inside this issue : Following Jesus Learn the s. a .c.r.e.d. method of Bible Study IN A MEDIASOCIALOBSESSESED WORLD Say “So Long” to People Pleasing MEGAN FATE MARSHMAN on what Jesus wants us to know most about His character Embrace Uncertaintyin Your Bible Study Plus:
Issue 11 • Fall 2022 SOURCE BIBLE STUDY
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That’s why we’ve filled this issue with Bible study tools to help you as a leader slow down to be with Jesus, plus ideas to help you energize and engage your Bible study groups. Dive into fresh studies on books of the Bible, discover new insights from women of the Bible, dig into new ways of studying and reading the Bible, and discuss topics like people pleasing, sharing your faith, and finding your worth in Christ.
Dear Women’s Ministry Leader,
August always seems like one of the busiest months of the year. Maybe it’s because our families and churches try to squeeze in every last drop of summer fun while also gearing up for fall. There’s an urgency about it that feels a little like running down a steep hill.
HarperChristian Resources is proud to partner with trusted and leading voices in Christian ministry creating Bible study resources for individuals, groups, and churches. We are intentional in our focus on YOU as representatives of your church, and that is why we partner with an array of leaders, authors, speakers, and teachers from across the country. We believe God uses many voices to proclaim the Truth and that is what drives our efforts and bears our focus.
We are in this together, and our team is for you, in all ways!
P.S. Try any of our Bible studies before you buy them! Find the HarperChristian Resources channel on YouTube to watch the entire first session of all of our Bible studies for free. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when we drop new videos.
Beth Murphy, Director, HarperChristian Resources
In BethHim,and Sara
a LETTER to our READERS FIND YOUR NEXT STUDY: SAVE $10 off $50 with code FALL10 valid through 12/31/2022 STILLNESSATTENTIVENESS to Hear God CRUCIFORMITY to Surrender to God REVELATION to See God EXAMINE to Return to God DOXOLOGY to Thank God FREE: Watch the fi rst session of the Waymaker Bible Study and download the S.A.C.R.E.D. Way of Life Worksheet to Know God DOWNLOAD 2
Sara Riemersma, Editor, HarperChristian Women
I have a gift for you as we begin this journey together. It’s what we gave our eldest on the eve of his wedding. And I’d like nothing more than to slip it into your hand, too. It’s a lifeline that’s kept me from drowning more days than I can count.
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Because you and I are both pilgrims who each have to find our way—find The Way—to know God. Because pilgrimaging isn’t just walking where Jesus walked, but walking in the way Jesus walked. And the spiritual practice that we’re going to unpack in this study together is the soul’s very real and directing compass to keeping company with God.
ANN VOSKAMP is the wife of a farmer, mama to seven, and the author of the New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts , which has sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been translated into more than twenty languages.
Because, and let’s be brutally honest here right from the start, life can often feel like walking out deep into a churning sea. Every day waves swell high around our necks and every night we’ve about had it up to our necks because we keep floundering through deep water and unexpected, upending news, diagnoses, relationships, and flat-out disappointments. And, yes you can say it out loud, the story of our lives, the expectations of our only life, haven’t turned out to be quite what we always dreamed of.
A decade ago, I began counting gifts as a daily habit to open my eyes to the real and active presence of God. I also scratch down the acronym S.A.C.R.E.D. as a daily habit, a compass that reorients me in relation to God.
This habit arises directly from Exodus 14—one of the most formational chapters of Scripture. God parts the waves before Moses and the people of Israel and shapes not only the identity of God’s people then, but also foreshadows our deliverance now into a new way of being—and this way of life, this compass, offers a daily habit spelled out in just six letters.
In our time together, we’ll dive into each letter and see how the WayMaker is not a far way off where you have to scream for His attention. He’s no distracted lifeguard, oblivious while you flail and drown in the deep end. But instead, He is here, right here. He is right here in the way between your heartbeat and your next breath. It’s when you give your whole self to the Way Himself that you know there’s going to be a way through. He can be trusted. And you are going to make it. Because you, right now, are in the hands of the WayMaker.
So, today, wherever you are, whatever you are facing, that no one even knows or that you maybe haven’t even put into words yet, in the very eye of your storm or at the bottom of your depths of disappointment or unspoken broken, friend, can I give you my compass?
Dear fellow pilgrim on The Way,
Your fellow wayfarer,
A compass to part the waves.
A compass to find your way.
Study the Biblethe S.A.C.R.E.D. Way
A Letter from Ann
The apostle Paul wrote a New Testament letter to the early church in Galatia, an area that is part of modern-day Turkey. A good chunk of Galatians deals with the pressure the early Christians there felt from a group known as the Judaizers. Members of this group were insisting that converts to Christianity still follow some practices in the Old Testament law, asserting that it was necessary to do so to be a true believer and obtain salvation. Paul corrected this notion, reminding everybody of the true gospel of Christ that offers us salvation by trusting him alone.
I grabbed my phone logged on to Bible Gateway. I swiped my way to the passage look-up page and placed two words in the search bar: please people. Twenty-three verses appeared before my eyes. When I spied entry number twentytwo—Galatians 1:10—it was as if it were flashing in neon pink, its words penetrating straight to my soul. You see, giving in to the pressure of people pleasing had caused me such anxiety and sadness in my life—for decades. And it was what triggered my meltdown that day. I knew something had to change.
by Karen Ehman
At the onset of Galatians, Paul tosses out an important question: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10).
If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Hold up! Pause the video! Wait—what?! People in Bible days struggled with people pleasing? I mean weren’t they all perfect, running around donning halos that would rival the most glorious Instagram filter and singing the latest worship songs they’d just downloaded from their Spiritual Spotify app?
People PleasingSAYING S O L O N G ” TO
I found myself in a lawn chair at our fire pit on an early evening. The heaving of my chest slowly subsided as I began to calm down and finish up my spontaneous crying session. As I stared up at the slices of sunlight slashing through the dancing branches of the towering maple trees, I poured my heart out to the Lord. I just hoped no one else heard me. After all, the neighbors, who were simply trying to eat their supper in peace, didn’t need both dinner and a show.
Together we can learn to walk closely—and confidently—with our loving Creator, despite the opinions and expectations of others.
KAREN EHMAN is a Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker, a New York Times bestselling author, and a writer for Encouragement for Today, an online devotional that reaches over 4 million people daily. Married to her college sweetheart, Todd, the mother of three, and mom-in-law of two, she enjoys antique hunting, cheering for the Detroit Tigers, and feeding the many people who gather around her mid-century dining table for a taste of Mama Karen’s cooking. EHMAN & SAVE
Nope. They dealt with this interpersonal tension in their life just like we do. And we would do well to ponder Paul’s question today when we are trapped in a tug of war between following God and succumbing to pressure from people.
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Have your people-pleasing tendencies landed you in a heap of heartache, at least a time or two? Are you tired of outwardly agreeing to something that inwardly you’re certain you shouldn’t? Does trying to keep everyone happy end up making you quite the opposite? And—if you’re completely honest— would you admit that sometimes you put people in the place of God?
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by Karen Ehman
If any of these question sparks even a slight yes in your heart, I invite you to join me on this pathway I am still learning to walk. I’m just a few steps up ahead, navigating my way but finding the hike less scary—and less difficult—as it becomes more and more familiar. Like a muscle that must be exercised but grows stronger over time, your ability to discern and decide what pleases God, rather than people, will sharpen as you move forward in your own walk with Jesus.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth righteousnessyourasthelight,andyourjusticeasthenoonday. —Psalm 37:4-6 (ESV ) 6 800-727-3480 | BIBLESTUDYSOURCEFORWOMEN.COM
by Rebecca Bender
In 2021, I moved from the small town of Grants Pass, Oregon to Dallas, Texas. I went from knowing all the back roads to my favorite swimming hole to having to navigate freeways and toll roads. Seriously, what did people do before GPS on their phones? Actually, I can remember— we called ahead, wrote it down, and printed out MapQuest directions.
One of the things I love the most about GPS is that Siri reroutes me if there’s a delay in the road ahead. If I’m quick enough to follow her directions, I can avoid backups on the freeway and get where I’m going on time. Siri has the ability—most of the time—to see the whole city map. I can only see what’s right in front of me.
In Exodus, we see the children of Israel packing up and fleeing from their oppressor. They are literally trusting
Why didn’t God just lead them right into the promised land? Why did they wander the desert for 40 years? We’ll do a deep dive into that question in the book, but basically, it’s because they weren’t ready. They weren’t just going to walk into Canaan—They had to defeat dozens of other armies to conquer that land. These people were not ready to mobilize to war.
Even when God gives us the green light to move forward towards his promise, it doesn’t mean that we have everything we need to settle into our new territory yet. We often need to build strength and character along the way, and the lessons we learn will serve us well in our new season, but they will also play a vital part in breaking the cycles that keep us moving in circles.
God to lead them out of Egypt, through the desert, and into the promised land. They have no idea how to get there on their own, and they don’t have any of the skills or experience necessary to travel the army-laden, dangerous path to their destination. Why?
open minds A ND OPEN HEARTS
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as God ever called you into an unknown desert journey toward a new land? From one season into something new? Maybe he’s called you to switch jobs, cities, friend groups, or any life-changing move.
Remind us today, God, that you are our hiding place. Call us deeper, Lord, into what you are doing. Help us to remember your faithfulness and strengthen us for the road ahead. Thank you for the lessons you’ve taught me along the way. Help me be open to the lessons that are still to come. I’m here for it, Lord, and I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next.
A Prayer
Rebecca BENDER
REBECCA BENDER is an award-winning thought leader, social activist, author, and consultant, she educates on many human trafficking-related topics and advises some of our nation’s leading nonprofits. Rebecca brings life lessons, humor, and expertise in working where faith and culture collide.
God knows where we come from and, thankfully, He knows the road ahead. He is the originator of the promise, the prophetic word, and the land we will occupy. He prepares us by using what he’s already taught us in the past, and also by teaching us along the way. This is why it’s important for us to often remind ourselves of how God has been faithful in our lives. This was also important for the Israelites.
God knows what lies ahead for the children of Israel, and so He tells them to remember. He knows that stopping to remember his faithfulness will help strengthen them for the road ahead. In Hebrew, the word remember is zakar. It means to “recall to mind.” God wanted his children to recall all that He had done for them and for their
you’re going through now will teach what you need to know. It is possible to stop walking in circles and move forward, but we have to be open to God’s guidance and we have to remember the things we have learned along the way.
This study guide includes biblical and historical background insights, practical application, group discussion questions, and a memory verse for each chapter.
Stop Walking in Circles and Reach God‘s Destination for Your Life by Rebecca Bender
• Understand the historical and cultural nuances of Egypt to give you fresh insight into this powerful story.
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Inscribed is a collection of studies that lead women to not just survive but thrive by encouraging them to immerse themselves in the Word of God.
• Move beyond your own past and into your promises.
This Bible study will equip you to:
• See Exodus in a new and relatable way that will help you better understand God and yourself.
• Learn applicable tips from the children of Israel by understanding what they did right and what they did wrong in order to reach their goals.
• Get back on track after experiencing a major setback in life or enduring a traumatic event.
SCOT MCKIGHT is Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois. He is the author of more than eighty books, including the award-winning The Jesus Creed. He maintains an active blog at
Each volume provides:
In the New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series, widely respected biblical scholar Scot McKnight combines interpretive insights with pastoral wisdom for books of the New Testament.
• Original Meaning: Brief, precise expositions of the biblical text and offers a clear focus for the central message of each passage.
Studies from the heart of a pastor and the mind of a scholar.
• Practical Application: Biblical connections and questions for reflection and application for each passage.
• Fresh Interpretation: Brings the passage alive with fresh images and what it means to follow King Jesus.
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The book of Psalms is well-known and wellworn. It is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament, and its quotations can be found everywhere from John Milton to Star Trek to Congressional speeches. Why so much attention? The Church Father Athanasius said it best— most of Scripture speaks to us, but the Book of Psalms speaks for us.
Shop Bible Studies on books of the Bible
Experience fresh connections to contemporary worship and devotional practices in this eight-session video-based study with well-known scholar Sandra Richter. Indulge in the biblical study of the Psalms, letting Sandra do the heavy lifting of research and translation, which in turn allows you to engage the Bible in a deeply sensitive way.
SANDRA L. RICHTER is Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College and a member of the Committee for Biblical Translation for the NIV. Her scholarly publications include an array of technical studies of the history, society, and economy of the Hebrew Bible, but she is best known in the church for her work The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament and her riveting DVD curricula designed for those serious about their faith. She is a sought-after speaker and teacher for ministry conferences, retreats, leadership events, and academic events.
by Sandra L. Richter
An Ancient Challenge to Get Serious About Your Prayer and Worship
The fourth account of the life of Jesus was written by a guy named John, a disciple of Jesus, the one whom Jesus loved. The funny thing is that John wrote in his own gospel about
John gives us the precise reason when he writes this account, in John 20:31: “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. And that by believing you may have life in his name.” (NIV)
Wherever you’re at in your relationship with God, great, be right there. Because as it turns out, God’s not gonna meet you where you’re not. So you might as well show up here in this moment, right where you’re at. And thankfully God has made himself known to us through his word and through his son, Jesus Christ.
So let’s start on this journey through the gospel of John, a narrative, all about God in the flesh who came because he so loved you and me and us. Believe it. You’re loved so much. So you don’t have to run around and search for it anywhere else. In Christ, you have it completely, fully, and eternally. Believe that about Jesus. Believe all of his words about you, but also his own words about himself.
The truth is you are the one who Jesus loves, too. And I hope you begin to believe that as we go through this study.
himself, that he is the one whom Jesus loved. John wrote that. Would you ever introduce up that way? It’s kind of cute, right? “Hey, I’m Megan, by the way, nice to meet you all. I’m the one who Jesus loves.”
by Megan Fate Marshman
ou can know a lot about God and not know him at all. But we’re not just meant to know a lot about God. We can get to know him. Personally.
Actually knowing someone requires personal knowledge from being with someone over time and building trust. Knowing about someone is just the first step, but it is an important step toward actually knowing them. And it’s the same with God.
John begins his gospel narrative by paralleling Genesis 1:1, when it is written in the beginning, a time before time, where there was just God who existed for forever.
If you want to know who the true God is, who exists eternally, look at Jesus. Colossians 1:15 says the Son is the image of the invisible God. The invisible God is visible. As we look to the life of Jesus, you want to know what God’s like? Good. Look at Jesus. He’s the main theme, purpose, direction, and character of this fourth book in the New
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Similarly, John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word.” What or who is the word in Greek? The word is Lagos is the power and purpose of human life. See, while it was usually associated with impersonal and abstract forces in the world, John intros his book by saying that that power and purpose and meaning for life’s existence is not an abstract principle. It’s a person. And this study will introduce you to Him.
Let’s allow God to lead us together, to turn our lives toward Jesus, believe him, and find the life that he promises.
FATE MARSHMAN full fi rst session 40%
by Megan Fate Marshman Lagos Bible study
MEGAN FATE MARSHMAN loves God and His church. She is a teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church, speaks to audiences internationally, leads the women’s ministry at Arbor Road Church, and serves as director of women’s ministries at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Megan lives in southern California with her two boys. Her website is
on this
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in writing this book is that you might believe. The word “belief” is spoken at least a hundred times throughout the book of John. That’s twice as much as the other three gospel writers combined. John wants us to not just know about Jesus, that he is these things, but that you would know him personally and believe that he is who he says he is. John’s purpose is writing the book is to remind us that by believing we may deservedly have life in his name, that we may live our lives in light of our belief in him.
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and comfort in certainty, I’m finding that it no longer serves me well. Uncertainty has become my awkward new friend.
Maybe that’s why the words of a meme I read recently stirred up some deep questions for me. It read, “The more certainty you can bring to the table, the greater your value.”
As I pondered certainty and human value, these words from an unknown author sprang to mind. They’re a reminder that certainty shouldn’t be our highest goal. This meme read, “Just because you’re certain doesn’t mean you’re right.” This thought has been shaping the way I’m approaching both interpersonal connections and my Bible study.
by Amy Carroll
That’s the kind of word that makes a reforming-perfectionist like me shudder. Routine, predictability and certainty feel like bedrock to me. Uncertainty is the stuff of nightmares.
The writer spoke with such authority. She seemed so … well, certain which made my misgivings feel wrong. But is that principle correct? Is our value really based on our level of certainty?
But the past few years have been a worldwide super-storm of uncertainty. Between the pandemic, political division, church upheaval, and the loud voices around it all,
Here’s my proposal for us as Jesus-followers: To grow closer to God and others, let’s pursue clarity instead of prizing Incertainty.thelast
• Embracing the mystery of God
two years, as I’ve researched the book of Esther to write a study with my co-author Lynn, we’ve gotten lots of opportunities to lean into uncertainty as a pathway to scriptural clarity. I’ve seen how uncertainty has become a valuable device in my Bible study tool belt.
To avoid those pitfalls, what if we stop fleeing uncertainty and embrace it? Let’s replace a quest for certainty with a journey toward clarity. Clarity implies curiosity, development, and imperfect progress.
• Seeking other points of view from wise people
• Embrace the mystery of the God in a way that brings us into a lifetime of seeking Him
There are many passages within the book of Esther that are puzzling, but I am particularly fascinated by one. To summarize, Esther has become queen, but her husband, the king, under the influence of an evil enemy, sent out an edict that was a death sentence for her people, the Jews. In Esther 4, the climax of the story, Mordecai, Esther’s uncle challenges her to take the life-threatening step of speaking out against the coming genocide.
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(Esther 4: 13-14 NIV)
Certainty is an obstacle for both.
That’s a strong statement, so before you get squeamish or check out, let me quickly acknowledge that there is a place for certainty in what we believe about God. In John 17:8, Jesus Himself says, “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.” (NIV) Jesus’ divinity is an essential certainty.
Even though the end of Mordecai’s message is the most wellknown passage in Esther, commentators disagree as to the
• Ask questions so that we can grow
• Asking questions
Searching for clarity encourages us to:
But can we agree that some parts of Scripture are unclear and a little confusing? In those places, we need to pursue something other than certainty.
• Seek other points of view from wise people who stretch our understanding
ourselves in certainty keeps us from:
Consider the definition of the word “certain.” The definition includes, “sure, fixed, agreed upon, settled.” Since certainty is immovable, it makes us feel safe. But negatively, because it’s fixed, it keeps us from discovering and learning, growing and Entrenchingmaturing.
To grow closer to God and others, let’s pursue clarity instead of prizing certainty.
Mordecai sends this message to Esther, “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
• Some say that he was bullying Esther, threatening to reveal the Jewish identity that he had encouraged her to hide until this point.
Over a decade ago, a wise mentor gave me a Bible study tool that has been invaluable as I’ve wrestled with difficult passages like this one. I’ve named it The Clarity Principle. It helps us in spots in the Bible where we feel the discomfort of uncertainty. When we run across a difficult-to-understand passage of Scripture, we don’t rush to interpret it through our human lens or build a wonky theology around it. Instead, we dig into the whole of Scripture, from beginning to end, interpreting the unclear passages with the clear ones, thus The Clarity Principle.
AMY CARROLL is a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries and the author of Exhale and Breaking Up with Perfect. She's a woman who loves great stories and challenging ideas, so co-hosting the Grit 'n' Grace podcast has also become one of her favorite things.
When my friend Lynn had her curiosity piqued by this passage, she applied The Clarity Principle to this passage in a deep dive, reading across the whole of Scripture to understand. Through reading, study and research, she found that the Hebrew in Mordecai’s message echoed another part of Scripture in Numbers 30. Although the English doesn’t translate in the same way, the ancient echo of Mordecai’s words can be summarized, “If you don’t speak up now, Esther, it’s the same as agreeing with this evil edict.”
• Others say that he was just reminding her that God is sovereign and that He would take care of His people with or without her participation.
Learn more about the Esther Bible Study and save 40% on the book:
• Some think that it’s a veiled warning of God’s divine retribution if she refuses to help.
specific meaning of his words at the beginning of the passage:
Using Scripture to interpret Scripture brings clarity.
Those are three very different interpretations. How’s a layperson to be certain about the Bible’s meaning when even the experts see a passage differently?
So, the next time you run across a passage of Scripture that makes you uncertain or challenges your certainty as you read your Bible, don’t skip it. Don’t rush past it. Don’t squelch your questions. View uncertainty as a great gift in your Bible study, and embrace it. Uncertainty is our awkward-but-dear friend. Instead of seeing uncertainty as a threat, we can use it as motivation to move forward. You can trust God’s hand in the process, and clarity will come.
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SHANNON BREAM is the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers The Women of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, the anchor of Fox News @ Night, and the chief legal correspondent for Fox News Channel. She has covered landmark cases at the Supreme Court and heated political campaigns and policy battles from the White House to Capitol Hill.
Shannon BREAM
WHAT CAN THEwomen of the bible TEACH US TODAY?
Women are central to some of the most critical events, powerful encounters, and transformative moments in the Bible. They change the course of history. These extraordinary women rose above because God was their refuge, and now you can join them.
• REVEAL provides an opportunity to identify specific character traits, responses to God, and acts of faith, as well as your similar traits, responses, and acts of faith.
by Shannon Bream
Each lesson in these workbooks will take you through these exercises:
• PRAY asks you to prayerfully consider how the woman’s story ties into the work God is doing in your life right now.
• CONNECT asks you to consider how God in the Old Testament or Jesus in the New Testament responds to each woman and what this discloses about His character and how He responds to you.
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Shop Bible Studies on of the
• REFLECT invites you to read key moments of each woman’s life in the Bible and connect with her story.
Overcome Your Fear of Talking about Your Faith with Others
Five 20-minute sessions Free streaming included with study guide &
With honesty and humor, Hosanna will help you:
• Overcome the lies that hold you back so you can step into your calling and empower people to encounter God.
• Discover the three most effective steps to take when fighting for a loved one who is in a tough place.
Spoken-word artist Hosanna Wong crushes the lies that hold us back from sharing the most important story in the world. Discover what God's Word actually says about revealing His love to the people right next us, and how we are already equipped to reach those who don't know how much God loves them (yet).
by Hosanna Wong
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• Embrace your unique story to naturally talk about Jesus without being weird or pushy.
• Heal from past hurts in the church and learn how to create the community you've longed for
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The Truth about Revealing God’s Love to the People Right Next to You
Why? Because you’ve got some extra power with you this time. You traded in that sorry raft.
notice the wind. The wind isn’t bothering you at all.
Close your eyes and envision yourself on a raft out in the big, blue, beautiful ocean. You can still see the shore, but as you drift out a bit from the water’s edge, you notice that the wind is picking up. At first, it’s not too bad. But after a few minutes, you’re gripping both sides of the raft, hoping upon hope that you don’t flip right over.
Annoying, right? You can’t even think straight because you’re so busy trying to fight off this ridiculous wind.
You are on the water still, but this time, you’re on a speed boat. Same weather conditions. Same wind. Totally different experience.
Your friend is even with you, and you two can carry on a pleasant conversation, you’re so at ease. Wind? What
Stressing over what others think will never lead us to the life of our dreams
It’s a battle. An all-out war for your sanity and peace.
Okay. Now, scene two.
I want you to carry these two images with you as you move through the coming days and months and years. Because that slog to overcome the stiff wind that threatens to take you down is exactly what it’s like to keep performing for someone else’s approval.
by Sadie Robertson Huff
You try to relax and enjoy the scene, but that wind is just ripping you up! You’re riding those waves, praying like crazy as you hold on to your piddly little raft for dear life.
Keep working for people’s likes, and you’ll constantly find yourself one slip-up away from obsolescence. Yep, it’s a fight. And sadly one that you’ll never win.
But there’s a second image to carry, remember? And this
No matter what we say. No matter what we do. No matter what we wear. No matter how cool we are.
My mom is this kind of person. Her presence is gentle. It’s encouraging. It’s life-giving. It’s sweet. There’s no
And the thing I want you and me to grasp right now is that we can choose to live that way, too. We can live as ones who are divinely loved instead of straining for, seeking for, likes. We can live as ones who may be different by the world’s standards but who fit right in with God.
“Knit together in our mother’s womb” with devoted attention, expert craftsmanship, genuine care? If that doesn’t say “love,” then nothing will.
No matter how sweet our dance moves are. We are already perfectly loved.
Because just as looking for likes leaves us battling an impossible wind, living loved lets us approach things from a place of total peace. We don’t have to work. We don’t have to strive. We can just sit back and enjoy the ride.
They know who they are. They know whose they are. They live like they have nothing to prove.
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Or are they rooted in the truth that Jesus came to earth to testify to? Are they planted in his love, strong and sure?
Her worth is found in her walk with Jesus. What she needs most? Those things, she already has.
Let me ask you: Have you ever been around someone who is living from the place of knowing and trusting God’s divine love? They are probably the easiest people on the planet to be around.
SADIE ROBERTSON HUFF is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, influencer, and founder of Live Original. The host of the popular podcast Whoa, That’s Good, she continues to top charts and minister to millions of listeners. Live Original, Sadie’s blog, features encouraging and transparent messages from her and her closest friends, and she is also founder of the online community and app LO Sister. Sadie, her husband, Christian, and their daughter reside in Louisiana.
It’s refreshing, isn’t it? It’s inspiring. It’s a thing of beauty, every time.
You are loved. I am loved. We are loved.
We can live as ones who are far from disregarded ... no, we matter deeply in the kingdom of God. We can live as ones who have never been disdained a single day in our lives.
straining, no striving; no begging anyone to see her, to prop her up.
In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul reminds believers that as they follow Jesus, they will grow in spiritual maturity. And one of the ways they can know that they’ve matured in their faith is by making a little assessment. Are they still being tossed about by the waves? Are they still being carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men?
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