Pinderella - It's Time To Make Money From Your Abilities|Thepositiv Pinderella , which until today has served as a mediation system between service providers and customers at no cost, announced that the time has come to contact any service provider interested in accepting customers in the system, even if this is not his main occupation.
Introduction "To This Day Every Service Provider Who Signs Up For Pinderella Has Filled In His Business Details, The Services He Offers As Well As His Service Area And Then פינדרלהStarted Getting Free Customers Directly To Whatsapp. The Report Shows That Pinderella Already Has A Solid Strategy For How A Customer Can Differentiate Between A "Classic" Service Provider And An "Amateur" Service Provider In The System
The Goal we strive to create a system of information that includes current news, content articles, videos and more, with the common ground for all is the desire to flood and upload positive, happy and hopeful content for the media and the public consciousness.
The Illusions Of Time No doubt there is something a little scary about this thing that passes without us having control over it, because we are busy most of our lives feeling in control of what is happening to us, but over time no one has yet been able to take control, it is happening alone. Seemingly at a steady pace, but within us our experience determines whether time passes slowly or fast, and what is clear is that logically scientifically it does not move slowly and does
Wanted for a positive
the Positive Project - Positive News was established in September 2015. During this half year, the idea was designed and formulated, the website was translated into three languages (Hebrew, Arabic and English) and the pages on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. There is a team that works on the technical things, the content, the translation, the design and more, and over time more amazing people join it who connect to the project and want to help it happen and become an amazing and beautiful reality and product.
About Us The Positiv is a project of good news and positive content, set up with the aim of shedding light on the positive side of things, which exist and happen every day, but do not always get the important stage they deserve.We hope that through the De Positive system we will be able to bring content from the community, from everyday life, alongside topical professional content, and produce an optimistic and good news content site.The site is translated into three languages: Hebrew, Arabic and English, in order to reach all populations in the country. In addition, there is a lot of activity taking place on social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Plus and more.