Bible Study Source for Women Magazine - Issue 9

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Issue 9 • Spring 2021




inside this issue: HOW TO MAKE

God's Word



REVEL ATION New Bible Studies






Dear Women’s Ministry Leader, “See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) Exciting things are happening around here. I can’t wait to tell you about them! We’ve just launched a new brand for all of our Bible studies:

Our mission is to equip people to understand the Scriptures, cultivate spiritual growth, and live an inspired faith with Bible study and video resources from today’s most trusted voices—voices like the teachers and authors featured in these pages! As part of this brand launch, we’re making it even easier for you and your group to access the video teachings from our authors.

Dear Women's Ministry Leader,

Many of our new Bible studies will now feature streaming video access codes right in the study guide—so you don’t have to buy the streaming sessions or DVD separately. Plus, everyone in your group who has a study guide will be able to watch the videos on their own, on any device, reducing stress for those of you leading virtual studies online, and freeing up your group time for more meaningful discussion.

For the last few months, I have parked myself in John 17, the prayer the disciples overheard Jesus praying the night He was betrayed. The truly stunning element to this prayer is that facing the horror of His arrest, trials, crucifixion, and death, as well as the subsequent fear, grief, and confusion that would overwhelm His disciples, Jesus prayed for them. And for me. And for you.

Several of the studies featured in this issue come with streaming codes in the study guide, including Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen (page 7), Epic of Eden: Psalms by Sandy Richter (page 12), and the upcoming Beautiful Word: Ephesians by Lori Wilhite (page 17).

There are three things Jesus prayed for that the Holy Spirit continually seems to whisper to my heart as we seek to serve Him during these challenging times.

Thank you for all you do to lead, encourage, and disciple your people. In Him,

Beth Murphy Director, Bible Study Source for Women P.S. If you’d like to learn more about what we’re up to, go to For the month of May, we’re giving away a free Bible study, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible. Plus you can sign up for monthly small group leader tips and ideas.

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Jesus is

First, Jesus is praying for our focus to remain fixed on our relationship with Him. He knows it’s easy for us to slip into focusing on our pain or problems or politics; on our health or home; on our circumstances or crisis; on our finances or family; on COVID and the vaccine. He begins His prayer addressing the Almighty God of the Universe…the One associated with fire, lightning, thunder, awesome displays of power…as Father. While He is not equating God with your father or mine, He is emphasizing that you and I can have a personal relationship with God. The apostle Paul further confirms the personal relationship by saying we can call God, “Abba”1…Daddy. So in these troubled times stay focused on your relationship with God and His relationship with you. He loves you! He is your Father and you are His beloved child! Secondly, Jesus prays that you and I would be faithful to His Word when He says, “I gave them the Word you have given Me and they've received them.” Our faith does not rest on our circumstances or problems or what somebody has said or the opinions of others. It does not rest in our feelings or what's swirling on around us.

Praying for You AN ENCOURAGING WORD FROM ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ It does not rest on what we can see, feel, taste, touch, or smell. Our faith is to be firmly fixed on the Word of God. The most important thing you and I can do today is to stay in God’s Word, live it out in obedience, then share what it says with others. So don’t grow weary in well doing. Join me in recommitting to reading, studying, applying, obeying, loving and teaching God’s Word! Thirdly, Jesus prays for our future: “Father I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am and to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.”2 As our world personally, nationally, and globally seems to be falling apart, I long to see Jesus. I long for the world to see Him as He is—in glory and power. I long for Him to come back to rule in righteousness, justice, and peace. But at the end of this prayer, we discover that Jesus also has intense longings. He longs to come back. He longs to see us. He's yearning to be with His followers and for us to see Him in His glory. At any moment, the sky is going to unfold. We're going to hear the blast of the trumpet. Jesus Himself will descend with a loud shout and those of us who are alive on earth are going to be caught up to live with Him forever in His heavenly home.2 On that day we're going to see Him in His glory, seated on the throne of heaven, surrounded by millions of angels. And down here where

Stay focused on your relationship with God and His relationship with you. He loves you! He is your Father and you are His beloved child!

increasingly we’re not allowed to even say His name… down here where His name is blasphemed and profaned, denied and disputed… one day His name is going to resound throughout the universe. “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive all power and wisdom and glory and wealth”3… and the whole universe will rock in acclamation of the name that is above every name. At His name every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess He is Lord and He is King.4 And on that day when we're surrounded by millions of angels and redeemed humanity and we're worshipping the Lamb who sits on the throne, you are going to look around and see people who are there because of your faithfulness to serve Him here! Praise God! Stay focused on your relationship with Him, rest your faith firmly on His Word that you continue to share with others, and look forward to the future. The best is yet to come! And remember, Jesus is praying for you. Sincerely,

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E X P E R I E N C E T H E Holy Spirit A S A C O N S TA N T C O M PA N I O N JESUS IN ME Have you lost touch with the wonder of those three words? Jesus. In. Me. The notion that Jesus can literally be inside of us should startle us with the extent of the intimacy we can have with Jesus, and astonish us with the depth of connection He offers. And it's all possible because of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus In Me,, revered evangelist and Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz guides us to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, who is Jesus without skin. Eight 17-minute video sessions, with 90-100 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader kit (study guide with leader's guide, streaming video, and DVD)




Called “the best preacher in the family” by her late father, Billy Graham, ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God's Word. Anne’s aim is clear—to bring revival to the hearts of God’s people. And her message is consistent—calling people into a personal relationship with God through His Word.


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Break Free F R O M T H E S P I R A L O F T O X I C T H O U G H TS

GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD Are your thoughts holding you captive? I’ll never be good enough. Other people have better lives than I do. God couldn’t really love me. The visionary behind the million-strong IF:Gathering, Jennie Allen, takes you into the book of Philippians, challenging you to exercise your God-given power to shift negative thinking patterns and take back control of your thoughts and emotions. Six 17-minute video sessions, with 45 minutes of homework per week, plus four additional weekly activities to go deeper Save 40% on the leader kit (leader’s guide, conversation cards, study guide, streaming video, and DVD)


Jennie ALLEN

JENNIE ALLEN is an author, speaker, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering. Jennie is the author of many Bible studies, including Stuck, Chase, Restless, Nothing to Prove, and Get Out of Your Head. Jennie has a master’s in biblical studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Zac, and their four children.

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How will I do it all? How do I balance life and family and work? I don’t believe in balance. I don't believe in balance because I cannot find it anywhere in Scripture. Achieving perfect balance is impossible. It’s a losing game. Instead, what I see in God’s Word is surrender and obedience.

“seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”


As we truly become single-minded in our pursuit of God and whatever He wants for us, everything else shifts into place. I remember early in ministry, we were sitting in our backyard. My husband, Zac, and I were looking over at our new trees that we had just planted. There were three of them, and we were anxious for them to grow because we didn’t have any shade in our backyard. We were noticing they were starting to grow almost too fast, and we began wondering if we planted them too close together. The same time we started IF:Gathering, we also adopted our youngest son, and I was writing and speaking, as well. Nobody on this earth would say that was wise! Each endeavor was big and important, but when tangled together,


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it was a recipe for disaster. Like my new trees planted too close together, if they all grew and succeeded, we were going to have a disaster in five years. I remember looking at everything and saying to God, “I don’t know what’s coming, but it looks like it could be a massive train wreck.” I needed God to help me manage all of these growing things. I told Him if He ever wanted me to walk away from anything (other than my kids) I would do it. So we surrendered it all. We intentionally sought out counsel from a few voices in our lives who had full perspective. We would lay down our schedules, our finances, our struggles in marriage to these people and ask them to speak into our lives. Some of these people were friends, some of them were mentors, and some of them are family members. This little group of people knew that they were my people. To be honest, I thought they were going to tell me to stay home and to not do these things. But they often told me that I was living in fear, and I needed to go and be more courageous. They didn’t lean to one extreme—stay home with your kids or take every opportunity that comes your way. They looked at my life holistically to see what I was struggling with, how my kids were doing, and they had an ebb and flow to decisions. I think we all need those voices that are helping us make decisions. As I’ve surrendered and obeyed, balance hasn’t come. Our lives are still chaotic. But peace has come to our family. People ask how we raise and launch kids who are healthy and love Jesus when we have so many demands on our life, and I don’t know! We have prayed and submitted to God, and He has shown up time and again. Some days the trees got tangled up, and it looked like we were completely destroying our lives.

We can either put our children at the center of our family, or we can have them join the circle and put God at the center. If you’re a parent or caretaker, lean in here. Somebody gave us advice early on that we can either put our children at the center of our family, or we can have them join the circle and put God at the center. You can serve together as a team. We decided that is how we were going to raise our kids. Whether they have a game or they’re going on a mission trip or they’re going to college, they are going as an ambassador of our family and our Jesus to love and serve the world. Parenting felt like a big experiment. We raised our kids very differently from the way I saw people raising kids beside us. I was worried that we were going to ruin them!

Coming July 2021 NOTHING TO PROVE

But now that we have two grown kids, I can see that they love God and people and they don’t see their lives as something to be spent on themselves. They see their lives as something to be stewarded for the glory of God and the good of others. They like God and they like us. That’s all we really want at the end of the day for our kids, isn't it?

A Study in the Gospel of John

by Jennie Allen Too many of us walk through life feeling as if we don't measure up. We think if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don’t have to be.

Surrender and obedience is a costly practice that takes constantly seeking God and dependence on him. As we do that, He takes care of us. He is faithful to us, and He will show us the right way to go. You won't look around and find many people living this way. You will find a lot of life plans and a lot of strategic ways to do life better. But I will say it is the most life-giving way to live.

In this Bible study, Jennie Allen walks through key passages in the Gospel of John to demonstrate how only Jesus is enough. We don't have to prove anything because Jesus has already proven everything.

I know there are a million demands on your life. Whether you have a family under your roof or not, you live a demanding life. I would just encourage you today to sneak away, get with God, pray, lay it all out before him, and surrender it again. There is something in the surrender that breaks the anxiety. There's something in the surrender that calms the chaos that cuts through the noise. As I live moment by moment with him, He is in it with me, even though it’s messy.

Eight 13-minute video sessions, with 45 minutes of homework per week, plus optional activities to go deeper Save 40% on the leader kit (leader’s guide, conversation cards, study guide, streaming video, and DVD)

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bible studies


RENEW & RESTORE YOU MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS We all have emotional ups and downs. But some days, our feelings can seem out of control. We find ourselves reacting to everything. We can’t control what we feel, but we can manage how we react to those emotions. We can take the time to understand the feelings that God has given us, explore what God says about them in His Word, and learn His techniques for how to manage them. When we do, it becomes easier to set down the things that are troubling us and make room for joy in our lives.

FINDING FREEDOM FROM ANXIETY & STRESS Busyness has become a status symbol. We all feel the pressure to do more, and to do it well. We exhaust ourselves, and yet we still worry we’re not doing enough. We are maxed out, burned out, stressed out. But we’re not meant to be. God promises us a life of joy and peace. This Bible study explores the sources of anxiety in our lives and provides practical insights into overcoming them through faith and prayer. Softcover, twelve lessons each Save 35% when you buy 10+ 8

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T H E 28 - D AY P R AY E R J O U R N E Y


Enjoying Deeper Conversations with God

Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands

For anyone who longs for a consistent prayer life yet struggles with distractions, doubts, or knowing where to start, Chrystal offers a simple and heartfelt method to meaningful conversations with God, one day at a time.

Are you living with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule and aching with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul? There is a big difference between saying yes to everyone and saying yes to God. Learn these usable strategies for making wise decisions day by day.

Whether you are new or well-versed in communication with God, this hopeful and supportive experience will help you sense God's presence in ways you never have before.

Six 15-minute video sessions, with 30 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide and DVD)

Five 18-minute video sessions, with 15-20 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide, streaming video, and DVD)




CRYSTAL EVANS HURST is a bestselling author and popular speaker, sharing on her blog and podcast, writing for Proverbs 31 Ministries, and teaching and leading in her church. Chrystal is a mother of five and wife to husband, Jessie.




LYSA TERKEURST is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She writes from her sticky farm table and lives with her family in North Carolina.

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The Adventure


BOOK OF PSALMS by Sandra Richter


he Book of Psalms is perhaps the most beloved book in our Christian Bibles. This anthology of prayers and praises is so familiar to us that quotations have found their way onto refrigerator magnets and cross stitch patterns, dedicatory plaques and national monuments, song lyrics and movie scripts, and even Edmond Hall, the philosophy building Harvard. Indeed, the Psalms are so familiar to the Christian faith that this OT Book is often published as an appendix to the New Testament! But even in all that familiarity, the great OT theologian Claus Westermann was absolutely right when he said that “the Psalms belong to a world which is no longer our world.” Think about it, Israel’s religion was a religion of temples and priests; sacrifice, blood, and fire. Theirs was a world in which Church and State were completely intertwined, where on any given holy-day the Commander & Chief (that would be the king) could be seen dancing down main street celebrating the fact that the priests were delivering the ark of God to the temple! Somehow, I don’t think the Democrats OR Republicans would be terribly comfortable with that! And when was the last time you brought a goat to a worship service? Now it is true that in my new homeland of Southern CA worship is a bit more casual than the staid Congregational Churches of the Massachusetts of my past…but a goat? And if you did indeed decide to bring a goat, an ox, two doves, how many of you would expect your pastor to help you dispatch the creature as an act of worship? Yah…I thought so. No, that isn’t our covenant and that isn’t our world. But that is the world of the Book of Psalms, the hymnbook of ancient Israel


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…a world long, long ago and far, far away. A world that ceased to exist more than 2,000 years ago! But miraculously the faith, reverence, celebration and lament of the ancients preserved in the Book of Psalms…that has not ceased to exist. Rather, the songs and prayers of our forefathers in the faith continue to speak to us today.

“The Psalms have a unique place in the Bible because [whereas] most of Scripture speaks to us, the Psalms speak for us.” Those of you who are seasoned Christ-followers, you so know this. You have lived this. You know the dark night of the soul, when your heart is overcome with fear that has encircled you like the strong bulls of Bashan. When my enemies are pushing hard, attempting to topple me like a mudbrick wall…Psalm 62 reminds me that the hand I hold is that of the Almighty, “He only is my rock and my salvation,” and regardless of the closed doors, the slander, the betrayal that surrounds me, “I will not be shaken” (v. 2). And when the tears won’t stop, when the gaping wound of loss seems like it will never heal, when “darkness is my closest friend,” Psalm 88 cries with me. When I can see no way out, Psalm 124 reminds me “that if the Lord had not been on my side…the raging waters would have swept me away.” But “my help is in the name of Yahweh, the Maker of heaven and earth“!” And when the most prized hope of my soul has actually come

to pass, when the impossible is in my hands—that acceptance letter from Harvard University, the job offer from Asbury Theological, or the 7lb 6oz miracle—it is Psalm 126 that celebrates with me: “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream, our mouths were filled with laughter…the Lord has done great things for me” blessed is His name!

The Psalms speak for us… The Psalms pray for us. The great 4th century church father Athanasius said it this way: “The Psalms have a unique place in the Bible because [whereas] most of Scripture speaks to us, the Psalms speak for us.”

darkness, and that we will know that we are not alone. Others have journeyed this bumpy road of life and faith before us, they have cried out to the same God for answers, and they got them. So consider this your invitation to sit with the ancients. Allow their words to sink into your soul. Let them put words to your frustration, your joy, and your despair. Draw strength from their faith—find hope in their confidence, let them pray FOR you. And learn again that the Lord of Heaven and Earth has never ceased and will never cease to hear the cries of His people. Let the adventure begin! Excerpted from Sandra’s new Bible study, The Epic of Eden: Psalms.

The Psalms speak for us…The Psalms pray for us. What a true and powerful word. When I can’t wrap words around what I’m feeling, when the heavens seem to made of brass, when the hounds of hell are snapping at my heels, when darkness is all I can see, the psalms pray for me. Me. This is the ONLY book in the Bible that is intended for IMMEDIATE application to the reader. No filter. This book you can flip open and start praying whatever you see. It was designed that way… For centuries, this book has served as the go-to for Jewish and Christian worship. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says that in the Psalter is “unsuspected power” and if we lose it, “an incomparable treasure vanishes from the Christian Church. My goal is to plug you in to that power, this book, gifted to each of us by that great assembly of witnesses who have walked the road ahead of us and who await our arrival at the journey’s end—our ancestors in the faith. My prayer is that you will find the help, the structure, the accountability you need for a deep dive into this sacred testimony of the living faith of our spiritual mothers and fathers. My objective? That we will all find ourselves reconnected with the lived experiences of those who have gone before us, and that through this self-imposed discipleship under their tutelage, we will see and read what honest faith in hard times looks like, we will hear their voices piercing our

Sandra L. RICHTER SANDRA L. RICHTER is Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College and a member of the Committee for Biblical Translation for the NIV. Her scholarly publications include an array of technical studies of the history, society, and economy of the Hebrew Bible, but she is best known in the church for her work The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament and her riveting DVD curricula designed for those serious about their faith. She is a sought-after speaker and teacher for ministry conferences, retreats, leadership events, and academic events.

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W H AT M A K E S SO SPECIAL? The book of Psalms is well-known and well-worn. It is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament, and its quotations can be found everywhere from John Milton to Star Trek to Congressional speeches. Why so much attention? The Church Father Athanasius said it best—most of Scripture speaks to us, but the Book of Psalms speaks for us. Experience fresh connections to contemporary worship and devotional practices in this eight-session videobased study with well-known scholar Sandra Richter. Indulge in the biblical study of the Psalms, letting Sandra do the heavy lifting of research and translation, which in turn allows you to engage the Bible in a deeply sensitive way. This study will help you answer the ever-present question, “so what does this have to do with me today?” You will discover: • How to bridge the gap between the culture and practices of ancient Israel and today • How you can trust God with all your emotions: grief, anger, praise, fear, and hope • How and why the people of Israel used the Psalms in worship • Why the book of Psalms is critical in our devotional lives today • How the Psalms can empower your prayer life


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THE EPIC OF EDEN: PSALMS An Ancient Challenge to Get Serious About Your Prayer and Worship

by Sandra L. Richter

Eight 21-minute video sessions, with 15-20 minutes of homework five days per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide with leader's guide, streaming video, and DVD)


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how to help everyone


Revelation by Margaret Feinberg

Imagine Jesus standing before you with a golden envelope. It contains an invitation to

know and experience him like never before. If you tear open the contents, you’ll discover Christ anew in his breathtaking beauty, staggering strength, wondrous power, and the depths of his never-ending love for you. Would you take the envelope? Or would you say, “Eh, nah. I don’t like the packaging. That’s not for me.” For far too many years of my life, that’s how I’ve thought of Revelation. Maybe you or those you lead do, too. Far too many are hesitant or scared about Revelation. Some because of odd teaching they received in the past, and others because they’ve never dared read the book beyond the opening and closing chapters. With its bloody dragons, weird flying creatures, and mark of the beast, it’s easy to think, “That’s not for me.” Yet Revelation is the finale book of the Bible, the holy exclamation point on the great big story of God. I don’t think God would ever give us the Scripture, this breathtaking love letter, and then in the final chapters,


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pull a switch-a-roo, and deliver a Big Cosmic Boo! where he scares the heebie-jeebies out of us. After all, that’s not consistent with the nature of God, the character of God, or the redemptive plan he’s been working throughout history. Above all, the book is a revelation of Jesus Christ (1:1). And who would want to miss out on that? The message came to one of the disciples, John, a pastor and prophet. John refused to bow down to the ways of Rome and worship Caesar Domitian by calling him “Lord” and was banished to the Island of Patmos. Physically and spiritually, John was likely in a dark place. His fledgling churches were struggling. His fellow disciples died brutal, barbaric deaths. I suspect he was wrestling with questions humanity has struggled with for thousands of years. Why does God allow evil to rise to power while God’s servants suffer? How does one cling to hope with so much darkness and uncertainty? Does God really win in the end?

I don’t think Revelation was given to John as a random out-of-the-blue, divine download, but rather in that dank prison cell, John had been wrestling with God. And so many of us find ourselves in a season of wrestling. Maybe you or those you love walking through medical uncertainty— the ALS, the cancer, the dementia, the vicious autoimmune disease, the infertility, the vertigo. For others, you’re wrestling with mental health—to rise above the panic attacks, the anxiety, the depression, the bi-polar swings. Still others, you’ve lost your job, your business, your ministry, your life savings. And others, you’ve lost your marriage, love of your life, your beloved child. Some hide it better than others, but we all have areas where we’re wrestling. John writes to us from his own wrestling mat. He teaches that no matter what giant we’re facing, what prison we find ourselves in, what island we’ve been banished to, we should never give up on God, because God has never given up on us. When we start to look at Revelation for its extravagant hope, then we help everyone fall in love with this remarkable book. Sure, John uses a slew of strange and symbolic imagery. If you take it all literally and in a linear fashion, the

interpretation gets weird and scary fast. We must remember Revelation is a book written in code. It’s apocalyptic literature—a unique genre of writing that tells of future events, without giving us all the details.

Even when it feels like all hell is breaking loose, heaven is still crashing in.

Because of its cryptic nature, Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin, observed, “Revelation has as many mysteries as it does words.”

Throughout its 22 chapters, we learn that in the darkest moments, the light and life of Christ is still breaking in. We’re centered on the truth that through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, evil has been overcome and will be overcome. In that tension between what has been, and what will be, Christ wants to use us to take evil out of circulation. We discover that even in the midst of pain and hardship, God still has good things up his sleeve for us. And we learn that even when it feels like all hell is breaking loose, heaven is still crashing in. Revelation is a survival guide for the suffering, a book of promises for the persecuted, a banner of hope for the beaten down. Not just for John in his time and his age, but for every church in every age, including you and me now. And reminds us that sometimes the hard-to-read books of the Bible are the best books of Bible.

Margaret FEINBERG MARGARET FEINBERG,, is host of the popular The Joycast Podcast and author of numerous Bible studies, including the Beautiful Word: Revelation Bible study and a new devotional, More Power To You: 52 Devotions To Break Free From Shame and Take Your Life Back.

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Each study has six video sessions of approximately 21-23 minutes each, with 20-30 minutes of homework three days per week Save 40% on the leader packs (study guide with leader's gude, streaming video, and DVD) BeautifulWord


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G A L AT I A N S Accepted & Free by Jada Edwards

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt unaccepted? In Galatians: Accepted and Free, Jada Edwards shows why it’s so important to know—in the deepest recesses of your soul—that you are wholly and fully accepted in Christ, by Christ, and through Christ. From your birth, God has called and chosen you— yes, you!

R E V E L AT I O N Extravagant Hope by Margaret Feinberg

What if God is saving the best for last? Of all the books of the Bible, Revelation is the one that people seem to be the most afraid to study. Well, FEAR no more! With the recent world events, there's no better time to dive into an enticing read. Revelation is a book that brings us hope. Yes, hope!

o o s n ! g n i m o C


ROMANS, BY JADA EDWARDS, Coming December 2021


LUKE, BY LISA HARPER, Coming early 2022 FREE SHIPPING on orders $10+! Use promo code BSS4W9



by Jada Edwards

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt unaccepted? Perhaps it was the way you dressed, your accent, or the color of your skin. Maybe you felt like you were too much or just not enough. Or perhaps you couldn’t pinpoint the cause, and you’re left with that sinking feeling that you just didn’t fit in—and maybe you never will.

When we sense that we’re unaccepted, it has this way of unraveling us from the inside out. We replay the scene on an endless mental loop calculating what we could have said or done differently. We rehearse our failings from the past and our weaknesses of the present. We start to wonder what we should, could, no, must change about ourselves. That’s one reason it’s so important to know in the deepest recesses of your soul that you are wholly and fully accepted in Christ, by Christ and, through Christ. From your birth, God has called and chosen you—yes, you! Whenever you catch a whiff of


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rejection, you can find security in the liberating acceptance of Christ. The apostle Paul wrote the churches of Galatia (modern-day Turkey), in part, because they had forgotten this foundational spiritual principle. Within two years of visiting the churches in the region, a group of devout, God-fearing, people known as the Judaizers had slipped into the church. Now the term Judaizer does not refer to Jewish people in general, but a particular movement in the early church that tried to convince the church that God’s acceptance through Christ wasn’t enough. Rather than cling to the pure acceptance and freedom of Christ, the Judaizers argued that following the Mosaic law (which included circumcision, dietary food restrictions, and Sabbath regulations) was required to truly be right with God. This addition may not seem like much at first glance, but it threatened the very foundation of the gospel.

God’s Acceptance through Christ = Enough That’s why Paul’s letter to the Galatians reads so fiery. Unlike other epistles, you won’t find a request for prayer or abundant words of commendation or thanksgiving. Instead, Paul takes a more stern and solemn approach. Paul’s letter is both a reflection of his personal acceptance in Christ and a reminder to the churches at Galatia that they are accepted. He outlines, in detail, the work and meaning of the gospel to challenge and remind these believers—and us—that the gospel is enough. Acceptance through Christ gives us security in our standing relationship with God and liberating freedom to live lives that bear spiritual fruit.

“In a sense I believe this epistle has been the backbone and background for every spiritual movement and revival that has taken place in the past nineteen hundred years,” observes J. Vernon McGee. “And, my friend, it will be the background for other revivals.” Through Galatians may you find the comfort, wisdom, healing, and wholeness that comes from discovering your acceptance and authority in Christ alone. Excerpted from Jada’s new Bible study, Galatians: Accepted & Free.

Deep spiritual acceptance brings healing and wholeness, renewal and revival—not just to us, but to those around us. Perhaps that’s one reason Martin Luther placed Galatians on the mast-head of the Reformation and described it as his favorite epistle. John Wesley was so deeply moved by Paul’s letter that when he sought revival, he preached from Galatians.

Jada EDWARDS JADA EDWARDS is an experienced Bible teacher, author, and speaker who has committed her life to equipping women of all ages with practical, biblical truth. Alongside her husband, Conway Edwards, the Senior Pastor, she serves as the Women’s Pastor and Director of Creative Services at One Community Church in Plano, Texas. She and her husband have a son, Joah, and a daughter, Chloe.

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God's Word?

Y O U W A N T T O L E A R N I T. T O LO V E I T. T O M A K E I T Y O U R O X Y G E N A N D A P P LY I T S P R O M I S E S T O Y O U R D A I LY FA I T H W A L K . If you want to unpack the context of the Scriptures you’re reading but do it in a super-simple way—looking at the Hebrew/Greek translations, finding connections in the Word, & learning as much as you can from your time with the Holy Spirit— then get ready…You’ve just found the Bible study series that will inspire, encourage, and unlock our understanding of the Word of God!


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What is Verse Mapping? Verse mapping is a method of studying the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse in the Bible. Verse mapping is getting real about studying the Bible. All of it. It’s not just reading. It’s researching everything you can in a verse to learn more about Who God is, and how He wants to speak to you through His Word. If you’re not a seminary-trained theologian by education, don’t worry—verse mapping is for anyone with a heart to know the Word of God more.

Verse mapping will inspire you to dig into the Word of God in individual study and in a group setting like never before.

What matters is not how much knowledge you have before you begin, but where the experience takes you.

Each study includes: six 20-minute video sessions, with 2-3 hours of homework per week Save 40% on the leader packs (study guide and DVD), streaming video also available

Verse Mapping Bibles and Journals also available

Kristy CAMBRON KRISTY CAMBRON is an award-winning author of historical fiction, holds a degree in Art History/Research Writing, and lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons, where she can probably be bribed with a peppermint mocha latte and a good read.

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I’m going to make a confession. Every now and again I like to shop. Not buy. Shop. Look around. Get ideas. Become inspired. One of my favorite places to do this is Target. I like to go. My husband John, however, does not—not even a little bit. So, imagine my surprise one month when I received a bill in the mail from Target in John’s name for charges made from a shopping spree of men’s clothing. Say, what? The husband I know does not go on shopping sprees for clothes, let alone go into Target or possess a store credit card. When I called the charge card folks about this to let them know, I learned that the credit card had been opened in person, that a driver’s license had been used, and that the person had also supplied John’s social security number. Oy. We now had a bigger problem than a secret Target obsession being revealed. We had identity theft. Identity theft is on the rise in crazy proportions. It is a real problem. Spiritually, it is an even bigger problem.

Friends, Satan’s #1 tool against us is identity theft. The battle rages. Our lives are opposed. But you already knew that. Still, there are such moments of beauty, we can get lured into thinking that life is only about beauty— that life is meant only to be fabulous, simple and lovely. It is so easy, too easy to forget that all around us—every


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moment—a battle is going on. We were born into a world at war. The prize is the human heart.

Identity theft is a real problem. Spiritually, it is an even bigger problem.

Let me say it again: The primary assault on our feminine hearts comes in the form of identity theft.

In order to stand firm against the enemy’s endless accusations against us, we have to know who we are. In order for us to offer what we are meant to offer, we have to know who we are. In order for us not to be taken out in the battle that surrounds us—you guessed it—we have to know who we are. First, we are the property of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been bought with a price. We are not our own. We belong to God. We are members of the family of the King. We have been grafted in. 1 John 3:1 (NIV) says, “Behold what manner of love the Father has lavished upon us that we should be called children of God, and such we are.” We can unabashedly and fearlessly run into the arms of our Father. We are welcomed and wanted. Our place in our God’s heart is secure. We are not second-class citizens or

simply just “lucky to be here outsiders” in the family. No, we have been adopted. We are granted all the rights, the favors, and the legality of being daughters. “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:15-16 (NIV) The readers and listeners at the time the Scriptures were written would have understood better than most of us the privileges of adoption.

that Jesus has conquered, defeated, and disarmed and you have authority over him. The victory has been won. You can rest in what God has accomplished for you and from that place of victory, you have everything you need to stand firm, resist the devil and enforce the Truth. Press in, beloved of God. Dive into the reality and marinate

You are—you are only—who the King of kings says you are.

in the truth of who you are in Christ.

In Roman laws, when a transaction was done through adoption from one family to another, the judge would take a damp cloth and wipe the parchment record of the old life of the one being adopted into the new family. When they wiped the parchment with the cloth, the name and all it contained was completely obliterated and made totally clean. All their past life ceased to exist. In court, any information about the person’s old life was cancelled and could not be recalled again. “The old has gone. The new has come.” 2 Cor 5:17 (NIV) With that reality in mind, let me remind you who you truly now are. As a child of the living God, you are no longer defined by your past, your wounds or your sins. Your identity is not based on your failures but on the finished work of Christ. We all are his innocent, chosen daughters, beautiful in his sight. You were chosen before the foundations of the earth to be holy. You are loved beyond telling. You are the beloved of Jesus, the bride of Christ, the prize of Heaven. You are the beauty of the Kingdom. You are Christ’s ambassador. You are bringing the kingdom of God with you wherever you go. You are utterly captivating. And you are hated—by one

John & Stasi ELDREDGE

JOHN and STASI ELDREDGE are bestselling authors whose ministry—Wild at Heart—is devoted to helping people discover the heart of God and recover their own hearts in God’s love. They have three sons, three daughtersin-law, and six beloved grandchildren…and counting. John and Stasi live near Colorado Spring, Colorado.

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by John and Stasi Eldredge

Most women think they have to settle for a life of efficiency and duty, striving to be the women they "ought" to be, but often feeling they have failed. Sadly, too many messages for Christian women add to the pressure. "Do these ten things, and you will be a godly woman." The effect has not been good on the feminine soul. But her heart is still there. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings you still feel are telling you of the life God created you to live. He offers to come now, as the Hero of your story—to rescue your heart and release you to live as a fully alive and feminine woman. A woman who is truly captivating. Six 17-minute video sessions, with 45-60 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide, streaming video, and DVD)


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Take Hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life U N W AV E R I N G

by Stasi Eldredge

Maybe you’ve been whiplashed by an unexpected crisis. Or fear has gripped you, causing you to bury your dreams. Perhaps a sad ending has filled you with loss or hopelessness, and made your faith waver. Don’t despair! God means for us to have JOY–a joy from Him that is defiant in the face of this broken world. In this Bible study, Stasi Eldredge invites us with courage, candor, and tender vulnerability to a place beyond sadness or happiness. Using stories from Scripture, she expands on lessons from her book, Defiant Joy, to help us maintain a posture of holy defiance that neither denies nor diminishes our pain but dares us to live with expectant, unwavering hope. Six 19-minute video sessions, with 30-60 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide and DVD), streaming video also available


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I got my first “F” in fifth grade, in English. I loved to read and write but hated to do homework. I barely made it through high school, but somehow miraculously got into college, where I pursued an English degree. Do you know how much you have to read and write to get an English degree? I like to do those things for enjoyment, but not as a form of punishment. I dropped the English major like a bad habit the first month of college. The exact same year I was realizing that an English degree would not work out for me, God was setting a fire in my heart that would ultimately consume me, in the best ways.

The starting line is not where you think it is. When we picture the beginning steps of obedience—saying ’yes’ to Jesus or stepping forward in faith—let’s not picture shiny moments of personal triumph or big accomplishments. Jesus met many of His disciples while they were fishing. Rahab was a prostitute living in Jericho when she became a covert partner who provided refuge for the Israelite spies. Matthew was a tax collector who went on to see the works of Jesus firsthand and write a whole book of the Bible. The apostle Paul was persecuting Christians (literally killing them) when he became one. Peter denied Jesus three times before he was the leader of the early church. The Message version of Ephesians 2 beautifully speaks to us about what our REAL starting line is: “It wasn’t so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn’t know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. …It’s a wonder God didn’t


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lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ. He did all this on his own, with no help from us! Then he picked us up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, our Messiah. Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! …He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”

The starting line to a life of abundant mission is right where you’re at. You are the girl for the job and the job is this:

Living the abundant life God has crafted for you with intention, passion, and willingness to do whatever He’s asked you to, with a fine-tuned focus on His glory. If we’re going to make a lasting impact, the starting line is with God, with His capacity and His character. His promises and His purposes for our life are the ground we stand firmly on. We don’t have to look further than exactly where He’s placed us. If we lean our full weight on Him, we’ll go as far as He can go,

we’ll fight as hard as He can fight. We will love as many people as He enables us to love. We will have the energy that He allows us to have. We won’t be limited by our humanity but powered by His supernatural Spirit. The prize we win at the end will no longer be the celebration of our accomplishments, but the indescribable beauty of His glory on display and the life-giving and life-changing knowledge that we gave all that we had so He could be praised. It doesn’t matter that I’m telling you you’re the girl for the job. What matters is that you believe God has called you for purpose right where you’re at. Peter says it like this: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10 (NIV) God knows you. He sees you. He loves you more than you could imagine.

You’re the girl for the job. Because He says so. He has placed you right where you’re at, with exactly what you’ve got, on purpose, for the good of others and the fulfillment of His glory. If you believe Him, believe in His character and power, and take Him at His Word—following Him into wherever He is leading you will change the world. Let’s not wait a minute longer. Let’s go. Excerpted from Jess’ Bible study, You Are the Girl for the Job.

YOU ARE THE GIRL FOR THE JOB Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You

by Jess Connolly The lie far too many women believe is that they are not the right person to influence whatever circumstance or situation they face. But the truth is that God has placed you exactly where you are for exactly what is before you. Six18-minute video sessions, with 45-60 minutes of homework per week Save 40% on the leader pack (study guide, streaming video, and DVD)



JESS CONNOLLY is a gal who is in the thick of it. She is the co-owner of All Good Things Collective print shop and helped start both She Reads Truth and The Influence Network. She and her husband Nick planted Gospel Community Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina where they live with their four children, who she’s crazy about, and their dog Deacon, who she’s still on the fence about.

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LIVE FULL WALK FREE Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World Cindy Bultema explores Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and shows how believers today can navigate in a wayward and confused culture. She reveals how Paul wrote to the Corinthians—the “Sin City” of its day—to help them cultivate holy lives not by their own strength but through the power of Christ. Touching on themes of identity, unity, purpose, and purity, this study will equip you to live for God in a sin-soaked world. Six Sessions Book $14.99 $10.49 | DVD $26.99 $18.89 Leader Pack (DVD & Book) $39.99 $23.99

Cindy B U LTE M A Once upon a time, Cindy Bultema was a broken woman who nearly lost her life to the bondage of addiction. Jesus gave her new life, hope, peace, joy—even a brand-new reputation. Now, Cindy is Executive Director of GEMS Girls’ Clubs, she coaches writers and speakers, and she’s a seminar expert for Grief Share. Cindy lives in West Michigan with her husband and four children. She loves all things sparkly, and believes that being real is the only way to live. 800-727-3480 |


by Cindy Bultema Author of Live Full, Walk Free DOWNLOAD YOURS AT: Connect with us! Bible-Study-Source-for-Women




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