1 minute read
Incubator LOCATION
The Inglewood Oild Field
Los Angeles
100000 Ft2
Octber, 2022
Zihua Mo
Homunculi are full scale architectures, albeit small in size. They are not models or prototypes – they work at their native size and tectonic material reality. They are equipped to act, to sense, and to react. Together with other actors, these homunculi will participate in a performance - an interchange of presentation and observation. They will form images and impressions of each other, defined by their spatial relationships, their environments, and their innate properties. These impressions will serve as the foundation for a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)a tool which enables the artificial generation of images, typically born from the collaboration between a human curator and an AI synthesizer. In our case, we will share the agency of curation with our homunculi, allowing them to capture and collect data in ways which may seem unnatural or unintuitive to a human-centric perspective. Our homunculi may veil or occlude themselves, move to avoid each other's gaze, or produce atmospheres or natures which impede their capacity to house transmissible data. The result of this cooperative exercise will be images and animations which represent compound beings - artifacts resulting from the collision of the Human and the Synthetic.
It is a heavy irrigation machine, the upper part is metal skin, and the bottom part is made of concrete. The entire interior is supported by a metal skeleton in which various mechanical devices, such as fans, compressors, internal motor, and pump are installed. Because its weight is concentrated at the bottom, it may start to rock when it is subjected to traction. Its function is automatic irrigation, which will greatly enhance efficiency in the context of the industrial age, and the random swing design makes it unique.
The second homunculi is the ROLLER. It is a seeding machine with a natural plant cover. The sphere is made of transparent plastic and has a very light mass. Its internal rolling mechanism enables it to roll continuously while the sowing mechanism ejects the seeds to complete its work. It also has a certain amount of liquid nutrients inside that will flow out during the rolling process to record its trajectory.
Homunculi Physical Model
Paired Homunculi
The overall plan is to build four laboratory buildings here, where they are the incubators of new types of environments and also create mutated creatures. These new environments and creatures will affect the whole oil field.