Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
Fall Semester Activity Period: May 2015 to December 2015 MISSION The Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is a collaborative transdisciplinary faculty that conduct translational research, training, and outreach activities in close partnership with communities to improve health and prevent disease in vulnerable populations across the lifespan.
The members of the Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention are proud to report the activities of its faculty members.
Grants Funded
Papers Published
Accepted Abstracts
Total: $3,878,306
RESEARCH GRANTS SUBMITTED R01 Coregulation of Emotion in Marriage: Basic Processes and Living With Cancer. Co- I: Linda Larkey, PI: Michelle Shiota, Arizona State University. Resubmitted June 2015. R15 Tai Chi Easy for Balance and Gait for Parkinson’s Disease. To test standardized TCE for specific gait parameters and balance compared to stretching control group. Co-I: Linda Larkey, PI: Narayanan Krishnamurthi. Submitted June 2015 R01 A nonpharmalogical, compassion-based biobehavioral intervention to reduce treatment-induced symptoms and increase quality of life in cancer survivors. Co-I: Linda Larkey, PI: Thaddeus Pace, Karen Weihs. Submitted June 2015. F31 Physical Activity Resources, Parenting Practices, and Hispanic Children’s Physical Activity PI: Amy Hutchens, Mentor: Rebecca E. Lee. Submitted August 2015.
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
U01 Partnering for PA in Early Childhood: Sustainability via Active Garden Education PI: Rebecca E. Lee, Co-I: Gabe Shaibi. Submitted August 2015. Mayo Clinic Arizona Health Equity Research Institute: Viva Maryvale Family Centered Diabetes Prevention – Environmental and Social Resources Component PI: Gabriel Shaibi. Submitted September 2015. U54 Community-Based Precision Medicine Research: Implementation, Discovery, and Evaluation. PI: Gabriel Shaibi. Submitted September 2015. STTI/AADE Foundation Grant for 2016: Sleep, depression, and glycemic control in Korean Americans with type 2 diabetes. PI: Elizabeth Reifsnider. Submitted October 2015. R21 Using technology to improve food literacy among food bank clients. Co-I: Elizabeth Reifsnider. Submitted October 2015. R01 Compliance for Preventing Childhood Obesity through Early Feeding and Parenting Guidance. Co-I: Elizabeth Reifsnider. Submitted November 2015. R13 Partnering to Promote Sustainable Obesity Reduction in Latinos. PI: Rebecca E. Lee. Submitted November 2015. NSF Chinese Child Feeding Beliefs and Practices PI: Elizabeth Reifsnider. Submitted December 2015. GRANTS FUNDED 1R01CA182901-01 NIH/NCI Effects of Meditative Movement (Qigong/Tai Chi Easy) on Fatigued Breast Cancer Survivors. Testing effects of Qigong/TCE breast cancer survivors’ fatigue and other symptoms with a 3-group randomized controlled trial, QG, sham QG, and educational control (no exercise). PI: Linda Larkey. 5/1/2015 – 3/31/2020 Award amount: $652,569 1K99HL129012-01 NIH/NHLBI Smart Walk: A Smartphone Physical Activity Program for African American Women The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a culturally relevant Smartphone-delivered physical activity intervention to improve and maintain high physical activity levels and reduce cardiometabolic disease risk among obese African American women. PI: Rodney Joseph, Co-Mentors: Colleen Keller and Barbara Ainsworth. 9/1/2015 – 6/30/2017. Award amount: $89,534
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
Arizona Department of Health Services ¡Viva Maryvale! Family Focused Diabetes Prevention PI: Gabriel Shaibi. Award amount: $75,000. 1R01DK107579-01 NIH/NIDDK Preventing Diabetes in Latino Youth This study will test the effects and estimate the cost-effectiveness of a culturally-grounded communitybased lifestyle intervention on type 2 diabetes risk among obese Latino adolescents with prediabetes. PI: Gabriel Shaibi. Co-I: Colleen Keller, Felipe Castro. 12/23/2015 – 11/30/2020 Award amount: $3,061,203 ACCEPTED PUBLICATIONS Barroso C, Roncancio A, Moramarco M, Hinojosa M, Davila Y, Mendias E, & Reifsnider E. Food Security, Maternal Feeding Practices and Child Weight-for-length. Applied Nursing Research. In press, published online March 26, 2015. Cerin E, O'Connor T, Mendoza J, Thompson D, Lee RE, Hughes S, Baranowski T. A Child-Centered Scale of Informal Social Control for Latino Parents of Preschool-Aged Children: Development and Validation. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 2015 37 (4) 541-559. doi: 10.1177/0739986315601616. Galaviz KI, Lee RE, Bergeron K, Lévesque L. Assessing the physical activity environment in Mexican healthcare settings. Salud Pública de México. 2015 Oct; 57(5):403-11. Kao D, Carvalho Gulati A, Lee RE. Physical activity among Asian American adults in Houston, Texas: Data from the Health of Houston Survey 2010. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2015 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print] Galaviz KI, Lee RE, Bergeron K, Lévesque L. Assessing the physical activity environment in Mexican healthcare settings. Salud Pública de México. 2015 Oct; 57(5):403-11. Kao D, Carvalho Gulati A, Lee RE. Physical activity among Asian American adults in Houston, Texas: Data from the Health of Houston Survey 2010. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2015 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print]. Almeida FA, Smith-Ray RL, Dzewaltowski DA, Glasgow RE, Lee RE, Thomas DS, Xu S, Estabrooks PA. An Interactive Computer Session to Initiate Physical Activity in Sedentary Cardiac Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2015 Aug 24; 17(8):e206. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3759 Benitez T, Dodgson J, Coe K, & Keller C. Utility of Acculturation in Physical Activity Research in Latina Adults: An Integrative review of literature. Health Education & Behavior. 2015 Aug; [Epud ahead of print]. doi: 10.1177/1090198115601042
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
Flores YN, Shaibi GQ, Morales LS, Salmerón J, Skalicky AM, Edwards TC, Gallegos-Carrillo K, Patrick DL. Perceived health status and cardiometabolic risk among a sample of youth in Mexico. Quality of Life Research. 2015 Aug; 24(8): 1887-97. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-0922-x Jauregui A, Soltero E, Hernández-Barrera L, Santos-Luna R, Barquera S, Jauregui E, Lévesque L, López-Taylor J, Ortiz L, Lee RE. A multi-site study of environmental correlates of active commuting to school in Mexican children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2015 Aug 13. [Epub ahead of print] Joseph RP, Ainsworth BE, Keller C, Dodgson JE. Barriers to physical activity among African American women: An integrative review of the literature. Women & Health. 2015 Aug; 55(6), 679-699. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2015.1039184. Shaibi GQ, Konopken Y, Nagle-Williams A, McClain DD, Castro F, & Keller C. Diabetes Prevention for Latino Youth: Unraveling the Intervention. Health Promotion Practice. 2015 Aug; [Epud ahead of print]. doi: 10.1177/1524839915603363 Smith LL, Larkey LK, Wherry SJ, Ainsworth BE, Swan PD. Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Responses to Tai Chi Easy (accepted). Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Benitez TJ, Cherrington A, Joseph RP, Keller C, Marcus B, Meneses, Marquez B, Pekmezi D. Using web-based technology to promote physical activity in Latinas: Results of the Muevete Alabama pilot study. Computers, Informatics and Nursing. 2015 Jul; 33(7), 315-324. doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000162 Bever Babendure J, Reifsnider E, Mendias E, Moramarco MW, Davila YR. Reduced breastfeeding rates among obese mothers: A review of contributing factors, clinical consideration and future directions. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2015 Jul; 10:21. doi: 10.1186/s13006-015-0046-5 Joseph RP, Keller C, Adams MA, Ainsworth BE. Validity of Two Brief Physical Activity Questionnaires with Accelerometers among African American Women. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2015 Jul; 16:1-12. doi: 10.1017/S1463423615000392 Lee RE, Parker N, Hallett A, Soltero EG, Kao D, Modelska M, Kudia O, Rifai H, O’Connor DP. Physical Activity Policy, Access to Resources and Community Health Norms in CORD. Health, Behavior and Policy Review. 2015 Jul 4. doi: Mama SK, Schembre SM, O'Connor DP, Kaplan CD, Bode S, Lee RE. Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions to reduce binge eating symptoms in African American and Hispanic women. Appetite. 2015 Jul 16; 95:269-274. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2015.07.015. [Epub ahead of print]. Soltero EG, Ledoux T, Lee RE. Feasibility and Acceptability of Adapting the Eating in the Absence of Hunger Assessment for Preschoolers in the Classroom Setting. Eating Behaviors. 2015 Jul 2; 19:68-71. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2015.06.006. [Epub ahead of print]. Reifsnider E, Garcia AA. What’s in a name? Does population health have the same meaning for all stakeholders? Public Health Nursing. 2015 May-Jun; 32(3):189-90. doi: 10.1111/phn.12202
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
Lee RE, Hallett AM, Parker N, Kudia O, Kao D, Modelska M, Rifai H, O'Connor DP. Development of the policy indicator checklist: a tool to identify and measure policies for calorie-dense foods and sugar-sweetened beverages across multiple settings. American Journal of Public Health. 2015 May; 105(5):1036-43. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302559. Gharib H, Galaviz K, Lee RE, Safdie M, Tolentino L, Barquera S, Lévesque L. The influence of physical education lesson context and teacher behaviour on student physical activity in Mexico. Retos: Nuevas tendencias en Educacion Fisica, Deporte y Recreacion. 2015. 28:160-164. ACCEPTED PRESENTATIONS/ABSTRACTS Kaur M, Bruening M, Williams AN, Shaibi GQ. Changes in Dietary Behaviors and Anthropometrics Following Lifestyle Intervention among Obese Latino Youth with Prediabetes. Obesity Week 2015. Los Angeles, CA, November 3-6, 2015. Galaviz K, Estabrooks, PA, Jauregui e, Janssen I, Lee RE, Lopez y Taylor J, Ortiz Hernandez L, GonzalezAlvarez J, Levesque L. Promoting Physical Activity in Mexican Primary Care Clinics: An EffectivenessImplementation Hybrid Trial. ET40. Paper presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group conference, Cancun, Mexico, October 24-29, 2015. Levesque L, Jauregui E, Lee RE. Physical Activity Promotion in Mexico: Strategies, Techniques, and Culturally Relevant Practices for Building a Multinational Research Collaboration. WS27. Workshop presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group conference, Cancun, Mexico, October 24-29, 2015. Nosek M, Robinson-Whelen S, Hughes R, Ledoux T, Goe R, Silveira SL, Lee RE, O’Connor DP, Nosek T. A Virtual-Reality Weight Loss Program for Women with Mobility Limitations: Results of a Pilot Study. Poster presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dallas, TX. October 25-30, 2015. Lévesque L, Galavíz KI, Jauregui E, Janssen I, Estabrooks PA, Lee RE, Ortiz L, Lopez y Taylor J. Training Physicians to Counsel for Physical Activity in México. Presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2015. Lee RE, Jauregui E, Soltero EG, O’Connor TM, Castro CM, Estabrooks PA. Evaluation of Physical Activity Public Health Programs in México. Presented at the annual conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2015.
SERVICE Elizabeth Reifsnider - ZTR1 CI-0 01 1, CTSA Collaborative Innovation Award Pre-Application (X02) Special Emphasis Panel, NCATS/NIH Elizabeth Reifsnider – Member, ASU/Mayo Seed Grant Review committee. On-going this fall, committee has completed 2 levels of reviews. Elizabeth Reifsnider - Appointed as Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, ASU.
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention End of Semester Report
Elizabeth Reifsnider - Grant reviewer 2015/05 ZHD1 DSR-M (MV) 1, Special Emphasis Panel, P01 Research Program Projects, NICHD/NIH. Elizabeth Reifsnider - Member, Arizona Health Improvement Partnership Obesity Taskforce. Gabriel Shaibi - Institute for Clinical and Translational Research - University of Wisconsin School of Medicine KL2 grant application review Gabriel Shaibi - NIH Study Section – Community Level Health Promotion – Study Section grant review Rebecca Lee - Increasing Physical Activity Participation in Early Childhood: Sustainability via Active Garden Education. Presented at the Early Care and Education Workgroup. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 13, 2015 Rebecca Lee - Track Co-chair. Environmental and Contextual Factors in Health and Behavior Change. Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Scientific Sections. 2016.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Estela Barraza - Invited to the Valle del Sol Profiles of Success Annual Luncheon, 9/13/2015. Purpose of Coordinator of Community Engagement (CCE) Attending: Center Visibility among Hispanic Leaders in AZ. Estela Barraza - Invited to the Hispanic Women's Corporation Annual Luncheon, 9/25/2015. Purpose of CCE Attending: Center Visibility among Hispanic Leaders in AZ. Estela Barraza - Attended the 2nd Annual Arizona Health Equity Conference on October 29th, 2015 Linda Larkey - Invited speaker at the Colon Cancer Alliance, “Integrative Options for Care and the Evidence for Mind-Body Practices”. October 2015.
MENTORSHIP Our Research Center Community Liaison and undergraduate student, Tatianna Alvarado, undergraduate student Jamie Karch and Dr. Gabriel Shaibi were featured on ASU News in the article ASU students focus on Latinos in fight against diabetes. The article focused on Tatianna and Jamie’s involvement with Dr. Shaibi’s “Every Little Step Counts” study. Students Estela Barraza and Jamie Karch attended the Big Ten+ Graduate Exposition at Purdue University October 4-5. Both Estela and Jamie received travel grants to attend the expo and used the opportunity to identify potential collaborators for future research projects.