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Change in Academic Status
Master - Doctoral Continuing Programs
A student may enter a master's degree scheme in any of the following cases:
1. When a student submits a petition for entering a master's degree scheme within 2 weeks of the first semester he/she is enrolled in the program or within 2 weeks from the end of the second semester.
2. A student fails to obtain the S grade in the "qualifying examination" within the following periods of time, starting from the first semester he/she is enrolled in the program:
(a) within 3 semesters, for those with master's degrees upon their entry to the program
(b) within 4 semesters, for those with bachelor's degrees upon their entry to the program
(c) a student has received the U grade twice in the "qualifying examinations" and gained approval from the Program Committee to change the level to the master's degree scheme.
After an approval of the change in level of study has been granted, all the courses a student has registered and the grades he/she has obtained shall be transferred to his/her record in the new program/scheme and applied for the computation of his/her GPA throughout his/her study.
The Program Committee shall be responsible for consideration on entry to the program, change in level of study and return to the program/scheme. The issue shall then be submitted to the Faculty Board for approval and the Office of Registrar shall be informed of the approval within 2 weeks from the day of the approval.
Change in area of study
A student may request a change in the area of study offered by the University according to criteria below. The change must be approved by the Program Committee, the Faculty Board of the faculty to which he/she was originally affiliated and that of the faculty to which he/she is to be affiliated.
(1) A student has been enrolled as a student of the University no less than 1 semester but no longer than 1 academic year;
(2) A student has achieved a GPA of no less than 3.00.
*** A student who has changed an area of study may be exempted from certain courses, if approved by the Faculty Board.