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Submission Regulation
Please visit https://ithesis.grad.chula.ac.th/ under Tutorials section for Student Manual and Tutorial Video of Thesis/Dissertation Submission Regulation.
Request for Graduation
Students who have completed all the requirements in the curriculum in their final semester, and expect to graduate, should fill out their information for graduation via the internet at https://www. reg.chula.ac.th/graduationen.html under the category of “Request for Graduation" and follow these procedures:
1. Check for correction of personal information, academic records and curriculum under the category of "correction for student records". Students should check all relevant information before requesting graduation. Should there be any change/alteration of information, students should contact the Office of the Registrar for corrections, and present evidence (if any). After the Faculty declares the annual list of graduates, any changes cannot be made.
2. Students fill out their information for graduation under the category of “Request for Graduation" within the period of time stipulated in the Academic Calendar of each semester. Should it be done after the period of time allowed, they will be subject to a fine (1,000 baht) from the Office of Registrar according to the regulations.
3. In the case that a student is unable to graduate, the information for requesting graduation will become void, and the student will need to file the information again in the next semester in which the student expects to graduate.
* The student who has filled out Information for graduation cannot register in the next semester unless the student has not been able to graduate. In such cases the student must inform the Faculty Registrar's Office of his/her affiliation.
* Students can find out the result of the request for graduation under the category "Graduates". If the list of graduates is not found, please contact the Faculty Registrar's Office.