Tiger Team Artist Lesson Plan

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Tiger Artist Lesson Plan Tiger Team One Members: Alex Brechbuhler, Katie Anderson, Rachel McDonnell, Kenzie McKeon, Lori Korschgen, and Chuting Cao Title of Lesson- Character and what makes them Grade Level(s)- 8 to 13 years old Grade Level Expectations (GLE’s) Strand I Product and Preformance: 3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes Grade 5: Portrait: Create a portrait from observation STRAND II: Elements and Principles: 1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork Grade 4: Identify and demonstrate a value scale STRAND II: Elements and Principles 2. Select and use principles of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork Grade 4: Identify and create center of interest (focal point) STRAND III: Artistic Perceptions 2. Analyze and evaluate art using art vocabulary Grade 4: Describe the use of the following in artworks: Outlines, Organic shapes, Organic forms, Tints and shades, Values, Positive and negative space, Radial balance, Center of interest/focal point, Contrast/ variety of values, Complex patterns, Facial proportions Grade 6: Identify and explain symbol-ism or message communicated in an artwork STRAND IV: Interdisciplinary Connections 2. Explain the connections between Visual Art and Communication Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies Grade 7: Explain the relationship between illus-tration and written text. STRAND V: Historical and Cultural Contexts 1. Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures Grade 6: Identify works of art from: Ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt Pre-Columbian Americas (e.g., Aztec, Inca, Maya)

National Visual Arts Standards 1. Content Standard: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others 2. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures 3. Content Standard: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas 4. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes Show Me Visual Arts Standards Students will acquire knowledge of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Visual art in historical and cultural contexts The principles and elements of different art forms The elements and principles of visual art Process and techniques for the production and exhibition of visual art

Rational and Goals for this Lesson This lesson was designed to allow students to respond visually to contemporary and classic artwork as they communicate the idea of character through visual arts media. Characters are an important theme in the overall Tiger Artist concept of story. The museum visit will allow students to view different cultures telling of characters, while the PowerPoint will give a more contemporary view. Finally students will create their own character via a list of their own descriptive words that will encompass a group board game everyone will participate in. Enduring Big Idea Character is the big idea of this lesson. The fact that characters are shown different ways across cultures, time, and continue to present day. This will be highlighted for students through explorations of historic works at the Museum of Art and Archeology, as well as examples from the internet. Essential Questions • • •

Who is a Character? What are different ways to depict a Character? What have other cultures done to depict Characters? How did they do it?

How do we depict characters today? Are there any differences between them?

Key Concepts Character is about: • • • • • •

Identity Perception Status Recognition Positive vs Negative personality

Objectives Students will… 1. Viewing Art • The student will be able to recognize the concept of the character throughout different medias as well as different periods • Students will gain the understanding that there are many different ways to depict a similar type of character • Students will understand the importance that art plays in how a character is depicted 2. Making Art • The student will be able to represent their own character through the mediums of chalk and pencil • Students will be able to identify connections between their own work and those of contemporary and ancient characters. • Students will be able to exhibit an understanding of works on character throughout history by creating a piece of work depicting their own character Lesson Vignette Time: 9:30-9:45 Arriving activity Students and their parents will be greeted at the door (Rachel, Kenzie, and Chuting). Students will be then asked to think of their favorite character and to write out what makes him or her unique. If the students wish they may also draw that character as well (Alex, Katie, and Lori). Time: 9:45-10:00

Introduction’s along with a brief power point on characters. Will also ask class on characters they choose and what they noticed about their character. Lori will cover the aspect of story, while Alex will discuss character development. Time 10:00-10:10 Travel to the Museum of Art and Archeology: Characters game Along the way descriptions will be given out that will pertain to certain characters. Students will be asked to guess the character based on our descriptions lead by Katie and Rachel. 10:10-10:25 UMMAA: Students will participate in a VTS like lesson lead by Kenzie and Rachel. Students will view the sculpture of Lacun and his son’s based on what they think his story is based on what they see. They will also be asked to think, since it is a Roman copy of Greek work, what type of person he is (good/bad, nice/mean, etc). 10:25-10:35 Travel back to Townsend: Characters game Along the way descriptions will be given out that will pertain to certain characters. Students will be asked to guess the character based on our descriptions lead by Chuting and Lori. 10:35-10:45 Teacher Exemplars: Students will be given instructions to create any type of character they wish that will become part of a board game. They will be asked to write down a list of characteristics based on their character before they start sketching them. Students will then use the sketches to create a piece of work on the sidewalk using chalk that will be able to be used in an interactive board game. Katie will demonstrate the project before they get started. 10:45-10:55 Students will write down a list of words and create a new original character. They will then create a basic sketch of what they think this character might look like. 10:55-11:25

Students will then go outside where they will be divided up by Lori and Kenzie based on the characters traits to evenly space “good and bad” characters. They will then create their character from their sketch onto the section of sidewalk they are given. Instructors will use their own characters based on the need to balance out as well as also participate. Chuting will have left a few minutes before hand to start an example of a chalk drawing the students could make that wasn’t on the power point. 11:25-11:30 Clean up: Everyone will help bring back all of the chalk as well as any other materials we might have brought outside. 11:30-11:40 Lori will take pictures of student work. Everyone else will lead the students in a brief show and tell and will be asked brief prompt questions. • • •

How does the placement of my character affect his/her look? How does color play a role in their appearance? What are features that make our character stand out?

11:40-12:00 Students will then participate in the board game they just helped create. Alex will then explain the instructions of the game. Students will then move forward initially based on a roll of a dice. When they land on a character they will then be allowed to move either forward or backwards depending on those characters traits. The amount to move forward or backwards will be stated on a section of the sidewalk that was sectioned off for the student not to use.




Formal Craftsmanship Requirements



The student successfully incorporated line, shape, color, form, and contrast into their work. The student incorporated many of the above art elements into their work.

The student utilized great innovation and freedom when creating their character

The student had a deep understanding of the idea of character

The student utilized great innovation and freedom when creating their character

The student had a good understanding of the idea of character

The student adequately utilized innovation and freedom when creating their character

The student had a fair understanding of the idea of character

The student did not utilize innovation or freedom when creating their character Or Work was incomplete

the student did not show a adequate amount on the idea of character Or Work was incomplete


The student incorporated half of the above art elements into their work.


The student incorporated few of the above art elements into their work. Or Work was incomplete

The student demonstrated excellent style and skill and control of materials while completing their project The student demonstrated proficient style and skill and control of materials while completing their project The student demonstrated adequate style and skill and control of materials while completing their project The student demonstrated inadequate style and skill and control of materials while completing their project Or Work was incomplete

Points Possible

Summative Assessment: Instructors will view photographs of work to determine the overall success of the lesson. Using the rubric, Instructors will be able to understand

what area’s each student was able to understand, mostly understand, partially understand, or unable to understand. Formative Assessment: Asking students, individually and as a group, to answer questions about characters during introduction, art viewing, art making, and game playing. This will give ample opportunity for instructors to see how well students understand the big idea. Materials • • • •

Chalk Paper Pencils Pens

Teaching/Resources • • • •

Smartboard Pickard Hall with Museum of Art an Archeology Student Examples Powerpoint

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