Churchmouse Yarns & Teas No. 1

Page 6

C R E AT I N G CONNECTION We’ve done a lot of missing this year.

'Tis the season of giving—whether

We miss seeing our friends and family

it’s giving thanks or giving gifts to

in person and up close. We miss hugs

loved ones! And so this year, let’s keep

and kisses and holding hands. We

each other in our thoughts more than

miss sharing dances and dinners and

ever. If you’re knitting or crocheting

parties and game nights.

a gift for a friend, really keep them in mind as you work. Let the gift

But this physical distance has also shown just how close we actually are to

giving process become a creative collaboration!

each other. Because we can’t be in the same space, we’ve connected through

Reach out to your intended recipient,

so many other meaningful ways. Long

make sure you each have a cup of tea,

phone calls, virtual knitalongs and

and find out what they love (the 'Good

tea parties, handwritten letters, care

Choices Checklist' could help here, see


page 8). You might find out something



texts bring us together!

new about your closest friends! Send them updates as you knit—what a way

We’re not really sure what the

to keep in touch all season long. (Plus,

holidays will be like yet. (2020 has

if you get your giftee involved in the

certainly kept us on our toes!) What

making, they’re certain to love and

is certain is that we won’t miss out on

wear your gift.)

the good cheer, good company, and good will the season always inspires.


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