1 minute read

The Student Voices...

Freshman said, “It has taught me to be a part of community that appreciates growing together as a community in faith ”

Senior said, “[Best experience with the Church is] The feeling of being involved in the church Having the church feel like a second home with hundreds of people in a gathered community to pursue something we all enjoy and believe in.”

Sophomore said, “I've found that the community overall with my Church has been extremely supportive of me, and that makes me quite happy to support them in return”

Freshman said, “Church is a place where people may socialize and encourage one another You can make friends, feel a sense of belonging, and develop a reliable support network ”

Sophomore said, “The best experience with the Church is how the church can make others more social and feel comfort. This experience can support the whole community. I think about the Church as a way to get closer to people, friends, family, and most importantly God ”

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