event is focused on being a positive, uplifting, multimedia event. It will open with a musical invocation/prayer, with the help of Haitian communities in the area there will be Haitian and Creole food available for purchase, and what Pouget describes as an “informative and moving” slide-show presentation will take place featuring several doctors recently back after offering medical assistance in Haiti. The Creative Music Studio will also be collecting musical instruments for donation. Pouget says an article she read on how so many musicians in Haiti lost their music triggered the idea. When one man found his instrument it was healing, for him and for everyone who heard him play. Pouget saw importance in spreading that, so anyone bringing an instrument to the event will receive free admission. With Backstage Studio Productions donating their theater for the event, One Voice for Haiti will take place on April 23 at 8pm. Tickets are $25 at the door or $20 in advance. (845) 679-7320; —Siobhan K. McBride 4/10 ChronograM forecast 95

Contradance 8pm. Eric Hollman calling, with music by Tom White, David Paton, Graham Smyth & Susie Deane. $10/$9 members/children 1/2 price. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 246-2121.

Reality Check 8:30pm. Rock. La Puerta Azul, Millbrook. 677-2985. Creation 9pm. Pop, soft rock. Copperfield's, Millbrook. 677-8188.

Drink the Air Before Me 8pm. Stephen Petronio Company. $38/$32/$20 children and students. MassMoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts. (413) 662-2111.

The Woodcocks 9pm. Americana. The Starr Bar, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.


Mustang 9:30pm. Country. Elsie's Place, Wallkill. 895-8975.

4th Annual Hospice Walk-a-Thon 8am-4pm. Ulster & Dutchess County Hospice, Inc. Dietz Stadium, Kingston. 382-1281. Adolescence in the 21st Century: Constants and Challenges for the Next Generation 9am-4pm. Conference on adolescence featuring a lecture by psychologist and educator David Elkind. $35/$10 students. Hudson Hall, Newburgh. 569-3161. Sharing Shabbat 9am. Light breakfast and engage in Torah Study with Rabbi Polish. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 227-3327.

Tribution IV: Elvis Costello 9pm. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164.

The Chris O'Leary Band 9:30pm. Blues. 12 Grapes Music and Wine Bar, Peekskill. (914) 737-6624. Vixen Dogs Band 10pm. Rock. Pawling Tavern, Pawling. 855-9141.

The Outdoors Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Bonticou Crag 10am-3pm. 7-mile hike. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Crowning Queens for Green 9am-5pm. Presented by Miss Empire Royalty Pageant. Cunneen Hackett Theater, Poughkeepsie. 452-7067.

Spoken Word

Volunteer Orientation Day 10am-12pm. Scenic Hudson. Esopus Meadows Point Preserve, Esopus. 473-4440 ext. 270.

Poetry Reading & Book Signing 1pm-4pm. Mia Barkan Clarke. Gardiner Library, Gardiner. 255-1255.

Chasing the Stockade 7pm. Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 255-1660.

Woodstock Poetry Society and Festival 2pm. Featuring poets Jacqueline Ahl and Joann Deiudicibus. Woodstock Town Hall, Woodstock. 6796345.

Comic Book Symposium 7pm. Gabrielle H. Reem and Herbert J. Kayden Center for Science and Computation, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7504.

Film Screening of Carolee Schneemann Film and Video Works 5pm-7pm. $6/$4. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989.

Kids Tot Program 9am-10:30am. Learning through doing; crafts, food and games. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 227-3327. Bubble Trouble 1pm. Jeff Boyer teaches children the science inside bubbles. $10/$7 members. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. Fantastic Frogs! 1pm-3pm. A search for frogs. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.


Adolescence in the 21st Century Call for times. Hudson Hall, Newburgh. 569-3161.

Carolee Schneemann: Within and Beyond the Premises 2pm-4pm. Panel discussion. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3844. College of Poetry 4pm. Featuring Robert Kelly. College of Poetry, Warwick. 294-8085.

Theater Murderers Call for times. Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. Whittaker Hall, Newburgh. 569-3179. Shakespeare for Kids 11am. By the Hampstead Stage Company. $8/$6 children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 8763080. Bread and Puppet: The Dirt Cheap Money Cabaret 8pm. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. "Noah's Flood" & "Everyman" 9pm. $16/$12 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

HVP IV with Pianist Yeol Eum Son Call for times. The Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 473-2072. Idan Santhaus Big Band with Todd Coolman & John Riley Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Mark Holland and N. Scott Robinson Call for times. Presented by The Songcatcher Native American Flute Circle. $15. Cornwall United Methodist Church, Cornwall. 534-4956. Warren Bernhardt Call for times. Classical piano. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079. Sky Blue Boys Call for times. Sand Lake Center for the Arts, Averill Park. (518) 674-2007. Senior Recital 1:30pm. Violinist Laura Sousa '10 with assistance by pianist Todd Crow. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. John Keller 2pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. Big Red Doors Concert for Kids 3pm-4:30pm. Lydia Adams Davis and Kathy Byers. $10. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 831-4988. Senior Recital 4pm. Clarinetist Alexandra Linsalata, also assisted by pianist Todd Crow, as well as violinist Sara Goldfeather '10, and pianist Tiffany Shi, '12. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Andrea and James Rohlehr 7:30pm. Jazz. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701. Opera Workshop 8pm. Ariadne: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Scenes from works by Monteverdi, Conradi, Haydn, Massenet, and Strauss. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Epiphany Project 8pm. Bet Williams & John Hodian. $15. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Warren Bernhardt 8pm. Piano. $25/$20 members. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079. The Feds 8pm. Pamela's on The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505. Trans-Siberian Orchestra 8pm. Beethoven's Last Night 2010. $58.50/$48.50. Palace Theater, Albany. (518) 465-3334. Pastorale 8pm. Hudson Valley Philharmonic. The Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 473-2072.

96 forecast ChronograM 4/10

SUNDAY 11 Art America thru Lenses 4pm-6pm. Photography exhibit. Studio at the Seligmann Homestead, Sugar Loaf. 469-9168. Slice of Art 5pm-7pm. Abstract Landscape paintings by Basha Maryanska. La Bella Bistro, New Paltz. 255-2633.

Body / Mind / Spirit Introductory Presentation: The Call of Soul 10am-11am. Discover the spiritual truth in your life through the teachings of ECKANKAR. Newburgh Mall, Newburgh. (800) 749-7791 ext. 2. Beginning Level Dharma Yoga 10am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Sacred Chanting 10am-11:30am. Unison Arts and Learning Cent, New Paltz. 255-1559. The Metaphysical Center Interfaith Worship Service 11:30am. Prayer, meditation and lecture. Guardian Building, Poughkeepsie. 471-4993. Mixed Level Dharma Yoga 11:30am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Dynamic Intervention, LLC: Energy Festival 12pm-3pm. Life coaching, massage, Reiki, Polarity and angel card spiritual readings. 11 West Main Street, Pawling. 702-1042. ECK Worship Service 2pm-3pm. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, Kingston. (800) 749-7791 ext. 2.

Classes Life Drawing Workshop 10am-1pm. $135/$120 series, $10 session. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Events Pet Wellness Fair 11am-4pm. SUNY Ulster Vet Tech Club. Featuring rabies clinic, microchip implantation, and education presentations on nutrition, behavior, grooming, and signs of toxicity. Senate Gymnasium, Stone Ridge. Silent Auction 1:30pm-4pm. To benefit Columbia County Democratic Committee. $25. Kozel's, Ghent. (518) 537-5404.

Film Casting Faith 2pm. A portrait of Gillian Jagger. Q&A after film. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989.



Brian Dolzani 12pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500.

Hudson Juggling Club 6pm-9pm. Informal practice session for jugglers and prop manipulators. John L. Edwards Elementary School, Hudson. (518) 828-7470.

Justin Roberts and The Not Ready for Naptime Players 1pm. Children's music. $10. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Steve Chizmadia 1pm. Americana. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Opera Workshop 3pm. Adriane: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Scenes from works by Monteverdi, Conradi, Haydn, Massenet, and Strauss. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Orpheus in the Underground 4pm. Hudson Opera Theater. United Presbyterian Church of Middletown, Middletown. 661-0544. The Turtle Island String Quartet with Mike Marshala 7:30pm. $28. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Trumpeter Jim Rotondi Qnt 7:30pm-10:30pm. $20. Turning Point Cafe, Piermont. 359-1089.

Music Celtic Session 7:30pm. Traditional Irish music. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

Spoken Word Japanese Speaking Table 5pm-7pm. Instructor: Chris Robins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Hudson Community Book Group 6pm-7:30pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Workshops After School Drama Program Call for times. High school students, presented by Walking the Dog Theater. Hawthorne Valley School, Ghent. (518) 672-7092 ext. 111.


The Outdoors Adventure Trip: Spring Break Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205. Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Table Rocks 10am-2:30pm. 7-mile hike. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word Sunday Salon: Lecture by Contemporary Artist Stephen Hannock Call for times. $8/$6. Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Catskill. (518) 943-7465. Safe and Effective Use of Herbal Medicine 1pm. New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary Club is hosting a benefit luncheon lecture with Susan S. Weed. Steak and Stein, New Windsor. 246-2713. Book Signing by Diane Meier 2pm. Author of The Season of Second Chances. Hammertown, Rhinebeck. 876-1450. Children's Book Reading with Iza Trapani 2pm. Inquiring Mind Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8300.

Theater Black Rock Forest 1pm. Easy hike. Call for location. 246-2069. Bread and Puppet: The Dirt Cheap Money Cabaret 1pm. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. "Noah’s Flood" & "Everyman" 3pm. $16/$12 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Route 66 3pm. Lycian Center, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.

Workshops The Crash Course: Thriving in Any Future Call for times. $99. Student Union Building, New Paltz. Life Drawing 10am-1pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Mindful Dream Catcher Workshop by Francine Glasser 2pm. $20. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale. Drawing From the Beginning: Portraiture 2pm-4pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

MONDAY 12 ART Focus on Nature XI Juried exhibition of natural and cultural history illustration. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877.

Body / Mind / Spirit Mommy and Me Pilates 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Pre-Natal Pilates Tower Class 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Home Circle: Spirit and Angel Communication 7pm-8:30pm. Spirituality and psychic development with medium Adam Bernstein. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Art Warwick Art League Session 10am-1pm. Paint, draw and more from your own set-up or photos. Greenwood Lake Public Library, Greenwood Lake. 477-8093. Flower Power 4pm-7pm. Unframed Artist Gallery, New Paltz. 255-5482. Biodiversity: Captured in Photographs Contest/Exhibit 7pm-12am. Columbia-Greene Community College, Hudson. (518) 828-4181 ext 5513.

Body / Mind / Spirit Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Practice and Pema Chodron Book Discussion 6pm-9pm. 7-9 Pema Chodron’s Start Where You Are. $5. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 658-8556. New Moon Cleansing with Crystal Sounds 6:30pm-7:30pm. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650. Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488. Soaring Crane Qigong: The Five Routines 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143.

Classes Lifespring: Saugerties Adult Learning Community Spring Courses Begin Call for times. $40. Call for location. 246-2800 ext. 452. Modern/Ballet 4pm-5pm. Ages 9-11. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Events Go Club: Japanese Culture Club 4pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Solopreneurs Sounding Board 5:30pm. Ad hoc advisory board meets group therapy for your work. $5/members free. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731.

Kids ToddlerTime 10:30am. Story hour, crafts and music for 18 months3 years. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

Music Andre Laurent O'Neil and William Carragan 12pm. Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy. (518) 273-0038. Afternoon with Bob Lusk 12:30pm. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Music of John B Hedges 8pm. $6/$5/$3. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3880. Tuesday Night Community Music Showcase 8pm. Marji Zintz, Red Peralta, Chris Kelly's Hide & Shine, Small Town Sheiks, Richard Prans, Damien Tavis Toman. Rosendale Cafe, Rosendale. 658-9048.

Spoken Word Gallery Talk: Renee C. Byer 5pm-10pm. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz. 257-3844.

Pema Chodron's Start Where You Are: A Discussion 7pm-9pm. Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-4030.

Spring: A Time for Nutritional Beginnings 6:30pm. Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck. (877) 729-2444.



Handmade Tiles 10am-2pm. Women's Studio Workshop Gallery, Rosendale. 658-9133.

Planning for College: Five Ways to Minimize Senior Year Stress 7pm-8pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.

Modern/Ballet 4pm-5pm. Ages 6-8. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Modern Dance 5:30pm-7:15pm. A basic, thorough, modern dance class w/ center & floor work, traveling combinations & phrases. $12. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

WEDNESDAY 14 Body / Mind / Spirit Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.


Suzanne Vega will perform at the Towne Crier Cafe in Pawling on April 30.

Solitude 2.0 When Suzanne Vega’s eponymous first album was released in 1985, she quickly emerged as a leading figure of New York’s downtown folk-music revival. Accompanying herself on acoustic guitar, Vega launched a wave of female singer-songwriters that included Sinead O’Connor and Tracy Chapman, and that has, in a sense, never stopped since, from Ani DiFranco and Sarah MacLachlan to Regina Spektor and Pink. Vega—who has performed in the world’s top halls—plays a rare Hudson Valley date this month at the Towne Crier in Pawling on April 30. Vega’s second album, Solitude Standing (1987) went platinum. It containing the artist’s biggest hit, the abused-child ballad “Luka”, and from a commercial point of view, it’s been sloping sales ever since. After seven strong albums, and a greatest hits compilation (Retrospective: The Best of Suzanne Vega, 2003), the woman widely regarded as the most brilliant songwriter of her generation was dropped by her label in 2008. After being dumped, as John Seabrook reported in the New Yorker, Vega decided to branch out on her own as a music publisher. “I noticed that a lot of artists, like Carly Simon and Dar Williams, were recording acoustic versions of their songs, which is a way of owning the masters. You don’t own the original recordings, but at least you own something,” Vega said. The first result is Close-Up Vol 1: Love Songs, which Vega released on her own Amanuensis Production label in February. It contains 12 out of the 70 songs in her back

catalog that she recently re-recorded, all related to attraction, flirtation, and confrontation. Some real overlooked gems of Vega’s inventive songwriting are revisited here, like “(If You Were) In My Movie” and “(I’ll Never Be) Your Maggie May.” Other favorites Vegaphiles will be slavering over on Vol 1 include pointed rearrangements of “Marlene on the Wall” and “Small Blue Thing” off her first album, as if Vega were discovering a simpler version of herself in the music, something pure and razor sharp as she looks back. (Gerry Leonard’s electric guitar on “Marlene” is especially poignant, seeming to want to break out into a “Sultans of Swing”-era Mark Knopfler riff and settle down into a backbeat at the same time.) Over the next two years, Vega expects to release another three collections of rerecorded material, compiled along thematic rather than chronological lines. And she’ll be selling directly to fans via her website and iTunes. In the meantime, she’ll be busy beefing up her grassroots fan base. “I’m back to where I started from,” Vega told the New Yorker. “Taking names, making mailing lists. I’ve taken on this somewhat risky thing, but it’s a relief not to have to deal with a record company, and their ADD attention spans.” So don’t forget to add your details to that mailing list! Suzanne Vega will perform at the Towne Crier Café in Pawling on Friday, April 30 at 8:30pm. Tickets are $45 online, $50 day of show. (845) 855-1300; —Brian K. Mahoney 4/10 ChronograM forecast 97

Meditation 7pm-8pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444. A Course in Miracles 7:30pm-9:30pm. Study group with Alice Broner. Unitarian Fellowship, Poughkeepsie. 229-8391.

Classes Creative Movement 10am-11am. Ages 4-5. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. African Drum 6pm-7pm. $15/$12 members/$55 series of 4/$40 members. Unison Arts and Learning Cent, New Paltz. 255-1559. Adult Hebrew Classes 6:30pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange.

Dance Dancing On The Air 8pm. $10. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

Film Gender and Sexuality Studies Film and Discussion Series 7pm. Rebecca. Gabrielle H. Reem and Herbert J. Kayden Center for Science and Computation, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7504.

Kids Storytime, Music & Movement 10am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Story Hour 10:30am. With crafts and music for ages 3-5. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507. Youth Media-Arts Workshop 3pm-6pm. Ages 12-16. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Music Blues Jam 8pm. Spencertown Academy Arts Center, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693.

The Outdoors

8pm. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406.

Spoken Word The Golden Age of Hollywood 4pm. Mathematics, Science and Technology Center, Newburgh. 569-3290. Modern Anxiety, Spiritual Practice, and Religion: Zen Buddhism in the West 5:30pm. Ryushin Sensei, abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery. College Center’s Multi-Purpose Room, Poughkeepsie. (200) 920-1010 Sex, Power and the Future of the World 5:30pm. Book reading and discussion of Michelle Goldberg's book, presented by Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley and the YWCA. $10/$5. Wallkill River School and Art Gallery, Montgomery. 457-ARTS. Advancements in Rheumatology 6:30pm. Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck. (877) 729-2444. Aesthetic Echoes of History: Art History's Influence on Contemporary Design 7pm-9pm. How the study of art history influences contemporary art and production processes. SUNY New Paltz Lecture Center 102, New Paltz. The Power of Art History: The Effect of Art Historians on Studio Artists 7pm-9pm. Lecture Center 102, New Paltz. 257-3875.

Theater South Pacific Call for times. $20-$65. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady. (518) 346-6204. The Pact 7:30pm. MSMC Student Production. $5/Mount students free. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179.

FRIDAY 16 Body / Mind / Spirit Grandmother Barbara Threecrow 6:30pm-8:30pm. The Sacred Feminine & the New Paradigm & Prophecies. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Mohonk Preserve Bob Babb Wednesday Walk: Minnewaska Lake and Beacon Hill 9:30am-1:30pm. 4 miles. Meet at the Minnewaska State Park Preserve Upper Lot, New Paltz. 255-7059.


Spoken Word


An Inside-Out Perspective 8am-4pm. William Sillman, autism spectrum speaker, will share his insider's view of what really works. Anthony's Banquet Hall, Leeds. (518) 821-6798.

Theater South Pacific Call for times. $20-$65. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady. (518) 346-6204.

Workshops De-stress techniques for Educators, Caseworkers, and Caregivers 5pm. The Graduate Institute, Bethany, Connecticut. (203) 874-4252. Painting Studio: Portrait Studio 5:30pm-8pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Random Writing Workshops with Poet Cheryl Rice 6pm-8pm. $10/$50 series. A.i.r. Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

THURSDAY 15 Art Open Studio for Young Artists 3:30pm-5pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Body / Mind / Spirit Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 10am/7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 7506488.

Classes Euro Dance for Seniors and Others 1:30pm-2:30pm. $5/$8 couple. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. Improvisation 4pm-5pm. Ages 8-13. $150. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Events Mahjan Club: Japanese Culture Club 5pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Music Mark Hummel Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Jam Session 1pm-2pm. Bring an instrument to play with other musicians. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877.

Scene Study 5pm-7pm. Ages 13-18. $200. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Hip Hop Afro-Fusion Dance 4:30pm-6pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Events New England Antiquities Research Association Meeting Call for times. Holiday Inn, Kingston. 338-5100.

Film Singin' in the Rain Call for times. The Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 473-2072. The Visitors 6pm. $6. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

Music Adam Levy & The Mint Imperials Opening act Judith Tulloch Band. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Electric Frankenstein, The Rebel Dead, Nightmares for a Week and The Dead Aces Call for times. Snapper Magee's, Kingston. 339-3888. Carbon Leaf 7:30pm. $24. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

Bard Gamelan Orchestra Call for times. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079.

Spoken Word

Marc Black Band Call for times. Mezzaluna Cafe, Saugerties. 246-5306.

100 Poems in 100 Minutes 7:30pm. $5. ASK Arts Center, Kingston. 338-0331.

Theater South Pacific Call for times. $20-$65. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady. (518) 346-6204. Youth Production of William Shakespeare's Henry V 7pm. $5. Shandaken Theatrical Society Theater, Phoenicia. 688-2279. The Pact 7:30pm. MSMC Student Production. $5/Mount students free. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179. Wonder 7:30pm. Two new musicals by Sandy McKnight & Liv Cummins. $7/$3. Columbia Greene Community College Performing Arts Center, Hudson. (518) 719-0633. Macbeth 8pm. $20/$18 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Too Much Information 8pm. $15. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989. Urban Guerilla Theatre 9pm. $15/$10 in advance. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

Workshops Art for Relaxation Painting Workshop 12pm. $25. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.

SATURDAY 17 Art Michael Asbill. GCCA Catskill Gallery, Catskill. (518) 943-3400. Transilluminations 6pm-8pm. Photographic images printed on various media including backlit transparencies, metal, and traditional paper by Jonas Caufield. M Gallery, Catskill. (518) 943-0380. The Billy Name 2010 Solo Show 6pm-9pm. Old and new photographs from the Andy Warhol Factory days as well as recent works. G.A.S. Poughkeepsie. 486-4592. Exposure Juried high school photography exhibit. Mill Street Loft, Poughkeepsie. 471-7477.

Body / Mind / Spirit Niroga Yoga Corps Training Call for times. Learn how to address the needs of vulnerable children and youth. Satya Yoga Center, Rhinebeck. 876-2528. Yantra Workshop 2pm-4pm. Tools for transformation & healing with Mavis Gewant. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Dance Adult and Tenn African Drumming 10:15am-11:15am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Family African Dance 11am-12pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm-1am. Barefoot, smoke-, drug-, alcohol-free. $5/$2 teens and seniors/children free. Knights of Columbus, Kingston. 658-8319.

Etienne Charles' Quartet 7:30pm. Mixing jazz with Afro-Cuban and calypso styles. $15/$20 at the door. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701.


Marji Zintz 7:30pm. Acoustic. Babycakes Cafe, Poughkeepsie. 485-8411.

Sharing Shabbat 9am. Light breakfast and engage in Torah Study with Rabbi Polish. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 227-3327.

David Mallet 8pm. Folk, traditional. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. John Mueller 8pm. River Station Restaurant, Poughkeepsie. 452-9207. Vassar College Jazz Ensemble 8pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Songs for Autism Benefit 8:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. Mark Donato and The Sweet Clementines 9pm. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164. Ruin, Painmask and The Harrowing 9pm. Rock. The Basement, Kingston. 331-1116. Mike Quick Band 9:30pm. Blues. East Side Bar, Walden. 778-2039. Di & Rich 9:30pm. Rock. Quiet Man Pub, Wappingers Falls. 298-1724. The Lifesize Gorgeous Cocktails 10pm. Rock. The Sunset House, Peekskill. (914) 734-4192.

Acoustic Thursdays: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert 6pm. High Falls Cafe, High Falls. 687-2699.

Vixen Dogs Band 10pm. Rock. Quiet Man Pub, Wappingers Falls. 298-1724.

Bluegrass Clubhouse

The Outdoors

98 forecast ChronograM 4/10

Girl Scout Environmental Health Weekend Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205.

Wild Earth's Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction 8am-12pm. Marbletown Community Center, Stone Ridge.

Israel Independence Day Celebration 9am. Israeli adventures, food, songs, games, stories and fun. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 227-3327. Little Falls School of Music and Arts Fundraiser 10am-3pm. See enrolled students in music perform throughout the day, culminating in an honors recital. Le Jardin, Valatie. (518) 758-6000. First Annual Phools Parade 2pm. A community celebration of the arts. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. The Newburgh Tee Party Fashion Show 4pm-6pm. $7. Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, Newburgh. 569-4997. 5th Cold Buffet: Audience and Actor Challenge 8pm. Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. $16/$12 members. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Kids Little Leonardo and the Fantastic Flying Machine 10:30am. Robert Rogers Puppets. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507. Healthy Kids' Day 1pm-4pm. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205.


Marcus Strickland Trio Opening act Concepts Project. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Encore Broadcast of Carmen 1pm. $22/$20 members/$15 children. Ulster Performing Arts Center, Kingston. 339-6088. Senior Recital 4pm. Jeremy Shiman ‘10. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Crescendo 6pm. Latin America: Baroque and Contemporary. First Congregational Church, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. (860) 435-4866. Gamelan Giri Mekar 7pm. With guest performers from Bali and a pre-concert lecture/talk. $15/$10. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079. Orpheus in the Underground 7pm. Hudson Opera Theater. United Presbyterian Church of Middletown, Middletown. 661-0544. The Flaming Lips 7pm. $35. Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie. 454-5800. The Gibson Brothers 7pm. Bluegrass. $15/$10 HVBA members. Poughkeepsie Day School, Poughkeepsie. 462-7600. Richie Goods and Nuclear Fusion 7:30pm. $15/$20 at the door. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701. Angel Band 8pm. St. Paul's Parish Hall, Red Hook. Cliff Eberhardt 8pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Earth Day Reggae with Inner Circle 8pm. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Shawn Colvin 8pm. $34.50. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Thomas Earl 8pm. Acoustic, folk. Muddy Cup, New Paltz. 338-3881. Vassar College Madrigal Singers 8pm. Ralph Vaughan Williams's Serenade to Music and Mass in G Minor, with pianist Michael Sheetz '07. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Eilen Jewell 8:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. Soul Purpose 9pm. Motown, r&b. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 255-1000. Reality Check 9pm. The Starr Bar, Rhinebeck. 876-6816. Tiger Piss 9pm. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164.

The Outdoors Fall Brook/Beaver Kill Ridge Call for times. 23 miles. Call for location. 297-5126. Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Spring Farm 10am-3pm. 7-mile hike. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word How Did the Rope Get Up There? History and Practice of Gunks Rock Climbing Call for times. With Ecology and People of the Shawangunks, Yesterday and Today. Trapps Bridge, New Paltz. 255-0919. Works in Progress: Dark Meat on a Funny Mind 4pm. One-man show based on the life of comedian Richard Pryor written by Wesley Brown. $12/$10 members. Spencertown Academy Arts Center, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693.

Theater South Pacific Call for times. $20-$65. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady. (518) 346-6204. How to Eat Like a Kid 11am. By Kids on Stage. $8/$6 students and seniors. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Youth Production of William Shakespeare’s Henry V 7pm. $5. Shandaken Theatrical Society Theater, Phoenicia. 688-2279. Wonder 7:30pm. Two new musicals by Sandy McKnight & Liv Cummins. $7/$3. Columbia Greene Community College Performing Arts Center, Hudson. (518) 719-0633. The Pact 7:30pm. MSMC Student Production. $5/Mount students free. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179.

art tom molloy image coutesy of tom molloy and Rubicon Gallery, Dublin

Tom Molloy, Globe, 2004. An exhibition of Molloy's work will be shown at the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Connecticut through June 13.

Luck of the Irish “After 9/11 and the wars that resulted from it, it took artists quite a while to start making serious work about these world events,” remarks curator Joseph R. Wolin. One artist who did respond was Irishman Tom Molloy. Wolin organized an exhibition of Molloy’s works, currently on view at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Map, the earliest work in the show, dating from 1999, is a $1 bill cut with an X-Acto knife to represent a map of the world. Defacing a dollar bill is a crime, though no one goes to prison for it. The viewer knows that Map is a minor violation, which reminds one of the larger crimes of money. Come to think of it, almost all crimes involve money. Using the techniques of commercial art, Molloy creates advertisements against advertisement. Not all Molloy’s work is explicitly political. In 2001, he faked a malady to convince a doctor to x-ray his skull, then used the resulting x-ray as a basis for 10 drawings, all called Self-Portrait. One appears in the Aldrich show. “It’s a very meticulous pencil drawing, with minute crosshatching, in a style that’s demanding but not necessarily very individual,” Wolin notes. “His idea is that he wants a generic drawing style that anyone could have.” This semianonymous style makes the piece wittier. (As far as I know, Molloy’s are the first skull self-portraits in history.) Self-Portrait hangs right across from Dead Texans, a series of small, scrupulous portraits of a hundred prisoners given the death penalty in Texas, most under the tenure of George W. Bush.

Molloy’s brief titles convey multiple meanings. Crown, a group of paper replicas of the most famous Abu Ghraib image, suggests those Burger King crowns children are given on their birthday, and also Jesus’s crown of thorns. “One of the things that Molloy’s practice does is point out that America’s actions effect the entire world,” Wolin explains. “We’re absolutely accountable for what we do.” For a contemporary artist, Molloy employs conservative methods. This show contains no videos, or digital art. “He’s very much tied to a studio practice,” says Wolin. Molloy particularly enjoys the act of drawing. Almost all his work is done on paper. Though the H\ head of painting at the Burren College of Art, Molloy no longer paints on canvas. “Crown is standing on a pedestal with no protection at all. A gust of wind could knock it away,” Wolin observes. The medium of paper suggests a newspaper, which emotionlessly recounts the daily horrors, only to be used as cat litter or kindling. Molloy’s work is not “political” so much as “moral.” Do the leaders of the world know that in a rural house outside Ballyvaughan an Irish professor methodically attacks their decisions? Probably not. But Tom Molloy continues, carefully sketching portraits of “faceless victims.” “Tom Molloy” will be exhibited at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut, until June 13. (203) 438-4519; —Sparrow

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100 forecast ChronograM 4/10 all images: ŠJeffrey Milstein, courtesy Bonni Benrubi Gallery, NYC/ Kopeikin Gallery, LA.

art jeffrey milstein

ABOVE: Havana Centro #7 (Avenida Simon Bolivar), 2009 OPPOSITE: (top) Chess Parlor Interior, Camagüey, Cuba, 2005 (bottom) Boy with Blue Scarf, Trinidad, Cuba, 2004

Photogenic Decay When we hear about Cuba in the news, it’s almost exclusively on the following topics: the US trade embargo, the health of Fidel Castro. Americans are not exposed to the day-to-day reality of life in that colorful, cosmopolitan, rustic, isolated isle seemingly trapped in amber since January 1, 1959, when US-backed dictator Fulgenico Batista was overthrown. In his recent book, Cuba (The Monacelli Press, 2010), photographer Jeff Milstein shows the quotidian simplicity of the island, its crumbling infrastructure and its optimistic inhabitants. Milstein, whose artful photographs of planes have won him wide recognition—collected in the stunning Aircraft: The Jet as Art (Harry N. Abrams, 2007) traveled to Cuba multiple times in recent years, chronicling the island from its lush rural areas to its crowded urban areas. In his photographer’s note to the book, Milstein describes his process: “My hope is that these photographs offer a poetic glimpse of this frozen-in-time yet optimistic island. I was taken with the richness and beauty of the faded architecture

that was once so grand and opulent. The decay and sculptural forms within speak to layers of history and the inevitability of change. No matter how hard we try, everything, even our own bodies, slowly decays, but the effect can be very beautiful. The work in this book reflects on change while celebrating the passionate ideals of a people and the energy and light of a country in transition.” An architect and graphic designer as well as a photographer, Milstein’s photos are in the collections of many museums, including the Akron Art Museum, the George Eastman House in New York, and his work has appeared in Wired and Men’s Vogue, among other publications. Jeffrey Milstein will be exhibiting recent photographs of Cuba, many from Cuba: Photographs by Jeff Milstein, at Oriole 9 in Woodstock through the month of April. Portfolio: (845) 679-5763; —Brian K. Mahoney

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Los Tres Balceneros: The Legend Begins 8pm. The Air Pirates Radio Theater. $15. Lycian Center, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.

Youth Production of William Shakespeare’s Henry V 3pm. $5. Shandaken Theatrical Society Theater, Phoenicia. 688-2279.

Oracle Bones/Mirror Dreams 7pm. A concert with Oliveros, Miya Masaoka and Ione. $8. Vanderlyn Hall, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

Macbeth 8pm. $20/$18 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.



Life Drawing 10am-1pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Mindful Dream Catcher Workshop by Francine Glasser 2pm. $20. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.


Workshops Game of Business Series: Social Media 11am-4pm. Marketing expert and personal growth coach Doug Motel offers tools. $325. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 363-4728.

SUNDAY 18 Body / Mind / Spirit Beginning Level Dharma Yoga 10am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. The Metaphysical Center Interfaith Worship Service 11:30am. Prayer, meditation and lecture. Guardian Building, Poughkeepsie. 471-4993. Mixed Level Dharma Yoga 11:30am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing 2pm-4:30pm. With Lea & Philippe Garnier. $35. Bliss Yoga Center, Woodstock. 679-8700.

Classes Life Drawing Workshop 10am-1pm. $135/$120 series, $10 session. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Dance Sleeping Beauty 3pm. New York Theatre Ballet. $20/$15 children. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

Events 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration Call for times. Worship service and festival. New Paltz Reformed Church, New Paltz. 255-6340. Summer Camp Open House 11am-2pm. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205. Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society Annual Benefit 3pm-5pm. $35. Elmendorph Inn, Red Hook. 758-5887.

Music Beth DeSombre 2pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. Pianist Beth Levin 2:30pm. Trail Mix concert series. Olive Free Library, West Shokan. 657-6864. Conservatory Sundays Concert 3pm. $5-$20. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900. Stringendo Vivace Orchestra 3:30pm. Presented by Tower Music Series. $10. Reformed Church, Poughkeepsie. 452-8110. Orpheus in the Underground 4pm. Hudson Opera Theater. United Presbyterian Church of Middletown, Middletown. 661-0544. Crescendo 6pm. Latin America: Baroque and Contemporary. Trinity Episcopal Church, Lakeville, Connecticut. Day 26 and Ryan Leslie 6pm. $10. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179. Garrin Benfield 7:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. Janis Ian, Karla Bonoff 7:30pm. $28. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

The Outdoors Mount Beacon Moderate Hike Call for times. 3-hour hike. Call for location. 565-8566. Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Mine Hole 9:30am-4:30pm. 10-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Chodikee Lake/Upper Black Creek 11am. Easy paddle. Chodikee Lake, Highland. 883-0132. Early Spring Wildflowers 2pm-4:30pm. Learn to identify coltsfoot, bloodroot, hepatica, spring beauties, and more. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Drawing From the Beginning: Portraiture 2pm-4pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Japanese Dumplings with Youko Yamamoto 3pm-5pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

MONDAY 19 Art Luminosity 5pm-7pm. Featuring work by artists Stephen Hannock, Clare Kirkconnell and Stephen Petegorsky. Harrison Gallery, Williamstown, MA. (413) 458-1700.

Body / Mind / Spirit Mommy and Me Pilates 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Pre-Natal Pilates Tower Class 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Healing Circle 7pm-9pm. With Peter Blum & the Community, Talking Stick, Singing, drumming, guided meditation, storytelling and forms of energy work. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.


Theater South Pacific Call for times. $20-$65. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady. (518) 346-6204. Wonder 2pm. Two new musicals by Sandy McKnight & Liv Cummins. $7/$3. Columbia Greene Community College Performing Arts Center, Hudson. (518) 719-0633. Macbeth 3pm. $20/$18 seniors and children. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

102 forecast ChronograM 4/10

Kids ToddlerTime 10:30am. Story hour, crafts and music for 18 months3 years. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

Music Conservatory Noon Concert 12pm. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7216. Afternoon with Bob Lusk 12:30pm. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Joe Bonamassa 7:30pm. Blues-rock. $29.50-$59.50. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Chamber Ensembles I 8pm. $6/$5/$3. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3880.

WEDNESDAY 21 Art Silent Walks on the Half-Moon 6pm. Leads participants on a group silent walk through the woods at the base of Storm King Mountain. Storm King Trail Head, Cornwall. Mary Gauthier 8pm. $20. Rosendale Cafe, Rosendale. 658-9048.

Open Studio for Young Artists 3:30pm-5pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Body / Mind / Spirit Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 10am/7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Classes Euro Dance for Seniors and Others 1:30pm-2:30pm. $5/$8 couple. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Events The Crystal Method CoSM Benefit Party 3pm-12am. Conversation with Ken Jordan & Alex Grey, live performances, dinner. $240/$100/$40. CoSM, Wappingers Falls. 297-2323. Mahjan Club: Japanese Culture Club 5pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Film Kent Film Festival Call for times. Kent, Kent, Connecticut.

Music Jam Session 1pm-2pm. Bring an instrument to play with other musicians. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877. Acoustic Thursdays: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert 6pm. High Falls Cafe, High Falls. 687-2699.

Body / Mind / Spirit

CRUMBS Night Out at The Linda 7pm. WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium, Albany. (518) 465-5233.

W.A.K.E. Meetings: Alert, Well And Keeping Energetic! 1pm-3pm. Benedictine Hospital, Kingston. 334-3077.

Maia Sharp 7:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

The Outdoors


Diabetes Support Group 4:30pm-5:30pm. The Kingston Hospital Diabetes Education Center, Kingston. 334-4249.

Sleeping Beauty by New York Theatre Ballet 3pm. $20/$15. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.


Introductory Presentation: Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel 7:30pm-8:30pm. Discover the spiritual truth in your life through the teachings of ECKANKAR. Newburgh Mall, Newburgh. (800) 749-7791 ext. 2.

Handmade Tiles 10am-2pm. Women's Studio Workshop Gallery, Rosendale. 658-9133. Modern Dance 5:30pm-7:15pm. A basic, thorough, modern dance class w/ center & floor work, traveling combinations & phrases. $12. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Hudson Juggling Club 6pm-9pm. Informal practice session for jugglers and prop manipulators. John L. Edwards Elementary School, Hudson. (518) 828-7470.



Earth Day Clean Up 10am-1pm. Mount Beacon, Beacon. 473-4400 ext. 273.

Spoken Word From Silent Spring to Silent Night: A Tale of Toads and Men 4pm. Dr. Tyrone Hayes. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-5343. German History and Heritage in New York 4pm. Joe Lieby. Villa Library, Newburgh. 569-3290. Treatments and Pain Relief for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and Herniated Discs 6:30pm. Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck. (877) 729-2444.


African Drum 6pm-7pm. $15/$12 members/$55 series of 4/$40 members. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Spring Break Horse Camp Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205.

Adult Hebrew Classes 6:30pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange.


Other Perspectives of Abraham 8pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 489-2570.

Lost Towns of the Hudson Valley 7:30pm. Wes and Barbara Gottlock. Hurley Reformed Church, Hurley. 331-4121.



The Guns of Navarone 7pm. Palace Theater, Albany. (518) 465-3334.

Celtic Session 7:30pm. Traditional Irish music. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

Spoken Word Japanese Speaking Table 5pm-7pm. Instructor: Chris Robins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Cultural Stimulus: Arts & Culture as Economic and Community Driver 5:30pm-7:30pm. Local Living Economy Speaker Series. $10/members free. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731. Hudson Community Book Group 6pm-7:30pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Celebrating 200 Years of Gringo Diplomacy 7pm. Former U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Bolivia, and Colombia Curtis Kamman. Rockefeller 200, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Workshops After School Drama Program Call for times. High school students, presented by Walking the Dog Theater. Hawthorne Valley School, Ghent. (518) 672-7092 ext. 111.

Spoken Word How Did the Rope Get Up There? History and Practice of Gunks Rock Climbing Call for times. With Ecology and People of the Shawangunks, Yesterday and Today. Trapps Bridge, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Go Club: Japanese Culture Club 4pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.


TUESDAY 20 Art Warwick Art League Session 10am-1pm. Paint, draw and more from your own set-up or photos. Greenwood Lake Public Library, Greenwood Lake. 477-8093.

Body / Mind / Spirit Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Practice and Pema Chodron Book Discussion 6pm-9pm. 7-9 Pema Chodron’s Start Where You Are. $5. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 658-8556. Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488. Soaring Crane Qigong: The Five Routines 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143.

Green Drinks 2nd Anniversary Party 6:30pm-9pm. For people in the environmental fields and sustainably minded. $8. Keegan Ales, Kingston. 454-6410.


Dramatic Reading: A Sense of Wonder 7pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Live Simulcast: The Habit of Art 7pm. National Theatre of London. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

A Sense of Wonder 7pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902.


Gender and Sexuality Studies Film and Discussion Series 7pm. North Country. Gabrielle H. Reem and Herbert J. Kayden Center for Science and Computation, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7504.



Qi Gong Class 2pm-3:30pm. $15. Inner Light Health Spa, Hyde Park. 229-9998.

Storytime, Music & Movement 10am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Story Hour 10:30am. With crafts and music for ages 3-5. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507. Youth Media-Arts Workshop 3pm-6pm. Ages 12-16. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

The Outdoors Mohonk Preserve Bob Babb Wednesday Walk: Table Rocks 9:30am-1:30pm. 4 miles. Meet at Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word Invasive Species 7pm-8:30pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.

Workshops Painting Studio: Portrait Studio 5:30pm-8pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Automatic Writing Part I 6:30pm-7:30pm. Learn how to connect with your guides through automatic writing. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

A Little Space for Artists 7pm-8pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Woman's Holistic Health Group 5:30pm-7pm. Inner Light Health Spa, Hyde Park. 229-9998.

Dance Hip Hop Afro-Fusion Dance 4:30pm-6pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Events Spring Quilting Weekend Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205. The Power of the Purse 2010 5:30pm-8pm. Orange County Women's Leadership Fund benefit. Live and silent auctions of purses. $65. Catlin Gardens, Slate Hill. 457-4774. Shabbat Dinner 6pm. Followed by services and a special presentation by the Aleph Class. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 227-3327.

Film Kent Film Festival Call for times. Locations in Kent, Connecticut.

Raiders of the Lost Ark Call for times. Ulster Performing Arts Center, Kingston. 339-6088.

Adult and Teen African Drumming 10:15am-11:15am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Comedian Paula Poundstone 8pm. $38/$29. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy. (518) 273-0038.

Ras Cuba: Interviews with Cuban Rastafarians 7pm. Documentary by Susanne Moss. School of Jellyfish, Beacon. 440-8017.

Family African Dance 11am-12pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.



Aspen Santa Fe Ballet 8pm. $24/$20 seniors/$12 children. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

The Pedro Giraudo Jazz Orchestra Call for times. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. One Voice for Haiti 6:30pm. Benefit for Haiti featuring Boukman Eksperyans. Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston. $25/$20. 679-1136. Metropolitan Hot Club 6:30pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Open Hive/ Fossil Cities 7pm-9pm. Female vocalist, acoustic guitars, processed atmospheres. $10/$5 members. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731. MSMC Choir 7:30pm. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179. American Symphony Orchestra 8pm. Beethoven and Shostakovich. Pre-concert talk at 6:45. $20/$30/$35. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900. Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks, John Hammond 8pm. Mix of swing, jazz, folk, country. $28. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Denise DeYoung: The Music Of STYX 8pm. Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Troy. (518) 273-0038. We Must Be 8pm. Babycakes Cafe, Poughkeepsie. 485-8411. Stephen Kaiser Group 8pm. Jazz. The Depot, Cold Spring. 265-5000. Rudy 8pm. Rock. Pamela's on The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505. Grizzly Adams 8:30pm. With special guest Stoney Clove Lane. $15. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406. Reality Check 9pm. Rock. Quiet Man Pub, Wappingers Falls. 298-1724. John Schrader Band 9:30pm. Keegan Ales, Kingston. 331-2739. The Rhodes 10pm. Classic rock. Snug Harbor, New Paltz. 255-9800.

Spoken Word Poetry Reading by Mia Barkan Clarke 7pm. Inquiring Mind Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8300. Poetry Reading: Rebecca Schumejda 7pm. Half Moon Books, Kingston. 331-5439. Read for Food 7pm. Featuring poet Djelloul Marbrook. Boughton Place, Highland.

Theater Outside the Tent 7pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. The Vagina Monologues 7:30pm. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079. Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

Workshops Life Drawing Workshop Series 10am-Sunday, April 25, 5:30pm. For adults and teens 16+ with Wendy Shuster. Shuster Studio, Hudson. (518) 567-1332. Art for Relaxation Painting Workshop 12pm. $25. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.

SATURDAY 24 Art PQ: Uncovered Call for times. Symposium featuring panel talks and speakers. Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock. 679-9957. Open House for Dutchess Arts Camp & Junior Art Institute 10am-1pm. Poughkeepsie Day School, Poughkeepsie. 462-7600. Where We Live 5pm-7pm. Show of plein air landscapes by Barbara L. Walter. Broderick Art Gallery, Freehold. (518) 634-2559.

Body / Mind / Spirit Continuum Movement Workshop 1pm-4pm. The Living Seed, New Paltz. 255-8212. Working with Angels/Prophecy of Hope 2pm-4:30pm. With Psychic John Krysko. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Dance Argentine Tango Workshops & Milonga with Julio Bassan Call for times. Afternoon workshops, evening milonga. $20-$95 workshops/$15 milonga only. Mountain View Studio, Woodstock. 679-0901.

Between Heaven and Earth 8pm. H.T. Chen Dancers. $8/$6. Columbia Greene Community College Performing Arts Center, Hudson. (518) 719-0633.

How to Eat Like a Kid 11am. By Kids on Stage. $8/$6 students and seniors. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

The Historic Preserve Landscape and Its People 10am-12pm. Walk the trail to the last remaining cabin of the historic Trapps Mountain Hamlet. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

The Vagina Monologues 3pm. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079.

Spoken Word

Outside the Tent 7pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.


Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

17th Annual Literacy Conference 8:30am-1pm. Hudson Hall, Newburgh. 569-3542.


New Paltz Clean Sweep 8:30am. Community spring cleaning. New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce Office, New Paltz. 255-0243. Beacon Barks! 11am-3pm. 4th annual Animal Shelter Appreciation Day. Beacon. Earth Day Open House at Ashokan 11am-3pm. Celebrate E-Day on Ashokan’s 374 magical acres. Ashokan Center, Olivebridge. 657-8333 4th Annual April Gathering Casino Night 5:30pm-9:30pm. New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce. $95. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 255-0243.

Film Kent Film Festival Call for times. Locations in Kent, Connecticut.

Music Cyro Baptista’s Banquet of the Spirits Opening act The Amazing Mr. Spoons. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Morry Campbell Call for times. $5. Cafe Bocca, Poughkeepsie. 483-7300. The Hudson Falcons, The Last Beats and Bobby Peru Call for times. Snapper Magee's, Kingston. 339-3888. Senior Recital 4pm. Brian Kim ‘10. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902.

Ikenobo Ikebana Flower Arrangement Lesson 10am-12pm. $25/$20 members +flower fee. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Emotional Healing Workshop 2pm-4pm. $25. Inner Light Health Spa, Hyde Park. 229-9998.

SUNDAY 25 Art Facets: Intellect and Emotion 1pm-4pm. Spring Reflectionist Art Show. Arts on the Lake, Kent Lakes. 228-2685.

Body / Mind / Spirit ECK Worship Service 10am-11am. Newburgh Mall, Newburgh. (800) 749-7791 ext. 2. Beginning Level Dharma Yoga 10am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143.

The Metaphysical Center Interfaith Worship Service 11:30am. Prayer, meditation and lecture. Guardian Building, Poughkeepsie. 471-4993. Mixed Level Dharma Yoga 11:30am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Akashic Records Revealed 2pm-4pm. With June Brought. The recording of our soul imprint revealed. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

John Mueller 7pm. Steel House, Kingston. 338-7847.


Rosetta Watts 7:30pm. Jazz. BeanRunner Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 737-1701. Helen Avakian 8pm. Acoustic. Aroma Thyme Bistro, Ellenville. 647-3000. Sweetback Sisters 8pm. Country, bluegrass. $19/$14 members. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. American Symphony Orchestra 8pm. Beethoven and Shostakovich. Pre-concert talk at 6:45. $20/$30/$35. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900. Rick Z 8:30pm. Hyde Park Brewing Company, Hyde Park. 229-8277. The Whiskey River Band 8:30pm. Pamela's on The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505. Soul Purpose 9pm. R&B, Motown, soul. Gold Fox Restaurant, Gardiner. 255-3700. Julie Cline and Jaclyn Falk 9pm. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164. The Phantoms 9:30pm. Rock. Holiday Inn, Kingston. 338-5100.

The Outdoors An Earth Day Community Event 9am-4pm. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205. An Earth Day Hike 9am-12pm. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 205. Spring Flower Walks 1pm-3:30pm. River Street Park, Valatie. (518) 781-0243.

Spoken Word History and Practice of Gunks Rock Climbing Call for times. With Ecology and People of the Shawangunks, Yesterday and Today. Trapps Bridge, New Paltz. 255-0919. Franklin Sirmans on John Chamberlain 1pm. Gallery talk. Dia: Beacon, Beacon. 400-0100. Sunset Reading Series 4pm. Thomas Lux. The Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, Cold Spring. American Taliban: A Novel 7:30pm. Book reading by Pearl Abraham. Oblong Books & Music, Millerton. (518) 789-3797.

How Did the Rope Get Up There? History and Practice of Gunks Rock Climbing Call for times. With Ecology and People of the Shawangunks, Yesterday and Today. Trapps Bridge, New Paltz. 255-0919. Chopin Hour 2pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Theater Live Simulcast: The Habit of Art 1pm. National Theatre of London. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. Babes in Arms 2pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869. Outside the Tent 3pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Workshops Life Drawing 10am-1pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Mindful Dream Catcher Workshop by Francine Glasser 2pm. $20. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale. Drawing From the Beginning: Portraiture 2pm-4pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Sacred Chanting 10am-11:30am. Unison Arts and Learning Cent, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Chopin and His Circle 6pm. $35/$10 students. Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. (413) 528-0100.

Harmony and Hope: A Musical Bridge to Haiti 7pm. $10 students/$20/$50. Vassar Chapel, Poughkeepsie. 437-5370.

Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Top of the Gunks 10am-5pm. 8-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Life Drawing Workshop 10am-1pm. $135/$120 series, $10 session. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.


MONDAY 26 Body / Mind / Spirit Mommy and Me Pilates 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Pre-Natal Pilates Tower Class 6:30pm-7:30pm. $35 class/$225 series. Rhinebeck Pilates, Rhinebeck. 876-5686. Message Circle 7pm-8:30pm. Receive messages from your loved ones in the after life with medium Adam Berstein. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Classes Handmade Tiles 10am-2pm. Women's Studio Workshop Gallery, Rosendale. 658-9133.

Argentine Tango Workshops with Julio Bassan 2pm-4pm. $20-$95 workshops. Mountain View Studio, Woodstock. 679-0901.

Modern Dance 5:30pm-7:15pm. A basic, thorough, modern dance class w/ center & floor work, traveling combinations & phrases. $12. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.



Historical Society of Newburgh's 4th Biennial: A Feast of the Arts Fine Art Auction 2pm. West Shore Train Station, Newburgh. 561-2585.

Hudson Juggling Club 6pm-9pm. Informal practice session for jugglers and prop manipulators. John L. Edwards Elementary School, Hudson. (518) 828-7470.

Film Kent Film Festival Call for times. Locations in Kent, Connecticut.

Music Red Peralta - Rebel Red Call for times. Americana. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287. Rising Tribe Music 12pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. The V-Twins 12pm. Blues. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble: Love Notes 2pm. $35/$25 members/$10 students. Dia: Beacon, Beacon. 400-0100. Saugerties Pro Musica 3pm. Gregory D'Agostino, Organist. $12/$10 seniors. Saugerties United Methodist Church, Saugerties. 246-5021. Vassar College Choir 3pm. Israel in Egypt. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Student Composers' Concert 3pm. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-2700. Di & Rich 6pm. Ruben's Mexican Cafe, Peekskill. (914) 739-4330. Mike & Ruthy 7pm. Acoustic. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Rockland Youth Jazz Ensemble 7:30pm-10:30pm. $15. Turning Point Cafe, Piermont. 359-1089.

The Outdoors Sketchbook + Camera Moderate Hike Call for times. Awosting Falls. Call for location. (914) 779-0936.

Music Celtic Session 7:30pm. Traditional Irish music. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

The Outdoors Mohonk Preserve Singles and Sociables Hike: Millbrook Mountain 9:30am-4pm. 9-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spoken Word Chopin Hour 2pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Japanese Speaking Table 5pm-7pm. Instructor: Chris Robins. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811. Hudson Community Book Group 6pm-7:30pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Workshops After School Drama Program Call for times. High school students, presented by Walking the Dog Theater. Hawthorne Valley School, Ghent. (518) 672-7092 ext. 111.

TUESDAY 27 Art Warwick Art League Session 10am-1pm. Paint, draw and more from your own set-up or photos. Greenwood Lake Public Library, Greenwood Lake. 477-8093.

Body / Mind / Spirit Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Instruction, Sitting Practice, Dharma Film 6pm-7pm. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 658-8556. Soaring Crane Qigong: The Five Routines 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143.

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Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Classes Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Events Go Club: Japanese Culture Club 4pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Open Studio for Young Artists 3:30pm-5pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.


9:30pm. Copperfield's, Millbrook. 677-8188.

Vassar College Orchestra 8pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902.

Spoken Word

Body / Mind / Spirit

Hurley Mountain Highway 8:30pm. Pamela's on The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505.

Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 10am/7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.



Euro Dance for Seniors and Others 1:30pm-2:30pm. $5/$8 couple. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Open Hive/Film 6pm-9pm. A film with a message. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731.

Life Drawing 7:30pm-9:30pm. $13/$10. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Philip Glass: A Portrait in 12 Parts: A Dharma Art Movie 7:15pm. $5. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 658-8556.

Kids ToddlerTime 10:30am. Story hour, crafts and music for 18 months3 years. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

Music Afternoon with Bob Lusk 12:30pm. Inquiring Mind/Muddy Cup, Saugerties. 246-5775. Choral Ensembles I 8pm. $6/$5/$3. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869. Community Music Night 8pm-9:45pm. Six local singer-songwriters. Rosendale Cafe, Rosendale. 658-9048. Elvis Perkins in Dearland 8pm. $12/$10 in advance. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406.

Spoken Word Visions of the Social Order: How Religions Occur Institute for Advanced Theology conference, Bard College. Words Before Music Lecture 6pm. Rossini's Armida. Lee Library, Lee, Massachusetts. (413) 243-0385. The Story of the Old Put: The Putnam Division Railroad 7pm-8pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.

WEDNESDAY 28 Art Open Hive/Free Workday 10am-5pm. Get a taste of what it's like to work in a creative coworking environment. Beahive Kingston, Kingston. 418-3731.



The Story of the Newburgh-Beacon Bay 7pm. Aquinas Theater, Newburgh. 569-3179.

Acoustic Thursdays: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert 6pm. High Falls Cafe, High Falls. 687-2699.

Chamber Jazz Ensembles II 8pm. $6/$5/$3. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-2700.

Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

Woodstock Chamber Orchestra 8pm. Bruch's Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Schumann's Overture, Scherzo and Finale, Faure's, Masques et Bergamasques, and Delius' Walk to Paradise Garden. $20/$5 students. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 246-7045.


Gallery Talk: Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs 3pm. Billy Name. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz. 257-3844. Raul Zurita: A Reading in Purgatory 6pm. Poetry reading. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7382. Kayaking: How to Get Started 6:30pm. East Fishkill Community Library, Hopewell Junction. 226-2145.

Workshops Harness your Brilliance: Literally Raising your Children up for Success! 7pm-8pm. Pawling Free Library, Pawling. 855-3444.


Story Hour 10:30am. With crafts and music for ages 3-5. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

In Full Bloom Photographs by Judith Monteferrante. Flat Iron Gallery, Peekskill. (914) 734-1894.

Youth Media-Arts Workshop 3pm-6pm. Ages 12-16. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Mohonk Preserve Bob Babb Wednesday Walk: Shaupeneak Ridge 9:30am-1:30pm. 5 miles. Meet at 299/9W Park and Ride, Highland. 255-0919.

Workshops Painting Studio: Portrait Studio 5:30pm-8pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Random Writing Workshops with Poet Cheryl Rice 6pm-8pm. $10/$50 series. A.i.r. Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

THURSDAY 29 Art Open Hive/Free Workday 10am-5pm. Get a taste of what it's like to work in a creative coworking environment. Beahive, Beacon. (917) 449-6356.

104 forecast ChronograM 4/10

Art for Relaxation Painting Workshop 12pm. $25. Wings Gallery and Shop, Rosendale.


Spoken Word

Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition I 5pm-7pm. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz. 257-3858.

The Outdoors

Outside the Tent 7pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Sam and Ruby 7:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Storytime, Music & Movement 10am. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Eddie Fingerhut 10pm. Acoustic. The Celtic House, Fishkill. 896-1110.


Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival's A Mid-Summer's Night's Dream 7:30pm. $10/free children and seniors. Millbrook High School, Millbrook.

Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

Nightmares For a Week/Still Time 8pm. $10. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406.

The Outdoors

Mental Health Across the Lifespan Call for times. Center for Aging and Policy. Hudson Auditorium, Newburgh. 569-3164.

African Drum 6pm-7pm. $15/$12 members/$55 series of 4/$40 members. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.


Mick Taylor Band 9pm. With special guest Voodelic. $35. Bearsville Theater, Woodstock. 679-4406.

Spoken Word




Open Hive/Film 6pm-9pm. A film with a message. Beahive, Beacon. (917) 449-6356.


Other Perspectives of Abraham 8pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange. 489-2570.

John Mueller 9pm. Acoustic. Max's on Main, Beacon. 838-6288.


Traditional Taoist/Buddhist Chi Gung & Tai Chi Chaun 7pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 750-6488.

Adult Hebrew Classes 6:30pm. Congregation Shir Chadash, LaGrange.

William Alexander 2pm. Author of 52 Loaves reads and signs. Merritt Books, Red Hook. 758-2665.

Caught Short 8pm. Staged readings of 10-minute plays from the archives of Actors and Writers. $16/$12 members. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

A Wild Solution for Climate Change: Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy 7pm. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-5343.

Body / Mind / Spirit

Avondale Airforce 9pm. With Battle Ave Tea Club. Market Market Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3164.

Mahjan Club: Japanese Culture Club 5pm-7pm. Gomen-Kudasai Noodle Shop, New Paltz. 255-8811.

Jam Session 1pm-2pm. Bring an instrument to play with other musicians. New York State Museum, Albany. (518) 474-5877.

Bright Shadows and Dark Radiance: The Chod Practice 6:30pm-8:30pm. With Dr. Craig Lennon, Psychologist. A psychospiritual journey incorporating Shamanic elements of Buddhist Chod, hypnosis, and shadow psychology. $20. Sage Center for the Healing Arts, Woodstock. 679-5650.

Dance Hip Hop Afro-Fusion Dance 4:30pm-6pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Events Arboretum Open House 10am-3pm. Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson. 758-7235.

Kids Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los Libros Event 4pm-7pm. Plattekill Library, Plattekill. 883-7286.

Music The Bethany & Rufus Roots Quartet Call for times. Live@The Falcon, Marlboro. Suzanne Vega 7:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. Bach B Minor Mass 8pm. Putnam Chorale. United Methodist Church, Mount

William Alexander 11am. Author of 52 Loaves reads and signs Merritt Bookstore, Millbrook. 677-5857.

Outside the Tent 7pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470. Cummings & Goings 7:30pm. Poetry and theater. $12/$7 students. Blooming Grove United Church of Christ, Blooming Grove. 733-4309. Babes in Arms 8pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869.

SUNDAY 2 MAY Art Artist's Way Cluster 11am-1pm. ASK Arts Center, Kingston. 338-0331. Patrick Casey: Oil Paintings 3pm-5pm. Old Chatham Country Store. (518) 794-6227.

Body / Mind / Spirit Beginning Level Dharma Yoga 10am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. The Metaphysical Center Interfaith Worship Service 11:30am. Prayer, meditation and lecture. Guardian Building, Poughkeepsie. 471-4993. Mixed Level Dharma Yoga 11:30am. Mary Guip. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. ECK Worship Service 2pm-3pm. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, Kingston. (800) 749-7791 ext. 2.



Works by Phillippe Parreno 1pm-4pm. Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale. 758-7598.

Life Drawing Workshop 10am-1pm. $135/$120 series, $10 session. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

Body / Mind / Spirit


10th Annual Women's Health and Fitness Expo 7am-5pm. Over 150 exhibits. 20+, free health screenings, seminars, workshops, demos. Tech City, Kingston.


El Baile! Call for times. Tango, salsa, Latin, swing afternoon workshops, evening dance party. $15 class and dance/$10 dance. Keegan Ales, Kingston. 331-2739.

Argentine Tango Workshops & Milonga Call for times. Afternoon workshops, evening milonga with Junior Cervila & Natalia Royo. $20-$95 workshops/$15 milonga only. Mountain View Studio, Woodstock. 679-0901.


Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company 8pm. $24/$20 seniors/$12 children. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845.

Miles of Hope Spring Brunch 11:30am-2:30pm. Grandview, Poughkeepsie.

Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm-1am. Barefoot, smoke-, drug-, alcohol-free. $5/$2 teens and seniors/children free. Knights of Columbus, Kingston. 658-8319.

Events World Laughter Day 2010 Call for times. Downtown Rhinebeck, Rhinebeck. 516-4330.

Kids Choose Your Own Ending: Storytelling and Bookmaking Call for times. Ages 4-8. Children's Media Project, Poughkeepsie. 485-4480.

Music Andrew Rosborough 2pm. Acoustic. Taste Budd's Chocolate and Coffee Cafe, Red Hook. 758-6500. Red Peralta - Rebel Red 7pm. Roots music. Cafe Bocca, Poughkeepsie. 483-7300. Iris Dement 7:30pm. With special guest Bruce Robison. $24. The Egg, Albany. (518) 473-1845. Helen Avakian 8pm. Acoustic. Fisher Center, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900. Living with Elephants 8pm. Marbletown Multi-Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-4143. Woodstock Chamber Orchestra 8pm. Bruch's Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Schumann's Overture, Scherzo and Finale, Faure's, Masques et Bergamasques, and Delius' Walk to Paradise Garden. $20/$5 students. Pointe of Praise Family Life Center, Kingston. 246-7045. We Must Be 8pm. Babycakes Cafe, Poughkeepsie. 485-8411. Chris O'Leary Band CD Release 8:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. The Stoners

2nd Annual Spring Sprint 5K Trail Run 10am-12pm. Shaupeneak Ridge, Esopus. 473-4400 ext. 273.

Music Vassar College Community and Wind Ensemble 2pm. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. Woodstock Chamber Orchestra 3pm. Bruch's Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Schumann's Overture, Scherzo and Finale, Faure's, Masques et Bergamasques, and Delius' Walk to Paradise Garden. $20/$5 students. Reformed Church, Saugerties. 246-7045. Bach B Minor Mass 3pm. Putnam Chorale. Temple Beth Elohim, Brewster. Vassar Camerata 7pm. Music of Josquin, Tallis, Byrd, Arcadelt, Monteverdi, and, with orchestra, Lully’s De Profundis. Martel Theater, Poughkeepsie. 437-5902. The Bobs 7:30pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300. Helen Avakian 8pm. Acoustic. Fisher Center, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900.

Theater Babes in Arms 2pm. $18/$16. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-7869. Outside the Tent 3pm. $15. Cocoon Theater, Rhinebeck. 876-6470.

Workshops Life Drawing 10am-1pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Drawing From the Beginning: Portraiture 2pm-4pm. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. Live, Laugh, Love Workshop 2pm-5pm. Workshop led by certified laughter yoga leaders. $40. Satya Yoga Center, Rhinebeck. 876-2528.

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A Wild Solution for Climate Change - Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy Thursday, April 29th at 7:00 p.m. Join us for the inaugural Ned Ames Honorary Lecture. Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy will explore the impact of climate change on the natural world. Lovejoy, an internationally known ecologist who coined the term “biological diversity” founded the popular PBS program Nature. In 2001, he was awarded the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. Both events will be held in our auditorium at 2801 Sharon Tpk. in Millbrook, NY.  (845) 677-5343 4/10 ChronograM forecast 105

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86 Money & Investing ChronograM 4/10

community benefits Investing for more than profit By Jesse Ordansky


iven the recent stock market tumult, investors are becoming more conscious of where their money is being allocated. Rising trends of cautiousness and social responsibility have overtaken market players since the 2008 crash. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the economic recession in America began in December 2007—shortly after which, stocks began to fall and the market bottomed out: banks failed, stock values plummeted, and individuals worldwide lost allocated money. The crash of 2008 is arguably as significant as previous market failures in 1987 and 1929. Although the initial decline was not as severe, its relentlessness throughout early October left most investors financially devastated. “No investment was immune from the crash,” says Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, president of the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. Individual investors were torn between cutting their losses and pulling their capital out of the market, or hoping for the best by riding out the market’s inevitable ups and downs. According to Mike Kelley, senior vice president of Ulster Savings Bank, those who sold after the market’s initial collapse probably regret doing so. “The biggest mistake is, people pull out of the market when everything is down,” he says. “People who pulled out in January and February [2008] missed out.” Kelley also explains that in the past 12 months the market has risen 60 percent. The crash hurt every investor somehow—from primary shareholders to prospective retirees relying on pension plans, everyone ached. However, those who chose to trust the market’s peaks and valleys rather than pull out immediately have recuperated a marginal amount of their initial losses. In October 2008 the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) closed as low as 8,175.77 but has since regained over 2,000 points. In March 2010 the DJI has hovered around 10,500. Although many people do not have the means to put money into stocks and mutual funds, it seems as though a large portion of the working population is involved in one way or another. According to Papadimitriou, most people are involved through individual retirement plans or pension funds offered by employers.

He recognizes the diversity of players in the market but maintains that not everyone is cut out for it. “My view is that not everyone should be in market,” Papadimitriou says. “Other investments are riskless, like US Treasury bonds and securities. They give you decent return if you take inflation into consideration.” Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are government-issued securities that mature and earn interest over a predetermined amount of time.These investments are backed by the US Treasury and are considered virtually risk free. Beth Jones, registered life planner, financial consultant, and president of Third Eye Associates LTD., considers ultimate financial safety as being “intangible.” She says that if and when individuals choose to invest, the help of a professional is necessary. “People think they can just go out and manage their own portfolios, when they don’t have a clue,” she says. “They watch [the market] go up and down, and by the time they get out, they’ve lost their shirts.” She continues by stating that regardless of knowledge and credibility in terms of playing the stock market, investments are better handled by second parties. “I hire money managers for my portfolio,” she says. “I’m trained, I’m licensed—I could—but I’m too emotional about my own money.” Savvy investing strategies according to both Jones and Kelley should focus on broadly diversified portfolios. That is to say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” as Kelley put it. Stocks and mutual funds rise and fall at different times—when a portfolio is adequately diversified, the success of certain stocks compensates for others’ failures. Kelley believes that it is “difficult to time” supply-and-demand cycles. “Diversification, I think, is the key,” he says. Currently, the safest investments are US Treasury bonds and FDIC-insured savings accounts. However, when played cautiously and correctly, market failures can be an opportunity to capitalize. Richard and Laura Harnden of Kingston are homeowners from middleclass upbringings that chose not to play the market with personal capital. Both lost pension money during the 2008 downturn but avoided financial devastation. Maintaining strictly allocated savings allowed them to invest in a second property as the housing market tumbled forcing the house’s previous owner into foreclosure. Laura says that the family had been toying with the idea for years and hold4/10 ChronograM Money & Investing 87


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4/10 ChronograM Money & Investing 89

money & investing

ing out on the purchase was instrumental to buying at a reasonable price. “We were very careful to make sure that we didn’t overpay,” she says. The Lake George vacation rental was purchased by the Harndens on May 1, 2008, and, as Laura explains, “the bottom came six months after the purchase. I feel like we made a good investment.” For those who take the gamble implied when investing in the stock market, socially responsible stocks and mutual funds are reasonably safe investments that are rising in popularity. Socially responsible investments generally include mutual funds and stocks in companies that practice environmentally friendly business, proper labor treatment, and the manufacturing of safe products. Socially responsible companies are generally held to a higher ethical standard than tobacco companies or weapons manufacturers. Jones cites socially responsible mutual funds to be specifically sound investments. When screening for socially responsible mutual funds, one must accept a narrower range of stocks and, in turn, slightly more market volatility and less portfolio diversification. This concept is illustrated in a June 2008 article titled “The Price of Ethics and Stakeholder Governance: The Performance of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds” and published in the Journal of Corporate Finance. Authors Luc Renneboog, Jenke Ter Horst, and Chendi Zhang say that “the fact that socially responsible investment funds apply screens that limit the full diversification potential may shift the mean-variance frontier towards less favorable riskreturn tradeoffs than those of conventional portfolios.” However, Jones says that “those companies do better in the long run because you’ve already screened out the companies that are higher risk because they don’t have the best corporate practices.” She goes on to say that “if you’re going to invest in something like green energy, I recommend that people have a 10-year-or-more timeline so they can ride out the sharp turns in the market. [Socially responsible companies] are a huge opportunity for the future, especially since markets are fairly priced.” Socially responsible companies, specifically “green” energy companies, are getting more media attention and more government funding since President Obama took office. Although the returns of investing in some of these companies are low in comparison to counterparts, the idea behind these investments is less about making money and more about aligning personal values with portfolios. The New Alternative Fund (NALFX), for example, is rising in popularity due to its socially relevant mantra. NALFX is a mutual fund that invests in companies that contribute to the well-being of the environment. The funds website states that common social concerns are the primary reason for investing in NALFX. Holdings primarily include companies associated with alternative energy research and manufacturing, alongside recycling and environmental conservation. Akin to the risk-return presumption, NALFX has fluctuated little in the past three years and can be seen as underperforming in comparison to funds whose focus is not social responsibility. Aside from stocks and mutual funds, individuals may choose to support social responsibility by investing locally. Contrary to popular belief, buying stock in local businesses carries the same risk as buying shares of Apple, Inc. According to Papadimitriou, investing in local stocks is “not really more of a risk than investing anywhere else. People think that if they invest in those companies, they shouldn’t expect to get higher return.” Jones and Kelley suggest a more fundamental approach to socially responsible and community-oriented investing: Buy local. Kelley endorses shopping at establishments that, in turn, invest in the community. He said that due to Ulster Savings’ contributions to nonprofits, banking locally can also be beneficial to the community. “That’s the way we do our socially responsible investing—investing back into the community.” Jones continues by saying that “the best way to invest in local community is to buy as much as possible from local purveyors. Tax dollars get turned over several times, and the money is really supporting your town—so I think that that is the first and foremost way to invest in your own community.” Given the increasing consciousness toward stocks and mutual funds deemed socially responsible, Jones states that “humanity has got to get a grip at some point, so we think [socially responsible investments] are a good place to be.”

NEWS & POLITICS World, Nation, & Region

And Justice for


The Politics of Punishing Terrorists By Anthony F. Lang Jr.

Editor’s Note: At the time this article was originally published in Ethics & International Affairs, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, as well as four other four co-conspirators, was slated to stand trial in a civilian court in New York City. On January 28, however, the Obama administration began considering moving the trial of the 9/11 defendants out of Manhattan after facing mounting pressure from New York politicians concerned about costs and security. Additionally, Republicans in Congress maintain that they will try to block financing for civilian criminal trials for the alleged terrorists, seeking to force the administration to place them on trial before a military commission in Guantanamo Bay or elsewhere under military jurisdiction.


n November 17, 2009, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced his decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—as well as four other alleged co-conspirators to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States—in a New York federal court. The decision reflects the Obama administration’s efforts to dismantle the system of military courts and detention centers that had been a focal point of the Bush administration’s “war on terror.” The response of prominent members of the Bush administration and other leading Republicans to the announcement was swift, as they accused the Obama administration of failing to understand the danger of trying a terrorist on US soil. A secondary concern, expressed at Attorney General Holder’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 18, was that the trial would give the accused the chance to avoid conviction. The protections of a legal team and the vagaries of juries, it was argued, could result in a suspected terrorist escaping justice. The decision to try Mohammed in New York has also generated controversy in Europe and among international legal experts. Many fear that he would be unable to receive a fair trial in the United States, much less in New York City, where passions over the attacks of 2001 continue to run high. The Guardian, Britain’s most prominent paper of the Left, welcomed the decision by the Obama administration, but raised red flags regarding possible pitfalls, such as nonimpartial jurors, tainted evidence procured through torture, and— perhaps the most objectionable element from a European perspective—the potential for a capital sentence. This conflict, manifest in both US domestic politics and on the international level, reveals a problem of international criminal justice that has yet to be con-

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fronted by the international legal and diplomatic community. While the creation of international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the 1990s represents an emerging consensus to move away from impunity by embracing legal responses to international crime, a number of important issues still need to be addressed. Debates about trying and punishing terrorists reveal how the failure to construct a shared normative consensus in international criminal justice continues to bedevil the international community. As this short essay will demonstrate, the only way to achieve this consensus is to engage in the messy business of politics—the public, deliberative process by which authority, law, and values are constructed for a community. Punishment and Politics Punishment is a political act, not simply a legal one. As a legal act, it is designed to ensure compliance with the law, protect society, and provide justice to the victim. However, punishment is not only about the criminal and the victim. A just punishment brings a society back into balance—a society that includes victims, criminals, and all those affected by the original violation. But even this account is too simplistic. Punishment not only heals a broken community but also reconstructs that community in new ways. Communities must determine not simply who deserves punishment but also how to punish. This process is “political” in two senses. First, it inscribes certain kinds of values in the community; for example, the choice to impose a capital sentence rather than a prison term reflects and reinforces existing values within a political culture as a whole. Second, it reinforces the power of the authority structure that governs a community. Punishment is the moment when a community sanctions certain kinds of violence against some of its members—violence that is legitimate because it is in the service of enforcing the law and values of that community. If a community views punishment as simply the enforcement of the law, and fails to appreciate these political aspects, then punishment may be seen as unjust. One way to create a just system of punishment is to move the political debate to a public, deliberative context in which decisions about both authority and values can be acknowledged and formalized. In this sense the choice of punishment reveals what a community values and how it understands legitimate authority. If this is the case, investigating the practices of punishment at the international level can provide some insight into

REUTERS/Ismail Zetouny Abdel Basset al-Megrahi is seen in his room at a hospital in Tripoli, libya on September 9, 2009.The Libyan convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing was released from a scottish prison on compassionate grounds on august 20, 2010, following doctors’ findings that al-megrahi had less than three months to live due to terminal prostate cancer. more than six months later, al-megrahi is alive and living as a free man in libya.

what values and principles the global community holds as well as which agents it sees as legitimately able to use violence against those who break the law. In other words, how the international community punishes those who commit international crimes can tell us a great deal about the intersection of law, ethics, and politics at the global level. International or National Punishment? One obvious place to begin such an investigation is the growing international criminal law of the post-cold war period. This body of law, the roots of which can be traced to natural law and the law of nations, can be found in international criminal tribunals, mixed tribunals, and the ICC. The decisions being made by these bodies, coupled with commentary from legal and moral theorists, reflect a broadly cosmopolitan legal culture, one in which war crimes, crimes against humanity, human rights violations, and genocide are evils to be eradicated from the community of nations. Legal and ethical theorists have celebrated the increasing reach of this law as a move forward in the progressive realization of a more just and peaceful world order. At first glance, the punishments imposed by these international institutions seem to reflect this same progressivist, cosmopolitan sentiment. Neither the Yugoslav nor Rwandan tribunal allows capital punishment, and the Yugoslav tribunal has refused to issue sentences of life imprisonment. In fact, the first individual sentenced by the Yugoslav tribunal, DuĹĄko Tadic, was released from prison in 2008 after having served fourteen years of his twenty-year sentence. Yet the wide range of sentencing decisions at the international level suggests an inchoate amalgamation of objectives rather than a clearly defined set of progressive values. These objectives waver among deterrence, retribution, and rehabilitation. Differences across the various tribunals and courts in their sentencing judgments have also led to confusion about the values the institutions seek to promote. For instance, the Rwandan tribunal has consistently imposed harsher sentences than the Yugoslav tribunal. As Mark Drumbl has explained,

the failure to clarify the purpose behind punishment in international criminal law has to some extent vitiated the potential for these institutions to help constitute a just and peaceful international order. International criminal law has been celebrated for its possible role in ending impunity and eliminating international crimes. But of course no criminal justice system can truly eliminate crime; it can only attempt to manage it. The utopian hope that international criminal law can resolve what are essentially political problems at the international level has resulted in a confused body of law that has failed to live up to initial expectations. The politics that underlie law are obvious in a national legal system, where laws emerge from various forms of bargaining, compromise, and debate. International law arises from a similar process of conflict and compromise, but because international law is seen to represent a global normative consensus, we sometimes fail to appreciate its fundamentally political nature. As a result, when political conflict arises in this realm, it is often seen as a problem to be overcome, rather than as a sign that an honest debate needs to take place. Importantly, when national institutions respond to international crimes, it is not always clear which community is being constituted; that is, it is not clear what political context underlying the legal decision is most important. Are sentences issued by national courts in response to international crimes a reflection of their own national experiences? Can those responses be part of the construction of a larger international community? What is the relationship between these contexts? Terrorism in particular provides important insights into the complicated process by which national courts address international crimes. The drafters of the 1998 Rome Treaty that created the ICC chose to leave this crime outside its ambit, a political decision that partly reflected the difficulty in defining terrorism, an essential step in criminalizing a practice.This decision, controversial at the time, prevented the international community from turning to criminal law in response to the attacks of 9/11 and the rise of such global terrorist 4/10 ChronograM news & politics 25

networks as al-Qaeda. Thus, there is no legal basis for a truly international response to the crime of terrorism, which is today largely addressed through national court structures; and, consequently, responses to terrorism remain mingled with national agendas and interests. Yet, clearly, terrorists have been held, tried, and punished in a wide range of contexts, some less in accordance with the rule of law than others (for example, at Guantanamo Bay). One recent attempt to address an international terrorist incident through a national political structure—wherein a convicted terrorist was released by Scottish authorities—reveals the inherently political nature of crime and punishment. Lockerbie On August 20, 2009, the Scottish justice secretary, Kenny MacAskill announced his decision to release Abdelbaset Ali Mahmud al-Megrahi of Libya, who was convicted of murder in relation to the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on December 21, 1988. Secretary MacAskill justified his decision on compassionate grounds, noting that al-Megrahi suffered from terminal prostate cancer and was facing imminent death according to doctors attending him in Scotland. The fact that the crime for which al-Megrahi was punished took place on an American airliner over Scottish skies made this an international issue. For a variety of reasons, the process by which he was tried, his sentence, and many of the other details surrounding his prosecution created international political complications. At the very outset, the location of al-Megrahi’s trial became a point of heated dispute among the American, British, and Libyan authorities. Al-Megrahi was living in Libya when he was accused of helping orchestrate the bombing, and the refusal of the Libyan government to put him on trial resulted in sanctions by the United Nations Security Council. After much debate, and prompted by the last-minute intervention of Nelson Mandela with the Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, two suspects were sent to The Hague, where it had been agreed they would be tried, though by Scottish judges under Scottish law. On January 31, 2001, the judges found al-Megrahi guilty of murder, but released his alleged coconspirator, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah. Subsequent to his exhaustion of the appeals process, al-Megrahi was sentenced to life in prison and sent to a facility outside Glasgow. On June 10, 2002, Nelson Mandela again intervened, asking that al-Megrahi be placed in a prison in an Arab country (presumably Libya), where his Islamic religion would not make him subject to abuse by other prisoners, a request that was denied at the time. In autumn 2008 he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer, the condition that eventually precipitated his release. As these diplomatic complexities suggest, the trial and punishment of al-Megrahi was already creating international normative conflict before the decision to release him came about. On the one hand, Mandela is considered a genuine humanitarian who embodies the liberal ethos of the rule of law and democracy, both of which he helped to institute in a post-apartheid South Africa. At the same time, Mandela initially intervened while acting as president of an African country that positioned itself as a voice for an alternative international order, one that Libya’s Gaddafi also helped to constitute.This alternative order sees the politics of colonialism and imperialism as having contaminated international law by creating what many in the developing world believe to be a two-tiered system of justice—a belief substantiated by the fact that the ICC has only placed African conflicts on its docket and that the Rwandan tribunal has issued harsher penalties than theYugoslav tribunal. Mandela’s eventual support for al–Megrahi’s release (at that time, as a former South African president) reflects the view of many in the developing world that the punishment for this act reinstates a particular Western legal order that does not correspond to their reality. Because punishment not only reflects values but reveals authority, those who have been left out of the construction of the current international justice system will continue to agitate against it. The prosecution of al-Megrahi became the subject of complex legal and diplomatic negotiations that included American, British, and Libyan officials. Secretary MacAskill’s statement of August 20 provides a window into the issues surrounding the case. As he notes, “This is a global issue, and international in its nature. The questions to be asked and answered are beyond the jurisdiction of Scots law and the restricted remit of the Scottish Government.”Yet, despite this statement, he goes on to assert that this matter is one for the Scottish, not even British, government. 26 news & politics ChronograM 4/10

MacAskill was very clear about the various considerations that went into his decision, noting that he had met with representatives of the US government, the Libyan government, and families of both American and British victims. He acknowledged that neither the U.S. government nor the families of American victims believed releasing al–Megrahi was justified. He also stated that the British government in Westminster had not provided any guidance to him, which, coming from a Scottish nationalist politician, had distinctly political undertones. MacAskill said that according to the medical advice he had received, al-Megrahi had only three months to live, which made him eligible for compassionate release according to Scottish law. But what was perhaps most important, Secretary MacAskill pointed to the values that prompted his decision to release the prisoner. While explicitly noting that al-Megrahi was guilty, he concluded that releasing the prisoner was justified in accordance with the laws and values of Scotland: “In Scotland, we are a people who pride ourselves on our humanity. It is viewed as a defining characteristic of Scotland and the Scottish people.The perpetration of an atrocity and outrage cannot and should not be a basis for losing sight of who we are, the values we seek to uphold, and the faith and beliefs by which we seek to live. Mr. Al-Megrahi did not show his victims any comfort or compassion. They were not allowed to return to the bosom of their families to see out their lives, let alone their dying days. No compassion was shown by him to them. But, that alone is not a reason for us to deny compassion to him and his family in his final days. Our justice system demands that judgment be imposed, but compassion be available. Our beliefs dictate that justice be served, but mercy be shown. Compassion and mercy are about upholding the beliefs that we seek to live by, remaining true to our values as a people. No matter the severity of the provocation or the atrocity perpetrated.” Since his 20-minute public explanation, MacAskill has been subject to a rollercoaster ride of adulation and condemnation. Scottish public opinion initially supported the decision, perhaps buoyed by the justice secretary’s claim that Scottish people prided themselves on their “humanity.” The fact that the Edinburgh government, not Westminster, had made the decision suggested that perhaps Scotland could well have its own foreign policy, a fact that reinforced MacAskill’s position in the Scottish National Party. Only a few days later, though, opinion polls saw MacAskill’s decision plummet in popularity. Negative reactions from the United Kingdom and the United States, suggestions that the decision may have damaged the “reputation” of the Scottish legal system, and conspiracy theories about Prime Minister Gordon Brown wilting in the face of Libyan pressure created a concatenation of bad press that reversed whatever goodwill MacAskill may have initially garnered.The anger from victims’ groups in the United States was particularly pronounced, and involved efforts to boycott Scottish goods and discourage visits to Scotland. What explains this anger? Scottish families were also victims of the attack, with a number killed when parts of the plane fell on the village of Lockerbie. Are Scots really more “humane” than Americans? It would be surprising if this were true, given their broadly similar political cultures.Yet there is clearly a difference when it comes to the values underlying the two criminal justice systems. Like the rest of Europe, the United Kingdom does not allow the death penalty. Coupled with this, the normative assumptions related to terrorism also differ in important ways in the two countries. Especially after 9/11, the American response to terrorist atrocities has been motivated by a strongly retributive conception of justice, one that has led to large-scale military operations around the world. The British—victims of IRA-sponsored terrorism for decades as well as recent attacks by Islamists—have preferred a more deterrent-oriented approach, one that focuses on the larger social structures that produce terrorism rather than a strike against those guilty of such acts. Of course, these are both contested assumptions that can be challenged in many ways, but they reflect a basic truth: the values and norms that underlie American responses to terrorism differ in important ways from British ones. The decision by Secretary MacAskill, while posed as a “Scottish” one, reflects those wider British, or even European, values in important ways. Such differences make any attempt to deal with international acts of terrorism through national legal and political structures inherently contestable. Secretary MacAskill’s decision and the intense response demonstrate how value conflicts, even among the closest of allies, can generate international tensions.

REUTERS/Courtesy US News & World Report Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is shown in this file photograph during his arrest on March 1, 2003. Accused September 11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to be executed after being tried and convicted, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on January 31, 2010. The Obama administration has begun looking for places other than New York City to prosecute Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators.

What Is to Be Done? Both retributive and deterrence–oriented value systems are justifiable. Retributive notions of punishment reflect the values of justice and fair play. Deterrent notions of punishment reflect utilitarian understandings of creating a more just society as a whole. The point in exploring the Lockerbie episode is twofold: First, despite an apparent normative consensus in international criminal law, the disputes surrounding sentencing and punishment in the Lockerbie case reveal much more contested terrain. While almost all people share the belief that terrorism, genocide, and human rights violations are serious crimes, there is wide disagreement on what punishment is appropriate for these crimes. Second, the fact that one of the most important international crimes, terrorism, is addressed through national court structures means that normative conflicts at the global level in matters of crime and punishment will surely continue. What can be done about this? The international community needs to initiate a wider discussion about both sentencing standards and the crime of terrorism. These issues could be addressed through the ICC or perhaps through a multilateral treaty process. The political complexities surrounding terrorism are certainly serious and not easily solvable. One suggestion would be to work out some sentencing guidelines first for the crimes currently in place and move toward a clearer statement of the criminalization of terrorism at a later stage. In both the Lockerbie and 9/11 cases, then, the decision as to where an individual is to be tried and punished for terrorism-related crimes raises important questions at the intersection of law and politics. As with the equally thorny issue of aggression, an agreed upon definition of terrorism must be the

first step. Because punishment is the legitimate use of violence by an authority, the second question is the determination of which agents in the global community should impose sentences for terrorism and related crimes. Third, and perhaps most fundamentally, the international community needs to clarify how it punishes not only convicted terrorists but perpetrators of genocide and other war criminals. Can a simple decision to try a case, whether at the national or international level, resolve these issues? Despite the myth that the legal process alone can solve these problems, it will not. Rather, such cases—indeed, any legal process—require more sustained political effort. The creation of the ICC in 1998 demonstrated one such effort, but the failure to include terrorism in that groundbreaking institution needs redressing. Just as national laws arise from the cockpit of a politically charged legislature, international legal structures, including those surrounding international criminal law, need to address more openly and honestly the political conflicts that continue to strain the international system. Until the international political community attends to the problems of terrorism and punishment through a public deliberative process that includes a wide range of actors in the international community, a mere turn to either national or international courts will not resolve these issues. A new values consensus is necessary, one that will emerge only through political debate. The Obama administration is well placed in its relations with the European and international legal community to begin the process of addressing these questions. It should begin this process soon. This article was originally published in the spring 2010 issue of Ethics & International Affairs. 4/10 ChronograM news & politics 27

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4/10 ChronograM tastings directory 67


by peter aaron

Play Misty for Me Marilyn Crispell


here’s a sweet sadness that hangs in the morning air. A cold, monochromatic mist hugging the damp, coarse rocks. Gray and black. Black and gray. Barely a sound. Bleak…but beautiful. It might be the view out our own Hudson Valley windows in rainy mid March, when this is being written. It might be the lonely, wind-and-wave-lashed shores of Cape Cod in the off-season. Or it could be somewhere in rural Scandinavia at around the same time, when conversations happen around warming indoor fires and steaming bowls of yellow pea soup called ärtsoppa. And it could also be exactly how the recent music of Marilyn Crispell sounds: sparse, icy, haunting. But how about all four scenarios combined? That wouldn’t really be a stretch, given that the fabled Woodstock pianist has spent considerable time absorbing the atmosphere in all of the above locales, although it’s northernmost Europe that’s fascinated her most these last few years. “I’ve always been a winter person, and there’s something very cozy about the way the Scandinavian people live during that part of the year,” says Crispell, who frequently performs in the region, often with native musicians, and was sufficiently moved to name one of her pieces for Sweden. “Burning torches, 52 music ChronograM 4/10

photo by Fionn Reilly

lining the city streets with candles for their festivals. I love the feeling of silence and space there, those pre-Christian, mystical Viking vibes. And I love Nordic folk music. It has this great, wild, keening sound. I recorded with [Swedish singer and fiddler] Lena Willemark, who I’ve become a big fan of. Even the furniture design there somehow reminds me of my musical aesthetic.” The aesthetic in question is one that has changed much over time. It’s a sensibility that Crispell has been cultivating since she started taking lessons at age seven in her Philadelphia birthplace—long before the early 1980s, when she would emerge from the free-music scene to become one of modern jazz’s leading pianists. Her family later moved to Baltimore, where she spent most of her childhood, before she went on to study classical styles at Johns Hopkins University’s Peabody Institute. Crispell spent her summers at a music composition camp in Vermont. “I lived for those six weeks every year when I could go [to the camp] and be with people like me,” she recalls. “The instructor there, Grace Cushman, introduced me to improvisation. An amazing woman.” Crispell next enrolled at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, but stopped playing around the time she got married in 1969.

PRESENTS MVP: THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY Sunday Apr 11 3pm $15-25 SECOND CITY COMEDY THEATRE Friday Apr 16 8pm $25-30 JOE BONAMASSA Saturday Apr 17 8pm $34.50-$49.50 ANTONIA ARTS PRESENTS “CATS” Sunday Apr 18 5pm $25 Adults / $15 Children-Seniors

THE BEACH BOYS Friday Apr 23 7:30pm $45-$125 Gold Circle ANDY COONEY BENEFIT FOR SISTERS AT GRAYMOOR Sunday Apr 25 2pm $26.50 VENICE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA Friday Apr 30 8pm $35-55 TAJ MAHAL Sunday May 2 7pm $25-50

Drop by the Box Office, Call or Order Tickets Online Paramount Center for the Arts 1008 Brown Street Peekskill, NY 10566



Text the word TIX to the number 77962 for your chance to win free tickets to 2 upcoming shows this season

"...a revolving roll call of top jazz talent..." Nate Chinen / The New York Times

But after a divorce and a move to the Cape, she had an epiphanic encounter with John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme, which opened the door to a new universe. She learned jazz harmony under influential educator Charlie Banacos and in 1977 moved to Woodstock to study and eventually teach at the legendary Creative Music Studio. “One really needs to listen to Marilyn’s music from a purely emotional standpoint,” says CMS founder Karl Berger. “She’s unique in that she’s never really tried to follow others’ leads. She does her own thing, it all comes from her.” Crispell describes her time at CMS as “fantastic, unique, beautiful, complex.” Those same four adjectives also perfectly describe the style Crispell had begun to formulate by this time, a captivating approach reminiscent of the propulsive “energy music” of Cecil Taylor. It won her a key admirer in the eminent composer, saxophonist, and sometime CMS teacher Anthony Braxton, who in 1978 recruited her for his quartet. After several successful European tours and albums with Braxton, she began leading her own bands and performing with Evan Parker, Reggie Workman, Barry Guy, Fred Anderson, Gerry Hemingway, and other groundbreakers. She cut a stack of fiery, highly praised albums as a side person and leader for key labels like Leo, hatArt, Black Saint, and Music & Arts, before her playing began to suggest a somewhat more lyrical side in the realm of Keith Jarrett and Paul Bley. She made her debut with Germany’s ECM Records in 1996 with Nothing Ever Was, Anyway, an album of compositions by her fellow Woodstocker Annette Peacock that features drummer Paul Motian and bassist Gary Peacock. Amaryllis, another outing with the same exemplary trio, arrived in 2001, followed by 2004’s Storyteller, which features bass man Mark Helias taking over for Gary Peacock. Her first solo set for ECM, the elegiac and supremely meditative Vignettes (reviewed in the September 2008 issue of Chronogram), came next. To say Crispell and ECM are a perfect fit is putting it mildly. The label, which has nurtured the careers of Pat Metheny, Charlie Haden, Keith Jarrett, Dave Holland, and Chick Corea, has a stark, coolly Teutonic, and classically informed sound that’s a musical school all its own. Next month, the iconic imprint will release Crispell’s newest effort, One Dark Night I Left My Silent House, a collaboration with Cold Spring clarinetist David Rothenberg. Imbued with a glacial, almost unbearable tension that never quite reaches its point of release, the disc also stands out from Crispell’s earlier recordings in that she also contributes percussive “soundboard” and the taut, scraped strings of her piano’s interior. The recording holds 13 austere improvisations, many of them with titles alluding to birds: “Owl Moon,” “The Hawk and the Mouse,” “Still Life with Woodpeckers.” The album is longtime ECM disciple Rothenberg’s first for the label but certainly not his first wildlife-themed project. His works with Basic Books and Terra Nova Records include the illustratively named volume Why Birds Sing, which begat an album of the same title featuring his live duets with birds, and another book, Thousand Mile Song (reviewed in the July 2008 issue of Chronogram), which examines the undersea sounds of whales and was complemented by the same year’s Whale Music, a live-on-location session of Rothenberg playing along with the amplified sounds of arctic whales. “Since [the tracks on One Dark Night] were all improvised, Marilyn and I didn’t actually name them until later, after we’d spent some time listening to the recordings,” says Rothenberg, on the line from Hawaii, where he’s taping another album with whales. “But I do love the idea of birdsong and piano, so I guess I had that in the back of my mind when we were playing. Marilyn’s unusual as a musician in that she’s very focused—very, very deep—and very spontaneous at the same time.” “I wouldn’t so much say that my style has changed over the years; more that it’s just opened up,” argues Crispell. “I’ve always been more comfortable in the right half of my brain, which I guess is why I got into improvising in the first place. But to me the energy music I did earlier and the quieter stuff I’ve been doing lately are equally intense. They’re just two sides of the same coin.” So, yes, it’s fair to say that Crispell’s music has chilled from the white heat of her name-making ’80s epoch into its current state of crystalline coolness. But does that also mean it’s frozen in place? Far from it. It may travel at different speeds, but it’s always moving forward. One Dark Night I Left My Silent House will be released June 8 on ECM Records.

Extremely Hip Line Up for April 2010 Friday April 2 Kevin Hayes with Joe Lovano, Judi Silvano & special guests to benefit Haiti Opening Act The Jesse Denaro Band Saturday April 3 Hugh Brodie & the Cosmic Ensemble Opening Act Marva P. Clark-Pianist Friday April 9 Vijay Iyer Opening Act Akie Bermiss Saturday April 10 Idan Santhaus Big Band with Todd Coolman & John Riley Thursday April 15 Mark Hummel & The Blues Survivors Opening Act Mojo Myles Mancuso Friday April 16 Adam Levy & The Mint Imperials Opening Act Judith Tulloch Band Saturday April 17 Marcus Strickland Trio Opening Act Concepts Project Friday April 23 The Pedro Giraudo Jazz Orchestra Saturday April 24 Cyro Baptista’s Banquet of the Spirits Opening Act The Amazing Mr. Spoons Friday April 30 The Bethany & Rufus Roots Quartet Opening Act Kyle Miller

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4/10 ChronograM music 53

nightlife highlights Handpicked by music editor Peter Aaron for your listening pleasure.

Center for Spectrum Services Benefit April 3. The Center for Spectrum Services (formerly known as the Children’s Annex) in Kingston has been serving the needs of children with autism since 1976. This benefit for the invaluable facility takes place at the Rosendale Theatre and brings together two of the local children’s music scene’s heavy hitters: the inimitable Dog on Fleas and the precocious upstart crew Kidz Town Rock. (The latter’s self-titled debut album was reviewed in the December 2009 issue of Chronogram.) Family fun and fund-raising for a fine cause? Time to rock that juice box. 1pm. $8, 12. Rosendale. (845) 616-6331;

Electric Frankenstein April 16. New Jersey’s Electric Frankenstein is one of the finer exemplars of what some call “punk ’n’ roll”; a classicist approach rooted in 1977-era punk and hard rock—think Dead Boys, Dictators, AC/DC. Led by brothers Sal and Dan Canzonieri, EF goes through players the way Spinal Tap goes through drummers (22 members over 19 years), but, like its monstrous namesake, the band simply refuses to die. Opening the bill at Snapper Magee’s are the Rebel Dead, Nightmares for a Week, and the Dead Aces. (The Hudson Falcons, Last Beats, Bobby Peru, and the Caps rock on April 24.) 10pm. $5. Kingston. (845) 339-3888;

Inner Circle April 17. If you’ve seen TV’s “Cops,” you’re already familiar with the music of Inner Circle; the band won a Grammy for its 1994 album Bad Boys (RAS Records), whose title track serves as the show’s theme song. But the group’s history actually goes back much farther, to 1968, when it formed in its native Jamaica. The death of original singer Jacob Miller in 1980 put Inner Circle on hiatus for a few years, but the band later regrouped to become one of reggae’s most popular touring acts. This hot Bearsville Theater date will be the Irie proof. With the Big Takeover. (Indie heroes the Hold Steady bring it on April 8; ex-Stone Mick Taylor rolls in April 30.) 8pm. $20, 25. Bearsville. (845) 679-4406; www.

Mary Gauthier



Bearsville Theater


(845) 679-4406/ Box Office Hours Tues. – Fri. 12 – 4pm

Most Thursdays


Bluegrass Clubhouse 8-10pm

9 Miss Angie’s Karaoke LIVE! 10pm

Friday April 2

Purple K’nif

Saturday April 3


DJ Heat


April 27. Easily one of the greatest songwriters working today, alt-country queen Mary Gauthier populates her deeply affecting tunes with the stuff of her own hard-living youth and the characters she’s met along the way. Her noirish narratives, found on such stunning albums as 1999’s Drag Queens in Limousines (Munich Records) and 2002’s Filth & Fire (Signature Sounds Records), have had her likened to Townes Van Zandt, John Prine, and Lucinda Williams, and drawn praise from the ol’ Bard himself, Bob Dylan. And since Gauthier used to run a successful restaurant in Boston, maybe the Morganstern family will let her tool around in the kitchen between sets at this Rosendale Cafe return show. Or maybe not. (Blues guitarist Duke Robillard gets our pick for April 23.) 8pm. $20. Rosendale. (845) 658-9048;

All-Star Blues Blowout May 1. Let this be a compelling reminder: Not long from now, getting to hear America’s greatest and most influential music, the blues, performed live in the flesh by some of its most essential architects is something you simply will not be able to do. Which, whether or not you’ve seen any of them play individually before, makes this fantasy-worthy assembly of some of the form’s very few remaining living gods—Mississippi-born pianist Pinetop Perkins, Howlin’ Wolf guitarist Hubert Sumlin, and harpist/Muddy Waters drummer Willie “Big Eyes” Smith—at Columbia-Greene Community College a performance you’d certainly kick yourself for missing. Really the blues, as it were. 7pm. $22. Hudson. (518) 828-4181;

Thursday April 8

Hold Steady with special guest The Oranges Band

Saturday April 10

Epiphany Project with Bet Williams and John Hodian

Saturday April 17

Inner Circle with special guest The Big Takeover

Friday April 23


9 Grizzly Adams with special guest Love Eat Sleep

Tuesday April 27

Elvis Perkins in Dearland

Wednesday April 28

Still Time

Friday April 30


Mick Taylor with special guest Voodelic


Full Bar, Streamside Lounge, Gourmet Dining at

The Bear Cafe! 291 Tinker St. Woodstock, NY 12498 54 music ChronograM 4/10


cd reviews Michael Hurley Ida Con Snock (Gnomonsong Records, 2009)

Michael Hurley might be our least-known American treasure. But you sure can’t fault the veteran folk singer-songwriter for that: Ida Con Snock, recorded partly at Levon Helm’s Woodstock digs and featuring the younger but like-minded local outfit Ida, is at least his 20th album (tracking musicians like Hurley can be an inexact science) since he emerged in the mid ’60s. Since then, the creative outlaw nicknamed Snock has blazed a trail of remarkable consistency and unpolished quality through American culture, not just musically but as a bona fide roots character as well (drawing comics, riding the rails, collaborating with underground icons such as Greenwich Village freak Peter Stampfel). There’s nothing about Ida Con Snock to recommend it to fans that already have a pile of Hurley records, save for its low-light glow, its irrepressibly human feeling, and its outright Snockness. Ida backs him hand in glove, with spare, intuitive arrangements and Elizabeth Mitchell’s achingly pretty backing vocals—when she enters on “Wildegeeses,” one of the album’s highlights, it’ll give you warm chills. Hurley shows signs of graceful aging in his voice, which has always been softly graveled (except when he yodels), but he’s hardly been better; childlike whimsy (the call and response on “Hoot Owls”) and deep, knowing poignancy (“I Stole the Right to Live” and the sweet come-on “The Time Is Right”) are often separated by just the creak in his voice. Yeah, old fans need this, and those yet to be acquainted can easily start their affair with Hurley here. —Mike Wolf

Steve Lambert May (Planet Arts Network, 2009)

You’ve never had more on your plate: an editing deadline approaching with the speed of a bullet, a pile of laundry having the malodor of a backed-up sink, three months’ worth of rent due and then a thundering roll of knocks at the door…wouldn’t this be a good time to listen to trumpeter and flugelhorn player Steve Lambert’s May? It’s an assuasive aside from life’s more trying moments (just don’t open the door). With a homegrown Capital Region sextet, it’s the Schenectady native’s debut as a leader (and his first disc for Catskill label Planet Arts Network). Lambert premieres six of his compositions: “Double Tough” edges out from drummer Joe Barna’s intro riff with a unison melodic line between him and tenor saxophonist Brian Patneaude; from there it’s a real swinger with the addition of alto saxophonist Keith Pray. The South of the Border-inflected “Steve’s Tune” has a shrewdness to it, displayed in Barna’s tight and seamless change-off from toms to snare and the front line’s construction of a crystalline, three-tiered harmonization of the melody. The title tune is ripe with lushness and beauty; pianist Dave Solazzo’s rustling solo is bright and buoyant, while bassist Mike DelPrete’s is more sonorous. Lambert’s tone on flugelhorn, leaning close to that of trumpeter Thad Jones, is effusively warm, particularly on “Yearning Lost.” Three standards are included on May: Jimmy Van Heusen’s “Like Someone in Love,” Jule Styne’s “It’s You or No One,” and Kurt Weill’s “Mack the Knife.” Listening to the sextet suavely curl through a ballad-leaning version of the latter begs the question: Who knew ol’ Mackie to be such a nice fellow? —Cheryl K. Symister-Masterson

The Trapps Cheap Seats (Independent, 2009)

The Trapps’ sophomore effort feeds off of the old mountains and deep roots that surround their New Paltz home. In the same vein, the new album, Cheap Seats, a mix of classic rock, Americana, and adult alternative, doesn’t break new ground, but fervently embraces the stylings of great folk rockers who veered into the Summer of Love and its wistful aftermath.With songwriter and leader Sean Schenker on vocals and guitar, Warren Gold on lead guitar, Jason Sarubbi on bass, and Seth Moutal on drums, the members pride themselves on their religious support of the song. A seemingly obvious pursuit, it is nonetheless noble and shines clearly in the production of the record and its bevy of well-crafted and harmless tunes. The instrumentation is superb, the tones are spot-on and aptly captured. The lyrical metaphors come across as clichéd at times, but are earnest and well voiced. The players, the mix, and the production all come together and succeed in delivering on standard themes of birth, death, love, and life, with a succinct dash of political awareness. Interestingly, the band’s website states that nearby “rock climbing is symbolic of the band’s approach to the limitless boundaries they are willing to explore, the risks they are willing to take when creating their music.” Ironically, if the record has one drawback, it is that it is contrived and lacks risk. It would be nice to hear some of that coarse and raw risk, from the cigarette crags and whisky berms to the ethereal and hoarse whispers of our awesome Shawangunk Ridge, mixed into the music. —Jason Broome

Bob Schneider


APR 2 / 8pm

APR 3 / 8Pm



APR 7 / 8pm


Dancing on

the Air

APR 14 / 8pm

APR 15 / 6pm







APR 22 / 7pm


APR 16 / 9pm


ERELLI MAY 14 / 8pm

The official ticket sponsor of the linda is tech valley communications. THE HOLD STEADY IS SPONSORED BY 97.7 THE EXIT. food for thought copresented by the honest weight food coop. FILM PROGRAMMING SUPPORTED WITH PUBLIC FUNDS FROM THE NEW YORK STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS,A STATE AGENCY.

UPSTATE MUSICIANS AND ARTISTS: Your work deserves attention. Which means you need a great bio for your press kit or website. One that’s tight. Clean. Professionally written. Something memorable. Something a booking agent, a record-label person, a promoter, or a gallery owner won’t just use to wipe up the coffee spill on their desk before throwing away. You need my skills and experience.

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4/10 ChronograM music 55

2010 ROSENDALE EARTHFEST AND EXPO Sunday, June 6 • 11 am to 4 pm at the Rosendale Recreation Center, Route 32, Rosendale

WHAT’S HAPPENING: Exhibits on energy and green-building, food and local agriculture and economy, water resources, re-use and recycling. Performances by Dog on Fleas and Rusty Johnson and his Wild Animals. Food, hands-on activities, games, and more.

Info: or (845) 339-3062 Hosted by the Rosendale Environmental Commission, held in conjunction with the season opening of the Rosendale Farmer’s Market Admission: free/donation

46 museums & galleries ChronograM 4/10

Sponsored By:

arts & culture APRIL 2010

Bonnie Smith’s porcelin sculpture Croix des Bouquets, showing at Surprenant Gallery in Kingston through April 24.

4/10 ChronograM museums & galleries 47

museums & galleries

Ron Balsamo, The James Barn, oil on canvas. Balsamo’s painting is part of the “Far and Wide: Woodstock, NY Regional� exhibit, juried by Patricia Phagan, which will be on display through May 2 at the Woodstock Artists Association and Museum.

museums & galleries

THE ALDRICH CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM 258 MAIN ST., RIDGEFIELD, CONNECTICUT (203) 438-4519. “Jo Yarrington: Ocular Visions.� Through June 6. “Paying a Visit to Mary: 2008 Hall Curatorial Fellowship Exhibition.� Through June 6. “Sleeping Under the Stars, Living Under Satellites: Sarah Bishop’s Cave.� Jeanne Finley and John Muse. Through June 6. “Tom Molly.� Through June 6. “White Box: Photographs of the Unseen Museum.� Chad Kleitsch. Through June 6.

ALLIUM RESTAURANT + BAR 42 RAILROAD STREET, GREAT BARRINGTON (413) 528-2118. “Works by Mark W. Mulherrin.� Through June 30.

DC Studios Stained Glass

ANN STREET GALLERY 104 ANN STREET, NEWBURGH 562-6940 ext. 119. “Fahrenheit 180: A Group Encaustic Exhibition.� Through April 10. Opening Saturday, April 10, 6pm-9pm.


ARTS ON THE LAKE 640 ROUTE 52, KENT LAKES 228-2685. “Facets: Intellect and Emotion.� Spring Reflectionist Art Show. April 25-May 3. Opening Sunday, April 25, 1pm-4pm.


Custom Work & Restoration • Framing for Stained Glass 21 Winston Drive Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-3200

Our Lampshades and Panels are available for purchase at A COLLECTORS EYE 511 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534

97 BROADWAY, KINGSTON 338-0331. “Poetry of the Flowering World.� Lynne Friedman. April 3-28. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-8pm. “Three Dimensional Wall Sculpture.� Member’s exhibit. April 3-28. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-8pm.

BARRETT ART CENTER 55 NOXON STREET, POUGHKEEPSIE 471-2550. “Art of the Garden.� Multi-artist spring floral show. Through April 3. “Photography of the Garden.� Photographs by Leonard Bard. Through April 3.

BAU 161 MAIN STREET, BEACON 440-7584. “Thaw.� Through April 4.


Spring “Awakening� Show th


April 17 ~ June 14

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Art in Historic Rhinebeck 48 museums & galleries ChronograM 4/10

199 MAIN STREET, BEACON 838-1600. “Water, Water, Everywhere.� Through October 3.



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201 SOUTH DIVISION STREET, PEEKSKILL (914) 737-1701. “From the Heart, Intuitive Abstractions.� New works by Susan Weinreich. Through May 16.

6423 Montgomery Street (US-9)

Michael Cohen

116 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 828-4539. “Lifelike.� An exhibition including work by Ching Ho Cheng, Lynn Itzkowitz, Camilo Kerrigan, Joy Taylor and Lucio Pozzi. Through April 25.

54 ELIZABETH STREET, RED HOOK 758-9244. “Botanicals, Still Life & Land Journeys 2010.� Annual student exhibition of watercolors. April 9-May 9. Opening Friday, April 9, 6pm-8:30pm. Will Kefauver

CARRIE HADDAD GALLERY 318 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 828-1915. “Painted Cities.� Works from 20 artists in a wide range of media, including watercolors, pastels, oils, graphite rubbings, burned paper, and acrylics. Through April 11.


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a local currency for the Hudson Valley — and you could be the artist! Artists are invited to submit design ideas for the bills, which will be issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 20 Currents. The process will be finalized in late summer. Submissions will be displayed at participating galleries in Kingston starting on May 1st, 2010 and at First Saturdays of the following months. Current

The Current is a dollar-equivalent local currency, convertible to Federal Dollars, and designed to promote local businesses, the local economy, and a sense of regional economic community. (And yes, it's legal.)

For complete details, please visit or contact Sean Griffin:

museums & galleries

The Current will be a dollar-equivalent local currency, convertible to Federal Dollars, and designed to promote local businesses, the local economy, and a sense of regional economic community. (And yes, it's legal.) The Hudson Valley Current is a project of the Center for Civil Economics, a not-for-profit group.

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Concrete on Main Street 2010 May 15 & 16 1pm Willow Kiln Park, Rosendale sculpture ďŹ lm rosendale Sponsored by:

4/10 ChronograM museums & galleries 49

CENTER FOR CURATORIAL STUDIES BARD COLLEGE, ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON 758-7598. “Living Under the Same Roof.” The Marieluise Hessel Collection and the Center for Curatorial Studies. Through June 6. “Student-Curated Exhibitions.” Exhibitions and projects with leading and emerging artists. Through April 11. “Works by Phillippe Parreno.” May 1-December 19. Opening Saturday, May 1, 1pm-4pm.

CENTER FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AT WOODSTOCK 59 TINKER STREET, WOODSTOCK 679-9957. “PQ:100.” An exhibition surveying the photography, films, videos, and photo-based installations that have been featured on the first 100 covers of CPW’s publication. Through May 31.

COLUMBIA-GREENE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 4400 ROUTE 23, HUDSON (518) 828-4181 ext 5513. “Biodiversity: Captured in Photographs Contest/Exhibit.” April 12-30. Opening Tuesday, April 13, 7pm-12am.

CORNELL ST. STUDIOS 168 CORNELL STREET, KINGSTON 331-0191. “The Art of Spring.” Oil paintings, watercolors, ceramics, photographs, sculptures, and handmade crafts. April 10-May 28. Opening Saturday, April 10, 6pm-9:30pm.


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114 WARREN STREET, HUDSON “Family Album.” Photographs by Judith Black and Moira Barrett. April 1-May 2. Opening Saturday, April 10, 6pm-8pm.

DONSKOJ AND COMPANY 93 BROADWAY, KINGSTON 338-8473. “Harold Hahn: 12 Years of Woodturning.” April 3-24. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-8pm.


museums & galleries

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128 CANAL STREET, PORT EWEN 338-5580. “Betsy Jacaruso: Watercolors.” April 2-30. Opening Friday, April 2, 5pm-8pm.

ELLENVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 40 CENTER STREET, ELLENVILLE 647-1497. “Rochester and Wawarsing Sampler: Early Town Records from the Ulster County Archives.” Features copies of archival documents from Rochester and Wawarsing spanning the centuries, from 1671-1909. Through June 30. “Scarlett Letters (and Numbers).” 36 amazing photographs by Nora Scarlett, illustrating each letter of the alphabet and every number from one to ten. Through April 15.

FLAT IRON GALLERY 105 SOUTH DIVISION STREET, PEEKSKILL (914) 734-1894. “Close Work.” Small oils by Laura G. Gillen. Through April 25.

G.A.S. 196 MAIN STREET, POUGHKEEPSIE 486-4592. “Triple Whammy: 3 Solo Shows.” Franc Palaia, Joanne Klein and Bill Rybak. Through April 11. “The Billy Name 2010 Solo Show.” Old and new photographs from the Andy Warhol Factory days as well as recent works. April 17-May 23. Opening Saturday, April 17, 6pm-9pm.

GALERIE BMG 12 TANNERY BROOK ROAD, WOODSTOCK 679-0027. “Vincent Serbin: Raw Objects Appear Life Size.” April 9-May 17. Opening Saturday, April 10, 5pm-7pm.

THE GALLERY AT R & F 84 TEN BROECK AVE, KINGSTON 331-3112. “Gabe Brown: Collect the Sun.” April 3-May 22. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-7pm.

GARDINER LIBRARY 133 FARMERS TURNPIKE, GARDINER 255-1255. “Paintings by Mia Barkan Clarke.” April 1-30.

Gazen Gallery 6423 montgomery street, rhinebeck 876-4278. “Spring Awakening.” April 17-June 14. Opening Saturday, April 17, 4pm-9pm.


Antique Fair and Flea Market May 1st & 2nd - 2010 at the

WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, Rt. 29, GREENWICH, NY (12 mi. East of Saratoga Springs, NY)

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Old-Fashioned Antique Show featuring 160+ dealers, free parking, great food, and real bathrooms. ($10 - Early Buyers Fridays before show)

50 museums & galleries ChronograM 4/10

398 MAIN STREET, CATSKILL (518) 943-3400. “Monumental and Intimate Visions.” Jane Culp and Susan Miiller. Through April 10. “Outside the Lines 2010: Greene County Youth Exhibit.” Features artwork in all media by Greene County students grades K-12. April 17-June 12. Opening Saturday, April 17, 2pm-4pm.

HUDSON OPERA HOUSE 327 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 822-1438. “Stories That Add Up.” Paintings by Stephanie Brody Lederman. April 3-May 1. Opening Saturday, April 3, 6pm-8pm.

HUDSON VALLEY CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 1701 MAIN STREET, PEEKSKILL (914) 788-0100. “Double Dutch.” Featuring Alon Levin. Through July 26.

JOHN DAVIS GALLERY $85 - Dealer Spaces Still Available: FAIRGROUND SHOWS NY PO Box 3938, Albany NY 12203 Ph. 518-331-5004

362 1/2 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 828-5907. “CRO-MIRSKI; In Nega-View...” Martin Bromirski. April 1-25. Opening Saturday, April 3, 6pm-8pm.


KINGSTON MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART 105 ABEEL STREET, KINGSTON “The Pot Pie & Candy Show.” Postmodern tinkerings by Eija Lindsey and Scott Spahr. April 3-30. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-7pm.

LA BELLA BISTRO 194 MAIN STREET, NEW PALTZ 255-2633. “Slice of Art.” Abstract Landscape paintings by Basha Maryanska. April 11-May 7. Opening Sunday, April 11, 5pm-7pm.

THE LIMNER GALLERY 123 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 828-2343. “Digital Art Extravaganza.” April 1-24. Opening Saturday, April 10, 4pm-6pm.

M GALLERY 350 MAIN STREET, CATSKILL (518) 943-0380. “Transilluminations.” Photographic images printed on various media including backlit transparencies, metal, and traditional paper by Jonas Caufield. April 17-May 14. Opening Saturday, April 17, 6pm-8pm.

MILL STREET LOFT 45 PERSHING AVENUE, POUGHKEEPSIE 471-7477. “Solo Exhibit by Tarryl Gabel.” Through April 10.

MUROFF-KOTLER GALLERY SUNY ULSTER, STONE RIDGE 687-5113. “Marks that Matter: Drawing in the Hudson Valley.” Through April 16.

NICOLE FIACCO GALLERY 336 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (518) 828-5090. “Haitian Paintings from a Private Collection.” Through April 24.

THE OLD CHATHAM COUNTRY STORE CAFE GALLERY VILLAGE SQUARE, OLD CHATHAM (518) 794-6227. “The Natural Beauty and the Social Landscape of the Hudson Valley.” April 2-28. Opening Sunday, April 4, 3pm-5pm.

PARK ROW GALLERY 2 PARK ROW, CHATHAM (518) 392-4800. “Altered States.” Mixed-media constructions by the American artist John Sideli. April 1-May 31. Opening Saturday, April 10, 4pm-6pm. 437 WARREN STREET, HUDSON (917) 456-7496. “Eileen Cowin: Video and Photography.” April 3-May 3. Opening Saturday, April 3, 6pm-8pm.

Screening of Carolee Schneemann film and video works April 10, 5-7:00 p.m. Rosendale Theatre, 408 Main St., Rosendale, NY Tickets $6, $4 – available at the door


Gallery Talk: Renée C. Byer April 13 at 5:00 p.m., Free

THEATRE Box Office: 845.257.3880

Gallery Talk: Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs Talk given by artist and Factory member Billy Name April 29 at 3:00 p.m., Free

Babes in Arms, by Rodgers and Hart April 22 – May 2 McKenna Theatre Tickets: $18, $16 Box Office opens April 12: Monday – Friday, 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. On-line purchases available now at

EXHIBITIONS Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs April 10 – Sept. 26 Opening Reception: April 9 from 5-7:00 p.m.

ART EVENTS Open Studios and Art Sale April 2, 6-8 p.m. Fine Arts Bldg., Smiley Arts Building, Old Library 845.257.3830

Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition I April 30 – May 4 Opening reception: April 30 from 5-7:00 p.m. MUSIC Tickets available at the door

Art Lecture: Dress Code Andre Andreev and G. Dan Covert April 7 at 6:30 p.m. Lecture Center 102, Free Symposium: The Power of Art History: The Effect of Art Historians on Studio Artists April 15 at 7 p.m. Lecture Center 102, Free 845.257.3875 Speakers include Stephen J. Eskilson, Jefferson Ellinger & Charles Contamposis SAMUEL DORSKY MUSEUM OF ART Panel Discussion Carolee Schneemann: Within and Beyond the Premises April 10, 2-4 p.m. Call 845.257.3844 for location, Free

Faculty Jazz Ensemble April 6 at 8:00 p.m. Parker Theatre Tickets: $10, $8, $3 Music of John B Hedges April 13 at 8:00 p.m. Parker Theatre Tickets: $6, $5, $3 Chamber Ensembles I April 20 at 8:00 p.m. Parker Theatre Tickers: $6, $5, $3 Choral Ensembles I April 27 at 8:00 p.m. McKenna Theatre Tickets: $6, $5, $3

SAMUEL DORSKY MUSEUM OF ART SUNY NEW PALTZ, NEW PALTZ 257-3858. “Carolee Schneemann: Within and Beyond the Premises.” Through July 25. “Andy Warhol: Private and Public in 151 Photographs.” April 10-September 26. Opening Friday, April 9, 5pm-7pm. “Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition I.” April 30-May 4. Opening Friday, April 30, 5pm-7pm.

SEVEN 21 GALLERY 721 BROADWAY, KINGSTON 331-7956. “Floral Interpretations/Night Visions”; “Vintage New York.” Paintings by Marianne Heigemeir and Franz Heigemeir; photographs by Joel Mandelbaum. April 3-30. Opening Saturday, April 3, 5pm-8pm.

STUDIO AT THE SELIGMANN HOMESTEAD 23 WHITE OAK DRIVE, SUGAR LOAF 469-9168. “America thru Lenses.” Photography exhibit. April 16-29. Opening Sunday, April 11, 4pm-6pm.

UNFRAMED ARTIST GALLERY 173 HUGUENOT STREET, NEW PALTZ 255-5482. “Flower Power.” April 13-June 13. Opening Tuesday, April 13, 4pm-7pm.

UNISON ARTS & LEARNING CENTER 68 MOUNTAIN REST ROAD, NEW PALTZ 255-1559. “Astrid Fitzgerald & Kim Alderman.” April 4-30. Opening Sunday, April 4, 4pm-6pm.

UNISON GALLERY WATER STREET MARKET, NEW PALTZ 255-1559. “Conor Durand.” Through April 9.

WARNER GALLERY 131 MILLBROOK SCHOOL ROAD, MILLBROOK 677-8261 ext. 130. “Bon a Tirer.” Willem de Kooning lithographs. April 10-24. Opening Saturday, April 10, 4pm-9pm.

WOODSTOCK ARTISTS ASSOCIATION AND MUSEUM 28 TINKER STREET, WOODSTOCK 679-2940. “The Beauty of Discord: Selections from the Permanent Collection.” Through June 6. “Far and Wide: Woodstock, NY Regional.” April 3-May 2. Opening Saturday, April 3, 4pm-6pm. “Selections from the Permanent Collection.” April 3-June 6. Opening Saturday, April 3, 4pm-6pm.

WOODSTOCK SCHOOL OF ART 2470 ROUTE 212, WOODSTOCK 679-2388. “Reginald Wilson Exhibition.” Through May 1.

4/10 ChronograM museums & galleries 51

museums & galleries




Edited by Phillip Levine. Deadline for our May issue is April 5. Send up to three poems or three pages (whichever comes first). Full submission guidelines:\submissions.

Why is this moment always now?

have you seen the Good News Bible?

—Ben Cattabiani (5 years, 1993)

he doesn’t die in the end —p

Matches (found in various locations during an especially thorough house-cleaning) #1 SCANTICON-PRINCETON Box. Green, with pseudo gold leaf abstract on top. Princeton Forrestral Center, Princeton, NJ Light dependably. Nice flame. Forest green tips. Number remaining: two and three-quarters. #2 PINOT Box. Brown print on white. Front: PINOT On the back: Pinot Bistro, Studio City, CA Café Pinot, Downtown Los Angeles, CA Pinot Restaurant & Martini Bar, Pasadena, CA Pinot Hollywood, Hollywood, CA Pinot Provence, Costa Mesa, CA Pinot Blanc, St. Helena, CA Pinot Brasserie, Las Vegas, NV All that, they squeezed on the underside of a match box. The matches? Cheap; difficult to light. Gray tips. Number remaining: Seven. #3 MORAN’S Book. Front: white-on-green replica of the building. Back: Authentic Irish atmosphere. Open 7 days a week. Wood-burning Fireplaces Catering For All Occasions (Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Up To 200 Guests) Corner of W. 19th St. & 10th Avenue, New York City Light quickly. Burn fast. Number remaining: all but three. #4 SHOP RITE Book. Standard logo on cover. Inside: Has PRICE PLUS Please keep away from children. These strike roughly, and burn with enough flame for a Newport or Marlborough Light if it’s not too windy wherever you happen to be. 50% used.

#5 CHATEAU MARMONT The color scarcely matters. On the back: Hollywood. Inside: A naked —or would that be nude?— woman poses on the bottom step of several leading to a swimming pool. Her shadow beneath was hidden behind the gray-tipped matches until they were torn from the book, perhaps to light an after-dinner cigar. Only a single match is left. Merely one. Not two. Not three or more. One match. The nude and naked shadow of the woman posing on the swimming pool steps cannot hide behind it. #6 ANGELI Book. Glossy white. Angel wings line-drawn in red. Inside: Angeli Caffe Melrose Ave, L.A. Trattoria Angeli Santa Monica Blvd, L.A. Angeli Mare Marina Marketplace, Del Rey White-tipped. Number remaining: all. All of them. Each one waiting to be struck. #7 SUSHI KO Book. Black, white, and red. Tokyo meets Happy Days lettering. Bel-Air, California 90077 Strike hard and the flame burns easily. Red tips. Number of matches remaining: half of one, three-quarters of another. Is he picking his teeth with them? —Kim Wozencraft

Villanelle on How To Villanelle In the villanelle, with its metered verse, the repetition of first and third lines makes the poem seem redundant if too terse. Reusing lines may seem a gift, not curse, but it’s hard finding new meaning each time in the villanelle, with its metered verse. Now, meter trouble is quite the reverse because including iambs in each line makes the poem seem redundant if too terse, and counting the stresses can be dispersed, even if some insist they be assigned. In the villanelle, with its metered verse, the rhyme scheme leaves the reader none the worse; although it sometimes, as it intertwines, makes the poem seem redundant if too terse. The test for the writer is not to curse or else the little things, rules and confines in the villanelle, with its metered verse, makes the poem seem redundant and too terse. —Christiaan Sabatelli

Senryu Slimy Vaseline smeared on the bathroom floor; we slyly smile…then slip. —Rebekah Meyers Aronson

Miles We were lying in my bed and miles davis was playing and you didn’t notice I woke up and you were dialing your boyfriend and your pinky flinched when I kissed your neck and you closed your eyes and the record kept spinning and your eyes kept shutting tighter and tighter and the soft inhales became deeper and deeper and I could hear your pupils dilate and see your heart pump faster and we were lying in my bed and miles davis was playing —Ned Feuer

60 poetry ChronograM 4/10

4:09 A.M. The Reaper I put your voice in the ground and grew flowers with my fingers in the dirt, made a line to the sky and we ate it up. “Fall foliage” they say, I think it looks just like our insides. those reds. The world showing us what it’s made of, teaching us how to die. Nevertheless, you are what I live for. This is the way it should be. So I take you and your hands and I put them on me and I read the lines of your favorite stories and we bend the light with our eyes and show it how to dance how to do the twist and we find the water, help me find the water and let’s crash - what else is there to do but crash? Because the sun taught us what goes up must always come back down and we watched it and thought about the past and present tenses while the future swallowed us too fast, not counting blinks or breaths - where can we be found? Pay attention, we are moving so fast, prostituting the world for crumbly dollar bills. I could keep going if you’d like, it’s always better with my fingers. I could stop if I wanted, too, though; I could remember where we all came from, where we are now. Me, here, straight out of one of Poe’s short stories creeping up the stairs with a candle in my hand the hearts in boxes underneath the wooden floors. —Kerry Giangrande

The aircraft’s pil t sits o at a vide c ns le in the peration center o o o o seven th usand miles fr m his target o o and pushes a black butt n o (b mbs away)... o —Paul Assey

An Afternoon in Larchmont, NY An afternoon in Larchmont, NY, where pointed heeled ladies with new teeth and saline gel pack mammary glands click down sidewalks carrying new bags of new pleasures. Silk-suited gentlemen puff clouds of bitter smelling smoke and talk of today’s commerce. In Larchmont, children play nicely together with pulsating musical phones and electronic devices. The day is long in Larchmont, the sky large and looming with big plans. I believe ideas are hatched in Larchmont, NY. I, too, am hatching something just sitting here. “I believe I’m in hell, therefore I am” wrote Arthur Rimbaud. I believe I’m in Larchmont, therefore I’m in hell. I feel a little out of place in Larchmont—scruffy in the land of the groomed, poor in the land of the wealthy, frowning in the land of teeth. A woman, fortyish, sits down beside me. She turns, throws me a large smile. It looks too large for her face. She has no wrinkles though. It’s a facelift trade-off. Her foot, trying to find rhythm, taps quickly on the tiled café floor. She’s had a lot of coffee. She is accompanied by two well-dressed little girls wearing colorful ribbons in their hair. They sport bright sneakers that light up when they step. The overcaffeinated mom, with no prompting, informs me her father is a lawyer in LA, she is a business consultant here in Larchmont, and her husband is always backing up his hard drive. “I’m sure he is,” I think to myself. If she were my wife, I’d spend a lot of time backing up my hard drive too. There are many big, smiling, foot-tapping, cigar-smoking, saline-filled, ribbon-wearing, people here. I’ll leave Larchmont, NY, soon. I’m more of a, sit-in-the-dark, time-wasting, teeth-grinding, nail-biting, wonder-if-I-should-take-my-change-to-ShopRite-andconvert-it-too dollars-so-I-may-purchase-a-snack kind of fellow. I won’t be missed in Larchmont, NY. —Michael Sean Collins

Press On Man, do not despair. Do something. Say thank you. Smile. Tip someone a dime. Carry a flower. Do anything. Somewhere there is a woman, waiting with your reward. —Clifford Henderson

Thank You At the food pantry I handed you a head of lettuce and the best of the bruised pears. You thanked me for my smile.

Karma You dear old elephant So unforgiving Always keeping score Would you mind turning that long nosey trunk the other way Just this once? —Dannah Chaifetz

Dinner for a Special Occasion Andrea spends her time awaiting the arrival of time. To keep herself occupied, she washes her body with perfumed soaps, paints her lips fire-engine red. She’s anticipating that, at some point, the days will sort themselves out into yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Meanwhile, in the long-hand hours, the scraps of moments, she is looking in the mirror, like she’s a list of things she needs to do: thicker eyebrow, whiter teeth, one chin instead of two. “Are you ready yet?” shouts a male voice in the background. She wonders which year is it that he’s talking to. He’s her husband or something. Or is that was? Or will be? And he can be so instantaneous. Maybe that’s the problem. Body, name, and face... how do they come together? Surely, the calendar’s involved. And the phone call from her mother... “Happy Birthday.” Past... it sounds like an accrual... and the bathroom cabinet holds so little. Future... now, where did she put those pills. It’s their tenth anniversary, so he says. So when do they celebrate the other nine. She’s impatient but she’s scared of that impatience. What if time gets here and she’s still who she is now. “I haven’t got all day!” her husband yells. So that’s why he’s upset. He’s waiting for time too. —John Grey

—Kelly de la Rocha 4/10 ChronograM poetry 61

Parting Shot

Brooklyn Aquarium, Joel Mandelbaum, 1970

You don’t see photographers like Joel Mandelbaum around much anymore. A gifted amateur (Mandelbaum is a doctor by profession), he set his camera on the street life of Manhattan and Brooklyn from 1968 to 1970, capturing the texture of daily life. Mandelbaum’s photographs—of old Italian men playing bocce on East Houston Street, of a drunk sleeping it off on a Bryant Park bench, of a mini-skirted woman in a downtown doorway, of a Fifth Avenue street corner at midday—show the fashions and historical facades of the period in an unerring documentary style. The subjects of Mandelbaum’s photos seem to be less the people themselves than the historical moment they are trapped in. The photo above, for instance, shows a man peering through the fence of the Brooklyn Aquarium. The most intriguing element of the image is the stockade fence, however, inexorably linking the photograph to a period before concrete and chain link construction became de rigeur for public institutions. “Vintage New York,” photographs by Joel Mandelbaum, will be exhibited at the Seven 21 Media Center, 721 Broadway, Kingston, through the end of April. An opening for the artist will be held on Saturday, April 3, from 5 to 8 pm. Portfolio: (845) 331-0551; —Brian K. Mahoney

112 ChronograM 4/10

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Planet Waves eric francis coppolino

by eric francis coppolino

Cosmic Equinox, or the Antisixties?


e’re about to experience a spring season like no other. In the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins when the Sun’s rays square the equator, just past noon in the Eastern US zone on March 20. This is also the time when the Sun enters the sign Aries and the new astronomical year begins. Aries is a cardinal sign, which means it begins a season and arrives with strength, determination, and initiative. Think of all the energy rising out of the ground: seeds bursting into bloom, trees creating tens of thousands of new leaves to harvest the newly available rays of the Sun, animals birthing, and even people taking a moment to feel alive. Yet in addition to the usual fire surge of spring, this particular season contains a planetary event that takes this energy to a cosmic scale. On June 8 there is a second equinox, where two of the largest and also most influential planets align exactly in the first degree of Aries. Think of that degree as a kind of amplifier that makes an astrological event impossible to miss, called the Aries Point. The planets involved are Jupiter (wisdom, expansion, culture, pleasure, exotic) and Uranus (spontaneous, disruptive, revolution, ingenious, forward-thinking). They meet up every 14 years, in a different sign (the last time was Aquarius, in February 1997). Though any moment of astrology is unique in the world, it’s possible to make some comparisons to past events. If you’re old enough to remember 1969, you’ve felt something like this. The conjunction happened that year, in very early Libra—precisely opposite of where it happens in the spring of 2010. While 250,000 people marched on Washington to protest the Vietnam War, another 100,000 demonstrated simultaneously in San Francisco. We witnessed the Moon landing in July—the first time that humans touched the surface of another planet. By some miracle, this was followed weeks later by the Woodstock festival in August, which was like life on Earth turning into life on another planet. The year was not all jubilance. Nixon became president. The Manson murders happened that summer. The Beatles broke up. Yet every event had a quality of being personally significant, affecting many people. These were not abstract news items; they were palpable experiences that we cared about, and that came crashing into our living rooms. They have all left many visual impressions in our minds. It was a mythic time in history, larger than life, yet also in the flow of life. There are odd little details from 1969. The Boeing 747 and Concorde made their first flights. A lot of nasty information came out about Vietnam, including the fact of an illegal war in Laos (Cambodia was the next year). Sen. Ted Kennedy drove his car off of Dyke Bridge, killing a former campaign worker. All of this happened in a few short seasons; most of it focused on the summer. 106 planet waves ChronograM 4/10

To understand a confluence of events that significant, it helps to look to astrology. There’s unlikely to be an explanation in conventional history or sociology, or not one that’s spiritually satisfying. Astrology is a matter of what time it is, and both the planets and world events help us see that. By 1969, it was time for people to get together; it was time for awareness of global issues to amount to something. In Libra style, there were three massive peace gatherings—the two antiwar protests and the historic pro-peace protest we think of as Woodstock. I have always considered Woodstock one of the most moving, poignant statements by the public against Vietnam; it’s always seemed like the best protest ever. I thought I would ask Michael Lang, the creator of the festival, if he agreed. “The war was definitely at the center,” Lang said in a March 11 e-mail. “Everyone’s thinking was focused on stopping the war.” What’s different about the astrology of ’10 as compared to ’69 is that the setup is a mirror image. Where a conjunction occurs tells you something about how it’s going to feel, and how many people it will affect. In 1969, the conjunction took place in Libra, a sign that’s mellow on the exterior but with a lot of mojo coming out from deep inside. The themes of Libra include art, balance, beauty, and relationship. In 2010, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction takes place in the more impetuous sign Aries, a fire sign and the first sign of the zodiac. Aries tends to be self-centered and lacks the balance of Libra. It comes with a raw, unrefined, and fiery quality. The two conjunctions have one thing in common, which is that they appear in the very early degrees of what are called cardinal signs—the signs that start the seasons. That puts them in aspect to something called the Aries Point. When you think of the Aries Point, the summer of 1969 is a great example of the energy. Even though two enormous planets were opposite the Aries Point that summer, it worked just fine to stir up the full effect of that degree: What I describe as the personal is political. The conjunction of 2010, which takes place in early June, will have a different flavor, a different feeling tone. Aries not only lacks any sense of balance; it’s the opposite of balance: Aries is a surge of energy. By definition it is self-centered rather than othercentered. The energy is emotional (fiery, Aries) rather than mental (airy, Libra). By 1969, the peak of sixties astrology had already passed—the extremely rare Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66. Currently we are approaching the next peak of that cycle, which is the essence of 2012—the Uranus-Pluto square. The energy of this square is now building; it hasn’t happened yet, but we are starting to feel the vibes. We have quite a few surprises in store, and they begin right about now. In some ways this spring looks like an antisixties moment rather than any kind of replay of the sixties. The outspoken activists of our day are conservatives. There is kind

of a contra-hippie movement known as the Teabaggers. Their name pertains to antitax protests (the original Boston Tea Party of yore), but (in perfect antisixties spirit) also refers to a sexual act that few of them seem to have heard of. Though they claim to be in favor of individual rights most of them are against a woman’s rights, and sex education, and the rights of gay people. So it’s an “individual rights for us, not for you” movement. Most Teabaggers are against government spending but in favor of war; that leaves the relatively small portion of the budget spent on actual social programs to cut. There is lots of subtle, festering anger, yet little in the way of expression and no corresponding spirit of celebration. In fact, though it’s taken me about 15 years to figure it out, there seems to be a perpetual retreat among many who have something to offer or share. It seems dangerous or foolish to care too much. There’s lots of talk about coming out and doing something together—then it seems like a big deal to have a drum circle. Injustice after injustice happens, and not only is there not a pushback, you barely hear a peep. In Utah, Gov. Gary Herbert on March 8 signed a law that makes it a crime for a woman or a girl to have a miscarriage. The law reads: “A woman is not guilty of criminal homicide of her own unborn child if the death of her unborn not caused by an intentional or knowing act of the woman.” Sorting out that convoluted language, if a pregnant woman falls down the stairs and loses her child, she can be put on trial for criminal homicide. The way the law is written sounds like she’s guilty until whatever happened is determined to have happened unintentionally. I’m just wondering why the only place I’ve heard about this is from my news-scouring editorial assistant. This issue is not registering in public awareness. In another era, women would have been in the streets protesting. Now it’s high fashion to say, “That’s too bad, but what can I do about it?”—that is, if you’ve even heard about it. Many people who identify as liberal have set up so many strict rules for themselves that it would he comical to describe them as liberated. Many seem terrified to so much as talk about sex. Spirituality imposes as many dictates as the pope, as does the mandate of having the perfect image. These conceptual structures, which to me feel like keeping oneself in a cage, are going to come under a lot of stress when this conjunction happens. It absolutely bursts with human potential—with the “I am” energy of Aries. Human potential and self-awareness are something we could do with a lot more of. I keep hearing people ask when everyone is going to wake up; this aspect looks a lot like an awakening. I would be more optimistic if I heard people ask about when they are going to wake up. I have a few concerns about this conjunction. Aries is a militant sign, and we live in an era when militants get most of the attention. It’s ruled by Mars, the ancient god of war. In the sixties, activists would put flowers into guns. Here in the antisixties, “activists” carry guns. The modern equivalent of the back to the land movement is: Start a militia. This conjunction has a lot of Mars to it, and we’ve just come through a long, challenging Mars retrograde that covered the entire winter through March 10. This came with plenty of frustrated will and desire, still working itself out. However, over the next two months, as we approach the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, the energy shifts in the direction of expression, of self-awareness, and of some new kind of liberation, particularly for our era. Here is the issue I’m having, if it’s not clear yet. It seems like the people who feel the most comfortable speaking up and claiming their space are the ones who would hold others down. My concern is that this conjunction is going to embolden them more than it’s going to speak to the people who wish they could stand up, express themselves, and be free for its own sake. I understand that it can feel dangerous to do this, but I’m wondering how far into the basement, the closet, or the corner we’re willing to be pushed into before we push back. True, push doesn’t need to come to shove. It’s possible to simply be free, but I think that the fear of a confrontation, and the fear of being seen as different, is precisely what keeps many, many people locked in their house, typing on the Internet under a fake handle that can’t be traced back to them. Here’s the silver lining. Clearly, we need more group consciousness in our culture; we’ve done just about everything we can do alone, from going bowling to imaginary sex to a DVD exercise program. Anything significant that we need to do as a society will take the combined efforts of many. Most of the really fun things we want to do, we do with others. Yet groups are groups of individuals. A collection of people who are not individuals is a mass and not a group. A mass has completely different dynamics, such as the sum total of everyone who drinks Diet Pepsi, or the mentality of a mob. A conjunction this strong in the first degree of Aries has individuality written all over it. The thing about this kind of individuality is that it calls on us to really be who we are, to say what we believe, and express the energy and potential we contain. That, in turn, is an invitation to grow and change in obvious, expressive ways—in ways we might be seen and noticed. As of today, that is supposedly as scary as it gets. Let’s see about tomorrow.

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AROT on the HUDSON T with Rachel Pollack Internationally Renowned Certified Tarot Grand Master & Award Winning Novelist


4/10 ChronograM planet waves 107

Planet Waves Horoscopes Aries (March 20-April 19) You’re getting a lot of bold messages to be yourself, but you also seem to have way too many choices for who that self is. Beyond all the seemingly tangible possibilities is a chaotic realm where you simply don’t have the answer. Every time you seem to get a clue, something changes. We’re accustomed to plastering those unknowns over with labels and other assumptions, rather than leaving the question open. While a mystery like this can be uncomfortable to live with, I suggest you stay in a state of uncertainty for as long as you possibly can. Consider it a kind of meditation. Embrace the chaos of who you are, who you are not, and who you might be. This is designed to help you have greater access to your potential rather than pretending it doesn’t exist. At the moment far more is possible than you’re likely to be aware of. As the next two months progress, you’re going to get a taste of what this potential is; yet in order to have this potential be real you need to keep your mind open and make sure you’re ready to change, adapt, and go on a new adventure at all times. Stay loose. Notice the game of pretend that we’re all taught to play the moment we’re confronted with an unknown. Unknowns are your best friend right now, and I suggest you keep them near and dear to your heart.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) The answer is not control; it may seem like control, but I propose that the answer—if there is one answer—is to observe. Mainly, observe yourself. Your fantasy life is taking you some interesting places lately, and far from being content with imagination, you want experience. But this is pushing some of your buttons. These buttons include issues about supposedly right and wrong, what’s too intense for you to handle, and whether you have sufficient ground beneath your feet to handle the swirl of your own desires. The important thing to do is not revert to your mother, or her image of what you’re supposed to be: particularly, what kind of partner you’re supposed to be. Mixed in may be a number of false notions about the kind of partner you’re supposed to want. To be clear, what you seem to be working through is tension between various images of the “right” husband or wife (on the one side of the psychic membrane) and a whole kaleidoscope of possibilities for who you are (on the other side). Consider how much image is bound up in our notions of relationship: in being acceptable to potential partners, in the image of a good relationship, in being seen with the right person. What if all of that was completely, totally, and utterly meaningless? Not only meaningless, but a way of perpetuating everything about your childhood that you no longer want?

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W e d din g

P h o t o g ra phy

V o l k m a nn-S tu 5 1 8 -8 2 8- 2 51 2 108 planet waves ChronograM 4/10

(May 20-June 21)

Your social environment is interesting now, and it’s going to get really exciting as the season progresses. I’m going to start with some conservative advice: Rekindle connections to your best friends. You love new friends and you’re a friendly pup, but with the surge of energy that’s coming your way, you’re going to want people close by who know you well, and whose opinions and perspectives you trust because they are so familiar with you. One thing to research with old friends is what dreams you’ve been talking about fulfilling for at least 10 years. The energy of your charts is bursting with new ideas, ideals, and craving for a new vision for your life. My hunch is that while you want and indeed need something new in contrast to what you have now, there are important elements of past dreams that you are recovering. Some of this involves collecting power that you have given away in relationships. You may be feeling confronted by just how powerful certain people are, and how potent are bonds of sex, shared resources, or contractual arrangements. That you are seeing the power of these relationships is an invitation to confront that truth rather than to back down. Your most dependable bellwether is this: To what extent do you feel that you can really make your own decisions, without running into the objections of others who seem to have power over you?

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Your focus on professional activities may not seem to be paying off, though I suggest you persist and focus your intentions. You’re caught in the normal ebb and flow of success; at the same time significant changes, soon to manifest, are taking place in the background. It’s crucial that you not confuse the two, and this is going to call for some special attention. At this stage of your life it’s vitally important that your professional choices precisely fit your deepest values. For this to be true, you need to make your investigation into those values a conscious experience and put what you discover to work starting with the next decision you make. Look back at events of the past four or five months and you’ll see examples of how your quest to act in accord with what is actually true for you has played out in real-life situations. You may not have thought of these circumstances as tests of whether your inner compass and your outer direction are aligned, but that is precisely the situation. And while that inner compass relates to values and intentions on one level, something more significant to explore is whether the direction you’re headed matches your vision for your life. I suggest you organize yourself in this sequence: values, vision, decisions. Here is the thing to remember: Your vision will manifest, so you want to make sure it’s the one you really want.

Planet Waves Horoscopes Leo (July 22-August 23) How is it possible to widen your horizons in a world where everything seems to get narrower every day? The process starts with cultivating faith in yourself. Now, we could ask: How can you have faith in yourself when so many aspects of our upbringing and so many aspects of the world we live in are designed to take our power away from us, or to have us willingly hand it over? Your astrology is sending you several direct messages. One is to work with a vision; that is to say, with an inner image and a description of what you want to create in your life. I cannot repeat this often enough, and I recognize the challenges inherent in creating and holding that vision. Everything seems to change so fast, and we are presented with new challenges every single day. Given these facts, it’s so much more meaningful to have the one consistent thing be your devotion to focusing your mind’s eye on the existence you want to have. Planets moving into the fire sign Aries, even as you read these words and extending well into the year, will make this easier. At the same time, you may feel a sense of urgency or necessity mingled in with a subtle calling toward who you are becoming. You may fear you are being pushed too far, too fast, but really, you are being brought up to just the right speed, right on time.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Your hidden nature is more assertive than you let on. But this doesn’t seem to fit the even-tempered, reflective, and reasonable presentation you want to make to the world. You’re more outgoing than you seem, but it’s just that you don’t usually want to seem that way. This gets you certain benefits; you can be sure you alienate fewer people, you blend in better, and, for a while, you know who you are, while others are left guessing. Yet one side result of holding your energy in is that it tends to convert to self-criticism and anxiety. Another is that you live with the sense of having a secret self who does not fully express his or her being in the world. This, in turn, has an odd way of verifying that there is no real place for you to be yourself; and it sets up negative expectations of what might happen if you actually would dare to be yourself, unrestrained. You’re going to be working this out in theory for a while, and then a moment will arrive—most likely suddenly, and soon—where you break through the whole issue like a sheet of thin paper. Don’t worry. For you being aggressive or assertive would not feel like either of those things to a human, a cat, or a dog. You would seem, to them, more intelligent or focused. You would expose that your mind works quickly and intuitively. You would reveal that you have an opinion, and when others respond, you’ll get to talk about it.



(September 22-October 23)

You’re heading for a revolution in your relationships. This has been happening gradually and is about to happen more rapidly. This will feel like welcome news to some and like a source of anxiety to others. Reaching for the common ground beneath any potential evolution, leap forward, or opportunity to move on, what you’re facing is the opportunity to adapt to the way the world really is. While it’s true that you often seem to float in a bubble of your own imagination, I would propose that the “world the way it really is� and the “world the way you want it� have more in common than you may imagine. In any event, some spectacular transits will be lighting up the relationship angle of your solar chart; then they will take a break; then the adventure will resume. Consider the most interesting events of this time in your life to be an experiment—which is to say, the exploration of an experience. Go in at full strength, and remember that you will have plenty of time to reflect and consider what you felt, witnessed, and learned. One last thing. I suggest you challenge your belief that people around you are changing faster than you can handle. Most of the pull toward the future is coming from you; lightning doesn’t just come from the sky. It’s drawn to a specific high-energy spot on the ground, and at the moment, that would be you.

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Scorpio (October 23-November 22) This has not been an easy time for you professionally or personally, though you need to shake off your post-traumatic stress and start making clear decisions. Many of those decisions will involve revisiting choices you’ve made since last autumn. You may find that you’re now making decisions opposite those you so recently seemed settled on. What you may notice is that you are actually reverting to what was your original position, before you reversed it. You may notice that your reversals were based on an emotional impulse rather than a rational one. Here, you walk a fine line. Yours is one of the most psychologically astute signs of the zodiac, at the same time one of the most emotional. If I could send one message to Scorpio forever, it would be: learn to tell the difference. It is not merely enough to be decisive. It is not merely enough to feel, or to think, or to analyze. It’s entirely necessary to know the basis of your decisions, and part of that basis is contrast. Seeing contrast is something we do mostly with our mind, and it’s based on experience. So, whether you’ve spent the last six months feeling like you’re winning the game, losing the game, or totally confused about what the game is, consider what you have learned. Consider who people have shown themselves to be. Consider what you could do if you could do it all over again—because you can.

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-5,"%229 34 .%7 0!,4: .%7 9/2+ 4/10 ChronograM planet waves 109

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Planet Waves Horoscopes Eric Francis Coppolino

Sagittarius (November 22-December 22) There’s a necessary element of chaos in authentic creative and sexual experiences. This is part of the lure: We want something different, and most of us secretly crave that feeling of going out of control. Yet this is a source of the phobia connected with moving creative energy: you don’t know what’s going to happen. Now, as a Sagittarian you might think, what fun! As a human, you might think, not so fast. I want to know the outcome in advance. I want to be able to Photoshop that little piece of reality, and I want the Delete button right nearby. That’s fine if you’re not going for the real thing: an actual experience of life and a true adventure rather than a trip to Epcot Center. I suggest you embrace your favorite flavor of chaos. Using art as a metaphor, it’s time to make a big mess out of your studio, work on five projects at once, and paint naked till 5 am. If you’re into sports, it’s time to make that the focus of your life and “work� the thing you do to support it. If you’re a musician, well, you get the idea. Remember, this is not really art you’re playing with: It’s an experiment in feeling and experiencing who you are. Every drop of astrology, now and for the foreseeable future, is about drawing you into the unfamiliar territory of your own existence. You are safe; go boldly.


(December 22-January 20)

Consider the past six months a test run for your new experience of life. Notice the trajectory; size up your perceived successes, failures, and experiments pending outcome. One of the primary themes of this year is leadership, and you’ve certainly come a long way in redesigning your role within your community or profession. Yet this is just the beginning. Events of April are a kind of review phase, likely to take you back to a position of carefully sizing up key details of what you do. While you’re there, I suggest that you embark on a thorough reassessment of your goals. You have the luxury of relative calm, particularly compared to what was going on over the winter. In ways that only an astrologer might perceive, my sense is you’re driven more by service than by ambition. Yet the world seems to require that you exist in a competitive environment. Most competition is for the sake of sport. You are being driven by a set of mandates not only alien to most citizens of the Western world, but also terrifying to many. I am speaking of an impulse to make contact with your soul-level motives; with your willingness and indeed urgent need to take yourself apart over and over again until you see where the elements of your existence come from, and where they belong; and your drive to make peace with change to a depth that nearly everyone you know would run from. Nearly everyone—but not quite.

Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Tuning into the wisdom of your feminine side feels more like walking and less like driving a car; more like breathing and less like blowing up a balloon. Your movements are intuitive rather than deliberated. The feminine side of the brain and indeed the body is the aspect that understands intuitively rather than finds out. And this aspect is coming to life in a new way that may feel unfamiliar and at the same time deeply welcome. Another process is underway, which is letting go of a dimension of rationality that has finally served its use and is no longer helping you. I don’t mean all rationality, or all reasoning process; I mean the kind that takes you out of your body rather than helps you find your way in. The kind of reasoning you want combines what we think of as intuitive and intellectual. The logic does not need to proceed in a line; circumspect is better, recognizing that any situation, idea, or person will appear different when perceived from a different point of view. I suggest you experiment with this, literally walking around things to see them from another angle; switching places with people (sides of the bed, places at the kitchen table, household roles); and listen to what your intuition is whispering to you constantly. Your entire field of perception is evolving, and this is evidence that your perception of yourself is evolving.


(February 19-March 20)

How exactly do you take advantage of the protective umbrella that’s suspended over your world, and your heart? How do you tap into the potential of so much activity focused on your sign? Well, you need to be alert, but a kind of alertness that is based on receptivity and not fear. This is a subtle, critical point to be clear on, as you learn to focus your mind and your intentions. The world is in a freaky state right now, and it’s getting freakier—but if you get in the habit of trusting, you will see that your faith is productive. One compelling reason to trust is so that you don’t waste your energy on fear, suspicion, negative expectations, or perceiving complexities that don’t exist. Jupiter is in your sign, and this is offering you a source of energy, resources, and an invitation to experience pleasure—something more vital to the well-being of a Pisces than for any other sign. Yet Jupiter tends to magnify everything to another proportion; personal issues are likely to seem exaggerated, while the potential you feel may seem less than accessible. You may feel large fears where you used to feel small ones. You need to compensate for these distortions. First, this is a matter of self-observation, and second, a matter of evaluation. Chiron is still extremely potent in your solar chart, and this is calling for precision, clarity, and most of all, compassion. Read Eric Francis daily at 110 planet waves ChronograM 4/10


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4/10 ChronograM planet waves 111

Beacon Chelsea



Robert Ryman

Zoe Leonard

New presentation conceived by the artist January 15, 2010 and ongoing

Agnes Martin

Early Works from 1957–60 and Late Works from 1999–2002 March 1, 2010 and ongoing

Walter De Maria

You see I am here after all, 2008 Through September 2010

Sol LeWitt

Drawing Series . . . Through November 2010

Imi Knoebel

24 Colors—for Blinky, 1977 Ongoing


Equal Area Series 1976–77 May 1, 2010 and ongoing

Dia:Beacon, Riggio Galleries 3 Beekman Street Beacon NY 12508 845 440 0100


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