108 Pettit Drive Meriden, CT 06451
Chymborm@wit.edu EDUCATION Wentworth Institute of Technology Bachelor of Science in Architecture COURSEW ORK History of Architecture I & II Materials & Methods I & II Professional Practice I: Contract Documentation Site Planning and Landscape
Boston, MA 2009. Design Principles I & II Design Studio I VI Structures I & II Urban Design and Planning
TECHNICAL COM PETENCIES Design: Hand sketching/ rendering, technical drafting, and graphic design Fabrication: Model making out of wood, foam and museum board, and chipboard Software: AutoCAD, Go Live, Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp, Form-Z, Microsoft Office Suite W ORK EXPERIEN CE Gregg, Wies & Gardner Architects, New Haven, CT Intern Architect • •
Developed AutoCAD drawings, 3D renderings, and a site model for a variety of projects Dimensioned and documented numerous sites during analytical stage of projects
Ames & Whitaker Architects, Southington, CT Intern Architect • •
September 2009-Present
Assisted in schematic design, produced AutoCAD drawings, assembled construction document sets, and field verified existing sites and buildings In touch with clients to discuss progress and strategy on current projects
VOLUN TEER W ORK YMCA Mountain Mist Day Camp, Meriden, CT Camp Counselor •
May-August 2007
June-August 2003-2009
Oversaw the safety of a group of approx. 15 children throughout the course of the day
STUDIO W ORK Dance Studio Project Designed a dance studio for Anti-Gravity dancers in the North End of Boston. Equipped this studio with two recital spaces along with various changing rooms and offices. Produced several diagrams, AutoCAD drawings, and renderings Community Design Project Developed a multi purpose building in Roxbury, Mass. Elements of this building include a cultural center, a ground floor restaurant, as well as low income housing on the upper floors. Constructed AutoCAD drawings, renderings, physical models, and diagrams Public Library Project Created a Public Library in Boston’s South End. Supplied this building with a centralized glass book tower, a multi purpose performance space, art gallery, numerous study carols, as well as a courtyard, and offices. Developed AutoCAD drawings, hand renderings, and physical models LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE AND ORGANIZATIONS Wentworth Varsity Baseball Team 2006-2009 • Team Captain 2008 & 2009, Team Academic Mentor, CCC championship finalists Wentworth Architecture Club (WAC) 2006-2009 • Student group formulated to expand and share knowledge of architecture AIA New Graduate Member 2010-Present • Receive monthly letters regarding latest topics in the architectural world
References and Portfolio available upon request