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Chrisoula Dimitra Karakana tel: +30 6978 336 732 email: ch-kar@hotmail.com address: Stratigou Papoula 47 Ano Toumpa 54351 Thessaloniki

born: 26 / October / 1984 , Thessaloniki lived: Volos EDUCATION > 2nd high school Nea Ionia Volos >Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Department >MArch, Institute of Advanced Architecture , Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya LANGUAGES >greek >english >spanish SOFTWARE Autocad Archicad / Artlandis Rhino / Vray for Rhino Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Grasshopper (basics) Arduino (basics) Processing (basics) WORKSHOPS Physical Modeling / Marco Galofaro /IaaC Barcelona Optimization, Genetic Algorithms /Sam Joyce/Diseny Hub Bcn Processing Workshop / Thiago Mundim/ IaaC Barcelona Electronics+Arduino / Victor Vi単a/Iaac Barcelona Global Summer School Iaac/ Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez/ FabLab Barcelona (worked as a tutor`s assistant).

CONTENT >>Multifunctional commercial center_Agora chrisa karakana, katerina inepologlou

>>A new fabrication technique_Areana chrisa karakana, miguel guerrero pi単ar, natasa pistofidou

>>Interactive model of a superblock_Barcelona iaac global summerschool, http://www.iaac.net/globalschool/people/

>>3 metro stations_Thessaloniki chrisa karakana, katerina inepologlou, banioti giota

>>Grasshopper _data visualization chrisa karakana

>>Laser cutting_how to make the s-bench chrisa karakana

>>Arduino+Electronics_emilio chrisa karakana, miguel guerrero pi単ar, natasa pistofidou

For your Interest


Ethnikis Antistaseos is the street leading from Finikas Area to the center of Thessaloniki. The subject is the local market of Finikas that is functioning as the core of socialization of the residents there as well. In contrast with the typical neighbourhood of thessaloniki where the commerce and socialization is spread along the ground floors of the streets, Finikas has a higly centralised commercial spot. However the already existing building complex seems neglected and degraded together with the rest of the buildings around. The population is mainly consisted of imigrants and the standard of living is low. The most important issue that we are trying to deal with here is the axis of Ethnikis Antistaseos highway, dividing the neighbourhood in two physically non-communicating parts. Children going to school, people shopping from the nearby residences, elderly people gathering, have to cross the avenue at least twice per day. We are taking adavantage of the plentiful open public space and we are re-designing it in a way that it will be meeting the visitors` needs. Taking into consideration that the market is close to the big commercial complexes of IKEA, Mediteranean Cosmos and Apollonia Politia, we are not trying to end up with a cenetr of a metropolitan character but with a local one of improved aesthetics and function.









Project Thesis Sustainable architecture is achieved by adapting the design, material and process to the environment it caters too. AREANA is set out to achieve this by approaching a traditional material in an innovative manner. Sand is abundantly found on earth, it is cheap, natural and easily accessible to all. Due to its properties, humans have used sand for centuries to build structures. Combining this traditional material with the innovative approach of digital tectonics is what has resulted in AREANA, patient and vigorous material investigations which have lead to a fabrication process and structures, in tune with sand`s properties. AREANA explored the concept of an integral onsite construction process in which the material, formwork and foundation is found on site. Mimicking the way nature sculpts its surroundings with the passing of time, the existing topography found on the construction sites is transformed. Set in a sandy environment like the dessert, a vacuum like, autonomous machine collects and then directly deposits the sand found on site, rearranging the environment into a configuration of piles and holes. This simple process ensures that the building material does not need to be transported to the site and only needs to be carried by the machine momentarily. The otherwise un-cohesive sand grains are held in place by pouring strands of a binder on the rearranged sand surface, the sand and binder mixture forms a structure upon drying, using the sand lying below it as formwork. AREANAs geometries are based on the singularity of the material and the systems created from the self organization of its constituent sand grains. Î’y letting the material define the parameters of the project, a highly controlled, yet very simple process was devised; in which a limited set of rules enabled the exploration of the generation of large structures. Leaning on the use of algorithms to digitally generate designs, one must remain aware that any digital tool is only as good as its creator. Therefore the investigation of forms and geometries was cyclic, having manual experiments constantly feed the digital simulations. The key lies in the skilful and natural combination of material behaviour, machine logic, digital ease and awareness of the environment. With this philosophy problems such as scalability of the laboratory project when applied to reality, were overcome. We believe that the tool, which we have devised, is open and accessible to everybody, and adaptable to a vast set of needs.

Material Properties Sand is a naturally occuring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. It is a self organised granular system and its natural flow forms piles of 350 in ideal conditions. 1










The flow of a viscous liquid binder is defined by the gravity mg, the inclination θ of the surface, and the friction F between them. This natural flow solidifies its optimun paths resulting in a solid structure of a randomness of a certain degree.





Experiments show : 6% - 2 paths 65% - 3paths 15% - 4paths 10% - 5paths 4% - 6pathvs


Geometry Catalogue By depositing binder on the peaks of micro sand piles placed in different configurations on top of the fractal, a variety of geometries can be superimposed on the overall structure. Systems of wavy and linear crests between 0.5 centimeters to 25cm are formed, with the number of “legs� varying from 3 to 6. Depending on the configuration and number of legs, the resulting angles are 60,45,75 and 30 degrees. It is the variations, which are possible by altering the parameters which have been catalogued. Many more variations are possible through the overlay of the these geometries on the existing surface of the fractals. In addition, this method of overlaying may be used to increase the density of the structure and increase its stability.


Machine By integrating a machine in the fabrication process the last benefits accuracy and data management that could not be achieved in manual experimenting. The function of the machine is defined by the material properties and the architecture of the process.


R h



Speculating on the machine the final product can be like that. It is not a matter of inventing new technologies but just one of composing the already existing ones.

R x

y z X Y

Deposition nozzles PiezoElectric Sensors Tracked Movement Data Processor Binder Container Pumb


Machine Absract-Generating Design

At the macro level, the interaction between the machine and material behavior in relation to the landscaping of the environment is investigated. To this end, both the positive sand piles, as also the negative holes produced by the vacuum mechanism of collection, were depicted in the programming language processing. The machine was simplified, being represented digitally by three circles: the machine itself, the vacuuming arm and the depositing arm. The fixed parameters of this machine representation were the rotational angle, the position of the nozzles and both the forward and backward movement of the machine. Whilst ensuring that all machine paths were closed, ie, the machine starts and ends in the same place, different possible patterns were explored. These patterns were grouped according to their nature: radial or linear.

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Machinic Control With respect to the machine, we developed its most important component in terms of its architectural potential. The nozzle prototype is meant to execute the sand and binder deposition task . Two small containers with an apperture controlled mechanically by a servo motor each is the working principal. .

The goal is to control the product on the one hand and update it according to the emerging design as well. The nozzle - programmed in Arduino platform- is attached on the ShopBot CNC milling machine in an effort to simulate the autonomy of movement of the whole machine. Feeding ShopBot with coordinates of deposition points and the nozzle with times of apperture are the basic parameters of the process.s



Index Various tecniques were developed serving serving various architectural purposes. Here are: a.vacuumed pick b. high viscocity binder c. detail d.linear formation e.microfractaling f. layering

b c




f 23


Benoit Mendelbrot first coined the term fractal in 1975. He used this term, derived form the latin fractus, meaning broken or fractured, to give a mathematical explanation of geometries that possessed a property called self-similarity (Kochs curve 1920). The definition he gave of a fractal was “a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,� (^ Mandelbrot, B.B. (1982). The Fractal Geometry of Na- ture. W.H. Freeman and Company.. ISBN 0-7167-11869.) Fractals provide a mathematical answer to many of natures formations, helping us to understand the way they grow. Inspired by the fractals produced in nature, our initial structures were improved by creating by grouping minimum sand piles, optimum piles, together to form one large fractal pile. In doing fractal piles, the glue was forced down a certain path as opposed to allowing it to form freely under the force of gravity. Zooming out, the fractal piles are then grouped together to form larger geometries. By combining minimum piles into a system, which results in one large fractal geometry, several improvements over single pile geometries are achieved. Geometrically, both the maximum height and the inherent 35 degree angle of a single pile can be altered by using fractals. Structurally, the forces in the fractals are distributed over various legs through the more homogeneous glue distribution.


Grasshopper Definition

The fractal can be scripted into a parametric grasshopper definition. Using this definition, the parameters of the fractal piles can be controlled, producing both visualizations of the resulting structures as also a G-code with the coordinates of the material d eposition points needed to create them. The additive system scripted consists of 35 individual micro piles, which may be added to the surface of the big, central pile. By manipulating the various parameters, variations may be obtained with respect to shape, as well as size and density.

Fractal Variations


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Application Rather than the final product, AREANA has resulted in a production method. A care- fully designed tool which adjusts its fabrication process to any sandy environment. AREANA’s structures may take on a multitude of formations, evolving on site from the synergy be- tween the engineered process and the existing environment.

Although applicable to various sites and scenarios,the composition and fabrication process do lend certain characteristics to all the resulting structures.Their temporary nature makes them suitable for events and seasonal activities. Procedures` speed, cost, once the method is standardized and no necessity of already existing infrastructure, are the comparative advantages. Moreover one would say that there`s a unique kind of aesthetics experienced in the spaces created.


Case Study

Location: Erfoud, Morocco Type of building: Multipurpose space Purpose: Structures on locations without infrastructure Located in the dunes close to the Moroccan settlement Erfoud, at the Algerian border, this case studies a multipurpose space. The characteristics of our fabrication process and material choice allow our structure to be set in this remote area. Intended to serve the needs of the indigenous nomads, the space can be used for purposes like hosting annual cultural events taking place in the middle of the desert traditionally or resting places for people traveling the rest of the year. The structure is characterised temporary but its lifetime is definded by weather conditions mostly (wind, rain).





The sandy dome-like structures function more as trees in the desert - shading devices or wind barriers rather than shelters. Interior spaces of high aesthetic quality are created taking into consideration the user`s experience, a main principle of the essence of architecture throughout ages.




Introduction The IAAC Global Summer School for the 2011 academic year is re-thinking on the multiscalar strategies structuring our inhabiting environments (home, city, planet) and responding to the demands of the present and future.. The growing interest in managing climate change, in embracing of the green agenda in urban development, in the development of techniques for local energy generation, in the incorporation of information technology into the physical space and other relevant situations, call for a new vision of the evolution of the city and architecture. The task is to design the superblock of Barcelona. The superblock is an efficient organizational system consisted of six blocks of the typical city grid. The design will have special relevance with mantaining them self sufficient in terms of energy consumption by modifying their physical delimitations when necessary. Each block will contribute and benefit from the networks it is participating in, exchanging energy, goods, services . Design parameters are generated by geographical characteristics (latitude, longtitude), environmental data (temperature, CO2 ) and urban context (density, flow of people, programme) Anew urban layer of information is intented to be added in the city mechanism.

Device ASKit is an open hardware initiative intended to make active personal data collection and sharing accessible. Its components are a MicroSD shield, a GPS shield, analog sensors(CO2, movement, temperature, light, GPS) and the protective acrylic box. They were conceived desinged and manufactured in the FabLab BCN. Data Data is collected from points or paths in the block during the site analysis. The values are processesed by the designer in order to reach a valid conclusion.


Real Time Data The ASKit numeric values can be directly uploaded in Pachube. Pachube is an opensource real time data community where each user can contirbute or benefit from its data base. This data - input - can be streamed and visualised in the physical model of the superbock, specially fabricated in transluscent material to serve the purpose of interactivity between the real and the modeled part of the city. The same values are related to various social and economical values via algorithms that the designer can come up with - output - . So the task here is to design the process that will make decisions and generate form. Both the output and the input values are visualised with RGB LEDs that create a colour scale. The colours evaluate the value`s condition as seen next. The physical interactive model is consisted of the transluscent geometry, of the opaque MDF base and the electronics that are hosted in the base. Each block has a “master” board that is receiving real time information and it is distributing it to the “slave” shields that are placed in the model at the corresponding to the real world ASKit points displaying the existing numeric values.



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Production Consumption Beyond Money


2. Water Consumption m3/m2

[environ(kw/m2gener)-(kw/m2consump)] xGlobalRole-(lt/m3)/GlobalRole

Economy (Production) 3. Global Role/Identity Activity

Environmental 3. SELF SUFFICIENCY


[environ(kw/m2gener)-(kw/m2consump)] xGlobalRole-(lt/m3)/GlobalRole

Storage 4. Energy Generation kw/m2


Emergence/Bottom Up Sharing


4. INTELLIGENCE/ SMARTNESS [environ(kw/m2gener)-(kw/m2consump)] xGlobalRole-(lt/m3)/GlobalRole

Adaptability Empathy Networking

5. Environmental Data Light/Temperature/CO2

Sharing Capacity Efficiency/Logistics 5. CONNECTIVITY


R Y G 36

Red (06)


Yellow (05)


Green (04)


Global Repercussions/Influence

[environ(kw/m2gener)-(kw/m2consump)] xGlobalRole-(lt/m3)/GlobalRole


(kw/m2)+(lt/m3)+CO2 (light)+(temp)+CO2

= Purple (03)


Blue (02)



White (01)







The construction of the city`s metro line was the initiative of the project. The aim is to develop the typical thesssaloniki metro station. Three central stations were chosen as the most critical to be designed. The similarities and the contradictions between them dictated the design strategy. In the already dense complex of thessaloniki where the need for open space is urgent , the notion of landscrapers was introduced. Landscrapers are seemingly low structures -scraping the land - with a small part of them emerging from the ground and its main part underground. In a way they mimick earth`s landscape obviously affected by the digital era. In our case the typology of the landscraper is convenient for the dual use of the intervention - metro station entrance and public free space. The policy of same style structures serves the indication of the metro entrance and infrastructure periodically in the cityscape but at the same time their geometry is adapting to the surrounding space, pedestrian circulation, neighbouring uses. Intentions Recover the lost open public space No further pollution of cityscape Design and shape the public free space sustainability small on-site exhibitions of archaelogical findings shading of pedestrian zones vIndication of metro station entrance Actions Structures composed of surfaces available for public use Landscrapers Design and shape the public free space Use of materials that don`t need maintenance - concrete Design on-site show cases Elevate the structure when needed to shape shading devices Design all stations in the same style

City Center

Aristotelio Campus

International Exhibitional Space

Military Camp Thermaikos Golf


Function Diagram This simple diagram made us aware of all the functions of a metro station and the relationships between the physical spaces they occupy. It is a result of a thorough research conducted on metro stations designed all over the world.

Design Logic As previously mentioned the same style structures adopt their geometry to the surroundings. Not only they do not disturb the existing flow of people but they encourage it contributing to the social sphere as well.


Panepistimio Station




Syntrivani Station



Agias Sofias Station




Building occupancy varies per building according to its function. In many cases information about the occupancy can be very useful to optimize the services or sources consumption of the building. The data visualization for this assignment revolves around the occupancy of the iaac center throughout the days of the week. A visualization of this kind allows you to obtain useful information at a glance. Building maintenance could use the information in order to efficiently set the heating of the building. Furthermore users can see at what moment in time they are more probable of finding a lot or very few people at iaac. The door of the Iaac Institute can be opened by each individual by scanning their personal card. Therefore management has records of entrances and exits of the building at what time. An excel file was made out of this data , within 2 hour slots, each day of the week. The file used in the grasshopper visualization can be substituted with data from a different building.



Transforming Data into Geometry




The objective of this exercise is to get familiar with the new fabrication tecniques. The 3d model of a form vis designed in Rhino and fabricated by cutting its pieces in the laser cutter. The waffle structure as seen in the images is a tecnique developed in order to make 3d objects out of 2d pieces. The benches need to start and finish with the same intersection so they can be put together and make a long ribbed bench for the terrace of a school.


The Fabricated Model


EMILIO_arduino The aim of the electronics workshop was to learn the basics of arduino by dismantling old machines and toys and controlling their moving elements by connecting them up to the arduino board and scripting in the arduino interface. The name of the toy that was dismantled was Emilio and it was the hardware base of the new drawing, autonomous, 3axis, light sensitive device we put together. The result was drawing patterns mapping the light values. The bigger the light value the lower the position of the pen`s axis, the thicker the line drawn and the opposite..

3Axis Machine Manually controlled axis (front-back-right-left)


Light sensor controlled axis (up-down)


THE END_thank you!


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