2 minute read
The Richard Churcher Foundation
The 1722 Society was established to thank all those who have pledged to leave Churcher’s College a legacy in their will to support the Richard Churcher Foundation and provision of bursaries, or towards a part of College life most meaningful to them.
Churcher’s College was established following the original benefaction from Richard Churcher, aimed to provide an education for ten or twelve local boys from Petersfield in the arts of writing, arithmetic and navigation. The Richard Churcher Foundation exists to continue the culture of philanthropy and community established by our founder by providing transformational bursaries to enable children to be educated at Churcher’s.
The school currently provides bursary support to over 50 families through funding from the school and philanthropic support from our community.
Leave a legacy to Churcher’s
Following in Richard Churcher’s footsteps, we are very grateful to all of you who have pledged a legacy gift to Churcher’s. We are keen to grow the 1722 Society and would be delighted to welcome new members. Every year the school invites members to an annual event and other events at Churcher’s.
“After 40 years of no contact with Churcher’s and having missed our fortieth reunion, I was invited to have a visit and tour of the College. I confess it was a revelation and an inspiration. I was always proud that Churcher’s was my alma mater, but the College has become so much more than it was when I attended.
The visit made such an impression that when I was asked to leave a legacy to the College and to join the 1722 Society, I didn’t hesitate. The 1722 lunches are good fun. I enjoy meeting and talking with the senior pupils and it allows me to have some continuing connection with the place.” In some small way, I hope my contribution to the Richard Churcher Foundation will help someone to have the privilege of an education at Churcher’s.”
John Davie (64)
Please get in touch with the Development Office if you…
...are thinking about making a gift to Churcher’s in your will and would like to talk anything through.
...have pledged a gift to Churcher’s in your will and would like to join the 1722 Society. ...would like us to provide sources of information to help you make a will.