MOURNING RESOLUTION TIIE INTER-AMERICAN CENTER OF TAX ADMINISTRATIONS (CIAT) WHEREAS: l. On October 23, 2015 Mrs. Haydcé María Velázqucz passed away in the city of Fort Myers, Florida. 2. Mrs. Haydeé María Velázqucz was the wifc of our esteemed colleague, Mr. Socorro Velázquez, Director of Planning and lnstitutional Development. 3. Mrs. Haydeé María Velázquez distinguished herself as a great human being, exemplary wife, mother and grandmother, to which tasks she devoted herselfwith great love and commttment. 4. The demise of Mrs. Haydeé María Velázqucz saddens the entire organization. RESOLVES: 1. On bchalf of the Inter-American Ccnter ofTax Administrations (CIAT), to express our sorrow for the demise of Mrs. Haydeé Maria Velázquez. 2. Join the family in its grief and convey our sympathy to her husband, sons, daughter, grandchildr-en and other relatives. 3. To pray to the Lord so that He may help them accept with resignation the departure of Mrs. Haydeé Maria Velázquez and find in the loving memories of her life, the solace to overcome such a difficult moment. 4. To present a copy of this resolution to her husband, Mr. Socorro Velázquez, Director of Planning and Institutional Development.
Done in the city of Panama, on the twenty sixth (26th) day of the month ofüctober of2015. ��
Márcio Ferreira Verdi Executíve Secretary