Folleto convocatoria 2semestre2015 ingles

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Virtual Courses Second Semester 2015

Academic Offer Complementing and Strengthening the Tax Administration Programs


About CIAT We are an international public nonprofit organization, nonprofit that provides technical support specialized for the upgrading and modernization of tax administrations. Since its inception in 1967 and so far, the CIAT group 38 member countries and associated member countries, on four continents: 31 American countries; five European countries; an African country and an Asian country. India is associate member country. At CIAT, we work to supporting the efforts of national Governments to promote evolution, social acceptance, and the institutional strengthening of tax administrations; promoting the international cooperation and joint actions for the exchange of experiences and best practices. Thus, with a firm commitment to achieve measurable results and oriented to the improvement of international tax systems; at CIAT, we promote values of integrity, transparency and ethics, with readiness to prevent and to combat all forms of fraud, evasion and tax avoidance and to facilitate voluntary compliance.

About us Since 2004, the Inter-American Center of tax administrations (CIAT) develops activities of distance education, mainly virtual, intended to contribute to improving the levels of professionalization of officials of the tax administrations through the design and implementation of training programs that meet their needs and requirements. The idea of designing distance education courses is based on the CIAT strategic


directions contained in its Strategic Plan, and in particular those related to the training to member countries. In this line, our training program is oriented to: • Design of virtual and face-to-face training programs, in those areas that tax administrations require. We have a number of online courses in the areas of international taxation, tax administration, human resources, tax policy and technical taxation, tax management, etc. • Provide technical assistance in the area of training and development of human talent. • Promote the exchange of teachers in various areas, to carry out face-toface or virtual training activities.

Contact us Alejandro Juarez Espindola Director of Training and Development of Human Talent Maureen E. Pérez A. Training Coordinator E-mail: César Trejos Training Assistant E-mail: Ana Bonilla Training Assistant E-mail:

Requirements The interested in enrolling in courses must fill out the registration form and accompanied by photocopies of the following: • Identity • University graduate or postgraduate. • In the case of public agents, a certificate issued by the Human Resources indicating their status within the Administration.


Frequently Asked Questions How do I register for a CIAT course? To register for our courses, you must complete the online form on our website. It is important that you upload in .zip format all the required documents in the last field of the form. Once you have completed the registration, you will receive a formal registration confirmation message and simultaneously, in the case of officials we will send a letter to the tax authorities requesting validation of the registration. Then he will proceed with the fees collection.

What is the schedule? The online platform is available 24 hours; you choose your own schedule.

How much time per day should you study? For individual activities, you should work at least one hour per day to review the documents and complete the activities. Collaborative tasks should take one to two hours a day for the correct development of the work to be completed along with your partners. Generally, we calculate a 12 to 15 hours of study per week.

How do I join the virtual classroom? You can enter EduCIAT with the browsers Mozilla, Chrome and Safari o from your smartphone, as long as you have internet access. To join the course you only need to locate the site with your internet


browser ( and username and password (set at registration).





What is a virtual classroom? The virtual classroom is the online site where the communication takes place, with the tutor and the student group of each course, via messages and communication forums. Through these channels, you may ask questions and clarify any academic issue. The tutor will be present throughout the whole learning and teaching process.

How are classes? Via EduCIAT, you can join the courses where you registered; there you will find all the needed contents (lessons, recommended and mandatory readings, videos, podcast), academic rules, and academic calendar with activities (fora, tasks, evaluations, case studies, workshops, etc.) which help the learning process. Each course has the support of a tutor and the contact tools needed for communicating with the tutor and the group.

How is it evaluated? There are several ways to assess the academic performance and the knowledge acquired through participation to fora, tasks, evaluations, case studies, workshops, self-assessment which take place on a weekly basis, according to the academic planning for each course and may be individual and/or group evaluation.

Course on Transfer Pricing Objective: The course endeavors to provide knowledge in the field of examination, on the most important aspects dealing with the operation and application of transfer pricing in transactions carried out by taxpayers. Language offered: English. Participants: It is intended for tax administration officials and individuals of the CIAT member countries dealing with taxation issues (Transfer pricing, international taxation). Duration: 35 weeks (approx.) Credit hours: 270 hours. Content: the course is composed of the following lessons: Module I. Theoretical Aspects Lesson 1. Generalities Lesson 2. Traditional Methods Lesson 3. Non-Traditional Methods Lesson 4. Comparability Lesson 5. Transfer Pricing Analysis Process Lesson 6. Administrative Procedures Aimed At Solving Controversies

Module II. Practical Aspects Lesson 1. Generalities Lesson 2. Use of the Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method Lesson 3. Use of the Resale Price Method Lesson 4. Use of the Cost Plus Method Lesson 5. Use of the Transactional Net Margin Method Lesson 6. Use of the Profit Split Method Module III. Advanced Aspects Lesson 1. The Case of Intangibles Lesson 2. Intra-Group Services Lesson 3. Transfer Pricing and Thin Capitalization Lesson 4. Transfer Pricing Selection and Auditing Processes

Deadline of announcement: August 14, 2015.

Registion Free: Module I: US275.00 official tax administration y US375.00 general public. Module II: US275.00 official tax administration y US375.00 general public. Module III: US275.00 official tax administration y US375.00 general public.

Approximate Dates Module I: August 03, 2015 to November 20, 2015. Module II: January 11 2016 to March 04, 2016. Module III: April 18, 2016 to June 03, 2016.

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