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Mission news
Pioneering young leader takes on international role
From September, Andy Roberts will take up the role as director of international mission at Church Mission Society, succeeding Paul Thaxter.
Originally from York, Andy has spent almost half his life in Brazil, where as mission partners with SAMS and then CMS, he and his Brazilian wife Rose founded ReVive International, which meets the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of girls who have been abused, exploited or neglected. ReVive have also recently lobbied for increasing foster care and adoption possibilities in Brazil. Earlier this year Andy was awarded an MBE for this work.
“Andy and Rose have been pioneers in developing ReVive in Brazil with hearts passionate to serve the most vulnerable.… I know Andy will bring that same pioneering spirit, passion and heart for God’s transforming mission to his new role,” says Paul Tester, CMS mission development manager for Latin America.
Virtual pioneer festival attracts hundreds

The virtual festival site for Gather
In April Gather, a CMS day-long virtual festival, brought together an international crowd of mission pioneers and others for a truly unique online experience.
Over 200 people at any one time gathered in an on-screen version of agreen-field festival site designed by CMS pioneer course graduate James Fox-Robinson, using the Gather.town online platform.
With 10 venues, there was a wealth of variety, with conversational storytelling spaces, short talks and discussion areas, as well as worship, prayer zones and an art exhibition. The format also allowed for serendipitous “bumping into” people on the screen.
Additional spaces such as The Moon and The Beach (complete with rushing ocean sounds) proved In April Gather, a CMS day-long popular and the event rounded virtual festival, brought together off in true festival style with an an international crowd of mission evening of music and poetry, a quiz pioneers and others for a truly hosted by performance poet Harry Baker and sitting round virtual campfires.
Celebrating a remarkable life in mission
On 8 February 2021, Pam Cooper, one of CMS’s longest-serving mission partners, died.
Pam went by boat to Japan in 1968. She taught at a Christian college founded by CMS in 1879, which in 1995 became Poole Gakuin University. In 1999 Pam also became university chaplain, heading a small chaplaincy team and an active chaplaincy centre. Mark Oxbrow, former CMS international director, has written of “the amazing influence she and Evelyn Wroe had been in the development of Christian education in Japan.”
Pam was involved at Christ Church Shonai and in the diocese, seeking to encourage renewal in Japan’s Anglican Church, the Nippon Sei Ko Kai, through initiatives such as Alpha. In 2002 she was ordained deacon and in 2004 was priested and became assistant vicar at Christ Church Shonai, serving there in addition to her university work until she retired in April 2009. We celebrate her remarkable 41 years of faithful gospel ministry in Japan.
Connecting kids across continents

Mission partner Stephen Hatch
In January 2021, mission partner Stephen Hatch and his pupils at St John’s Kilimatinde in Tanzania connected with an Oxfordshire primary school to give the children an opportunity to see life in other parts of the world.
Stephen teaches maths and science at the secondary school at St John’s Seminary. As part of aspirations week at Garsington Church of England Primary School, pupils met online with Stephen and his class to gain a glimpse of life in Tanzania. Garsington headteacher Zara d’Archambaud commented: “Meeting Stephen and his class really was the highlight of our week. Our children loved seeing the school, the children and hearing Stephen talk about his work. We are hoping to keep the schools connected through other enrichment activities.”
Publishing pioneers

New books are being released by director of mission education Jonny Baker and mission partner and pioneer graduate Ann-Marie Wilson.
Jonny’s new book, Pioneer Practice, draws on over a decade of experience training and supporting pioneers to share practical wisdom in an accessible way. It includes stories and articles from Jonny and other pioneer practitioners. Jonny comments, “Its focus is practice – how pioneering happens on the ground. We don’t just want dreamers, we want dreamers who do.” Pioneer Practice is available from getsidetracked.co for £12. Overcoming is Ann-Marie Wilson’s account of her journey so far in campaigning against female genital mutilation (FGM), from an encounter with a young girl in Darfur through founding the charity 28 Too Many to seeing laws passed against FGM in Sudan, where it all began. Overcoming will be published in June by Lion Hudson – find more information at lionhudson.com.

Southern conference goes online
Each February usually sees the CMS Southern Conference gather at High Leigh, Hertfordshire – but this year’s online gathering garnered a higher attendance, with over 100 people meeting on Zoom.
Speakers included Alastair Bateman (CEO), Debbie James (deputy CEO), Marcio Ciechanovicz (community mission enabler) and Tanas Al Qassis (regional manager for Europe, the Middle East and North Africa), plus mission partners Ann-Marie Wilson (Britain/Africa), Andy Roberts (Brazil), Ben and Katy Ray (Tanzania) and a mission partner in South Asia.
Participant Rev Tony Coulson commented that the conference was, “a great success”, adding, “We realised the benefits of a conference online when we heard from mission partners in various parts of the world and were able to ask them questions. We hope to be back at High Leigh next year, but are thankful that with the help of the technology we were able to have such an informative conference and to be blessed by it.”
New role for Nick Drayson
In addition to being Bishop of Northern Argentina, mission partner Nick Drayson has been appointed Primate of the Province of South America. As primate, Nick leads the small team of bishops in the Province of South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay).

Applications open for Africa-focused MA
A new route is being launched through the Pioneer Mission Leadership Training MA course. It focuses on the African Christian Diaspora and is fully accessible online. Led by African scholars, students will study Africa as a creative and vibrant centre of Christianity and site of theology for the 21st century.
CMS pioneer team to lead online worship

Dr Cathy Ross, head of CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training in Oxford, will lead the Church of England's national online service with Jonny Baker
On Sunday 20 June Cathy Ross and Jonny Baker will lead the Church of England’s weekly online service, including a conversation reflecting on Mark 4:35–41.
Africa conference – save the date

The Africa forum team are working on this autumn’s Africa conference, which will take place on 8–10 October 2021. They hope to hold the conference at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, and are looking at the options of a hybrid event including in person and online options.
The Africa forum team are working on this autumn’s Africa conference, which will take place on 8–10 October 2021. They hope to hold the conference at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, and are looking at the options of a hybrid event including in person and online options.
With 10 venues, there was a wealth of variety, with conversational storytelling spaces, short talks and discussion areas, as well as worship, prayer zones and an art exhibition. The format also allowed