CMS Annual Review 2006-07

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sharing Jesus, changing lives Annual Review 2006–7

Soundtrack to changed lives: new spin on God’s mission in the CMS tent at Greenbelt. Photo: F8-Infinity Photography/CMS Cover image: children from Jigsaw ministries in the Philippines (see ‘God’s Jigsaw’). Photo: Pete Chapman Back cover image: CMS’s David Pollendine leads a drama workshop on the Free For All tour. Photo: Mary Rose Loyd/CMS

CMS is an evangelistic mission working to see a world transformed by the love of Jesus

The Rev Canon Tim Dakin CMS General Secretary

The Rt Rev David Urquhart Bishop of Birmingham Chair of Trustees

sharing Jesus, changing lives There couldn’t be a simpler statement of what CMS is all about. Nor one charged with so much meaning. As you’ll see in these pages, it might mean sharing Christlike love with children at risk. Or sharing a community-transforming vision with marginalised pastors. It might mean sharing in the traumas of persecuted Christians or sharing the inspiration we’ve found in a humble grassroots project. Above all it means sharing the reality of the risen Christ and opening each other’s eyes to his kingdom. When that sharing happens, it is sure to change lives. The preparations to commemorate the 2007 Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade drove us back to our roots. The passionate abolitionists who founded CMS couldn’t separate the campaign against slavery from the campaign for mission. Justice and evangelism were intertwined – sharing Jesus, changing lives. Their achievement stands as a challenge to us all. Thank you for your support, which enables CMS to step up to that challenge.

CMS is committed to inspiring people of all ages to live lives rooted in the values and vision of Jesus Christ, tackling injustice and changing lives.

Ayozie Pollendine of Big Intent Theatre Company expresses a mother’s grief in Free For All. Photo © Mary Rose Loyd/CMS

FREEDOM FOR ALL “It was amazing! Utterly fabulous!” said Harry from Avening Primary. It certainly wasn’t your average day at school. Harry and his classmates had been discovering the truth about the slave trade through drama workshops led by CMS and Big Intent Theatre Company on the Free For All tour. Beginning in October 2006 Free For All embarked on a 30cathedral tour. Through physical theatre, music and song, children come face to face with the story of slavery and the battle to abolish it. In each location the event culminates in a public performance to the local community, which challenges people about today’s forms of slavery. The CMS Youth and Children’s team are staying in touch with participating schools through the Free For All Network, which offers information and inspiration about battling contemporary slavery. Teachers have been delighted by this interactive approach to learning about slavery. There were other positive spin-offs: “I am thrilled to see students enjoy a positive experience in a church,” said one teacher. Free For All has reached thousands more people as it generates coverage on local TV and radio wherever it goes.

Across Asia CMS built new partnerships in 2006 to share the reality of Jesus, from helping these Indonesian refugees to opening a new mission centre in Seoul, Korea.

A refugee family in east Indonesia. Photo: John Martin/CMS

RENEWING FAITH AND HOPE The entrance looks like a disused factory. Inside – a maze of roofless cardboard structures, each about 10 feet square. A leaky roof shields occupants from extremes of weather. No running water, shared latrines. Their third ‘home’ in seven years and again these people face eviction. This is one group among an estimated 10,000 Christians from east Indonesia, who still face an uncertain future. Some 150,000 were driven out by religious and ethnic violence between 2001 and 2003 that left 2,000 dead. Return is still impossible. Another example is the Lata Lata, traditionally a fishing people. These Christians have suffered terribly for their faith. Now CMS, through its Mission Release fund and a local partner YBI (Bless Indonesia Today), is taking a stake in their future. Two fishing boats will ensure a livelihood for 128 fishermen. A better living standard for 384 family members, economic uplift for 500 more. Along with this, prospects of renewed faith and hope.

CMS has a rapidly expanding programme of short term group visits that burst the tourist bubble and connect with the life and faith of people in another culture.

Pineapples growing in the valley in Shyogwe Diocese, and a project worker with the bottled juice. Photos: Ian R Smith/CMS. Inset: Linda Howell

NEW VIEW OF AFRICA “Neat and tidy” is not what most people say about Africa. But on a CMS short-term mission trip Linda Howell got a different view. Walking through a lush community farm, everything was indeed “neat and tidy – everything was recycled, all very eco-friendly.” The vision for the farm belonged to Bishop Jered of Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda – the most inspiring man Linda met all year. “He started so small after the Genocide,” she recounts, “just planting a few beans and potatoes.” Now the crops include 11,000 pineapple plants. The ‘factory’ that turns them into juice and jam may be just a kitchen blender but it’s maximising the profits of this farmers’ co-operative – profits that go to build a house for a widow instead of making individuals rich. With the expert help of the church’s Rural Development InterDiocesan Services, it’s going from strength to strength. RDIS is co-ordinated by John Wesley Kabango, whose studies were partly sponsored by CMS. “The trip changed my outlook,” says Linda. “I realised how cluttered my own life was as I saw how simply Rwandans live.”

In many countries where Christians are in a minority, CMS is helping the church shine as a beacon of hope and love.

A young boy in a village school looks forward to the future. Photo: Jane Jerrard/CMS. Inset: Jane Jerrard

SEEDS IN THE DESERT When is a school not a school? When it’s a ‘ghost school’. In Pakistan thousands of schools only exist on official papers – a way for corrupt individuals to siphon off education funds. CMS mission partner Jane Jerrard was shocked to learn this and became determined to help create great schools for ordinary people. The need is still urgent; only half of Pakistan’s population can read and write. Literacy levels in rural areas, particularly among girls and women, are far lower. Jane has worked with the Diocese of Hyderabad over 10 years to build up five model schools, which also act as training centres for village teachers. The trainees have since set up 60 more schools in their own villages and in time can train others. It’s important that the training is not seen as a Western fad, so Jane has developed a programme that builds on trainees’ root beliefs and values. Jane says, “It is an enormous privilege to work with the people of Pakistan and see the potential in both adults and children brought to life, like seeds in the desert.”

CMS has a long history of positive mission among people of other faiths, which continues as it helps provide relevant training and resources to the church in Britain.

Richard Sudworth in conversation with the owner of an Islamic bookshop in Birmingham. Photo: Carolyn Cameron/CMS. Inset: Richard Sudworth

MISSION TO MULTIFAITH BRITAIN How do people of faith live together? It’s one of the world’s biggest issues. But does a commitment to mission set you on a collision course with other religions? No, says CMS mission partner Richard Sudworth, who works as a mission consultant for Christian agency Faith to Faith. “Christians can have extreme stereotypes of other faiths,” he says, “but the Bible comes from a multi-faith society. If people do appropriate Bible study, learn about another religion and get to know someone of another faith, I find barriers are soon broken down.” His experience gives him hope. “I work with Sanctuary, a group of British Asian Christians that offers open services in a town-centre church. It is Christ-centred but attracts Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, all on a spiritual journey.” Is God using other faiths to lead the church on its own journey? “Multifaith Britain can seem confusing, depressing or infuriating but God can lead us to a new place through being faithful to Jesus in the midst of this diversity.”

In 2006–7, CMS scholarships supported training for 228 Christian leaders worldwide who will become pastors, Bible teachers, HIV/AIDS workers, trauma counsellors and more.

Some CMS scholarships alumni. Row 1: Susan Chulu, Stephen Furangi, Spéciose Mukashema. Row 2: Solomon Mugyenzi, Ruth Galimaka, Benjamin Barnada. Row 3: Olivia Nassaka, Martin Mlaka, Chika Ezeokeke. Photos: Julia Katorobo/CMS

LEADERS FOR LIFE They came from all over Africa – from Ghana or Congo, Sudan or South Africa – with one thing in common: all had been trained through CMS scholarships. They met in Uganda in April – 90 of Africa’s brightest and most dedicated Christian leaders. But the group was just a sample of the hundreds who have been able to gain skills for life thanks to donations from CMS supporters. The church is growing fast in many poor countries where leadership training cannot keep up. “I had a zeal to serve the people of God,” says Dr Benjamin Barnaba, who now leads a church in a Sudanese refugee camp in northern Kenya. “I was not qualified to meet the enormous challenges. That’s when CMS came in.” Sponsoring training for leaders in their local region is simply one of the best ways of equipping the church for mission. Like Benjamin, Martin Mlaka from Malawi shows that well-trained leaders make an impact not just on the church but on the whole community: “I now know how to apply the Bible to my illiterate communities, empower them physically and spiritually, and…win them for Christ.”

From the Philippines to Uganda to Thailand to India, CMS is helping to show Christlike love to children and signal the hope of transformation to whole communities.

Tim and Kate Lee with some of the Jigsaw staff and children, Manila. Photo: Pete Chapman

GOD’S JIGSAW A nine-year-old girl sold into a sex gang called ‘The Rapists’. A young boy beaten black and blue by an uncle high on drugs, deserted by his mum and dad. This is what ‘normal’ looks like for the 85,000 children who live in the streets and slums of the Philippines in the mega-city of Manila. CMS mission partners Kate and Tim Lee helped put together Jigsaw Ministries in response. Four centres offer play, Bible stories, homework clubs and simply ‘a safe place to be’ for 800 street children every week. What’s more, all the 17 adult staff have been drawn from the surrounding communities. It’s given them new purpose and dignity. Jigsaw is crucial for children like Jenny, whom staff found sleeping on the street without even a blanket. Then one day she’d disappeared – into the hands of ‘The Rapists’. Rescuing Jenny was a long and sometimes frightening battle but she’s now safe in a Christian orphanage. Her memory operates in 10-minutes slots to blank out the awful memories, but she is eager to attend school. One more life that’s being pieced back together.

The Financial Summary On average over the past five years, 89p of every £1 we spent went on CMS mission programmes: supporting mission personnel; grants to partner organisations; training leaders; enabling missional church; supporting mission interchange; providing consultancy and encouraging prayer and advocacy.

Total income (2006/7)

£8.8 million*

Total expenditure (2006/7)

£9.4 million

Donations from churches from individuals from trusts Legacies: Investment income: Other (rent, sales etc.):

£ 2.4 £ 2.5 £ 0.2 £ 2.0 £ 1.4 £ 0.3

million million million million million million

27% 28% 2% 24% 16% 3%

Programmes: £ 8.4 million 89% We work with partner organisations around the world, supporting the interchange of people in mission, education and training, health-care and development. Generating funds: £ 0.9 million 10% We are responsibly investing in fundraising in order to offer people the opportunity to share in our commitment to world mission. Governance: £ 0.1 million 1% We believe in properly supporting the governance and management of CMS, to ensure that our programmes are efficiently and effectively delivered. During 2006/7 we received a total income of £8.8 million and we spent £9.4 million. This resulted in a deficit of £0.6 million which was more than offset by an increase in the value of reserves held as investments of £0.3 million and a gain on the sublease of Crowther Hall and the sale of other properties of £0.7 million. *excludes gain on sublease of Crowther Hall and other property disposals

Income Donations Legacies Investments Other

Expenditure Programmes Generating funds Governance

This Annual Review contains highlights of CMS’s financial position but, at the time of going to print, the figures are still in draft form and have not been externally audited. From July 2007 you can obtain a free copy of our fully audited Report and Accounts for 2006–7 from the CMS Accounts Team by contacting it on 0845 620 1799.

CMS People in Mission (as at 1 February 2007)


Mission Partners 63 in Africa 65 in Eurasia 45 in East Asia 13 in training Other People in Mission


Study Partners 167 in Africa 35 in Eurasia 9 in East Asia 17 in cross-regional training


Cross-cultural exchange programme participants


Total people supported in mission



Mission projects CMS also provides support in money, networking and expertise to mission projects in over 50 countries, which range from micro-enterprise and community development to evangelism and leadership training. The purpose of all of them is to share the transforming love of Christ with individuals and communities. Total mission projects supported 2006–7


CMS Governance Patron

The Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

President Viscountess Brentford OBE Chair

The Rt Rev David Urquhart, Bishop of Birmingham


The Rt Rev Paul Butler, Ms Alexis Chapman, Dr David Fulford, The Rev Canon Philip Groves, Mrs Shona Passfield, Mrs Paddy Payne, Mrs Katharine von Schubert, The Rev Martyn Snow, Dr Kang-San Tan, The Rev Dr Kevin Ward, The Rev Canon Mavis Wilson, The Rev Simon Winn

CMS Leadership Team

General The Rev Canon Tim Dakin Secretary Directors

International Mission Director and Assistant General Secretary The Rev Canon Mark Oxbrow, Regional Director for Africa Mr Dennis Tongoi, Regional Director for Asia The Rev Canon Chye Ann Soh, Regional Director for Eurasia The Rev Phil Simpson, Director for Mission Movement The Rev Canon Chris Neal, Finance Director Mr Paul Breckell, Personnel Director Mr Patrick Goh, Fundraising and Marketing Director The Rev Joseph Steinberg

Support from Trusts, Foundations and Dioceses

CMS would like to thank everyone who gave to the Society’s work in 2006–7. Listed below are the Trusts and grant-making bodies who gave large gifts during the year. Allchurches Trust, Anchor Foundation, Barleycorn Trust, Benjamin Trust, Candap Trust, Christian Workers’ Trust, Diocese of Chelmsford, Diocese of Chichester, Diocese of Exeter, Diocese in Europe, Diocese of Lichfield, Diocese of London, Diocese of Oxford, Diocese of Ripon & Leeds, Diocese of Rochester, Diocese of Swansea & Brecon, Dr Luke Trust, Emmaus Christian Foundation, Episcopal Diocese of SW Virginia, Evangelical Trust Limited, Fairbairn Charitable Trust, Forest Hill Charitable Trust, Fulmer Charitable Trust, Growth Building Trust, Hilden Charitable Fund, Ian Reid Charitable Trust, Ingleby Charitable Trust, Jerusalem Trust, Kathleen Hannay Memorial Charity, Kirby Laing Foundation, Loseley Christian Trust, Madeline Mabey Trust, Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust, Minos Trust, Miss Ruth Wainwright Charitable Trust, Mrs Irene Hammerton Charitable Trust, Nancy Kenyon Charitable Trust, Overseas Bishoprics’ Fund, Pan Charitable Trust, Rochester Diocesan Poverty & Hope Appeal, Rowan Charitable Trust, Ruffer Charitable Trust, Seven Fifty Trust, SMB Charitable Trust, Souter Charitable Trust, Spring Harvest Charitable Trust, St Christopher’s Trust, Tisbury Telegraph Trust, Trust Greenbelt, Ulverscroft Foundation, Westhill Edowment, Whitecourt Charitable Trust, The William Leech Foundation, Viccarage Trust.


Church Mission Society, Watlington Road, Oxford, OX4 6BZ Tel 0845 620 1799 Fax 01865 776375 Email Website Registered Charity Number 220297

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