Military Family Support Organizations to Support | Chuck Schmalzried | Stories of Heroes
a Military Family Support Organizations to Support by Chuck Schmalzried | Feb 3, 2021 | Blog, Chuck Schmalzried, Entrepreneurship, Veteran
Military is known as armed forces and heavily guarded, highly systematic force generally meant for warfare. It is usually o cially recognized and supported by a sovereign state. Following are some of the organizations that support military families.
ARME D S E R V I C E S YMCA (ASYMCA) Formed in 1861 during the civil war in the United States, ASYMCA has 12 branches, 200 program centers, and 93 military installations nationally. Programs and services are at a minimal cost or free for junior military troops and families’. No membership is required. The troops are in di erent armed services such as Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps. YMCA is the oldest organization working with the Department of Defense. The programs o ered include hospital assistance, food services, childcare, holiday meals, computer training classes, and much more.
BLUE S T A R F A M I L IES https://chuckschmalzried.net/military-family-support-organizations-to-support/
Military Family Support Organizations to Support | Chuck Schmalzried | Stories of Heroes
Blue Star has been in existence since 2009. Formed by military spouses, the primary objective was to empower military families to survive as they serve. Their dedication is to unify military families by associating them with the general public to e ectuate spirited citizens of mutual support. They raise awareness to the public through innovative research about di erent quandaries of military family life. Blue Star Families help troops triumph over the separation and detachment of constant moves, disposition, and diminished support from the government with the neighbors’ assistance nationwide. It supports over 1.5 million families by providing free services, resources, and opportunities making life more endurable.
FREED O M A L L I A NCE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Freedom Alliance was formed in 1990 by two Vietnam veterans. In July 1990, a war took place, and the organization instated Operation Homefront. It organized volunteers to fabricate and consign care packages to the troops. Each box had unique items to palliate boredom and resist desert heat. It provides services to wounded members, military families, and veterans. The organization supports children-troops with college scholarships. The purpose of the organization is to make the nation experience enthusiasm by supporting troops.
MILIT A R Y F A M I L I ES UNITED Military Families United is a non-pro t organization founded in 2005. Their mission is to support troops and their families as well as Honor the fallen. It collaborates with Blue Star, Gold Star, Veterans, Patriotic American, and Next of Kin families who apprehend military troops. It provides di erent services, events, and programs to prove that Americans will not forget troops’ sacri ces. These are a few of the organizations that support military troops. Please support the organizations as the troops ensure that the nation is safe.
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