Bible Study Source for Women Magazine - Issue 5

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Issue 5 • Summer 2019

inside this issue:

Belonging B I N U N IT Y







Dear Reader, This issue marks the one-year anniversary of Bible Study Source for Women magazine! And we owe you a big

thank you

for your support.

We hope you’re having as much fun reading Bible Study Source for Women as we have been publishing it. As always, we’ve filled this issue with practical, fun-to-read articles to help you do what you’ve been called to do. If you’ve ever mentored women who aren’t sure they’re in their sweet spot, or if you’ve ever questioned your own calling, Jess Connolly, Max Lucado, Candace Payne, Sarah Francis Martin, and Laura Story may have words of wisdom and encouragement for you. In Him,

Beth Murphy Director, Bible Study Source for Women P.S. To celebrate our first birthday, all Bible study leader’s packs are on sale for just $19.99 until September 15, 2019! Bible Study Source for Women is powered by ChurchSource, a team dedicated to serving pastors and church leaders by connecting them to God-honoring resources from two of the most trusted names in publishing: Zondervan and Thomas Nelson. Free shipping offer valid until October 31, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. ET or while supplies last. Offer valid online and by phone only. Receive free standard ground shipping on non-rush orders of $10 or more, valid within the 48 continental United States or to an FPO/APO address; offer does not apply to Alaska, Hawaii, or the U.S. Territories, rush orders, or expedited shipping methods, after promotions and discounts and before shipping and handling costs are applied. Shipping, gift cards, or customization of products does not qualify towards minimum purchase requirements. Offer only available to customers in the United States age 18 and older. To redeem offer, enter promo code during online checkout or provide the code to a representative during phone orders. Cannot be redeemed for cash or combined with any other discount offer. ChurchSource reserves the right to de-activate the promo code in the event of fraud or technical issues and limit quantities of individual items eligible for purchase with this discount. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Not valid for resale.


Changing the


I went walking with a young college girl a few years ago when she said something that genuinely shifted my ministry (both in publishing and in the local church) forever. We were talking about books and how impactful they were in our walks with God when she said, “books give us language and when we change the language, the culture changes too.” I’ve felt the beautiful weight of that opportunity as I write books the past few years, and I’ve also perceived the power that words and phrases carry as I lead women in my own town. When I acknowledge a heaviness, a darkness, a problem plaguing my people—I know that we can read a book together or even intentionally say a few phrases over and over again. God is in that and He uses the words to shift the space. For example, we start our prayer gatherings on Sunday mornings by asking and answering this question aloud: “Why do we pray?” Everyone in our group popcorns their responses, things like: We pray because we get to! We pray to set the temperature! We pray to get the party started! Then we ask, “How do we pray?” and the responses come back: We pray boldly! We pray using real words! We pray expectantly! We’ve seen the culture of our prayer gatherings move from stale, rote, and quiet to alive, active, and honest.


you change the culture.

Comparison and competition is one of the frontiers of unhealthy culture that we’ve yet to conquer in our churches. In some communities, women can acknowledge the deep-seated desire to keep up and fit in—which is helpful. But in so many of our groups and gatherings, the quiet killer for intimacy and abundance amongst women is the unspoken struggle for each of us to be the best we can be. And the quiet competition can be exhausting and isolating, breeding insecurity, bitterness, and even animosity. So how do we change the language to change the culture here? How do we still celebrate who God has made us to be as individuals without boosting and bolstering only a few? How do we acknowledge the comparison so many women struggle with, without berating them for something that is such a universal struggle? Here are a few ideas!




We can increase our language about the character of God. Ever notice how focusing on the goodness, kindness, generosity, and love of God gets our attention off of ourselves in the best ways? When our mouths are busy talking about God’s grace, it’s difficult to be counting our accomplishments. When we’re focused on his capacity and power and generosity – it’s hard to focus on what we perceive we do or do not have to offer. By increasing our talk of God and his love towards us, we put our minds on things above—which is one of the best ways to combat negativity brewing here below.

We can increase the language of honor. There’s such a beautiful bend to bring a sense of honor back to our faith communities—but what if we didn’t just honor our leaders and celebrity pastors—what if we honored all humans with our words? The new visitor and the gal who has been in our midst for decades? The fresh believer and the one whose freshness and fervor has faded? What if we honored our college gals with the same intensity we honor our new moms? Not because we want to exalt humans, but because we want to increase the understanding of the inherent value each person who is loved by God brings to the table. What if we change the language and treat even our own selves with honor, because we’re made in the image of God?

We can change the culture of comparison by combining both these ideas: speaking to God’s capacity in the believers around us. So many of us are comfortable using our words to praise God and many of us are comfortable using our words to encourage humans. But something powerful happens when we call up the power of God in the people around us.

I see him using you. I know he’s placed you here on purpose. I can’t wait to see how his power shows up in you. God is impacting others through you. You are the girl for the job, because he is mighty in you.

Jess CONNOLLY Jess Connolly is a gal who is in the thick of it. She is the author of Dance, Stand, Run; Always Enough, Never Too Much; and Wild and Free. She and her husband planted Bright City Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where they live with their four children.

YOU ARE THE GIRL FOR THE JOB Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You Have you ever let doubt, hesitation, and comparison hold you back from embracing that deep tug on your heart? The lie far too many of us believe is that we are not the right person to impact whatever circumstance or situation we face. But the truth is that God has placed you exactly where you are for exactly what is before you. You ARE the girl for the job. This video Bible study will give you a jumpstart into confident, purposed living. Face your fears, catch the vision, make a plan, and finally live like you believe you were destined for God’s call on your life. Dive into Scripture and see just how perfectly planned every element of your story has been to get you right here, right now, ready and fully equipped to take off and join God in his mission. Six 20-minute Sessions Study Time: Moderate (30 min. to 1 hour)

$19.99 When women know that their inherent value is directly related to the Study Guide $14.99 $10.49 ‘til 9/15/19 God who never fails, falters, or picks favorites, the need to compete and Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $43.99 $30.79 compare dissipates. And when the language changes, when the words we use to build our words become more about his capacity and less FREE SHIPPING on orders $10+! Use promo code BSS4W5 about our comparison, the culture will quickly shift too.


NO MORE HOLDING BACK Empowering Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere When Jesus told us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength (Mark 12:30), did he mean it one way for men and another way for women? Through heartfelt biblical teaching, Kat Armstrong challenges the way our church culture has limited the terms of Jesus’ command to the perceived strengths of each gender. She dares to ask and explore what faith and life in general would look like if we broke through the barriers holding us back and lived giving Jesus our ALL. In a world that emphasizes qualifications, Kat offers a fresh perspective of encouragement that aligns with Scripture from beginning to end. If you have ever felt challenged or insecure following your dreams, or in your career, or in your personal pursuit of God, this is your study. Dare to answer his invitation to show up daily, holding nothing back. Study Guide $14.99 $10.49 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $43.99 $30.79


‘til 9/15/19

Six Sessions | ~20-minutes each Study Time: Moderate (30 min. to 1 hour)

Lynn COWELL Lynn Cowell is a part of the Proverbs 31 Ministries speaking team, speaking to pre-teens, teens, multi-generational, and women’s conferences and retreats on a regular basis. Lynn and her husband, Greg, of 30 years, are the parents of three young adults: Zak, Mariah, and Madi. The Cowells reside in North Carolina where they enjoy hiking in the mountains, wearing well-worn sweatshirts, and eating anything that combines chocolate and peanut butter.


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Kat ARMSTRONG Kat Armstrong has been encouraging professionals to love God and others with their all for almost 20 years as a Bible teacher. Kat holds a Master of Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary and is the cofounder of Polished, a network to gather young professional women to navigate career and explore faith together, and the host of the Polished Podcast.

MAKE YOUR MOVE Finding Unshakable Confidence Despite Your Fears and Failures Leave behind all the unnecessary insecurity this world induces and find confidence in God alone. Delve into six stories in the Bible of not-so-well-known women who found themselves needing confidence to make their move, and who uncover the faith to get it. Out of her own desire to get all that God has for her and slamming up against life’s obstacles in getting there, Lynn shares her own journey of finding unshakable confidence in our unshakable God. Six Sessions | ~18 min. each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Book $14.99 $10.49 Leader Pack (DVD & Book) $43.99 $26.39


‘til 9/15/19

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JOSEPH Waiting on God’s Timing, Living in God’s PLAN We all have dreams for how our lives will—or should—turn out. Examine the life of Joseph, the ultimate dreamer, and gain insight into waiting on God’s perfect timing and the power of making wise biblical choices until your God-given dreams become reality.

Discipleship that Deeply Changes Explore what the Bible has to say about the way God directs your steps. Learn how you can embrace God’s path for you in spite of obstacles, and experience the life that God has intended for you as you follow Him in obedience. Discover, as King David came to realize, “The LORD upholds him with his hand” (Psalm 37:23–24).

Six Sessions | ~16 min. each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Eight sessions Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes - 1 hour)

Study Guide $10.99 $7.69 | DVD $26.99 $18.99

Study Guide $10.99 $7.69


MCKINNEY HAMMOND Michelle was born in London, England, and spent her childhood in Barbados, West Indies, and Muskegon, Michigan. She spent 15 years in advertising at Burrell Communications, the largest minorityowned advertising agency in America. She has appeared in numerous African movies, and is a recording artist and best-selling author of over 40 books. She is happily single, and is the joyous “mommy” of three Shih Tzu’s; Matisse, Micah, and Laila. Michelle resides in Ghana, West Africa.



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Sarah Young’s devotional writings, which have sold more than 14 million copies, are personal reflections from her daily quiet time of Bible reading, praying, and writing in prayer journals. Her journey with Jesus has been strengthened and deepened by challenging health issues, including years of battling severe Lyme disease and vertigo. Sarah and her husband were missionaries in Japan and Australia for many years, and currently live in the United States.




Rescuing the Girl in You

Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do

What are you supposed to do if your life is not taking shape the way you thought it would? How do you find your way after missteps or decisions you never planned on? Where do you turn when you are reeling from feeling lost, disappointed, or simply numb? Find your way back, believe you are capable of still being the person you intended to be.

Christine illustrates how God rescued her from a life of abuse —where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified—into a God-filled and faith-fueled life. This Bible study offers lifetransforming insights about how to overcome the challenges and often painful circumstances we all experience, and to use those experiences to be a catalyst for change in ourselves and those around us.

Six Sessions | ~22 min. each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes - 1 hour)

Six Sessions | ~20 min. each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes - 1 hour)

Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $41.99 $25.19


‘til 9/15/19



Chrystal is a “used-to-be,” career-minded, bean-counter, on-the-path-to-big-bucks, single gal... turned homeschooling, breadbaking, garden-attending, cloth-diapering mommy-blogger... turned work-at-home mom who shamelessly uses paper plates and keeps a stock of frozen pizzas on hand. She is the first-born to Tony and Lois Evans, wife to gentle giant Jessie, and she’s got college-life and kindergarten happening simultaneously amongst her five children.

Study Guide $10.99 $7.69 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $39.99 $23.99


‘til 9/15/19

Christine CAINE

Christine Caine is an Australianborn, Greek-blooded, lover of Jesus, activist, author and international speaker. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign. Christine is a lover of words who speaks too fast, talks too much, and also writes them down. Christine and Nick make their home in Southern California with their daughters, Catherine and Sophia.

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Belonging IN UNITY BY CANDACE PAYNE Confession is good for the soul, right? Well, I feel like this is as good as any place to start with one. So, here it goes. (Deep breath...)

I hate women’s retreats. Women’s conferences. Women’s weekends. Women’s gatherings, get-togethers, shindigs, and events. And, don’t even get me started on sing-alongs. (Whew...deep breath out...that felt good.) Well, maybe I should clarify, I hated, past tense. And, before you start canceling your request to have me come and speak at your next event, please read on. In the past, I had seen these moments as opportunities to discover just how much I didn’t fit in. I often felt as though I wasn’t girly enough to appreciate the Pinterest-perfect decorations or social enough to endure casual conversations about beauty routines, jewelry, or mom-life woes (especially as a woman married for nearly eight years without children). I mean, where was the table of women with whom I could talk pop culture, pugs, tacos, Star Wars, and Marvel movies? I never got it. I wanted to go and belong...but, instead, I was faced with a magnifying lens revealing a much greater personal deficit: I didn’t have a single deep friendship with another woman. So, to offer a social gathering that was sure to prod and poke an area of lack and seclusion, I’d happily and heartily say, “Thanks, but, no thanks.” 8

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Now, fast forward to my current occupation. I am an author and speaker, by trade. This newfound career and passion birthed from a moment where I went live on Facebook with a toy mask and laughed it up for a good four minutes. The video went mega viral overnight, broke records, set records, and continues to allure new viewers and recycle itself in social media feeds at least a couple of times a year. (The internet-webs is one CRAZY place, y’all.) Now, where do you think I often find myself going to speak? You guessed it. Women’s conferences, weekends, gatherings, get-togethers, shindigs, events, and the occasional sing-along. If God is the author and perfecter of our faith, I am convinced His favorite writing tool is irony. I mean, I went from spending about 15 minutes at the back of every women’s event in a cold, clammy sweat trying to decide where to sit, to becoming the guest of honor with a nameplate in the front row. I went from feeling as though I didn’t have a single friend in the room to having complete strangers hug me, gaze deeply in my eyes and proclaim, “You don’t know this yet, but I’m pretty sure we should be best friends.” Y’all. I am living irony at its finest. I no longer feel excluded, but I feel as though I fit in.

fitting in same as

is not the


But let me make something clear: fitting in is not the same as belonging. You see, the thing that I hated most in those early days of my faith was not the form or function of these events. My need was to belong. No matter how you dressed up a party, I was ultimately exposed to the truth that I needed friends. I needed women in my life who were from all walks and seasons of life. And, I needed to be known by them as well. I needed authentic connection. I wanted the kind of belonging that brought unity...not uniformity. I had heard this Scripture over and over again growing up in church:

How truly wonderful and delightful to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!

Psalm 133:1 (The Passion Translation)

But it only made sense one morning when I read this verse right after it:

Finally, beloved friends, be cheerful! Repair whatever is broken among you, as your hearts are being knit together in perfect unity. Live continually in peace, and God, the source of love and peace, will mingle with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11 (The Passion Translation)

I had been expecting a belonging and unity without the source of love and peace being invited to mingle with



Candace is a viral sensation whose Facebook Live video of trying on a Chewbacca Mask became the most-viewed Facebook Live video to date (165+ million views). She has been featured in more than 3,000 media outlets and has interviewed with major media. Candace recently launched a video series with TLCme. Candace lives in Texas with her husband, two children, and two ornery pugs.

me at these events. And I knew if I were to acquire, hold onto, and strengthen relationships with women, it was of the utmost importance that God—the source of love and peace—be invited into every conversation and moment. He has been the greatest unifier regardless the economic, social, racial, or age division. In him, I belong. In him, you belong. And together...we belong. We are a part of a work greater than we can see with the human eye. We are being knit together in unity by God, himself. That is not only a want, wish, or desire of the is his work. Here’s the deal: you can fit in, or be on the outside looking in, and in both cases feel as though you don’t belong. I’ve been in both positions. Neither is fun. Neither is satisfying. Neither is fulfilling. But, wow! The difference when we address our need for unity above our desire for uniformity? That changes everything. I don’t know where you feel left out or included. But, I desire for you to belong. Try this at your next event or encounter. Invite the God of love and peace to mingle with you in every thought, hug, or expression. You may just find something you once hated becoming something you embrace in anticipation with a greater love than you ever imagined.

DEFIANT JOY What Happens When You’re Full of It Joy is closer than you think because God is better than you may believe! Using humor, wit, and wisdom, author Candace Payne (aka “Chewbacca Mom”) reveals biblical insights to unshakable joy and freedom in every circumstance. In this video Bible study, learn what it is to live a life expressed by joy! Six Sessions | ~20 minutes each | Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes - 1 hour) Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $41.99 $25.19


‘til 9/15/19

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If only people would stop behaving like people. If only people would use mouthwash, close their mouths when they chew, quiet their screaming babies, and clean up their trashy lawns. There is a way the world should run. And when others behave in ways we don’t like, we call that a pet peeve. The phrases we use regarding our pet peeves reveal the person who actually suffers. He “gets under my skin” or “gets on my nerves,” or she is such a “pain in my neck.” Whose skin, nerves, and neck? Ours! Who suffers? We do! For this reason the apostle Paul said, “Be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 4:2 NIV). The patient person sees all the peculiarities of the world. But rather than react, he bears with them. Denalyn’s 37 years of marriage to me, the king of quirks, qualifies her for a PhD in this subject. When I drive, my mind tends to wander. When it does, the car slows to a crawl. (“Max, pay attention.”)


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I repair things at risk of ruining them. (“Max, I told you I could call a handyman.”) My jaw makes a popping noise when I eat steak. (“Max, you’re distracting the people at the next table.”) I’m good for 30 minutes at a party. She’s good for two hours. (“Max, we just got here.”)

Yet Denalyn is the happiest person within a dozen zip codes. Here is her secret: She’s learned to enjoy my idiosyncrasies. She thinks I’m entertaining. Happiness is less an emotion and more a decision, a decision to bear with one another. During the next few days you’ll be tested. A driver will forget to turn on his blinker. A passenger on the airplane will talk too loudly. A shopper will have 15 items in the “10 items or less” checkout line. Your husband is going to blow his nose like a foghorn. When they do, think about this: No pet peeve is worth your joy or theirs.

Life is too precious and brief to be spent in a huff.


With more than 130 million products in print, Max Lucado is America’s bestselling inspirational author. He serves the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Denalyn, and their mischievous mutt, Andy.



Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations

Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

In this Bible study and book, Max shares the unexpected path to a lasting happiness, one that produces reliable joy in any season of life. Based on the teachings of Jesus and backed by modern research, How Happiness Happens presents a surprising but practical way of living that will change you from the inside out. Also available in Spanish. Six sessions | ~18 min. each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes to 1 hour) Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $41.99 $29.39


‘til 9/15/19

Anxiety doesn’t have to dominate life. Max looks at seven admonitions from the apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4–8 that lead to one wonderful promise: “The peace of God which surpasses all understanding.” He shows how God is ready to give comfort to help us face the calamities in life, view bad news through the lens of sovereignty, discern the lies of Satan, and tell ourselves the truth. We can discover true peace from God that surpasses all human understanding. Five sessions | ~21 min. each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes to 1 hour) Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $41.99 $25.19


‘til 9/15/19

FREE SHIPPING on orders $10+! Use promo code BSS4W5


S T U D Y th


INTO THE WORD 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups Are you searching for more than a surface reading of the Bible? Into the Word leads you to the heart of God’s Word. In this roll-up-your-sleeves look at Scripture, each of these 52 weekly studies begins with a short reflection tied to the present day, providing you a springboard into Scriptures from the Old and New Testaments. Then, dozens of questions prompt you to personally dig into Scripture and discover God’s specific message for yourself.

This study focuses on the names and titles of God that will help you experience him in fresh and deeper ways. By exploring the names of God and of Jesus as they are revealed in the Old and New Testaments, you will come face-to-face with the God of Scripture—a God who is utterly holy, powerful, surprising, merciful, and loving.

52 lessons

52 lessons

Book $14.99 $10.49

Book $16.99 $11.89



Anne speaks around the globe with the wisdom and authority of years spent studying God’s Word. The New York Times named Anne one of the five most influential evangelists of her generation. Anne is a best-selling and award-winning author. Anne and her late husband, Danny Lotz, have three grown children and three grandchildren. She is the founder and president of AnGeL Ministries.


THE NAMES OF GOD 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups

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Ann loves to surprise her readers by revealing a God who is far bigger and better than we might imagine. In 2013 she was named Logos Author of the Year, an award given to an author “whose works exemplify the power of books to change lives forever.” Although she is single, she became the mother to two beautiful daughters, Katie and Luci, who were both born in mainland China.

he B I B L E



N I V, B I B L E F O R W O M E N

52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups

Fresh Insights for Thriving in Today’s World

Focus on 52 female heroes in Scripture, and you’ll discover yourself in the process. Delve deeply into the lives of women who encountered the living God. Includes an introduction to each woman, major Scripture passages, study materials, cultural backgrounds, and helpful charts as well as a complete listing of all women of the Bible, with Scripture references. Space is included to record your thoughts and insights.

Favorite authors share their experiences on topics ranging from cultural issues like social justice, economic inequality, and social media addiction to personal needs like prayer, decision-making, relationships, infertility, career, and calling. These thought-provoking topics are easy to share on social networks to strengthen and inspire your circle of friends while creating meaningful conversation. Includes an inspiring foreword by Shauna Niequist.

52 lessons

Hardcover $34.99 $24.49

Book $16.99 $11.89



Jean is a former editor and associate publisher for Zondervan Bibles. She helped produce such bestselling Bibles as the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible. She is the author of the Women’s Devotional Guide to the Bible and coauthor of the bestselling Read With Me Bible. Jean and her husband, John, have three children and eight grandchildren. They live in Allendale, Michigan.



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Well done, daughter BY SARAH FRANCIS MARTIN

Maybe you are weary at the thought of this new season. Maybe leading is more difficult than you imagined. But maybe, just maybe, this ultimate truth will be like a warm blanket and a soft hug. I hear our God speaking this over you right now: “ Well done, Daughter.” Take your position as a daughter called by her Good Father to rise up and bear his good news and abundant love.

It’s not easy to steward our calling. So much threatens and distracts. We even distract ourselves when we lose confidence in our position as daughter. Won’t you sit in your God-given place in his Kingdom and simply operate as a daughter on a mission to talk about her Father? Rise up and grab women by the hand to lead them to the strong, loving arms of their Father. And in this quiet confidence, hear his voice as you steward resources and time as you lead your ministry team toward that greater goal of making Jesus famous. Yes, at face value it might seem too hard, too much, the dream too big, the need too deep. But that is where, as a daughter, you get to partner with the One whose resources never deplete. And this quiet confidence turns into bold faith to see him move women into freedom and life transformation. Yes, daughter, he speaks over you, “Well done.” Count the fruit. It’s so easy to compare or sit in insecurity. Go to battle by counting the fruit and recalling truth. You have seen women’s hearts soften. That is fruit. You have set the table for women to come and feel known and seen. That is abundant fruit in God’s economy. With all of this harvest, hear your Father speak over you, “Well done.” 14

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“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” —Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)

Well done, for she was hungry for life and you fed her God’s word at your Tuesday night Bible study. Well done, for she was thirsty and her life as a mom is so hard and refreshment is a rarity. You made a sweet space on a Friday night to get away, relax and have much needed girl time. Well done, for she was a stranger to your town and to the faith. You welcomed her in to feel seen and known.

Well done, she needed clothing…her husband lost his job one week before Christmas. You blessed her with dignity and stood alongside her family with gifts and hope that God will provide. Well done, she was imprisoned in her own mind keeping her in anxiety and fear. You visited her, you sat on her couch, you listened to her suffering. You visited her in her darkest hour and shined God’s light of love and goodness. All this because your Kingdom mandate was clear and you counted the long hours, the stress, the pouring out of yourself…you counted it as joy.


Well done. Keep going!

Sarah FRANCIS MARTIN Sarah Francis Martin is a wife, mom, friend, author, speaker and wanna-be artist. She is passionate about grabbing her friends by the hand to lead them toward vibrant faith and glorious purpose while seeking out the presence of Jesus in everyday life. Read more from Sarah on Instagram @sarahfmartin or on her website:

Book $14.99 $10.49

Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Artwork by Sarah Francis Martin

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Wendy BLIGHT Wendy is a national speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries, Bible teacher, attorney, and author. Audiences say, “With Wendy’s powerful testimony, we have had ladies lay down strongholds that have held them captive for years!” “She is real and does not pretend to be perfect.” Wendy’s favorite place to be is at home writing and enjoying time with her husband and their two children.



Discovering Power in the Names of God

Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love

Wendy implements her practical and approachable style to equip readers to study the Word of God and then apply it to their own lives in practical ways. This study is for any woman who wants to move beyond simply knowing about God to really knowing God in a very personal way. Join Wendy as she teaches how the very names of God reveal His character and heart.

There’s something about a woman who knows she’s loved that gives her an extra measure of boldness and confidence. This study of the book of 1 John compels us to live out of the fullness of God’s unconditional love. Confront barriers keeping you from experiencing God’s complete love. Develop a more intimate understanding of God’s love that will transform your attitude and actions into reflections of him. His love truly changes everything!

Five sessions | ~21 min. each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Five sessions | ~21 min. each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Book $14.99 $10.49 Leader Pack (DVD & Book) $39.99 $23.99



‘til 9/15/19

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Book $14.99 $10.49 Leader Pack (DVD & Book) $43.99 $26.39


‘til 9/15/19

“Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I can

believe the best and

forgive the worst.


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study guide SERIES

Renowned for its unique combination of personality and truth, each volume in the Women of Faith Study Guide Series provides 12 weeks of in-depth Bible study and a leader’s guide for small groups. $9.99 | $6.99 each Awakening to a Grand New Day


Leading a Life of Balance


Managing Your Emotions


Living in Jesus


Experiencing Intimacy with God


Building Your Strengths


Experiencing the Love of God


Finding Rest in a Busy World


Following God's Guidance


Pursuing Contentment


Discovering God's Goodness


Encouraging One Another


Giving God Your Future


Praying with Power


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S H E I L A WA L S H The Shelter of God’s Promises


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Sheila WALSH

Sheila first came to fame as a Scottish-born contemporary Christian singer, and the co-host of The 700 Club.. But what endears her to audiences is her story of how God met her when she was at her lowest point and lifted her up again. Sheila lives in Dallas with her husband and son, and she loves teaching the Bible, writing daily, her menagerie of animals, and coffee (rumor has it she’s lobbying a well-known coffee chain to add a bigger serving size called “bucket”).

THE STORM INSIDE Trade the Chaos of How You Feel for the Truth of Who You Are


Sheila unpacks the stories of women from the Bible who faced seemingly insurmountable problems—regret, shame, insecurity, and heartbreak. And just like the women from the Bible, you can overcome the lies the enemy uses to torment you. You too can rely on the truth of God’s word so you can stand during the strongest storms of your life.

In a world of uncertainty, pain, and struggle, where do you find solid assurance and unshakeable truth? In this video Bible study, Sheila searches Scripture for what God has promised us, what God’s promises mean, and how those promises provide the foundation for daily confidence, joy, and hope.

Eight sessions | ~20 minutes each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Ten sessions | ~25 minutes each Study Time: Substantial (an hour or more)

Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader’s Pack (DVD & Guide) $36.99 $22.19


‘til 9/15/19

Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader’s Pack (DVD & Guide) $39.99 $23.99


‘til 9/15/19

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Here’s what has to be one of the worst life plans ever

hatched: “I know I don’t get to be in charge, but

maybe God and I could co-reign. If we did, I’m sure I could be a huge help to him.” I mean, why not do the two-rulers-for-the-price-of-one thing? I would never insist on ruling alone. Of course not! We could trade authority back and forth between us, depending on who’s offering the better idea for my life at the time. (Naturally, I’m going to be the best judge of this.) One day God might be 100 percent in charge, but the next day it could just as easily be me. We could divide things fifty-fifty or assign categories: You take health, God. I’ll take finances. It sounds pretty ridiculous when you see it in print, but I’ll bet you’ve considered this reigning-with-God arrangement more than once. I know I have. Here’s the problem: crowns are made for one head, not two. Thrones are designed as single seats, not love seats or sectional sofas. The very word sovereign doesn’t suggest a committee—just the opposite. So there can, by definition, be only one sovereign entity. Only one supreme authority. Only one being who wields absolute, unlimited, boundless and full authority and control. And that wouldn’t be me. Co-reigning is futile and needless. We have a King. He is good and loving and wise. We should rely on him—and him only.



800 - 727 - 3480 | B I B L E S T U DYS O U R C E F O R W O M E N . CO M

The thing about competing with God for control is, it’s hardly ever a one-and-done deal. We’re never completely surrendered—at least not for long. I’ve heard it said that living sacrifices have a way of crawling right off the altar, and boy, do they ever. Even though I believe and agree that God deserves and should have 100 percent authority and control over my life, I sometimes take a little back. On a good day, I can rely on God’s Word and my past

Laura STORY experience of his faithfulness to help me surrender my will to his. On a good day, I can say, “This is how I feel, God—but what you say in your Word is true.” But let’s face it: not every day is a good day. So when the battle for control begins again—and it will—what do I do?

• I acknowledge the struggle. (Denying it doesn’t help. I know. I’ve tried.)

• I confess my strong desire to be in charge, and I name my fear of not being in charge.

• I admit that my emotions do not always tell me the truth about my circumstances or about my God.

• I search God’s Word for truth and keep it always before

me. I read it. I pray it. I sing it. I write it on my hand with a ballpoint pen if I need to. I have it ready.

• I remind myself of God’s faithfulness to his children throughout history and of his faithfulness to me.

Then I do the next thing I would do if I were surrendered to God on this day, in this situation, at this moment. Because the smallest act of trusting obedience can serve to remind me of the one who loves me, who sees me, who has my back, and who’s already gone out ahead of me to make a way. And finally, I relax. Because I don’t need more of me on the throne. I need more of him.


God, I don’t want to compete with you for control of my life. You know me—all my fears, impatience, and, at times, even my unbelief. Holy God, Creator of the universe, help me to daily surrender to you as the Lord of my life.

Laura is a songwriter, worship leader, author, artist, and Bible teacher. Her songs—which have won Grammys, Billboard Music Awards, and Dove Awards—include “Blessings,” “Mighty to Save,” and Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable.” Laura has a master’s of theological studies and a doctorate in worship studies, and has served as a worship leader at Perimeter Church in Atlanta since 2005. Her greatest joy is being a wife to Martin and mother to Josie, Ben, Griffin, and Timothy.

I GIVE UP The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life “BUT I DON’T WANT TO SURRENDER!” Have you ever felt those words bubbling up so deep inside you want to shout? It’s normal. It’s natural. It’s human to want to be in control. But when your need for peace surpasses your desire for control, God—who truly uses all things for our good—demonstrates how much we can trust him. Surrendering expectations and power is not a stepby-step process but a willful, daily decision worth every single ounce of effort. A surrendered life includes the surprise of a truly full and satisfying existence where trust is reasonable, reconciliation is possible, and relationships can heal. Five sessions | ~14 minutes each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes to one hour) Study Guide $14.99 $10.49 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $43.99 $30.79


‘til 9/15/19


Learning to Walk in God’s Plans Instead of Our Own

It’s bad enough to have broken dreams. But it can be devastating to realize God doesn’t always fix it. God sometimes leaves us in crisis instead of rescuing us from crisis, to bring us closer to him and to use us in extraordinary ways. Five sessions | ~14 minutes each Study Time: Moderate (30 minutes to one hour) Study Guide $12.99 $9.09 Leader Pack (DVD & Guide) $39.99 $23.99


‘til 9/15/19

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