Church Resources Annual Report 2010/2011

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2010-201 1 Annual Report

about us Church Resources (CR) is a charitable trust, established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) in 1997, to help the Church and not-for-profit community to work collectively for the common good. The organisation has evolved to provide aggregated buying to a range of church and not-for-profit groups, and to create and disseminate faith-based publications. Membership of Church Resources is free and open to any church or not-for-profit group; subscription to any of the faith-based publications produced by Church Resources is also free. CR continues to grow through collaboration, partnerships, and communication between Members and Preferred Partners. We leverage the buying power, expertise, and knowledge of church and not-for-profit organisations, and the promulgation of Gospel values – including truth, love, compassion, and social justice – through faith-based publications, our giving program, and also by helping Members save money to invest back into the primary mission of their organisations.

Photo credits Front cover: St Mary MacKillop on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Image by Joe Dimech for CathNews. Page 3: An Australian celebration: crowd at St Peter’s Square, October 17, 2010 during Canonisation ceremony of Mary Mackillop. Image by Fr Frank Brennan sj for CathNews Back cover: Josephite Sister celebrates the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop in Rome. Image by Joe Dimech for CathNews


2010-201 1 Annual Report

contents 4

The CR year in pictures


Report from the Chair


CEO’s Report


How we save our Members money


Why we do what we do


What Church Resources does for Aged Care


What Church Resources does for Church


What Church Resources does for Education


What Church Resources does for Welfare


Our giving program


Our faith-based publications


Strategic initiatives for Church Resources


Strategic initiatives


What Church Resources does for our people


Our staff development strategies


Financial report


Board of Management


Church Resources Leadership Team


Our Supplier Partners


Our Members

Legal advisors to Church Resources: Makinson & d’Apice


2010-201 1 Annual Report

the year in pictures Archbishop Denis Hart (right) joined by Church Resources Chair, Julie-Anne Schafer and CEO, Luke Kenny at a Supplier Partner function in Melbourne, November 2010.

CathNews covered the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop from Rome and home; this shot, the MacKillop bronze outside Adelaide’s St Francis Xavier Cathedral.

Julie-Anne Schafer joined by Rita Luke (left) Peter Maher (middle) and Carolyn Sauvage (right), all from St Vincent de Paul, at an afternoon tea in Brisbane to introduce Church Resources’ new Queensland BDM Debbie Yeo. Church Resources’ staff members shine in their ‘giving’ with three very large Christmas Hampers sent to three under-privileged families in Western Sydney, as part of the Josephite Community Aid (JCA) program. CEO Luke Kenny congratulated the CathNews team of Editor-inChief, Michael Visontay (left) and founding editor Michael Mullins (right), on winning the Silver Award for Excellence for Best Electronic Publication at the annual Australasian Press Association awards in Hobart in August, 2010.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

CR Management team networking with our Supply Partners in Melbourne.

Retiring type! Tony Mullan and his wife Ronnie (centre), celebrated his 10 years plus of service to CR at his retirement party with the Chair, Julie-Anne Schafer (left), and CEO Luke Kenny (right).

Irma Escalante (centre), the diva of the CR Database, celebrated her 10 years with CR, congratulated by our founder, Fr Michael Kelly (left), and CEO Luke Kenny (right). Raising awareness, raising money. Two internal fundraisers at Church Resources during the year helped Catholic Mission’s work in the Pakistan floods, and St Vincent de Paul’s efforts for the victims of the Queensland floods.

Ahoy! CR staffers turn pirate at the end of financial year staff party.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

our purpose To enable outcomes for the collective common good

our vision Church Resources is a sustainable and responsive organization built on quality and integrity, servicing our Members as trusted exper ts in sourcing solutions and faith-based communications

our focus To be the first resource of our Members and Subscribers


2010-201 1 Annual Report

report from the chair

needs of our members and the benefits we currently do, and could deliver into the future. The key messages from that work were recognition of savings, trust between Church Resources and our members, and the support offered to Members.

We all have a mission in Church. At Church Resources, ours is to serve the Church, not-for-profits and our Members. We do this by harnessing the Church’s buying power for the good of Church institutions and their Members. The money saved and improved effectiveness contributes to core religious, social and pastoral mission activities. After more than a decade of operation, this year Church Resources underwent a realignment designed to position it for enhanced Member service in the years ahead. Although it has been a period of dynamic change – at all levels of the organisation – what has not changed is our dedication to our Members, to ensuring that through our efforts, they receive the best service possible from the organisation and from our supplier partners. Members are central to our mission; acting as trusted experts on their behalf, is our major focus. To focus further on our members and the value that we deliver to them, this year, in conjunction with KPMG, we undertook detailed work to better understand the

This year saw a great event in the history of the Australian Church – the Canonisation of our first native-born saint, Mary MacKillop. This provided an opportunity for the staff of CathNews to focus on Canonisation news for six months running up to the Mass in St Peter’s Square in October. At the time of the Canonisation, there were more than a dozen special editions of CathNews, which provided detailed coverage of an event which was special not just for Australia’s Catholics, but for the nation. As subscribers appreciated the coverage, CathNews extended its service to CathNews Perspectives in February. At the Board of Management, there were changes as we farewelled Steve Demetriou, Julie Pascoe, Jeremy Howes and Gabrielle Trainor, who was Acting Chair. For a number of years, they all contributed to Church Resources, putting it on a firm foundation ready for its next phase of development. Particular thanks are due to Gabrielle for her tireless work. We are grateful to them all. They are remembered with fondness. Of course, current board members – Stephen Elder, Peter Turner, Danny Casey, and Francis Moore – have all been unstinting in their efforts to make sure that Church Resources delivers to our Members. The outcomes have been enhanced by the fact that we are all also Directors of Catholic Network Australia Limited, an entity also formed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

to conduct a private technology network for the benefit of Church sectors. There is much synergy in the roles of the two organisations and we are confident that together we will do great work for Church. This year, Church Resources also said farewell to the man whose vision, determination, and ability established the organisation in 1997. Fr Michael Kelly sj has worked in many capacities for the Church, and at Church Resources, he filled various roles at various times, including CEO and Special Counsel My thanks go to the Chairman of the Bishops Commission for Administration and Information, Archbishop Denis Hart, and to the General Secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Fr Brian Lucas, for their support, counsel, and guidance over the course of the year. I thank our staff members under the leadership of the CEO, Luke Kenny, for their work this year and also our valued Supplier Partners. They are all determined to make Church Resources not only the first, but also the best, resource for our Members. The coming financial year, if it is anything like the one just passed, will be full of challenges and triumphs. It is one which I look forward to very much, knowing that our mission to serve our Members better is top of mind for all of us at Church Resources.

Julie-Anne Shafer Chair Church Resources


2010-201 1 Annual Report

ceo’s report

farewelled a number of people who made significant contributions to the growth of our organisation. As well as delivering all of our internal transformation, we also managed to achieve a great deal in relation to our Purpose and Vision, in both our procurement and our faith-based publications responsibilities. Most notably we: > Designed and delivered an exclusive CathNews Mary Mackillop Canonisation Program > Completed our largest ever Foodservice Improvement Program During 2010/11, Church Resources (CR) had a distinct flavour of change. In pursuing an agenda focussed on delivering greater value and a better experience for our Members, evolving our solutions to enhance their mission, and transforming the organisation to maximise all its available resources, we had to make changes to invest and build our future. The entire organisation has been working hard to understand and support the changes the Board of Management and the Leadership Team needed to make, and while that was distracting at times, the feedback we are getting from our Members and our Suppliers is that we have the right strategy. While we have a new simplified structure, we also introduced a series of new people into the organisation and


> Celebrated our first employees to achieve 10 years service > Launched our reflective publication CathNews Perspectives > Initiated a review in partnership with KPMG on our ‘Member Value’ > Achieved Telstra Enterprise Preferred Partner status with the CR Telstra Dealership > Moved our faith-based publications into the social media space > Completed Year 1 of our 2010-2013 Strategic Plan and 79% of the 10/11 Business Plan > Through our philanthropic activities we contributed towards helping those with very little and those seriously affected by the significant natural disasters we witnessed

As mentioned earlier, we have farewelled a number of great contributors to our organisation, including members of our Board, our Leadership Team and staff. Most notably we said ‘thank you’ to Gabrielle Trainor, our Chairperson for the past few years and Board member since 2005. Gabrielle is someone who was wellrespected at all levels inside and outside our organisation, a leader and inspiration to the purpose of CR. I, and our staff, want to again thank and acknowledge her tireless efforts to make our business better and ensure we serve our Members with all that we have to offer. We also thank our other departing Board Members Jeremy Howse, Steve Demetriou and Julie Pascoe. I would also like to acknowledge the members of the Leadership team who have moved on, including Con Koulouris, Camilla Sproule, Rob Sinclair and Matt Pritchard, as well as some of our long-time staff members in Tony Mullan and Trudy Poole. The future is about nurturing the changes and investments we have made to ensure they have the best possible opportunity of succeeding. Julie-Anne Schafer is our new Chairperson and we are very fortunate to have a Chair who has quickly subscribed to our purpose and vision. She has already provided great leadership and support to the organisation. There will be new leadership and staff engaging our Members in a vastly different capacity, with a focus on improving the level of awareness across all our various solutions

2010-201 1 Annual Report

and demonstrating how and where we can help and make savings through our valued supplier relationships. It is also about evolving our faith-based publications to expand the community with which we want to communicate with and find new channels through which to deliver. I feel very privileged to serve as the CEO of Church Resources, especially given

the responsibility that is invested in me by our incredibly supportive Bishops, and our Board, to lead and grow our greatest asset... our staff. It is a pleasure to work with, and support, each of the CR teams to deliver the wonderful service we provide on behalf of the Australian Catholic Church to the Australian not-for-profit sector. I encourage you now to read through our

2010/11 Annual Report and see how we are growing to become our Members’ first resource.

Luke Kenny CEO

our values Our values underpin ever y thing Church Resources does. They are:



Recognise and accept differences Do unto others Be reasonable, listen, understand

Ethical Behaviour Transparent, open agenda Do the right thing Act in the best interest of our members and our people

Behave consistently with our purpose Deliver what we promise


Actions which add intrinsic value Vision-motivated behaviour


Socialisation and celebration


Compassion in all our dealings Caring for individuals and organisations


2010-201 1 Annual Report

how we save our members money In February 2011, KPMG was engaged by Church Resources to provide an independent perspective on the benefits, both financial and non-financial, that Church Resources provides to its Members. The approach was to have KPMG research and build a model that can be used to derive indicative levels of potential savings for existing or prospective Members. A model of savings was developed by analysing data gathered from contracts across four major categories, and assessing financial benefits in comparison to the existing market.

This exercise not only served as an important third-party validation of the role Church Resources plays in the not-for-profit arena, but also defined seven key value propositions which will be used to guide the investment towards our future business improvement, to better serve our Members. They are: > Breadth of supply choice > Significant price discounts > Time savings > Lowering of risk

As part of this initiative, KPMG and Church Resources engaged a series of Members to understand their perspective on the value and benefits that Church Resources provides. The key messages from those discussions and the research concluded:

> Delivering maximum benefits

> A clear recognition of financial benefits and savings across a range of categories

The underlying message from the research conducted by KPMG stated that the earlier Members engage Church Resources in the procurement lifecycle, the greater the potential benefits over the longer term. The diagram below was developed to demonstrate where Members typically perceived benefit was in the procurement process, to where KPMG believe Members and Church Resources can deliver the greatest benefit together.

> There is trust between Church Resources and its Members, especially in the cases of supplier recommendation > The support provided by Church Resources personnel across the procurement lifecycle is regarded as invaluable

> Tailored quality solutions > Free consultative cost analysis

Relative value gained from using Church Resources

Where CR delivers benefit to Members

Church Resources experience

Typical member perception

Strategic Supply Planning

Source to contract

Procure to pay

Total procurement lifecycle


• Spend Analysis

• Supply Market Analysis

• Tendering

• Supply Planning

• Supply Market Engagement

• Evaluations

• Specifications

• Risk Management

• Negotiation

• Contract Award

• Quality Assurance

• Supplier Improvements

• Contract Finalisation

• Supplier Performance

•M ember Support

2010-201 1 Annual Report

why we do what we do

What Procurement Aggregation



Product Development

Channel to market


Rebated revenue

Faith-based Communications

Connecting Church & NFP Communities


Giving Program

what church resources does For the past 13 years, Church Resources has served as a dedicated procurement service provider to the Australian not-forprofit sector and during 2010/11 we provided solutions for more than 9,000 of our Members. In providing this service, we are able to improve the breadth of manageable spend, reduce costs for goods and services, employ category experts, leverage best practice techniques and streamline our Members source-to-pay processes without them having to distract valuable resources, or take on many of the risks associated with purchasing activity. Church Resources continues to focus on building its capability to provide a rapid analysis of an organisation’s spend, to negotiate with suppliers, and apply industry best practice through our supported implementation approach. Church Resources is progressively becoming an extension of our Members’ existing procurement resources, in a non-obtrusive fashion. The categories we represent are as follows: > Telecommunications > Energy & Sustainability > Workplace & School Supplies > Food > IT (Hardware & software) > Cleaning and Clinical Consumables > Travel > Faith-based Publications

In 2010/11 it is estimated that across these categories, Church Resources had $216m in Member spend under its management. CR has more than 35 Preferred Supply and Manufacturing Partners that support these purchasing categories. Our partners are recognised as market leaders in their industries in Australia. Our internal capabilities extend to having dedicated experts in travel, foodservice, telecommunications, software implementation, recruitment and office supplies. Under our new model we are progressively making these people more accessible to our Members to provide greater value through the relationship by leveraging our skills and experience.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

what church resources does for aged care Martin undertook site surveys for all the SCC facilities. The team worked on the detail, and in February 2011, Martin was back in front of the SCC Leadership team to reveal the findings, what could be offered, and to agree next steps. ‘Above all, we needed to let the Leadership Team know that we understood the situations they encountered at the coal face, and that if they faced challenges, we were just a phone call or email away to help fix any problem.’ The staff across SCC acknowledged the work of Church Resources, according to John Ireland, many commented that they had learnt a lot from the process, helping cement the CR and SCC partnership from the beginning. ‘We also needed to educate staff members at the grass roots in online ordering and reporting systems, and create genuine relationships with them so they could save their facilities resources – money they could then put straight back into their own mission of caring for the aged,’ Martin said. Then, in May, came the implementation phase; Martin and his team are now focussed on Phase II of the program to be rolled out in 2011/2013. That means working with nominated SCC teams on continuous improvement projects. Case study – Southern Cross Care NSW ACT Southern Cross Care NSW ACT (SCC) has 36 locations and 29 residential care facilities, making it a significant not-for-profit organisation, and one which Church Resources were keen to expand the relationship. This new opportunity came in August 2009, when Martin Kenrick, the Church Resource’s Foodservice Manager, met with SCC’s then-CEO, John Ireland (pictured above). Martin outlined what he saw as possible in terms of a food service transformation with Church Resources and John immediately recognised the value of what was being offered. The next step was to get buy-in from the SCC Leadership Team. ‘A project like this, driven from the top, needs to have support down the line to underpin it,’ said Martin. ‘So in February, 2010 I presented to around 60 regional and facility managers, to explain what Church Resources could do. We made it personal, and let the Leadership Team members know they could rely on us to deliver the project and provide ongoing support.’ Then the real work began, generating and analysing the purchasing data. A SCC Finance Officer and a CR staff member worked closely to extract the invoices in bread, and chilled, dried and frozen (CDF) for one month’s trading. This process yielded enough CDF information to be captured in a 277,000 cell spreadsheet! As John Ireland re-counts, “Church Resources went to each of our facilities and undertook a friendly audit of how do we do food and how the kitchens were established. The kitchen staff was immediately on board”. The analysis revealed there were 11 suppliers for bread spread across 25 sites (some facilities with outsourced catering), and 10 suppliers across 26 sites for CDF. It was also clear they were at a disadvantage with price variances across the entire group, multiple purchase item codes, inconsistent delivery charges, nil stock and substituted items, little or no reporting, and no transparency.


In the meantime, the number of bread suppliers have gone from 11 to 1, and CDF suppliers from 10 to 1. There is consistent coding and pricing across the organisation, like for like reporting, and consistent national customer service back up. John Ireland best sums up the experience: “I earnestly believe that there has been an improvement in the quality of the food; that is fundamental to any of these sorts of initiatives. (There) has also been a significant positive impact on the budget.” What Southern Cross Care said about Church Resources John Ireland, former CEO, Southern Cross Care NSW and ACT is, after working with our team, a staunch Church Resources advocate. ‘Church Resources went to each of our facilities and undertook a friendly audit of how do we do food and how the kitchens were established. The kitchen staff was immediately on board. For Church Resources to go to the effort of doing that, and the kitchen staff coming back and saying “we’ve learnt a lot from the process”, really cemented that partnership from the beginning. ‘I earnestly believe that there has been an improvement in the quality of the food; that is fundamental to any of these sorts of initiatives. (There) has also been a significant positive impact on the budget. ‘One of my mantras is the more business-like you are, the more charitable you can be. I have always been an advocate for the concept of Church Resources and, of course, the fact that it is (done) in the context of church, that is really important to me. I believe our resources are limited, our demands are unserviceable, so we’ve got to do better. I still hold to that today and Church Resources fits firmly into that slot.’

2010-201 1 Annual Report

Case study – Stella Maris, Shelly Beach, Cronulla NSW The pressure was on: financial responsibility for this NSW Aged Care facility was moving on July 1, 2011, from Catholic Healthcare to St Vincent’s Aged and Health Care, where it would be managed by the Holy Spirit Northside Hospital at Chermside, in Brisbane. Melanie Grace, the Facility Manager, best explains the situation, “Our facility was changing providers and we had less than three weeks to implement new suppliers to supply goods into the facility.” The Stella Maris site was suffering from supply chain issues, so in mid-May 2011, a member of its Board suggested to the Facility Manager that she contact Church Resources for assistance. By the end of May, Church Resources’ Account Manager, Tony White, and Food Service Manager, Martin Kenrick, had initiated the necessary change process. This small site at Shelly Beach, with 55 beds, was seen by CR as a considerable strategic opportunity to evaluate the previous procurement model used at Stella Maris, and ascertain what savings could be made. Melanie felt relieved because as she says, “from the first contact Church Resources was professional, thorough and assisted me greatly in a short period of time with no stress”.

What Stella Maris said about Church Resources ‘I was grateful to receive (Church Resources’) contact number through a very stressful Board meeting to be reassured that I would have a company which was well structured and competent in assisting me. ‘Our facility was changing providers and we had less than three weeks to implement new suppliers to supply goods to the facility. From the first contact, Church Resources was professional, thorough and assisted me greatly in a short period of time with no stress. ‘The follow up that continued with phone calls or emails show what a well-organised company Church Resources is.’ - Melanie Grace, Facility Manager, Stella Maris Cronulla

And savings were included in other categories, as well:

Current spend p.a.

Reviewed spend p.a.

%age Saved









General Consumables $74,000












2010-201 1 Annual Report

what church resources does for church What Church Resources did to energise the Archdiocese of Melbourne In 2006, the Archdiocese of Melbourne partnered with Church Resources to develop an energy management plan and price negotiation for the entire Archdiocese. In 2009, this agreement expanded to include Church Resources’ strategic partnership with NUS Consulting, an international energy management group. In line with our mission of working collectively for the common good, Church Resources, NUS and the Archdiocese have been able to structure an energy agreement which now provides significant benefits by way of aggregated buying power to its churches, parishes and schools within the archdiocese. In 2011, the contract renewal and tender process carried out by Church Resources and NUS have delivered a saving of 34% on the tariff pricing, as well as a network charge saving during the whole contract of approximately $250,000 for the 2011/12 year. In a time of considerable cost increases, particularly in utilities, this result will allow the Archdiocese and its agencies to keep operating costs down in a highly volatile market, and continue with their individual missions within their organizations.

What Melbourne Archdiocese says about Church Resources According to the Director of Finance and Operations for the Archdiocese, Adrian Klep: ‘The Melbourne Archdiocese has experienced substantial savings in the cost of electricity during this relationship with Church Resources and, in turn, with NUS Consulting. We have just completed our third tender process and can say only that each one was completed in a very professional manner and with minimal involvement by the Archdiocese. Any issues that have occurred during the tender process and over the last five years were handled promptly and to the satisfaction of the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese of Melbourne looks forward to the continued positive relationship with Church Resources and NUS Consulting for many years to come.’

A milestone Partnership Agreement with the Lutheran Church In line with our mission of working collectively for the common good, in April, 2011 Church Resources and the Lutheran Church of Australia signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the supply of services to the Lutheran Church of Australia. Through this agreement, Church Resources will assist the Lutheran Church with the implementation and ongoing management of their Business Services Agreement through Telstra. CR now also provides Lutheran Church organisations with access to a broad range of discounts negotiated through Church Resources preferred supplier partnerships. Church Resources and the Lutheran Church of Australia are working together to provide all organisations in the Lutheran Church with information on how they can reduce costs and through Church Resources supply agreements, improve the efficiency of their procurement process thereby increasing their savings beyond the cost of each product and service. This then gives the departments and agencies the ability to channel those savings back into their ministries and missions. What Lutheran Church of Australia says about Church Resources

Luke Kenny (left front) and Andrew Colvin (right back) meet Trevor Ruthenberg and Rod Krenske from the LCA.


Executive Officer of the Lutheran Church of Australia, Trevor Ruthenberg, said: ‘This contract contributes to building a stronger financial base for the church so that its departments and agencies can expand their mission and ministries confidently.’ (Source: The Lutheran, May 2011, ‘LCA revs up its buying power’.)

2010-201 1 Annual Report

what church resources does for education

‘One of the greatest benefits of renewable energy is its potential to provide affordable and clean sources of energy. To minimise pollution and positively impacts the environment in many ways. Organisations which choose to use renewable energy enhance their reputational capital and hence are considered to be socially responsible community members. (Source: Energy Matters, 2011) September 2010, St Gregory’s College, Campbelltown contacted CR to discuss what help was available to define and implement various sustainability options for the school. In partnership with Eco Community, the scoping exercise began to look at viable, long term sustainable energy solutions. This included a review of current power bills, auditing the existing school lighting configuration, as well as assessing the viability and return from a co-generation energy solution. After months of discussion and negotiation with the school’s Finance Committee, the program was approved and implemented. Results of the program at St Gregory’s are compelling, and consequently position the school as a national leader in the adoption of environmentally sustainable solutions in Education. Moreover, the resulting, long-term benefits for the school are considerable, including: > Correction of the network tariff application to achieve $90,000 savings over the next 5 years > Reduction of the level of grid-supplied energy by 72% > Achievement of up to $8.5m in energy cost savings during the 15 year life of the solution > Demonstration to St Gregory College students of the importance of taking responsibility and action to preserve our environment

‘The Holy Spirit gives us joy. And he is joy. Joy is the gift in which all the other gifts are included. It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with ourselves, that which can only come from being in harmony with God and with his creation. It belongs to the nature of joy to be radiant; it must communicate itself. The missionary spirit of the Church is none other than the impulse to communicate the joy which has been given.’ Pope Benedict XVI, from a Christmas Address to the Roman Curia, 2008


2010-201 1 Annual Report

what church resources does for welfare ‘Charity is at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine. Every responsibility and every commitment spelt out by that doctrine is derived from charity which, according to the teaching of Jesus, is the synthesis of the entire Law (cf. Mt 22:36- 40). ‘ - Papal encyclical, Caritas in Veritate Stocking the Store for Holy Family Social Services Emerton, on the outer western rim of Sydney, is a study in urban disadvantage. It can claim among the highest rates of unemployment in Australia coupled with one of the lowest rates of household incomes nationally. The cost of food is obviously a major issue which starts with the basics of bread and milk which among the products being sold through a small, trial food outlet at the Holy Family Social Services Western Sydney location. The shop had been receiveing its bread for free, however it was a day-old and the supply was erratic. And they were sourcing milk at a high wholesale price but sold to the community at Recommended Retail Price, which meant no net gain for the shoppers, the ones who really need it. Last year Church Resources’ was able to help. It all started with a meeting almost 1000kms away from Emerton in Melbourne between the Church Resources Victorian Business Development Manager, Damian Jardine, and the Jesuit Social Services Head Office. The Store, as it is known serves the Mount Druitt community, with affordable food Monday to Friday and Sunday mornings . Importantly, The Store also functions as a TAFE Retail Training Centre for youth (especially young mothers), the long-term unemployed, and indigenous Australians. In 2010, 68 people undertook the accredited Retail Certificate II training. In the next financial year, the practical training will expand to offer Foodhandling and Barista Certificates.

empowers residents to share a vision and become part of solution,’ he said. Church Resources staffers, Caith Angel (Foodservice Business Development Manager) and Martin Kenrick (Foodservice Manager) delivered a free consultancy, and in conjunction with representatives from our Foodservice Supply Partners, worked with Holy Family Social Services to provide selected products, free display fridges and freezers, shelving, display cabinets, and pastry warmers to help the upgrade to the facility. What has The Store delivered? In its first 18 months of operation, to June 2011, The Store achieved some impressive milestones: > A sustainable, on-going social enterprise was established > 10 full- and part-time employment positions were created and sustained > 22 paid work experience/trainee positions were created > 68 people undertook accredited Retail Certificate II training > 13 volunteer positions were created and sustained > And in the 12 months to 30 June 2011, The Store served 19,992 customers.

Church Resources’ involvement has helped the Holy Family Social Services outlet buy cheaper bread and dairy through our Supply Partners, Goodman Fielder and National Foods. According to Michael Maxwell, Social Services Manager, Holy Family Social Services, The Store will be part of the strategy helping the community break out of social disadvantage by finding local answers to local problems: ‘The social enterprise approach

Shop! The new facility’s shelves were filled with products from CR Supplier Partners

What Jesuit Social Services said about Church Resources ‘The Store, our award-winning social enterprise in Mount Druitt, has recently experienced rapid growth and now assists more than 20,000 clients each year with quality, affordable, nutritious food. That rapid growth, however, caused us real problems. We were struggling to source the range and quantity of goods we needed to service our clients. The creation of a relationship with Church Resources resolved that problem. Church Resources’ staff worked closely with our team to negotiate and establish trade links with a wide range of Supply Partners who have each come to regard the great work we do as part of their own. We have valued incredibly the continued support and contact by Church Resources staff which has ensured the health of supplier relationships.’ - Michael Maxwell, Western Sydney Manager, Jesuit Social Services


2010-201 1 Annual Report

our giving program Mass For You at Home Mass For You At Home is Australia’s fourth longest-running program, having been broadcast by the 10 Network since August, 1971. The program allows thousands of viewers to participate in a Sunday Mass in their own homes. It also serves to bring Mass to people who are isolated through age, distance, illness, or imprisonment from the usual parish celebration. Each year Church Resources makes a $30,000 donation to help fund the production costs of Mass For You At Home, and we look forward to continuing that commitment into the future. Other giving

Luke Kenny ‘sleeping out’ in Queensland

CEO at CEO sleepout In June, CEO Luke Kenny joined hundreds of other CEOs to participate in the Vinnies CEO Sleep Out. He reported from the concrete at Suncorp Piazza at Southbank for Church Resources’ in-house electronic newsletter, CRUNCH. ‘That night was a lesson in being grateful. I joined more than 100 other CEOs in Brisbane for a night experiencing what an estimated 100,000 homeless – our fellow Australians – who sleep rough every night around the country are forced to endure every night. To contend with the seven-degree cold, I was armed with three pieces of cardboard and my nine-year-old daughter’s small sleeping bag. As an experience, it was not so much about the $518,000 everyone managed to raise – $140,000 more than last year – or the fact we only had cardboard to sleep on. It was the reason we decided to do it. We all took part to spend a night attempting to raise awareness of homeless people in Australia. It is deeply disturbing that around 12 per cent of those who sleep out each night are children under the age of 4.

CR staff have held a series of fundraising lunches to reflect, and help those suffering from significant natural disasters around the globe, including the Pakistan Floods, Christchurch Earthquake and the Japan Earthquake. They also combined yet again to support the Josephite Community Aid (JCA) by donating approximately $1,000 in gifts and groceries to make up Christmas Hampers for three Western Sydney families who are not as fortunate as most. The CR organisation donated more than a dozen mobile phones or iPads to support select Member fundraising events. We also sponsored various events such as Golf Day’s, Dinners and invested as exhibitors at various sector conferences. St Vincent de Paul Queensland Flood Appeal In early 2011 the people of Queensland were devastated by floods, in response CR discussed and developed our own response program, the results were compelling: > $25,000 corporate donations > $8,000 in Free CathNews advertising space > $1,100 in CR staff donations

Vinnies talk about giving people a “hand up” and not a “hand out”. Many of the stories, shared by the Queensland CEO Peter Maher and State President Brian Moore, were very real and emotional. The work Vinnies does with their 8000 volunteers in Queensland is nothing short of inspirational’. Church Resources has returned its focus to giving, we are pleased to report that in 2010/11 our staff and our suppliers were able to further increase our support for those in need across our communities. Here is a list of the major giving activities conducted:

Image of the flooded Bundaberg Vinnies shop during the floods in early 2011


2010-201 1 Annual Report

our faith-based publications ‘The new technologies are not only changing the way we communicate, but communication itself, so much so that it could be said that we are living through a period of vast cultural transformation. This means of spreading information and knowledge is giving birth to a new way of learning and thinking, with unprecedented opportunities for establishing relationships and building fellowship.’ Benedict XVI, Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age, June 5, 2011

About CathNews and CathNews Perspectives CathNews is a free, daily news service reporting on news about the Catholic Church and Catholics in Australia, from the Vatican, and from around the world. Since its launch in 1998, CathNews – produced five days a week – continues to lead as the premiere news service in the Australian Catholic Church today. The CathNews website is complemented by a daily email of the latest headlines received by nearly 18000 subscribers from around Australia and abroad. Some 200,000 unique visitors come to the website monthly, and an increasing number of readers are accessing CathNews headlines through our new Facebook page, and other social media channels. CathNews continues to inform a diverse audience with readers in schools, parishes, welfare groups and other individuals throughout the Catholic community.

Photo of the Woods-Mackillop School in Penola, South Australia taken in October 2010 just prior to Canonisation.

There has been a major development for CathNews this year. Under editor-in-chief, Michael Visontay, we have added CathNews Perspectives to the stable. Sub-titled Time to Go a Little Deeper, CNP had its genesis in our coverage of the Canonisation of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Our Subscribers indicated that they really appreciated the more in-depth stories and coverage carried in the special Canonisation editions (more of which below), so CathNews Perspectives (CNP) was developed and is now published every Friday afternoon. CNP has a Gospel-focus, accompanied by sacred music to aid meditation on both the words and the Word. CNP also includes a Weekly Vision, book reviews (including an on line bookshop), obituaries of leading Catholics from home and abroad, and digests of the stories which don’t make it into the news sections of CathNews’ daily edition.


Australian pilgrims proudly showing their heritage and waving the flag for Australia’s first saint.

2010-201 1 Annual Report

About CathNews and the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop Various strategies were devised and delivered. They included: > The first CathNews Saturday edition announcing the date of the Canonisation The big event in the life of the Church in Australia in the past financial year had its roots deep in the red Australian soil and the life and mission of an extraordinary Australian woman who took the thoughts of a nation to St Peter’s Square in Rome on October 17. It was, of course, the Canonisation of our first saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. In front of thousands – some 8,000 Aussies among them to witness the ceremony conducted by Pope Benedict – and millions more at home, the name of the woman who founded a congregation, endured excommunication, and lived a long life of self-sacrifice and inclusion, was entered into the Canon of Saints of the Universal Church. Given the magnitude of the event for the Australian Church – and Australian history – CR developed a program that would support and enhance the work of the Sisters of St Joseph during the year of the Canonisation of their founder, Mary MacKillop. The aim of the coverage was not only to provide a record of the experience for the Subscribers and readers of CathNews, but also to provide a rich and nourishing combination of news stories, features, travel stories, appropriate website reviews and Opinion pieces which would provide those who stayed at home with a box seat on the ceremony and the related events.

> The website was rebadged with an image of Mary MacKillop and a countdown to Canonisation clock worked into the design > A special Mary MacKillop micro site was developed to house news and information about the Canonisation > CathNews was published on weekends and twice week-daily for 12 days during the Canonisation period. > Special Reflections and Blogs were contributed to CathNews by religious leaders and hierarchs, including members of Mary MacKillop’s own orders, Sr Anne Derwin, Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph, and Sr Noelene Quinane, Leader of the ANZ Federation of the Sisters of St Joseph; the President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Philip Wilson; the vice-president of the ACBC, Archbishop Denis Hart; the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell. > Church Resources was a sponsor at MacKillop Foundation fundraisers in Sydney and Melbourne, and the Canonisation dinner in Sydney > CathNews also sponsored the Mass Booklet, which contained the order of service for Celebrating the Life of Mary MacKillop and the Mass of Thanksgiving which was held on the morning after the Canonisation at St Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome

About Bulletin Notes In 2010/2011, under the continuing editorship of Anthony Neylan, The Parish Bulletin Newsletter, sent via email to more than 1,400 Subscribers every week, and Bulletin Notes continued to serve the grass roots of the Australian Church. This year we added a special, six-week prayer newsletter to his offering. A Prayer Newsletter, sent to parishes to provide resources for prayer groups through Advent, contained prayers, reflections, and helpful hints on how to pray more effectively. This weekly service spreads the word and provides assistance to parish secretaries throughout the country thanks to the Parish Secretaries Forum. It is also a powerful communications channel from the ACBC to the nearly 500,000 weekly Mass-going Catholics around the country.

Christian News Online Photo of Mary MacKillop, St Mary of the Cross in 1869.

The newsletter, published weekly, is edited by David McGovern, from Brisbane. It is designed for the other denominations, and has a core readership of around 3000.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

cathnews: bringing the canonisation home Mary Mackillop Canonisation Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney, October 17 2010. Image by Christine Hogan for CathNews.

Josephites attending the Canonisation of Mary MacKillop in Rome. Image by Beth Doherty for CathNews.

Special time with prayers of the faithful at the thanksgiving Mass at St Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome. Image by Beth Doherty for CathNews.

CathNews proudly sponsoring the Booklet for the Vigil Mass celebrated at Auditorium Conciliazone, Rome.

Private reflection: Josephite Sr Mary Mercer before Mass on the Canonisation day at Mary MacKillop’s chapel in North Sydney. Image by Christine Hogan for CathNews.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

strategic initiatives for church resources

Church Resources’ Commitment to Sustainability In 2008, Church Resources established Greening Communities, a program aimed at augmenting the mandate of Catholic Earthcare and supporting Church and not-for-profit organisations with practical ways to contribute ecological sustainability. The program was launched after our Member groups highlighted the challenges they faced trying to source environmental products which help reduce greenhouse gases, and consume energy and water more efficiently. In particular, it aimed to address the need for accurate information and affordable, environment-friendly goods and services. While continuing to work with our Members to provide environmentally friendly products and solutions, Church Resources has been working on how ‘we do our business’ – how can we reduce the organisation’s impact on the earth and how can we engage our people and embed processes to support building our internal capacity. Sustainable procurement

Through this model we can contribute to every purchasing decision, considering the full life-cycle of the product or service, and promote a broad range of suppliers to fulfill environmental purchasing needs. How we support sustainable procurement Church Resources has adopted several strategies which will support us in selecting and promoting products which provide Member organisation choice; > Identify and promote the sustainability credentials of our suppliers > Identify the environmental impact of selected products in Member segments and undertake a plan to select and offer sustainable offerings to our Members > Promote services which provide Member organisations with knowledge and skills to make sustainable procurement decisions

What do we really mean by sustainable procurement? CIPSA, the peak procurement body, defines it as: “…a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment.”

> Support key projects which provide sector insights into potential sustainable procurement options

(Procuring the Future, Sustainable Procurement Task Force, 2006, UK)

> Enable Member organisations to achieve efficiency savings through procurement and transition to a low carbon economy;

Why we are doing it?

> Enable Member organisations to reduce their environmental impacts and demonstrate leadership to their clients, staff, stakeholders and communities.

Currently our 18,000 members purchase more than $200 million worth of products and services from Church Resources Suppliers every year. In our role as one of the largest procurement organisations providing services to the Church and not-for-profit sector, it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide sufficient choice of environmentally and socially responsible products at an affordable price to our Members.

Over time, we aim to have an increasing number of sustainable product offerings. Benefits of sustainable procurement

‘Perhaps reluctantly we come to acknowledge that there are also scars which mark the surface of our Earth—erosion, deforestation, the squandering of the world’s mineral and ocean resources in order to fuel an insatiable consumption. — Pope Benedict, from a 2008 speech


2010-201 1 Annual Report

strategic initiatives for church resources Building a culture of sustainability In 2010/11, Church Resources founded the Planeteers – a group of sustainability champions in the organisation charged with driving sustainability from the ground up to help achieve determined goals. The Planeteers enlisted the help of Supplier Partner, Carbon Systems, to help measure the organisation’s impact on the environment by measuring carbon emissions. In 2010/11, Church Resources’ activities emitted more than 190 tonnes of carbon emissions into the environment, approximately 4.75 tonnes for each employee. As an interim goal, Church Resources committed to reduce carbon emissions by 60% to 1.3 tonnes a head by 2012/13. The long-term goal is for CR to be carbon neutral by 2014/15.

Further, CR is addressing paper waste to get the most amount of use of each sheet of paper before recycling, Church Resources has begun shredding used paper and sending it over to Taronga Zoo. The Zoo now uses the paper as nesting and bedding material in the monkey, chimpanzee and orangutan enclosures. So each time a piece of paper is printed at Church Resources, it is used twice in the office and then a third time by the monkeys at the Zoo – increasing the number of uses before recycling by 50%! During the next financial year, the Planeteers will roll out new initiatives like this one to help make Church Resources a more environmentally sustainable organisation.

The first step for CR to build sustainability consciousness and to take action was easy, visual and moderately simple. Our first initiative was to focus on reducing emissions to ensure that all paper is used efficiently, with double-sided printing; colour printing to only be used when required; reduce the need to print documents and instead use projectors in meetings.

Strategic initiatives: What’s ahead for 201 1/2012 In 2010/11 Church Resources participated and drove a series of strategic initiatives to introduce new innovations to our Member base. These initiatives include:

2011/12 Initiatives: New solutions: Video Conferencing, Employee benefits, Electrical products New Technology: Tablet devices, online purchasing

A feature of Sustainability Advantage is that it brings together groups of businesses into clusters that share regional, industry or supply chain interests. Cluster meetings, held 3 to 4 times, a year provide an opportunity to draw on the ideas and experiences of like minded organisations. More than 530 organisations are currently working with the Sustainability Advantage Program to: > Manage environmental risk and ensure compliance > Use resources more efficiently > Integrate environmental strategies with business planning > Measure their carbon footprint and manage their emissions > Enhance customer, supplier and community relationships, and > Engage and train staff to become an employer of choice.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

Strategic Initiatives in action Church Resources continues to work on strategic initiatives with selected industry, government and business partners to support the Church and not-for-profit Sector in developing and meeting sustainability goals.

Tel stra Enterprise Partnership program > A series of ‘new wave’ products, services and solutions are available to help transform end customer value propositions. The means to establish the necessary relationships with TE&G Account Teams for joint collaboration into the customer base. > The means to establish the necessary relationships with TE&G Account Teams for joint collaboration into the customer base. > Availability to the branding device for Enterprise Partners, to promote their participation in the program. > Promote and market the Enterprise Partners and their capability comparisons on the TE&G Sales Portal in order to engage and build relationships with TE&G Accounts Teams and Sales Specialists.

What is the Enterprise Partner Program? Church Resources is an accredited Telstra Enterprise & Government (TE&G) partner and in 2010/11 was invited to participate in the The Enterprise Partner Program (EPP). The Enterprise Partner Program identifies and develops the most capable Enterprise Partners in order to service the TE&G base. The Members of the Enterprise Partner Program are TE&G’s ‘preferred partners’ in engaging in partner activity within the TE&G customer base. In order to achieve our Channel objectives through the development of the Enterprise Partner Program, we have based the program on four key pillars: > Products & Solutions > Capability Development > Channel Marketing > Rewards & Recognition These pillars leverage core competencies and drive revenue opportunities.

> Recognising outstanding contributions by Enterprise Partners that are ‘above and beyond’ everyday activity, through the EPP Reward and Recognition program. > Offering specific sales campaigns. > Targeted and customized Learning and Development activities.

Who are Telstra’s Enterprise Partners? The Enterprise Partners are preferred Telstra Channel Partners endorsed to operate across TE&G accounts. The Enterprise Partners provide technical sales expertise, fulfillment capability, implementation and integration services to TE&G customers. This can result in improving customer coverage, enhanced service intimacy and access to new sales opportunities. Each Enterprise Partner is selected and assessed based on their capability and track record in the Enterprise Partner and Government market. Telstra currently has 50 Enterprise Partners distributed nationally across six capital cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

What are the benefits for an Enterprise Partner? This exciting Program opens doors, and some of the benefits include: > Preferential status to work across TE&G’s customer base, becoming the ‘partners of choice’ for TE&G Account Teams.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

what church resources does for our people Organisational Realignment During the past two years, Church Resources has progressively made changes to better deliver on our purpose of enabling outcomes for the collective common good. In the six months up to June 30, we have enhanced our management practices, invested in our systems and implemented a new structure, to provide a growing and better service to our Members and to our Preferred Supplier Partners. On July 1 2011, Church Resources was prepared for the commencement of the new financial year with a new structure, which introduced the Member Services team. This team has been specifically targeted to service and satisfy our Members. A Strategic Partnerships team was also created to deliver purchasing category expertise and focus on building value into the relationships with our supplier partners. These structural changes will provide our Members with greater awareness on the breadth of offering within Church Resources and allow our Suppliers to develop new products and campaigns through our Preferred Suppliers. The structure enables us also to continue to provide and innovate with our faith-based communication solutions such as CathNews, CathNews Perspectives, Christian News Online, Bulletin Notes and The Parish Bulletin Newsletter. Employee Engagement Church Resources conducted its annual Employee Satisfaction Survey in June, 2011. The survey enabled a comparison of the results achieved last year and to obtain information and feedback from our employees. The survey was designed to provide a representation of collective employee attitudes and opinions, which can help to isolate the root causes of persistent problems facing our people and to improve the conditions under which our employees work.

At Church Resources, our people are our most valuable resource. As a result, Human Resources at CR is focused on and committed to: > creating a work environment which enhances the potential of all staff > retaining a well-trained and skilled workforce which delivers quality service to our Members > providing our employees with quality leadership, job satisfaction and effective training and development Since arriving at CR in January 2011, HR Manager Michelle Despas has focused on three key areas: 1. Human Resources Policies and Procedures 2. Organisational Realignment 3. Employee Engagement


CR staff taking time out to celebrate together during 2010/11.

2010-201 1 Annual Report

Human Resources Policies and Procedures A register of internal HR policies and procedures was compiled, the purpose being to serve the organisation’s managers and employees with a source of reliable information, as a foundation on which decisions can be made and business processes followed. The suite of policies and procedures provide the CR community with references to employment related conditions, entitlements and expectations, as aligned with our business objectives and current legislation. The documents allow for consistency and efficiency in work practices.

Luke Kenny with Joan Carden OM, one of the guest speakers to address CR staff. Professional Development Initiatives While formal, external training programs are a focus for the professional development of our people Church Resources also runs an informal, internal skills building program through our Guest Speakers initiative. The choice of speaker is determined and sourced by the Leadership Team, who are looking for outside influences and people of prominence. For example, in the run up to the canonisation of Mary MacKillop, CR invited the Chair of Harris Farm Market, Catherine Harris, in to talk about her life in business, its challenges, and her work as the head of the Archdiocese’s fund raising committee for the canonisation. There have been expert speakers on subjects as various as risk, governance, global aid solutions, mission and member organisations. Popular guests have included Audette Exel, who established the Isis Foundation, a not-for-profit serving women and children in Nepal and Uganda, Sr Clare Condon from the Good Samaritan Sisters, as well as the opera diva, Joan Carden – who accompanied herself on a clip taken from Priscilla Queen of the Desert! These people give their time and experience to the staff of Church Resources, and we are all extremely grateful that they do.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

financial report 2011



$ 000

$ 000

Operating Revenue



Cost of Sales



Gross Profit









Consultancy Fees



Occupancy Expenses



Gain/(Loss) on Revaluation of Investments



Depreciation and Amortisation Expense



Community Contributions



Other Expenses



Total Expenses







Government Funded Project Income Total Income Before Expenses

EXPENSES Employee Expenses




2010-201 1 Annual Report

our board Julie-Anne Schafer Chair of Church Resources, Julie-Anne is a non-executive director of companies in sectors which include financial services, health, and transport. She is a former Telstra Queensland Business Women’s Award winner, President of the Queensland Law Society, Chair of the Solicitors Board of Queensland, and Deputy Chancellor of the Queensland University of Technology. She has chaired the RACQ, and RACQ Insurance. Julie-Anne Schafer was previously a lawyer whose career included 25 years in legal professional services firms.

Stephen Elder is the Director of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Executive Director of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, a Director of the National Catholic Education Commission and a member of the Senate of the Australian Catholic University. Stephen was a member of the Victorian Parliament from 1988-1999, and was Parliamentary Secretary for Education from 1993-1999. He has had a long and distinguished career of public service at Federal, State, and local levels of government.

Board Member since 2010

Board Member since 2008

Peter Turner has been the Director of Schools for the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong since January 2007. Peter was also the founding Principal of two coeducational high schools in Sydney, Freeman Catholic College in Bonnyrigg, and Aquinas College in Menai. More recently Peter held a key leadership role in developing a new framework for school self-review within the Sydney Archdiocesan school system, reflecting his deep commitment to quality outcomes for students in Catholic schools. Peter is a member of the NSW Catholic Education Commission, the NSW Systemic Schools Employment Relations Committee, the Conference of Diocesan Directors, Chair of the Catholic Education Commission’s Resources Committee, and a Director of the Catholic Education Network CEnet.

Francis Moore is the Business Manager for the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Prior to taking up this position, he was a partner in a legal firm with an extensive practice in banking and finance. He also acted as legal advisor to religious orders, Church agencies, commercial and private clients, and organisations in the not-for-profit sector. In his current position, he is responsible for advising the Archbishop of Melbourne about financial and temporal affairs of the Archdiocese, providing strategic and policy advice and ensuring that there is adequate accountability to the Archbishop and his advisory bodies on all matters affecting the financial and general administrative systems of the Archdiocese. The Deputy Chair of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, and the Catholic Development Fund of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, he was also founding Chair and is a director of Catholic Network Australia Ltd.

Board Member since 2009

Board Member since 2010

Danny Casey has been the Business Manager for the Archdiocese of Sydney since 2003, managing the financial and investment affairs of the Archdiocese including financial reporting, legal compliance, employment practices, and asset management. His role involves the delivery of business outcomes to support the pastoral vision of the Archbishop. Danny Casey played a crucial role in World Youth Day2008, being appointed as the COO of WYD 2008, the company set up to oversee the event. More recently, Danny has project managed the establishment of Domus Australia – the new pilgrim centre for Australians visiting Rome.

Retired this year Gabrielle Trainor Board Member since 2005, Acting Chair from 2007 to 2010 Jeremy Howes Board Member since 2007 Julie Pascoe Board Member since 2008 Steve Demetriou Board Member since 2008

Board Member since 2010


2010-201 1 Annual Report

senior management team Luke Kenny Chief Executive Officer Luke joined Church Resources in 2009, having held senior positions with the NSW Department of Commerce including five years as General Manager, Client Service, NSW Procurement. In that role he was responsible for client relationships valued at more than $3.9 billion per annum. He managed a team of up to 55 people, designed and implemented marketing and communications plans, client relationship management strategies, brand re-development and product repositioning strategies. Luke brings an extensive knowledge of goods & services procurement in Australia, ICT program/project management experience, skills in strategic planning and change management. Luke began his working life at Allied Express Transport, Australia Post and Australian Air Express in sales, marketing and client service positions, he has a Bachelor of Communications, and is completing his MBA.

Jane Paton Financial Controller Prior to joining Church Resources, Jane worked for an IT company where she lead the Asia-Pacific Finance team which had responsibility for all accounting, taxation, and compliance matters for entities in Australasia and Asia. She has experience in a number of industries, having held positions with John Fairfax Holdings, and AMP in Sydney, Origin UK in London, and the State Government’s Superannuation Office in Brisbane. Jane is CPA qualified and has a Bachelor of Business.


Sandy Burgoyne Director ICT Services, Director of Sustainability Sandy has 15 years experience driving sales, marketing and channel strategies across both corporate and not-for-profit organisations, including 11 years within the ICT sector. For six years before joining Church Resources, Sandy ran her own consulting practice delivering business strategies and management development to a wide range of corporations across telecommunications, rural and pastoral, service and retail sectors. Sandy’s experience also includes almost a decade at Telstra where she held a variety of senior roles including General Manager Channel Strategy and Development and General Manager Channel Marketing. Most recently Sandy had undertaken a Masters in Sustainability and leveraged these skills in her leadership position at Church Resources.

Christine Hogan Publisher A journalist whose career in newspapers, magazines and television has spanned more than 30 years, Christine began her career as a cadet on The Courier-Mail before moving to the Sydney Morning Herald and then into magazines. A former Deputy Editor (News) at ACP’s flagship masthead, The Australian Women’s Weekly, she joined Portfolio, the magazine for working women, as editor and associate publisher, then later worked as deputy editor of The Good Weekend. Christine has also been Network Director of Publicity for TEN, before starting Inside Edition with Peter Luck and Meet the Press for the network; she then worked as the associate producer on Seven’s morning news program, 11am. She has produced a ratings winning documentary about the Royal family, and written five books, including The Veiled Lands: A woman’s journey to the heart of the Islamic world, Look at Me: Behind the scenes of Australian TV with the women who made it, and in 2011 launched her latest book, A Whole Load of Front, the memoir of entertainer Maria Venuti.

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Rob Sinclair Manager – Aged and Health Care Before Joining Church Resources, Rob was the owner and managing director for 30 years of one of Australia’s biggest business to business corporate amenities suppliers. He manages the Church Resources Aged Care Procurement Strategy team in this growing market sector.

Vanessa Herron Manager, Marketing and Communications Vanessa has more than 20 years experience in strategic marketing, brand development, new business and product/ service development, relationship marketing and marketing communications in both the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Vanessa has held senior marketing and business development positions across a range of industries and organisations including Connect Hearing, Mission Australia, Dell Computer, Anglican Retirement Villages and Energy Australia. In her role as Group Marketing Manager at Connect Hearing she was responsible for the strategic development and national roll out of a new corporate brand. Her experience includes the development and implementation of strategic marketing plans, integrated communication plans, targeted corporate partnership proposals and the development and launch of product/service initiatives. Vanessa has an MBA majoring in marketing.

Andrew Colvin Manager - National Sales Andrew had more than 12 years’ experience in the Telecommunications industry. Prior to joining Church Resource, Andrew worked for Telstra Corporation. Within Telstra Andrew held several positions within customer service, service management, sales and marketing commercial manager and account management. He currently works as the manager of the national sales team at Church Resources which involves working with all of Church Resources Preferred Suppliers and coordinating with the national sales team.

Michelle Despas Human Resources Manager Michelle came to Church Resources in January, 2011 with more than 10 years experience in Human Resources. She has worked in hotel management with Rydges Hotels & Resorts, before moving into HR with Impulse Airlines/Qantas Link. There, she managed the Human Resources and Industrial Relations functions. Michelle then moved to Taronga and Western Plains Zoos, where she worked from 2003 as Manager, HR Services; she left the Zoos in 2007 to have her two sons. At the Zoos, Michelle worked on employment relations, recruitment, payroll, developing policies and procedures, industrial relations, & training and development. At Church Resources, Michelle is responsible for strategic and operational human resources, including the development of HR policy, workforce management, training & development, employee engagement and OHS.


2010-201 1 Annual Report

our supplier partners thank you for your support Church Resources strives to attract the highest quality partners from industry, government and the not-for-profit sector to help them work collectively for the common good. Church Resources strives to attract the highest quality partners in its targeted categories. We develop long-term trusted relationships with our supply partners with the aim of facilitating high value offerings to our members. Church Resources has also partnered with the Australian Government on a number of initiatives to benefit the not-for-profit sector.


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Church Resources Level 4, 504 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065 Phone 02 9439 2622 Fax 02 9439 2802 Email Info line 1300 CHURCH (1300 248 724) Catholic Resources Trust – operating as Church Resources – is a charitable trust, the trustee company being Catholic Resources Limited. The directors of Catholic Resources Limited are the members of the Central Commission of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The Trust operates in cooperation with the leaders of Australia’s religious orders (ACLRI). The Beneficiaries of the Trust are the institutions and members of the Catholic Church, other churches and not-for-profit organizations in Australia. Head Office: 4th Floor, 504 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Registered Company: Catholic Resources Limited ACN: 080 995 044 Registered Business Name: Church Resources

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