ISSN 1684-9833 • Year 6 / No. 17 / October 3, 2014
The Executive Secretariat Informs The Executive Secretariat Informs Hashtag for CIAT events The CIAT took part in the International Conference on Taxation of Extractive Industries CIAT and EUROsociAL II support the Internal Revenue Service (SII) of Chile in tax transaction costs measurement
Hashtag for CIAT events To facilitate the debate about our events, especially the General Assemblies and Technical Conferences, we have made available the hashtag. #CiatEvents, which will allow all CIAT community members in general and particularly the participants of these events to tweet on various aspects. We invite the tweeters that will accompany us in Santiago de Compostela to use it for their tweets about the event, and our community to use it in the searches.
The Tax Administrations Inform Argentina – Identification of major international evaders Argentina - Echegaray announces the creation of the Digital Certificate of Earned Income Brazil - The Federal Revenue launches new App Brazil - Luggage control will be fluent in 2015 Chile – The comparative text for the Tax Reform in laws on Income, VAT and Tax code is available
The CIAT took part in the International Conference on Taxation of Extractive Industries On September 9 to 12, the International Conference on the Taxation of Extractive Industries took place in Brussels, Belgium, organized by the International Tax Compact, the European Commission and the World Bank. The Conference was attended by approximately 110 delegates from the public and private sector, the civil society, and research institutions from 25 countries on five continents.
Colombia - DIAN, ANDI and Free Zones sign agreement against illegal practices Dominican Republic - DGII establishes an obligation for all taxpayers to submit monthly reports documenting their operations Paraguay - Strategic Plan seeks to improve performance, efficiency and transparency IBFD News Training Post of the month New in the web
Picture: View of Participants.
This event had as main objective to share the challenges and obstacles faced by countries in order to achieve the correct tax compliance from extractive industries. In addition, it helped to identify the various paths that can be followed in order to ensure effective support to the national tax systems through international cooperation. Miguel Pecho Trigueros, Director of tax Studies and Research at CIAT, presented in session 2 of the first day the challenges and specific constraints arising from the taxation of extractive industries from a regional perspective.
We invite you to CIATalks, the space provided by CIAT. Read the posts, give your opinion and actively participate
CIAT is a public international organization which groups the tax administrations of 38 countries, (31 Amarican countries, 5 European countries, 1 African countries and 1 Asian country. India is an associate members), for the purpose of providing an integral service for the modernization of those administrations, by promoting their evolution, social acceptance and consolidation through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and the rendering of specialized technical assistance.
Executive Council Executive Secretariat The e-CIAT Newsletter is published and distributed electronically biweekly.
CIAT and EUROsociAL II support the Internal Revenue Service (SII) of Chile in tax transaction costs measurement In the frame of the EUROsociAL II Program, from September 8 to 10, 2014, a specialized consultancy meeting took place at the Internal Revenue Service headquarters intended to support the team of the Studies Sub directorate in charge of measuring the tax transaction costs. The objective of the meeting was to present, review and discuss the methodology developed by the CIAT and the UN, adapt it to Chile’s reality, and to define the scope of the survey fieldwork. The results of the analytical work will help to identify potential areas for improvement and develop an action plan to simplify tax procedures, in particular for small and medium taxpayers. The activity has been prepared as a result of a request presented by Chile to EUROsociAL II, in the scope of the action “Complying with tax obligations” of the “Public Finances” Area, coordinated by the FIIAP, with the AEAT of Spain, the IEF of Spain, and CIAT as operating partners. In the future, CIAT and the EUROsociAL program partners will follow the progresses, requests and interests presented by the tax administration benefitting from the Program, in order to move forward with new activities to support voluntary compliance .
Contact us: CIAT Executive Secretariat / e-CIAT Newsletter P.O. Box 0834-02129 Panama, Republic of Panama. Phone (507) 265-2766 / 265-5994 Fax: (507) 264-4926 E Web Site: Left to right: Cristián Prieto – SII Chile; Claudia Miranda – SII Chile, Bernardita Moraga – SII Chile, Byron Vasconez, CIAT Consultant; Pamela Castellón – SII Chile y Eduardo Pantoja, Sub-director of Studies, SII Chile.
The Tax Administrations Inform
Argentina – Identification of major international evaders The French government delivered to the AFIP information about undeclared bank accounts of 3,900 Argentines in Switzerland. The data was received in Paris by the AFIP, Ricardo Echegaray and were obtained under the agreement to avoid double taxation between our country and France. The Argentina has 17 international agreements of this type and 26 agreements to exchange tax information. Our country was the first in South America to sign the OECD Multilateral Agreement allowing too cross information with 81 States. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent
Argentina - Echegaray announces the creation of the Digital Certificate of Earned Income The Federal Public Revenue Administrator Ricardo Echegaray announced the implementation of the Digital Certificate of Earned Income (CDIL) to enable non-independent workers to have an official document validated by the AFIP that facilitates the demonstration of labor income informed by their employer during the last semester. The tool, available to the workers, was created with the clear objective of adding them new benefits and provide direct access to the information reported by their employer to the AFIP, so they can verify their real employment status and report irregularitie. María Luisa Carbonell Correspondent
Brazil - The Federal Revenue launches new App The Federal Revenue has launched an application for tablets and smartphones users. The software makes it easier and faster the research among the different types of tax and customs acts published by the entity. It is Available on Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS), the application offers an interface adapted to query for the contents of the standard system information management. The Federal Revenues acts, listed for the day, are displayed on the first screen. If there is interest in a particular event (e.g. Information from previous days), the search menu allows you to refine the parameters such as the act number, type of event, sending unit and periods of issuance and publication dates. The events can be found in their original versions, and adaptations, which are updated daily. In addition, a specific screen is available where the user could evaluate the application, make comments and suggestions. This will help improve future versions. Other applications for tablets and smartphones The Apps developed by the Federal Revenue for mobile devices can be used in smartphones and tablets that use Android or iOS (Apple iPhone) operating systems. Today, the following applications are available for taxpayers: CNPJ App, App for individuals, traveler App, App Carne-León, importer App and the m-PIT.
Brazil - Luggage control will be fluent in 2015 The Internal Revenue Service will use a new control system for international passengers. There will be improvements for the traveler’s selection process, allowing a correct identification of those who use their trips for illegal trade of goods. At the same time, it will facilitate the lives of ordinary tourists, releasing them from unnecessary waits. According to the Sub-secretary of Customs and International Relations of the Federal Revenue, Ernani Checcucci, the new system will facilitate the monitoring and identification of passengers who travel internationally for trading or transporting illegal goods such as drugs and weapons. The average tourist, however, will gain facilities on arrival, having a quick and fast treatment, “since the Federal Revenue will act more precisely, focusing only on who actually has some evidence of crimes,” said the Secretary. Checcucci reported that the Federal Revenue would receive a computerized passenger data from the airlines such as the amount and weight of luggage, destination and duration of travel. He clarified that these data are provided by the companies, but not in a structured way. From these data, the institution may make risk analysis, cross with the information already available in the database and select passengers that eventually may present some signs of irregularities that could be destined for a control.
Chile – The comparative text for the Tax Reform in laws on Income, VAT and Tax code is available This 785 pages report presents, in three columns, the complete text of each law before the changes, the modified version of the laws and the effective date of the above changes, facilitating their understanding and comparison. Bernardita Moraga Corresponsdent
Colombia - DIAN, ANDI and Free Zones sign agreement against illegal practices The Directorate of National Taxes and Customs - DIAN and the National Association of Industrial - ANDI, have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish the basis for cooperation in order to implement actions to detect, prevent and combat illegal practices in tax, customs and foreign exchange. The agreement signed in the framework of the eighth Congress of Free Zones, organized by the ANDI and held in this city, emphasizes the fight against these practices, especially the illegal trade, and their respective follow-up in international trade operations, carried out through the Colombian Free Trade Zones. Rubén Darío Pineda Correspondent
Dominican Republic - DGII establishes an obligation for all taxpayers to submit monthly reports documenting their operations The Directorate General of Internal Revenue (DGII) announced the mandatory monthly information report documenting the operations of all taxpayers that issue tax receipts numbers, in order to enforce this duty according to the provisions of the Tax Code. The provisions are contained in the General Standard 06-2014 that takes effect next January first and apply to all legal entities, individuals, single owner businesses, and governmental entities declaring the income tax (ISR) and the Tax on transfer of Industrialized Goods and Services (ITBIS). Nieves Vargas Collado Correspondent
Paraguay - Strategic Plan seeks to improve performance, efficiency and transparency The Finance Minister Germán Rojas presented to the members of the Chamber of Advertisers of Paraguay (CAP) the Strategic Plan 2014-2018 of the Ministry of Finance and the Sub secretariat of State Taxation (SET), as well as the project of implementing selective channels for tax refunds payments. Alba Servín Correspondent
BFD News International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Cooperation - CIAT - IBF This section includes a selection of the IBFD news about aspects of tax policies and tax administration. This information is available on the CIAT website and in Fridays Tax News alert.
Training As part of our commitment to support the human talent development within the TAs, we have started the registration process for the courses that begin in the second half of 2014, please find here the general information for each of the available programs (Only in spanish).
Post of the month Tuesday, 30 September 2014
By: María Goenaga Ruiz de Zuazu Experiments about taxes What would be necessary to improve the payment of taxes by citizens in a voluntary way? How would taxes be seen in a more positive point of view than now.
Friday, 26 September 2014
By: Raúl Zambrano A tweet, two tweets, many tweets Tweet, tweets. In Spanish, the official calque will be “Tuit, tuits”. The Royal Academy of the Spanish language, through its Twitter account, confirmed that “tuit” and “tuitear” have been admitted in the Spanish Realm for the next edition of the dictionary.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014 By: Ceferino Costa The economic effects of taxes
We consider necessary to present some brief and synthetic considerations on some tax issues that sometimes are not taken into account in economic policy decisions. This is because some policymakers consider taxes as something isolated and independent, which only provide resources to the State.
New in the web Bibliographic News September, 2014
This document provides for reference purposes, the most recent documents produced by CIAT and other editorials in the month of September; either articles or other periodic publications, research works and studies of interest.