2016 Annual Report

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STORIES OF TRANSFORMATION Celebrating God’s work in 2016 and looking ahead to 2017


A LETTER FROM OU Beloved Resurrection, God is moving in powerful ways among us. As we pursue our vision of Equipping Everyone for Transformation, I praise God for his gifts to us during this past year: • We launched 35 RezGroups with over 400 people participating—a significant step in equipping everyone. (p. 12 – 13) • Our recent church plants are thriving: City of Light Anglican in Aurora saw 8 baptisms, and Immanuel Anglican in Chicago had 14 baptisms. (p. 26 – 27) We are now training our first-ever Pastoral Resident, Scott Cunningham, to go out and plant a new church.

R BISHOP • Here at Resurrection, we baptized 37 people and 58 new members were confirmed. • We hosted 10 major worship events outside of our normal Sunday services that equipped thousands of people to encounter Jesus. (p. 6)

I am so thankful for your partnership and sacrifice in making these things a reality. Join me in praising God for his blessings to us this past year, and to looking forward with joyful expectation for what he has for us in 2017. With Love,

• Finally, we gave generously as never before: Together with commitments made in 2015, over 94% of our regular attenders have committed to sacrificial generosity through our Moved by Jesus initiative, and our new Moved by Jesus target is $5.9 million (p. 30 – 33).

Bishop Stewart Ruch III


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2016 Stories of Transformation © Church of the Resurrection, Illinois. • Chief Editor: Bethany McLellan • Managing Editor: Dan Easley • Designer: Alan Miller • Copyediting: Ellen Richard, Meghan Robins • Contributing Writers: Steve Williamson, Amy Patton, Brett Crull, Carole Seid, Will Chester, Matt Woodley, Aaron Damiani, Dan Easley, Bethany McLellan • Photos: Michael Johnson, Peter Thompson, Ryn Manby, Will Chester, Kaitlyn Wallett, J.M. Photography (Jill Fager) Church of the Resurrection • 935 W. Union Ave • Wheaton, IL 60187 • www.churchrez.org

WORSHIP STORIES In 2016, thousands of people encountered the transforming presence of Jesus in worship. We celebrate the many ways that these men, women, youth, and children met the Lord at our services, and how hundreds of our team members served in countless ways to usher people into the house of God. With our new vision to equip everyone for transformation, we are looking for ways to raise up more leaders and artists and to serve our diocese as the cathedral. We also celebrate Resurrection’s ongoing commitment to worship and the arts. The next couple of years hold exciting possibilities for our worship space, including the installation of shades and glare protection for our windows, additional lighting, instruments, and the completion of the Great Doors project that began before we moved into our building. —Steve Williamson, Executive Pastor of Staff and Worship


Worship Stories Info graphic


My experience with the music team at Resurrection has been deeply edifying. It is a huge blessing to work with strong musicians who want to use their abilities to glorify and worship God.

Corinne Elliot

The Lord has used Resurrection as a place that I could grow in my weaknesses, in the gifts he has given me, and to push my abilities to areas I never imagined possible.

Ruth Mudge

I’ve been honored to participate with a team of people that devotes time and skill toward building an incarnational experience for the congregation every Sunday morning, culminating in a weekly celebration of the Lord’s resurrection together.

Jeannie Iseman





My first Sunday as a Eucharist minister, I could hardly contain my tears as I looked into the eyes of those who came and spoke over them the blessing of the cup of salvation. Kids, adults, the old and young, those coming from pain and sorrow and those from joy, all meet at the altar to be reminded of the grace Jesus extends to us in his body and blood. Kristey McGarvey

God has blessed Resurrection through the power of the Holy Spirit to welcome its members into a place of safety and grace, inviting everyone to participate in the life of the church and the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

We had never been to an Anglican church before we stepped through the doors at Resurrection. We immediately felt the peace of the Lord and saw his presence radiate from the bishop and those around us in the congregation. The love of the Lord was immediately evident all around us.

Kati Traylor



FORMATION STORIES We are celebrating both the big highlights and the individual stories coming from the Lord’s amazing work in Formation this year. From our littlest babies to our oldest adults, our Formation ministries grew to both minister to more people and minister more deeply to each person. In the fall, we launched RezGroups. Along with Transformation Intensive, RezGroups has created a space for people to grow in their relationship with the Lord and each other every week. We were blessed to bring on Carole Seid as our new Children’s Pastor and Will Chester as our new Youth Pastor. Our hearts are also full of thanksgiving for the individual stories, such as the visiting family who shared that their daughter was begging to come back because she loved RezKids so much, or the woman who found a new home after her release from jail because of a RezGroup. These stories (and so many more) are clear testaments to our call to labor with Christ as he brings about a great harvest in our midst. —Amy Patton, Formation Pastor



The RezGroups ministry truly embodies our vision to Equip Everyone for Transformation. We have over 60 leaders who have taken on the task of pastoring their groups on a level that staff and clergy could never do on their own. They are being equipped through regular trainings and receive personal guidance from our RezGroup leadership team. Through this ministry, Resurrection is coming closer to the biblical vision of Acts 2, where believers are meeting together in homes to pray and study the Scriptures, sharing their lives together, and spurring one another on to the mission that each is called to. We are so excited to see where the Lord will take this ministry in the future.



—Fr. Brett Crull, Adult Formation Pastor

The friendships I’ve gained in the Sheehan’s RezGroup has served as the backbone of support for my college experience. I look forward to speaking and hearing words of insight and prayer when we meet.

Luke Nelessen

Before RezGroups, I had never prayed aloud in front of anyone, terrified I’d say the wrong thing. But when my RezGroup began to pray together, it was like God put the words in my mouth. I began to find comfort in our shared prayer time, realizing I could encourage others through prayer. It has been an incredible experience.

Clare Saumell VanderWeele 12

Opening our home to host our RezGroup has proven to be the next step of faith the Lord wanted us to take. Karla and I had been praying for opportunities to be in close community and deeper relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Through our RezGroup, God has answered that prayer. Additionally, it had been almost a year since I passed the Illinois Bar Exam and still had not landed a full-time position. Karla and I, along with many other people, had long been praying for my job. In the process, I sent out dozens of cover letters and resumes, and had some interviews, but no job. Then, during the first RezGroup meeting, I shared my prayer request with the group. A couple of weeks later, I accepted a full-time job through a connection a group member had with an attorney from Joliet. Praise God!

Fernando Ferrer


What a joy it is to see God’s hand in the lives of our children here at Resurrection! I was delighted to join the staff team as Children’s Pastor, because my lifelong passion has been equipping parents in the mentoring and discipleship of their children. I am also honored to be surrounded by an amazing team of dedicated volunteers who share this vision for our families. Wonderful relationships are being formed as the children worship, pray, play, and read God’s word together. In addition to Sunday morning, we have a delightful Midweek opportunity for our elementary children. I can’t help but rejoice as I see them playing sports, cooking, doing puppet shows, and playing music, while their Shepherds lead them in making scriptural application in all they are doing. We could not do all these things without the sacrificial giving of both your time and your treasure. —Carole Seid, Children’s Pastor




In a small way, for one hour each week, I am the love of Christ to my 2-year-olds. Each one understands only a little portion of the stories and songs, but they understand entirely that I love each of them and that I am overjoyed when I see another child walk in that door each morning.

Shepherding the 4th-5th grade girls for five years now is one of the highlights of my week. I love the challenge of presenting the weekly scripture in ways that will enlighten the girls and get them thinking about biblical truths, while encouraging them to use Scripture as a daily guide.

Josiah Sledge

Gayle Bloink

There are two particularly special parts of RezKids for me: One, seeing very reluctant children become comfortable and happy in our room in God’s house. Two, watching the faces of the children as they listen in awe and wonder to Bible stories; I think about Jesus’ words that “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Doug Squeo


It’s an incredible privilege for me to serve at Resurrection, a church that my wife and I have loved since our college days! Youth ministry is deeply personal to me because I came to faith and was discipled through the outreach of a local youth group as a seventh grader. This testimony of God’s grace drives my ministry to the families of Resurrection. Middle and high school are vulnerable seasons of life, but they are also filled with great promise. RezYouth equips students to experience Christ’s transforming power in their lives in ways that overflow into their families, friendships, and communities. Our Wednesday night meetings offer opportunities for fun, worship, teaching, prayer, and small group discussion. This ministry is powered by the sacrificial service of adult volunteers. It’s my prayer that the youth of Resurrection would be strengthened to walk in the power and love of the Lord who has called them by name. —Will Chester, Youth Pastor




After moving from the Netherlands, I was warmly welcomed by the RezYouth staff, and I was encouraged to join youth group. What I like about Wednesday nights is the worship and prayer time. My small group and leaders have been instrumental in helping me grow as a Christian.

Jessica Blackmon Senior High

At RezYouth, I like how my leaders really dig into our discussions with us. It’s a place where I can ask questions or share my thoughts with people I can trust.

Josh Handy Junior High 17

MISSION STORIES Every year, we work to become more focused on those who need the gospel the most—the unreached, the marginalized, the lost, and the hurting. Alpha continues to provide a safe place for people to explore questions while they slowly discover why following Jesus fulfills the deepest cries of their hearts. We sent out seven people from our church family into global missions work with a starting gift. This past year, I was excited to see the launch of two new Good Neighbor Teams that walked with newly arriving refugee families. Replanted, our ministry to adoptive and foster families, continues to grow beyond our wildest imagination. Our Sanctity of Life team has worked harder than ever to promote a culture of life. We’re also grateful for the numerous people at our church who regularly serve the lost and the vulnerable, sharing the gospel in word and deed in quiet but heroic ways. –Matt Woodley, Missions Pastor



I recently returned from a week of reciprocal mission in Jos, Nigeria. I had the honor of codedicating with His Grace Benjamin Kwashi two facilities—Resurrection Clinic, a training center and holistic health care center outside of Jos, and Resurrection Hall, a large classroom to teach the former orphans and community children at Zambiri School. Both buildings were named to honor the generosity of the people of God at Church of the Resurrection. I also had the profound honor of visiting four villages outside the city of Jos that have been literally burned and destroyed by Islamist cattle herdsmen. I was shaken to my core by the stories of surviving villagers. I was especially moved by a conversation with Pastor Paul whose own home was destroyed. He also witnessed the execution death of a fellow pastor. I was shocked on hearing this. This was not a documentary that I was watching in my living room in West Chicago. This was a living testimony of the persecuted church in Northern Nigeria. And this is our family—yours and mine. As Archbishop Ben has often said, a faith worth living for is a faith worth dying for.

Bishop Stewart Ruch III






I was proud to be a part of a group that was so supportive of women and children and that proclaimed Jesus’ teaching of loving your enemies.

I loved seeing the joy and enthusiasm on all the faces, especially the children and teenagers.

This was my first March for Life. It was amazing, inspiring, hopefilled. The speeches left me choked up several times. I was encouraged that so many young people were there. I hope to do it again next year.


MONTHLY MISSIONARY PARTNERS JEFF Our friend Jeff is a new missionary immersed in language studies, learning about his host culture, building relationships with neighbors and classmates while preparing to teach English at a local university.



The DeZwaans oversee a YWAM Discipleship Training School, where they are responsible for teaching young men and women and leading trips into northern India.


The Nuygens are preparing to move to Brazil to work with Project AmaZon planting churches and discipling leaders among the unreached regions of the Amazon.

THE FESTEN FAMILY The Festens work with Wycliffe to translate the Bible into many of the indigenous languages of the country. They have focused the last decade translating the Bible into the Mpyemo language while building relationships with the people and sharing the love of Christ.



TILLIE TILLER Tillie Tiller has served in Chad for almost 20 years. Tillie’s primary work is building relationship with all local officials and establishing a climate of goodwill in order to receive short term medical and dental teams, English teaching teams, and computer and sports programs. CHAD

PAT AND JOAN KRAYER The Krayers served in Asia for over 20 years. Pat is currently the executive director for Interserve USA. Joan disciples many international Christian workers and helps them live the Gospel in a Muslim context.

KATELYN Katelyn serves the poor and those suffering from AIDS and leprosy in East Asia by going out with a team into rural communities where they offer holistic care through classes, drama, and children’s ministry.



The Whitakers are serving in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Fr. Gregory pastors a diverse congregation in the growing Cambodian Anglican Church, while Dr. Heidi is studying the Khmer language and exploring ways to serve using her training as a pediatrician. CROATIA

THE THELLMAN FAMILY The Thellmans empower emerging leaders in the Balkans through Biblical and theological education that is transformative spiritually, intellectually, communally and practically. 23

DIOCESAN STORIES Resurrection is the cathedral of the Diocese of the Upper Midwest, a revival movement of Word and Sacrament that has spread across five states. As the mother church to over thirty parishes in our diocese, we are blessed to serve hundreds of brothers and sisters, and welcome them into our home whenever we can. The high point of our year together was Revive, our annual diocesan gathering that serves as a training conference, worship gathering, and family reunion all rolled into one! Two of the newest churches to attend Revive were recent Resurrection church plants in Aurora and Chicago: City of Light Anglican and Immanuel Anglican. Both of these church plants have seen wonderful growth in 2016, and we have been enriched by their partnership in ministry in Chicagoland. In 2017, we are praying that we would be more unified and strengthened than ever before to build our diocese on a revival of Word and Sacrament infused by the power of the Holy Spirit. —Bethany McLellan, Diocese Communication Director


















In the weeks following our first meeting with Trevor and Bonnie and the small group of people assembled for church planting, I began to sense that same purpose and excitement I had experienced as a child on the mission field—a church on a mission to go out, like the seventy sent by Jesus, to be workers in the harvest. I resonated deeply with the love for the surrounding culture, beauty, and people of Aurora and the call to serve, reach out, and share the love of Christ with these wonderful but often broken people. —Jon Wiest, City of Light Member






Immanuel Anglican Church, planted in the Uptown Region of Chicago in 2013, had a “new wineskins” year as they stretched to received more of God’s love and reach more of God’s people. Thirty people attended Neighborhood Bible Studies, with many of these being discipled and joining the church. Immanuel’s Sunday morning services are overflowing, and they host high-impact community events throughout the week. They recently hired their first Children’s Director, who is leading their children’s ministry to new levels of health and growth.







During Revive 2016, I experienced God’s presence in my life in a unique and significant way. I sensed God’s love in the many different ways that Resurrection showed me hospitality. Through worshiping and attending workshops in Spanish (the language in which I feel God speaks to me more personally) and during invitations to different meetings and taking part in the service, I felt my voice as a Hispanic woman being affirmed, and that my community mattered and was welcome. God also brought confirmation to my calling when a pastor affirmed my gifts. Muchas gracias!

Ruth Velazquez Iglesia de la Resurrección




The Revive Conference provided great opportunities to connect with other individuals and parishes, helping us realize that we are part of a larger whole.

Chris and Barbara Asselbergs St. David’s Church, Durant, IA

It was remarkable to pray for each other at Revive, as we felt the Holy Spirit giving and guiding our distinct gifts.

Shannon Black Bridge Anglican Church Crystal Lake, IL

190 people from 5 states

registered for the full Revive experience, with hundreds more attending services throughout the weekend.


GENEROSITY STORIES In October 2015, we began a two-year journey of generosity called Moved by Jesus. We continued that journey in October 2016, with Transform. Hundreds of us took a step of transformation to make a new commitment, increase our commitment, or stand strong in our commitment. These renewed commitments have allowed us to increase our expected giving target from $5.6 million to $5.9 million, enabling expanded ministry at Resurrection. We will soon be announcing the new initiatives made possible by our giving. Even more exciting, our commitments and giving demonstrate tangibly that God is changing our hearts be more like his in generosity. In 2017, we are praying for our continued growth in generosity, and for new people to join us in our journey. — Dan Easley, Generosity Pastor







We are motivated to give as it enables us to contribute to the Resurrection community even when we are not physically able to partake in the ministry firsthand.

Jaimie & Levi Benson

We find the discipline of generosity tough, but fulfilling. It is the first check we write when we both receive our paychecks each month. We like writing a check because, as Rez has taught us, “matter matters”—the check makes it real to us. Additionally, we want to be responsible financial role models for our kids and to set a good example for them.

Beth Weisenborn

By giving regularly, we are trying to be faithful with what God has given to us. We don’t see it as “our” money. We firmly believe that a worker is worthy of his wages, and love to give in order to help build and sustain the staff who do so much for our church.

Josh Jacobs



2017 VISION AND BUDGET PRIORITIES Your giving to Moved by Jesus enables our vision of Equipping Everyone for Transformation. We make sure that every dollar given goes toward fulfilling our vision. We adjust our budget to match current giving projections. Our operating budget this year is very similar to our budget last year, with a 4.9% overall increase, due to increases in: MISSIONS We are increasing our missions budget to keep pace with the rest of our budget. Our missions giving is 10.5% of our operating budget, and 100% of our Good Friday Offering goes to Global Missions. CATHEDRAL LEADERSHIP Other churches look to us for leadership; helping them multiplies our own ministry. CHURCH PLANTING Resurrection multiplies its impact, especially to the lost and the least, through our church plants. COMMUNICATION The many ministries at Resurrection are effective only if our own congregation knows about them, and only if those to whom we reach out know about them. SALARY AND BENEFITS We want our staff properly compensated for the work they do. PASTORAL STAFF SUPPORT Increased support will free our staff to more effectively minister to Children, Youth, and Adults. The growth of our RezGroups particularly requires increased support. 35

Partner with us in Equipping Everyone for Transformation! We would love to talk with you about how you can invest in what God is doing at Church of the Resurrection. With God’s help, we are equipping everyone for transformation and helping to lead a revival of Word and Sacrament infused by the Holy Spirit. Please consider making a gift at churchrez.org/give or connecting with Dan  Easley (dan@churchrez.org), our Generosity and Finance Pastor, to find out more.



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