New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce Media Kit 2010

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letter from the president Dear Chamber Member, We know the Hudson Valley business community knows a thing or two about change and transition. In a rapidly changing business climate, it is important to continually reassess our ability to communicate effectively and to ensure that our communication tools perform as well as they possibly can. We have already made some drastic changes in how we communicate with our membership; our weekly Event Reminder e-mails and presence on Facebook and Twitter allow you to stay current with our events and announcements almost in real time. After a closer look at our print publications, we have determined that a transition is needed to improve their performance and increase their benefit to you, our members. The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that we are teaming up with Luminary Publishing, publishers of Chronogram, to produce three new publications. Regional Report, a quarterly business magazine. Our monthly newsletter (previously Regional Update) will transition to a quarterly business-to-business magazine, including timely and relevant editorial content in addition to announcements of new and renewing members and the popular member updates. Sojourn, a seasonal guide to the mid-Hudson Valley. Our annual publication (previously Regional Guide) will also transition to a quarterly publication, and will provide visitors with up-to-date, qualitative and entertaining stories and information from around the Hudson Valley region. Membership Directory. Our Membership Directory will still be published annually but now as a standalone publication, making it more accessible to locals and visitors alike, who use the Directory to locate community-minded businesses who meet their needs. These exciting changes will have a direct benefit for you, your business and our entire membership. Our print publications have always served us well; in their new formats, they will be positioned to serve us better in a new communications era. You will now have the opportunity to more finely target your message in Regional Report, our quarterly B to B magazine; Sojourn, our quarterly guide to visiting the mid-Hudson Valley and/ or our annual Membership Directory. As a valued Chamber member, you automatically have a listing in the Membership Directory. Please take a moment to consider reserving display advertisement space in these new publications to increase the impact of your message. We look forward to your continued support and your participation in this new family of New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce publications. Sincerely, Joyce Minard, President New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce

advertising opportunities: To place an ad in any of the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce’s family of publications, contact Maryellen Case at (914) 953-3202 or

Photos courtesy of Michael Gold / The Corporate Image

3 distinct publications for 3 unique markets covering five counties




The New Paltz Regional Chamber Of Commerce is the hub of a thriving business community and a point of contact for visitors and locals. For over a hundred years the organization has effectively served these markets. We now offer a new family of publications to serve the varied needs of our community.

A seasonal magazine highlighting the abundant opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and education, Sojourn offers advertising opportunities for businesses that serve area residents and visitors to the greater New Paltz region.

readership: new and established area residents, weekenders, and visitors to the region frequency: quarterly distribution: 60,000 copies to 400 locations annually throughout the Hudson Valley

Regional Report: b2b magazine The Chamber’s quarterly Regional Report is dedicated to news and in-depth coverage of activities, events, and regional issues, and the people behind the businesses in the greater New Paltz area. It offers opportunities to reach a focused business readership with your message.

readership: new, prospective, and established New Paltz Regional Chamber members frequency: quarterly distribution: 2,000 copies mailed directly to Chamber members each quarter, and distributed through the Visitor Center

member resource

Sojourn: seasonal guide to the region


vacation & local recreation

about the publications: membership directory This annual, comprehensive membership directory features a complete list, including crossreference by category, of the New Paltz Regional Chamber membership and has a 12-month shelf life.

readership: New Paltz Regional Chamber members, new and established area residents, weekenders, and visitors to the region frequency: annual distribution: 2,000 copies mailed directly to Chamber members annually, and distributed through the Visitor Center

advertising opportunities: To place an ad in any of the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce’s family of publications, contact Maryellen Case at (914) 953-3202 or

vacation & local recreation publication

Sojourn, a guide to the mid-Hudson Valley, is a twice-yearly magazine featuring seasonal offerings for area residents and visitors to our region.

Reach over 150 thousand visitors and area residents annually.

publication specs

Sojourn is a useful resource featuring unique suggested itineraries, useful maps, area history and many articles on the outdoors, good eating, shopping and family destinations. The magazine shows visitors what makes the mid-Hudson region such a unique and unforgettable place to visit. Readers use the magazine as a resource, referring to it repeatedly during their visits and throughout the season. A trusted source for excellent local journalism for over 15 years, Luminary Publishing provides unique editorial and compelling photography to create a window into the rich offerings that make this area unique for visitors. The magazine consistently showcases the excellent creative work of local artists , photographers, and writers.

readership: new and established area residents, weekenders, and visitors to the region format: 5.75"x10.75" 4-color printing distribution: 60,000 copies to 400 locations annually throughout the Hudson Valley frequency: twice yearly schedule: March, September

advertiser benefits: ■ Reach over 150 thousand visitors to region ■ Convenient size for carrying and saving ■ Compelling editorial guides readers to local sites ■ Content for local residents and visitors alike

advertising deadlines Spring/Summer: 2/8/10 | Summer/Fall: 8/9/10 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

advertising rates & sizes: sojourn


A seasonal guide to the Mid-Hudson Valley

1/4 Page V

1/2 Page H 4.75” x 4.75”

Full Page 4.75” x 9.75”

2.25” x 4.75”

1/2 Page V 2.25” x 9.75”

1/4 Page H 4.75” x 2.25”

Cover 5.75” x 10.75”

2.25” x 2.25”

(+1/8” bleed on all sides)




Back Cover



Inside Front Cover



Inside Back Cover



Full Page



1/2 Page



1/4 Page



1/8 Page



Directory Listing



advertise in 2 or more Chamber publications and receive an additional 10% discount on your full contract. (applies to display advertising only.)

1/8 Page

submission guidelines Submit ads & directory listings via e-mail with your business name and the publication in which the ad will run in the subject line to Please attach (rather than embed) your file. We also accept ads on disk or CD via standard mail sent to 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401, Attn: Production Department. Ads and ad materials may be submitted as PDF, EPS, TIFF, or JPEG; minimum resolution 300 dpi. We do not accept Quark, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, or Works files. Revisions can be e-mailed to or faxed to (845) 334-8610, Attn: Production Department. The colors in your digital file are not exact and may print slightly differently in the final magazine. If you have specific color preferences, please let us know in writing and supply a print (color SWOP proof) or tear sheet for comparison. Luminary Publishing cannot guarantee exact color replication of scanned or digital images. Advertiser owns or controls all intellectual property rights to the advertisement and agrees to indemnify and to hold Luminary Publishing, Inc., its agents, and assignees harmless from all liabilities, claims, losses, or damage of any kind arising out of the publication of any advertising submitted to Luminary Publishing, Inc., on behalf of the Advertiser.

advertising deadlines Spring/Summer: 2/8/10 | Summer/Fall: 8/9/10 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

business-to-business publication COMMUN ITY











Regional Report is the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly business-to-business magazine for business owners and Chamber members.







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Deliver your message directly to the area’s leaders in industry and services.

publication specs

Regional Report promotes collaboration amongst New Paltz Regional Chamber members to market services within our area. The magazine includes in-depth stories to support the small business owner, including: Q&As with business leaders and expert speakers; analysis of federal and state legislation & initiatives and their effect on local businesses; member profiles highlighting how local business owners are succeeding and what challenges they face; and columns on special subjects like business marketing, taxes, and technology.

readership: New Paltz Regional Chamber current and prospective members format: standard magazine format, 4-color printing distribution: 2,000 copies mailed directly to Chamber members each quarter frequency: quarterly schedule: January, April, July, October

advertising deadlines

advertiser benefits: â– Reach area business decision makers â– Actively promote Mid Hudson localism â– Informative and engaging regional content â– Local business stories and useful advice

Winter: 12/1/09 | Spring: 3/4/10 | Summer: 6/1/10 | Fall: 8/31/10 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

advertising rates & sizes: regional report

Regional Report

A quarterly business news publication of the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce

submission guidelines Submit ads & directory listings via e-mail with your business name and the publication in which the ad will run in the subject line to Please attach (rather than embed) your file. We also accept ads on disk or CD via standard mail sent to 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401, Attn: Production Department. Ads and ad materials may be submitted as PDF, EPS, TIFF, or JPEG; minimum resolution 300 dpi. We do not accept Quark, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, or Works files. Revisions can be e-mailed to or faxed to (845) 334-8610, Attn: Production Department. The colors in your digital file are not exact and may print slightly differently in the final magazine. If you have specific color preferences, please let us know in writing and supply a print (color SWOP proof) or tear sheet for comparison. Luminary Publishing cannot guarantee exact color replication of scanned or digital images.

Full Page 7.5” x 9.75” Inside Covers 8.5” x 11”

2/3 page v 4.925” x 9.75”

(+1/8” bleed on all sides)

back cover (3/4 page) 8.5” x 7.325” (+1/8” bleed on sides and bottom)

1/2 page h 7.5” x 4.7625”

1/3 page 4.925” x 4.7625” 1/3 page v 2.35” x 9.75”

Advertiser owns or controls all intellectual property rights to the advertisement and agrees to indemnify and to hold Luminary Publishing, Inc., its agents, and assignees harmless from all liabilities, claims, losses, or damage of any kind arising out of the publication of any advertising submitted to Luminary Publishing, Inc., on behalf of the Advertiser.

1/6 page v

advertise in 2 or more publications and receive an additional 10% discount on your full contract. (applies to display advertising only.)

advertising deadlines

2.35” x 4.7625”

1/6 page h 4.925” x 2.2688”





Back Cover (2/3 Page)




Inside Front/Back Cover




Page 3-4 (Full Page)




Full Page




2/3 Page V




1/2 Page H




1/3 Page




1/6 Page




Directory Listing




Winter: 12/1/09 | Spring: 3/4/10 | Summer: 6/1/10 | Fall: 8/31/10 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

member reference publication

Membership Directory is an


annual resource featuring comprehensive listings of chamber members.


Expand your business networking for 12 months.

publication specs

Cross-referenced and comprehensive, the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory is an important resource for Mid Hudson businesses, residents and visitors. This highly visible business membership directory is circulated to 800 members across 5 counties (Ulster, Greene, Sullivan, Orange, and Dutchess) and represents over 16,000 regional employees and their families. It is circulated via direct mail to chamber members; upon request to area residents and visitors via phone, internet and in-person; and always available at the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center. Copies are also distributed by member businesses such as Realtors to interested clients.

readership: area residents and visitors to the region

format: 8.5"x11"

4-color printing

distribution: 2,000 copies mailed directly to Chamber members annually

frequency: annual schedule: Published June 1

advertising deadline

advertiser benefits: ■ Effectively reach business influencers ■ Actively promote Mid Hudson localism ■ Expand your business networking in print ■ 12-month shelf life

May 3, 2010 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

advertising rates & sizes: membership directory

membership directory submission guidelines Submit ads & directory listings via e-mail with your business name and the publication in which the ad will run in the subject line to Please attach (rather than embed) your file. We also accept ads on disk or CD via standard mail sent to 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401, Attn: Production Department.

Full Page 7.5” x 9.75” Inside Covers 8.5” x 11”

2/3 page v 4.925” x 9.75”

(+1/8” bleed on all sides)

back cover (3/4 page) 8.5” x 7.325”

Ads and ad materials may be submitted as PDF, EPS, TIFF, or JPEG; minimum resolution 300 dpi. We do not accept Quark, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, or Works files. Revisions can be e-mailed to or faxed to (845) 334-8610, Attn: Production Department.

(+1/8” bleed on sides and bottom)

The colors in your digital file are not exact and may print slightly differently in the final magazine. If you have specific color preferences, please let us know in writing and supply a print (color SWOP proof) or tear sheet for comparison. Luminary Publishing cannot guarantee exact color replication of scanned or digital images.

1/2 page h 7.5” x 4.7625”

1/3 page 4.925” x 4.7625” 1/3 page v 2.35” x 9.75”

Advertiser owns or controls all intellectual property rights to the advertisement and agrees to indemnify and to hold Luminary Publishing, Inc., its agents, and assignees harmless from all liabilities, claims, losses, or damage of any kind arising out of the publication of any advertising submitted to Luminary Publishing, Inc., on behalf of the Advertiser.

1/6 page v 2.35” x 4.7625”

1/6 page h 4.925” x 2.2688”

rates Back Cover (2/3 Page)

advertise in 2 or more publications and receive an additional 10% discount on your full contract. (applies to display advertising only.)

advertising deadline


Inside Front/Back Cover


Page 1-2 (Full Page)


Full Page


2/3 Page V


1/2 Page H


1/3 Page


1/6 Page


May 3, 2010 to advertise, contact Maryellen Case : office (845) 765-2187 cell (914) 953-3202 email

The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce’s new family of publications is a collaboration of two organizations with a deep investment in local economy and quality of life in the New Paltz regional community. about the chamber The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce, organized in 1900, is a trusted resource for regional information. Located at exit 18 on the NYS Thruway, and the only chamber in the Hudson Valley with a regional Visitor Center, it fills an important role at the gateway to the heart of the Hudson Valley. The Center provides year-round information and a hearty welcome to visitors from around the region and the world. It is stocked with information from member businesses and local attractions. The New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting a strong local economy, local pride, and excellent quality of life in the Hudson Valley. For member businesses, the Chamber offers networking events, cost-effective promotional opportunities, educational seminars, a full range of insurance products, participation in its highly visible website, and opportunities for community involvement.

about luminary publishing

Luminary Publishing has launched and grown several successful publications in the New Paltz region since its founding in 1993. Their flagship publication, Chronogram, has become the magazine of record for the New Paltz region over its 15-year history. They also launched the successful Upstate House magazine, Healthy Living, and In addition to creating and nurturing original media vehicles, Luminary Publishing serves many regional organizations with custom publishing services. These include Dutchess County Tourism, the Chamber of Commerce of Ulster County, the New Paltz-Woodstock Arts and Crafts Fair, the Great Hudson River Revival Clearwater festival, HealthQuest Medical Practice, and others.

advertising opportunities: To place an ad in any of the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce’s family of publications, contact Maryellen Case at (914) 953-3202 or

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