Learn English 2015 courses

At your service! Our teachers We are very proud of our teachers here at International House London and we think they are some of the very best in the world. Our teachers are passionate, professional and committed to providing a rich learning experience. 80% of our permanent teachers are qualified to train other people how to teach. This guarantees that they have advanced qualifications and extensive experience. What could be better than that?
visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon02 03 Cambridge ESOL A2ThresholdVantageCEFRC2C1B2B1Waystage–9.0–7.0–6.04.5–5.03.5–4.0 102TOEFL–12079–10146–7832–450–31 246381541701TOEIC910+–910–700–540–380C2 Advanced Plus C1 A2A2+B1B1+B2B2+AdvancedPre-AdvancedUpperIntermediateMidIntermediateLowerIntermediatePre-IntermediateElementary CEFR A2 Cambridge English: Key CEFR B1 Cambridge English: Preliminary CEFR B2 Cambridge English: First CEFR C1 Cambridge English: Advanced CEFR C2 Cambridge English: Proficiency CEFR Common European Framework Reference IELTS International English Language Testing System TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEIC Test of English for International Communication * This is a guide only and your personal development will depend on the length and intensity of your programme, as well as your own motivation, attendance and ability. Test your level online The minimum level for our classes is Elementary (A2). You have the option to check your level with our free online www.testmylevel.comtest. 180-200 hours hours350-400 hours500-600 hours700-800 hours1,000-1,400 Welcome to our Learn English brochure for 2015. This year is all about flexibility and more options to give you the best service possible. Start any Monday All our General English programmes now start every Monday. Fast customer service We have invested in new systems so that we can respond to you faster and keep in touch for longer.
IH London levels Meet www.ihlondon.com/englishvideoVarinder
Virtual Language Coaching
Varinder Unlu Director of InternationalStudies,House London
You will also be able to prepare for your programme online before you arrive and continue studying with us when you leave. Special group and individual services Every year we welcome hundreds of private groups and individuals to International House on specially designed programmes. Find out how we can help you and your organisation to get exactly what you want.
MyIHLondon In 2015 will be launching our new online portal which will give you access to everything you need in one place, from useful pre-course arrival and tests, to resources and links to online courses and training.
These are just a few of the exciting new changes coming, what hasn’t changed is our commitment to quality and value. We’re a non-profit making organisation, an Educational Trust, any profits we make go towards promoting better education for all in our field.
You can find out more about the IH Trust and our charitable work on our website: www.ihlondon.com/ih-educational-trust Come along and see what you think. We look forward to welcoming you.

exams Hours per week What this programme gives youOptions available Number of 55 minute lessons: 12:15-13:10 13:15-15:15 15:15-16:15 General English Extra Study Options IELTS Preparation Cambridge Preparation Plan your course General English General English 15 Standard Programme: In the morning you follow our most popular core General English programme, which builds your confidence and programme.personalisedteacherobjectivesdiscussEverywritingvocabulary,listening,languageskillscommunicationinallareasof–speaking,pronunciation,reading,andgrammar.Mondayyouyourlearningwithyourforamorelearning Add an extra five lessons per week Options may include: • Speaking & Grammar • Speaking & Listening • Speaking & Vocabulary • Speaking & Writing • Speaking & Reading • IELTS Speaking & Vocabulary • IELTS Speaking & Listening OR add an extra ten lessons per week Options may include: • Let’s Talk: Speaking & Pronunciation • Masterclass: To improve confidenceyourand fluency in spoken English • Study Skills: Concentrate on reading, writing and text analysis to help improve your literacy skills • Business English: (July and August only) focusing on the language most needed in the world of work 15 lessons per week 13 hours & 45 minutes per week General English 20 General English 25 20 lessons per week 18 hours & 20 minutes per week 25 lessons per week 22 hours & 55 minutes per week startNEW:anyMondayAverageclasssize:10Maximum:14 You can book an IELTS test date with IH London on your first day in schoolthe See the website for more www.ihlondon.com/learn-englishdetails
course focusing only
This is our most popular programme at IH London, and now can start any Monday. These options are all available at eight levels of English from A2 – Elementary through to C2 – Advanced/Proficiency. fast-track Cambridge Preparation on the FCE CAE
• Preparation for Cambridge English: First (FCE), Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) • A clear focus on exam techniques and strategies • Regular assessment with your teacher throughout your course • Regular practice tests by your teacher • Motivating, smaller classes with lots of attention and support from your teacher • At least two hours of integrated homework and self-study assignments each day General English 15 General English 20 General English 25 PreparationIELTS 15 PreparationIELTS 20 TestIELTSTechnique 25 Cambridge Preparation 25 Fast-track Summer only PreparationCambridge 15 PreparationCambridge 20 09:00–12:00Mornings 09:00-12:00Mornings 12:15-13:10Afternoons 13:15-15:10Afternoons Afternoons 13 hours & 45 minutes 18 hours & 20 minutes 22 hours & 55 minutes 13 hours & 45 minutes 18 hours & 20 minutes 22 hours & 55 minutes 13 hours & 45 minutes 18 hours & 20 minutes 22 hours & 55 minutes High quality, structured English tuition, with plenty of free time too General English with five Special Focus classes each GeneralweekEnglish with ten Special Focus classes, providing an intensive programme for ambitious learners Only IELTS preparation classes, taught by IELTS experts The IELTS preparation course with five additional Special Focus classes per week Pure technique to help you practise specifically for the test day A specialised preparation programme for Cambridge FCE, CAE or CPE The Cambridge Preparation course with five additional Special Focus classes per week A
visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon04 05 General English Special Focus Classes IELTS Preparation Cambridge Preparation Develop your English language skills for all aspects of life: • English for real-life situations: using speaking, reading, writing and listening • Eight different levels so you can study with students at the same English level as you • Student-centred approach • Lots of individual support and encouragement • Creative and fun lessons NEW FOR 2015! • General English 20: there are two new IELTS options – Speaking & Vocabulary and Speaking & Listening • General English 25: there is a new summer-only Business option • A new Intensive English & Cultural Programme for the over 21s • IH London is one of the biggest national IELTS testing centres in the UK. Why not take an IELTS test at the end of your course, to get an internationally recognised certificate? Use these optional extra study classes to: • Focus on particular skills, such as grammar, listening, writing, vocabulary and reading • Expand your vocabulary • Express yourself more clearly • Become a more independent learner The IELTS exam is recognised by Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada as an accepted test of language ability for university entrance. Tell us the score you need and we will work out a study plan with you. If you are lower than mid-intermediate (B1+), you may need to start with General English before you join the preparation class.

15 lessons per week 13 hours & 45 minutes per week
13:15-16:15 Max 12 students per class on all three courses This afternoon
programme concentrates on the academic language you will need to succeed with the IELTS exam. You will also cover test strategies, and learn how to analyse text and data and how to write about them during the exam. 20 lessons per week 18 hours & 20 minutes per week •12:15-16:15Combinethe IELTS Preparation 15 course with an additional five lessons per week of Special Focus classes • Options may include: • Speaking & Grammar • Speaking & Listening • Speaking & Vocabulary • Speaking & Writing • Speaking & Reading • IELTS Speaking & Vocabulary • IELTS Speaking & Listening You can choose your study options on your first day. These more focused lessons will allow you to refine your language skills in the areas which need the most attention. 25 lessons per week 22 hours & 55 minutes per week 09:00-12:00 & 13:15-15:15 • Fast track programme to help you optimise your score • Learn approaches to help you prepare for all parts of the test • Self-study advice and teacher assessments • Coursebooks, past papers other learning materials provided Max students12perclass Prepare for IELTS examCambridgecourses startMinimumlevel:4.5 startsNoweveryweek See the website for more www.ihlondon.com/exam-centredetails See the website for more cambridge-examswww.ihlondon.com/exam-centre/details Help yourself to exam success! You will also have full access to our Self Access Centre and extensive library, where you can keep practising for your IELTS test and Cambridge exams.
The Cambridge Suite of exams provides a more thorough test of your English than the IELTS test, the exams are longer, and take place over more than one day. These are a great way to test all your skills in English, and the exams are all internationally recognised. 15 lessons per week 13 hours & 45 minutes per week 13:15-16:15
Cambridge English: First (FCE), Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)
• Course includes afternoon Cambridge exam preparation (our Cambridge Standard course) with an additional five lessons per week of Special Focus classes may include: & Grammar can choose your Special Focus class on your first day. These more focused lessons will allow you to refine your language skills in the areas which need the most attention.
Cambridge English: First (FCE) and Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Intensive morning and afternoon programme over six weeks during the •summer.Develop the skills and language you need for the exam at your level Work on exam techniques and testtaking strategies, including at least one full practice exam Develop your other key skills –speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar Every part of the course keeps a tight focus on preparing you for the exam you plan to take 20 lessons per week 18 hours & 20 minutes per week
IELTS techniquetest IELTSskillstest developmentlanguageEnglish Extra focus onreadingspeaking,listening,orwriting placeGuaranteedonIELTStestinLondon IELTS Preparation 15 4, 8 IELTSweeksPreparation 20 IELTS TechniqueTest25 1 week 4, 8 weeks Primary focus of the course Secondary focus of the course Not covered on the course PreparationCambridge 15 PreparationCambridge 25 Fast-track PreparationCambridge 20
Cambridge English: First (FCE), Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) Learn the skills and language you need for the exam at your level Work on exam techniques and testtaking strategies, including at least one full practice exam Develop your other key skills –speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar Free time in the morning for structured self-study or to take one of our other courses
visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon 0706 IH London is now one of the largest national providers of IELTS testing, and we have also expanded our range of IELTS preparation courses. IELTS Test Techniques is a new, fast track course which runs for one week with start dates every week. All of our courses are taught by experienced trainers with specific knowledge about IELTS.
Combine Cambridge exam preparation with a focus on a specific area of English you need to improve
Summer only 25 lessons per week 22 hours & 55 minutes per week 09:00-12:00 & 13:15-15:15
• Options
• Speaking & Listening • Speaking & Vocabulary • Speaking & Writing • Speaking & Reading You
PreparationIELTS IELTSPreparation IELTS
• Speaking

you stay with low-costHomestayspeakers.”nativeisawaytostayinLondonandlivelikealocalperson The Minimum(B1)MinimumMaximumtwo27.530ExperienceEnglishlessonsperweekfor2weekshoursperweek,inclusiveofhalfdaysculturalexcursionsgroupsize:8level:LowIntermediateage:21
See the website for more details englishexperiencewww.ihlondon.com/Minimum age: Average21age:35
The advantage of staying with a host provider is that
International House London’s Executive Centre has offered this very special intensive General English programme for over 15 years. IH London was one of the very first organisations to take English teaching outside the classroom. This programme combines the best of IH London’s trainers, with the best that London has to offer. This short course is ideal for highly motivated people who have a limited amount of time in which to improve their English, and who also enjoy exploring London. Participants will be well travelled, experienced professionals who have an inquiring Themind.special features of this course are: Learning based on motivating topic areas • Trainer-led visits to places of special interest in London. These match the topics studied and may include the Houses of Parliament, a school, gallery, brewery or police station Intensive practice and correction of new expressions
08 09visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon Topic Examples International issues • International current affairs • The EU • Globalisation Design • Cities and architecture • Art – talking about pictures Food and drink • Celebrity chefs • Favourite/Traditional recipes • National cuisine – comparison Visual arts • TV dramas/arts • Films and cinema • Dance/Musicals Leisure • Reading and writers • Music The media • The press • The internet Science and technology • New technologies • Renewable energies London • Institutions and systems • History and development • Current issues in the city The environment • Global sustainabilityissues/warming/pollution/ • Greenpeace/the Arctic English in context • Small talk • Talking about work • On the phone • Emails • Shopping/Money/Banking Accommodation We understand that when you’re staying away from home it’s important to have a place where you feel comfortable with your surroundings. We have a wide choice of safe and approved accommodation on offer so we can cater for everyone’s needs. Home comforts

Liberty House halls of residence
London Lodge London Lodge is a boutique-style guest house located in Kilburn in north-west London on the Jubilee underground line. It is ideal for students who want something different to staying with a host family and who want to be with other IH London students. Most rooms at London Lodge are en suite but a limited number of standard rooms are also available. Internet is available on request. You can choose to have breakfast only, or breakfast and dinner every day. There are no self-catering facilities.
Meet one of our homestay
House/flat share This accommodation comprises a single or twin room in a house or flat shared with other students. This option is self-catered and there is no host living in the house.
• Dormitory room (with 3-5 students) House or flat sharing is one of the most sociable ways in which to live and you will have the opportunity to meet a range of students from different countries and cultures.
Find out more www.ihlondon.com/accommodationaboutoptionsaccommodation
A twin room can be booked if two students come together. Room options:
A great form of accommodationlow-costwhereyou stay with local people. Choose bed and breakfast only for more flexibility, or select evening meals if you prefer to eat at Mosthome.accommodation is 40-50 minutes from the school using London’s excellent underground and bus routes.
• Single room • Twin room (with friend)
visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon10 11
Liberty House consists of two residences located in central London. Both residences are within walking distance of Angel, Barbican and Old Street underground stations, a 15 minute tube ride to IH London. The residence offers single and studio apartments. Studio apartments are self-contained with a fully fitted kitchen and spacious living/study area. Students in single apartments share a kitchen and a spacious living area. All rooms have en suite bathrooms and are furnished with a single bed, desk, chair and wardrobe. Telephone and data points are provided for high-speed internet access.
We know how important it is to have the dedicatedaccommodation.rightOurteamwillhelp you to find the best solution for your needs.
NIDO NIDO residences offer stylish, spacious and well-designed studio apartments with modern furnishings and finishes. The beautiful King’s Cross residence is located close to King’s Cross station. It is 20-25 minutes’ walk from the school, or two stops on the underground. This residence can take bookings of four weeks or more. Some rooms in King’s Cross have amazing views of central London that you won’t ever get tired of waking up to. All studios are en suite and equipped with a kitchenette and ample storage. The residence is fully equipped with many great facilities such as free Wi-Fi throughout the building, a fitness centre, a café offering a variety of grab ‘n’ go options, along with lunch and dinner options, a large screening room – free to use at any time – as well as a games space equipped with a jukebox, pool tables and football tables. Table tennis is also available in the fitness studio.

visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon12 13 WEEK 1 Visit to the National Portrait Gallery The andFulltourHarryAfternoonTraditionalLondonCoventDiscoverWimbledonChampionshipstennisSohoandGarden(free)EyeEnglishTeaPotterwalkingdaytourofOxfordWindsor WEEK 2 World byWeekendbyWeekendmusicPubmusicalPhantomIMAXpronunciationImproveFestivalPhotographyexhibitionyourEnglish(free)3DcinematripoftheOperanightwithlivetriptoParisEurostartriptoParisEurostar WEEK 3 Ten pin bowling Italian and Spanish lessons andVisitWilliamTheatreSalsaFootballChampions(free)LeaguegameDanceClass–MacbethbyShakespearetoTowerofLondonTowerBridgeFulldaytourofStonehengeandBath WEEK 4 Madame Tussauds The Lion King musical Visit to The Ice Bar Football in Regent’s Park Pacha(free)club night Full day tour of Oxford, Stratford & the Cotswolds Full day tour of Cambridge SampleSundaySaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMonday programme ProgrammeSocial IH London’s popular Social Programme offers students the opportunity to experience cultural highlights and top attractions in London and around the UK. When you arrive at the school you can choose from a range of free and paid daily activities. All activities are designed to help you practise speaking English. They are more than just fun – they are an excellent way to improve your understanding of the language, speed up your progress, socialise with students from different nationalities, and make new friends. Typical outings include the London Eye, Madame Tussauds, Wembley Stadium and West End shows such as The Lion King. We also arrange day trips to some of England’s other popular cities such as Oxford and Windsor, and even a Eurostar trip to Paris. Making new friends James, our Social Programme www.ihlondon.com/jamesManager Our ProgrammeSocial is extremely popular and gives you even more chance to practiseEnglishyour I went on the weekend day trips to Oxford, Cambridge and Bath – all organised through James.”

14 15visit ihlondon.com | call +44 (0)20 7611 2400 | contact us ihlondon.com/contact | tweet @ihlondon Special group services We offer a range of special services for: • Schools • School teachers • Government organisations • Agencies Closed group options We can build a range of different ‘closed group’ and or combination programmes to meet the needs of your group. ‘Closed group’ means that your group studies together, and has a special course or package. ‘Open group’ means that you study with an international mix of students from around the world. Here are some of the most popular closed group options: • Closed group English programmes • Programmes for English teachers which combine English skills with teaching methodology • Focus on a specialist subjects, such as business English, exam preparation • Programmes which combine English with London sightseeing • Super-intensive programmes of six lessons per day (or more) Tailor-made programmes for groups and individuals Coming soon in 2015 Combine your programme in London with another IH school We can make arrangements for you to visit another IH school before or after your stay in London, including help with transfers and accommodation. UK sightseeing trips We can also combine a stay in London with a whole tour of the UK’s most popular tourist locations, including and delivering you to your departure airport. One-to-One individual training We also offer individual ‘One-to-One’ courses where you work with your own teacher on the areas which need special attention or specialist knowledge. You can combine a morning General English programme with afternoon One-to-One lessons. Examples of popular One-to-One •options:Veryintensive personal exam preparation • Individual young learner courses (with a parent present in the school) • Confidence building and pronunciation work • Presentation skills Masterclass • Language training with high confidentiality and discretion for people in the public eye • Specialist teaching including accent training, on location on film sets and in studios • Training for diplomacy and international relations • Virtual language coaching ProgrammePersonalProposal LearningPersonalPlan Your ProgrammeStudyIHL Objectives studyFurtherwithIHL How you like to commitmentYourlearn • courseRecommendedduration • onlinefacetypeProgramme–blended,toface, • courseRecommendedduration • &progressBi-weeklycheckactionplan • Practice lesson times • Lesson plans & timetables • Extra actionsrecommendedoptions/study • Daily review by your teacher • progressWeekly check & action plan • checkattendanceWeekly • Weekly group needs analysis • Formal progress check every four weeks • Examples: • Exam success • IELTS score • improvementSkills • confidenceGreater • awarenessCultural • Further study options • actionsRecommended • Next review date • optionscoachinglanguageVirtual Welcome to MyIHLondon Keep learning and stay in touch with IH London wherever you are in the world with our new virtual space. MyIHLondon is an online platform accessible on any device connected to the internet. Security As it is your own secure space, you can use MyIHLondon to complete important information online, take your level test, tell us about your requirements and lots more. Track your progress Once you’ve started your programme, we’ll keep your records of course work, attendance, teacher’s comments and notes, and extra learning resources all together in a safe space for you to use on the course and post-course. Connect to your virtual coach or study online If you are studying an online or blended course, you’ll be able to access the entire course through MyIHLondon, upload your assignments, give and receive feedback, and talk to your trainer and other participants all in the same place. To find out more about MyIHLondon, and what it can offer, please visit our website at www.ihlondon.com/myihlondon MyIHLondonObjectivesLevel IH ABERDEENIHNEWCASTLEIHLONDON IH BRISTOLIHDUBLIN IH MANCHESTER IH GALWAYIH BELFAST International House UK and Ireland schools

Visit www.ihlondon.com to download information on our other courses Prospectus Business Specialist&English Start EnglishTeachingCELTA DevelopmentProfessionalContinuing Young Learners Spring & Summer Centres Other Languages Exam Centre Contact us for more help and support: Online: www.ihlondon.com/contact Telephone: +44 (0)20 7611 2400 Find out more online: www.ihlondon.com Join our social media community: linkedin.com/company/international-house-londonfacebook.com/internationalhouselondontwitter.com/ihlondon Our Internationallocations:House London 16 Stukeley Street, Covent Garden, London WC2B 5LQ 45 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4JP (summer only) IH Oxford Spring & Summer Centre (Young Learners) St. Edward’s School, Oxford OX2 7NN IH Ellesmere Summer Centre (Young Learners) Ellesmere College, Ellesmere SY12 9AB Ask us www.ihlondon.com/we’reyou’requestionaifunsure…heretohelp!contact w w w bildungsu laubapprova BILDUNGSURLAUB