Strokestown Churchyard memorial inscriptions

Page 1


County of Roscommon

The Anglican Record Project

The Anglican Record Project - the transcription and indexing of Registers and other documents/sources of genealogical interest of Anglican Parishes in the British Isles. Fifteenth in the MI Series. NAME


Longcross Churchyard Treslothan Churchyard Chaldon Herring Churchyard Camborne Old Churchyard Crowan Old Churchyard Kiltubrid Churchyard Biddestone Churchyard Extension Biddestone Churchyard Ford Churchyard Slaughterford Churchyard Norton Churchyard North Wraxall Churchyard Ewshot Churchyard Aughrim Churchyard Strokestown Churchyard

Guildford Truro Salisbury Truro Truro Ardagh Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Guildford Elphin Elphin

RECORDED 1990-1992 1982-1992 1991-1993 197919911995 2002-2004 2003-2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2013-2015 2015-2016 2018

JUBILATE DEO (Psalm 100) O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his presence with a song. Be ye sure the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting: and his truth endureth from generation to generation. From the Order for Morning Prayer, The Book of Common Prayer (Church of Ireland)

CONTENTS Page No Introduction








Brief History of the Parish and Church Abbreviations

iii-iv iv

Plan of the Churchyard


Transcript of the Monumental Inscriptions (Churchyard) Transcript of the Memorials (Church) Alphabetical Index of Names on Monuments and Memorials Appendix A – Photographs of Monuments and Memorials Appendix B – Index of Placenames

1-7 8 9-13 15-23 24

INTRODUCTION Having recently worked on five projects in Co Roscommon, I attempted to produce a ‘family tree’ of the Anglican parishes in the county in order to understand how they had been progressively gathered into larger groups since the late nineteenth century. Using the standard reference works, I was unable to find or deduce a satisfactory answer for a number of parishes and decided to investigate further. A volunteer living locally offered to assist and we collaborated in transcribing the Bumlin (Strokestown) registers in 2017. We then decided to map and photograph the gravestones in that churchyard, so that researchers could cross-check names of interest in both documents. More projects in this part of the country are intended. The following specific points should be borne in mind when using the transcript: Inscriptions Inscriptions have been transcribed (less epitaphs) as they appear on the gravestones. Information in {} brackets has been altered from the original text by the compiler eg all euphemisms for death are replaced by {died}. All proper names are in BLOCK CAPITALS and punctuation has been reduced to a minimum. Some illegible details on the Hemsworth monuments have been i

obtained from a transcription published in the Roscommon Herald on 26 Dec 1969. Dates All dates have been standardised as follows; day in numbers, month in three letters (abbreviated as necessary), year. Index The index lists in alphabetical order (with dates of birth and death where given) all names that appear on gravestones in Strokestown Churchyard and on memorials in Strokestown Parish Church (St John the Baptist). Persons referred to but not buried are included and identified by 'Ref'. Roscommon & London December 2018


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The compilers wish to acknowledge the assistance of Dr Susan Hood of the Representative Church Body Library, Dublin. The churchyard plan was drawn by AMM. The front cover photograph and those of the monuments in the churchyard were taken by AMM. SOURCES A Guide to Irish Churches and Graveyards – (Genealogical Publishing Company Baltimore 1990)



Clergy of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh – J B Leslie and D W T Crooks (Ulster Historical Foundation and The Diocesan Council of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh 2008) Clergy of Meath and Kildare – J B Leslie and W J R Wallace (The Columba Press 2009) A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland – Samuel Lewis (London 1837, reprinted Genealogical Publishing Company Baltimore 1984 and 1985) MS 139 (four volumes of church drawings by Joseph Welland, 17981860) Volume 1 page 39 (held at the Representative Church Body Library, Dublin) DISTRIBUTION Copies of this document have been distributed to the following: Rector of the Boyle Group of Parishes Diocesan Secretary (Elphin and Ardagh), Derrylin, Co Fermanagh Representative Church Body Library, Dublin Society of Genealogists, London Roscommon Genealogy Centre, Strokestown Roscommon County Library ii

BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PARISH AND CHURCH Bumlin (or Strokestown) is an ancient parish in Co Roscommon and includes the town of that name, seat of the Mahon family for over three centuries. In 1837 it comprised some 6507 acres (4399 titheable) and was crossed by the new coach road from Dublin to the West. The living was a vicarage in the Diocese of Elphin, in the patronage of the Bishop. The rectory was partly impropriate to the prebendary of Kilgoghlin in Elphin Cathedral. The ancient church of Bumlin being "in a decayed and ruinous condition and the site thereof inconveniently situated", on 2 October 1754 Thomas Mahon MP of Strokestown House conveyed to the Bishop of Elphin an acre of land in Lisroyne, near the centre of the parish and adjoining Strokestown, for the purpose of erecting a new church. In 1813 the Vestry sought a loan of £1,000 from the Board of First Fruits (BFF) to add a tower and steeple, which had not been built before the church was destroyed, apparently by a storm, in the winter of 1818/19. The present church was built in 1820 with a loan of £2700 from the BFF. The architect of the unusual octagonal design was John Lynn, who also worked on Rockingham House and Strokestown House. It was dedicated to St John the Baptist and consecrated on 27 August 1820. About the same time the glebe-house was built with a gift of £337 and a loan of £150 from the BFF. The church contains no memorial earlier than the brass plaque erected by Grace Pakenham-Mahon to the memory of her husband, who died in 1893. Two other plaques commemorate her daughters Florence and Maud, and Grace's own death in 1914. After the murder of her father, Major Denis Mahon, in 1847 she lived at Ryde on the Isle of Wight, where the church, also called St John's, has commemorative plaques identical to the three in Strokestown. The last service in Strokestown Church was held on 26 June 1977. It was closed and deconsecrated on 6 March 1981 and re-opened as a heritage centre in 1982. It is now home to the Co Roscommon Heritage and Genealogy Centre, and both it and the churchyard are very well maintained. In 1811 the adjoining parishes of Kiltrustan (to the north-west) and Lissonuffy (to the south), which had previously been held in plurality, were united to Bumlin to form the Bumlin Union. From the early 1850s Clonfinlough (to the south and west) was also held with Bumlin when the last non-resident incumbent left office, along with Clontuskert (to the south), which had been united to Clonfinlough in 1731. In 1874 Kilgeffin (to the south) was also united to Bumlin. The expanded Bumlin Union was effectively united to Elphin in 1934 on the appointment of the Revd William Blaine as Curate-in-Charge iii

(CinC). It was subsequently united to Boyle, the cathedral at Elphin having been closed in November 1958, as a result of the damage caused during a severe storm in February 1957. THE CHURCHYARD Whilst the surviving registers record 233 burials, only a small number are commemorated by monuments in the churchyard. However some of them record burials before the commencement of the registers in 1811, the earliest dating to 1766, after the first church was built. The memorials also fill some of the gaps that occur in the burial register up to 1847. Of interest is the fact that the churchyard, although an 18th century foundation of the Established Church, was also used for Roman Catholic burials in a distinct section. This facility was apparently intended by Thomas Mahon MP for the benefit of tradespeople and merchants who settled in the town, rather than their having to use the ancient and crowded burial ground at Bumlin some distance away. Some Roman Catholic burials continued at St John's long after the new municipal cemetery in Strokestown opened in 1928. Among the curiosities of the churchyard are the fine box tomb of Rev Edward Mahon, vicar of the Bumlin Union [No 37], which is clearly marked with the date 1817, although he died in 1847 – perhaps it had been prepared for someone else who did not use it – and the three large rustic-looking vaults, like Nissen huts made of round stones, of the Browne, Hemsworth and Mahon families [Nos 68, 47/48 and 46 respectively. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CP d t I e I l I l I m I m I m I r IHS RIP S t T t T t

l l m o m m o l m o o o t m o g o G m o

commemorative plaque departed this life In ever loving memory of In loving memory In loving memory of In most loving memory of In memory of In memoriam In remembrance of Iesus Hominum Salvator Rest in peace/Requiescat in pace Sacred to the memory of To the glory of God To the memory of




IHS erected by TERENCE MCMANUS i m MCMANUS who died 17 Jan 1871 aged 60.


IHS Lord have mercy on the soul of MARY FALLON alias MCMANUS who d t l on 20 Oct 1833 aged 60. Also her daughter JULIA FALLON {died} 18 Oct 1833 aged 16. This monument was erected by her sister ELLENOR HAWKES.


O Divine heart of Jesus have mercy on the soul of EDWARD BRADY who died at Strokestown 13 May 1903 aged 40. Erected i l m by his wife SARAH J BRADY.


I l m o ANNE CONLISK the beloved wife of PATRICK CONLISK Courskeagh who died 1 Jan 1916 aged 74 RIP. Erected by her husband May 1917.


Erected by Col’r Sg’t G COX late 91st Regt of Foot i m o his beloved wife KATE FANNY COX who died 13 May 1887 aged 60 RIP.


IHS erected by P KEENAHAN Head Constable RIC i m o his beloved wife MARGARET ANNE who died 1 May 1899 aged 34.


Here lieth the body of Mr THOS MORRIS MCLAUGHLIN elder son of the Rev JOHN MCLAUGHLIN Vicar of this Parish; he d t l {aged 15} in 1771.


Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on the souls of THOMAS ROBERT JONES who died 5 Sep 1921 and his loving wife MARY ANN JONES who died 14 Apr 1945 RIP. Erected by their loving family.


I l m o the SHIEL family, Drinaun and Bunna: PATRICK SHIEL Drinaun died 8 Nov 1922 aged 80; his wife MARIA (nee BRADY) died 26 July 1933 aged 74. Their children: MARGARET MARY died 11 Apr 1920 aged 30; BERNARD died 20 Feb 1923 aged 24; KATE died 16 Oct 1929 aged 34; STEPHEN died 20 Nov 1954 aged 69. Also the children of JOHN and MAI SHIEL, Bunnamuca: SEAN died 30 Jul 1926 aged 4; PAULINE died 9 Oct 1938 aged 1. May they RIP. Erected by the KAVANAGH Family 1999.


I l m o JOHN O'NEILL Lettreen died 30 Aug 1953; his wife MARY KATE died 28 Nov 1943; their daughter ALICE died 27 Feb 1941; their grandson JOHN died 10 Jan 1939 RIP.




S t t m o my father JOHN BLAKNEY who died 13 Jan 1856 aged 65. And his sons THOMAS who died 1 May 1853 aged 33 and JOHN who died aged 7. Erected by his loving daughter Mrs ANN BURNS. 1






I l m o GEORGE TANNER who died 19 Feb 1873 aged 73 and his wife MARIA TANNER who died 10 Nov 1894 aged 82. Erected by their son GEORGE TANNER Strokestown RIP.


I l m o GEORGE TANNER died Jan 1925; his wife ELLE died Aug 1946 RIP. Erected by their son EDWARD J TANNER.


I l m o MARY J MAGUIRE who died 3 Sep 1908. Also her father, mother, three sisters & brother. And to WILLIAM J MAGUIRE who died 19 Mar 1916, beloved & deplored by his last sister MARGARET MAGUIRE. MARGARET MAGUIRE died 29 Sep 1934.


Underneath this tomb lieth the body of JOHN MCLUEN aged 87 Years who d t l on 21 Mar 1801. Erected to his memory by his loving son WILLIAM MCLUEN.


Here lies 68. Also 1796 aged Dec 1801 1817 aged


Here lies interred the body of Miss ANN WEST second daught’r of Mr HENRY WEST aged 14 years 4 months who d t l 6 Jun 1770.


Here lies ye body WILL’M BLACK who {died} in 1775 aged 90. Erect’d by his son GEO’E BLACK.


GEORGE BLACK 1878-1950.


I l m o JANE BLACK died 19 Jan 1943. Her husband MICHAEL 24 Feb 1950. Their son LEONARD died 24 Aug 1921.


O'NEILL Church Street. PATRICK O’NEILL 1859-1936; ELIZABETH O’NEILL 1857-1943; PHELIM O’NEILL 1865-1957; MARY KATE O’NEILL 1863-1958; AGNES O’NEILL 1868-1959.


Here lieth ye body of MICHAEL HEVIN d t l 27 Jan 1790 aged 19. Erect’d by his fath’r ROBERT HEVIN.


Have mercy O Lord on the soul of JAMES O'NEILL who died on 21 Nov 1873 aged 23. Also his brother PAT who died aged 8. This monument has been erected to their memory by their fond parents JOHN & ROSE O'NEILL of Strokestown.


Here lieth the body of MARY HOULDEN who d t l Jul 1779?. Erected by her father WILLIAM HOULDEN as his posterity.


The remains of Mr WILL’M HOLDEN late of Strokestown lieth interred; he d t l 1 Feb 1792. Here also lie the remains of

the body of JOHN MCLUEN who {died} Jul 1795 aged his wife SARA MCLUEN alias TACKARDY who {died} Feb 70. T t m o MARGARET MCLUEN alias HEAGUE died 3 aged 57. Also SARAH E MCLUEN who {died} 21 Nov 18. Ere’d by their son JOHN MCLUEN.


STROKESTOWN CHURCHYARD MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS the underneath MARTHA his wife who died 23 May 1813 {aged 85}. This tomb was erect’d by his loving wife MARTHA HOLDEN alias WHITE in grateful memory of him and for herself. 27

I l m o SUSAN STOKES widow of ROBERT STOKES who died 14 Nov 1896 aged 78. Erected by her son GEORGE J STOKES.


Died on 2 Sep 1845 JANE the beloved wife of the late GEO H STOKES {aged 60}. Died on 23 Jul 1844 GEO H STOKES {aged 74}. I l m o ROBERT STOKES who died 23 Apr 1890 aged 74.


Here lie the remains of THOS MORTON Esq late of Castlenode who d t l 14 Jun 1793 aged 60. Erected by his dutiful children WILLIAM and MARY ANNE MORTON.


Here lie the remains of JOHN MORTON Esq late of Castlenode who d t l on 2 Sep 1804 aged 43. This tomb was erected by his loving wife ELIVIA MORTON otherwise HUNT.


This stone is inscribed t t m o MARY COOPER alias MAHON relict of the late WILLIAM COOPER of Doon Esq by her affectionate daughter ANNE COOPER 22 Dec 1855.


S t t m o Ms MARG’T COOPER daught’r of Mr LUKE COOPER of Strokestown; she d t l 1 Feb 1821 aged 20. This tomb was erected by her loving mother JANE COOPER in grateful memory of her.


Here lie the {died} {aged COOPER alias in gratitude


Pray for the souls of MICHAEL HARRIS died 23 Jun 1887 aged 45. And his wife CATHERINE died 5 Apr 1923 aged 78. And his sons: JOHN died 17 Oct 1905 aged 37; PATRICK died 1 Apr 1943 aged 71. WM F CHAPMAN died 29 Dec 1942 aged 81. His son PATRICK died 29 Oct 1940 aged 36.


T t m o WILLIAM WILSON who died 11 Apr 1881 aged 74. This monument has been erected by his affectionate wife CAROLINE WILSON who died 14 May 1891 aged 81. Also JOHN REID and his wife RUTH and their sons ARTHUR and ROBERT; JOHN REID 21 Jun 1942 aged 72.


I m o MARGARET A LYNDEN who died 6 Jan 1871 aged 1 yr 8 mths.


This tomb is placed t t m o the Rev EDWARD MAHON late vicar of the union of Bumlin since 1811. He was a scholar of

mortal remains of Mr LUKE COOPER of Strokestown 42} on 4 Jan 1814. His disconsolate widow JANE PICHARD has caused this monument to be erected to his memory.



He died on 2 Feb 18171 aged


Erected by his dutiful children HUGH and SARAH t t m o GEORGE MCADAMS formerly of the City of Cork and of Strokestown {died} in the fatal fever of 1847 on 27 Jun {aged 47}. Inscribed by ANNE his sorrowing widow.


Here rest the mortal remains of WILLIAM LEIGHTON MCADAMS the beloved son of GEORGE and ANNE MCADAMS who {died} on 7 Jun 1845 {aged 19}. Also their five infant children: ROBERT, SAMUEL, DAVID, JOHN and BENJAMIN.


Here lies the body of THOMAS ROBINSON who d t l 4 Dec 1842 aged 64. Also his wife ELIZABETH ROBINSON alias DELANY who died 24 May 1838 aged 62. This stone was erected by their loving children JOHN & MICHAEL ROBINSON.


S t t m o JOHN ROBINSON who for upwards of seventeen years (to the period of his death) filled the place of Bailiff on the Strokestown Estate, d t l 17 Jul 1853 aged 42.


Beneath rest the remains of WILLIAM CRAIG who died 23 Oct 1817 aged 56. Also the remains of his belov’d wife DORINDA died 5 Apr 1814 aged 42. This is affection’s tribute to the memory of fond parents by their loving children.


This tomb was erected by WILLIAM CRAIG and his wife DOROTHY CRAIG alias HOLDEN in memory of their son WILLIAM who d t l 27 Apr 1808 aged 15. And of ELIZA third daughter of the above who died same year {aged 13}.


The remains of WILL’M CRAIG lies here int’d who [1]785? aged 67? Erected by his nephew WIL’M CRAIG.


IHS O Lord have mercy on the soul of JANE WHELON alias MCCARTY who d t l 15 Sep 1800 aged 61. And her daughter MARGARET MCDERMOTT alias WHELON who d t l 13 Jun 1810 aged 32. This monument erected by ANDREW GOLDEN and his wife MARY GOLDEN alias WHELON for them and their posterity.


Here lie inter'd the mortal remains of WILLIAM MAHON Esq late of Strokestown who d t l 19 Mar 1807 aged 56. This stone is dedicated to his memory by his affectionate wife ALICIA MAHON.




Here lieth the body of Miss JANE MAHON daughter of LUKE MAHON of the City of Dublin Esq who d t l 2 Jul 1775 aged 14. 1

As carved, but should be 1847. 4

STROKESTOWN CHURCHYARD MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS Beneath this stone lies interred the body of LUKE who d t l on 27 Jul 1781 {aged 74}. Here also remains of his wife ALICIA MAHON who d t l 24 Nov 60. This stone is dedicated to their memory dutiful son the Rev LUKE MAHON.

MAHON Esq lies the 1784 aged by their

S t t m o the Rev LUKE MAHON Prebendary of Oran and Rector of Donammon in the County of Roscommon; he d t l on 10 May 1795 aged 40. Here also lies the body of his wife JANE MAHON who died on 29 Oct 1806. Here lie interred the mortal remains of ANNE AYRES daughter of the late Revd LUKE MAHON; she d t l on 3 Oct 1822 aged 42. This stone is dedicated to her memory by her affectionate husband the Rev EDWARD B AYRES. Beneath lie deposited the mortal remains of spinster who d t l on 1 Sep 18[32] {aged 83}.



Beneath lie deposited the remains of MAURICE MAHON Esq a Lieutenant in the 88th Regt of Foot who having shared the danger and glory of the Peninsular Campaign from its commencement to its termination in 1815 died on 20 Oct 1824 {aged 35}. As a tribute to his memory his affectionate aunt MARY MAHON hath caused this stone to be inscribed. 47

Here lieth the body of HENRY HEMSWORTH Gent who died 15 Dec 1767 aged 6[0] [to] whose memory this par[t] of th[is] tomb was built by his fond wife Mrs LYDIA HEMSWORTH otherwise WILSON AD 176[7].


… to perpetuate ye dear memory of ye mild beloved and cherished Mrs MARY HEMSWORTH ali[as] JOHNSON who died deeply regretted 16 Feb 1766 aged 57. This monument was designed by her tender husband WIL’M HEMSWORTH Esq who desires to be laid by her here.


Here lies interred the body of Mrs CLARISSA COWEN alias CAREY who d t l on 25 Feb 1818 {aged 59}. Erected by her loving husband RICHARD COWEN in grateful memory of her.


S t t m o Mrs DOROTHY DOHERTY who d t l on 23 Apr 1805 {aged 64}. This tomb was erected by her dutiful son JAM’S DOHERTY as the last tribute of respect to her remains.


Here lies the body of CATHERINE COWEN otherwise BREDIN who d t l 15 Oct 1766 {aged 52}. Erected by her loving husband JOHN COWEN.













STROKESTOWN CHURCHYARD MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS inscribed by his loving wife MARGARET PRESTON; he d t l 1 Mar 1811 aged 67 years. 53

T t m o WILL’M CREAG who d t l 15 Sep 1770. THOMAS his youngest son inscribes this humble stone. Also the body of JAMES CREAG who died 1 Jul 1809 aged 36.


I l m o HELEN BETHIA PERSSE RUSSELL beloved wife of FREDERICK WILLIAM RUSSELL formerly of Lissanode Moate Co Westmeath who died at Castlenode Strokestown on 12 Apr 1951 aged 84. FREDERICK WILLIAM RUSSELL died 13 Nov 1951 aged 84.


I l m o WILLIAM JOHN WALPOLE died 30 Jan 1951 aged 85. ELIZABETH MARY died 3 Aug 1947 aged 85, buried at Moate Co Westmeath.


Within this tomb lie the remains of the Rev JOSEPH MORTON MA for 32 years Rector of the Parishes of Bumlin, Kiltrustan and Lissonuffy who died 21 Oct 1878 aged 73. This monument is erected to his memory by his parishioners as a token of their affectionate regard and esteem. Here also lie the remains of MARTHA his wife who died 14 Nov 1889 aged 83.


S t t m o Rev PETER TOLER BA Bloomfield Co Roscommon formerly Vicar of Durrow Kings County born 1803 died 13 May 1883.


Erected by her sorrowing children i l m o MARY ROBERTSON who d t l 30 Aug 1893 aged 72. Also JOHN M ROBERTSON husband of the above who died at Clonfree on 9 Feb 1895.


I a r o ABEL WIGGINS who d t l 6 Feb 1888 aged 48.


ALEXANDER DICK died 20 Mar 1885 aged 51.


WILLIAM ANDREW son of ALEXANDER DICK died 22 Sep 1884 aged 4 months.


I l m o WILLIAM JOHNSTON of Cullagh who died 27 Oct 1901 aged 75. Also his beloved wife HANNAH who died 30 May 1904 aged 76. Erected 1905.


S t t m o ROBERT DEVENISH Clonfinla died 4 Jun 1880 aged 54.


S t t m o JOHN DEVENISH Esq JP of Mountpleasant who died 2 Feb 1878 aged 63. Also his fond wife SUSANNA who died 20 Mar 1884 aged 68.


I l m o JOHN LLOYD DEVENISH of Kilglass House who died 20 Jun 1926. And his wife MARY ARTHUR nee FOX who died 13 Oct 6


And their only child SUSAN EMMA FOX who died 17 Feb


I l m o WILLIAM JOHNSTON who died 2 Feb 1909. And SARAH JOHNSTON his wife who died 26 Apr 1907. Also their son THOMAS who died Apr 1873. Erected by their children and brothers.


I a r o JAMES WOODS who died 25 Feb 1892 aged 5 years and 10 months. And of his sister MARGARET who died 2 Mar 1892 aged 1 yr and 9 mths. Erected by their loving parents.


I l m o GEORGE BROWNE of Mount Browne Barrister at Law who died 16 May 1865.


Here rest the mortal remains of Mrs RACHEL MASON who was born at Cleveley Oxfordshire on 18 Oct 1819 and died at Strokestown on 21 Jun 1866. This monument is placed here i r o a dutiful wife and affectionate mother by her husband ROBERT MASON and her three sons FRANCIS, ROBERT and JOHN MASON 21 Jun 1867. Here also rest the mortal remains of ROBERT MASON husband of the above who died 4 Oct 1873 aged 52.


IHS i l m o THOMAS FLANAGAN Strokestown who died 24 May 1883 aged 66. ELIZABETH O'NEILL FLANAGAN wife of THOMAS FLANAGAN died 10 Mar 1898 aged 78. PATRICK FLANAGAN who died 29 Mar 1964.


I m o ISABELLA L RUTHERFOORD who died 6 May 1870 aged 2 years and 5 months.


I m o THOMAS H RUTHERFOORD who died 16 Nov 1869 aged 3 years and 4 months.


I m WILLIAM WOODVILLE GUINNESS WEST born 14 Nov 1875 died 27 May 1876.



I l m o GRACE PAKENHAM MAHON of Strokestown Ireland and Westbrook Isle of Wight born 13 Nov 1827 died 4 Jan 1914 buried at Cannes France. This tablet is erected by her daughter HENRIETTA FOSTER.


I l m o JOHN LLOYD DEVENISH of Kilglass House who died 20 Jun 1926. And his wife MARY ARTHUR nee FOX who died 13 Oct 1926. And their only child SUSAN EMMA FOX who died 17 Feb 1924.


T t g o G and i m l m o her dearly loved daughter FLORENCE PAKENHAM-MAHON died 7 Dec 1900. And of her dearly loved youngest daughter MAUD PAKENHAM-MAHON died 4 Feb 1903. This window is erected by their mother GRACE C PAKENHAMMAHON of Strokestown and of Westbrook Isle of Wight.


T t g o G and i e l m o her dear husband HENRY SANDFORD PAKENHAM-MAHON of Strokestown Ireland and of Westbrook Isle of Wight born 6 Feb 1823 died 28 Mar 1893. This window is erected by GRACE C PAKENHAM-MAHON.



© Representative Church Body Library


NAME AYRES, Anne (MAHON) AYRES, Edward B (Rev)1 BLACK, George BLACK, Geo’e BLACK, Jane BLACK, Leonard BLACK, Michael BLACK, Will’m BLAKNEY, John BLAKNEY, John BLAKNEY, Thomas BRADY, Edward BRADY, Sarah J BROWNE, George BURNS, Ann (Mrs) CHAPMAN, Patrick CHAPMAN, W F CONLISK, Anne CONLISK, Patrick COOPER, Anne COOPER, Jane COOPER, Jane (PICHARD) COOPER, Luke COOPER, Luke COOPER, Marg’t COOPER, Mary (MAHON) COOPER, William (Esq) COWEN, Catherine (BREDIN) COWEN, Clarissa (CAREY) COWEN, John COWEN, Richard COX, G (Colour Sergt 91st) COX, Kate Fanny CRAIG, Dorinda CRAIG, Dorothy (HOLDEN) CRAIG, Eliza CRAIG, Wil’m CRAIG, William CRAIG, William CRAIG, William CRAIG, Will’m CREAG, James CREAG, Thomas CREAG, Will’m DEVENISH, John (Esq JP) DEVENISH, John Lloyd DEVENISH, Mary Arthur (FOX) DEVENISH, Robert DEVENISH, Susan Emma Fox 1


DEATH (AGE) 3 Oct 1822 (42)

Ref 1878


Ref 19 Jan 1943 24 Aug 1921 24 Feb 1950 1775 (90) 13 Jan 1856 (65) (7) 1 May 1853 (33) 13 May 1903 (40) Ref 16 May 1865 Ref 29 Oct 1940 (36) 29 Dec 1942 (81) 1 Jan 1916 (74) Ref Ref Ref Ref 4 Jan 1814 (42) Ref 1 Feb 1821 (20) 22 Dec 1855 Ref 15 Oct 1766 (52) 25 Feb 1818 (59) Ref Ref Ref 13 May 1887 (60) 5 Apr 1814 (42) Ref 1908 1785? 23 Oct 1817 27 Apr 1908

(13) (67?) (56) (15)

Ref Ref 1 Jul 1809 (36) Ref

Prebendary of Termonbarry 1816-1841. 9

15 2 20 13 4 17

Sep Feb Jun Oct Jun Feb

1770 1878 (63) 1926 1926 1880 (54) 1924

GRAVE 46E 46E 20 19 21 21 21 19 12 12 12 3 3 68 12 34 34 4 4 31 32 33 33 32 32 31 31 51 49 51 49 5 5 42 43 43 44 42 43 43 44 53 53 53 64 65/CP2 65/CP2 63 65/CP2

NAME DEVENISH, Susanna DICK, Alexander DICK, Alexander DICK, William Andrew DOHERTY, Dorothy DOHERTY, Jam’s FALLON, Julia FALLON, Mary (MCMANUS) FLANAGAN, Elizabeth O’Neill FLANAGAN, Patrick FLANAGAN, Thomas FOSTER, Henrietta GOLDEN, Andrew GOLDEN, Mary (WHELON) HARRIS, Catherine HARRIS, John HARRIS, Michael HARRIS, Patrick HAWKES, Ellenor HEMSWORTH, Henry HEMSWORTH, Lydia (WILSON) HEMSWORTH, Mary (JOHNSON) HEMSWORTH, Wil’m (Esq) HEVIN, Michael HEVIN, Robert HOLDEN, Martha (WHITE) HOLDEN, Will’m HOULDEN, Mary HOULDEN, William JOHNSTON, Hannah JOHNSTON, Sarah JOHNSTON, Thomas JOHNSTON, William JOHNSTON, William JONES, Mary Ann JONES, Thomas Robert KAVANAGH, KEENAHAN, Margaret Anne KEENAHAN, P (Hd Const RIC) LYNDEN, Margaret A MAGUIRE, Margaret MAGUIRE, Mary J MAGUIRE, William J MAHON, Alicia MAHON, Alicia MAHON, Edward (Rev)1 MAHON, Jane MAHON, Jane 1 2


DEATH (AGE) 20 Mar 1884 (68) 20 Mar 1885 (51)

Ref 22 Sep 1884 (0) 23 Apr 1805 (64) Ref

Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref

18 20 10 29 24

Oct Oct Mar Mar May

1833 1833 1898 1964 1883

(16) (60) (78)

5 17 23 1

Apr Oct Jun Apr

1923 1905 1887 1943

(78) (37) (45) (71)


15 Dec 1767 (60) Ref 16 Feb 1766 (57) Ref 27 Jan 1790 (19) Ref 23 May 1813 (85) 1 Feb 1792 Jul 1779? Ref 30 May 1904 (76) 26 Apr 1907 Apr 1873 27 Oct 1901 (75) 2 Feb 1909 14 Apr 1945 5 Sep 1921 Ref 1 May 1899 (34) Ref 6 29 3 19 24 Ref

Vicar of the Bumlin Union 1811-1847. Sic, should be 1847. 10

Jan Sep Sep Mar Nov

1871 (1) 1934 1908 1916 1784 (60)

2 Feb 18172 (72) 2 Jul 1775 (14) 29 Oct 1806

GRAVE 64 60 61 61 50 50 2 2 70 70 70 CP1 45 45 34 34 34 34 2 47 47 48 48 23 23 26 26 25 25 62 66 66 62 66 8 8 9 6 6 36 15 15 15 46C 46A 37 46B 46D

NAME MAHON, Luke (Esq) MAHON, Luke (Esq) MAHON, Luke (Rev)1 MAHON, Luke (Rev) MAHON, Mary MAHON, Mary MAHON, Maurice (Esq) MAHON, William (Esq) MASON, Francis MASON, John MASON, Rachel MASON, Robert MASON, Robert MCADAMS, Anne MCADAMS, Benjamin MCADAMS, David MCADAMS, George MCADAMS, George MCADAMS, Hugh MCADAMS, John MCADAMS, Robert MCADAMS, Samuel MCADAMS, Sarah MCADAMS, William Leighton MCDERMOTT, Margaret (WHELON) MCLAUGHLIN, John (Rev)2 MCLAUGHLIN, Thos Morris MCLUEN, John MCLUEN, John MCLUEN, John MCLUEN, Margaret (HEAGUE) MCLUEN, Sara (TACKARDY) MCLUEN, Sarah E MCLUEN, William MCMANUS, Bridget MCMANUS, Terence MORTON, Elivia (HUNT) MORTON, John (Esq) MORTON, Joseph (Rev)3 MORTON, Martha MORTON, Mary Anne MORTON, Thos (Esq) MORTON, William O’NEILL, Agnes O’NEILL, Alice O’NEILL, Elizabeth O’NEILL, James 1 2 3




27 Jul 1781 (74) Ref 10 May 1795 (40) Ref 1 Sep 1832 (83) Ref 20 Oct 1824 (35) 19 Mar 1807 (56) Ref Ref 18 Oct 1819

21 Jun 1866 4 Oct 1873 (52)

Ref Ref (0) (0) 27 Jun 1847 (47) Ref Ref (0) (0) (0) Ref 7 Jun 1845 (19) 13 Jun 1810 (32) Ref 1771 {15} Jul 1795 (68) 21 Mar 1801 (87) Ref 3 Dec 1801 (57) Feb 1796 (70) 21 Nov 1817 (18) Ref 17 Jan 1871 (60) Ref Ref 2 Sep 1804 (43) 21 Oct 1878 (73) 14 Nov 1889 (83) Ref 14 Jun 1793 (60) Ref 1868 1857

1959 27 Feb 1941 1943 21 Nov 1873 (23)

46C 46B 46D 46C 46F 46G 46G 46A 69 69 69 69 69 39 39 39 38 39 38 39 39 39 38 39 45 7 7 17 16 17 17 17 17 16 1 1 30 30 56 56 29 29 29 22 10 22 24

Prebendary of Oran and Vicar of Dunamon 1794-1795. Vicar of Bumlin; not listed in Clergy of Kilmore, Elphin & Ardagh. Vicar of the Bumlin Union 1847-1878. 11

NAME O’NEILL, John O’NEILL, John O’NEILL, John O’NEILL, Mary Kate O’NEILL, Mary Kate O’NEILL, Pat O’NEILL, Patrick O’NEILL, Phelim O’NEILL, Rose PAKENHAM-MAHON, Florence PAKENHAM MAHON, Grace PAKENHAM-MAHON, Grace C PAKENHAM-MAHON, Henry Sandf* PAKENHAM-MAHON, Maud PRESTON, Margaret PRESTON, Nathaniel (Esq) REID, Arthur REID, John REID, Robert REID, Ruth ROBERTSON, John M ROBERTSON, Mary ROBINSON, Elizabeth (DELANY) ROBINSON, John ROBINSON, John ROBINSON, Michael ROBINSON, Thomas RUSSELL, Frederick William RUSSELL, Helen Bethia Persse RUTHERFOORD, Isabella L RUTHERFOORD, Thomas H SHIEL, Bernard SHIEL, John SHIEL, Kate SHIEL, Mai SHIEL, Margaret Mary SHIEL, Maria (BRADY) SHIEL, Patrick SHIEL, Pauline SHIEL, Sean SHIEL, Stephen STOKES, Geo H STOKES, George J STOKES, Jane STOKES, Robert STOKES, Robert STOKES, Susan TANNER, Edward J TANNER, Elle 1




10 Jan 1939 30 Aug 1953 Ref 1863

28 Nov 1943 1958

1859 1865

1936 1957

(8) Ref 7 Dec 1900 4 Jan 19141 Ref 6 Feb 1823

28 Mar 1893 4 Feb 1903

Ref 1 Mar 1811 (67) Ref 21 Jun 1942 (72) Ref Ref 9 30 24 17

Feb Aug May Jul

1895 1893 (72) 1838 (62) 1853 (42)

4 13 12 6 16 20

Dec Nov Apr May Nov Feb

1842 1951 1951 1870 1869 1923

Ref Ref (64) (84) (84) (2) (3) (24)

Ref 16 Oct 1929 (34) Ref 11 26 8 8 30 20 23

Apr Jul Nov Oct Jul Nov Jul

1920 1933 1922 1938 1926 1954 1844

(30) (74) (80) (1) (4) (69) (74)

Ref 2 Sep 1845 (60) 23 Apr 1890 (74) Ref 14 Nov 1896 (78) Ref Aug 1946

Buried at Cannes, France. 12

10 10 24 10 22 24 22 22 24 CP3 CP1 CP3/4 CP4 CP3 52 52 35 35 35 35 58 58 40 41 40 40 40 54 54 71 72 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 28 27 28 28 27 27 14 14



TANNER, George TANNER, George TANNER, George Ref TANNER, Maria TOLER, Peter (Rev)1 1803 WALPOLE, Elizabeth Mary WALPOLE, William John WEST, Ann (Miss) WEST, Henry Ref WEST, William Woodville Gui* 14 Nov 1875 WHELON, Jane (MCCARTY) WIGGINS, Abel WILSON, Caroline WILSON, William WOODS, James WOODS, Margaret

DEATH (AGE) 19 Feb 1873 (73) Jan 1925 10 13 3 30 6

Nov May Aug Jan Jun

1894 1883 1947 1951 1770

27 15 6 14 11 25 2

May Sep Feb May Apr Feb Mar

1876 1800 1888 1891 1881 1892 1892

(82) (85)2 (85) (14) (61) (48) (81) (74) (5) (1)

209 entries in this index.

1 2

Perpetual Curate of Durrow (Dio Meath, King’s Co) 1830-1846. Buried at Moate, Co Westmeath. 13

GRAVE 13 14 13 13 57 55 55 18 18 73 45 59 35 35 67 67



1 McManus

2 Fallon

3 Brady

4 Conlisk

5 Cox

6 Keenahan

7 McLaughlin

8 Jones

9 Shiel


10 O’Neill


12 Blakney

13 Tanner

14 Tanner

15 Maguire

16 McLuen

17 McLuen

18 West


19 Black

20 Black

21 Black

22 O’Neill

23 Hevin

24 O’Neill

25 Houlden

26 Holden

27 Stokes


28 Stokes

29 Morton

30 Morton

31 Cooper

32 Cooper

33 Cooper

34 Harris

35 Wilson

36 Lynden


37 Mahon

38 McAdams

39 McAdams

40 Robinson

41 Robinson

42 Craig

43 Craig

44 Craig

45 Whelon


46 Mahon

47 Hemsworth

48 Hemsworth

49 Cowen

50 Doherty

51 Cowen

52 Preston

53 Creag

54 Russell


55 Walpole

56 Morton

57 Toler

58 Robertson

59 Wiggins

60 & 61 Dick

62 Johnston

63 Devenish

64 Devenish


65 Devenish

66 Johnston

67 Woods

68 Browne

69 Mason

70 Flanagan

71 Rutherfoord

72 Rutherfoord

73 West







APPENDIX B - INDEX OF PLACENAMES Bloomfield, Co Roscommon Bumlin (Parish) Bunna Bunnamuca Cannes, France Castlenode Cleveley, Oxfordshire Clonfinla Clonfree Cork City Courskeagh Cullagh Doon Drinaun Dublin City Dunamon, Co Roscommon Durrow, King’s Co Isle of Wight Kilglass House Kiltrustan (Parish) Lettreen Lissanode, Moate, Co Westmeath Lissonuffy (Parish) Moate, Co Westmeath Mountpleasant Mount Browne Oran Oxfordshire Peninsula (Campaign) Strokestown Strokestown, Church Street Strokestown (Estate) Westbrook, Isle of Wight

57 37, 56 9 9 CP1 29, 30, 54 69 63 58 38 4 62 31 9 46 46 57 CP1, CP3, CP4 65, CP2 56 10 54 56 55 64 68 46 69 46 3, 14, 26, 32, 33, 38, 46, 54, 69, 70, CP1, CP3, CP4 22 41 CP1, CP3, CP4


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