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T A L K JUNE 2018
ACCELERATION FROM A PLACE of rest.. Thank God this is not what He meant when He spoke of acceleration. That is why Zechariah said, “It is not by power, not by might but by My Spirit says the Lord, with shouts of grace, grace! We will see the mountains flatten” (Zechariah 4:6-8 paraphrased).
When Elijah outran the horses, it was not because he put in some extra effort, but because the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. It was not Samson’s muscle power that defeated the enemy; it was the Spirit of God upon him. It was not Joseph or Daniel’s intelligence that brought deliverance to them and through them; it was the Spirit of God who came upon them.
As I write this AC Talk, Edna and I are celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary on a beautiful Baltic Sea Cruise. Looking out over the ocean, I realize again how little control I have over our journey. I can’t control how fast or how slow this ship is moving, or even where we go. All I can do is choose to be here and choose to trust the captain.
So how can we position ourselves for acceleration? Well, in Hebrews 4:1-16, the author shows us how to prevent the enemy (or ourselves) from robbing us during this season of acceleration.
So, that is what I want to talk to you about today … how can you rest on your journey? How can you trust the Captain of your life? When God first spoke to us about Acceleration for 2018, our first response was, “We don’t want to run faster or do more in this busy life,” especially as changes were happening so quickly, both on a personal and global level. 1
My friends, MAKE SURE THAT NOTHING GETS YOU OUT OF THE REST OF GOD. The enemy will do anything to get you to panic, strive, become anxious, do your own thing, or not fully trusting in Him.
6. Oh yes, and don’t forget the
encouragement found in Hebrews 4:14-16 (The Message Bible). “Now that we know what we have —Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So, let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.”
1. We cease from our own effort or works. 2. We remind the enemy and ourselves
that Jesus has dealt with the challenge before us. Therefore, the answer is yours before you have it. 3. Yes, it is essential to rest and take time
out physically, but it’s even more necessary to understand that true rest is not ‘an event’ but a Person - Jesus Christ. Real rest happens when we thoroughly believe that Jesus paid the full price. Peace follows when we understand that He made a way for us and we don’t have to make our own plans.
Wow! So, if you find yourself stuck, simply acknowledge that you struggle and need help, ask your faithful Father for that help, and then stay in His rest as He shows you the way. REST, HEAR, TRUST and OBEY, and always remember you have free access whenever you get stuck.
4. Hebrews 4:2-3 says that “Some
entered into rest because of faith while others not because of unbelief” (paraphrased). My friends, you need faith to enter into this rest. Faith comes from HEARING, not from what you’ve already heard.
Be blessed and enjoy your supernatural acceleration!
Did you get that? Faith comes by hearing, not by what you’ve already heard. Too many people say, “I have heard that before,” but faith doesn’t come from what you’ve heard before. Faith comes by hearing what God is saying NOW. We need to hear (and keep on hearing) the Word of God to see strong, consistent, and reliable faith at work in our lives. 5. Who and what you listen to determine
your actions. Hebrews 4:6-7 says they did not enter because of disobedience. “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” Faith doesn’t mean trusting in your own plans and efforts and then hoping that God will help you out. No, it is the contrary. Faith means I hear from God first, and then I do what He tells me to do.
As we enter into His rest, the following things will become evident:
COTN GLOBAL EVENT - 2019 Dear COTN Leader, Opposite and below this letter is a very exciting announcement evolving from our recent Apostolic Council meeting in Durban. As we discussed, reflected and contemplated we came to realize that we are truly in a season of transition as a family in COTN. As such it was decided to call the younger generation from around the world to an international event which will be prophetic in nature, in that it will take place in the form of an equipping - celebratory event over three days culminating on the Sunday where the new generation will be part of a prophetic act of commissioning by the fathers over them. We are calling everyone in the COTN family between the ages of 18-40 where at all possible, to be there. The event will not be strictly limited to this age group but all plenary sessions, workshops, music, breakouts will be focused towards them. As you are aware the instances where the Apostolic Council initiate international events are very few and far between. So this promises to be a significant landmark event in the history of COTN as a family, as such we ask you to place this information in the hands of everyone between ages 18-40 and encourage them to be there. Every Blessing
David Cape David Cape On behalf of the COTN Apostolic Council
Leadershift takes to the seas in September 2018! Join us for a 4 night (3 days) Western Caribbean Cruise sailing with Royal Caribbean. The cruise travels from Tampa Florida to Mexico and return. There will be two full days at sea and one day in the port of Cozumel Mexico. Cruise boarding Sep 27th from 12pm -2:30pm and disembarkation Oct 1st at 8:00am.
Price includes:
2 person occupancy (single rates available) All meals (included beverages, Coffee, Tea, Water and Lemonade) All Taxes Prices based on type of stateroom. Rates and availability are no longer guaranteed. Please contact the travel agent for current rates. Conference seating available  for the first 90 people only !!! $200 deposit per room. Remainder must be paid by July 13th 2018. Conference Registration - $20
Travel Agent
Courtney Harding // L’escape Travel 437 S Withchduck Rd Virginia Beach Va 23462 +1 757-646-7113
Please Follow this link for registration
For any comments, suggestions and news, please do not hesitate to contact the COTN Virtual Resource Centre at
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