Guidelines for Chrӯsallis Research Magazine Article Submission MAGAZINE THEME Authors are free to write within the theme of every issue and submit by the deadline given. Persons are allowed to submit to as many sections of the magazine as desired. The format for every section (except the Conferences Section) will take that of an extended abstract form. The Conference Section allows more freedom of presentation as outlined in the Magazine Sections below. Please see previous issues of the magazine for examples. Authors will be notified within 21 days whether the magazine will accept the submission. When notified, author(s) will be given feedback from the editorial team and asked to make any suggested changes accordingly with a new resubmission time. GENERAL For the body of the article, please use Font Times New Roman Size 12, double spaced, 1 inch left and right margins. Please place the TITLE in BOLD CAPS at the beginning of the article. All headings should be in BOLD CAPS and subheadings in Bold. The word limit is no more than 750 words including any picture and figure captions, subheadings, headings and title. The minimum word limit is 500 words. The word limit does not include references. Details on referencing are given at the end of this document. PICTURES AND FIGURES Authors are asked to submit accompanying photos and or figures as desired with appropriate captions and credits. That is, if the photo or figure is an original design please indicate (Photo taken by the author) after the caption or (Figure created by the author), otherwise please provide credit for the source of your picture(s) and or figure(s) as part of the caption placed below the picture/figure. It is preferred that the width and height of the photo be greater than or equal to 800 pixels. The shape of the photo doesn’t need to be a perfect square. The preferred resolution of a photo is 72 dpi or greater. Figures, illustrations, etc. should be included in the body of the article so their order in the article would be known. Additionally, these figures, illustrations, etc. should be submitted separately as images with the same specifications stated above. Please avoid sending images that are excessively dark, blurry, doesn’t have the subject as the main focus, pixelated or inappropriate. If you are unsure of which image to use for a particular area, you may send in multiple for us to choose from. MAGAZINE SECTIONS There are six sections in the magazine: 1. Student Research: Ongoing research by postgraduate students. This should be an extended abstract version or your work. 2. Completed Research: Recent graduate students who have completed their programmes or are in the process of preparing to make their final dissertation, paper or project submission.
3. The Sister Campuses: Research carried out by postgraduate students at the St. Augustine, Mona and The Open Campus. Research submitted by faculty and or administrative and technical staff are accepted in this section. 4. Conferences: Postgraduate experiences at conferences, workshops or training sessions and its relevance in their degree programmes and/or future career plans. This section allows authors to be as free as possible with how they wish to present their experiences and in this case the word limit does not have to reach the minimum of 500 words especially if the author chooses to do a photo diary or otherwise as a submission. If the author chooses to do a manuscript report instead of a photo diary or otherwise, the minimum and maximum limits of 500 and 750 words still apply. 5. Featured Pieces: Tips for postgraduate students written by postgraduate students on various encounters and experiences that may be useful knowledge to new and continuing students. This section may also include personal experiences that relate back to the various graduate degree programmes. 6. Faculty Research: Reports, overviews and advice on various research projects carried out by faculty members. This is also open to all Administrative and Technical Staff as long as the submission is related to research work. REFERENCES There should be no more than 6 references submitted per article where needed. Please follow the author date style of referencing on pages 2-5 at this link: Where clarifications are needed for sources not listed above, please contact the editor: AUTHOR INFORMATION When submitting, we ask that you provide the following information at the end of your article. If your article is accepted, this information will be placed in the magazine’s About the Author(s). Postgraduate Students Name, Email , Campus, Faculty, Department, Programme, Qualifications and Research Interests Faculty, Administrators and ATS Staff Contributions Name, Email, Campus, Faculty, Department, Position, Qualifications and Research Interests Kindly note that we hope to have this magazine available using ISSUU’s full subscription online which would allow digital media presentations to be submitted. If you are interested in submitting power points, videos or any other interactive media to accompany your article(s) we welcome these and will provide further guidelines as needed. If you need any more information, please contact the Editor at or team members at