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M M.H.

M M.H.

Alexander Marsh

“I didn’t necessarily feel at home until my first Forum Day. It was a great experience to learn from upperclassmen and bond with my new classmates, I still remember the day vividly. We went and played games at a park near my forum leader, Anne Thomas’, house. Then we all spent the night at her home and continued to bond. Anne’s forum opened up to me, and I really felt welcomed. Anne was a great forum leader: She was always there for me and I could go to her for academic support, social support or anything else I needed help with. Being able to bond with people through a close environment like forum helped me adjust from spending nine years at one school to suddenly switching to a new environment. Some of my favorite memories at CHS have come this year through interesting classes I have taken, like my Spanish 5 class and a Congolese Dance CR. It’s not always what I learn, but the good times and memories I made in those classes. I’m grateful that CHS has brought a small community to me. It can be kind of scary when introduced to a bunch of different new people and I was able to really meet and actually interact with people I would have never been able to at a larger school environment. It has kind of helped me find new friends as a smaller community. Lastly, I’d like to thank some teachers like Maneesha and Matt.”


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