North issuu

Page 1

phase one


phase two


phase three

transmission phase four


Description of the creative process There will be five phases used to present and explain this project that we’ve named “Where is your north?�. You are going to understand the whole process of the creation. This project is addressed for the young people and their families. We hope young people in this process of growing understands how to share and learn to ask for help. Thus, they will be able to choose the direction for their future. Meanwhile, for their families, this process is also challenging. They need more understanding, support and encouragement. We just hope through this event, they can get a little inspiration, or feel something. Also, beginning something that is going to change them a bit.

phase five


Phase one COMPREHENSSION As first phase of creation, we raised some questions for ourselves. -What are the young needs? -What is the connection among these needs?

Where can I go? This is our summary of this subject.

We have described the topic of “Youth needs” in four sections or points of view. -Finding an identity. -Searching for meaning. -Healthy Cultural Values. -Gain Independence.

¨Independent¨ is the most attractive topic to us. We choose this topic because it’s beyond the other three and is the final synthesis. How to understand “independent”? -Independent judgment. -The ability to solve problems by your own.

The next phase, we shall conduct interviews and collect information in accordance with the theme of independence.

Phase two CO-CREATION This is a process of collecting information. We focused on the topic of “Independent� and interviewed two families. Children among the ages of 15-18 years old.


to two teenagers and their families and we want to make clear:

First questions formulation - How to get along in daily life? - When encountering problems, do they take the initiative to communicate it with their parents? - Do their parents give him enough space and support? - Do the parents have changed for them? Interview objective: we want to know which level of independence the boys between 15 and 18 have nowadays. And also, know what kind of liberty the parents give to the children.

INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Hola, (motivo de la entrevista). 2. Como te llamas? 3. Podríamos hacerle unas preguntas? 4. Tienes hijos?

WARM-UP 1. Cuantos años tienen tus hijos? 2. Como se llaman? 3. Como los describirías?

PREGUNTAS GENERALES 1. Tus hijos ayudan en las tareas de casa? Saben cocinar? Saben planchar o poner una lavadora? Saben ir a hacer la compra? Ellos quieren aprender o tu deseas enseñarles? 2. Tienen que pedir permiso para salir de casa? 3. Como reaccionan tus hijos cuando les niegas algo o les dices que no? -Se enfadan o lo aceptan como una persona adulta y responsable? 4. Qué hacéis cuando creéis que se porta mal? - Acostumbráis a poneros en su lugar? 5. Consideras que tus hijos tienen privacidad? - Controláis sus conversaciones privadas? - Llamáis a la puerta antes de entrar a su cuarto? - Consideras que respetáis su espacio personal?

PREGUNTAS CON PROFUNDIDAD 1. Hay buena comunicación entre vosotros? - Te cuenta su día a día? - Comparte sus problemas de la misma manera que las cosas buenas? - O tienes que sonsacarle la información? 2. Tus hijos se preocupan por tí? - Como lo sabes? - De qué manera lo transmiten? 3. Creéis darles una buena educación emocional a vuestros hijos? - Tomar sus propias decisiones. - Ser responsable de sus actos. 4. Ves a tu hijo capaz de vivir solo? - Por qué? 5. Como enseñáis a vuestros hijos a relacionarse con el mundo exterior? 6. Tus hijos trabajan o han trabajado alguna vez? en verano por ejemplo? 7. Tienen paga semanal o mensual y ellos se administran su dinero? o les das cuando te lo piden? 8. Has hablado alguna vez con ellos respecto a educación financiera? les has enseñado a hacer un uso responsable del dinero?

CIERRE 1. Esta entrevista te ha servido para reflexionar acerca de la relación que tienes con tus hijos? 2. Crees que se podría diseñar algún servicio o actividad para ayudar a los chicos de entre 15 y 18 niños ser más conscientes, responsables e independientes? 3. Muchas gracias por su tiempo y su colaboración.

Finally, we got the following conclusions: - It depends on the culture/country - Without losing identity and creativitly - Work out life issues - Make a diference - If it’s a girl, protect her - Any problem, talk with their parents - Any decision, talk with their parents - There are bounds - They can study whatever they want but with enough reasons. - Take into account the economic situation - Health and safety - School gives you the basics (knowledge) and family the environment/decisions - Calm way -Real situations

We synthesize the most important aspects of the interviews in four situations.





PERSONAL PROFILE PABLO GUITÉRREZ AGE: 17 years OCCUPATION: 4th of ESO student, repeating course FAMILY: He lives with his parents and his little sister (7 years). SOCIAL CLASS: Middle-low class PERSONALITY: Problematic. Without motivation for the school. Active and enthusiastic about the thinks that he likes. He is introvertive but very friendly. The disinterest for school education creates a conflict between him and his parents, besides a bad comunication between them. HOBBIES: Passionate about motorcycling. He likes to go out with his motocycle and practise motocross with his friends in the middle of the wild in order to desconect about his problems and the urban world. At his home he watches action and mistery movies in his room. He likes to read to isolate himself. GOALS: Not depending nor anything or anyone. Enjoy the thinks he actually likes. He has an enterprising mentality because he knows that bussiness life can’t offer the freedom that he wishes to have.

PERSONAL PROFILE JOSÉ MARIA GUITÉRREZ AGE: 51 years OCCUPATION: Bussiness man (he makes market studies). He travels a lot and has many responsabilities. FAMILY: He lives with his withe and both of his children (7 and 17 years) SOCIAL CLASS: Middle-high class PERSONALITY: Strict. He likes analyzing the daily situations and compare them with his bussines vision. He takes care of his image wearing elegant clothes wich transmits his identity about control. He has trouble opening with his family because he is afraid of being vulnerable so he is a role model. HOBBIES: Reading the newspapers with his espresso and morning cigarette. He practice sport to fitness. He enjoys the company of his wife although everyone is doing things by himself. GOALS: Keep intact his reputation. He wants his children to follow his steps and study a similar degree (corporative sector). Deep inside he just wants to make his family happy.

Phase three TRANSMISSON We try to synthesize all the conclusions. Developing a general direction, establishing the concept and get preliminary solutions.

In this step, we realize how important the family education is. Although school stuff helps us understand the world, the family education may improve the shape of our worldview and personality. It is the initiative to accept, rhythmic, and more emotional.

We decided to go to nature. Organize different families through a series of activities in order to get experience. Finaly, we determine the concept for this project: WHERE IS YOUR NORTH? We hope this event is going to help these young people to feel inspired. Being lost is not terrible!

Specific solution: One day a week for a month, goes to the center to organize the outside course (contacts, basic information about camping, organize activities,...) 6 families, 2 facilitators to share one weekend experience with few resources.

Phase four IMPROVEMENT At this stage, we will build two techniques (BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS and CUSTOMER JOURNEY) to improve the project. Increased numbers of details and made this event had a better circulation. At the same time, we also have developed VISUAL IDENTITY. Of course, for communicate with customers the TUOCHPOINTS are essential.

NAMING&LOGO DESCRIPTION OF THE NAMING The meaning of “Where is your north” comes from knowing where you are going and where do you come from. Besides, being a question generates instant interest in knowing what the project is about.

DESCRIPTION OF THE LOGO The large “N” symbolizes a starting point or destination you arrive with rough roads as a maze.

Original logo

KEY RESOURCES Phisical and invisible/unconsciously touchpoint.

KEY ACTIVITIES Grow up a seed Camping Reflect about all the process the relationship between the seed and life.

KEY PARTNERS Bussiness with similar service or firm mentality. Principal touchpoint of this project: cafeteria Financially and philosophically

COSTS Cafeteria Facilitator salary Camping (transport, stage, equipment, aso.) Seeds + flower pot Physical comunication



VALUE PROPOSITION Accessible Friendly Funny Unconciously Indirectly Feedback Impact Personal and common The great beauty

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Confidence Feedback Freedom/liberal

Chunyao Fang Andrea Soler Camila Ballell

CUSTOMERS Teenagers from 14 to 18 years old Their parents or guardian

CHANNELS Cafeteria Seed Wall of life Flower pot Camping Graphic supports (postcard, posters) Video Variable process


REVENUE Cafeteria Seed + Flower pot Publicity: video, postcard Firm: give a greener identity


Start 1

Start 2





Take care of your plant

In Palau Alòs Online Information Take a picture

Online Graphic publicity

Flower pot & seeds

Go to Palau Alòs Mouth to mouth

Class 1 (1h30min)

Class 2 (1h30min)

Class 3 (2h)





Make your own north Put your plant in “The wall of life”

Class 4 (1h)


Settle Organize Cook competition

Route in the nature Comunication

Team work Reflection

TOUCHPOINT SET With this starter-set we want to reach the user with a little material surprise. And also start a tracing and growing with them.

TOUCHPOINT “WALL OF EXPERIENCE” At the beginning of this project, the wall is going to be empty. But with your collaboration and experience we will build a great wall of experience, and it’s going to be beautyful.

TOUCHPOINT VIDEO One of the strong and powerful points to transmit our idea is the audiovisual support. We’ve added a voiceover and followed a process by which is meant that with a monitoring phases, you may get a result. Link “Where is your north?” audiovisual:

VOICE-OVER OF THE VIDEO Hi, we are going to tell you about a project that we’ve named “Where is your north?” that Palau Alòs proposed us. A youth social center in Barcelona. To find out where your north is, school and family education are very important. We believe that family values gives you constant pace in line with your growth. With this thought, we have created a family activity that will help you. You will also be able to share your experience with them. How can you find out more about this service? By going to Palau Alòs Cafeteria, you can find it online, through advertisements or by other people’s recommendations. To register, you can do so online or go directly to Palau Alòs. Right! You’ve already registered! Now we will give you the program and a starter set. And you’ll see what will happens! Let’s warm up! We have 4 meetings to grow with the plant and share changes of it with photos. And you can also, prepare something to go camping. Finally, we are going to bring them together and build a wall of experiences! Are you ready now? Let’s go into nature! Here we are gonna spend a weekend. We will put up our tent, cook, ride a bike, go jogging and of course have a little party! But you need to pay attention that we are going back to basics . In the end, you will get a surprise! And you will feel something that is going to change you… one way or the other.



Phase five EMOTION At the end, this project wants to be a tool to help you find your way and also feel something that is going to change you, one way or the other.

Your North

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