MY ACHIEVEMENTS Introduced CIT as the first Institute of Technology in Ireland to be awarded with the Suicide Aware Amber Flag (Positive Mental Health) with Minister Kathleen Lynch. Developed a health promotion committee for CIT named Healthy CIT. Introduced and co-ordinated CIT Student Mental Health Policy. Organised and improved various welfare campaigns in CIT such as S.H.A.G. (Sexual Health and Guidance) Week, Positive Mind & Body Week, and Safety Week, and Exam De Stress Week. Lobbied HR and CIT Medical Centre for Longer Opening times of S.T.I. Clinic on site and improved health promotion. Lobbied HR and Management of the institute for increased service provision of the counselling service. Secured funding for Health Promotion Materials on campus. Secured extra Student Assistance Fund Funding ensuring much more students financial security. Liaised with various student societies to help them improve and grow. Received Outstanding Voluntary Contribution , Class Rep CITSU 12/13. Moderator European Student Parliament January 2014. Completed ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), safe TALK, Console, IFPA (Irish Family Planning Association) training. Actively Assisted on REACT (Responding to Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Third-level) Working Group. Co- hosted USI Pink Training 2014 with UCC. Won 4,000 condoms for students in CIT from THINK CONTRACEPTION Co-author of USI Mental Health Strategy 2014-2017 Over 1,000 Signatures in CIT for the Mental Health Reform.
Thank you for taking your time to read my manifesto if you have any questions you can contact me on
WHO IS CIARA? Hello my name is Ciara O Connor and I am the current Vice President Welfare with CIT Students' Union 13/14 and 14/15. I am a 24 year old graduate from Cork Institute of Technology with a BA Honours Degree in Early Years Education. During my four years as a student I was both a class representative and part of the Welfare Crew for three. As part of my role as Vice President Welfare in CIT Students’ Union I represented students on a number of committees such as Health and Safety, Students Finance, Student Assistance Fund, Staff Appointments, Healthy CIT, and the Arts Committee. I have been a Director of Student Services Company. I was also an active member of CIT Governing Body for two years where I represented Students at top level of the institute. Outside of CIT I became a board member of Pieta House Darkness into Light and Suicide Aware Amber Flag. I have brought much needed improvements to student welfare in CIT and developed new policies and initiatives that will be in place #CIARA4USI for years to follow.
Why am I running for USI Vice President for Welfare? Being a student is not all about academia. The college experience can produce many challenges, changes in lifestyle and can impact a students’ well-being. As a third level graduate and a two term Welfare Officer I have first-hand experience of working with students on the ground. I live and breathe my current role. Be it financial, mental health, accommodation, sexual health, bullying or addictions, I know the challenges that face students and I know how to tackle these issues at a national level.
Student welfare and well-being is crucial to a healthy and balanced student life. I will ensure that Welfare Officers and Students’ Unions are adequately trained and equipped to help students on the ground. I will assist and support officers in casework, campaigns, proposals and policies. The work USI has done to date on student welfare and well-being is to be commended. I will strive to continue this work and improve upon it with my experience, commitment and enthusiasm.
Support and Training for Welfare Officers
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
Ensure that extensive training by experienced trainers is provided in all areas of student welfare during the summer including ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). This training will help Welfare Officers in various remits of their roles such as campaigns, policy development and dealing with casework.
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
Introduce Data Protection as a new training module for officers to ensure best practice in dealing with and recording casework. Assist and support Welfare Officers individually in preparing and planning campaigns as well as one on one support with casework. Help and guide Welfare Officers in reaching manifesto goals over their term in office, in any way I can. Encourage casework as an ongoing agenda item at Welfare Working Group to provide a space to discuss casework and reoccurring trends in casework.
Sexual Health
Education and awareness of sexual health is vital for college students as many may have little or no previous sexual health education. It is important that our students are educated to ensure that they are aware of their contraceptive options and know how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections. Sex can be somewhat of a taboo subject for some students. We need to ensure our students are comfortable talking about safe sex, consent and getting regular sexual health checks.
Mental Health
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
College is such a transitional period in one’s life and it can bring with it many challenges. Stress, anxiety and depression are just a few areas of mental health that students present with. This is due to many aspects such exams, course work, finances, breakdowns in relationships to name but a few. We need to keep lobbing for increased supports and funding for our mental health services and provision for
Evaluate and improve the website
third level students.
which will help students to find suitable accommodation. Here students can find information on their rights as tenants and tips when looking for accommodation.
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
For many, their first experience of living away from home is in student accommodation. Due to high demand for housing, students are vulnerable and are being exploited. Students need to be made aware of their tenants’ rights and the legislation around accommodation. We need to ensure that students are provided for in housing policy and the government needs to plan for long term solutions for this housing crisis.
Evaluate and develop the ‘More Talk, More Action’ campaign, looking
Work with the relevant members of officer board in working towards a
Student Welfare is my passion and I will ensure that its well-being is defended and recognised at all times. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the area of student welfare. Not only have I organised and ran numerous campaigns in CIT but also contributed to various USI campaigns such as Chats for Change. I have been heavily involved and vocal in Welfare Working Group, National Council, lobbying TD’s and Ministers, and in various publications such as USI Mental Health Strategy. I will be an active, dedicated USI Vice President Welfare both locally and nationally. With my knowledge and experience I hope to update and develop national welfare policies and strategies, as well as organise effective national campaigns.
Quality training is vital for the role of any officer and as a Welfare officer; I benefited from and appreciated in being equipped for my role. Support from USI and other officers is important in the everyday work of a students’ union officer. I want to guarantee that all welfare officers receive adequate training and are fully prepared and confident, ready for the return of students in September.
Coordinate a sexual health campaign for the first semester and ensure that SHAG Packs are delivered on time for campus roadshows.
Continue to develop and coordinate the Sexual Health Education Roadshow.
Ensure that Sexual Health Campaigns are inclusive and tackling issues such as consent and STIs
Student Accommodation 2020 Strategy with government.
Lobby the relevant bodies and ministers in the prospect of rent controls and deposit protection being implemented.
Run information campaigns at certain times of the year for students around key areas like getting deposits back and securing accommodation. As part of this I will update and re-launch the ‘Guide to Student Life’.
Build upon the relationships between USI and Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB), Threshold & Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) and continue to work with them in best practice with student accommodation and in assisting Welfare Officers with casework.
at what are the next steps after getting someone to talk about their mental health. I will coordinate this campaign and run a campus roadshow distributing ‘Chats for Change’ packs on campuses.
Investigate and liaise with the relevant organisations in providing an online counselling service for third level students.
Continue to implement action points from the USI Mental Health strategy of which I was co-author of.
Discuss with government and the HEA , the impact that financial strain has on students and lobby for investment and increased funding for third level supports and services.
Lobby for increased investment in mental health services ahead of Budget 2016 and liaise with the ‘Mental Health Reform’ on this.
Work with Suicide Aware to develop the Amber Flag project for Third Level Institutions and work with Welfare Officer to launch the initiative in their own campuses.
Assist Welfare Officers in organising both SafeTALK and ASIST courses for both students and college staff to raise awareness on suicide prevention and intervention.
Student Finance Money and finance is a big stress that comes with college and often students are unable to afford the basics such as food, accommodation and travel, never mind the increasing fees. This can immensely impact on a student’s education and wellbeing. We as the National Students’ Union need to continue to combat this and endeavour to protect students’ supports and fight for increased funding towards supports like Student Assistance Fund
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
Assist Welfare Officers in setting up hardship funds as well as composing guidelines on best practice with Student Assistance fund.
Work with relevant organisations such as MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) to update the ‘Guide to Student Life’ and online resources on student finance, budgeting and advice on financial supports.
Lobby for additional investment into vital supports for students such as the Student Assistance Fund.
Physical Health College can be a time when students pay little attention to their physical health including nutrition and physical activity. Physical health is closely linked with mental health and overall wellbeing. USI needs to encourage our students to look after themselves and promote healthy living and physical activity.
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
Update the USI Physical Health Strategy in consultation with welfare officers and relevant organisations.
Establish links with the HSE (Health Service Executive) and explore how USI and students unions can get involved in the Healthy Ireland Framework for Third Level Institutions.
Alcohol & Drugs Drugs are rapidly becoming openly available and consumed on campuses and in clubs throughout the country. I am very frustrated that so little is being done to combat this issue nationally or locally. We cannot hide away from this issue anymore and USI need to take a stand. This year USI developed a new Alcohol campaign with Alcohol Action for students to understand the effects of binge drinking. We have also recently seen research done on UCC students demonstrating the horrific results and prevalence of binge drinking. This is an area we need to tackle immediately by promoting a healthy lifestyle for students.
As Vice President for Welfare I will:
Evaluate and improve the alcohol campaign that was implemented this year based on the outcomes and feedback from students and local students’ unions.
Lobby the relevant ministers and organisations to set up a national drugs abuse and awareness group that will research drug abuse amongst young people in Ireland.
Initiate discussion on physical health
Coordinate research and a national survey to investigate the
and nutrition and compile Healthy Living guidelines for students.
prevalence of drug and substance abuse amongst young people in Ireland.
Work with relevant organisations
Consult with Welfare officers on a USI drugs and substance
such as Student Sport Ireland to promote a healthy lifestyle for students.
abuse strategy.
Liaise with the relevant bodies to develop a campaign around drug abuse that can be rolled out across campuses in conjunction with the current alcohol campaign.
N.B. Some of these action points and focus areas are pending the approval of motions at congress