Employee Name: Department Name: Division Name/Code:
Heart of Florida United Way
Employee ID#:
Tell Us About Yourself (Please print within the boxes with BLACK ink.)
Mr. Mrs. Ms.
First Name
Last Name
Social Security # (Last 4 digits)
Current Employer
Employee ID #
Work Phone Number
Join the Leadership Club
Home Phone Number
Your gift of $1,000 or more qualifies you for membership in the Leadership Club. If your spouse or partner gives separately, you may combine your gift to qualify.
Home Address City
Email Address
Select a Gift Payment Option Payroll Deduction (Amount per pay period) $50 Other
A Direct Gift
. $
Cash or Check (Payable to United Way)
Date Signed
Check Number
American Express
(Minimum Pledge of $500 is required for BILL ME)
M M / D
D / Y
M M / Y
Stocks or Securities (Estimated Value)
Call 407-835-0900 x354 for further instructions
Expiration Date
Opportunities for Involvement What do you think? On a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is “Definitely Not” and 10 is “Definitely Would”, how likely are you to recommend to a friend or colleague that he/she give to United Way? _______
United Way Emerging Leaders – networking, volunteering and professional development opportunities for professionals under 40 Sign me up for the Heart of Florida Unted Way newsletter and information about how my gift is making a difference. Please send me information on volunteering. We like to recognize our loyal donors. Please tell us how many years you have contributed.
United Way Women’s Leadership Council – raising awareness, funds and volunteer support to address problems that disproportionately affect women and children
Total Gift Amount
Card Number (Gift will be charged when pledge card is received by United Way.)
Please Bill Me at Home (begins in January)
Number of Pay Periods
Other Options:
Please list my/our name as follows (or “anonymous”) in the Leadership Registry:
Zip Code
Give Us Your Signature
Sign Here:
(required for all gifts)
Date M M D
Optional: Please choose how you want to invest in your community
Thank You No thank you I do not wish to give.
Complete only if you wish to provide specific donation instructions.
Maximize my impact by investing in proven solutions that advance the common good.
Check this box to support all investment areas through the Investing in Results Fund.
You may also designate to specific Investing in Results areas that focus on:
Developing Healthy Children & Families
Promoting healthly lives for children and families
Preventing crime, particularly youth crime
Designations (a minimum of $52 each) may also be donated to another United Way, a specific Heart of Florida United Way Partner/Contract Agency or to any other 501(c)(3) organization. Designations with incomplete or inaccurate information will be disbursed through Community Investment.
Designation Agency Name
Improving Financial Stability
Building Safe Communities Through Education
Increasing financial literacy and benefits outreach for low income families
Alleviating Hunger & Homelessness
Addressing basic needs and linkages to critical support services
Agency Code Agency Address
I do not wish to be acknowledged for my designated gift.
Please do not release my name to the organization designated above.
We have not provided you with any goods or services in exchange for this pledge. No professional solicitors were hired to raise these funds. The expenses associated with processing donor designated pledges to non-partner agencies are recovered by applying a 2% management and general fee. Tax receipts, where required, will be mailed the January following payments. For payroll deduction gifts your year-end pay stub & a copy of your pledge card are required for tax purposes. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION (CH214) AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.
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Investing In Results (8000) By donating to the Investing in Results general fund, you are investing in proven programs that are changing lives. We are helping children start school ready to succeed, giving families financial literacy skills to care for themselves and their children, and collaborating on projects to help residents be safer and healthier in their own homes and neighborhoods. Your investment, combined with thousands of others, makes the greatest possible impact in improving lives – not just today, but for generations to come. You may choose to support the general fund, overseen by local volunteers who review programs, understand and prioritize community need and ensure your donation does the most good – or you may choose one or more of the specific Investing in Results areas:
(8408) Developing Healthy Children and Families Improving health for children and others through programs that support healthy beginnings, access to healthy choices, family engagement and education.
(8410) Improving Financial Stability Helping families increase their financial stability through financial literacy programs, credit counseling and improved access to benefits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit.
(8409) Building Safe Communities Through Education Creating safer neighborhoods by reducing violence – especially youth violence – through programs to improve high-school graduation rates and promote life success.
(8411) Alleviating Hunger and Homelessness Reducing hunger and homelessness by providing important support services, linking people to assistance programs and working on affordable housing.
Heart of Florida United Way Special Initiative Programs (8040) United Way 2-1-1 & Elder Helpline
(8093) Family Emergency Fund
United Way — Fund Raising and so much more... Our Programs & Affiliations
In addition to providing vital funding to more than 100 local programs at agencies, United Way also administers or operates these programs that help people in need: United Way 2-1-1 & Elder Helpline
A free, multilingual, 24-hour resource and referral helpline/crisis hotline helps people find critical assistance with everything from housing and utilities to elder care and mental health services. Now by dialing 2-1-1, residents can also find immediate support if they are feeling suicidal or dealing with family violence, drug and alcohol addictions, sexual assault or any overwhelming life crisis.
United Way Volunteer Resource Center
The Volunteer Resource Center successfully connects individuals, families, students and corporate volunteer groups with opportunities to serve in the community. More than 100 agencies receive assistance in recruiting, training and managing volunteers whose work helps stretch precious dollars. Let us plan fun, meaningful projects for your company, family or other groups. Simply e-mail:
FamilyWise Discount Prescription Drug Program
Offering average savings of 35 percent on retail prescription prices, the FamilyWize program helps people afford the medications they need. FamilyWize cards, available for free through United Way, are honored by 95 percent of U.S. pharmacies. No paperwork is required and cards can be used by everyone – regardless of prescription insurance status. Start saving. Dial 2-1-1 today to request your free FamilyWize card.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Credited with lifting more children out of poverty than any other federal program, EITC offers tax credits of up to $5,600 to help eligible people improve their financial stability. Promoted through United Way’s Prosperity Campaign of Central Florida, EITC also provides a significant boost to the local economy – $489 million – nearly half a billion in refunds were distributed in the tri-county region last year alone. Do you qualify for this important tax credit? Learn more by visiting
Our Past and Present
For more than 70 years, Heart of Florida United Way has improved the lives of millions of Central Floridians. As the community has grown and changed, so have we. No longer solely a fundraiser, we’re working with community partners to find long-term, strategic solutions for problems that impact lives and send ripple effects across our region. Join us to make a difference and LIVE UNITED. Visit to learn more. Dr. Nelson Ying Center ▪ 1940 Traylor Boulevard ▪ Orlando, Fl 32804-4714 ▪ 407-835-0900 ▪
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