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Since architectural dynamism is a process or mechanism responsible for the development or motion of a system, dynamic architecture in this thesis responds to human, contextual, and environmental stimuli originating from the site. It responds to the context to develop a relationship with the city and its inhabitants.
Generally speaking, in architecture this response may occur through structural dynamism or actual kinetics. This thesis excludes kinetics and focuses on structural dynamism, which resembles or embodies movement in form rather than possessing actual movement of architectural parts.
neighboring buildings influence flow of people
Forces that are derived from surrounding buildings or primary and secondary influence. Various forms of external forces influence how the dynamic architecture developson site. Forces derived from the flow of people between the residential and commercial districts.
Dynamic, Responsive Architecture
Architecture is deeply rooted in typology. The static nature of architecture is in a sense paradoxical to the world in which it exists, which is in a constant state of flux and transient rather than static. Perhaps contemporary architecture could reflect dynamism in its space, and embody the nature of this world in its form and design.
This thesis seeks to understand dynamic, responsive architecture relative to human, contextual, and environmental stimuli. Its premises are based on the motions of a city, the relationships with its surroundings, and changes in programs to better serve its modern inhabitants.