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A world of sustainable solutions
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• Heat pumps • Air handling
Enter into the era of sustainable solutions with the CIAT Group
Two of CIAT’s production sites: Culoz, France (above) Montilla, Spain (right)
Imagine solutions that defy time, not nature In constant growth since its creation 75 years ago, the CIAT Group is no longer simply France's leading name in air conditioning and air handling. We are now also a key player on the international comfort, air quality and energy savings market. Thanks to this evolution and our poles of industrial excellence located around the world, today we are able to present an offer undeniably aimed at benefiting the customer. The CIAT group is present in over 70 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. Our 2,200 employees work together to consolidate our brand as an international reference. Every day we innovate to provide the solution system best adapted to each market and constantly work towards improving the quality of both our products and our services. Protecting the environment is a strategic challenge we all must face. The CIAT
Present in over 70 countries
Group’s expertise offers universal comfort to all while respecting and
2,200 employees
safeguarding nature.
9 sites around the world 130 product ranges Over half its turnover generated internationally
Comfort knows no bounds, and neither do our engineers. In one of Europe’s largest and most modern Research and Innovation Centres, our teams elaborate, design, and develop the Universal Comfort equipment of the future.
Innovating today to provide the solutions the world will need tomorrow
In refrigeration, heating, air handling or acoustics, we share the same objectives as our customers: unsurpassed
exceptional air quality for equipment which guarantees maximum energy efficiency. Each day our researchers and technicians enrich our portfolio of products with leading-edge products and systems. Energy efficiency, energy recovery and storage, fewer emissions released into the atmosphere and improved quality of the air diffused ‌ areas of research that have or are destined to become inescapable realities.
Palais Pharos Lyon - France
Minatec Grenoble - France
Business Centre Bangalore - India Zaventem Airport Brussels - Belgium
At CIAT, we want to provide our customers with more than just a broad range of air conditioning and air handling equipment. We also want to provide them with the best comprehensive solutions for their line of business and the environments they work in.
Developing market expertise Golden Apple Hotel Moscow - Russia
Shopping centre Bilbao - Spain
We draw on our experience and knowledge of the specificities of each market to develop our products around dedicated expert solutions. We possess extensive expertise in the Office, Industry, Healthcare, Residential, Commercial, Hotels and Airport sectors and have developed a portfolio of optimised products and systems for each market. Backed by this expertise, your CIAT representatives work with you to ensure the successful completion of your projects.
H么pital des grands br没l茅s Tunis - Tunisia
Unique experience and specific solutions
Continuously improved technologies
Product ranges packaged into system offers
Since being founded in 1934, CIAT has registered and
Propose more, offer the best. That’s our motto at CIAT. Our
designed many major patents and innovations, first in
vast catalogue contains system packages that provide
climatic engineering and heat exchange and subsequently in
comprehensive and flexible solutions that are perfectly
air conditioning and heating using renewable energies. We
adapted to any need. Combined with our market expertise,
have a catalogue of over 900 product references and have
these systems enable us to satisfy over 100,000 customers
installed over 10 million units throughout the world.
each year on every continent.
Each product has been designed with our unique experience to offer you greater precision, greater safety, greater hygiene, greater efficiency and ever-greater comfort.
Exchangers - Dry coolers: mastered heat exchange technology ITEX
Heating and air conditioning terminal units: comfort technologies COADIS 2
V30 / V3000 CONTROLS
for intelligent HVAC building systems
Air handling and quality: guaranteed hygiene AIRTECH Air handling unit
AIR CLEAN Air handling unit
MAGISTER 2 Precision air handling cabinet
Roof Top: air conditioning of large spaces NEW SPACE
Water chillers - Heat pumps: energy efficiency AQUACIAT POWER
Ventilation - Extraction: total safety MAGMA
The CIAT Group draws on its vast experience in heat-exchange technology to provide industrial customers with process solutions of high technological value.
The heart of industrial processes: CIAT’s know-how
Thanks to its flexibility and its outstanding ability to adapt to the specificities of industrial environments, CIAT has built a solid reputation in many areas, from comfort and cooling, fluids and utilities,
environments, to industrial processes, energy and the environment, refrigeration, petroleum, and natural gas. CIAT has the resources to provide the vast industrial sector, a major market for CIAT, with powerful and cost-effective solutions.
Over 30 years' experience and innovation in the heat pump sector have enabled CIAT to establish a strong foothold in the new housing market as well as the all-important existing housing market. CIAT is a leading provider of solutions for those who are looking for alternatives to expensive and polluting sources of energy. For example, we have designed powerful geothermal and air-source heating systems. Today, with high-temperature technology, solar combined solutions and high level COPs, we innovate to make our heat pumps a prime source of alternative heating throughout Europe.
CIAT residential: the ecological alternative for residential heating
New housing CIAT has all the right solutions to meet today’s environmental challenges. The quality of our equipment and the precision of our comfort control make our heat pumps a clear-cut solution for future homeowners.
Existing housing High temperature, a major CIAT innovation, is revolutionising the renovation sector. Now everyone can take advantage of this new and cost-effective way of heating without having to make costly changes to their homes’ radiator systems.
Airclean Santé with Néo Bio Organic purification system built into an air handling unit to offer unsurpassed air cleanliness in demanding environments.
Cristopia Energy Storage The exclusive CRISTOPIA system stores energy during off-peak periods for use when demand is high.
HEE technology (High Energy Efficiency) CIAT has drawn on all its know-how to develop new motors and auxiliary equipment that lower the power consumption of comfort terminals by nearly 85%.
Energy savings, reduced CO2 emissions, air quality. For years, CIAT has been working for future generations
The environment is a central concern for everyone
Aquaciat Power Water chiller / heat pump with heat recovery incorporates the best in technology and intelligence to achieve the highest energy efficiency in its category.
and has long been at the heart of our products. We use our unique experience to provide you with innovative and environmentally-sound products that
Free cooling
defy time, not nature. Renewable energies, reduced
Based on ventilation only, this cooling system draws cool air inside buildings during mild weather to alleviate accumulated heat.
air emissions, air quality, energy storage, high energy efficiency, heat recovery and recirculation. The world’s environmental demands have placed the CIAT Group centre stage.
Ecociat This innovative and exclusive system captures heat from natural ventilation systems and uses it to heat domestic hot water. The result is fewer air emissions and guaranteed savings.
Service contracts: We care about our image, that’s why we cover our products with long-term, quality service contracts. Preventive maintenance, full evaluations, prompt replies to requests for assistance, spare parts… Our services guarantee the performance of our solutions and the satisfaction of our customers. Spare parts: As in the automobile industry, quality original spare parts ensure the reliability and durability of equipment. CIAT carries a stock of 10,000 original spare parts and fills over 25,000 orders e a c h ye a r around the world in record time.
Service excellence: a contributing factor to the quality of our systems portfolio CIAT’s international training centre: Located on CIAT’s main site in southeastern France, it is attended by over 1,000 people in the HVAC field each year. From introductory courses to complete specialisation seminars, it provides training on aspects ranging from design, commissioning, maintenance, and troubleshooting, to control management, air conditioning, refrigeration, geothermal energy, air-source heating, air conditioning and more. Participants benefit from CIAT’s expertise and broaden their knowledge and management of universal comfort. www.ciat.com: Our website reinforces the links that bind us to our customers. This tool, which constitutes a real database, evolves constantly to provide a more precise and efficient response to your needs.
Headquarters: 01350 Culoz FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)4 79 42 42 42 info@ciat.fr - www.ciat.com