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Other Complaints submission
If student has complaint for any other aspects, such as the quality of supervision or feedback, or the treatment from staff member, the complaints can be submitted by filling the Faculty Complaint Form. It is required that background of the complaint as well as the student’s contact details are given. Evidence and outcome expectation are optional.
Once the complaint is filed, the Faculty will respond to the issue and inform the complainant as soon as the investigation is completed, normally within three weeks. If the complaint is complex or needs additional arrangement, response to the matter may take longer. The response to complaint is as follows:
1. Once the complaint is submitted, the Faculty officer will primarily examine the case and allocate it to the relevant work unit. The cases related to graduate programs and activities will be referred to the Division of Graduate Affairs while other complaints will be allocated to Division of Quality Management.
2. The responsible work unit will process the complaint accordingly and inform the student of the result. The time frame varies with the complexity of the case and needed procedure.
3. The student may submit further concern or suggestion regarding the resolution and work performance of the responsible work unit.
4. The work unit concludes the complaint and its resolution and sends the document to the Division of Quality Management for reporting in the annual meeting of the Risk Management Committee.